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Page 1: Several technical advances made BIOIMAGING Vibrational · ADVANCES: Several technical advances made ... Recent efforts focused



Vibrational spectroscopic imagingof living systems: An emergingplatform for biology and medicineJi-Xin Cheng* and X. Sunney Xie*

BACKGROUND: Biomolecules can serve asnatural labels for microscopy by measuringtheir molecular vibration spectra in livingcells and tissues. However, the transition fromspectroscopy of molecules in cuvettes to spec-troscopic imaging of living systems requiresmore than putting spectrometers on micro-

scopes. A series of technical challenges mustbe addressed, such as delivery of light beamsfor sample excitation and scattering of sig-nals, which limit the probe depth of spectro-scopic imaging. There are also trade-offs inhow large a spectral window can be measuredat a pixel (the amount of chemical informa-

tion) in a given amount of time (the recordingspeed).

ADVANCES: Several technical advances madebydifferent groupshavepushed theboundaryofthe vibrational spectroscopic imaging field interms of spectral acquisition speed, detectionsensitivity, spatial resolution, and penetrationdepth. Specifically, coherent Raman scatteringmi-croscopy has emerged as a high-speed vibrationalimaging platform. Single-frequency coherentanti-StokesRaman scattering (CARS) and stim-ulatedRamanscattering (SRS)microscopeshavereached a video-rate imaging speed. MultiplexCARS by broadband excitation has reached aspeed of 3.5 ms per pixel; multiplex SRS cover-ing awindow of 200wave numbers has reached

a speed of 32 ms per pixel.Themarriage of high-speedcoherent Raman micros-copy and Raman-sensitivetags of large cross sectionshas enabled real-time im-aging of small molecules at

micromolar concentration. Nanoscale vibrationalimaging has been demonstrated by integration ofatomic force microscopy and vibrational spec-troscopy. Vibrational imaging of deep tissue hasbeen enabled by acoustic detection of overtonetransitionsor optical detectionofdiffusephotons.Biological applications of CARS and SRSmicros-copy have generated new insights into myelinbiology, lipid droplet biology, intracellular drugdelivery, and single-cell metabolism. Meanwhile,clinical applications of vibrational spectroscopicimaging are enablingmolecule-based diagnosisof cancer and heart diseasewithout the need forany exogenous contrast agent. Examples includeintravascular vibrational photoacoustic imagingof lipid-laden plaques and spatially offset Ramanspectroscopic detection of cancer margins.

OUTLOOK:There remain two central challengesfacing the field. One is to increase the detectionsensitivity of vibrational microscopy to mi-cromolar or even nanomolar levels, so that low-concentrationbiomolecules ina living systemcanbe mapped. The other is to increase the vibra-tional imaging depth to tens of centimeters fornoninvasive molecule-basedmedical diagnosis.Withcontinuousdevelopments,high-resolution,

high-speedvibrationalmicroscopywill cultivateun-expected discoveries in cell biology. The findingsmay lead to the development of new therapiesfor currently incurable diseases.Meanwhile, withfurther improvementofpenetrationdepthandpro-gressive reduction of instrument size, vibrationalspectroscopic imaging devices are expected to be-come fundamental clinical tools for disease di-agnosis and therapy effectiveness evaluation.▪


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The list of author affiliations is available in the full article online.*Corresponding author. E-mail: [email protected] (J.-X.C.);[email protected] (X.S.X)Cite this paper as J.-X. Cheng, X. S. Xie, Science 350,aaa8870 (2015). DOI: 10.1126/science.aaa8870

Molecular fingerprints for biology and medicine through imaging. Recent efforts focused onpushing the fundamental limits of vibrational spectroscopic imaging in terms of spectral acquisitionspeed, detection sensitivity, spatial resolution, and penetration depth.The resulting platforms are enablingtransformative applications in functional analysis of single living cells and noninvasive diagnosis of humandiseases with biomarker sensitivity.


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Vibrational spectroscopic imagingof living systems: An emergingplatform for biology and medicineJi-Xin Cheng1* and X. Sunney Xie2*

Vibrational spectroscopy has been extensively applied to the study of molecules in gasphase, in condensed phase, and at interfaces. The transition from spectroscopy tospectroscopic imaging of living systems, which allows the spectrum of biomolecules to actas natural contrast, is opening new opportunities to reveal cellular machinery and toenable molecule-based diagnosis. Such a transition, however, involves more than a simplecombination of spectrometry and microscopy. We review recent efforts that have pushedthe boundary of the vibrational spectroscopic imaging field in terms of spectral acquisitionspeed, detection sensitivity, spatial resolution, and imaging depth. We further highlightrecent applications in functional analysis of single cells and in label-free detectionof diseases.

Acentury ago, stains developed by Golgiallowed Ramón y Cajal to picture neu-ronal cells in the central nervous system.More recently, the discovery of green fluo-rescent proteins facilitated the imaging of

protein dynamics in living cells and animals. Thedevelopment of superresolution fluorescencemi-croscopy has further enabled close examinationof cellular structures at the nanometer scale.Despite such advances, the labeling approach hasvarious limitations: (i) Labels may perturb thefunction of a biological molecule or structure; (ii)the labeling approach offers limited capacity ofdiscovery because it is only applicable to knownspecies; (iii) delivery of labels to a target could bedifficult, especially under in vivo conditions; and(iv) the potential toxicity often prevents the use oflabels in human subjects.The emerging field of in vivo vibrational spec-

