Download - Sharpening the PRS Rural Focus -context, lessons and next steps Cheikh M. Sourang Senior Programme Manager, PRS (IFAD) VI th Annual Donor Meeting on Rural.

Page 1: Sharpening the PRS Rural Focus -context, lessons and next steps Cheikh M. Sourang Senior Programme Manager, PRS (IFAD) VI th Annual Donor Meeting on Rural.

Sharpening the PRS Rural Focus-context, lessons and next steps

Cheikh M. Sourang Senior Programme Manager, PRS (IFAD)

VIth Annual Donor Meeting on Rural Development in West and Central Africa (Rome, 11 May 2006)

Page 2: Sharpening the PRS Rural Focus -context, lessons and next steps Cheikh M. Sourang Senior Programme Manager, PRS (IFAD) VI th Annual Donor Meeting on Rural.

Sharpening the PRS Rural Focus- W/C Africa 6th Annual Donor Meeting - C.S./ IFAD


New Aid Architecture - what’s “new” about it?

Unprecedented combination of circumstances:

• Globalization + decentralization tensions?• Debt+Aid+Trade interface issues!• MDGs=long term targets• PRSs=medium term accountability frameworks• Sector wide approach + Territorial development = X (?)• Harmonization + Alignment culture change !• New funding mechanisms: Budg.Sup.+Vert.Fund.+Proj.Fund.


Page 3: Sharpening the PRS Rural Focus -context, lessons and next steps Cheikh M. Sourang Senior Programme Manager, PRS (IFAD) VI th Annual Donor Meeting on Rural.

Sharpening the PRS Rural Focus- W/C Africa 6th Annual Donor Meeting - C.S./ IFAD


What does this mean for the rural productive sector?

• Insufficient MDG progress : a concern

• The rural poor: a priority - moral issue or enlightened interest?

• New aid vehicles: an opportunity

• PRS rural focus: a challenge

Page 4: Sharpening the PRS Rural Focus -context, lessons and next steps Cheikh M. Sourang Senior Programme Manager, PRS (IFAD) VI th Annual Donor Meeting on Rural.

Sharpening the PRS Rural Focus- W/C Africa 6th Annual Donor Meeting - C.S./ IFAD


PRS Overall Strengths

Space for policy dialogue

Mainstreaming of poverty reduction efforts

Potential as a mutual accountability framework

Page 5: Sharpening the PRS Rural Focus -context, lessons and next steps Cheikh M. Sourang Senior Programme Manager, PRS (IFAD) VI th Annual Donor Meeting on Rural.

Sharpening the PRS Rural Focus- W/C Africa 6th Annual Donor Meeting - C.S./ IFAD


PRS “rural deficiencies”

Weak analytical underpinnings

Dilution of institutional responsibilities

Weak monitoring of PRS agric. and rural development dimensions

Inadequate participation/empowerment of the rural poor

A a result:

Gaps and disconnects between poverty assessment, prioritisation and target setting for public action, policy agenda, and resource allocation

Page 6: Sharpening the PRS Rural Focus -context, lessons and next steps Cheikh M. Sourang Senior Programme Manager, PRS (IFAD) VI th Annual Donor Meeting on Rural.

Sharpening the PRS Rural Focus- W/C Africa 6th Annual Donor Meeting - C.S./ IFAD


What have learned, overall, from PRS experiences? Government balancing act:

Rural productive vs. social sectors? Internal vs. external accountability?

Integration of PRS with other relevant policy and planning frameworks e.g. national development plans, rural sector strategies

Stronger donor commitment to country-owned PRS e.g. “walking the talk” on alignment/harmonisation leaving space for country ownership

Page 7: Sharpening the PRS Rural Focus -context, lessons and next steps Cheikh M. Sourang Senior Programme Manager, PRS (IFAD) VI th Annual Donor Meeting on Rural.

Sharpening the PRS Rural Focus- W/C Africa 6th Annual Donor Meeting - C.S./ IFAD


What difference does PRS make for rural productive sectors? PRS is about priorities for “public action”.

inherent tensions for rural productive sectors- where “private agents” respond to market signals as well as government incentive systems.

relatively easier for government to plan and deliver –on health and education- to consumers of human capital development services?

what should be the role of Government in agric. and rural development in PRS context?

what are the scope and modalities for “pro-poor” public/private partnerships?

making use of PSIA (or equiv.) in support of participatory policy processes

Page 8: Sharpening the PRS Rural Focus -context, lessons and next steps Cheikh M. Sourang Senior Programme Manager, PRS (IFAD) VI th Annual Donor Meeting on Rural.

