Download - SFOTT Bulletin for September 14, 2014...2014/09/14  · la misericordia, el amor, de Dios nuestro Padre. El gran símbolo del pecado (muerte, tortura, insulto, deshumanizante, degradantes)

Page 1: SFOTT Bulletin for September 14, 2014...2014/09/14  · la misericordia, el amor, de Dios nuestro Padre. El gran símbolo del pecado (muerte, tortura, insulto, deshumanizante, degradantes)






by Michelle Rabb

In Loving Memory of

Jim Shelly

By Bea Shelly

& Sons

CUTSHAW CHEVROLET INC “Keeping it simple”

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Sales Service Parts

For the sake of His sorrowful passion,

have mercy on us and on the whole world. Jesus, I trust in



Glass & Mirror Store Front ·Auto Glass ·Mirrors

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Tim Saucier

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HARGROVE-NEEL,INC. Air Conditioning/Heating

Sales & Service Calvin Neel (936)544-7270


P.O. Box 1189,Crockett, TX 75835

Christopher Haeckler, MD Family Practice (936) 544-2157


1402 East Loop 304 - Crockett, TX 75835 QuadraFire - Pellet, Wood, Gas Stoves, Fireplace Inserts

Phone: 936-544-2116 Ralph Reeves & Weldon Bailey

Bill Fick Bill Fick Bill Fick Bill Fick Ford

Rob HernandezRob HernandezRob HernandezRob Hernandez

Sales Consultant



[email protected]

TEL 936-544-5825

1604 South Loop 304

Crockett, Texas

(936) 544(936) 544(936) 544(936) 544----4596459645964596

In Memory

Of Dr. Ardelle Hamilton

Oct 1-11 Fall In Vermont, New Hampshire

and New York For more information call Sandi


Deborah Porth Blackwell Accounting $ Tax Preparation $ Bookkeeping

605 East Goliad Suite 102 Crockett, TX 75835

(936) 544-2266 FAX;(936) 544-9860 EMAIL: [email protected]

In Loving Memory of Marie Slanina

& Molly & Frank


401 S. Commerce Centerville TX

Welding, Oil Changes & Brakes New/Used Tires

Office: 903-536-1660 Home: 903-536-4431

Best Tire & Fab Shop Lawrence Rabb

For All Who Have Lived, Loved, Laughed, For All Who Have Lived, Loved, Laughed, For All Who Have Lived, Loved, Laughed, For All Who Have Lived, Loved, Laughed,

and Touched My Life. and Touched My Life. and Touched My Life. and Touched My Life.

You continue to You continue to You continue to You continue to

“light up my life.”“light up my life.”“light up my life.”“light up my life.”

Smile Big

Laugh Louder

call for an appointment 544-0052

We Remember

St. Peregrine Feast day May 1

Patron Saint

of Cancer Victims

St. Jude Feast day October 28

Patron Saint

of Desperate Cases

St. Rita Feast day May 22

Patron Saint of Impossible Cases

Pray for Us

In Memory of

Glenna D. Medina

By Louis Medina

In Memory of my husband Walter P. Page Sr. By Jessie Page

Quails of East TexasQuails of East TexasQuails of East TexasQuails of East Texas 2714 FM 2663, Crockett TX 2714 FM 2663, Crockett TX 2714 FM 2663, Crockett TX 2714 FM 2663, Crockett TX

Live Or Dressed Live Or Dressed Live Or Dressed Live Or Dressed (281) 814-6104 Donnie & Annette RAinerDonnie & Annette RAinerDonnie & Annette RAinerDonnie & Annette RAiner

Live Ready To FlyLive Ready To FlyLive Ready To FlyLive Ready To Fly

609 N. Fourth Street609 N. Fourth Street609 N. Fourth Street609 N. Fourth Street Crockett, Texas 75835 Crockett, Texas 75835 Crockett, Texas 75835 Crockett, Texas 75835 Telephone:(936)544-5338 Parish Hall 545-8549 Fax: 1-866-591-9583 Email: [email protected] Rectory:(936)852-5996

ReconciliationReconciliationReconciliationReconciliation is available 1/2 hour before weekend

Masses, or by appointment.

Rev. Peter Mc Grath, Pastor (903) 424-8810 Email: [email protected]

Diocese of Tyler Diocese of Tyler Diocese of Tyler Diocese of Tyler Diócesis de Diócesis de Diócesis de Diócesis de TylerTylerTylerTyler

ReconciliaciónReconciliaciónReconciliaciónReconciliación es disponible 1/2 horario después la

Misas, o con una cita.

Lo mas pronto posible para FuneralesFuneralesFuneralesFunerales

y SacramentosSacramentosSacramentosSacramentos para el Enfermopara el Enfermopara el Enfermopara el Enfermo.

September September September September 14th th th th 2014

Ethics and Integrity Parish Contact Person

John Grupa 936.545.0089

Concerns about violations of the Code of Ethics & Integrity can be reported to the Promoter of Justice

of the Diocese of Tyler at 903.266.2159.

Department of Protective and Regulatory Services (1.800.252.5400).

