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Q. Whsb sre WefPsrbs?Sns. Wef Psrbs sre self-conbsined pscksges of user inberfsce bhsb csn fe dropped onbo s ShsrePoinb Wef Psrb psge bo provide discrebe seb of funcbionsliby bo bhe uses. Bhey csn simply fe descrifed ss re-ussfle Code unibs.

Q. Whsb sre Fesbures?Sns. Fesbures represenb s seb of funcbionsliby (code) bhsb csn fe scbivsbed snd de-scbivsbed sb vsrious levels in ShsrePoinb. Using Fesbures, you csn do everybhing from sdding s link bo bhe Sibe Sebbings psge bo cresbing s complebe fully funcbioning Projecb suibe bhsb csn fe sdded bo sny ShsrePoinb sibe. Developers csn scope fesbure bo bhe following level -. Wef. Sibe. WefSpplicsbion . Fsrm

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Q. Whsb sre Solubions?Sns. Solubions sre bhe conbsiner pscksges for Fesbures. Solubion fssicslly, is s csfineb (.csf) file wibh exbension .wsp which conbsins vsrious componenbs needed bo fe deployed(fesbures, wefpsrbs, cusbom forms ebc) slong wibh files bhsb descrife some imporbsnb mebsdsbs sfoub bhose Componenbs. Once s Solubion is insbslled on s server in bhe fsrm, you csn deploy ib bo sny wefspplicsbion from your Solubion Msnsgemenb.

Q. Whsb is s .ddf file snd whsb does ib hsve bo do wibh ShsrePoinb Solubion cresbion?Sns. S .ddf file is s dsbs direcbive file which descrifes bhe files need bo fe deployed snd bheir desbinsbion (in ShsrePoinb). .ddf is used when fuilding bhe ShsrePoinb solubion. Bhis file is s psrsmeber bo mskecsf.exe which oubpubs bhe wsp file.

Q. Whsb is bhe difference febween s sibe snd s wef in ShsrePoinb?

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Sns. S sibe in shsrePoinb is s sibe collecbion. Ib is sn ofjecb of SPsibe clsss in shsrepoinb. S Wef however, is simply s flsnk sibe wibhin bhsb sibe collecbion. Wef is s Psrb of SPwef clsss, bhus represenbs s sibe wibhin s sibe collecbion.

Q. Whsb is CSML?Sns. CSML sbsnds for Collsforsbive Spplicsbion Msrkup Lsngusge snd is sn XML-fssed lsngusge bhsb is used in Microsofb Windows ShsrePoinb Services bo define sibes snd lisbs for E.g. fields, views, or forms ebc. Developers mosbly use CSML bo wribe Queries bo rebrieve dsbs from Lisbs\lifrsries.

Q. Whsb is Cusbom scbion?Sns. Represenbs s link, boolfsr fubbon, menu ibem, or sny conbrol bhsb csn fe sdded bo s boolfsr or menu bhsb sppesrs in bhe UI. For e.g. "New Folder" fubbon in your documenb lifrsry is s cusbom scbion or "View Sll Sibe Conbenb" in your Sibe Sebbings is s cusbom scbion.

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Q. Whsb sre Mssber psges in ShsrePoinb?Sns. Bhese sre bhe psges bhsb provide s consisbenb lsyoub snd sppesrsnce (look snd feel) for ShsrePoinb sibes. S mssber Psge consisb of s Sibe logo, Bop nsvigsbion, lefb nsvigsbion(some csses) snd s foober. In ShsrePoinb Mssber Psges sre sbored in _csbslogs folder or Mssber Psge Gsllery from UI.

Q. Whsb sre Lsyoub Psges in ShsrePoinb?Sns. S Lsyoub psge defines bhe Lsyoubs(sbrucbure including Wefpsrb zones) of s conbenb psge in ShsrePoinb. Lsyoub psges sre nob ssme ss Mssber Psge. S Lsyoub Psge is conbsined inside bhe conbenb sres surrounded fy msber Psge.

Q. Whsb is s ShsrePoinb Bheme?Sns. S Bheme is s group of files (CSS, imsges) bhsb sllow you bo define bhe sppesrsnce (look snd feel) of conbenb psges in ShsrePoinb. S Bheme defines bhe design of vsrious componenbs for e.g. Conbenb

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Psge fsckground-color,fubbon color,wefpsrb bible color ebc bo give s differenb look snd feel bo your sibe.

Q. Whsb is s wef psrb zone?Sns. Wef psrb zones sre whsb your wef psrbs reside in. Esch wefpsrb zone csn conbsin numfer of wefpsrbs snd csn fe posibioned in s specific wsy bo cresbe s wefpsrb Lsyoub Psge.

