Download - Set Up and Configure Volunteers for Salesforce · Salesforce database objects that are customized in V4S to track extra information about individual volunteers' skills and availability.

Page 1: Set Up and Configure Volunteers for Salesforce · Salesforce database objects that are customized in V4S to track extra information about individual volunteers' skills and availability.

Set Up and ConfigureVolunteers for Salesforce


Last Updated: October 25, 2018

Page 2: Set Up and Configure Volunteers for Salesforce · Salesforce database objects that are customized in V4S to track extra information about individual volunteers' skills and availability. and its logo are registered trademarks of, inc. Other names used herein are

trademarks of or their respective owners.

Page 3: Set Up and Configure Volunteers for Salesforce · Salesforce database objects that are customized in V4S to track extra information about individual volunteers' skills and availability.



Welcome to Volunteers for Salesforce (V4S)....................................................................... 1What You Get Out of the Box................................................................................................. 1

Tabs in the Application................................................................................................... 1The Underlying Data Structure...................................................................................... 2Tools for Website Integration........................................................................................ 2

Limitations................................................................................................................................... 3

Get Volunteers for Salesforce................................................................................................ 4New to Salesforce? Start with the Nonprofit Success Pack (NPSP) Trial...........................4Already Using Salesforce?.........................................................................................................4Using an Older Version of V4S?.............................................................................................. 4

A Word about the Lightning Experience Interface..............................................................5

Install (or Upgrade) V4S in a Non-Trial Org......................................................................... 6Get Ready Before You Install V4S...........................................................................................6

Enable Required Permissions for the User Installing the Package........................... 6Compare Usage of Roll-Up Summary Fields to Limits...............................................6Create a Default Campaign Record Type.....................................................................7

Install the V4S Standalone Package....................................................................................... 8Post-Installation Required Tasks..............................................................................................9

Verify Picklist Values for the Volunteer Campaign Record Type...............................9Verify Picklist Values If You Use Contact Record Types...........................................10Verify the App Logo, Tabs, and Profile Assignments............................................... 10Add Fields and Related Lists to Page Layouts...........................................................11Add Custom Buttons and Related Lists to Page Layouts........................................ 14

Configure Features in Volunteers for Salesforce............................................................... 18Configure Volunteer Skills and Availability Picklists........................................................... 18Configure Email Notifications and Email Templates......................................................... 19

Review the Out-of-the-Box Email Templates........................................................... 19Configure Email Templates for Brand Consistency..................................................20Clone and Configure the Reminder Email Workflow Rule......................................21Clone and Configure the Volunteer Job Signup Workflow Rule............................ 23Create an Organization-Wide From Address............................................................ 25

Page 4: Set Up and Configure Volunteers for Salesforce · Salesforce database objects that are customized in V4S to track extra information about individual volunteers' skills and availability.


Deactivate Website-Specific Workflow Rules............................................................ 26Review Volunteer Hours Workflow Rules............................................................................ 26Configure Fields on the Volunteers Wizard Page...............................................................27Configure Fields on the Mass Edit Volunteer Hours Page................................................ 28Configure Fields on the Find Volunteers Page................................................................... 29Configure Scheduling of Recurring Jobs and Volunteers..................................................30

Set Up Automatic Creation of Recurring Shifts and Volunteers.............................30Control How Far in the Future to Schedule Shifts................................................... 31Manually Run Batch Processing of Recurring Jobs and Volunteers.......................32

Enter Some Test Data............................................................................................................. 32

Make Volunteers for Salesforce Part of Your Website ..................................................... 33Decide Which Pages to Add to Your Website.................................................................... 33Website Integration—A Tag Team Event.............................................................................. 35Set Up Your Salesforce Site .................................................................................................. 36

Enable Salesforce Sites with a Domain Name .........................................................36Create a Site to Host V4S Pages................................................................................. 37

Configure Data Access—An Overview................................................................................... 38Configure Data Access in Organization-Wide Sharing Defaults............................. 39Configure Data Access for Visualforce Pages............................................................40Configure Object and Field Permissions in Public Access Settings....................... 41

Activate Your Site.....................................................................................................................43Test Load the V4S Signup Page on Your Site..................................................................... 44

Customize Your Website...................................................................................................... 47Customize the Volunteer Signup Page................................................................................ 47

