Download - Shallow vs. Deep Sum-Product · Shallow vs. Deep Sum-Product Networks Sai Kiran Burle Electrical and Computer

Page 1: Shallow vs. Deep Sum-Product · Shallow vs. Deep Sum-Product Networks Sai Kiran Burle Electrical and Computer

Shallow vs. Deep Sum-Product Networks

Sai Kiran Burle

Electrical and Computer EngineeringUniversity of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign

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Shallow vs. Deep Sum-Product Networks. Olivier Delalleau, YoshuaBengio

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1 IntroductionMotivationSum-product NetworkMain Results

2 Outline of proof

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Introduction Motivation


1 IntroductionMotivationSum-product NetworkMain Results

2 Outline of proof

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Page 5: Shallow vs. Deep Sum-Product · Shallow vs. Deep Sum-Product Networks Sai Kiran Burle Electrical and Computer

Introduction Motivation


Deep learning algorithms are based on multiple levels ofrepresentation, corresponding to a deep circuit

It has been suggested that deep architectures are more powerful inthe sense of being able to more efficiently represent highly-varyingfunctions

In the context of this presentation, ”efficiency” refers to

Lower memory usage.Lower computation cost.

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Page 6: Shallow vs. Deep Sum-Product · Shallow vs. Deep Sum-Product Networks Sai Kiran Burle Electrical and Computer

Introduction Motivation


Deep learning algorithms are based on multiple levels ofrepresentation, corresponding to a deep circuit

It has been suggested that deep architectures are more powerful inthe sense of being able to more efficiently represent highly-varyingfunctions

In the context of this presentation, ”efficiency” refers to

Lower memory usage.Lower computation cost.

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Page 7: Shallow vs. Deep Sum-Product · Shallow vs. Deep Sum-Product Networks Sai Kiran Burle Electrical and Computer

Introduction Motivation


Deep learning algorithms are based on multiple levels ofrepresentation, corresponding to a deep circuit

It has been suggested that deep architectures are more powerful inthe sense of being able to more efficiently represent highly-varyingfunctions

In the context of this presentation, ”efficiency” refers to

Lower memory usage.Lower computation cost.

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Introduction Motivation


There are multiple claims that polynomials represented by deepsumproduct networks would be more efficient, but no proof

This work aims at showing families of circuits for which a deeparchitecture can be exponentially more efficient than a shallow one, inthe context of polynomials

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Introduction Motivation


There are multiple claims that polynomials represented by deepsumproduct networks would be more efficient, but no proof

This work aims at showing families of circuits for which a deeparchitecture can be exponentially more efficient than a shallow one, inthe context of polynomials

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Introduction Sum-product Network


1 IntroductionMotivationSum-product NetworkMain Results

2 Outline of proof

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Introduction Sum-product Network

Sum-Product Network

Definition 1

A Sum-Product Network is a network composed of units that eithercompute the product of their inputs or a weighted sum of their inputs(where the weights are strictly positive).

Definition 2

The depth of a Sum-Product Network is the length of the longest pathfrom the input unit to the output unit.

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Page 12: Shallow vs. Deep Sum-Product · Shallow vs. Deep Sum-Product Networks Sai Kiran Burle Electrical and Computer

Introduction Sum-product Network

Sum-Product Network

Definition 1

A Sum-Product Network is a network composed of units that eithercompute the product of their inputs or a weighted sum of their inputs(where the weights are strictly positive).

Definition 2

The depth of a Sum-Product Network is the length of the longest pathfrom the input unit to the output unit.

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Page 13: Shallow vs. Deep Sum-Product · Shallow vs. Deep Sum-Product Networks Sai Kiran Burle Electrical and Computer

Introduction Sum-product Network

Sum-Product Network

Definition 1

A Sum-Product Network is a network composed of units that eithercompute the product of their inputs or a weighted sum of their inputs(where the weights are strictly positive).