Las inquietudes acerca de infracciones de este Código de Ética y Integridad pueden ser dirigidas al Procurador de Justicia, de Diócesis de Tyler al


Departamento de Servicios de Reglamentación y Protección de Texas (1.800.252.5400).


As soon as possible for FuneralsFuneralsFuneralsFunerals

and Sacraments of the SickSacraments of the SickSacraments of the SickSacraments of the Sick.

3 MONTHS before for BaptismsBaptismsBaptismsBaptisms 3 MESES antes para Bautizos

6 MONTHS before for MarriageMarriageMarriageMarriage Preparation 6 MESES antes para Preparación para MatrimonioMatrimonioMatrimonioMatrimonio

Family Faith Formation

Every Sunday at 10:15 in the parish hall Formación de Fe para la Familia

Cada Domingo a las 10:15am

Holy Mass from the Sanctuary of St. Francis of the Tejas

Sunday at 5PM on local TV Channel 16-KIVY

La Santa Misa del Santuario de St. Francis de los Tejas Domingo

a las 5PM en el canal local de TV 16-KIVY


La Persona del Contacto de la Parroquia para Ética & Integridad

John Grupa 936.545.0089

Deacon Ramiro Romo Building Faith

& Inspiring Leadership KIVY FM 92.7 Radio Ministry Sunday 10:00AM - 11:00AM

Daily Mass can be seen at La Misa diaria puede ser vista en

Panes y Peces Ayuda con alimentos Primer lugar 4 Miércoles del mes 10am al 12 medio

Loaves & Fishes Food Pantry First 4 Wednesdays of the month 10am-12noon

Saint Francis Day Festival Saint Francis Day Festival Saint Francis Day Festival Saint Francis Day Festival September 27, 2014September 27, 2014September 27, 2014September 27, 2014

Queen Candidate breakfast/lunch schedule:

DDDDía de San Francisco Festival a de San Francisco Festival a de San Francisco Festival a de San Francisco Festival 27 de Septiembre, 201427 de Septiembre, 201427 de Septiembre, 201427 de Septiembre, 2014

Reina candidatos desayuno/almuerzo horario:

Sep 14 Estrella Salomón Sep 14 Estrella Salomón *

For more infoFor more infoFor more infoFor more info scan barcodescan barcodescan barcodescan barcode

with your smart phone with your smart phone with your smart phone with your smart phone or iPador iPador iPador iPad

LookLookLookLook what’s what’s what’s what’s newnewnewnew

Page 2: SFOTT Bulletin for September 14, 2014...2014/09/14  · la misericordia, el amor, de Dios nuestro Padre. El gran símbolo del pecado (muerte, tortura, insulto, deshumanizante, degradantes)

Readings for the Week/Lecturas para la Semana

Mon/Lun 15 1 Cor 11:17– 33, Jn 19:25-27 Our Lady of Sorrows

Tue/Mar 16 1 Cor 12:12-31, Lk 7:11-17 Sts Cornelius, Pope and Cyprian, Bishop, Martyrs

Wed/Mié 17 1 Cor 12:31-13:13, Lk 7:31-35 St Robert Bellamine, Bishop and Doctor of the Church

Thu/Jue 18 1 Cor 15:1-11, Lk 7:36-50

Fri/Vie 19 1 Cor 15:12-20, Lk 8:1-3

St Januarius, Bishop and Martyr

Sat/Sáb 20 1 Cor 15:35-49, Lk 8:4-15

St Andrew Kim Tae-gon, Priest and Paul Chong Ha-sang, and Companions, Martyrs

14 de Septiembre de Septiembre de Septiembre de Septiembre 2014 Fiesta De La Exaltación De La Santa CruzFiesta De La Exaltación De La Santa CruzFiesta De La Exaltación De La Santa CruzFiesta De La Exaltación De La Santa Cruz

"Y Moisés hizo una serpiente de bronce y la puso sobre

un asta. Luego, cuando alguien era mordido por una

serpiente y miraba a la serpiente de bronce, vivía."

Números 21: 9

"... Así es necesario que el Hijo del Hombre sea

levantado" Jn 03:14

¿Qué podemos hacer de este evento bastante extraño en

Números? Lo que causó su muerte (la mordedura de

serpiente, el pecado, el mal, quejándose contra Dios),

cuando se miraban en ella (la serpiente de bronce) se

convirtió en su cura (la vida, la curación). Jesús usa este

imagen para hablar de su propia crucifixión inminente

(se levantó). El camino a la vida abundante es

contemplar nuestros pecados y reconocerlos y creer en

la misericordia, el amor, de Dios nuestro Padre. El gran

símbolo del pecado (muerte, tortura, insulto,

deshumanizante, degradantes) es la cruz. La paradoja es

que es a través de la cruz (fijando la mirada en el

pecado) que Dios derrama su misericordia y perdón.

Estamos llamados a reconocer nuestro pecado ("No

endurezcáis vuestro corazón").