Sharpening the PRS Rural Focus- W/C Africa 6th Annual Donor Meeting - C.S./ IFAD


What further complicates the job of “rural sector advocates” in a PRS context? Shifting conventional wisdom?

Commodity-based approach Sustainable livelihoods Community driven development Spatial approach to rural development Sector-wide, programme-based approaches

Persistent challenges: Learning from successes and failures Defining a common “strategic gel” for rural development Harmonising analytical tools/approaches Securing coherence, complementarities and coordination of


Page 9: Sharpening the PRS Rural Focus -context, lessons and next steps Cheikh M. Sourang Senior Programme Manager, PRS (IFAD) VI th Annual Donor Meeting on Rural.

Sharpening the PRS Rural Focus- W/C Africa 6th Annual Donor Meeting - C.S./ IFAD


What seems to work?

Analysis-based advocacy work Role of sector ministries in inter-ministerial

coordination Promote rural stakeholders participation in

PRS processes Mainstreaming “rural” issues in PRS

debates with parliaments, NGOs, private sector

Internalize rural benchmarks and indicators in PRS monitoring

Page 10: Sharpening the PRS Rural Focus -context, lessons and next steps Cheikh M. Sourang Senior Programme Manager, PRS (IFAD) VI th Annual Donor Meeting on Rural.

Sharpening the PRS Rural Focus- W/C Africa 6th Annual Donor Meeting - C.S./ IFAD


Purpose of PRS rural focus initiative Multi-stakeholder action-research in the context of PRS

and related processes, to influence conditions for replication, up-scaling as well as innovation in favor of the rural poor:

Direct incentives for rural poor: access to natural assets, technology infrastructure, markets, etc…

Conducive policy environment for: income diversification, risk management, labour markets, remittances, rural finance, environmental services, etc…

Page 11: Sharpening the PRS Rural Focus -context, lessons and next steps Cheikh M. Sourang Senior Programme Manager, PRS (IFAD) VI th Annual Donor Meeting on Rural.

Sharpening the PRS Rural Focus- W/C Africa 6th Annual Donor Meeting - C.S./ IFAD


Five action areas for follow up Targeted case studies and analytical work

that adds value to previous stock-taking activities

Assisting countries to operationally PRS at sector and local levels (SWAP, territorial development…)

Institutionalizing rural participation –i.e. giving voice to rural poor

Support to PRS monitoring Capacity building and knowledge

management as cross-cutting themes

Page 12: Sharpening the PRS Rural Focus -context, lessons and next steps Cheikh M. Sourang Senior Programme Manager, PRS (IFAD) VI th Annual Donor Meeting on Rural.

Sharpening the PRS Rural Focus- W/C Africa 6th Annual Donor Meeting - C.S./ IFAD


Some entry Points for consideration Adopt a multi-track approach to influencing Rural

PRS processes at national, regional and global levels, combining: Reviews, case studies (thematic or country based) to

fill knowledge gaps or illustrate good practices Success stories (in rural poverty reduction) to support

advocates and convince the skeptics Piloting innovative approaches and replicating/ up-

scaling conclusive interventions (with an eye on MDGs)

Page 13: Sharpening the PRS Rural Focus -context, lessons and next steps Cheikh M. Sourang Senior Programme Manager, PRS (IFAD) VI th Annual Donor Meeting on Rural.

Sharpening the PRS Rural Focus- W/C Africa 6th Annual Donor Meeting - C.S./ IFAD


Entry points for consideration (Cont’d)

Promoting specific stakeholders consultations (as deemed appropriate and cost-effective) as part of PRS Rural Focus Initiative

Exploring options to piggy-back and/or add value to agenda of:

• Regional/global networks or intergovernmental institutions with potential for synergies

• Institutionalised meetings of Finance and/or Agric/Rural Ministers, etc.).

Page 14: Sharpening the PRS Rural Focus -context, lessons and next steps Cheikh M. Sourang Senior Programme Manager, PRS (IFAD) VI th Annual Donor Meeting on Rural.

Sharpening the PRS Rural Focus- W/C Africa 6th Annual Donor Meeting - C.S./ IFAD


Thank you

Page 15: Sharpening the PRS Rural Focus -context, lessons and next steps Cheikh M. Sourang Senior Programme Manager, PRS (IFAD) VI th Annual Donor Meeting on Rural.