troscopic imaging delivers a way to circumventsuch barriers. The concept of vibrational spec-troscopic imaging can be explained by the chil-dren’s bookWhere’sWaldo. In this book, by simplepattern recognition (his distinctive cap), childrenlocateWaldo in an imageof crowdswithout a needfor labels. Similarly, molecules can be recognizedby their distinctive signature, or “fingerprint,” pro-duced by quantized vibrations of chemical bonds.Fingerprint vibrational spectra of molecules ina single cell can be recorded by infrared (IR) orRaman spectroscopy. Nonetheless, a cell is not abag of molecules, but rather a spatially and tem-porally organized dynamic system. If a finger-

print spectrum could be recorded at every pixelwith sufficient speed and a multivariate analysisperformedon the resultingdata set, a given “Waldo”molecule could be located and monitored in realtime in a living system, thereby gaining insightinto its function.The transition from spectroscopy to spectro-

scopic imaging of living systems, however, cannotbe accomplished simply by combining a spec-trometer and a microscope. A series of technicaldifficulties need to be addressed: Can we increasethe speed of spectral acquisition to the micro-second scale in order to capture the dynamics in aliving cell? Can we achieve enough sensitivity todetect target molecules in a tissue environment(whose propensity for scattering light degradesimages) without harming the cells? Can we havesuperior resolution to enable imaging of biologicalstructures at the nanoscale? Finally, can we detecta spectrum from a centimeter-deep tissue for invivo diagnosis?Advances toward overcoming thesetechnical difficulties are discussed below.Molecular fingerprint vibration spectra can be

recorded through measurements of linear IR ab-sorption or inelastic Raman scattering. Fourier-transform IR microscopy has enabled chemicalimaging of histological slices [reviewed in (1)].Live-cell imaging applications of IR spectroscopyare, however, hampered by the strong water ab-sorption of IR light and also by the low spatialresolution given the long wavelength (a few mi-crometers) of IR light. Raman spectroscopy, whichuses shorter-wavelength visible light for excita-tion, has been extensively used for analysis ofcells and tissues [reviewed in (2)]. Feld, Puppels,Popp, and others have demonstrated broad bio-medical applications of Raman spectroscopy. ARaman microscope, first reported in the 1970s,is now commercially available and has reacheda speed of milliseconds per pixel. Nonetheless,

because of the extremely small cross section ofspontaneous Raman scattering, the bioimagingspeed of a state-of-the-art Raman microscope islimited to tens of minutes per frame (3), insuf-ficient for capturing the dynamics (e.g., move-ment of organelles) inside living cells.Coherent Raman scattering (CRS) microscopy

(4) is an emerging technique that overcomes theframe rate limitation of spontaneous Ramanmicroscopy. In most CRS imaging experiments,two excitation fields are used, denoted as pump(wp) and Stokes (ws).When the beating frequency(wp − ws) between the pump and Stokes fields isresonant with a Raman-active molecular vibra-tion, four major CRS processes occur simulta-neously, namely coherent anti-Stokes Ramanscattering (CARS) at a new frequency of (wp − ws) +wp, coherent Stokes Raman scattering at a newfrequency of ws − (wp − ws), stimulated Ramangain (SRG) atws, and stimulated Raman loss (SRL)atwp. CARS is a parametric phenomenon in whichthe input and output photons exchange energywhile the quantum state of the molecule is leftunchanged. As a vibrationally enhanced four-wavemixing process, the CARS signal is generated at anew frequency apart from input beams and isaccompanied by a nonresonant signal caused byelectronic contributions to the four-wave mixingprocess. SRG and SRL belong to the process ofstimulated Raman scattering (SRS), in which theStokes beam experiences a gain in intensity andthe pump beam experiences an intensity loss.SRS is a dissipative process in which energy cor-responding to the beating frequency (wp − ws) ofinput photons is transferred to the molecule forvibrational excitation. The SRS signal appears atthe same wavelengths as the excitation fields andis commonly extracted through a lock-in ampli-fier. Figure 1 shows the schematics of spontaneousRaman scattering, CARS, and SRS.CARS as a third-order nonlinear process was

documented in 1965 by Terhune andMaker at theFord Motor Company (5). Coherent anti-StokesRaman spectroscopy (6) has been widely used formonitoring chemical reaction dynamics and re-mains a powerful tool for combustion analysis.The CARS microscope was reported in 1982 byDuncan et al. using a two-dimensional (2D) imagingdevice (7). In 1999, Zumbusch et al. demon-strated 3D CARS imaging of live cells by raster-scanning two collinearly overlapped and tightlyfocused femtosecond pulse excitation beams (8).This work triggered the development of modernCARS microscopy. By spectrally focusing the exci-tation energy on a single Raman band by meansof picosecond pulses, Cheng et al. demonstratedCARS imaging of cells in the fingerprint vibrationregion (9) and further developed a high-speedlaser-scanning CARS microscope for visualizationof cellmitosis and apoptosis (10). Epi-detected (i.e.,backward-detected) CARS was developed to mini-mize the detection of nonresonant signals (11) andwas later used for imaging live animals at videorate (12). A Green’s function model was developedto interpret the radiation pattern of CARS from a3D object and thereby explain the contrast mech-anism (13). At the same time, multiplex CARS


SCIENCE 27 NOVEMBER 2015 • VOL 350 ISSUE 6264 aaa8870-1

1Weldon School of Biomedical Engineering and Departmentof Chemistry, Purdue University, West Lafayette, IN 47907,USA. 2Department of Chemistry and Chemical Biology,Harvard University, Cambridge, MA 02138, USA.*Corresponding author. E-mail: [email protected] (J.-X.C.);[email protected] (X.S.X.)

