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  • 7/28/2019 Shri Krishna Prayers


    Sri Vaishnav Prayer Book Source http://Krishnaclub.tk

  • 7/28/2019 Shri Krishna Prayers


    Prema-dhvani Prayers

    jaya o viu-pda paramahasa parivrjakcrya aottara-ata rrmad a. c. bhaktivednta svm mahrja prabhupda-k jaya.

    All glories to the crya O Viu-pda 108 Trida Gosvm A.C.Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupda, who travels everywhere, preaching

    the glories of Hari, and who is situated on the highest platform ofsannysa.

    ISKCON-Founder-crya rla Prabhupda-k jaya.All glories to rla Prabhupda, the Founder-crya of the International

    Society for Ka Consciousness.

    jaya o viu-pda paramahasa parivrjakcrya aottara-ata rrmad bhaktisiddhnta sarasvat gosvm mahrja prabhupda-k jaya.

    All glories to the crya O Viu-pda 108 Trida GosvmBhaktisiddhnta Sarasvat Prabhupda, who travels across the earth,

    preaching the glories of Hari, and who is situated on the highestplatform of sannysa.

    jaya om viu-pda rla gaurakiora dsa bbj mahrja-k jaya.All glories to rla Gaurakiora dsa Bbj.

    jaya o viu-pda rla saccidnanda bhaktivinoda hkura-k jaya.All glories to rla Sac-cid-nanda Bhaktivinoda hkura.

    jaya o viu-pda vaiava-srvabhauma rla jaganntha dsa bbjmahrja-k jaya.

    All glories to Vaiava-Srvabhauma rla Jaganntha dsa Bbj.

    jaya r rpa santana bhaa-raghuntha r jva gopla bhaa dsaraghuntha a-gosvm prabhu-k jaya.

    All glories to the six Gosvms, namely, r Rpa, Sanatna, RaghunthaBhaa, Jva, Gopla Bhaa and Raghuntha Dsa.

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    nmcrya rla haridsa hkura-k jaya.

    All glories to the Nmcrya rla Haridsa hkura.

    prem-se kaho r-ka-caitanya prabhu nitynanda r advaita,gaddhara, rvsdi gaura-bhakta-vnda-k jaya.

    Call out with love the names r Ka Caitanya, Prabhu Nitynanda,r Advaita, r Gaddhara, rvsa and all the devotees of Lord

    Caitanya. r r rdha-ka, gopa-gopnatha, yma-kua, rdh-kua giri-

    govardhana-k jaya.All glories to Rdh and Ka, the cowherd boys and girls, the cows,

    yma-kua, Rdh-kua and Govardhana Hill.(One may glorify the Deities of the temple at this time.)

    r mypur dhma-k jaya.All glories to r Mypur-dhma.

    r vndvana dhma-k jaya.All glories to r Vndvana-dhma.

    gag-may-k jaya.All glories to Gag-dev.

    yamun-may-k jaya.All glories to Yamun-dev.

    bhakti-dev-k jaya.All glories to Bhakti-dev.

    tulas-dev-k jaya.All glories to Tulas-dev.

    ananta koi vaiava-vnda-k jaya.All glories to the unlimited millions of Vaiavas.

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    r hari-nma sakrtana-k jaya.All glories to the congregational chanting of the holy name of Hari.

    grantha-rja rmad-bhgavatam-k jaya.

    All glories to the king of books, rmad-Bhgavatam.

    ISKCON-vartmna-guru-vnda-k jaya.All glories to the present gurus of ISKCON.

    samveta bhakta-vnda-k jaya.All glories to the assembled devotees.

    gaura-premnande hari-haribol.Chant the names Hari! Hari! in the ecstasy of Caitanya-prema.

    All glories to the assembled devotees. [three times]

    All glories to r Guru and r Gaurga.

    All glories to rla Prabhupda.