Choose Between Two Versions of the Volunteer Signup Page.............................. 47Customize Volunteer Signup Fields (VolunteersSignupFS only)............................ 47Specify Field Mappings for Converting Leads to Contacts......................................48Style the Volunteer Signup Form with CSS............................................................... 49Add a File Upload Option to the Volunteer Signup Form...................................... 51IFRAME Tag for the Volunteer Signup Page............................................................. 51

Customize the Volunteer Job Listing Page..........................................................................52Choose Between Two Versions of the Volunteer Job Listing Page........................52Customize Job Listing Fields (VolunteersJobListingFS Only)..................................53Show Job Location on a Map......................................................................................54Link Volunteers to an External Signup Website........................................................54Style the Volunteer Job Listing Page with CSS..........................................................55IFRAME Tag for the Volunteer Job Listing Page....................................................... 56Supported URL Parameters for Both Volunteer Job Listing Pages........................ 57

Page 5: Set Up and Configure Volunteers for Salesforce · Salesforce database objects that are customized in V4S to track extra information about individual volunteers' skills and availability.


Additional Supported URL Parameters for the VolunteersJobListingFS Page..... 58Customize the Job Calendar Page....................................................................................... 61

Style the Job Calendar Page with CSS....................................................................... 61Change the Job Calendar Color Scheme.................................................................. 61Customize the Job Calendar's Link Text and Styling for Past Shifts.......................62IFRAME Tag for the Job Calendar Page.....................................................................62Supported URL Parameters for the Job Calendar Page.......................................... 63

Customize the Volunteer Report Hours Page.....................................................................64Customize the Fields in the Volunteer Report Hours Page.................................... 64Style the Volunteer Report Hours Page with CSS.....................................................65IFRAME Tag for the Volunteer Report Hours Page.................................................. 65Supported URL Parameters for the Volunteer Report Hours Page........................66

Configure How V4S Handles Volunteer Signups................................................................68Automatically Confirm Web Signups and Update Shift Availability.......................68Customize Rules for Matching Volunteer Signups with Existing Contacts

(VolunteersSignUpFS and VolunteersJobListingFS only)....................................70Customize Rules for Matching Volunteer Signups with Existing Contacts

(VolunteersSignUp and VolunteersJobListing Only)............................................71Customize Rules for Creating Contacts with Specific Record Types......................71Specify the Account Name for Automatically Created Contacts (NPSP Users

Only)............................................................................................................................ 72Manage Time Zones for Displaying Volunteer Jobs...........................................................73

Change the Site Guest User Profile's Default Time Zone........................................73Configure Date Time Formatting for the Site Guest User Profile (Upgrades

Only)............................................................................................................................ 74Configure Email Notifications for Website Integration......................................................74

Configure the From Address for Thank You Emails................................................. 74Configure the Recipients of Signup Notification Emails..........................................75Deactivate the Workflow Rule for Volunteer Signup—Contact............................... 75

Customize the Volunteers Personal Site Pages.................................................................. 76Take a Tour of the Volunteers Personal Site Pages..................................................76Enable Access to Personal Site Pages........................................................................ 77Customize the Volunteers Personal Site Contact Lookup Page.............................77Customize the Volunteers Personal Site Contact Information Page..................... 81Customize the Overall Styling of the Volunteers Personal Site Pages................... 86Tell Your Site to Use Your Copy of the Personal Site Template..............................88Limit the Display of Jobs on the Volunteer Report Hours Page (in Personal Site

Pages Only).................................................................................................................88More Personal Site Customizations............................................................................88

Page 6: Set Up and Configure Volunteers for Salesforce · Salesforce database objects that are customized in V4S to track extra information about individual volunteers' skills and availability.

Translate V4S into Other Languages or Customize Terminology.....................................89Enable the Translation Workbench...................................................................................... 89Override the Term for a Field or Button..............................................................................90Edit Custom Labels..................................................................................................................91Translate the Contact Volunteer Skills Picklist.................................................................... 93Export All Translatable Terms for a Language.................................................................... 94Import a Translation File........................................................................................................ 95

Test Your Customized Sites Pages.......................................................................................96

Page 7: Set Up and Configure Volunteers for Salesforce · Salesforce database objects that are customized in V4S to track extra information about individual volunteers' skills and availability.