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microscopywas developed for spectroscopic imag-ing (14, 15). The strong signal contributed by C-Hstretching vibrations has led to the applicationof CARS microscopy in lipid biology [reviewedin (16)].The SRS phenomenon was reported in 1962

(17). Owyoung and co-workers developed SRSspectroscopy with continuous-wave lasers in the1970s (18). Ploetz et al. demonstrated SRS imag-ing of polymer beads with a broadband, low–repetition rate laser in 2007 (19). In 2008, the Xiegroup reported high-speed, high-sensitivity single-frequency SRS imaging by megahertz modula-tion of a picosecond laser andmodulation transferto the other laser (20), and this work was quicklyfollowed by reports from the Volkmer group, theOzeki group, and others (21–25). The SRS signalcan be extracted at the optical modulation fre-quency by either a lock-in amplifier (20–25) or atuned amplifier (26). SRS is free of nonresonantbackground and provides spectral profiles thatare nearly identical to spontaneous Raman spec-troscopy. Moreover, the SRS intensity is linearlydependent onmolecular concentration. These fea-

tures render SRS microscopy a robust and quan-titative method for chemical imaging [reviewed in(27, 28)].The vibrational signal can also be detected

indirectly with acoustic signatures generated byoptical absorption. The photoacoustic effect, firstdocumented by Bell in 1880 (29), offers an ele-gant route toward deep-tissue molecular imag-ing. When photons are absorbed by a molecule,part of the absorbed energy is converted intoheat. The local heating results in a thermal ex-pansion that creates a transient pressure wavedetectable by an ultrasonic transducer. The timeof flight of the photoacoustic signal carries theinformation about the location of the absorbers,and thus the distribution of the molecular ab-sorbers can bemapped through image reconstruc-tion. Photoacoustic tomography and microscopyhave foundwide biomedical applications based onthe electronic absorption of hemoglobin [reviewedin (30, 31)].In an effort to overcome the limited imaging

depth of CRSmicroscopy, which is on the scale of100 mm, two photoacoustic vibrational imaging

platforms—one based on overtone absorption(32) and the other on SRS (33)—have been demon-strated. In the SRS-based platform, the energy dif-ference of the pump and Stokes beam, ħ(wp − ws)(where ħ is Planck’s constant divided by 2p), isabsorbed by the interactedmolecules (34) to gener-ate acoustic waves (33, 35). The SRS-based plat-form reliesmostly on ballistic photons,which limitsits potential for deep-tissue photoacoustic imag-ing. In overtone-based photoacoustic imaging (36),pulsed near-IR light induces overtone vibrationalabsorption. Through the heat dissipation process,such vibrational absorption is converted into a de-tectable transient acoustic wave. Unlike the strongmid-IR absorption by water in living organisms,the overtone vibrational bands are located in thenear-IR region, where spectral windows of mini-mal water absorption exist for deep-tissue, bond-selective imaging (32). Moreover, unlike the SRSprocess, both diffuse and ballistic photons contrib-ute to overtone absorption equally. This platformhas led to the development of a high-speed intra-vascular vibrational photoacoustic (IVPA) catheterfor label-free imaging of lipid-laden plaques (37)and vibration-based photoacoustic tomography(38) for label-free detection of breast cancermargin(39) and nerves (40). Besides the photoacoustic de-tection scheme, vibrational imaging of deep tissueshas been pursued via spatially offset Raman spec-troscopy (41), Raman tomography (42), and near-IR diffuse optical tomography (43).Below, we discuss strategies contributed by

different research groups that have pushed theboundary of the vibrational spectroscopic imag-ing field in terms of acquisition speed, detectionsensitivity, spatial resolution, and imaging depth.We also highlight important applications en-abled by these technical advances.

Pushing the limit of imaging speed

The imaging speed in spontaneousRaman, CARS,and SRS microscopy is dictated by the signal-to-noise ratio (SNR) at certain pixel dwell times. Inall of these microscopic techniques, three majorsources of noise are typically present: photon shotnoise, laser intensity excess noise, and detectorJohnson noise. Generally, Raman spectroscopyhas a very low level of signal photons and theJohnson noise is the SNR-limiting factor. Thus, ittakes milliseconds to seconds to record a Ramanspectrum, andminutes to acquire a Raman image.CARS microscopy gains speed through coherentaddition of the radiation fields, which renders thesignal large and highly directional (13). The laserbeams in CARSmicroscopy are usually notmodu-lated. Thus, the laser intensity excess noise is trans-ferred to the signal and becomes the SNR-limitingfactor. In highly concentrated conditions, such asimaging lipid bodies by C-H stretch vibrations, apixel dwell time of <1 ms is achieved. Experimen-tally, video-rate CARS imaging of skin lipids inliving mice has been reported (12).SRS microscopy gains speed through signal

amplification by the presence of a local oscillatorat the detectionwavelength. SRS imaging usuallyinvolves intensity modulation of one laser andextraction of modulated signals from the other.

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Fig. 1. Spontaneous versus coherent Raman scattering process. (A) A narrowband pump lasergenerates spontaneous Raman scattering. (B) Two narrowband lasers generate single-frequencycoherent Raman scattering. (C) A narrowband laser and a broadband laser simultaneously excitemultiple Raman transitions. SRG, stimulated Raman gain; SRL, stimulated Raman loss; CARS, co-herent anti-Stokes Raman scattering. wp, ws, and was denote the frequencies of the pump, Stokesbeam, and anti-Stokes beam, respectively; W is the fundamental.