    Source http://Krishnaclub.tk

  • 7/28/2019 Shri Krishna Prayers


    r Guru prama

    om ajna-timirndhasya jnjana-alkaycakur unmlita yena tasmai r-gurave nama

    I offer my respectful obeisances unto my spiritual master, who hasopened my eyes, blinded by the darkness of ignorance, with the

    torchlight of knowledge.

    rla Prabhupda Praatinama o viu-pdya ka-prehya bh-tale

    rmate bhaktivednta-svmin iti nmineI offer my respectful obeisances unto His Divine Grace A.C.

    Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupda, who is very dear to Lord Ka onthis earth, having taken shelter at His lotus feet.

    namas te srasvate deve gaura-v-pracrienirviea-nyavdi-pctya-dea-trie

    Our respectful obeisances are unto you, O spiritual master, servant ofSarasvat Gosvm. You are kindly preaching the message of Lord

    Caitanyadeva and delivering the Western countries, which are filledwith impersonalism and voidism.

    r Paca-tattva pramar-ka-caitanya prabhu nitynanda

    r-advaita gaddhara rvsdi-gaura-bhakta-vndaI offer my obeisances to r Ka Caitanya, Prabhu Nitynanda, rAdvaita, Gaddhara, rvsa and all others in the line of devotion.

    r Caitanya Mahprabhu is always accompanied by His plenaryexpansion r Nitynanda Prabhu, His incarnation r Advaita Prabhu,His internal potency r Gaddhara Prabhu, and His marginal potency

    rvsa Prabhu. He is in the midst of them as the Supreme Personality ofGodhead. One should know that r Caitanya Mahprabhu is always

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    accompanied by these other tattvas. Therefore our obeisances to rCaitanya Mahprabhu are complete when we say, r-ka-caitanya

    prabhu nitynanda r-advaita gaddhara rvsdi-gaura-bhakta-vnda.As preachers of the Ka consciousness movement, we first offer our

    obeisances to r Caitanya Mahprabhu by chanting this Paca-tattvamantra; then we say, Hare Ka, Hare Ka, Ka Ka, Hare Hare/Hare Rma, Hare Rma, Rma Rma, Hare Hare. There are ten offenses

    in the chanting of the Hare Ka mah-mantra, but these are notconsidered in the chanting of the Paca-tattva mantra, namely, r-

    ka-caitanya prabhu nitynanda r-advaita gaddhara rvsdi-gaura-bhakta-vnda. r Caitanya Mahprabhu is known as mah-

    vadnyvatra, the most magnanimous incarnation, for He does notconsider the offenses of the fallen souls. Thus to derive the full benefitof the chanting of the mah-mantra (Hare Ka, Hare Ka, Ka

    Ka, Hare Hare/ Hare Rma, Hare Rma, Rma Rma, Hare Hare), wemust first take shelter of r Caitanya Mahprabhu, learn the Paca-

    tattva mantra, and then chant the Hare Ka mah-mantra. That willbe very effective.

    Hare Ka Mah-mantraThe Great Chanting for Deliverance

    Hare Ka, Hare Ka, Ka Ka, Hare Hare

    Hare Rma, Hare Rma, Rma Rma, Hare HareMy dear Lord, and the spiritual energy of the Lord, kindly engage me in

    Your service. I am now embarrassed with this material service. Pleaseengage me in Your service.

    harer nma harer nma harer nmaiva kevalamkalau nsty eva nsty eva nsty eva gatir anyath

    "In this age of Kali, the only means of deliverance is chanting the holyname of Lord Hari, Kna. There is no other way. There is no other way.There is no other way." [Bhan-nradya Pura, 18.126] This process of

    Hari-krtana is to chant the mah-mantra (the great chanting fordeliverance): Hare Ka, Hare Ka, Ka Ka, Hare Hare/ HareRma, Hare Rma, Rma Rma, Hare Hare. In the Padma Pura it isstated: "There is no difference between the holy name of the Lord and

    the Lord Himself. As such, the holy name is as perfect as the LordHimself in fullness, purity and eternity. The holy name is not a material

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    sound vibration, nor has it any material contamination."[Padma Pura]How the holy name of the Lord can be chanted constantly is mercifullydescribed by Lord r Caitanya Mahprabhu Himself in His ikakaverse 3: "One can chant the holy name of the Lord in a humble state of

    mind, thinking himself lower than the straw in the street; one should bemore tolerant than a tree, devoid of all sense of falseprestige, and shouldbe ready to offer all respects to others. In such a state of mind one can

    chant the holy name of the Lord constantly."