Welcome to Volunteers for Salesforce (V4S) What You Get Out of the Box


Welcome to Volunteers forSalesforce (V4S)

Spreadsheets, smartphones, and sticky notes. It's a typical toolkit for volunteer coordinatorseverywhere. You see it every day—your coordinator chasing volunteer data acrossdisconnected systems, outdated email lists, and illegible event signup sheets.

It doesn't have to be this hard.

At, we believe that your volunteer program can do even more good with alot less work. And we'd like to show you how Volunteers for Salesforce (V4S) helps free youfrom sticky notes and spreadsheets, so that you can focus on what really matters.

Maybe you're an experienced Salesforce admin. Or maybe you're new to basic admin taskssuch as managing users and permissions, or customizing page layouts. Wherever you are,we'll take it step by step and be there with you from start to finish. Let's build the better waytogether.

What You Get Out of the BoxThe Volunteers for Salesforce User Guide shows how your volunteer program staff use V4Sday-to-day. We recommend reviewing that documentation first to see how the tools worktogether and how automation takes care of tracking volunteers and volunteer opportunities.

Now, with a clear vision of our end goal in mind, let's start by reviewing what comes in theV4S box.

Tabs in the ApplicationThe V4S user interface gives you a set of tabs, where your users go to get things done.

As the Salesforce admin, you've done your job well when the tabs function seamlessly tomake it as simple as possible to:

• Find volunteers

• Create one-time and recurring volunteer opportunities

• Schedule volunteers

Page 8: Set Up and Configure Volunteers for Salesforce · Salesforce database objects that are customized in V4S to track extra information about individual volunteers' skills and availability.

Welcome to Volunteers for Salesforce (V4S) What You Get Out of the Box


• Reconcile hours

• Mass email volunteers

• Monitor and report on volunteer engagement

The Underlying Data StructureBehind the scenes, V4S comes with an underlying data structure.

Contacts and Leads are used for tracking people. Contacts are known, registered volunteers,and Leads are people who have expressed interest. Contacts and Leads are standardSalesforce database objects that are customized in V4S to track extra information aboutindividual volunteers' skills and availability.

The Campaign object tracks discrete volunteer engagements, such as a community dinneror a park cleanup event. It's also a standard Salesforce object, often used for managingmarketing campaigns. In V4S, it includes custom fields to automatically calculate the totalnumber of volunteers and total hours for engagements. (We call this type of automationroll-up summary fields.)

Custom objects are included to track volunteer-specific things of interest.

• Volunteer Job tracks volunteer opportunities, one level below the Campaign.

• Volunteer Shift tracks time-bound volunteer shifts, one level below the Volunteer Job.

• Volunteer Hours tracks the number of volunteer hours, both completed andcommitted.

• Job Recurrence Schedule tracks recurring volunteer opportunities.

• Volunteer Recurrence Schedule tracks your "regulars"—volunteers who sign up forrecurring jobs.

Tools for Website IntegrationWhile you can use V4S as a standalone system, it's even more powerful when it's an integralpart of your organization's website. It's another level of automation that keeps volunteeropportunities updated automatically and allows volunteers to go online to register, reporttheir hours worked, and take pride in their personal volunteering dashboard.

For a lot of organizations, website integration is the most daunting part of setup. Theprocess involves working with features that may be less familiar to admins—templates,custom settings, field sets, and more. We hear you. This guide shows you, step-by-step, whatyou and your web developer need to do for successful integration.

Page 9: Set Up and Configure Volunteers for Salesforce · Salesforce database objects that are customized in V4S to track extra information about individual volunteers' skills and availability.

Welcome to Volunteers for Salesforce (V4S) Limitations


LimitationsBe aware of these limitations in support for certain features.

• Access to V4S requires that the user license have at least Read access to Campaigns.Support for V4S is limited with Communities licenses, for example. Only the PartnerCommunity license allows Campaign access.

• V4S is not optimized for mobile devices.

Page 10: Set Up and Configure Volunteers for Salesforce · Salesforce database objects that are customized in V4S to track extra information about individual volunteers' skills and availability.

