Download - Sew ’n’ Tell June 2020Sew ’n’ Tell June 2020 Page !2 Don’t forget to send birthday wishes to our summer birthday girls! Birthdays in July 5th Rosanne Tinckler 10th Colleen

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President: Diane Cave • Vice-President: Debbie Maxwell Secretary: Beth Ritchie • Treasurer: Colleen Love • Past President: Jan Hill

Comox Valley Schoolhouse Quilters Guild, P. O. Box 1031, Cumberland, BC V0R 1S0

June 2020Sew ’n’ Tell

President’s Message

Birthdays in June

3rd Diane Davies & Mary Nichols 4th Gayle Hampton & Michele Lampron 5th Pat McEwen 8th Barb Messer 13th Jessie Schut 16th Sheila Scrase 20th Beverly Luck 22nd Bente Bunting

Hello everyone,

Another month has gone by and I am hoping that soon I’ll get a phone call from the Village Office informing us that we can resume our quilting days at the hall.

In the meantime I hope this message finds you all healthy and busy quilting or gardening or whatever makes you happy.

I hear some of you have been crazy busy quilting up a storm. That will make for a great show & tell when we meet again. Like a lot of you, I certainly miss our Thursdays.

It takes a situation like this to make us appreciate how fortunate we are to be able to meet every Thursday for a day with friends to sew a little, do lots of visiting and maybe, if time permits, learn a few tricks of the trade.

On another note, as you all know, this is Eva’s last newsletter. Eva, on behalf of the guild, I can’t thank you enough for giving us so much enjoyment with the newsletters.


PS: Let’s all pay attention to Dr Bonnie…be calm….be kind…be safe.

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Don’t forget to send birthday wishes to our summer birthday girls!

Birthdays in July 5th Rosanne Tinckler 10th Colleen Zuchetto 11th Loraine Corman 14th June Boyle 15th Joy Whitehouse 16th Val Bearpark 17th Brenda Oakes 18th Stacie Daley 19th Diana UnRuh 22nd Diane Cave & Anita Wood 23rd JulieAnn Mercer 24th Johanne McLeod & Cheryl Rabbit 26th Sandy Schille 27th Annell Purchase & Gayle Lobban 28th Joan Shymko 29th Laura Flaman 31st Jackie Greening

Birthdays in August 2nd Janie Melnick 6th Laurie Joaniss & Verna Power 9th Terryl Essery 14th Debbie Maxwell 18th Karen Ross & Terry Deckker 20th Ardythe Crawford & Sandi McLean 21st Anne Taschereau-Mamers 23rd Margaret Ryan 25th Nerissa Thomas 27th Kathy Rankin & Cecelia Price 28th Marlene Hooper 29th Bonnie Lineker 31st Bonnie Smith

From Sheila’s sewing room… I have completed my Urban Owl in time for the show. Oops! No show? Oh well! I have a nice quilt for my bed.

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From Lois Warner’s sewing room…

As this 'staying at home' drags on, I have been trying out more things. It has been fun, and a learning experience, as I realize what I like and don't like doing.

Last month I sent in a sheep picture done by wet felting. This month I tried a small needle felted picture of a Scottish house which hangs from an old kilt pin. I think I can truthfully say the wet felting project was a lot more satisfying.I also had a hankering to make a picture using organdy as 'fog' in trees. Using paint and tree stamps as well as some puff paint sort of stuff for the rocks, it was sort of a ‘create as you go’ project.

Last month I sent in a picture of my president's challenge quilt. It was a pink and green one for Kitty, a 14 month old. Her 4 year old brother, Toby, would likely have his nose out of joint if he didn't receive a quilt too, hence the Animals of the Savannah panel for him. My plan was to take them to England in October, when we attend the kids' aunt's wedding. I suspect these gifts will end up being mailed, given the situation in England.Perhaps I will work on something with my Lutradur, Tyvek and Angelina which have been sitting around forever. Until this Covid 19 shutdown I have never felt I had the time to just 'muck about' and experiment. However, not being able to meet in the hall and chat with quilters sure is a drawback! Let's hope we can get back to some sort of 'normal' soon!

