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Contact Proof Analysis

Shoot 3Fashion Photoshoot

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The shoot...

I followed my shoot plan and I feel that it went quite successfully, and I took some well posed shots. I have made a contact sheet with all of my images on, which I have selected the best posed shots for my magazine.

I used 5 models, girls and boys to pose for me in vintage styled outfits. They tried different types of poses in order to figure out which sort of pose suited them the best. I took around 120 photos which would give me more than enough to work with, as I am only going to select a few to use.

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Contact sheet page 1This is the first model which appears on my contact sheet. I have used crosses and ticks in order to indicate which images are working well, and which ones aren’t. The first 4 images are unsuccessful because I had not figured out the best lighting at the very start of the shoot, so they look too dark and there are shadows on the wall behind the model.

I have selected the 5th and 6th images as good photographs because I feel that they have a model like appearance to them, as my model is positioned

11th 12th, 14th and 15th photographs work well because Piers is moving around in the frames, giving a serious model look throughout. I feel that these would be useful to use as they have come out very clear and I wouldn’t need to do much editing in photoshop.

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Page 1 continuedThe next images have turned out unsuccessful because of the lighting present, they are way too dark. I had to keep on adjusting where the light source was projecting, as the light was not being captured on camera, making the scene dark in places.

I think the last few ticked images are successful because of the expression Piers has on his face, however these images would need to be edited in photoshop as the brightness would need to be adjusted a small amount.

The last image zooms in on Piers, creating a portrait shot. I feel that this focuses on his bright T-shirt and jacket combination which is great for displaying the finer details of the garments he is wearing.

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Contact sheet page 2I am now looking at the next model in my shoot, I feel that a lot of these images turned out well because I figured out the best lighting right for this model. The portrait photographs work the best because I have portrayed more of the outfit in them, as the landscape images are more of a profile type of shot. I do not think i am going to use the landscape images because the portrait would work better with showing the full outfit put together.

I have crossed out the slightly dark images as I feel that they do not work as well. I also crossed some images because I feel that her facial expressions are not the strongest, such as the 12th image with her smirking into the camera. On some of the images, you can see the light reflecting off her glasses, which is something that I would need to edit on photoshop, if possible.

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Contact sheet page 3I am now looking at the photographs of my 3rd model. I had to figure out the lighting which was best for this model, so the first 3 images are not working the way I wanted them to because there are shadows behind her on the wall.

The 4th image is the most successful out of the portrait shots, because she is smiling and she doesn’t have an awkward expression unlike the other shots. Also the lighting is great in this shot, making her face almost look as if it is glowing. The only issue is with the glasses reflecting the light, which I think could be edited out.

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Contact sheet page 3...Not many of these images have turned out the way I would have liked them to. We took a longer time shooting these photographs as we needed to figure out what kind of poses suited my model and also I had to position the lighting in relation to where the model was stood.

I think that the portrait shots are working well out of them all, as you are getting a full length display of the outfit. Her poses in these images are better than the landscape shots as she is holding her jacket with a moody attitude almost. This is successful as it is showing off the jacket in different angles and positions. I would need to adjust the brightness in some of these images because it appears a little too dark in places.

I am now going to be looking at these images which included two of my models posing together. I think that they look good standing side by side because they both have vintage styles which compliment each other.

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Contact sheet page 4I think that these two models posing together are very effective because it would add another sort of interest to my magazine pages. Two models posing together is not really normally considered for fashion shoots, as most magazines normally concentrate on one person in the shot at a time.

The first 3 images are well positioned, as they are posing quite professionally and looking away from the camera, acting casual. I feel that the images in the whole row crossed out do not work well, because Joe is taking his coat off and creating too much motion in the frame. This would not work well as the other model is unsure of what to do at this point.

The images of Joe on his own work well with him moving the coat about and showing it to the camera in several different angles as the coat is a main statement piece which would be good to focus on in my article.

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Contact sheet page 5I got a few successful images from my last model. I thought that I would choose the ones where he looks the most confident in, because I feel that they would portray the best body language to be included in my magazine.

I like the two landscape images as my model is casually looking at the camera, and I feel that he is presenting the clothes alongside a serious pose. They are successful because the model is wearing different clothes to the others

I got my model to show his t-shirt by taking off his cardigan in the last couple of photographs in order to get a better view of the band logo. I feel that these images are well composed because you can now see the design of the shirt clearly which could be advertising it in a better appearance to the viewer.

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I have chosen the best images to focus my article on, as I feel that they are the best poses showing the clothes off the most effectively. I will make these images big, so that you can see them in the best possible quality which will entice the reader.

The main images I have chosen for article

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I think the shoot was an overall success, as I got exactly what I wanted to achieve from it. I will now have a precise idea of what I need to include for my magazine article, the 5 main photographs will be bigger than the rest and standing out from the page.

I have decided which are the most imnportant photographs in order to provide for my magazine double page spread. They will be then edited in Photoshop in order for them to be suitable for my magazine and so that they are clear and able to be seen easily.