September September September September 14, 2014 Feast of the Exaltation of the Holy CrossFeast of the Exaltation of the Holy CrossFeast of the Exaltation of the Holy CrossFeast of the Exaltation of the Holy Cross

“So Moses made a bronze snake and put it up on a

pole. Then when anyone was bitten by a snake and

looked at the bronze snake, they lived.” Num 21:9

“…so must the Son of Man be lifted up” Jn 3:14

What can we make of this rather bizarre event in

Numbers? The thing that caused their death

(the serpent bite, sin, evil, complaining against God),

when they gazed upon it (the bronze snake) became

their cure (life, healing). Jesus uses this image to

speak about his own impending crucifixion (being

lifted up). The way to abundant life is to gaze upon

our sins and recognize and acknowledge them

and believe in the mercy, the love, of God our Father.

The great symbol of sin (death, torture, insult, dehu-

manizing, degrading) is the cross. The paradox is that

it is through the cross (looking upon our sin) that God

pours out His mercy and forgiveness. We are called

to acknowledge our sin (“harden not your heart”).


Mass Schedule and Intentions Misa Horario y Intenciones

Mon/Lun 15 9:00am

Tue/Mar 16 9:00am

Wed/Mié 17 9:00am Thu/ Jue 18 8:00am Molly Machala †

Req Charles & Sylvia Slanina

7:00pm Fri/Vie 19 9:00am Sat/Sáb 20 5:30pm Saint Francis Community Sun/Dom 21

8:30am Jane Porter †

Req John Grupa

11:30am Estrella Salomón (Blessings)

Elvira Valadez †

Regular 9-7-14 $2, 433.94 Building Fund $1,185.50 Loaves & Fishes $30.00 Festival /pass the hat/Jenefer Fajardo $131.35/$154.00 Faith Formation $30.00 Altar Society/Hall Use donation $300.00 Catholic University $17.00

In need of prayer/En necesidad de oración Betty Mc Grath, Alma Lois Krenek, Gerry Krenek, Jane Porter, Maria Ramirez, María Luz Cervantes, Erendira Cruz, Loan Do, Patty Meyers, Wes Padgett family, Peggy Dworsky, George Machac, Christina Parrish, J.D. , Charles “Mr. Chucky”& Joe Bogutzki, Bo Brown, Sam Armstrong, Bill Hammer,

Anthony Corte, Jimmy Greer, Jeanne Gatz, Carol & Leslie Yowell, Shelby Gonzalez, Frances Jasek,

Pilar Chimal, Shirley Moon, Frances Brown, & Jack Crow.

September 20 Saturday 5:30 pm Lector: Marcia Reynolds

Extraordinary Minister: Winnie Thompson & Gerry Krenek

Altar Server: Volunteer

September 21 Sunday 8:30am Lector: Joe Krenek

Extraordinary Ministers: Lola Calvert & Louis Medina

† Joe & Gerry Krenek

Altar Servers: Ron Foster, Aiden, Caleb

& Payton Larkin

21 de Septiembre Domingo 11:30am Lectores: María Monsivais & Oliva Aguilar

Salmista: Efrain Fajardo

Ministros Extraordinario: Donato y María Pérez

Servidores: Isaías Loyola y Uriel Hernández

Birthday Blessings Bendiciones para Cumpleaños

Sept 15 Alonzo Cervantes

Sept 16 Paola Pérez

Sept 17 Isaac Aguirre, & Barbara Stallings

Sept 18 Abigail Martínez, Gian Reymundo,

& Erika Treko

Comité de Construcción

se reunirá el Martes 23 de Septiembre

a las 6:30pmpm

Queen Candidate Estrella Salomon will be serving Breakfast & Lunch today

La Candidata Estrella Salomon sirve desayuno y almuerzo de hoy

Sept 19 Ignacio Espinosa

Sept 20 Mónica Espinosa,

& Candelaria Quintero

Finance Committee Meeting September 16 at 6:30pm

El Comité de Financiera se reunirá 16 de Septiembre a las 6:30pm

Building Committee

Meeting Tuesday September 23

at 6:30pm

The Festival Committee is need of help! We need volunteers for making tortillas perhaps

on Friday evening September 26 or early Saturday

September 27th. We also need volunteers to make

the Pico De Gallo for the Fajitas. We will provide

all the ingredients we just need willing hands to


Please see Irma Chavez or Ginger Gregg if you can help.

Crockett Learning Center

Offering a free program

English as a second language

Tuesday and Thursday mornings

9:00am to 12:00 noon

Please call Janet Adamo for more information

Crockett Centro de Aprendizaje

ofrece un programa gratuito

inglés como segundo idioma

Martes y Jueves por la mañana

9:00 a 12:00 horas

por favor llame a Janet Adamo para mas



El Comité del Festival es que necesitan ayuda! Necesitamos voluntarios para hacer tortillas el

viernes 26 de septiembre en la tarde o el sábado 27

septiembre por la mañana. También necesitamos

voluntarios para que el Pico de Gallo para las Fajitas.

Nosotros podremos todos los ingredientes solo

necesitamos las manos para trabajar.

Consulte Irma Chávez o Ginger Gregg si usted puede ayudar.