Download - Shifting Attitudes & Repositioning For Value Inside The Hive Mind

  • 1. Shifting Attitudes& Repositioning Value
    Inside The Hive Mind
    Developed & Presented By Shawn Chambers

2. Jones Dont Matter As Much
3. Right Brain Renaissance
4. Increased Demand For Leisure
5. Spiritual Awakening
6. Living Multiple Lives
7. Where Time Means Less & LessIn A 24-7-365 Lifestyle
If youre not on then they move on
8. Disengaging Productivity
30% Actively Engaged
70% Disengaged 30% Actively Disengaged
9. Wage Rate Disparity
More Productivity But Less Wealth Transferred
From 1999 to 2008 productivity rose 17% and wages only 10%
10. Jobless Recovery Doing More With Less People
11. And Relationship Tethers Are Thinning
Company MEMORY is walking out the door
Forgetting who to deal with and why
12. =Less Competition For Wealth
13. But, Where Is The Wealth?
Closed System: Fixed Amount Of Wealth
14. Who Controls The Wealth
15. Your Slice Of The Pie?
16. And These People Decide How Big A Piece You Get.
17. Values Have Shifted
Family? Career? Fitting In? Savings? Retirement?
18. Value Is Measurable
19. An Equal Exchange
20. Our Business Is Supplying Demand
Price=Opportunity Cost
21. Declining Margins: ValueSValueD
22. Because
Hypermarket: 50,000+ items
Theres so much on the shelvesand theres so much information about everything on the shelves
23. Free To Buy Anything
From Anywhere And Sell It Without
Supply Chain Interference.
24. I Dont Need Home Currency
25. And You Owe It To
15M+ Listeners Evaporated
$100,000,000 Ad Sales Gone
Decimated CBS Radio
Lost 25%
Of Audience
Leslie Moonves & Katy Couric
Howard Stern
Affiliate Revolt
Lost 30% Of Ad Revenues
Jeff Zucker & Jay Leno
26. They Freed The Zombies
They Interrupted A Nations
Info Consumption Patterns
27. Who Found New Worlds
Pierre Omidyar
Mark Zuckerberg
Tom Anderson
28. He Gave Them Mobility
29. And It All Fell Apart Shortly Thereafter
15 Months Of Delays
19M people paying for radio!
Government & Big Business No Longer Control The Media
30. Sirius XM Has Over 35 Million Smart, Rich Listeners - Arbitron Study
Jan 2010
The Arbitron study found that 32 million of the over 35 million total listeners to Satellite Radio were weekly listeners. Sirius XM listeners were shown to spend an average of almost 3 hours in their cars daily. While in their cars, they overwhelmingly chose Sirius XM 71% of the time. The study found only 17% of 'time was spent listening to AM/FM radio and only 5% of listeners' time was spent listening to mobile devices, such as cell phones and iPods 56% of Sirius XMs listeners are college graduates or have advanced degrees compared to only 24% of AM/FM listeners The Arbitron study found that Satellite Radio listeners are rich. 24% have household incomes of $150,000 and over. This compares to only 9% of AM/FM listeners having incomes of that level.
31. Creating Demand For Attention
32. And Its All Going To Change Again
Your Investment In Talent Is Going To Solve
Other Peoples Problems And You Cant Stop It
So You Might As Well Make Use Of It
33. Welcome To The Hive Mind
34. We Are An Intelligence
35. With A Purpose
36. But With No Clear Instructions
Imprisoned In A Dimension Devoid Of Information
So We Crave Information To Understand Where We Are What We Are
37. New Information Receptors
38. A Warehouse Of Old Information
Some content forgotten about
Some forgotten by purpose
39. Controlled By Two Brains
40. >1=Attachment
> Global Customer
74. Network Appliances
Digital DNA
Digital Nervous System
6 Month Evolutionary Cycles vs 5 Year Change
Encryption Wars
The Knowledge Worker
Staff Information Sorters
Staff JISTers
Digital DNA:Business At The Speed Of Thought
75. Making Talk About Me First A Habit
76. Reinvent CustomerAs Info Consumer
77. Creating Own Hive Experience
78. Applying 3D Selling Techniques
79. Linking Ours To Theirs
80. Creating Interest
81. Post Where Users Consume
82. Generating Buzz
83. Throughout The Entire Hive Mind
84. Intensifying Desire
85. Frustration To Satisfaction
To increase your margin/value you have to create problems that the end user cant solve with out you
86. CommunicatingValue

  • Testimonials

87. Success Stories 88. Case Studies 89. QMS Statistics 90. Buzz Factor 91. Search Engine Positioning 92. Webinars 93. Video Consulting 94. Customer-lead SeminarsRemove YOU from the equation!!!
95. Creating Certainty
96. Gaining Momentum
Momentum = demand * consumption
97. Experiencing Quantum Shifts
A +/- shift in demand increases revenue geometrically vs linearly
98. All It Takes Is One Idea To Start A Landslide
Continuous Flow
Of New Application Content
99. Take-away Thoughts
Attitudes, beliefs & values are shifting towards leading less productive lifestyles;
Information shapes our attitudes, beliefs, & values;
We are consumers of information before products;
Information is now free of government and big business influence;
We, the people, now control the production, storage, and distribution of information for better or for worse;
Without social pressure from the government and big business suggesting were unproductive and inadequate were free to think about pleasurable activities and living within our means
Living within our means creates a demand for cheaper products, ones that cant be manufactured here at present wagerates
So, if less people are working, generating less tax revenue, and spending less then whos going to pay the government bills and pensions of THIS generation?
100. Where Are You Going To Connect?