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�SHARE issue 2, spring 2007

Also in this issue

Driving SAMS James speechless Trips, fires, free tickets

The Passion according to Seville

The magazine of the South American Mission Society. Issue 2, Spring 2007

Seen her before? Turn to page 5

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� SHARE issue 2, spring 2007

This is an age of increasing secular pressure to dilute the claims of the gospel and to compromise the uniqueness of Christ. Against such a background, and alongside the growing fear some have of the consequences of orthodox biblical teaching, we need clearly to understand the work of salvation made known to us through Christ alone.

God’s mission heartbeat is felt strongest in his love to humankind. Every act of God in the history of revelation has the motive of calling people back to him, and his transforming love showers undeserved forgiveness on all who respond. His touching of broken lives is to restore a relationship in which the created is set free to worship the Creator. So through prophet, priest, apostle and disciple alike, the Word of God is: “Return to me and see if I will not pour out blessings upon you.”

Christ was revealed to us as ‘The Word of God’ in whom full life is found, and

to leave people short of finding that relationship with the Word is to fall short of the Heartbeat of Mission.

If there is one biblical truth that drives SAMS as an agency forward, it is that ‘people need Christ’, not just as a label or social statement, but as a personal Saviour in whom the transforming power of truth and wholeness can be known. Our work has that one common theme of pointing others to Christ. We are about social justice, alleviating poverty, clothing the naked, feeding the hungry and educating the mind, but all as illustrations through which the Father’s love can be known.

We evaluate all our actions against the measuring stick of “Are people meeting Christ through what we do?” As with John the Baptist, we and our ministry are no more than signposts which point others to the one in whom that fullness can be experienced, Christ himself – the Word of God.

Driving SAMS

Registered Office: South American Mission Society, Allen Gardiner Cottage, Pembury Road, Tunbridge Wells, Kent TN2 3QU. Tel: 01892 538647 Fax: 01892 525797 e: [email protected]

SAMS is a company limited by guarantee. Registered in England, No. 65048. Registered Charity No. 221328. SHARE is published four times a year. Issue No. 2, 2007 ISSN 1367 6741.

Editor: Robert Lunt. Design & Print: CPO

SAMS’ mission statement describes the Society as ‘evangelistically motivated’, as John Sutton reminds us

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�SHARE issue 2, spring 2007

If you’ve ever prayed for missionaries, writes new mission partner James Palmer, you’ll have been asked to pray for ‘language learning’. Frankly it can get a bit dull and repetitive. I remember feeling impatient with the poor friend trying to learn the Syrian dialect of Arabic, the Mandarin Chinese spoken in Xinjiang Province, or whatever it was.

But language learning is so fundamental that it colours the whole of a missionary’s life, until they get to the stage where language becomes ‘invisible’ again rather than a screen between you and the people you’re talking to.

What does it mean not to be speaking your own language? It means you lose a lot of confidence. Here in Santiago, Chile, my kitchen cupboard door has fallen off and I

need to get it fixed. Can anyone tell me the Spanish for ‘the holes that the screws go in’? You know, the bit where it ‘bites’ has worn out and you’ll need to put in some plastic thingy so the screws will hold…. The whole thing is a bit dodgy if you ask me. I’ll just have to point and say ‘It’s broken’. He’ll figure it out.

It’s hard to speak on the phone as there’s no context for the conversation and the sound’s not so good. You can’t say what you want to say but have to get there as well as you can with people guessing to fill in the blanks. You can’t tell jokes or take part in bantering conversations. You have to guess what words mean – there are only so many times you can ask before people decide you’re stupid and try to practise their English on you.

Your sense of cultural identity also starts to dissolve (especially if you’re

single), as no one knows what your accent ‘means’ any more,

and you rarely get to use it. If, like me, you have an ear for accents, then you’re forced to listen to your own horrible

pronunciation without yet having the normal way of doing it secure enough in your head to copy. And who should you copy?

So please pray for language learning, for fluency and accent. And for my flat, whose kitchen cupboard door has fallen off and I need to get it fixed.

James has just begun teaching at the Centre for Pastoral Studies – where we trust the cupboards are in good order!

Broken door leaves James speechless‘Please pray for language learning.’