    Source http://Krishnaclub.tk

  • 7/28/2019 Shri Krishna Prayers


    r r Gurv-aaka

    Eight Prayers to the Guruby rla Vivantha Cakravart hkura

    rla Vivantha Cakravart hkura, who appeared in the middle ofthe seventeenth century, is a great spiritual master in the Ka

    conscious chain of gurus and disciples. He says, "One who, with greatcare and attention, loudly recites this beautiful prayer to the spiritual

    master during the brhma-muhrta obtains direct service to Ka, the

    Lord of Vndvana, at the time of his death."


    trya kruya-ghanghanatvamprptasya kalya-guravasyavande guro r-cararavindam

    1) The spiritual master is receiving benediction from the ocean of mercy.Just as a cloud pours water on a forest fire to extinguish it, so the

    spiritual master delivers the materially afflicted world by extinguishingthe blazing fire of material existence. I offer my respectful obeisances

    unto the lotus feet of such a spiritual master, who is an ocean ofauspicious qualities.

    (2)mahprabho krtana-ntya-gta-vditra-mdyan-manaso rasena

    romca -kampru-taraga-bhjovande guro r-cararavindam2) Chanting the holy name, dancing in ecstasy, singing, and playingmusical instruments, the spiritual master is always gladdened by thesakrtana movement of Lord Caitanya Mahprabhu. Because he is

    relishing the mellows of pure devotion within his mind, sometimes his

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    hair stands on end, he feels quivering in his body, and tears flow fromhis eyes like waves. I offer my respectful obeisances unto the lotus feet of

    such a spiritual master.


    gra-tan-mandira-mrjandauyuktasya bhakt ca niyujato 'pi

    vande guro r-cararavindam3) The spiritual master is always engaged in the temple worship of r r

    Rdh and Ka. He also engages his disciples in such worship. Theydress the Deities in beautiful clothes and ornaments, clean Their temple,

    and perform other similar worship of the Lord. I offer my respectfulobeisances unto the lotus feet of such a spiritual master.


    svdv-anna-tptn hari-bhakta-saghnktvaiva tpti bhajata sadaivavande guro r-cararavindam

    4) The spiritual master is always offering Ka four kinds of delicious

    food [analyzed as that which is licked, chewed, drunk, and sucked].When the spiritual master sees that the devotees are satisfied by eatingbhagavat-prasda, he is satisfied. I offer my respectful obeisances unto

    the lotus feet of such a spiritual master.

    (5)r-rdhik-mdhavayor apra-

    mdhurya-ll gua-rpa-nmnmprati-kasvdana-lolupasya

    vande guro r-cararavindam5) The spiritual master is always eager to hear and chant about theunlimited conjugal pastimes of Rdhik and Mdhava, and Their

    qualities, names, and forms. The spiritual master aspires to relish these atevery moment. I offer my respectful obeisances unto the lotus feet of

    such a spiritual master.

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    nikuja-yno rati-keli-siddhyaiy ylibhir yuktir apekay

    tatrti-dkyd ati-vallabhasyavande guro r-cararavindam

    6) The spiritual master is very dear, because he is expert in assisting thegops, who at different times make different tasteful arrangements forthe perfection of Rdh and Ka's conjugal loving affairs within thegroves of Vndvana. I offer my most humble obeisances unto the lotus

    feet of such a spiritual master.

    (7)skd-dharitvena samasta-strairuktas tath bhvyata eva sadbhikintu prabhor ya priya eva tasyavande guro r-cararavindam

    7) The spiritual master is to be honored as much as the Supreme Lord,because he is the most confidential servitor of the Lord. This is

    acknowledged in all revealed scriptures and followed by all authorities.Therefore I offer my respectful obeisances unto the lotus feet of such a

    spiritual master, who is a bona fide representative of r Hari [Ka].

