Download - Shiny objects

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Internet marketing - Why I believe Coaching and Communicating Can

Overcome the “Bright Shiny Objects”


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I believe proper coaching can show you how to communicate to a point of efficiency that will relieve you of the apparent need to chase glitzy offers, aka the Shiny Object Syndrome, or S.O.S.

Every glitzy offer will tell you how to create or build something, quite likely something exciting, and maybe even unique.

It really isn’t too difficult to come up with something unique, and even if not unique in context (the context of reinventing the wheel), the context of it being something about which you can make your own observations, opinions; your own slant on the topic.

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What I’m getting at here is your own way of presenting the something that is already known; and THAT still counts as you being original, or unique...

There’s absolutely nothing wrong or untoward with the bright glitzy offer. Many of them are credible ways to do or be exactly what it says on the tin.

If you don’t already know, they have a more than one purpose for their creators: one is to introduce you to deeper, more meaningful concepts of the information that probably brought you to the object in the first place, and the other is purely tactical… honest, but tactical.

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Here’s the thing: you might not have paid a King’s ransom for your new toy, but may have been invited to opt-in with your name and email in exchange for receiving the goods (the download).

What has happened here is completely ethical, and honest, and the same methods employed by most successful business marketers anywhere –

It is also the method at the bottom of this page.

It is how it is used that counts.

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The problem where most flashy offers dazzle, is with their approach to communication; they will only educate you to a certain point, because frankly, that is all most of their creators know how to do, or are least that is how much they are prepared to show you.

The point I’m making is that there are a multitude of these things all over the place online, such as offers on the websites that are in the make-money-online, small business, and home business niches.

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These are the kinds of area is always a zone for those desperate to make money, over and above realizing that first and foremost they have to provide something of value FIRST, before any potential income can occur.

Many of them are unique in their own right, and fair play in that sense.

What most of them do is explain that once you have got to grips with the process – familiarized yourself to a good degree of competence with their methodology, then you need to position yourself to be able to capitalize on your newly acquired skill set.

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That’s ok, sound easy enough doesn’t it – right?

You’re told that you need to go and become familiar with, and then make a presence, on forums, blogs, social media, e-zines, other such places, and so on.

They’re right too.

That’s where I tell you to go too

Every expert or coach will.

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Because they are the places that are online, represent the online market place, and they’re the places where everyone in your market place hangs out.

So it makes sense that you should be there to – right?

So where better to go and meet them – get to know them – and allow them to get to know you.

There’s another thing though: believe it or not, it’s the hardest part.

The hardest part?


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Because following the explicit instructions to use a product that someone else is showing you, step-by –step to do, every inch of the way is something anyone can do.


Thing is, marketing yourself, advertising yourself is hard work.


Because it requires skills; organizational skills, self-discipline skills, an understanding, realization, and grasp of the concept that you need to be fluent in more than one area; more than one media.

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You need to be able to provide information for people across a broad spectrum of media. And they all operate to different formats and techniques of communication.

Why? Because that is how Human’s operate, it is our modus operandi.

Human psychology.

You have to become a leader to take your business, your advertisement, to the market place. And not only that but present yourself in such a manner, that the people with whom you wish to connect, might just be interested in getting to know you a little better.

And that means positioning yourself as an expert.

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I think there’s a chasm of difference between acquiring a new skill set, and being able, being confident, willing, and focused enough, to capitalize on taking it to the market.

And in my opinion, shiny objects don’t take you that far.

This is why I believe everyone needs a mentor or coach -even experts employ them, because that’s how they achieve their goals.

A coach will direct you away from the mindset of thinking that every next glitzy offer will lead you to success, and plan with you a way forward, a way forward that creates for you a more solid, reliable foundation, and a proper plan.

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More than that though, you will have someone to guide you and most importantly – someone who will hold you accountable for your actions and progress.

Shiny objects will never, can never, hold you accountable.

By the way, are you interested to know how how you can connect more effectively and ignore shiny obects? Download my brand new FREE guide here