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� SHARE issue 2, spring 2007

Bishop Mario Mariño, who died on 17 November aged 72, was the first indigenous Anglican Bishop on the continent of South America. He tirelessly visited the Indian communities scattered throughout Northern Argentina, on foot, by bike, canoe or pick-up truck. Well into retirement he served God’s people in the Chaco as a true pastor: a word of wisdom here, an opportune comment there and an incisive biblical insight for all.

Bishop Mario started his studies with SAMS missionary William Everitt and

completed his training at the Bible Institute in Misión Chaqueña. The fruit of the Spirit was evident in him as leader, husband and father. He was humble, patient and loving, often having to deal with complex issues straddling various cultures or clans. Crucially, because of this he was respected by secular authorities and leaders of other denominations.

In the end a combination of chagas disease and diabetes took its toll and he died in hospital in Juárez. Fellow Wichi believers comforted his wife Rosa and the family. Around the coffin the young people from the church honoured his memory with music and many prayers of thanksgiving were said. Gradually the place filled with mourners from far and wide. Both in life and death Mario’s home functioned as a home for many. As retired Bishop David Leake observed, “Mario’s house was always a meeting place for the many visitors coming from all corners of the Chaco to seek his counsel. Mario, together with Rosa, was ever ready to share a drink of mate with those dropping in.”

The church overflowed for the funeral service led by two Wichi archdeacons. After the reading of Bishop Leake’s obituary, messages of sympathy were passed on from South America and the UK. Archdeacon Hugo Vergara and Episcopal Secretary Hans Breekveldt had travelled from Salta. Hugo represented all urban parishes and the Board of Trustees. Hans represented Diocesan Bishop Greg Venables who was overseas at the time.

Bishop Mario Mariño �9�� – �006: faithful servantHans Breekveldt pays tribute to a Godly leader

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Who’s the young lady on the cover?Her name is Jorgelina and she was last seen by SAMS supporters sitting in an enamel bowl on a famous poster of 1991. The caption began: “When this little girl grows up, she will be able to read the word of God in her own language.”

Now 19, Jorgelina is married and expecting a child of her own. And she can now read the New Testament (and soon the whole Bible) in her language, Enxet, thanks to Tim Curtis and the translation team in the Paraguayan Chaco. Ph


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During the service, a longstanding friend of Mario captured the mixture of pain and joy felt by all. Barely controlling his grief, evangelist Patricio Gonzales observed that his tutor was now in God’s glorious presence. “He has made it. He is happy, delighted and there will be a party.”

Addressing the crowds at the cemetery, Archdeacon Ignacio Guillalba challenged all to follow Mario’s example in life and witness. A youth leader sang a praise song and recited verses from the Psalms. At the same time, sadness was freely expressed.

Mario was buried in his clerical shirt and episcopal poncho. Our lasting visual memory will be that of a Pastor to the Pastors. Archdeacon Isidro Vilte observed that Bishop Mario obeyed Christ’s charge to “Feed both lambs and sheep and take care of them”. Bishop Leake concurred: “Above all Mario was a faithful servant of Jesus.”

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Taking a Trip? Need some Training?

If your church or diocese is organising a group visit to Latin America, but isn’t sure what to expect on arrival, why not contact our Youth and Volunteer Coordinator, Suzanne Potter? She has lots of experience in training volunteers and teams before they embark on a trip overseas.

A training event could be a morning or a whole weekend, depending on your needs and will typically include sessions looking at ‘What is mission?’, ‘Culture and culture shock’, ‘Staying healthy’, ‘Travel and safety’, and introductions to the country you’re going to.

Sessions can be interactive or in a presentation style, depending on the group’s preferences, and other sessions

can be added if you have particular needs or interests - for example, using drama in mission, sharing your testimony, Spanish, dealing with poverty and suffering.

Trips, fires and free tickets


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Pat Blanchard was ordained deacon at Lima cathedral on 26 November. Helen Steven, a close friend, was there.

I’ve known Pat for over twenty years and it was a real privilege to attend her ordination as friend and official representative of St Matthew’s, Tunbridge Wells, one of her link churches.

We hailed a taxi to the packed cathedral where four candidates were ordained, two as deacons, two as priests, and the three-hour service included songs and settings of the Communion played by the worship group from Pat’s church, Jesús el Nazareno.

Afterwards the most moving photo call was

Rev PatGot a Youth Group? Want to fire them up about Mission?

Suzanne is available for youth groups and clubs, to speak at meetings or to lead workshops about mission, South America, and how young people can get involved.