    (8)yasya prasdd bhagavat-prasdoyasyprasdn na gati kuto 'pi

    dhyyan stuvas tasya yaas tri-sandhyavande guro r-cararavindam

    8) By the mercy of the spiritual master one receives the benediction ofKa. Without the grace of the spiritual master, one cannot make any

    advancement. Therefore, I should always remember and praise thespiritual master. At least three times a day I should offer my respectful

    obeisances unto the lotus feet of my spiritual master.

    Source http://Krishnaclub.tk

  • 7/28/2019 Shri Krishna Prayers


    r Tulas-prama

    In the morning, after magala-rat (and preferably also in the evening,

    before sandhy-rat), all the assembled devotees should attend tulasworship and circumambulate rmat Tulas-dev. First we offer

    obeisances to Tulas-dev with the tulas-prama-mantra, chanted threetimes:

    (o) vndyai tulas-devyai priyyai keavasya caka-bhakti-prade devi satyavatyai namo nama

    I offer my repeated obeisances unto Vnd, rmat Tulas-dev, who isvery dear to Lord Keava. O goddess, you bestow devotional service to

    Ka and you possess the highest truth.Then we sing the tulas-pj-krtana while one devotee offers rat toTulas-devi with incense, a ghee lamp and flowers. While offering the

    articles, the devotee offering tulas-rat should stand on a mat and ringa bell with his left hand. Each of the items may be distributed to the

    assembled devotees after they have been offered to Tulas-dev.

    r Tulas-pj-krtana

    namo nama tulas ka-preyasi namo namardh-ka-sev pbo ei abil

    1) O Tulas, beloved of Ka, I bow before you again and again. Mydesire is to obtain the service of r r Rdh and Ka.

    ye tomra araa loy, tara vch pra hoykp kori' koro tre vndvana-vsi

    2) Whoever takes shelter of you has his wishes fulfilled. Bestowing yourmercy on him, you make him a resident of Vndvana.

    mora ei abhila, vilsa kuje dio vsanayana heribo sad yugala-rpa-ri

    3) My desire is that you will also give me a residence in the pleasuregroves of r Vndvana-dhma. Thus within my vision I will always

    behold the beautiful pastimes of Rdh and Ka.ei nivedana dhara, sakhra anugata koro

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    sev-adhikra diye koro nja ds4) I beg you to make me a follower of the cowherd damsels of Vraja.

    Please give me the privilege of devotional service and make me your ownmaidservant.

    dna ka-dse koy, ei yena mora hoyr-rdh-govinda-preme sad yena bhsi

    5) This very fallen and lowly servant of Ka prays, "May I always swimin the love of r r Rdh and Govinda."

    r Tulas Pradakia Mantra

    When the song is finished, the assembled Vaiavas shouldcircumambulate Tulas-dev at least four times and offer her water by

    pouring some drops at her root (only during morning worship, not in theevening). While circumambulating, we chant,

    yni kni ca ppni brahma-hatydikni catni tni praayanti pradakia pade pade

    When a person circumambulates rmat Tulas-dev, all the sins he mayhave committed are destroyed at every step, even the sin of killing a


    Source http://Krishnaclub.tk

  • 7/28/2019 Shri Krishna Prayers


    r Guru-vandan

    The Worship of r Guru(from Prema-bhakti-candrik)

    (1)r-guru-caraa-padma, kevala-bhakati-sadma,

    bando mui svadhna matejhra prasde bhi, e bhava toriy ji,

    ka-prpti hoy jh ha'te1) The lotus feet of our spiritual master are the only way by which we

    can attain pure devotional service. I bow to his lotus feet with great aweand reverence. By his grace one can cross the ocean of material sufferingand obtain the mercy of Ka.

    (2)guru-mukha-padma-vkya, cittete koriy aikya,

    r n koriho mane r-guru-carae rati, ei se uttama-gati,

    je prasde pre sarva 2) My only wish is to have my consciousness purified by the words

    emanating from his lotus mouth. Attachment to his lotus feet is theperfection that fulfills all desires.

