Download - Sheryl Sandberg Leadership Presentation


1. SHERYLSANDBERGLeading theCharge,PushingSuccessBy Lauren Carel 2. OUTLININGSUCCESSWho is Sheryl? Sheryl as a Leader*Story Teller*Direction Setter*Provocateur*Meaning Maker Sheryl in Action 3. WHO IS SHERYL? Chief Operating Officer of Facebook since2008 One of the few female self-made billionaires Author of Lean In:Women, Work, andthe Will to Lead Wife and mother 4. THE LEADERAS RENEWALCHAMPION: Innovation Coach Learning Advocate Critic Provocateur 5. THE LEADER AS NAVIGATOR Direction Setter Struggles offoremothers guideand require us tomove forward Don't pull backbefore you've evenstarted 6. LEADER AS COMMUNITYBUILDER: Story TellerOpen Honest Vulnerable Meaning Maker 7. REACHING THE TOPTED TALKS1. Take yourseat at thetable2. Make yourpartner a realpartner3. Don't leavebefore you leave 8. WE LEANED IN. NOW WHAT?TED TALKS1. Stereotypeshold womenback fromleadershiproles2. Bossy vs.Aggressive3. Confidence to ask 9. BRANDED MESSAGE Not without controversy, but Sherylsmessage excels through her:Raw honestly Personal stories Selfless purpose of guidance