Wanna Free Ticket to Soul Survivor or Momentum?

Suzanne is looking for volunteers to help on the SAMS stall at Momentum (20-24 July) and Soul Survivor A (13-17 August) and B (18-22 August).

For information on any of these matters contact Suzanne on 020 8787 7083 or [email protected]

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Ian Morrison, retired Assistant Bishop in the Diocese of Chile, died on 11 January while on holiday. The funeral was held in the city of Concepción.

Bishop Ian was born in Temuco, the grandson of SAMS’ great pioneer missionary William Wilson, and raised in Concepción where he worshipped at St John’s church. He worked in the Banco de Londres (Bank of London) and returned to Temuco for seminary study. He became Head of the Anglican Schools at Maquehue-Pelal and Chol-Chol where he met Marion who came as Head of the Secondary School. They married in 1960 and have four children, the eldest, Danny, having recently served as pastor of the church of Gómez Carreño outside Viña del Mar.

Ian was ordained priest in 1961 and consecrated bishop in 1977. He did significant work among students in Valdivia alongside his university teaching, and also helped plant the Anglican church there. Later he worked for many years in the churches of Concepción.

Former diocesan bishop Colin Bazley described him as “a marvellous friend and pastor to us all”. Others speak of him as a man who reflected the love of Christ, one so humble and unaffected that he would sometimes ask, “How can one become a non-bishop?”! He was a faithful proclaimer of the gospel and lived by it, and the home he and Marion shared was always open to all who came to its door. Praise God for him and pray for Marion and the family.

Bishop Ian Morrison �9�0 – �00�: gospel proclaimer and doer



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for “El Nazareno! El Nazareno!”, and what looked like most of Pat’s congregation gathered round her for a photo. During the reception the worship group took to the stage and played before a celebration cake was cut.

In the evening there was a general air of excitement when we arrived at El Nazareno for the service and nearly all the seats were taken by the time Pat came in. After it ended we were kept busy praying for people who needed healing. Then one of the youth group recited a poem saying how they knew God had sent Pat specially to them. Praise him!

Catch up with what God’s doing at El Nazareno over the page.

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…. that God would do so many amazing things in Jesús el Nazareno church, writes Pat Blanchard, since one August day in 2005 when I walked in alone and ‘in charge’. For five years I’d overseen the administration of the social projects in the Diocese of Peru, and although involved in the ministries in El Nazareno, this was different! The leadership team I’d worked with was now

just me – and of course God! I felt daunted, ill-equipped, but at every turn have sought to do what I felt God was prompting. As I look back I marvel at the many ways in which God has worked in that small congregation, drawing people into deeper relationship with him and bringing hope into their lives. The youth were keen to start a ministry for the many youngsters in the ��–�6 age-range who had grown out of Sunday school. As a result a keen, dedicated group met, studied and prayed together and last Christmas we celebrated the first anniversary with 20+ regulars, lives changed, teenagers growing in faith and the youth in their confidence in leadership and commitment to serve.

In April 2006 a team from Holy Trinity Brompton came to Lima to lead an

Little did I imagine …

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international Alpha conference and a group from El Nazareno attended, along with other Anglican churches and denominations. We have run two Alpha courses since and seen them bringing in new people and firing up existing members. The change in some has been really noticeable and made a great impact. 2007 sees plans to run Youth Alpha.

A few years ago SAMS volunteer Bea Magowan got the diocese involved in work with the disabled. In response to the need of the many people with disabilities in the community a support group has been formed, called Shalom. Last August we opened a therapy room with a Christian therapist giving her expertise and a mother her garage space! It would be better organised within the church building but there’s no suitable space. The children, mainly with cerebral palsy, receive therapy; the mothers do candle making and other crafts; the older children need occupational therapy. Shalom � may soon be inaugurated over the hill from Nazareno as new contacts are made. It was a great moment when many of the children and adults received wheelchairs through the Joni Eareckson-Tada charity in November.

The music group at Nazareno, some of whose members are seen opposite, have long been known for their use of traditional Peruvian instruments in worship and their composing skills. Dream has become reality with a professional 10-track CD recorded

and available in Peru and the UK (see the back page). Funds raised will help the young people involved buy their own instruments and pay for study to give them better work opportunities. This has been a real boost to them and the church.