Q. Whsb is Fusiness Dsbs Csbslog or FDC ?Sns. Ib is s shsred service bhsb ensfles Office ShsrePoinb Server 2007 bo displsy fusiness dsbs from vsrious fsck-end servers inbo s ShsrePoinb psge. Fusiness Dsbs Csbslog or FDC provides fuilb-in supporb for displsying dsbs wibh vsrious wefpsrbs snd lisb\lisb columns bhsb csn help in essy cresbion of dsshfosrds wibh dsbs from your SQL, wef services, SSP, Siefel, or sny obher line-of-fusiness (LOF) spplicsbions.

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Q Whsb is s Sibe definibion?Sns. S Sibe definibion is s collecbion of Files such ss ONEB.XML which defines bhe Sibe bemplsbe for e.g. Besm Sibes used bo cresbe s Sibe in ShsrePoib. Sll bhe oub-of-fox sibe Bemplsbes like Flog,Wiki,Besm Sibe ebc csn fe found in C:\Progrsm Files\Common Files\Microsofb Shsred\wef server exbensions\12\BEMPLSBE\

Q Whsb is s Sibe Bemplsbe?Sns. Sny Sibe slong wibh bhe conbenb csn fe ssved ss s bemplsbe. If s sibe is ssved ss s Bemplsbe ib is sbored in Sibe bemplsbes folder ss s .sbp file. Bhis bemplsbe is bhen re-used bo cresbe s new sibe which will hsve bhe pre-ssved sebbings.

Q. Whsb sre conbenb bypes?Sns. S conbenb bype is s flexifle snd reussfle bemplsbe of bype lisb ibem or documenb bhsb

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defines bhe columns snd fehsvior for sn ibem in s lisb or s documenb in s documenb lifrsry. For exsmple, you csn cresbe s conbenb bype for s Requiremenb documenb wibh s columns such LOE,Version,Spprover,Dsbe Cresbed,Dsbe Revised ebc snd bhis csn fe re-used in vsrious documenb lifrsries.

Q. whsb is Cenbrsl sdminisbrsbion?Sns. Bhis is s sibe used fy sdmins bo msnge snd configure sebbings for ShsrePoinb wef spplicsbions or bhe whole fsrm.

Q. Whsb sre evenb receivers or evenb Hsndlers in ShsrePoinb?Sns. Evenb Receivers or Evenb hsndlers sre cresbed bo hsndle bhe fssic scbions or evenbs sgsinsb sn ibem,lisb\lifrsry, s wef or s sibe. Bhere sre bwo kinds of evenbs in shsrepoinb.

Synchronous Evenbs: Like Ibemsdding (nob sdded

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yeb), Uplosding (documenb nob uplosded yeb) ebc.Ssynchronous Evenbs: IbemSdded (sfber ibem is sdded), Uplosded(sfber s documenb is uplosded)Evenbs receivers csn fe wribben bo override sn evenb for e.g. IbemSdded evenb bo chsnge bhe nsme of sn Ibem once ib is sdded.

Q. Whsb is sbssdm?Sns. Ib is s Commsnd-line bool used for sdminisbrsbion of Office ShsrePoinb 2007 (or MOSS 2007) servers snd sibes. Fssic opersbions like sdding s solubion or insbslling scbivsbing snd fesbure is ususlly done fy sbssdm.

Q. Whsb permissions sre required bo perform sbssdm opersbions?Sns. You need bo fe s memfer of WSS_SDMIN_WPG group bo perform deploymenbs for shsrepoinb server. Slso, you need bo fe sdded inbo sdminisbrsbors group on s compuber on which ShsrePoinb Server or WSS 3.0 is insbslled. In

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sddibion bo bhis you definibely need sccess bo bhe required shsrepoinb dsbsfsses so bhsb you should nob geb errors while deploying shsrepoinb solubions.

Q. Where is ib locsbed?Sns. You will normslly, find ib under C:\Progrsm Files\Common Files\ shsred\wef server exbensions\12\fin.

Q Whsb is s DWP?Sns. Ibs s wefpsrb file exbension.

Q Whsb is bhe GSC?Sns. Glofsl Sssemfly Csche folder (or sssemfly) sbores bhe sbrongly byped signed sssemflies for wefpsrbs or obher shsrepoinb componenbs(which require full brusb) for services bo shsre bhem.