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The shot noise in SRS microscopy is much greaterthan that in CARS. Meanwhile, because of themodulation and demodulation at MHz frequency,contribution from the excess laser noise is sub-stantially reduced. Thus, the shot noise limit canbe reached at a pixel dwell time of 100 ns, asdemonstrated by video-rate single-frequency SRSimaging (44).The above discussion considers CARS or SRS

resonance with a single vibrational frequency.Without providing spectral information, this con-figuration is only applicable to mapping knownspecies in a specimen. Hyperspectral CARS andSRS microscopy has been developed by sweepingthe laser wavelength. A spectral resolution betterthan 10 cm−1 has been reached by femtosecondpulse-shaping technology (45, 46). With thesemethods, it takes seconds to minutes to recordan entire stack of images for reconstruction. Suchspeed is not sufficient to capture dynamics in aliving system without spectral distortion.Many research groups are developing multi-

plex CARS and SRS microscopy, in which aspectrum is instantaneously recordedat eachpixel.First reported in 2002,multiplexCARSmicroscopyand microspectroscopy use a broadband and anarrowband beam to produce a CARS spectrumrecorded by a spectrometer (14, 15). Later, it wasrealized that the nonresonant background can beused as a local oscillator to enhance the resonantsignal in multiplex CARS imaging (47). Twomethods, maximum entropy (48) and Kramers-Kronig transformation (49), were adopted to ex-tract the Raman spectrum from the CARS signal.Alternatively, with the addition of a third beam,interferometric CARS was developed to produceRaman spectral data at each pixel (50). BroadbandCARS covering the entire Raman window wasdeveloped by using supercontinuum laser sources(51). Using thismethod, spectral acquisition on theorder of a few milliseconds per pixel was recentlyachieved by Cicerone and co-workers (51).In a further advance toward multiplex SRS

detection, Fu et al. demonstratedmulticolor imag-ing bymodulationmultiplexing andparallel detec-tion of three spectral channels (52). Marx et al.compared variousmultichannel detectors that canbepotentiallyused for SRSmicroscopy (53).Rock et al.reported the recovery of an SRS spectrum fromacomplementarymetal-oxide semiconductor arraywith 20-ms integration time (54). Seto et al. de-veloped a multiplex SRS microscope throughmultichannel lock-in detection, with a moderatedetection sensitivity of 10−4 modulation (55). Witha 32-channel resonant amplifier array, Liao et al.demonstrated lock-in free multiplex SRS imaging,within a spectral window defined by the femto-second pulse, with pixel dwell time of 32 ms anddetection sensitivity of 10−6modulation (56). By spa-tial frequencymultiplexing of a femtosecond pulse,Liao et al. further demonstrated microsecond-scale vibrational spectroscopic imaging by singlephotodiode detection of diffuse photons (57).Along with efforts to improve instrumenta-

tion, various multivariate analysis methods wereadopted to decompose the spectroscopic imageinto chemical maps of major components. For

samples of known compositions, least-squaresfitting provides a solid and rapidmeans to gener-ate concentration maps (58). For samples withlimited prior knowledge, principal componentsanalysis (59), k-means clustering (60), indepen-dent components analysis (45), or spectral phasoranalysis (61) can identify the major componentsin a CARS or SRS image. Concentration maps ofthese major components can be produced byfurther multivariate curve resolution analysis (62).Similar methods were developed by the Ciceronegroup (63) and the Langbein group (64).At present, taking a CARS spectrum of the full

window (3000 cm−1) requires a few millisecondsper pixel. SRS spectra covering a window of hun-dreds of wave numbers can be recorded inmicroseconds, whereas single-frequency CARSor SRS signals can be acquired in nanoseconds.

Pushing the limit of detection sensitivity

With picosecond pulse excitation, single-frequencyCARS microscopy has reached the detectionsensitivity of ~1 million C-H bonds in a lipidmembrane (65), which corresponds to milli-molar molecular concentration in a femtoliterexcitation volume. For weaker Raman bands, theCARS signal is often buried in a large nonresonantbackground contributed by the medium. Variousadvanced detection schemes have been developedto suppress the nonresonant background, in-cluding polarization-sensitive detection, time-resolved detection, interferometric CARS, andfrequency modulation, but the complex configu-rations of these schemes have limited their ap-plication [reviewed in (66)]. Epi-detected CARS(11), which avoids the forward-propagating non-resonant signal contributed by the solvent, allowsquantitative imaging of domains in a single sup-ported lipid layer (67). Recently, the Potma groupdemonstrated surface-enhanced CARS detectionof a single molecule located in a gold dumbbell bytime-resolved measurement (68).Under the shot noise–limited condition, the

detection sensitivities of SRS and CARS are com-parable (21). By excitation with a time-lens lasersource synchronized with a femtosecond pulse, ahyperspectral SRS imaging sensitivity of 5 × 10−6

modulation depth for C-H vibrations in dimethylsulfoxide (DMSO) was reached at a pixel dwelltime of 2 ms, which corresponds to 19mMDMSOin water (69). In hyperspectral SRS imaging,denoising (70) and subsequent multivariate dataanalysis allowed separation of spectroscopic sig-nal from the unwanted cross-phase modulation,which improved the SNR in final chemical maps.For single-frequency SRS microscopy, advanced-phase or spectral modulation schemes were de-veloped to remove the non-Raman background[reviewed in (28)].Raman tags with large scattering cross sec-

tions offer an effective approach to improvemolec-ular selectivity and boost detection sensitivity.Relative to fluorescent labels, Raman tags havesmaller volumes and thus provide a promisingway of imaging small biomolecules without per-turbing their intracellular functions. Raman tagsuse vibrational signatures of the carbon-deuterium

(C-D) bond, the cyano bond (C≡N), or the alkynebond (C≡C), which are spectrally isolated from theendogenous Raman bands. The alkyne tag hasallowed direct Raman visualization of DNA syn-thesis and mobile small molecules in living cells(71, 72), at a speed of 50min per frame of 127 × 127pixels. CRS microscopy was deployed for fasterimaging of C-D–labeled fatty acids (23, 73), aminoacids (74), and drugs (75) in living cells. Morerecently, SRS imaging of alkyne-tagged moleculeshas been reported (76, 77), with detection sensitiv-ity at the level of 200 mm.

