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Shockley-Zalabak, 9e UpdatePamela S. Shockley-Zalabak

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Chapter 3Communication Implications of Major Organizational Theories

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Learning Objectives (1 of 2)

3.1 Describe scientific management, human behavior, integrated perspectives, and postmodern, critical, and feminist perspectives in contemporary organizations3.2 Describe scientific management theories for organizations3.3 Describe human behavior theories for organizations

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Learning Objectives (2 of 2)

3.4 Describe integrated perspectives theories for organizations3.5 Describe postmodern, critical, and feminist theories for organizations

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Introduction: Communication Implications of Major Organizational Theories

Objective 3.1 Describe scientific management, human behavior, integrated perspectives, and postmodern, critical, and feminist perspectives in contemporary organizations

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3.1 Introduction: Communication Implications of Major Organizational Theories - Scientific Management- Human Behavior- Integrated Perspectives- Postmodern, Critical, and Feminist Perspectives

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The Scientific Management School

Objective 3.2 Describe scientific management theories for organizations

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3.2 The Scientific Management School (1 of 4)

• Principles and Basic Activities for Scientific Management– Essential elements– Scientific method of work– Time and motion study

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3.2 The Scientific Management School (2 of 4)

• Principles of Management– Unity of command– Equity– Initiative – Esprit de corps – Management activities

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3.2 The Scientific Management School (3 of 4)

• Principles of Bureaucracy– Charismatic authority – Traditional authority – Bureaucratic authority

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3.2 The Scientific Management School (4 of 4)

• Communication Implications of Scientific Management Theories in Contemporary Organizations– Management tool– Communication activity specialization– Formal communication activities

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The Human Behavior School

Objective 3.3 Describe human behavior theories for organizations

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3.3 The Human Behavior School (1 of 2)

• Major Human Behavior Theories– Principles of coordination– The Hawthorne effect– Theory X and Theory Y– Participative management

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3.3 The Human Behavior School (2 of 2)

• Communication Implications of Human Behavior Theories in Contemporary Organizations– Effective communication– Contemporary organizations

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Integrated Perspectives Viewpoints

Objective 3.4 Describe integrated perspectives theories for organizations

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3.4 Integrated Perspectives Viewpoints (1 of 3)

• Process and Environmental Approaches – Decision making approach– Sociotechnical integration– Contingency theory– Systems approach– Learning organizations

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3.4 Integrated Perspectives Viewpoints (2 of 3)

• Cultural Approaches – Organizational culture formation– The strong cultural perspective– The subculture perspective– The fragmentation perspective– The identification perspective– Sensemaking model

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3.4 Integrated Perspectives Viewpoints (3 of 3)

• Communication Implications of Integrated Perspectives in Contemporary Organizations – External environment– Concern for organizational culture

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Postmodern, Critical, and Feminist Perspectives

Objective 3.5 Describe postmodern, critical, and feminist theories for organizations

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3.5 Postmodern, Critical, and Feminist Perspectives

• Communication Implications of Postmodern, Critical, and Feminist Perspectives in Contemporary Organizations– Delayering of organizations– Diverse workforce

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