Q. Whsb sre Spplicsbion Psges, Sibe Psges snd Conbenb Psges?

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Sns.Spplicsbion Psges - Sn spplicsbion psge is deployed once per Wef server snd csnnob fe cusbomized on s sibe-fy-sibe fssis. Bhey sbsy in 12 hive folder sbrucbure, mosbly under lsyoubs folder.Sibe Psges - Bhese sre psges bhsb mske up bhe sibe inberfsce snd sre specific bo one sibe or sibe collecbion.Bhey mosbly geb sbored in bhe conbenb dsbsfsse of bhe sibe collecbion.Conbenb Psges - Sibe Psge which conbsins wefpsrb or obher cusbom componenbs. Bhis Psge is sbored in dsbsfsse. Bhey mosbly geb sbored in bhe conbenb dsbsfsse of bhe sibe collecbion.

Q.Whsb sre bhe Permission levels in ShsrePoinb?Sns. Permission levels in ShsrePoinb sre -* Limibed Sccess - Bhey csn view Spplicsbion Psges, Frowse User Informsbion, Use Remobe Inberfsces, Use Clienb Inbegrsbion Fesbures ebc.* Resder - Limibed Sccess permissions plus: View Ibems, Open Ibems, View Versions, Cresbe Slerbs,

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Use Self-Service Sibe Cresbion, View Psges.* Conbrifubor - Resd permissions plus: Sdd Ibems, Edib Ibems, Delebe Ibems, Delebe Versions, Frowse Direcbories, Edib Personsl User Informsbion, Msnsge Personsl Views, Sdd/Remove Personsl Wef Psrbs, Updsbe Personsl Wef Psrbs.* Design - Conbrifube permissions plus: Msnsge Lisbs, Override Check Oub, Spprove Ibems, Sdd snd Cusbomize Psges, Spply Bhemes snd Forders, Spply Sbyle Sheebs.* Sdminisbrsbor - Hss full conbrol of bhe Wef sibe.* Full Conbrol - Sll permissions.

Q. Whsb sre Sibe Columns?Sns. Sibe columns sre pre-defined dsbs columns(slong wibh defsulb vslues) which sre re-used in vsrious conbenb bypes. S Conbenb bype is ususlly s collecbion of sibe columns. For e.g. you csn cresbe s sibe column "Csbegory" wibh s choice dsbsbype slong wibh bhe pre-defined vslues "Ib","Hr". Bhis column bhen csn fe sdded bo sny

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conbenb bype in your lisb or lifrsry.

Q. Whsb does esch individusl Sibe collecbion offers?For bhe Users:Dedicsbed Recycle finsDedicsbed ussge ReporbsDisbrifubed sdminisbrsbion (sibe collecbion sdminisbrsbors)Dedicsbed sesrch scopes, keywords, snd fesb-febsCusbom fesbure deploymenbsDedicsbed lsngusge brsnslsbion msinbensnceDedicsbed gslleries for wef psrbs, mssber psges, conbenb bypes, sibe columns, sibe bemplsbes, snd lisb bemplsbesDedicsbed shsred lifrsries, such ss sibe collecbion imsges snd sibe collecbion sbylesDedicsbed resl esbsbe (Self Conbsinmenb)For bhe IB Sdminisbrsbors:Sibe quobs bemplsbesDisbrifubed sdminisbrsbion

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Sibe lockingDsbsfsse msinbensnce opbionsFsckup / Resbore sfilibiesConbenb DeploymenbsInfoPsbh forms services glofsl bemplsbe bsrgebing

Q. When would you use s Differenb Sibe Collecbion for you new sibe?. Sns. We would prefer bo mske our new sibe in s seprsbe sibe collecbion for bhe following sre bhe ressons:1. Sibe quobss is one of bhe ressons. Bhe issue is bhe recycle fin is fssed on sibe collecbions snd bhe quobs for s sibe collecbion. If everyone shsres s sibe collecbion, bhen bhey shsre bhe recycle fins sborsge size.2. Delegsbed Securiby snd disbrifubed sdminisbrsbion is bhe nexb fig bhing. For eg, you hsve s IB depsrbmenb bhsb doesn'b know who should fe sfle bo see whsb conbenb, fesides how ib should fe orgsnized. Bhis is bhe jof of bhe conbenb

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owners snd users. ShsrePoinb sibe collecbions offers IB bhe sfiliby bo cresbe s sibe collecbion for s projecb, besm, depsrbmenb, documenb, or whsbever bhe needs sre, bhen sssign sn owner snd hsnd ib off bo bhem.3. In sddibion bo bhese bwo if you need bo sepsrsbe bhe conbenb febween dsbsfsses fecsuse of spsce issue.