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From Pat Norrad’s sewing room…

We live next door to a wonderful family where their eldest child is graduating. What a shame that these grad students have worked so hard for this sought after year and then Covid-19 hit.

I decided to make this young man a grad quilt. I recently purchased EQ8 (Electric Quilt 8) where you can create and design your very own quilt. Here is a picture of the quilt I designed, it was a lot of fun playing with the software, digitizing the quilting stitches and having it all come together.

I’ve also wanted a Sun Bonnet Sue wall hanging so I finally got that little quilt finished and it’s now hanging in my sewing room.

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From Pat Norrad’s sewing room continued…

My latest project is a quilt called ‘Old Growth’, which is a forest background with big tall cedar trees that are appliqued on top. I recently watched a video where I can get a 3D look with lots of loft on the big trees by adding extra batting under the tree sections. I cut wavy lines up the trees with different shades of brown fabrics and re-sewed them back together. When I wash my fabrics I collect the frayed chunks of thread-nests that appear on the cut edges. I have quite a collection of different colors that I can spread out and add onto the trees as embellishments.

I made quite a few Masks however I ran out of elastic. I have 2 big rolls of ¼” elastic that I ordered from Amazon. I didn’t realize the order was coming from China. Who’d have thought, haha. I’ve been tracking the shipment and it is due the middle of May, I will get back to masks when the elastic arrives.


From Ardythe’s sewing room…

The Sayward retreat was supposed to be the first week of May. I suggested to the ladies that we have a virtual retreat instead and sew as if we were there, with the exception that instead of only cooking one meal in the week, yeah, I know! Bummer!

I have heard from almost all of them and all are busy, busy. I have managed to complete twenty blocks of my newest project, most sewing I have done in months. Very satisfying. Otherwise, same old, same old. Sorry no pictures.

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From Nerissa Thomas…











PLEASEconsidertakingonthisrole.IfyouhaveanyquesTons,pleaseemail([email protected])orcall(250-941-1809).


You gonna play the candy game at the next Retreat?

No, don’t think so. You and I are the only ones who bring milkbones and my vet says I

should stay away from chocolate!

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Freak Accident Puts the Binding on Spectacular Quilting Career Guild members reeling!

A freak accident early Sunday morning has ended the illustrious career of sewing advice columnist, Miss Fussycut, for once and for all.

First on the scene was neighbour, Imogen Dawurst, who describes the series of events this way. “It was 9:47 am, I was just sorting my lights and darks when the phone rang. I knew immediately that something really bad had happened. I’d never heard her so upset. She was almost shrieking! “Soda water and salt, stat! Soda water and salt! And rags! Bring rags!” I sprang right into action, grabbing my husband’s undershirts, a six pack of Canada Dry from the fridge and the Sifto off the turntable. I didn’t even change my slippers, I just ran! But, nothing prepared me for what I found when I barged in. She was in such a state, huddled over the white, sculpted Persian rug in her living room, sobbing and blotting, sobbing and blotting. It was horrible! She still had her rollers in!

Then I saw the trail of droplets leading down to her sewing room. What a mess! By now, I was in tears too! To see my friend so upset, it was just too much! But when we’d done the carpet, she started to calm down and I could leave her on her own to take on the trail leading down the hall hardwood to the sewing room. It was horrible, a trail…of blood!

I didn’t go in the sewing room - no one is ever allowed in there - so I went back to see how she was. “Honoria,” I asked, “what happened?”

“It was so stupid,” she sobbed. “I was anxious to finish those Crown of Thorns blocks I was paper piecing but my Singer needs a new bobbin winder tire so I was working on my trusty treadle machine. When I got up to do some pressing, the heel on my new pumps got caught in the fretwork and I stumbled. I put my hand out to steady myself on the cutting table,” she recounted, getting more and more worked up, “when my index finger collided with my rotary cutter…WHICH I HAD LEFT OPEN!” she shrieked, sobbing uncontrollably by now. “If only I’d had bandaids in the sewing room! If only I had been patient. If only I had waited to be able to use my Slant-O-Matic with the knee lever! Why didn’t I wait?”