Definition 2

The depth of a Sum-Product Network is the length of the longest pathfrom the input unit to the output unit.

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Introduction Sum-product Network

Sum-Product Network

Definition 3

A Sum-Product Network is called shallow if the network contains only asingle hidden layer. (i.e. a depth equal to two)

Definition 4

A Sum-Product Network is called deep if the network contains more thanone hidden layer. (i.e. a depth of at least three)

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Introduction Sum-product Network

Sum-Product Network

Definition 3

A Sum-Product Network is called shallow if the network contains only asingle hidden layer. (i.e. a depth equal to two)

Definition 4

A Sum-Product Network is called deep if the network contains more thanone hidden layer. (i.e. a depth of at least three)

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Page 16: Shallow vs. Deep Sum-Product · Shallow vs. Deep Sum-Product Networks Sai Kiran Burle Electrical and Computer

Introduction Main Results


1 IntroductionMotivationSum-product NetworkMain Results

2 Outline of proof

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Introduction Main Results

Main results

Theorem 5

A certain class of functions F of n inputs can be represented using a deepnetwork with O(n) units, whereas it would require O(2

√n) units for a

shallow network.

Theorem 6

For a certain class of functions G of n inputs, the deep sum-productnetwork with depth k can be represented with O(nk) units, whereas itwould require O((n − 1)k) units for a shallow network.

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Introduction Main Results

Main results

Theorem 5

A certain class of functions F of n inputs can be represented using a deepnetwork with O(n) units, whereas it would require O(2

√n) units for a

shallow network.

Theorem 6

For a certain class of functions G of n inputs, the deep sum-productnetwork with depth k can be represented with O(nk) units, whereas itwould require O((n − 1)k) units for a shallow network.

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Outline of proof

The family F

F is a class of functions with n inputs, built from deep sumproductnetworks that alternate layers of product and sum units with two inputseach.

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Outline of proof

The family F

F is a class of functions with n inputs, built from deep sumproductnetworks that alternate layers of product and sum units with two inputseach.

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Outline of proof

The family F

The basic idea we use here is that composing layers (i.e. using a deeparchitecture) is equivalent to using a factorized representation of thepolynomial function computed by the network.

Such a factorized representation can be exponentially more compactthan its expansion as a sum of products (which can be associated to ashallow network with product units in its hidden layer and a sum unitas output).

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Outline of proof

The family F

Lemma 7

The number of products in the sum computed in the output unit of anetwork computing a function in F is 2


Lemma 8

Any shallow sum-product network computing f ∈ F must have a “sum”unit as output.

Lemma 9

Any shallow sum-product network computing f ∈ F must have onlymultiplicative units in its hidden layer.

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Outline of proof

The family F

Corollary 10

Any shallow sum-product network computing f ∈ F must have at least2√n−1 hidden units.

This proves Theorem 5.

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Outline of proof

The family G

Definition 11

Networks in family G also alternate sum and product layers, but their unitshave as inputs all units from the previous layer except one.

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Outline of proof

The family G

Definition 11

Networks in family G also alternate sum and product layers, but their unitshave as inputs all units from the previous layer except one.

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Outline of proof

The family G

Lemma 12

The output g of a sum-product network in G, with n inputs and k layers,when expanded as a sum of products, contains all products of variables ofthe form Πn

t=1xαtt such that αt ∈ N and

∑t αt = (n − 1)k .

Corollary 13

Any shallow sum-product network computing g ∈ G must have at least(n − 1)k hidden units.

This proves Theorem 6.

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Some deep sum-product networks with n inputs and depth log n canrepresent with O(n) units what would require O(2

√n) units for a

depth-2 network.

Some deep sum-product networks with n inputs and depth k canrepresent with O(nk) units what would require O((n − 1)k) units fora depth-2 network.

Future work

Finding more general parameterization of functions leading to similarresults would be an interesting topic.Another open question is whether it is possible to represent suchfunctions only approximately.

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