Get Volunteers for Salesforce New to Salesforce? Start with the Nonprofit Success Pack

(NPSP) Trial


Get Volunteers for Salesforce

New to Salesforce? Start with the NonprofitSuccess Pack (NPSP) TrialThe best way to get started with V4S is with a trial version of the Nonprofit Success Pack(NPSP), version 3.0 and later. You get an Enterprise Edition Salesforce org with V4S pre-installed. We recommend this route if you don't have an existing Salesforce org.

1. Go to the trials page and sign up for a free trial of NPSP.

2. Log in to your trial org.

3. Skip ahead in this guide to Configure Features in Volunteers for Salesforce.

Already Using Salesforce?If you already have a Salesforce org and want to install V4S in it yourself, you can proceed tothe installation section of this guide, and download and install the V4S standalone app. Yourexisting org can have NPSP already installed, but it's not required for V4S.

Be sure to complete the required pre-installation tasks before installing.

Using an Older Version of V4S?If you have an older version of V4S, upgrading is simple. Follow the instructions in theinstallation section of this guide as if you were doing a first-time installation, to make surethat you complete all required tasks. Some new features require configuration, which weprovide instructions for in the appropriate configuration section.

Page 11: Set Up and Configure Volunteers for Salesforce · Salesforce database objects that are customized in V4S to track extra information about individual volunteers' skills and availability.

A Word about the Lightning Experience Interface Using an Older Version of V4S?


A Word about the LightningExperience Interface

Salesforce has two different user interfaces: Lightning Experience and Salesforce Classic.

If you start with a new NPSP trial, V4S gives you Lightning Experience out-of-the-box. Ifyour Salesforce org has an older version of NPSP or V4S installed, you may be working inSalesforce Classic.

This guide assumes that you're working in Lightning Experience, unless we specifically askyou to switch to Salesforce Classic for certain tasks. It's easy to switch between the two. Youcan learn about switching between interfaces, enabling Lightning Experience, and more inthe Lightning Experience Basics Trailhead module.

Page 12: Set Up and Configure Volunteers for Salesforce · Salesforce database objects that are customized in V4S to track extra information about individual volunteers' skills and availability.

Install (or Upgrade) V4S in a Non-Trial Org Get Ready Before You Install V4S


Install (or Upgrade) V4S in aNon-Trial Org

Get Ready Before You Install V4SIf you're installing V4S yourself into an existing org rather than starting from an NPSP trial,do these required steps before installation. If you're upgrading from an earlier version,check that you've met all these prerequisites.

• Enable Required Permissions for the User Installing the Package

• Compare Usage of Roll-Up Summary Fields to Limits

• Create a Default Campaign Record Type

Enable Required Permissions for the User Installing thePackageThe user who installs V4S must have certain permissions, which are typically already partof the System Administrator profile. If a non-admin needs these permissions, enable themusing either profiles or permission sets.

• "Create" permission for the Account object

• "Create" permission for the Contact object

• "Create" permission for the Campaign object (already enabled if "Marketing User" isselected on the user's User Detail page)

• "Download AppExchange Packages" permission

If you're new to managing user permissions, we recommend learning more in the ControlAccess to Objects unit in Trailhead. This part of the Data Security module shows you how touse profiles and permission sets.

Compare Usage of Roll-Up Summary Fields to LimitsCheck the Campaign and Contact objects to see how many roll-up summary fields arealready being used. Volunteers for Salesforce introduces more roll-up summary fields, whichcan cause your org to exceed per-object limits and prevent installation.

Page 13: Set Up and Configure Volunteers for Salesforce · Salesforce database objects that are customized in V4S to track extra information about individual volunteers' skills and availability.

Install (or Upgrade) V4S in a Non-Trial Org Get Ready Before You Install V4S


Before you install, check your usage and limits, and ask Salesforce Support to increase limitsas needed.

Object Roll-Up Summary Fields Allowed (by


Roll-Up Summary Fields Installed with


Campaign 25 5

Contact 25 3

1. In Setup, click the Object Manager tab.

2. From the list of objects, select Campaign.

3. Click Object Limits.

4. Check Usage and Limit numbers for Rollup Summary Fields.

5. Check the same numbers for the Contact object.

Create a Default Campaign Record TypeThe package introduces a new record type, called Volunteer Campaign, on the Campaignobject. In Salesforce, whenever an object has a specialized record type (like VolunteerCampaign), it's a good idea to designate another record type as the default.