    (3)cakhu-dn dilo jei, janme janme prabhu sei,

    divya jn hde prokitoprema-bhakti jh hoite, avidy vina jte,

    vede gy jhra carito3) He opens my darkened eyes and fills my heart with transcendentalknowledge. He is my Lord birth after birth. From him ecstatic premaemanates; by him ignorance is destroyed. The Vedic scriptures sing of

    his character.

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    (4)r-guru karu-sindhu, adhama janra bandhu,

    lokanth lokera jvanah h prabhu koro doy, deho more pada-chy,

    ebe jaa ghuuk tribhuvana4) Our spiritual master is the ocean of mercy, the friend of the poor, and

    the lord and master of the devotees. O master! Be merciful unto me.Give me the shade of your lotus feet. Your fame is spread all over the

    three worlds.

    Source http://Krishnaclub.tk

  • 7/28/2019 Shri Krishna Prayers


    r Nsiha Prama

    namas te narasihya prahldhlda-dyinehirayakaipor vaka-il-aka-nakhlaye

    I offer my obeisances to Lord Narasiha who gives joy to PrahldaMahrja and whose nails are like chisels on the stonelike chest of the

    demon Hirayakaipu.

    ito nsiha parato nsiho yato yato ymi tato nsihabahir nsiho hdaye nsiho nsiham di araa prapadye

    Lord Nsiha is here and also there. Wherever I go Lord Nsiha isthere. He is in the heart and is outside as well. I surrender to Lord

    Nsiha, the origin of all things and the supreme refuge.

    tava kara-kamala-vare nakham adbhuta-gadalita-hirayakaipu-tanu-bhgam

    keava dhta-narahari-rpa jaya jagada hareO Keava! O Lord of the universe! O Lord Hari, who have assumed the

    form of half-man, half-lion! All glories to You! Just as one can easily

    crush a wasp between one's fingernails, so in the same way the body ofthe wasplike demon Hirayakaipu has been ripped apart by thewonderful pointed nails on Your beautiful lotus hands.

    Source http://Krishnaclub.tk

  • 7/28/2019 Shri Krishna Prayers


    Greeting The Deities

    govindam di-purua tam aha bhajmigovindam di-purua tam aha bhajmigovindam di-purua tam aha bhajmiveu kvaantam aravinda-dalyatkabarhvatasam asitmbuda-sundargam

    kandarpa-koi-kaminya-viea-obhagovindam di-purua tam aha bhajmi

    I worship Govinda, the primeval Lord, who is adept in playing on His

    flute, with blooming eyes like lotus petals with head decked withpeacock's feather, with the figure of beauty tinged with the hue of blueclouds, and His unique loveliness charming millions of Cupids. [Brahma-

    sahit Text 5.30]

    agni yasya sakalendriya-vtti-mantipayanti pnti kalayanti cira jaganti

    nanda-cinmaya-sad-ujjvala-vigrahasyagovindam di-purua tam aha bhajmi

    I worship Govinda, the primeval Lord, whose transcendental form is fullof bliss, truth, substantiality and is thus full of the most dazzling

    splendor. Each of the limbs of that transcendental figure possesses inHimself, the full-fledged functions of all the organs, and eternally sees,

    maintains and manifests the infinite universes, both spiritual andmundane. [Brahma-sahit

    Text 5.32]

    Source http://Krishnaclub.tk

  • 7/28/2019 Shri Krishna Prayers


    r r ikaka

    Eight InstructionsLord r Caitanya Mahprabhu

    Lord Caitanya Mahprabhu instructed His disciples to write books onthe science of Ka, a task which His followers have continued to carry

    out down to the present day. The elaborations and expositions on thephilosophy taught by Lord Caitanya are, in fact, the most voluminous,

    exacting, and consistent, due to the system of disciplic succession.

    Although Lord Caitanya was widely renowned as a scholar in His youth,He left only eight verses, called ikaka. These eight verses clearlyreveal His mission and precepts. These supremely valuable prayers are

    translated herein.

