Download - SHINE - SGS/media/Local/UK/Documents...Our shine Onboarding program has been developed globally to ensure that all our new employees like you are ... to answer them for you. PREPARATION




As the world’s leading inspection, verification, testing and certification company, we provide competitive advantage, drive sustainability and deliver trust. Recognised as the global benchmark for quality and integrity, we employ over 85,000 people and operate a network of more than 1,800 offices and laboratories around the world. We are continually pushing ourselves to deliver innovative services and solutions that help our customers move their businesses forward.


WHAT IS ONBOARDINGOnboarding welcomes and integrates all new or transferring employees. It is designed to engage you with your new role, quickly setting you up for success as a productive member of the SGS team. ?

Your choice to join SGS and become part of our global team of talented people is a great one! At the heart of what we do is our passion, integrity, entrepreneurialism and innovative spirit. These live through the actions of people like you who take their careers, their development and their success seriously.

You have a major role to play in the future of SGS and to do this you need to be fully engaged as quickly as possible. Our shine Onboarding program has been developed globally to ensure that all our new employees like you are given ready access to the information, resources, training, and support they need to be effective and successful contributors to SGS.

I encourage you to actively explore the organisation, ask questions and fully immerse yourself in your new role. Your manager, colleagues and peer advisor will help guide you through these first months to support your full integration to SGS.

Welcome to SGS, I look forward to your valuable contribution, enthusiasm and determination.









The Employee Guide to Onboarding is a quick and easy reference guide to help you successfully transition into your new SGS career. It provides useful advice and guidance to ensure a positive and engaging experience during your first six months with us.


PRE-ARRIVALYou have already gained a “feel” for SGS during your interviews with us. Now you can keep up the momentum by reading SGS information carefully and learning as much as possible before your first day. If you have any questions at all before you arrive, your manager or HR contact person will be glad to answer them for you.

PREPARATION✓ Set yourself up for success by being proactive in learning more about

SGS. Our website offers a wealth of information, so take a look at

✓ Ensure that you know when and where you will meet your manager on the first day

✓ Stay in touch with your manager or HR contact person

✓ Complete all the required employment documents before your first day or seek advice

FIRST DAY The most important aspect of your first day is meeting your colleagues and familiarising yourself with your surroundings. As your safety is paramount, learning the site safety procedures is a priority.


✓ On arrival meet and be welcomed by your manager

✓ Your manager begins by introducing you to your new colleagues and peer advisor*

✓ Familiarise yourself with your new work area

✓ Finalise any outstanding employment documents

✓ When you are given a tour of the premises, ensure you are familiar with basic Health & Safety information about your working environment, for example where to find your nearest fire exit

✓ Join your colleagues and/or your manager for lunch if possible

✓ Familiarise yourself with your local environment, such as public transport, banks and shops

*A peer advisor is a colleague assigned to support your onboarding experience


FIRST WEEK Much of your first week at SGS will involve introductions to the departments and colleagues you will work with. You will develop your understanding of the SGS culture and where your role fits into the organisation. An important part of this stage is commencing mandatory health & safety, sustainability, Code of Integrity training.

✓ Be proactive in seeking out information and asking questions

✓ Use the resources available to learn as much as possible about SGS*

✓ Continue to build your relationship with your manager

✓ Get to know your colleagues and introduce yourself to key people

✓ Spend time with your peer advisor to learn more about SGS and our Brand

✓ Meet with your manager to discuss your onboarding development plan

✓ Ask your manager to help you organise your health & safety, sustainability, Code of Integrity training, which needs to be completed during your first three months in your new role

*We encourage all employees to take time to visit our extensive intranet


FIRST MONTHDuring this stage you will focus on expanding your knowledge of SGS and building relationships with customers and colleagues. In the course of this first month you will learn how the business works day to day. You will also begin working towards specific objectives which enable you to contribute to the success of SGS.

