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COMMUNITY SFB – Spezialforschungsbereich

Conference 24 – 26 September 2015 Vienna

Making Ends Meet

Cross-Cultural Perspectives on the End of Times in Medieval Christianity, Islam and Buddhism

THURSDAY 24 September 2015Theatersaal ÖAW • Sonnenfelsgasse 19 • 1010 Wien

900 -


Welcome / IntroductionWalter Pohl (Austrian Academy of Sciences)

Vincent EltschingEr (Austrian Academy of Sciences)

Veronika WiEsEr (University of Vienna)

Exchanges 1Faustina AErts-DouFikAr (University of Amsterdam)

gog and Magog crossing Borders: Biblical, Christian and Islamic ImaginingsBernhard schEiD (Austrian Academy of Sciences)

Death, Pollution, and the Afterlife as a common Matrix of Japanese Buddhism and shintō

1100–1130 • Coffee Break


- 13


Exchanges 2Martin trEMl (Zentrum f. literatur- u. Kulturforschung, Berlin)

Eschatology as an occidental lebensform: The Case of Jacob TaubesJohannes VAn oort (University of leiden)

Manichean EschatologyWolfgang WischMEyEr (University of Vienna)

Die Zähmung frühchristlicher Apokalyptik

1300–1430 • Lunch Break


- 16


Cultures of Eschatologyguy loBrichon (University of Avignon)

Western Eschatologies, or the Future of a society: Addition of Individual Projects, or the Collective Construction of a Radiant Dawn? uta hEil (University of Vienna)

Apocalyptic literature – A Never-ending StoryFlorian schWArZ (Austrian Academy of Sciences)

communal, imperial, global? Reflections on early modern Muslim eschatology and millenarianism(s)

1600–1630 • Coffee Break


- 18


Scripture & AuthorityMichael soMMEr (University of Halle)

utopia and the intertextual construction of identity - On Politics, Adversaries and Intertexts in Revelationcinzia griFoni / clemens gAntnEr (Austrian Academy of Sciences)

A Methodius in the Madness: Remarks on the Redactions of the Latin Recensions of Pseudo-MethodiusPavlína rychtEroVá (Austrian Academy of Sciences)

the Works of John of rupescissa and their medieval European reception

FRIDAY 25 September 2015Theatersaal ÖAW • Sonnenfelsgasse 19 • 1010 Wien

900 -


Afterlives & Other WorldsZsoka gEllEk (Eötvös loránd University)

Beyul yolmo gangra and Buddhist EschatologyEirini AFEntouliDis (Austrian Academy of Sciences)

Aerial tollhouses: Space and Power in Byzantine Accounts of the AfterlifeFrederick chEn (Sheng Yan Research Fellow in Chinese Buddhism at the National Chengchi University)

the Buddhist conquest of the chinese underworld Empire

1030–1100 • Coffee Break


– 13


Death & Resurrection & Panel discussion (moderator: Jane Baun)

Pia Bockius (Freie Universität Berlin)

scattered Bones and saintly virtus: Resurrection of the Body and Veneration of Relics in Gregory of Tours roberto tottoli (University of Naples)

Death and Eschatological Beliefs in the lives of the Prophets according to islam Jane BAun (University of Oxford)

tales from Another Byzantium

1300–1500 • Lunch Break


– 16


Empires 1 (moderator: Ioannis Stouraitis)Philippe Buc (University of Vienna)

Eschatology and Violence in the First and second crusades James PAlMEr (University of St. Andrews)

Apocalyptic insiders? Apocalypse and Heresy in Carolingian-Iberian RelationsEirik hoVDEn (Austrian Academy of Sciences)

Zaydī theology Popularized: A Hailstorm Hitting the Heterodox

1630 – 1645 • Coffee BreakEmpires 2


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graeme WArD (Austrian Academy of Sciences)

Empire and Eschatology: the Reception of Orosius in the Carolingian Worldstephen shoEMAkEr (University of Oregon)

Eschatology and Empire, Byzantium and Early islam

SATURDAY 26 September 2015IMAFO Seminar Rooms • Wohllebengasse 12-14 • 1040 Wien


– 11


Last Dayskurt APPEl (University of Vienna)

the testament of time and the last Meeting of Mankind - Bible, Musil, AgambenMiriam cZock (University of Duisburg-Essen)

Eschatology and time in the carolingian Age Ann christys (Independent scholar)

Al-Andalus in the last Days1130 – 1200 • Coffee Break


– 13


Life after the EndDomenico Agostini (The Van leer Jerusalem Institute)

the temporary and the Eternal Afterlife: Some remarks on Zoroastrian Eschatologychristian lAngE (Utrecht University)

Presence, not likeness? Reflections on Traditions of Realized Eschatology in Medieval Muslim Imaginings of Paradise and Hell on Earth Marc tiEFEnAuEr (University of lausanne)

the End of the End1300 – 1400 • Lunch Break


– 16


Adaptations & Panel DiscussionMarilyn Dunn (University of Glasgow)

Apocalypse now? Body, Soul and Judgment in the Christianization of the Anglo-Saxons c. 600 - c. 800 rutger krAMEr (Austrian Academy of Sciences)

‚And men below, and saints above‘: Pastoral Power, Purity and Politics in the Carolingian Churchimmo WArntJEs (University of Belfast)

the Final countdown in the seventh-century: from Ireland to Italy

LocationsTheatersaal der ÖAWSonnenfelsgasse 191010 WienInstitut für MittelalterforschungSeminar RoomsWohllebengasse 12-141040 Wien

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