Download - · Web viewPlease submit your abstract (word file) before 31st May 2020, by email to [email protected]

Page 1: · Web viewPlease submit your abstract (word file) before 31st May 2020, by email to

The 12th International Symposium on the Science and Processing of Cast Iron 6~9 October 2020, Muroran city in Hokkaido, Japan

Your Paper's Title Starts Here: Please Centeruse Times New Roman (Bold) 14

Author Name1, Author Name2 and Author Name3

1 Name of University/ Company, Name of Faculty, Full address, Country,2 Name of University/ Company, Name of Faculty, Full address, Country,3 Name of University/ Company, Name of Faculty, Full address, Country,

*Corresponding address: e-mail: [email protected]

Times New Roman, Italic, size 10 (use style Institution)


This guide summarizes the instructions for authors

who are going to submit their contributions in the

form of extended abstracts (short papers) for

publication in the Proceedings of The 12th

International Symposium on the Science and

Processing of Cast Iron in muroran, hokkaido Japan.

The contributions should be written in English using

Times New Roman (style Text) of size 10 and should

not exceed 2 pages of A4 format (21×29.7 cm).

Failure to comply with the submission guidelines

may prohibit your manuscript from being published.

Do not use headers, footers, page numbers, or linked

references and footnotes.

Please do not change the document settings and be

wary when pasting elements into this template.

Please submit your abstract (word file) before 31st

May 2020, by email to [email protected]

(Please delete this note before submitting your

extended abstract.)

Abstract (Times New Roman 10BF)

The abstract length should be a minimum of 100

words, not to exceed 300 words. Use “body” text

style (Times New Roman 10) and leave a line break

between paragraphs.

Keywords: Please provide 3-5 keywords divided

with commas - Times New Roman, size 10

1. Introduction (Times New Roman 10BF)

Use “body” text style (Times New Roman 10).

2. Experimental Procedure (Times New Roman


Use “body” text style (Times New Roman 10).

3. Result and Discussion (Times New Roman


Subheads 1 (Times New Roman 10).

Use “body” text style (Times New Roman 10).

Subheads 2(Times New Roman 10).

Use “body” text style (Times New Roman 10).

4. Conclusions (Times New Roman 10BF)

Use “body” text style (Times New Roman 10).

For figures:

Figures (refer with: Fig. 1, Fig. 2, ...) also should be

presented as part of the text, leaving enough space so

that the capt¬ion will not be confused with the text.

Page 2: · Web viewPlease submit your abstract (word file) before 31st May 2020, by email to

The 12th International Symposium on the Science and Processing of Cast Iron 6~9 October 2020, Muroran city in Hokkaido, Japan

The caption should be self-contained and placed

below the figure.

Utmost care must be taken to insert the figures in

correct alignment with the text. For best quality the

pictures should have a resolution of 300 dpi.

(Times New Roman, italic, size 9 (use style Fig. 1))

Do not use a list of figures at the end of the paper.

For tables:

Tables (refer with: Table 1, Table 2, ...) should be

presented as part of the text, but in such a way as to

avoid confusion with the text. A descriptive title

should be placed above each table (centered).

(Times New Roman, italic, size 9 (use style Table 1))

Units in tables should be given in square brackets

[meV] or standard brackets (meV).

Special Signs:

For example, α, γ, μ, Ω, ≥, ±, Γ, {110} should

always be written in with the fonts Times New


Do not use a list of tables at the end of the paper.

For Equations.

Equations (refer with: Eq. 1, Eq. 2, ...) must be

inserted by using default MS word equation editor

inside the MS word program.

The equations have to be numbered sequentially, and

the number put in parentheses at the right-hand edge

of the text. You may use high resolution image (more

than 300 dpi) if you want to use other equation


c2=a2+b2 (1)

Acknowledgments (optional, (Times New Roman


Acknowledgements should be placed before

references. Use “body” text style (Times New Roman


Reference (Times New Roman 10BF)

Use “body” text style (Times New Roman 10).

References are cited in the text just by square

brackets [1]. (If square brackets are not available,

slashes may be used instead, e.g. /2/.) Two or more

references at a time may be put in one set of brackets

[3,4]. References should be listed in numerical order

within the text and in the Reference section at the end

of paper.

For journal article:

[1] All authors: Article title, Journal title, Volume

issue, (year of publication), page

For book:

[2] All authors: book title (Publisher) (issue year),


For proceedings from a conference:

[3] All authors: Article title, In Conference name,

Publisher, (year of publication), page

For thesis:

[4] Information on

Page 3: · Web viewPlease submit your abstract (word file) before 31st May 2020, by email to

The 12th International Symposium on the Science and Processing of Cast Iron 6~9 October 2020, Muroran city in Hokkaido, Japan