✓ Ensure you know where to focus your efforts to be successful during your first months at SGS

✓ Ask questions and provide your manager with feedback on how things are going

✓ Take the initiative to set up “meet and greet” meetings with key people

✓ Attend the formal induction day (if applicable) and take the opportunity to broaden your knowledge of the services that SGS provides

✓ Attend any required functional and business specific training required for your role

✓ Identify “go to” people for specific questions you may have

✓ Continue working closely with your peer advisor




FIRST THREE MONTHSBy now you will be translating everything you have learned about SGS and your new role into confident actions and productive results. During this stage it is important that you discuss your progress and milestones with your manager and clarify any questions, issues or concerns.

✓ Meet with your manager to complete the three month performance review (if applicable, in some countries this occurs at six months). Set SMART (Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Results-oriented and Time-bound) objectives, give feedback on your experience to date and assess your performance to ensure you are meeting expectations

✓ Review your progress and discuss any additional needs you might have identified

✓ Make sure you are focussing your efforts in the right direction and delivering effective results

✓ Continue to build your network and develop positive working relationships with colleagues

✓ Be innovative and share your ideas

✓ Continue to develop your understanding and knowledge of SGS values, businesses, systems and customers

✓ Collaborate with your peer advisor and ask for their feedback on questions, new ideas and suggestions you may have

✓ By the end of the first three months, you must have completed training in sustainability and integrity

✓ Continue your health & safety training as required, proactively manage your risks and report any incidents

FIRST SIX MONTHSAs you approach the six month milestone of your employment, you will be confident in your understanding of your role and performance expectations. You will have a sound network of established relationships that provide support. You will also be clear about your direction with a development plan in place to ensure your ongoing success.


✓ Complete the six month performance review (if applicable, in some countries this occurs at three months) and set SMART objectives. This is the time to review your development needs and agree on a plan aligned with your new objectives

✓ Continue to be proactive in everything you do

✓ Continue to build positive relationships and expand your network

✓ Meet with your manager and peer advisor to provide feedback on your onboarding experience

✓ At the end of six months, meet with your peer advisor to acknowledge the end of your partnership

✓ Celebrate a successful start to your career with SGS


SGS HISTORYEstablished in 1878, SGS started by offering agricultural inspection services to grain traders in Europe. From those early beginnings, we grew in size and scope as our agricultural inspection services spread around the world. During the mid 20th century, we began to diversify and started offering inspection, testing and verification services across a variety of sectors, including industrial, minerals and oil, gas and chemicals among others. In 1981, the company went public.

The current structure of SGS, consisting of 10 business segments operating across 10 geographical regions, was formed in 2001. From our beginnings in 1878 as a grain inspection house, we have steadily grown into our role as the industry leader. We have done this through continual improvement and innovation and through supporting our customers’ operations by reducing risk and improving productivity.

SGS EXPERTISE AND ACTIVITIESWe help customers all over the world operate in a more sustainable manner by improving quality and productivity, reducing risk, verifying compliance and increasing speed to market.

Our range of services covers all industry sectors and touches the products and services that consumers around the world rely on countless times in their everyday lives.

From the energy that powers our cars and homes, to the food on our plates and the clothes on our backs – and everything in between – SGS provides independent services that make a difference in people’s lives. At the end of the day, our value lies in what our services make possible for our customers and, ultimately, for their consumers.


SGS VISIONWe aim to be the most competitive and the most productive service organisation in the world. Our core competencies in inspection, verification, testing and certification are being continuously improved to be best-in-class. They are at the heart of what we are. Our chosen markets will be solely determined by our ability to be the most competitive and to consistently deliver unequalled service to our customers all over the world.

SGS VALUES AND DEFINITIONSWe seek to be characterised by our passion, integrity, entrepreneurship and our innovative spirit, as we continually strive to fulfil our vision. These values guide us in all that we do and are the bedrock upon which our organisation is built.

PASSION - We are passionate about the work we do because it helps businesses run faster, leaner and better. That in turn improves people’s jobs, prospects and ultimately people’s lives

INTEGRITY - Customers trust us to always deliver impartial and objective solutions

ENTREPRENEURIALISM - We strongly believe in empowering individuals with the freedom to be creative in their decisions, initiatives and solutions

INNOVATIVE SPIRIT - We keep challenging the status quo to know more, to improve what we do and how we do it in order to continuously create new value for our customers and ourselves




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