Pushing the limit of spatial resolution

As nonlinear optical processes, CARS and SRSoffer submicrometer lateral spatial resolution andan axial sectioning capability of ~1 mm. In order tostudy subcellular structures, partition of chemicalswithin an organelle, and cell functional activity, itis desirable to have higher imaging resolution. Theuse of two laser fields for signal generation opensopportunities to exceed the optical diffractionlimit in CARS and SRS microscopy. Superresolu-tion CARS imaging that achieved 130-nm lateralresolution for imaging nanostructured materialshas been reported (78). By using ground-state pop-ulation depletion, superior resolution was demon-strated through saturated transient absorptionmicroscopy (79) and has been proposed for SRSmicroscopy (80). In this modality (79), a donut-shaped saturation beam was used to depletethe ground-state population, which restricted thepump-probe volume to the very center of thefocus. Experimental demonstration of super-resolution SRS imaging is expected in the nearfuture.Near-field scanning optical microscopy has

achieved imaging resolution well below 100 nmand has been deployed for nanoscale vibrationalimaging. By combining atomic force microscopyand IR absorption spectroscopy, Keilmann andco-workers used a near-field probe tip (ratherthan laser beam focusing) to obtain surface-enhanced contrast in vibrational absorption ofchemical compounds (81). Here, a silicon canti-levered probing tip was metallized with a 100-nmlayer of gold to achieve a diffraction-limitedimaging resolution and enhanced IR absorp-tion around the tip’s apex. Application of thisnanoscale spectroscopic absorption signal tolife science has not yet been reported.

Pushing the limit of imaging depth

As the number of ballistic photons rapidly de-creases with depth in a turbid tissue, currentapproaches of deep-tissue vibrational imagingexploit the interaction between diffuse photonsand molecules to extract vibrational spectro-scopic information. These methods are based onthe detection of (i) overtone vibrational signal vianear-IR diffuse optical tomography, (ii) vibra-tionally scattered photons through spatially offsetRaman spectroscopy or Raman tomography, or(iii) the ultrasound signal induced by overtonevibrational absorption.In near-IR diffuse optical tomography, pho-

tons interact with molecular overtone and

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combinational vibrational transitions, which areallowed by the anharmonicity of chemical bondvibration (82). The transition frequency of anovertone band is described byW =W0n− cW0(n+n2), where W0 is the frequency of a fundamentalvibration, c is the anharmonicity, and n = 2, 3,…represents the first overtone, second overtone,and so on. By modeling photon diffusion inturbid tissue, molecule-specific information canbe obtained through approximately extractingabsorption from the elastic scattering of photons(83). Spatial distribution of the molecule can betomographically reconstructed by solving the“inverse problem” in a diffusion equation.Unlike SRS, spontaneous Raman scattering is

a linear inelastic scattering process and is lessdependent on tight focusing for signal genera-tion. Thus, diffuse photons that travel deep intothe tissue could contribute substantially to aRaman spectrum. An intuitive way of extractingmolecular information from different depths isto use ultrafast temporal gating (84, 85), whichmeasures the time-of-flight Raman signal gen-erated from diffused photons. On the basis ofthese studies, Matousek and co-workers demon-strated spatially offset Raman spectroscopy as aneffective and relatively simple method to obtainmolecular information fromdeep tissue (41) (Fig.2A). In this method, when collecting a Ramansignal from a surface position that is laterallyoffset from the position of excitation, a largerportion of backscattered Raman photons from adeeper layer is detected rather than those froman upper layer (41). With modeling of light prop-agation and multivariate analysis of the Ramanspectrum, molecule-specific information at atissue depth of a fewmillimeters can be extracted(86–89). Raman tomography (90, 91), developedby Morris and Pogue, works in a manner similarto diffuse optical imaging, where the propaga-tion of the inelastically scattered photons is de-scribed by diffusion equations. By detecting the

diffusely propagated Raman-scattered photonsin a 360° plane, the spatial distribution of mole-cules at depths greater than 1 cm can be re-constructed (92, 93).Excited by near-IR pulsed lasers, the molecu-

lar vibrational energy is quickly relaxed into heatand converted into mechanical energy via tissueexpansion and retraction. The generated pres-sure waves can then be detected with an acoustictransducer (Fig. 2B). This overtone-based photo-acoustic imagingmethod has been used formap-ping objects that are rich in C-H bonds (32, 36, 94).The second and first overtones of C-H stretchvibration—located at ~1210 nm and ~1730 nm,respectively—were chosen by taking advantageof their relatively large absorption coefficients(36, 95–97). As the wavelength increases, waterabsorption starts to become a factor and attenu-ates the light that can arrive to deep tissue. Thus,selection of the spectral window is critical tomaximize the contrast of C-H bonds over O-Hbonds while maintaining a certain imaging depth(98). Providing a stronger photoacoustic signal,the first overtone of C-H bonds is favorable in theapplications where millimeter-scale penetrationdepth is needed. When dealing with applicationsrequiring a penetration depth greater than a fewmillimeters, the second overtone becomes a betterchoice (96–98).