    (1)ceto-darpaa-mrjana bhava-mah-dvgni-nirvpaareya-kairava-candrik-vitaraa vidy-vadh-jvanam

    nandmbudhi-vardhana prati-pada prmtsvdanasarvtma-snapana para vijayate r-ka-sakrtanam

    1) Glory to the r-ka-sakrtana, which cleanses the heart of all thedust accumulated for years and extinguishes the fire of conditional life,

    of repeated birth and death. This sakrtana movement is the primebenediction for humanity at large because it spreads the rays of thebenediction moon. It is the life of all transcendental knowledge. It

    increases the ocean of transcendental bliss, and it enables us to fullytaste the nectar for which we are always anxious.

    (2)nmnm akri bahudh nija-sarva-aktistatrrpit niyamita smarae na kla

    etd tava kp bhagavan mampidurdaivam dam ihjani nnurga

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    2) O my Lord, Your holy name alone can render all benediction to livingbeings, and thus You have hundreds and millions of names, like Ka

    and Govinda. In these transcendental names You have invested all Yourtranscendental energies. There are not even hard and fast rules for

    chanting these names. O my Lord, out of kindness You enable us toeasily approach You by Your holy names, but I am so unfortunate that I

    have no attraction for them.

    (3)td api suncenataror api sahiunamnin mnadena

    krtanya sad hari3) One should chant the holy name of the Lord in a humble state of

    mind, thinking oneself lower than the straw in the street; one should bemore tolerant than a tree, devoid of all sense of false prestige, and should

    be ready to offer all respect to others. In such a state of mind one canchant the holy name of the Lord constantly.

    (4)na dhana na jana na sundar

    kavit v jagad-a kmayemama janmani janmanvare

    bhavatd bhaktir ahaituk tvayi4) O almighty Lord, I have no desire to accumulate wealth, nor do I

    desire beautiful women, nor do I want any number of followers. I onlywant Your causeless devotional service, birth after birth.

    (5)ayi nanda-tanuja kikara

    patita m viame bhavmbudhaukpay tava pda-pakaja-

    sthita-dhl-sada vicintaya5) O son of Mahrja Nanda [Ka], I am Your eternal servitor, yet

    somehow or other I have fallen into the ocean of birth and death. Please

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    pick me up from this ocean of death and place me as one of the atoms atYour lotus feet.


    nayana galad-aru-dhrayvadana gadgada-ruddhay gir

    pulakair nicita vapu kadtava-nma-grahae bhaviyati

    6) O my Lord, when will my eyes be decorated with tears of love flowingconstantly when I chant Your holy name? When will my voice choke up,

    and when will the hairs of my body stand on end at the recitation ofYour name?

    (7)yugyita nimeeacaku prvyitam

    nyyita jagat sarvagovinda-virahea me

    7) O Govinda! Feeling Your separation, I am considering a moment tobe like twelve years or more. Tears are flowing from my eyes liketorrents of rain, and I am feeling all vacant in the world in Your


    (8)liya v pda-rat pinau mmadarann marma-hat karotu vyath tath v vidadhtu lampao

    mat-pra-nthas tu sa eva npara8) I know no one but Ka as my Lord, and He shall remain so even ifHe handles me roughly by His embrace or makes me brokenhearted bynot being present before me. He is completely free to do anything and

    everything, for He is always my worshipful Lord, unconditionally.

    Source http://Krishnaclub.tk

  • 7/28/2019 Shri Krishna Prayers


    Verses Recited Before

    rmad-Bhgavatam Class


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    naa-pryev abhadreunitya bhgavata-sevaybhagavaty uttama-loke

    bhaktir bhavati naihik

    By regular attendance in classes on the Bhgavatam and by rendering ofservice to the pure devotee, all that is troublesome to the heart is almost

    completely destroyed, and loving service unto the Personality ofGodhead, who is praised with transcendental songs, is established as an

    irrevocable fact. [SB 1.2.18]

    Source http://Krishnaclub.tk

  • 7/28/2019 Shri Krishna Prayers


    Gaura-rati(from Gtval)