There’s no space to share about the growing Sunday school and sewing groups and other lives changed. As I reflect during home assignment I’m drawn to Ephesians 3:20, “to him who is able to do immeasurably more than all we ask or imagine”. I would not have imagined all this nor asked for so much but God has worked and many have been blessed, and the glory is his.

The who of SAMS GB

General SecretaryCanon John Sutton [email protected]

Financial and Administrative SecretaryPhilip Tadman [email protected]

GB Team MinistriesRichard Crofts [email protected] 01892 838301

Tim Greenhalgh [email protected] 01594 542314

Resources OfficerRobert Lunt [email protected]

Youth and Volunteer CoordinatorSuzanne Potter [email protected]

Latin Partner Programme CoordinatorMary Rollin [email protected]

Prayer Line 0114 269 2121

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Jean Marshall �9�� – �006: unending source of love and faith

On behalf of many in Chile I’d like to thank SAMS for sending Jean and many other missionaries to spread the good news about Jesus among us. Last Friday we held

a thanksgiving service there for the life of our dear friend Jean whom I first met in 1978 when I was 18 and attending a Christian camp organised by St Paul’s School. I couldn’t have imagined the influence she would have in my life.

I later had the privilege of working closely with her through both good and difficult times. As we faced complicated decisions Jean would always suggest “we pray about

it”. Sure enough, after prayer things s e e m e d clearer and we would find a way forward.

I witnessed her strong commitment to the Lord and her loyalty to

St Paul’s. She was planning to retire from there at the end of 2004, but in September of that year, on the eve of our National Independence celebrations, she phoned me to say that medical tests confirmed she was ill and would have to return to the UK for treatment.

Although two years have passed since that night, I’m still unable to describe what I felt as I heard the news. I knew how this would affect not only her but also the life of the school. What impressed me most was Jean’s peace and faith in God as she faced the situation. All through her illness and treatment Jean was a source of encouragement and strength for us at St Paul’s. Though far away, she was eager to keep up with developments in school and continually praying for us.

Her legacy is one of honesty and selflessness to all around her. Her testimony has been an example to us all for a society that needs to be more just and tolerant. Those of us fortunate to work closely with her must pass on to future generations of students the example set by one of God’s true servants. Her life was an unending source of love, affection and faith, and many of us benefited from it.

An appreciation of Jean by her friend and former colleague Jennie Summers appeared in issue 4 of SHARE for 2005, also available on

Nicolás Gana, Head of St Paul’s School, Viña del Mar, flew to Birmingham for the funeral of his predecessor and mentor who died on 30 October. This is a slightly edited version of his tribute:

Jean Marshall

Nicolás Gana

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For those I love,For those who love me

When I am gone, release me, let me go.I have so many things to see and do.You mustn’t tie yourself to me with tears;Be happy that we had so many years.

I gave you love and you can only guessHow much you gave me of happiness.I thank you for the love you all have shown,But now it’s time I travelled on alone.

So grieve a while for me, if grieve you must,Then let your grief be comforted by trust.It’s only for a while that we must part,So bless the memories within your heart.

I won’t be far away, for life goes on:Though you can’t see or touch me, I’ll be near.And if you listen with your heart, you’ll hearAll my love around you soft and clear.

And then, when you must come this way alone,I’ll be there to greet you with a smile and a“Welcome Home”.

A poem by Jean

Pat Blanchard and Marcus & Tamara Throup return to Peru and Brazil respectively in early April.

In May Patrick & Rosie Butler head back to Paraguay for their final (short) tour. That month Amy Haigh completes her mission service in Chile and returns to the UK. Also arriving then are Juan Carlos & Penny Marcés from Peru, who

will be with us until August, and Ian & Siméa Meldrum, here until July.

Felipe & Sarah Yáñez are preparing for their move to Spain to work among immigrants in Málaga. They hope to leave in May or a little later.

Paul & Sarah Tester complete their studies at Redcliffe College in June and prepare to go to Peru.



The Butler family


Niven & Lucy Bull and Ed Houghton continue their work in Paraguay. Bella Image has completed her excellent service in Ecuador.


Ronny & Nicky Irene from Bolivia will be in the UK for about five weeks from early June.

The Gospel in Spain …

… is an e x c i t i n g e v e n t organised by SAMS and mission p a r t n e r J o n a t h a n Rowe. It

takes place at El Escorial, Madrid from 23-26 April and full details are on the Events page of the SAMS website or from Tim Greenhalgh 01594 542314. If you miss it this year, it may be repeated in 2008 if there’s sufficient demand.