A spokesperson for her later announced that Miss Fussycut has decided to retire for good, saying, “Honoria thanks her legions of fans over the past four decades, but feels she has no right to be offering advice to others when she, herself, ignored one of her basic tenets, “Close your cutter when not in use!”

As testimonials pour in from all over the quilting community, one unnamed source has given our Sew ’n’ Tell reporter some insider details from the scene of the incident. “It really was quite a mess. She thinks she may try and donate some of her stash to the guild anonymously, but I’m not so sure they’ll want it. Maybe some of the darker reds and browns, but not the whites! No, for sure not the whites!

Ironically, this tragic incident happened on May 3rd, National Lumpy Rug Day


Sew ’n’ Tell has obtained this exclusive shot from inside the scene of the incident!

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Comments from readers: “Honoria? Was that really her first name? Hmph!” Scarlett Remnant, Comox

“I’ll really miss her. She gave such great advice! I asked about modern quilts and her encouraging tone gave me the guts to change my hairstyle. No matter what my daughter says, mullets are back in! Google it!” Maya Fafisgreat, Campbell River

“She was spot on with her sewing tips - but I’m not so sure about her household advice. I tried her mac tac trick to keep my dog’s kibble in control. I got the double-sided industrial strength stuff since Mitzi’s a Great Dane. Turns out, you can’t get that stuff off without ripping up the lino. Still…I love my new floor!” Iona Bernina - Merville

“Sorry, not a fan. When I read about hemming my jeans, she suggested getting higher heels! Really? You still think that’s a good idea?” Ken More (Yeah, shocker! Guys read her column too!) - Union Bay

“Confession time, I used to sneak into your website just to read her columns! I’m going to miss her so much! Her maintenance tip saved me having to buy a new machine! Best wishes to you in retirement, Miss F!” El Napurringnow - Likely, BC

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This is a wall hanging I made from a pattern but I had to invent the border as I could not get the border fabric shown in the picture. It took me a while from start to finish (about two years or more).

I purchased 24 squares from Jan Hill at a garage sale and I added the border and the flannelette backing to finish it. It was quilted on a longarm by Sandra Lloyd-Harasym who is a member of our guild.

It has flannel on the back and it is going to Victoria for my handicapped son who lives in a group home.

From Connie’s sewing room…

Interested in a class with one of our guest speakers from this year?

Katie Pasquini Masopust is offering classes and you can get more info by clicking on this link:

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Placemats and runners, baby quilt and masks for family and friends. Tidied up my quilt room and found fabric I’d forgotten about so sewing happened and the room is a disaster again!The sunshine got me out in the garden to plant some annuals between the fading bulbs this past weekend, but I’m getting rather tired of my own cooking 😜 . We are all well and FaceTime with grandchildren happens and we will get a visit next weekend to look forward too.

Taken April 16 off my deck, spending a bit more time paying attention to my surroundings

From Anita Jones-Gould’s sewing room…

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From Anita Wood’s sewing room…

I have been working on quite a few things since beginning of January.

We were away in Arizona where I joined a wonderful quilting group in Sun City. I worked on a big community quilt and sewed a few things for friends:

• a lap quilt, all hand quilted. • a table runner…this was a new pattern for me and my

friend picked out the centre fabric so the challenge was finding enough co-ordinating fabrics to go with from my stash.

• a set of pillow cases. I bought the pattern in Hawaii. I love the wave pattern.

Sadly, I won't be back to the quilting group. We are moving to Victoria area, Metchosin. I'm sure I will find a quilting group or two down that way.

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From Cheryl Rabbit’s sewing room…

How many times have you admired free motion quilting done by others and wished you could learn how?

Over the last few months, I have been learning how to create various motifs using an on-line course via Facebook on a site called Jeanne's Free Motion Quilting Legacy. The picture is the sampler course that I completed in Unit 1. You have to send in a request to be part of the Facebook group. Once you are accepted you click on units in the side bar and in Unit 1 you will see a link to FMQ Sampler. Good luck and have fun!

From Joy Whitehouse’s sewing room…

I made this Quilt Diva for my daughter’s new quilting room. She is moving to Vancouver Island from Ontario. it was fun but never again.

