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Seven High level SEO tips

Release Date: 14/08/2012


You can get details for each stage through Google. Each stage is a specialist area and there are a

number of documents online created for it. I have found that very high level tips are harder to come

across. This document is designed to give you some stages that you don’t want to miss.

Page 2: seven high level seo tips ebook 0131 208 1313 Author: Jon Harrison

Tip One - Analyse



Market environment

Tip Two - Plan




Timescales: 3 months, 6 months, 12 months & 3 years

Tip Three - Think Quality and Review

Is there time to create everything at the correct standard? If your niche expects gold standard then take the time to give it to them, if your going for bottom end then don’t spend the time. Your quality stamp

needs to match your approach. But when It comes to SEO it has to be top quality all the way.

Tip Four – Onsite SEO Tips

Use the canonical link element

Make sure only one domain is live with your website (for example you don’t have a .com and showing the same website)

Make content focused and readable

Have things on your site to make you stand out

Design matters – get it done by a professional

Don’t over do it – you don’t need to mention the keyword 5-20 times. Once can be enough.

It’s easier to tweak up than down.

Make sure your marketing message is intertwined with your keywords

Use the url, links, page title and header tags to add relevance to a page. Using these elements you can tell the search engine what the page is about but do not keyword cram

Don’t use meta keywords

Don’t have alt text that does not match the image

Tip Five – Link building Tips

Its not a numbers game, it’s a quality game

Spend time doing the research

Think about your link profile, not just the links you are gaining

Have a very low percentage of keyword based achor text links

Make your links look and feel natural – use your company name and url

Tip Six – Monitor

Check progress monthly, if not more often

If things regress then react

Make sure your traffic is increasing otherwise your investment is ineffective

Tip Seven – Review Approach Periodically

Make sure your approach is correct every 3-6 months. What is right for your business today is

not necessarily right in 3-12 months time.

Make sure your SEO, online marketing and offline marketing all pull in the same direction

Most of all have some fun while you’re doing it and you will gain better results. If you’re not having

fun then pay someone to help you. An investment in a specialist gains better results and quicker

(generally speaking) so could cost you less in the long term by gaining you more sales at a quicker rate.