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After more than eleven years pastoring St Bartholomew’s Church in Rosario, Argentina, Andy and Evangelina Lenton have returned to Buenos Aires where Andy is now Vicar of Holy Trinity, Lomas de Zamora.

“I thank the Lord”, he writes, “for the privilege of being a witness to his work and the spiritual growth of the people of St Bartholomew.” A further privilege is now “to serve at Holy Trinity where my uncle, Revd Leonard Lenton, started the ministry in Spanish 40 years ago … and to have the opportunity to continue what he started.”

Please pray for the Lentons – and for a new vicar for St Bartholomew’s.

Latins to UK

The Lentons are among Latin Partners visiting their UK link churches this year. Their projected September trip is sandwiched between that of Ronny and Nicky Irene from Bolivia in June and Hugo Vergara from Northern Argentina in October/November. We look forward with eagerness to Latin fellowship! The long-awaited visit by Gonzalo and Leticia Soria from Uruguay should take place early in 2008.

Welcome back, Mary

We’re delighted that the Latin Partner programme is once more in the capable hands of Mary Rollin who has rejoined the

Society on a part-time basis. Contact her on [email protected]

Throups in Person

Marcus and Tamara Throup return to Brazil in early April and will settle north of Recife in the city of João Pessoa (‘John Person’). Marcus will continue his theological teaching and

pastoral ministry and will also develop with Brazilian colleagues the vision for a seminary to cover the north-east of the country. Tamara completes her psychology studies with a year’s practical work, probably among alcoholics and drug users.

Gastón gone

SAMS bade a fond farewell to youth worker Gastón Mazza who completed his year of service in the UK and returned in January to his native Uruguay. His ebullient personality and

dedication made a great impact and we and the Nottingham churches where he was based are really grateful for him and his ministry. So… if your parish would like a volunteer from South America to stimulate your work, contact Suzanne Potter on [email protected].

News share

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Thanks for all your interest in the swim and its preparation!

My training through the winter months has seen me working on technique and efficiency so I can get the most benefit from each stroke. I’ve had advice and training sessions from previous Channel swimmers that I met on holiday with Swim Trek in October, and my local triathlon club has let me join them for their swim training. (Swimming the Channel is one thing – but cycling and running as well, that’s got to be crazy!) Having begun with a Christmas Day dip in the sea, I‘ve continued acclimatising myself to the cold water with outdoor swims, although finding nice cleanish water

in Essex hasn’t been easy!

“The Potters’ Big Swim” team is my sister Jen and myself. I’ll be raising money for Esperanza Foster Home in Paraguay, Jen for the housing project she works for in Exeter. We’re getting ourselves organised with the official paperwork (the medical form didn’t ask about the state of our mental health or insanity – perhaps it’s obvious!) and we’ve got our support boat booked which will guide us across the Channel.

Leaflets with more details of the swim and how you can support me are available from SAMS. And from June you can give online via

The Potters’ Big SwimSuzanne Potter, Youth and Volunteer Coordinator, updates us on her September Channel challenge

Suzanne, Jen and a Christmas dip

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Helen Bridge, who died in November 2006, served as a SAMS missionary in southern Chile for twenty years from 1949. A nurse, she worked for several years at Maquehue hospital and also had responsibility for the mission farm at Maquehue-Pelal. She was known locally as La Flecha

(‘The Arrow’) from her early morning gallops on horseback between the two, attending to patients and overseeing the farm workers.

Later in Carahue, where she helped Dr Bill

Maxwell in rural medicine and church planting, she was so much appreciated that the Women & Children’s ward in the hospital was named after her. Finally, living in an old caravan, she served in Chol-Chol hospital and helped train rural church leaders.

She was indefatigable, and behind a stern perfectionism was a heart of gold which took her out at all times and in all weathers to attend a patient or comfort a bereaved family.

Back in the UK she was ordained and served in a number of parishes, latterly at St Mary, Stockport.

She will be remembered for her simple lifestyle, enormous appetite for work and utter faithfulness to the Lord.