Shedding light on cellular machinery

CRSmicroscopy provides submicrometer resolu-tion and can resolve intracellular organelles, whichis especially important for single-cell studies. Smallbiomolecules including amino acids, nucleic acids,lipids, and carbohydrates play essential roles in cellproliferation and function. Because of their smallsizes, their activity inside cells would be consider-ably changed by the bulky fluorescent labels.Applications of CARS and SRS microscopy havecontributed to new understanding of lipid dropletbiology, myelin biology, cell metabolism, cell cycle,

drug delivery, and tissue organization, as sum-marized below. Although we focus on mamma-lian cells and tissues here, we note that SRSmicroscopy has also been applied to botanicalscience (99, 100).In a label-free manner, CARS and SRS micros-

copy have been widely used to study two impor-tant organelles—lipid droplets and the myelinsheath—that generate strong signals from C-Hstretching vibrations. In 2004, Nan et al. reportedCARS imaging of the process of adipogenesis inlive 3T3-L1 cells (101). In 2007, Hellerer et al.reported CARS imaging of fat storage in live Caeno-rhabditis elegans (102). These studieswere followedby multiple studies on lipid droplet biology, in-cluding trafficking (103), lipolysis (104), growth (Fig.3A) (105), and dietary fat absorption through thesmall intestine (16). Without interferencewith non-resonant background, SRS microscopy provides anew way to study lipid metabolism in model orga-nisms. Wang et al. coupled SRS microscopy andRNA interference screening to identify genetic regu-lators of fat storage in C. elegans (106). Dou et al.found active transport of lipid droplets in earlyfruit fly embryos by femtosecond pulse–stimulatedRaman-loss imaging (107). Using hyperspectralSRS imaging of fingerprint Raman bands,Wang et al.resolved fat droplets, cholesterol-rich lysosomes,and lipidoxidation inwild-type andmutantworms(108). Multiplex SRS microscopy allowed separa-tion of fat droplets from protein-rich organelles,using their spectroscopic signatures of the CH2

bendingmode (56). By integrating single-frequencyCARS microscopy with Raman microspectroscopyfor compositional analysis (109) (Fig. 3B), Yue et al.reported that lipid droplets in human patient pros-tate cancer cells are rich in cholesteryl ester (110).This finding presents a newway to treat aggressivecancers by abrogating the activity of cholesterolesterification.Themyelin sheath, amultilamellarmembrane

surrounding the axon, is responsible for rapidpropagation of action potentials in a saltatorymanner. Myelin sheath degradation leads toserious disorders such as multiple sclerosis. Themyelin sheath is abundant in lipids and pro-duces a strong CARS signal that allows label-freeimaging of myelin in its natural tissue environ-ment (111, 112). The 3D sectioning capability ofCARS allowed visualization of detailed myelinstructure, such as the node of Ranvier (113) (Fig.3C). Different groups have used CARS micros-copy to characterize myelin degradation and re-generation under different conditions of diseasesand/or white matter injury (111, 113, 114). CARShas been further used to longitudinally monitordemyelination and remyelination in an injuredspinal cord in vivo (113). More recently, Hu et al.demonstrated in vivo SRS imaging of singlemyelin sheaths in early-stage tadpoles (115). Thesestudies collectively demonstrate a CRS-basedplatform formechanistic study ofmyelin diseases.Both CARS and SRS microscopy have enabled

dynamic imaging of metabolic conversions insingle living cells. By hyperspectral SRS imagingof fingerprint bands and multivariate analysis,Wang et al. monitored multiple metabolites in

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Fig. 2. Modalities for vibrational imaging of deep tissue. (A) Spatially offset Raman spectroscopyentails a spatial offset between the incident laser and the Raman signal probe, which allows detection ofobjects such as a tumor deep under the tissue surface.The green and red dotted lines indicate incident andRaman photons, respectively. (B) Vibration-based photoacoustic tomography is a modality in which a pulsedlaser induces molecular overtone transitions inside a tissue. Subsequent relaxation of vibrational energy intoheat generates acoustic waves detectable by an ultrasound transducer. W1 and W2 are the first and secondovertone transition frequencies.


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small intestine cells of live C. elegans (108) (Fig.4A). Liao et al. observed the conversion of retinolinto retinoic acids in cancer cells (56). Isotopesubstitution has been used to selectively monitorthe fate of specific metabolites. The C-D bondproduces Raman peaks around 2100 cm−1, spec-trally isolated from endogenous Raman modes.SRS imaging of deuterated fatty acids adminis-tered to live cells revealed that oleic acids faci-litate the conversion of palmitic acid into neutrallipid stored in lipid droplets (23). Min and co-workers used deuterated amino acids as sub-strates for mapping protein synthesis by SRSmicroscopy (74) (Fig. 4B). They further extendedthis work to monitor the process of protein deg-radation using 13C-labeled phenylalanine (116).By using deuterated glucose, Li et al. demon-strated direct visualization of de novo lipogenesisin pancreatic cancer cells, which occurs at amuchlower rate in immortalized normal pancreaticepithelial cells (117). A similar strategy has beenused tomonitor cholinemetabolism at the single-cell level (118). The alkyne-basedRaman tags opena new avenue tomonitorDNA andRNA synthesisand drug distribution in living cells (76, 77). Bysynthesis of phenol-diyne cholesterol, Lee et al.reported SRS imaging of cholesterol storage in C.elegans (Fig. 4C) and lysosomal storage of cho-lesterol in a cellular model of Niemann-Pick typeC disease, with a detection sensitivity of 31 mMphenol-diyne cholesterol (119).High-speedCRSmicroscopy has enabled chem-