    (1)(kiba) jaya jaya gorcnder ratiko obh

    jhnav-taa-vane jaga-mana-lobhjaga-jana-mana-lobh

    (First Refrain)gaurger rotik obhjaga-jana-mana-lobh

    1) All glories, all glories to the beautiful rati ceremony of LordCaitanya. This Gaura-rati is taking place in a grove on the banks of theJhnav [Ganges] and is attracting the minds of all living entities in the


    (2)dakhie niticnd, bme gaddhara

    nikae adwaita, rnivsa chatra-dhara

    2) On Lord Caitanya's right side is Lord Nitynanda, and on His left isr Gaddhara. Nearby stands r Advaita, and rvsa hkura isholding an umbrella over Lord Caitanya's head.

    (3)bosiyche gorcnd ratna-sihsane

    rati koren brahm-di deva-gae3) Lord Caitanya has sat down on a jeweled throne, and the demigods,

    headed by Lord Brahm, perform the rati ceremony.

    (4)narahari-di kori' cmara dhulya

    sajaya-mukunda-bsu-gho-di gya

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    4) Narahari Sarakra and other associates of Lord Caitanya fan Himwith cmaras, and devotees headed by Sajaya Paita, Mukunda Datta,

    and Vsu Ghoa sing sweet krtana.

    (5)akha bje gha bje bje karatlamadhura mdaga bje parama rasla

    (Second Refrain)ankha bje gha bje

    madhur madhur madhur bje5) Conchshells, bells, and karatlas resound, and the mdagas play very

    sweetly. This krtana music is supremely sweet and relishable to hear.

    (6)bahu-koi candra jini' vadana ujjvalagala-dee bana-ml kore jhalamala

    6) The brilliance of Lord Caitanya's face conquers millions uponmillions of moons, and the garland of forest flowers around His neck



    iva-uka-nrada preme gada-gadabhakativinoda dekhe gorra sampada

    7) Lord iva, ukadeva Gosvm, and Nrada Muni are all there, andtheir voices are choked with the ecstasy of transcendental love. Thus

    hkura Bhaktivinoda envisions the glory of Lord r Caitanya.

    Source http://Krishnaclub.tk

  • 7/28/2019 Shri Krishna Prayers


    Jaya Rdh-Mdhava

    rla Prabhupda was very fond of this song and sang it just before his

    lectures. In Allahabad and Gorakhpur rla Prabhupda fell into atrance after singing the first two lines, and after some time he came backinto external consciousness and said, "Now just chant Hare Ka." rlaPrabhupda said that this song is "a picture of Vndvana. Everything isthere-rmat Rdhr, Vndvana, Govardhana, Yaod, and all the

    cowherd boys."

    Jaya Rdh-Mdhava

    by rla Bhaktivinoda hkura(jaya) rdh-mdhava (jaya) kuja-bihr(jaya) gop-jana-vallabha (jaya) giri-vara-dhr

    (jaya) jaod-nandana, (jaya) braja-jana-rajana,(jaya) jmuna-tra-vana-cr

    Ka is the lover of Rdh. He displays many amorous pastimes in thegroves of Vndvana, He is the lover of the cowherd maidens of Vraja,

    the holder of the great hill named Govardhana, the beloved son ofmother Yaod, the delighter of the inhabitants of Vraja, and He

    wanders in the forests along the banks of the River Yamun.

    Source http://Krishnaclub.tk

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    Mah-prasde govinde nma-brahmai vaiavesvalpa-puya-vat rjan vivso naiva jyate

    O king, for those with little pious credit, faith in mah-prasda, rGovinda, the holy name, and the Vaiavas never arises.[Mahbhrata]

    Sarra abidy-jl, joendriya the kl,

    jbe phele biaya-sgoret'ra madhye jihv ati, lobhamoy sudurmati,

    t'ke jet kahina sosreka bao doymoy, karibre jihv jay,

    sva-prasd-anna dilo bhisei annmta kho, rdh-ka-gua go,

    preme ko caitanya-niti

    O Lord, this material body is a place of ignorance, and the senses are anetwork of paths leading to death. Somehow we have fallen into thisocean of material sense enjoyment, and of all the senses the tongue is

    the most voracious and uncontrollable. It is very difficult to conquer thetongue in this world. But You, dear Ka, are very kind to us and have

    given us such nice prasdam just to control the tongue. Now we take thisprasdam to our full satisfaction and glorify You-r r Rdh andKa-and in love call for the help of Lord Caitanya and Nitynanda.