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From Myra’s sewing room…

I haven’t felt much like sewing the last month – the weather has been too nice and we have a large garden that needs a lot of work in the spring. I did finish quilting another quilt for Community Quilts and I have been stuffing pillows for the breast cancer comfort bags which I hope can be distributed soon.

The garden clean-up is almost done, but I am still busy with the vegetable garden. I try to stagger planting seeds but every year everything seems to be ready at the same time.

As with most things, the Covid-19 situation has put the distribution of comfort bags & pillows to cancer patients on hold.

Our contact who takes them to the hospital is not allowed to do so at present, but as the weeks go on, this might change.

I have about 25 ready to give to her. If anyone would like to make more bags and pillows in the coming months, there is a pattern on the guild webpage. I can make up kits with fabric and pattern (no batting since I do not have enough) if anyone is interested – just let me know. Also if anyone still has any that haven’t been turned in, you can drop them off at my house or I can pick them up from you.

Thank you! ([email protected])

Breast Cancer Comfort Bags & Pillows Update

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Happy 60th Anniversary to

Gladi & Bob Lyall

From Claudette’s sewing room…

This is all scraps started in January 2020 from a tutorial on Missouri Star by Jenny.

It was supposed to be for community quilts but there is no way that I am parting with this quilt. I have fallen in love with it. I quilted it with swirls or ocean waves in one hour sessions so it took me about two weeks to finally get it done. I have the binding ready to go after finishing squaring it off. I will make a smaller version for community quilts.

Hope you like it as much as I do. This turned out to be my isolation project to keep me sane.

Claudette, age 84

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From Pat MacEachern’s sewing room…

I would like to start with a huge thank you to all the guild members for the beautiful card sent to me on the passing of my Mother. She is dearly missed. I hope all of you ladies had a wonderful Mother's Day.

With all this nice weather we have been having, I have spent a lot of my time outdoors. We live in such a beautiful area and I have a passion for pictures. The colours and new life of spring makes it one of my favourite seasons.




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From Pamela Drinkwater’s sewing room…

Getting rid of my stash…this social distancing has kept me out of the fabric store and using up all the small pieces I've bought through the years. This jigsaw puzzle (cuddle) quilt  is 45" x 63" , and only required 35  - 3 1/2" x 30" strips. And the backing and batting were pieced. 

Happy quilting ladies!

Pamela Drinkwater 

From Diane Cave’s sewing room…

Just quilted by our member Sandra Lloyd-Harasym. Great work Sandra.Now the binding.

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I also finished two little 18” square wall hangings  - a kit and a pattern bought at the Rushin’ Tailor in Skagway, a shop many of us have visited!  We took our family on an Alaska cruise to celebrate our 50th anniversary last July.  That was our 18th cruise with Princess. We do wonder what the future of cruising will be. We are not sure we will book another cruise. until there is a viable vaccine.  

Other than quilting I’ve been reading, making dough in the breadmaker for buns, walking, helping hubbie find a piece for the borrowed puzzles he is working on, doing Zoom and FaceTime chats with our children in Burnaby and Guelph, and entertaining good friends for drinkies in our back yard - with safe social distancing, of course!   I had the brilliant idea to order a few cursive writing practice books from

Amazon for our 12 year old grandson as handwriting is no longer taught in school (much to my disgust as a longtime Grade 4/5 teacher!) and this is a good time to find a new challenge.  Not really too sure how keen he is - after over a month he says he is on the letter “J”!!!   Take care of yourself everyone and hope to see more of you again soon!

From Beth Ritchie’s sewing room…

It seems like such a long time since we were together on Thursdays at the hall - what very strange times we now live in!  “This too will pass” as my mum used to say and we can look forward to seeing each other in some way when it is safe to do so.  

I finished the top for the President’s Challenge scrappy quilt, “Batik Scraps” - not a pattern I would repeat,  there are hundreds of small pieces!  I was happy to only have to buy the batting as set out in the rules - it is now in to be quilted in Campbell River.  It is lying on another quilt with a blue backing, no blue border.

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From Anne McCullough’s sewing room….

Well, it is beginning to seem like forever since we were together around the quilting tables! It has been good to see that many have found creative ways to keep busy producing a myriad of things from masks to full sized quilts.