Sharpening the PRS Rural Focus- W/C Africa 6th Annual Donor Meeting - C.S./ IFAD


Why more case studies

1. Learning, sharing, and advocacy:• Context specific PRS weaknesses• Intrinsic challenges to rural productive

sector• Lessons from successes and failures• Good practices: how to replicate? up


2. Identify areas for focused support to country-level processes

3. Opportunity for fostering partnerships

Page 16: Sharpening the PRS Rural Focus -context, lessons and next steps Cheikh M. Sourang Senior Programme Manager, PRS (IFAD) VI th Annual Donor Meeting on Rural.

Sharpening the PRS Rural Focus- W/C Africa 6th Annual Donor Meeting - C.S./ IFAD


Analytical framework for case studies

1. Understanding the context: What are the root causes to identified

weaknesses in PRS policies and processes?

2. Looking Forward: How could PRS policies and policy

processes be strengthened to improve long-term development impact?

Page 17: Sharpening the PRS Rural Focus -context, lessons and next steps Cheikh M. Sourang Senior Programme Manager, PRS (IFAD) VI th Annual Donor Meeting on Rural.

Sharpening the PRS Rural Focus- W/C Africa 6th Annual Donor Meeting - C.S./ IFAD


Key themes for analysis

1. Evidence and narratives on pro-poor growth

2. Participation in PRS processes3. Policy formulation, strategy

development and prioritisation of public action

4. Policy and strategy implementation5. Monitoring/Evaluation, feed back for

policy/strategy formulation

Page 18: Sharpening the PRS Rural Focus -context, lessons and next steps Cheikh M. Sourang Senior Programme Manager, PRS (IFAD) VI th Annual Donor Meeting on Rural.

Sharpening the PRS Rural Focus- W/C Africa 6th Annual Donor Meeting - C.S./ IFAD


Country criteria and selection1. Selection criteria:

Availability of data “Learning and sharing” value Stated partners interest Prospects for follow up

2. Five countries (short list) Burkina Faso, Bolivia Ethiopia, Mozambique Cambodia or Vietnam Plus synthesis report

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Sharpening the PRS Rural Focus- W/C Africa 6th Annual Donor Meeting - C.S./ IFAD


Organization and Management Execution of studies: designation of a lead

technical agency (ODI, GTZ or Noragric) for each country

Overall strategic guidance and coordination: IFAD

Technical contributions from specialized agencies (technical inputs or peer review): FAO, IFPRI, GTZ, ODI, Noragric

Donor agencies (WB, EU, bilaterals): peer review and interaction with study team through thematic groups at country level.

Page 20: Sharpening the PRS Rural Focus -context, lessons and next steps Cheikh M. Sourang Senior Programme Manager, PRS (IFAD) VI th Annual Donor Meeting on Rural.

Sharpening the PRS Rural Focus- W/C Africa 6th Annual Donor Meeting - C.S./ IFAD


Quality Assurance

Panel of peer reviewers (for country studies and synthesis report) selected on the basis of:

experience, qualifications and/or potential to facilitate subsequent

follow up at country or corporate levels

Page 21: Sharpening the PRS Rural Focus -context, lessons and next steps Cheikh M. Sourang Senior Programme Manager, PRS (IFAD) VI th Annual Donor Meeting on Rural.

Sharpening the PRS Rural Focus- W/C Africa 6th Annual Donor Meeting - C.S./ IFAD


PRS Rural focus Initiative: the way forward

Strengthen like-minded coalition of champions and catalysts

Build up constituency

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Sharpening the PRS Rural Focus- W/C Africa 6th Annual Donor Meeting - C.S./ IFAD


Next Steps

Finalisation of funding arrangements (GDPRD/EU facility) with FAO

Country specific TORs and work plans Team composition and launching of

country work; Institutional arrangements for peer


Page 23: Sharpening the PRS Rural Focus -context, lessons and next steps Cheikh M. Sourang Senior Programme Manager, PRS (IFAD) VI th Annual Donor Meeting on Rural.

Sharpening the PRS Rural Focus- W/C Africa 6th Annual Donor Meeting - C.S./ IFAD


Message to Audience

Seeking partners’ feed back on the following: Proposed framework of analysis in light of

respective experiences Contribution to peer review or country level

facilitation Thematic areas for prospective

partnerships Options to fill USD 110, 000 funding gap

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Sharpening the PRS Rural Focus- W/C Africa 6th Annual Donor Meeting - C.S./ IFAD


Thank You!