    Source http://Krishnaclub.tk

  • 7/28/2019 Shri Krishna Prayers


    The Ten Offenses to the Holy Name

    The ten offenses to the holy name are listed as follows in the PadmaPura, as quoted in the Caitanya-caritmta (di 8.24, purport):

    sat nind nmna paramam apardha vitanuteyata khyti yta katham u sahate tad-vigarhm

    1. To blaspheme the great saintly persons who are preaching the gloriesof the Hare Ka mah-mantra is the worst offense at the lotus feet of

    the holy name. The Nma-prabhu, who is identical with Ka, will

    never tolerate such blasphemous activities, even from one who passes asa great devotee.

    ivasya r-vior ya iha gua-nmdi-sakaladhiy bhinna payet sa khalu hari-nmhita-kara

    2. In this material world the holy name of Viu is all-auspicious. Viu'sname, form, qualities, and pastimes are all transcendental, absolute

    knowledge. Therefore, if one tries to separate the Absolute Personality

    of Godhead from His holy name or His transcendental form, qualities,and pastimes, thinking them material, that is offensive. Similarly, tothink that the names of demigods such as Lord iva are as good as the

    name of Lord Viu is also blasphemous.

    guror avaj3. It is offensive to consider the spiritual master material and therefore

    to envy his exalted position.

    ruti-stra-nindanam4. It is offensive to blaspheme the Vedic literature such as the four

    Vedas and the Puras.

    artha-vda5. It is offensive to consider the glories of the holy name exaggerations.

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    hari-nmni kalpanam

    6. It is offensive to consider the holy name of the Lord imaginary.

    nmno bald yasya hi ppa-buddhirna vidyate tasya yamair hi uddhi

    7. The greatest offense at the lotus feet of the holy name is to think thatsince chanting the holy name can counteract all sinful reactions one

    may therefore go on sinning and at the same time chant the holy nameto neutralize the reactions. One who thinks in this way cannot be

    purified by any program of sense restraint and severe austerities, nor bythe various punishments of Yamarja.

    dharma-vrata-tyga-hutdi-sarva-ubha-kriy-smyam api pramda

    8. It is offensive to consider the chanting of the holy name equal to theperformance of ordinary religious ceremonies or fire sacrifices, the

    observance of austere vows, or the practice of renunciation, all of whichare materialistic auspicious activities.

    araddadhne vimukhe 'py avati

    ya copadea iva-nmpardha9. It is an offense to preach the glories of the holy name to those

    unwilling to hear, to atheists, or to those who have no faith in chantingthe holy name.

    rutvpi nma-mhtmya ya prti-rahito 'dhamaaha-mamdi-paramo nmni so 'py apardha-kt

    10. If a person has heard the glories of the transcendental holy name ofthe Lord but nevertheless continues in the materialistic concept of life,thinking, "I am this body and everything belonging to this body is mine,"

    and if he thus shows no respect or love for the chanting of the holyname, that is an offense.

    api pramdaIt is also an offense to be inattentive while chanting.

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    Every devotee who claims to be a Vaiava must carefully guard againstthese ten offenses in order to quickly achieve the desired success, Ka-



    Vaiava-pramavch-kalpa-tarubhya ca kp-sindhubhya eva capatitn pvanebhyo vaiavebhyo namo nama

    I offer my respectful obeisances unto all the Vaiava devotees of theLord. They are just like desire trees who can fulfill the desires of

    everyone. They are oceans of mercy and are the purifiers of the fallensouls.

    Source http://Krishnaclub.tk