My husband and I have kept busy ‘teaching’ our grandkids online while their parents work full time from home. Every morning we Skype for 2 hours; sharing their Google classroom, assignments, and all! It has kept us on our toes and been wonderful to have time with them on our own. After school is out, I’ve been working on finishing up projects and trying to use up as much out of my fabric cupboard as I can in order to avoid a trip to Fabricland.

Here is a picture of my President’s Challenge quilt; made from scraps from my batiks bin using the “52 blocks in 52 weeks” from Quilt Canada.

The small picture is from our last Small Worx challenge of the year which was to create a mixed media piece that included the use of something metallic. I used fabrics, Angelina, string, glass beads and copper wire; lots of fun!

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From Coby Sherstone’s sewing room…. These are a few pictures of what I’ve accomplished since this pandemic started.

1. I’ve completed the flimsy for the “Presidents Challenge” and it has gone to Edna to be quilted.

2. These are 2 of the 22 face masks I made for my family and for a couple of elderly friends.

3. These are two of the summer dresses I made for my granddaughter. She has requested that I make one more.

4. I’m putting the finishing touches on a king size wedding quilt for my nephew (possible picture next month).

5. And I’ve got a baby quilt on the go.

We’re safe and keeping busy. Thank goodness for sewing.

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From Gayle Hampton’s sewing room…

I finished my President’s Challenge a few weeks ago. I call it “Birds of a Feather” and will gift it to a very special young lady who graduates this year. The pattern is based on a paper pieced pattern I found at I used the overall pattern as a template, adjusted the size and made my feathers with random strip sets. I made sure the finished block width (8”) was half the finished block height (16”) so I could turn the feathers in different directions.

Finished size is 57” x 80”. I also added a scrappy binding. The back is a very soft chenille I had tucked away. Had a lot fun making this.

Happy Sewing!

Huge Savings on many machines!

Plus buy 2 Bernina feet get 1 Bernina

Foot Free (lesser of value)

1930 Ryan Road East, Comox BC

250-339-4059 or 1-877-339-4059

[email protected] STORE HOURS

Monday-Friday 10:00am-5:00pm Saturday 10:00am-4:30pm

Sunday Noon-4Pm

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From Julie Ann Mercer’s home…

Hi there! I am not sewing but I am broom busting with my family and keeping an eye on our mason bees. Hope you are all well.

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From Sandi McLean’s sewing room…

I had goals for our Covid19 "Stay at Home";  work through the UFOs (the two bags and Christmas bed/table runner are a few), get two lap quilts done for May 5th (4 done of 10 for the grands this year), continue Scrap Therapy (made it through one blue bin of scraps), organize my sewing closet and sew everyday.  Of course, while I have made it through a pile of UFOs I have also added more.  Give me enough variety and I will stay the course.

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From Clare Ireson’s sewing room…

I hope you're keeping well. I attach a couple of pictures and thoughts for the newsletter. I find it easy to lose track of the date now as the daily routine varies little, so it's a surprise that the deadline for the newsletter has rolled around again. Projects this month have included making masks for my children and their partners, after checking out several pattern options on YouTube, and modifying them substituting hair elastics for regular elastic. I know some members have made dozens for healthcare workers, so congratulations to you ladies. I finished piecing the rainbow quilt I bought to commemorate our walk on the El Camino in Portugal and Spain in May 2019. It's huge!! And very bright, but I'm pleased with it. I'm prepping fabrics for the next project using a Northcott panel called Healing Waters. I guess I like bold colours.I look forward to the time we can sit together and savour the talking and sharing we all enjoy at our guild sewing days and meetings. Look after yourselves. And finally, thanks to Eva for being a great newsletter editor for the past two years. 

If you know of someone in the guild who needs a little sunshine, please let Florence

know:[email protected]

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Sent in by Barb Bocking…

”Pre-pandemic”, Rosanne Tinckler generously donated a large number of full yards of beautiful Moda fabrics to Community Quilts.  In January, we made up 20 quilt kits using Rosanne's fabric, as well as other fabric we had on hand.  We had intended to do a show and tell of the quilts created, but sadly, the current situation prevents this.  We've been unable to collect completed quilts because of the hall closure; however, here are some of the quilts that we have received.  Thank you, Rosanne!

