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Short Story Year 5

Elements Of a Short Story

2What is a short story?


CharactersSynopsisCharactersThe people, animals or things in the story.Types of Characters

Main Characters

Minor Characters

Minor Characters

Description of people in the storySettingThe place and time where the story took place.

The story takes place mainly in the classroom. Apart from that, the story also takes the readers to the main characters home and several of the towns landmarks namely the public library, the ice-cream parlour (Mr.Gelati) and a pizza joint (Pizza Shack). Setting

ThemeThe main idea of a literary work, usually expressed as a generalization.ThemesDetermination Diligence Helpful Moral Values We should know that nothing is impossible in this world as long as we take things positively. We should never give up and always strive for the best in everything we do. We should be hardworking instead of waiting for things to come our way. We should not lie and make up stories in our lives. Message in the storyPlotPlot is the sequence or order of events in a story.

Plot StructureStages In Working With The TextEventsEventsEventsPoint of view is the perspective from which a story is told. Point Of ViewFirst person, using I or weSecond person, you, the least comment point of view SynopsisJoel was back to school after the holidays. His new teacher wanted the class to write about their holidays. Everyone shared their exciting holiday adventure. CHAPTER 1: A VERY BORING HOLIDAY

Joel felt sad that he had the most boring holiday ever. All of his classmates set off to write at least a page about their holiday, leaving Joel wondering. CHAPTER 1: A VERY BORING HOLIDAY

Joels teacher approached him and asked him about his holiday. Joel repeatedly told his teacher that he did not do anything fun during the holidays but his teacher persistently encouraged him saying that he can write an essay, he can even make it up and she walked away. CHAPTER 2: MAKING IT UP Thats when Joel decided that maybe he can actually come up with an interesting piece. He then started recalling all the activities he did during the holidays with his sister Natalie and his grandmother. CHAPTER 2: MAKING IT UP (continue) They went to the park, the library, the pool, ice-cream shops, the Pizza and all seemed unexciting to Joel. However, he started writing, believing that he can make it interesting. He imagined and he made up his own exciting holiday story. CHAPTER 2: MAKING IT UP (continue) In his essay, he wrote that he met his favourite author in the library in his town; he invented a new flavour for Mr.Gelatis ice-cream and he had an unexpected surprise in the Pizza Shack. He was happy with his work and so is his teacher. His teacher read Joels essay to the whole class and returned it to him feeling satisfied. CHAPTER 2: MAKING IT UP (continue) Although his teacher was happy with his work, Joel felt sad and wished that his holiday was indeed as exciting as he pictured it in his essay. Joels teacher again asked her students to prepare another write up about a pet they would like to have. Joel ran out of idea as he had used up all his imagination for his previous work.CHAPTER 3: SOMETHING WEIRD HAPPENS He kept his homework away and did not think about it. During the weekend, on Saturday, Joel, his mother and his sister, Natalie went to the shops and library. They entered the library and saw a crowd of people. Joel saw his favourite author, Anastasia Olivetti, just like in his imagination. The author recognized Joel and thanked him for his idea. CHAPTER 3: SOMETHING WEIRD HAPPENS After the library, they headed to Mr. Gelatis ice-cream shop. To his surprise, the shop was crowded with customers. Mr. Gelati saw Joel and ran toward him and acknowledged him as the inventor of his new ice-cream, Joels Jelly Baby Freeze. CHAPTER 4: MORE WEIRD THINGS HAPPENAgain, just like in his imagination. Joels mother brought them to the pizza shack. The manager of Pizza Shack welcomes Joel and his family to the shop as Joel is the winner of the pizza-for-a-year. CHAPTER 4: MORE WEIRD THINGS HAPPEN (continue)They enjoyed the pizza. When he went home, he thought about what happened earlier. He realized that it all started when he told his teacher he had nothing to write about. Joels mother reminded him to finish up his homework. CHAPTER 4: MORE WEIRD THINGS HAPPEN (continue)Joels started on his homework and he imagined. He imagined having a horse.or a crocodile.or even a dinosaur. CHAPTER 4: MORE WEIRD THINGS HAPPEN (continue)