ical imaging of cell mitosis and apoptosis. In

2002, CARS microscopy was used to detect cellapoptosis according to signals from the plasmamembrane and nucleus (10). Such capability hasbeen amplified by selective imaging of lipids andproteins based on signals from CH2 and CH3 vi-brations (120). Recently, SRSmicroscopy allowedreal-time monitoring of the cell cycle based onselective imaging of DNA, using its distinctivesignature in the high–wave number C-H vibra-tion region (121) (Fig. 4D).CRS microscopy is becoming a powerful tool

for mapping spatial and temporal dynamics ofdrug molecules for which fluorescent labelingwould alter their physical properties. A numberof groups applied CARS and SRS to map thedistribution and follow the release of active phar-maceutical ingredients (Fig. 4E) (122–125). Guy andco-workersmonitoredmolecular diffusion into thehuman nail (126). Fu et al. applied hyperspectralSRS microscopy to visualize drug distributioninside cells using fingerprint Raman bands (127).CRS microscopy has further enabled chemical

imaging of tissues with 3D sectioning capability.Threemajor advances have beenmade: (i) CARS-based multimodal nonlinear optical microscopyhas been developed to visualize multiple speciesin a tissue environment (128); (ii) histology-mimicking two-color contrast has been achievedby combined imaging of CH2 vibration for lipidsand CH3 vibration for proteins (129); and (iii)hyperspectral CARS and SRS microscopy hasallowed chemical imaging of multiple moleculesusing spectrally overlapped fingerprint Raman

bands (49, 64, 108). These studies laid the ground-work for the development of mobile imagingdevices that would be useful for in vivo diagnosisapplications in clinical settings.

Moving into the clinic

High-speed, high-resolution vibrational spectro-scopic imaging is expected to affect the currentparadigm ofmedical practice by enablingmolecule-based diagnosis without the need for any con-trast agent. Generally, CRS microscopy providessubmicrometer spatial resolution, together withan imaging depth and a field of view both on theorder of 100 mm. On the basis of these character-istics, CARS and SRS microscopy are consideredto be suitable for in vivo imaging of skin or ex-posed tissue.Toward this direction, a few groups have

reported preliminary results in developing CARSand SRS microendoscopy (130–132). For clini-cal applications, the integration of CARS withmultiphoton fluorescence and second-harmonicgeneration modalities allowed microscopic exami-nation of lipids, endogenous fluorophores, andcollagen fibers in human skin (133). Koenig et al.demonstrated clinical CARS imaging to providelabel-free in vivo skin biopsy (134, 135) (Fig. 5A).Potma and co-workers applied SRS microscopy toidentify squamous cell carcinoma in human skin(136) (Fig. 5B). Ji et al. applied two-color SRSmicroscopy to map CH2 and CH3 vibrations atRaman shifts of 2845 and 2930 cm−1 (137). Using alinear recombinationmethod, they extractedmapsof lipids and proteins that reflected the properdistribution of cellular bodies and extracellularstructures. This two-color SRS imaging methodwas also applied in vivo in mice to reveal braintumor margins that were not detectable understandard operative conditions (137) (Fig. 5C). Wenote that fiber-optic Raman spectroscopy hasbeen used for intraoperative brain tumor detec-tion during surgery on a human patient (138).Relative to single-point Raman spectroscopy,SRSmicroscopy provides visual information thatresembles hematoxylin and eosin–based histol-ogy (110, 129).Variousdeep-tissue vibrational imagingmethods

are opening new ways for minimally invasivediagnosis of human diseases. By photoacousticdetection of C-H bonds’ overtone transition,several groups are developing IVPA cathetersfor visualization of lipid deposition inside theblood vessel wall, with an imaging depth of afewmillimeters (32, 95, 139). Multivariate anal-ysis of the overtone spectrum has been appliedto extract chemically specific information. Dif-ferentiation of CH2-rich fat and CH3-rich colla-gen in atherosclerotic arteries was achieved byvibrational photoacoustic imaging through thedistinctive spectral profiles of CH2 and CH3

groups (36, 96, 97). Clinical translation of IVPAimaging has been hampered by the lack ofsuitable high–repetition rate lasers for excitationof the first overtone of C-H bonds at 1730 nm orthe second overtone around 1200 nm. By shiftingthe wavelength from a 1064-nm YAG laser viathe SRS process, a Raman laser offers a solution

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Fig. 3. Biological applica-tions of coherent anti-Stokes Raman scattering(CARS) microscopy. (A)Real-time CARS imagingreveals neutral lipid deple-tion in 3T3-L1 adipocytes.Left: 0 min; right: 2.5 hours.Scale bars, 10 mm. (B) Inte-grating coherent Ramanimaging with spontaneousRaman spectroscopy.Left: CARS image of lipidbodies in a living 3T3-L1 cell.Right: Raman spectrum of asingle lipid droplet (markedwith a cross in the CARSimage) reveals its chemicalcomposition. Scale bar,20 mm. (C) Left and center:Ex vivo CARS imagingreveals chemically inducedmyelin sheath swelling ina spinal cord tissue. Right:In vivo CARS image of anode of Ranvier inside thewhite matter of a rat spinalcord. Scale bars, 10 mm.


