Download - SGHS NEWSLETTER€¦ · Week 3A Term 2 2020 Year 11 and 12 back on track and actively engaged in workshops in Weeks 1 and 2. Year 12 Workshops Year 11 and 12 back on track and actively

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Week 3A Term 2 2020

Year 11 and 12 back on track and actively engaged in workshops in

Weeks 1 and 2

Page 2: SGHS NEWSLETTER€¦ · Week 3A Term 2 2020 Year 11 and 12 back on track and actively engaged in workshops in Weeks 1 and 2. Year 12 Workshops Year 11 and 12 back on track and actively

Year 12 Workshops

Year 11 and 12 back on track and actively engaged in workshops in

Weeks 1 and 2

Page 3: SGHS NEWSLETTER€¦ · Week 3A Term 2 2020 Year 11 and 12 back on track and actively engaged in workshops in Weeks 1 and 2. Year 12 Workshops Year 11 and 12 back on track and actively

Year 12 Workshops

TAS news

Year 12 Textiles and Designs students had the opportunity to make substantial progress on their Major Textiles

Project during the whole day face to face workshop, week 2 this term.

Students were actively experimenting with materials, dyeing their fabrics and yarns and assembling materials. A

variety of projects at various stages of manufacture could be seen.

Page 4: SGHS NEWSLETTER€¦ · Week 3A Term 2 2020 Year 11 and 12 back on track and actively engaged in workshops in Weeks 1 and 2. Year 12 Workshops Year 11 and 12 back on track and actively

Wellbeing Reports

Year 7- Ms Creevey It has been a successful few weeks of Term 2 for Year 7. We have all resumed our online classes and are excited to be back learning after our 2 Week break.

In terms of ELAN, Maths online and wordflyers all girls should now have completed Term 1 for each of those online learning platforms. I would like to congratulate 7I for their efforts on ELAN It is the first time EVER a whole class in the first term of Year 7 has all got on the Merit list for getting 85% or above in English eLAN. Additionally, all girls attempted the HARD enriched response on the Rabbits quiz which was done well with the class average at 78%. All of year 7 will now need to move onto Term 2 of all three online learning platforms, if any issues arise they are welcome to email me.

We are really looking forward to seeing Year 7 back at school on Monday’s in week 3 and 4. Their first session back will be on the 11th of May and I know the girls are excited to be back at school. A timeta-ble has been sent to the girls via google classroom and email regarding the lessons they will have on each day.

See you all on Monday.

Year 7 Visual Arts online chatting and completing some work in MS Teams.

Page 5: SGHS NEWSLETTER€¦ · Week 3A Term 2 2020 Year 11 and 12 back on track and actively engaged in workshops in Weeks 1 and 2. Year 12 Workshops Year 11 and 12 back on track and actively

Wellbeing Reports

Year 9- Ms Lee

Year 9 students have been working really well with online learning at home. They have been actively engaged in learning and communicating with their teachers on a regular basis.

Students engaging with Ms Philip during Maths lessons

Students have been very creative with their study space at home, well organised and prepared for home learning!

Page 6: SGHS NEWSLETTER€¦ · Week 3A Term 2 2020 Year 11 and 12 back on track and actively engaged in workshops in Weeks 1 and 2. Year 12 Workshops Year 11 and 12 back on track and actively

Wellbeing Reports

They are also busy preparing for their Information, Software and Technology project, where they need to produce a company advertisement. It is really pleasant to see Year 9 coping so well in this ever changing world!

Year 10- Ms Saba The transition to online learning has been difficult for many students across the school, however, I am proud that Year 10 have maintained a positive attitude to keep up with their learning as best as they can. I would like all Year 10 to maintain that positive attitude, stay active, and remember to sleep (as it is too easy to stay glued to a computer screen all day). I look forward to seeing everyone at school next Thursday.

Page 7: SGHS NEWSLETTER€¦ · Week 3A Term 2 2020 Year 11 and 12 back on track and actively engaged in workshops in Weeks 1 and 2. Year 12 Workshops Year 11 and 12 back on track and actively

Wellbeing Reports

Year 11- Ms Sadler

t has been a successful return to school this week for Year 11. Students have been participating in 2 hour face to face workshops with their teachers as they continue to complete their preliminary cours-es. In addition to this, yr. 11 students continue to complete flexible online learning for each of their subjects.

Wk 2 Faculty in Focus – PDHPE

Students attended a 2 hr workshop on Monday morning for Dance and PD/H/PE. Yr. 11 PDHPE stu-dents are currently working on the “Body Systems” unit, and have been focusing on the skeletal, muscular, circulatory and respiratory systems. The year 11 Dance class is currently completing a unit of study on “Dance in Australia”. In this week's workshop, students explored how European styles of dance have affected Indigenous Dance.

Year 12- Mr Koulouris Term 1 certainly ended in an unusual fashion. However, our year 12 students proved how exceptional they are by staying focused and motivated completing all their Mid-Year Assessment! And with some very good results might I add.

The start of Term 2 has seen our hardworking year 12 students come in to receive feedback from their Mid-Year Assessments and to participate in workshops to prepare them for the second half of their HSC journey. The workshops have been a huge success with it being received positively by year 12 students. Whilst visiting year 12 students in these workshops I was impressed by how hard they have been working on tasks such as their Visual Arts and Textiles Major works. They have proven that, re-gardless of context, they can work diligently.

In other news, the University Admissions Centre opened and our girls have been busy researching University courses, logging preference to universities and applying for early entry schemes. It’s an ex-citing (not to mention frantic) time for our year 12 girls. It’s been wonderful to hear that some of our girls have already been offered places at universities for 2021!

We look ahead to week 3 in the term as year 12 resumes with regular face to face learning. It will be refreshing for staff and students to get back to some normalcy.

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Year 12 Workshops

Page 9: SGHS NEWSLETTER€¦ · Week 3A Term 2 2020 Year 11 and 12 back on track and actively engaged in workshops in Weeks 1 and 2. Year 12 Workshops Year 11 and 12 back on track and actively

Wellbeing Reports

School Counsellors- Ms Lambkin and Ms Czerniawska Check in! Take a moment each day and try out some of these ideas.

Remember that the school counselling service is still available to all students who are learning from home. If you’d like to speak to a counsellor give the school a call or send an email. One of the counsellors will call you back. You can also ask your Year Adviser or any of your teachers to refer you to a counsellor.

Page 10: SGHS NEWSLETTER€¦ · Week 3A Term 2 2020 Year 11 and 12 back on track and actively engaged in workshops in Weeks 1 and 2. Year 12 Workshops Year 11 and 12 back on track and actively

Recognition of Continuity of Learning

Online Recognition of Student Commitment To learning. We are excited to award so many students of this Electronic certificate for outstanding student achievement and engagement.

We hope many students will gain an online certificate for their commitment to learning. Thank you to Mr Whittard for the design of this award.