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Scouting For Girls - She's So Lovely

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Throughout the music video the main significance too the genre within the music video is the usage of band members and instruments which are props. By using a piano at the beginning it shows that Scouting For Girls life revolves around everyday life and also that instruments are extremely important too them.

Ferdinand De Sassure

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Also lots of close ups are used throughout the music video, artists use close ups in their music videos too show their relevance too the situation and also too highlight their importance. Close ups are usually shown in Indie Music videos directly after they see something which allows people too see their facial reaction via a close up camera shot. Also in the close up shots in the music video use a shallow focus camera effect too further emphasise the importance giving a star of the show type image

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Laura Mulvey- Male Gaze

Male Gaze theory is the main theory that appears in the music video, Laura Mulvey would say that the women in the music video is a victim of male gaze theory and also plays up too this idea. As soon as the girl walks in everyone turns too her in fascination, a slow motion effect is used when showing a mid shot of the women when she walks in which gives a kind of dreamy effect about the girl.

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The women is seen too be sexually available and extremely suggestive which emphasises Laura Mulveys Male Gaze theory. The close up of the women’s bum show too us that it is typical of a man too focus on the women's bum and this stereotypically shows that men see women as sex objects.

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Dyer’s Theory

Indie type of music video are typically known too have a lower budget in comparison too pop music videos and this is represented by the lack of special effects and luxurious scenery. The stereotypes represented in the music video show males too be sexually motivated as he constantly pursues the women. It also represents women as being sexually availible, this is because in the music video the women is persuaded into going home with a different man instead of the one she walked in with, this makes women look easy and typically going for men who give them attention.

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Jean Badruillard’s Simulacra

The hyper reality of the music video is the situation between the man and women. This is because it is highly unlikely that the man would be able too whisk the women off her feet without actually speaking too her. Another hyper reality which is unrealistic in the music video is when the women's original boyfriend plays bowling against the man from Scouting For Girls too win the ‘dream’ women, in reality this makes the women look like an object in the video by being moved around from man too man.

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Genre Stereotypes- Institution

Theory- ‘the constitution of film cycles and genres is a never-ceasing process, closely tied to the capitalist need for product differentiation’ Rick Altman (1999)

Translation-Audiences require different music videos because the songs are always changing.

So if a new song is made then the audience typically expect a new music video too be made which also accompanies the song. As Scouting For Girls’ music is in the industry it is important for them too keep on making songs and this creates new music videos. It is important for new songs too be released as it keeps them involved with the music business institution and increases their band image.

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Genre Stereotypes- Institution:Audience

Theory- ‘genres are not simply bodies of work or groups of films…Genres do not consist only of films: they consist also…of specific systems of expectation…which spectators bring with them to the cinema, and which interact with film themselves during the course of the viewing process.  These systems provide spectators with means of recognition and understanding.  They help render films, and the elements within them, intelligible and therefore explicable.’  Steve Neale (1990)

Translation- Genre is not the only the elements within the music video it is the expectations of the audience.

This shows that in order for the music video too be successful they must feed the audiences expectations and this will generate positive feedback within the music industry but more importantly for the music video. Too increase Scouting for Girls popularity the boy is shown too be down too earth and genuine like lots of indie artists are portrayed in music videos and this makes the artist popular because of this.

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Genre Stereotypes- Text: Theory-'generic visual conventions can

be productively analyzed without assuming they are part of a comprehensive thematic structure' – Buscombe

Iconography is mainly used in a music video because it provides a type of structure for the artist too tell a particular story that the artists wants too be portrayed in a certain way. This offers the audience a familiarity and also allows the artist too be portrayed in a certain way through their own narrative. The main part of iconography is the theme of a retro bowling type area, this is used too its advantage as it is not an expensive overpriced location it is a genuine location and the mise en scene is well thought of too appear too the audience.

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Genre Stereotypes- Society+Culture

Theory- ‘popular forms can be partly understood as social rituals…A ritual is a means of reaffirming certain basic cultural values, resolving tensions and establishing a sense of continuity between past and present’ John Cawelti (1971)

Translation- A genre is chosen due too social, cultural reasons too society.