Helen Bridge �9�� – �006: God’s Arrow


Colin Bazley, formerly Bishop of Chile, recalls a SAMS stalwart

Helen in the 1949 SAMS magazine

Each day of Holy Week a procession passes the home of Juan and Carol Zamora in Seville on its way to the cathedral. Made up of about 1500 hooded people from different ‘brotherhoods’, i t f e a t u r e s two gigantic platforms, each carried by 50

men and bearing an image of Christ at his arrest, trial or crucifixion. This is just one

of seven such daily processions that set out from different points of the city.

The climax takes place from Maundy Thursday night to Good Friday, which is known as ‘the dawn’ because the biggest processions set out with more than 2000 guild members in each. Their names include ‘Jesus of Great Power’ and ‘The Virgin of the Gypsies of Triana’. “No one sleeps that night, including ourselves, even though we’d like to’’, writes Juan.

At this time of year “the air one breathes is so full of idolatry that it weighs like a leaden cloud on the believers, many of whom prefer to leave the city, organising retreats or conferences for their congregations.”

The Passion according to Seville

Seville Cathedral

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Keeping Count

Wisdom for 2007

One of the distinctives for Christians who follow the Anglican calendar is the regular opportunity for special celebrations. As I write we’re at the time of the Feast of the Epiphany when we remember the wise men who kept their focus on finding and then worshipping Jesus. As we moved from one year to the next it was good to be reminded by a poster outside a church that “Wise men worshipped Jesus, wise men still do”.

We’ve started to draft the Annual Report and Accounts for 2006 and we thank God for providing the Society with the resources necessary to meet our financial commitments last year. There’s much to do to finalise those accounts but the initial drafts indicate that income received was up on the 2005 total, even though we’d budgeted for a 6% decrease due

to reduced numbers of mission partners. Many mission agencies receive significant amounts of income which is linked to mission personnel and so budgets usually reflect mission personnel movements.

We’re grateful to all who support the ministry of SAMS in a variety of ways, including those who provide financial support. There’s a range of ways to give, as explained in our leaflet ‘Giving to the Lord’s work through SAMS’, available from the office and the website

Our financial commitments this year total £1,347,000 (£3,690 per day), so we’d be grateful if you’d continue to remember the financial needs of the Society in your prayers, and if appropriate in your giving.

As we journey in 2007 may we remember the wise men and worship Jesus, Lord of heaven and earth - and all its resources (Psalm 24).

Philip Tadman

Your support is important to SAMS. Here is how you can help:

Title............ Forename...........................................................................................................Surname..............................................................................................................................Address........................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................Postcode..............................................................................................................................

Please complete and send this form to: South.American.Mission.Society,.Allen.Gardiner.Cottage,.Pembury.Road,.Tunbridge.Wells,.Kent.TN2.3QU,.England

Thank you for your support!




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�6SHARE issue 2, spring 2007the back pageOn the road again …

The SAMS Roadshow starts rolling again in June with an event in Northampton. The venue is St Giles’ Church, the date Saturday 9 June from 6:30 to 9:30 pm. S p e a k e r s will be R o n n y & Nicky Irene from B o l i v i a , Amy Haigh from Chile, Juan Carlos & Penny M a r c é s from Peru, plus Alf Cooper by phone from Chile. The cost will be £3.50 with a South American meal included.

Music of the Nazarene

As Pat Blanchard notes on page 9, the music group at Jesús el Nazareno in Lima has recorded a professional 10-track CD available in Peru and the UK. Funds raised will help them buy their own instruments and pay for study to give them better work opportunities. The CD costs £10 and is available from Pat on 01892 545623 ([email protected]) or from SAMS.

… and further ahead there’ll be a series of Roadshows on these dates:

22 September - St Andrew’s, Paddock Wood, Kent29 September - St Andrew’s, Bebington, Wirral5 October - Beverley Minster 6 October - St Leonard’s, Exeter6 October - Dalston (Diocese of Carlisle)

Details of all these events from Richard Crofts on 01892 838301 [email protected]

SAMS in the Welsh mountains

On 30 June the Diocese of Swansea and Brecon holds a sponsored mountain walk up Pen y Fan. The ‘Hike of Hope for the House of Hope’ will raise funds for this project in Recife, Brazil, with which SAMS mission partner Ruth Hollingdale works ( All are welcome on the walk! More details from Tim Greenhalgh 01594 542314 [email protected].

SAMS even higher!

Congratulations and many thanks to SAMS local secretary Monica Loat who reached the top of Mount Kilimanjaro and raised £1000 for the Society!