Verna received a thank you card from the folks at the views to thank the ladies in our guild who made masks.

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Submissions are due the 15th of the month prior to publication. Late submissions will be filed for insertion in the following issue. Please send to: [email protected]

Newsletter Advertising Please contact Sandy MacDonell for rates: [email protected]

Submit advertising by the 15th of the month for the following month: [email protected]

Please ensure that any info you send is not under copyright….unless it’s YOUR copyright, of course!

For many of the things you find on the internet, it’s difficult to find the original source.

If you are submitting something regularly to the newsletter, please send a new file of exactly what you would like to have in your section by the due date of the 15th of each month.

MEMBERSHIP DUES! The executive reviews the membership fee on an annual basis, depending on the rent charged per annum from September 1 to August 31 of the following year. The fee for the current year is $60.00. For a new member the fee is due when joining. Renewal membership fees are due at the September general meeting. If a member joins the Guild in May, June, July or August, the fee is applied to the next full year. If you can’t attend the September meeting, here’s how to pay your renewal: • Write a cheque to Schoolhouse Quilters Guild

for $60.00 • Mail it to: Comox Valley Schoolhouse

Quilters Guild, P. O. Box 1031, Cumberland, BC V0R 1S0

• Your receipt & sticker can be picked up from 5 pm until the meeting begins and during the break on meeting nights.

Thank you… • all those who got their info in to me by the 15th so the

newsletter can go out on time!

• Miss Fussy Cut for her sense of humour and hard work answering all the questions! We’ll miss you!

• Ardythe, Nerissa, and Hope, for proofreading.

• our advertisers for supporting our guild. • all who take the time to read all or part of the

newsletter, and to look at all the pictures of what’s going on!

BIB n’ TUCKER QUILTING We are hoping to reopen in June

with revised hours and following provincial guidelines

Subscribe to the newsletter at

to get the opening announcement.

1006 Craigflower Road, Victoria, BC Parking behind building off Craigflower

250-386-6512 Currently closed

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Need to contact a guild member, committee or executive member?

Members can access information about other members using the user id and password given when membership fees are paid. Member contact information is available in the members only section on the guild website.

If your committee does not have a guild email address, or if you are organizing a special event for the guild, please request one from our webmaster at [email protected]

Personal Information Changes

Please notify the membership committee of any changes to your email, phone number or address so

General Meeting Reminders

WemeetthefirstThursdayofeachmonthfromSeptemberunTlJuneat6:30pmattheOAPHallinCumberland. •Bringyourcoffeemug •Turnoffyourcellphones beforethemeeTng •Rememberthatwearea scentfreemeeTng •Keepaislewaysclearoftables&chairssoothers don’ttrip




!!!!!!! !

2019-2020 Committees

Community Quilts Coordinator – Nerissa Thomas

Lilli House Barb Bocking

Breast Cancer Myra Shearer

Placemats Sharon Hansen, Lois Jones, Susan Richert,

N. Island Health Newborns Joy Whitehouse

Seniors & Fire Quilts Verna Power, Nerissa Thomas

Vanier Teddies & Toddlers Gladi Lyall, Carreen Webber Pregnancy Care Centre & Quilts of Valour

Nerissa Thomas

Hall Open & Close Carol Metner, Judy Morrison & their teams

HAW Hope Rychkun

In-House Draw Brenda Levirs

Library Anne Taschereau Mamers, Myra Shearer, Margaret Yells, Shirley Krotz, Carol Metner

Membership Terryl Essery , Carol Metner

Newsletter Advertising Sandy MacDonell

Newsletter Editor Eva Hansen

Photography Barb Messer

Programs Sandra Castiglia, Marilyn Schick

Refreshments Mary Ellen Hall, Peggy Hawkins, Michelle Lampron

Retreats Janis Davis , Beverly Luck, Terry Vadeboncoeur

Sunshine Florence Labrecque

Venue Jan Hill, Anne McCullough

Website Sam Crewe

Workshops Clare Ireson, Daniele White, Diane Davies

Word Puzzle Bev Michaluk