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for vibrational photoacoustic imaging of lipids(140). By constructing a 2-kHz Raman laser at1197 nm, Wang et al. demonstrated high-speedIVPA imaging of lipid-laden plaque in an intactartery at a speed of 1 frame per second (Fig. 5D)(37). Development of kilohertz lasers at 1730 nmis important for in vivo IVPA imaging.In the tomography domain, Tromberg and co-

workers deployed molecular vibration–baseddiffuse optical imaging for quantitation of waterand lipid content within turbid tissue (141, 142).In theopticalwindowtypically from600 to 1000nm,lipid has a peak at ~930 nm, which is assigned tothe third overtone of the CH2 stretching mode,and water has a peak at ~980 nm, which is as-signed to the combination of symmetric andasymmetric stretching modes of the O–H bond(82). The quantification of water and lipid ac-cording to their absorption signature has beenused to determine the malignancy of breasttissue in vivo, where an imaging depth of a fewcentimeters has been achieved (143). With highchemical specificity, both spatially offset Ramanspectroscopy andRaman tomography have shownpromise as tools for breast cancer margin assess-ment and bone characterization (91, 93, 144–146).Coupling overtone absorption of lipids with elec-

tronic absorption contrast from hemoglobin,photoacoustic tomography was applied to breasttumor margin assessment (Fig. 5E) and peripheralnerve visualization (39, 40).


Through integration with advances in otherfields, new technical breakthroughs are expectedthat will further increase detection sensitivity,acquisition speed, imaging depth, and spatialresolution. The current detectable concentrationof CARS or SRS microscopy is above 1.0 mM forendogenousmolecules. Such sensitivity prohibitswide biological applications of coherent Ramanmicroscopy, because most biomolecules insidecells are at a nanomolar to micromolar level.Because CARS and SRSmicroscopy have reachedthe shot noise limit, a possible way of improvingthe detection sensitivity could be through non-optical detection. For example, through forcemeasurement of SRS-induced chemical bondvibration, single-molecule sensitivity has been re-ported (147). Extension of this method to bio-logical imaging remains to be demonstrated. Ifsingle-molecule detection sensitivity is reachedfor vibrational imaging of living cells, thenwe can,in principle, reach nanoscale spatial resolution as

in fluorescencemicroscopy. Along the direction ofhigh-speed imaging, with parallel modulationschemes, frequency-multiplexed SRS could poten-tially reach a speed of 1000 frames per second toenable monitoring of very fast processes. Alongthe direction of deeper imaging, integrating vibra-tional spectroscopy with techniques that enableactive focusing of light through a turbid tissue,such as time reversal of ultrasound-coded light(148, 149), might allow deep-tissue vibrationalimaging for in vivo diagnosis.For single-cell functional analysis, we expect

high-speed vibrational spectroscopic imaging tobe applied in studies of cell activities. Examplesinclude monitoring the propagation of actionpotential using intrinsic vibrational signal fromthe neuronal membrane, following the transportand release of neurotransmitters, andmeasuringchanges of protein conformation inside smoothmuscle cells under mechanical stress.Finally, we believe that cooperation among

physicists, engineers, entrepreneurs, and cliniciansis important for clinical translation of in vivovibrational imaging technologies. We expect ad-vances in the reduction of technology cost andinstrument size. Progress in ultrafast fiber lasertechnology, although not covered in this review,

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Gonadal primordium

Fig. 4. Biological applications of stimulated Raman scattering (SRS)microscopy. (A) Chemical maps of intracellular compartments in C. elegansgenerated by hyperspectral SRS imaging and multivariate curve resolutionanalysis. The green, red, magenta, and cyan colors represent lysosome-relatedorganelles (LROs), neutral fat droplets, oxidized lipids, and proteins, respec-tively, in the body of a daf-2 mutant. Scale bar, 50 mm. (B) SRS imaging of liveHeLa cells using signals from C-D vibration at 2133 cm−1 (left) and C-H vibra-tion at 2845 cm−1 (right). The C-D signal shows newly synthesized proteins bymetabolic incorporation of a deuterium-labeled set of amino acids. Scale bars,10 mm. (C) SRS imaging of phenyl-diyne cholesterol in live C. elegans. Left: SRS

image at C≡C vibrational mode at 2247 cm−1 reveals a distinct cholesterol storein the worm. Right: SRS image at 2885 cm−1 reveals C-H–rich fat stores. Scalebars, 10 mm. (D) Left: Time-lapse SRS images of DNA (magenta) and lipids(green) in a HeLa cell undergoing cell division. Right: SRS images of DNA(magenta) and lipids (green) in a normal human skin tissue section. Scale bar,20 mm. (E) Large-area SRS images of drug tablets from Pfizer (left) and Apotex(right). Green, blue, red, yellow/orange, and magenta colors represent micro-crystalline cellulose, dibasic calcium phosphate anhydrous, amlodipine besylate(drug), sodium starch glycolate, and magnesium stearate, respectively. Scalebars, 200 mm.


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promises to enable mobile CARS and SRS imag-ing systems. Invenio Imaging Inc. has produceda fiber laser–based commercial system for SRSimaging (150). Likewise, nanosecond lasers withkilohertz repetition rates have shown promisefor high-speed intravascular imaging of lipid-laden plaques (37). These efforts are expected toconvert vibrational spectroscopic imaging plat-forms into fundamental clinical tools for in vivodetection of residual disease or longitudinal eval-uation of therapy effectiveness.


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We thank Chi Zhang, Pu Wang, Delong Zhang, and Ping Wangfor figure and reference preparations, and Dan Fu, ChristianFreudiger, Min Wei, Ellen Rantz, and Brittani Bungart for criticalreading of the manuscript. J.-X.C. and X.S.X. are co-founders ofVibronix Inc. and Invenio Imaging Inc., respectively.


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