The video targets

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Adorno and Horkheimer’s- Hypodermic Model

The message that is being directly injected into the audience is too not give up and keep pursuing what you want. Within the music video the male has his eye on the girl throughout the music video, and in the end he gets what he wants which is the girl, the audience would see this too be a happy ending. The message also injected into people is the stereotype within music videos that the women are easy and that men are also sexually motivated.

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Blumler and Katz's Uses and Gratifications

The audience may access the media for the following reasons- Diversion- The music video acts as an escape from reality into

another world which they cannot access. This is more true when it comes too pop music videos as they seem too be much more luxury than indie music videos.

Personal Relationships- Boys would respect the artist as he is successful with women and some males portray to be like this and women may find him attractive.

Personal Identity- The music video allows the artist too be portrayed as successful with women and women orientated, the band is also called ‘Scouting For Girls’ which reinforces my theory.

Surveillance- The music video challenges out-dated culture by showing that you do not have too be monogamous and the idea of being with lots of different people is a modern idea shown in the music video.

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Stewart Hall's encoding and decoding

The reading of text and how it is interpreted is shown in 3 different ways these are:

Dominant reading- This is the reading that is what the producer wants the audience too feel. Therefore the reading would be that the man has overcome to other male too get the women he wants, the producer wants us too route for the male from Scouting For Girls.

Negotiated reading- Although most of the people see the boy as happy within the video pursuing the women, it could also represent that the man is unhappy with his own life so he is trying too get joy from another companion and this is why it is shown in the music video.

Opposing Reading- The audience may see the music video as discriminatory too women as they are seen as objects. In ‘She’s so Lovely’ she is passed from one man too another due too a victory in a bowling match. Audiences could see this giving a bad image for both men and women.

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David Morley's Social and Cultural context

David Morley thought that there was a wider and that even though not expected different classes and cultures watch indie music video like Arctic Monkeys. When he studied what people watch in a survey it showed that both upper and lower classes watch the same types of programmes on TV similar to music videos. The theory is based on upper class people being brought back too reality and allows them too experience different environments without having too experience it themselves in real life.

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Todorov's Narrative Theory

The music video I analysed follows Todorov’s theory throughout. The equilibrium at the beginning is when they are bowling and it cross cuts too him playing the piano, everything seems happy however you feel as if this is not going too last for one reason, or another. Furthermore the Disruption which complies too Todorov’s theory, the women who he spots when she walks into the bowling alley causes disruption when a close up of the mans face shows you can see he is completely fascinated by her aura. The Realization within the story is that the women is spotted with a boyfriend and this causes problems for the lead character as he wants too pursue her. There is lots of close ups shown of the women on her own and she seems isolated so the lead character sees a chance too speak too her. There is then restored order as they try too resolve the problem by playing a bowling match for the girl which is extremely unrealistic but not unusual in music videos. Finally there is equilibrium at the end when he gains the women that he is pursuing and she leaves with him at the end.

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Propp's character types

There is usually typical types of character types which Propp says complies too most music videos, however there is a limited amount of Propp’s character type in Arctic Monkeys’ video. There is a villain which is the man who is stopping the main character from persuing his girlfriend. Furthermore the Princess within the music video is the women who is being pursued by the main character. We can see that she is seen too be a princess to most people in the music video, lots of close ups and slow motion shots show she is good looking and when you look at her it gives a dreamy effect.

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Levi Strauss' Binary Opposites

Within all genres of music videos you usually see binary opposites which are typical stereotypes- Good Vs Evil, Old Vs Young however in this Arctic Monkeys video there is not binary opposites shown.

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Barthe's Narrative Codes

Within this music video the narrative is quite clear too viewers watching it. Symbolically the main way the producer tries too create tension and deeper meaning is the way that the Lead singer is totally lovestruck by the women and this is shown throughout the music video. Symbolically it makes you question what is going too happen by the end of the music video with the situation between both the man and the women.