If your org doesn't already have a default record type for regular, non-volunteer Campaigns,create one.

1. In Setup, click the Object Manager tab.

2. From the list of objects, select Campaign.

3. Click Record Types.

4. Click New.

5. For Existing Record Type, select —Master—.

6. Enter a Record Type Label such as Default.

7. Review the Record Type Name that's automatically filled in for you.

8. Enter a Description such as The default campaign record type for newcampaigns.

9. Select Active.

Page 14: Set Up and Configure Volunteers for Salesforce · Salesforce database objects that are customized in V4S to track extra information about individual volunteers' skills and availability.

Install (or Upgrade) V4S in a Non-Trial Org Install the V4S Standalone Package


10. In the table header, select both Enable for Profile and Make Default so that all profilescan use, and default to, this new record type.

11. Click Next.

12. For this default campaign record type, decide which page layout to show to whichprofiles. If your organization has just the Default campaign record type now, and theVolunteer Campaign record type after installation, you likely want to "Apply one layoutto all profiles" and select Campaign Layout (the standard Salesforce out-of-the-boxlayout).

13. Click Save.

Install the V4S Standalone PackageIf you're installing V4S in an existing Salesforce org, whether for the first time or to upgradefrom an earlier version, download and install the V4S standalone package.

1. Make sure you're logged in to your Salesforce org.

2. Go to GitHub to get the latest V4S release.

3. Click the Installation URL.

Note: If you're installing into a Sandbox org, change the V4S installation URLfrom



4. Select Install for All Users, then click Install.

If installation takes awhile, you can move on to something else while it finishes. Checkyour email for confirmation that installation was successful.

Page 15: Set Up and Configure Volunteers for Salesforce · Salesforce database objects that are customized in V4S to track extra information about individual volunteers' skills and availability.

Install (or Upgrade) V4S in a Non-Trial Org Post-Installation Required Tasks


Note: If your installation fails with errors, we recommend trying the installationagain—this time with Ignore Apex test failures selected. Sometimes, safe-to-ignoreerrors occur because of incompatibilities with other packages already installed inyour org (besides NPSP and V4S) or other customizations.

Volunteers for Salesforce is an open-source, BSD-licensed package. Developer contributionsand involvement are welcomed and encouraged! hosts all packagesand source code on GitHub using git. You can find all code as well as tags, issues lists,and release notes in the code repository. You can find contributor instructions on the GitHub wiki.

Post-Installation Required TasksAfter you've installed the standalone version of V4S, take care of these required tasks tomake V4S play nicely with Salesforce features such as picklists, profiles, and page layouts.

• Verify Picklist Values for the Volunteer Campaign Record Type

• Verify Picklist Values If You Use Contact Record Types

• Verify the App Logo, Tabs, and Profile Assignments

• Add Fields and Related Lists to Page Layouts

• Add Custom Buttons and Related Lists to Page Layouts

Verify Picklist Values for the Volunteer Campaign Record TypeV4S adds a new Campaign record type, Volunteer Campaign, to distinguish volunteeropportunities from other types of outreach or marketing campaigns. Check the values anddefault values for Campaign picklist fields to make sure that users see appropriate choiceswhen creating Volunteer Campaigns.

1. In Setup, click the Object Manager tab.

2. From the list of objects, select Campaign.

3. Click Record Types.

4. Click Volunteer Campaign.

5. In the Picklists Available for Editing section, click Edit next to each field, and make surethe Selected Values and Default values are appropriate. If you've added any custompicklist fields to the Campaign object, pay special attention to make sure they show upwhere you expect them to.

Page 16: Set Up and Configure Volunteers for Salesforce · Salesforce database objects that are customized in V4S to track extra information about individual volunteers' skills and availability.

Install (or Upgrade) V4S in a Non-Trial Org Post-Installation Required Tasks


Upgraders: If you're upgrading from an earlier version, Volunteer Website Time Zone isa new field in V4S. Make sure to select appropriate picklist values and a default value forthe Volunteer Website Time Zone field.

Verify Picklist Values If You Use Contact Record TypesV4S adds custom picklist fields to the Contact object. On Contact page layouts, these fieldsmust have appropriate values defined or else they display blank or disabled. If your org usesrecord types for Contact, check the picklist values for each record type to make sure thatthey're appropriate. If you don't use Contact record types, skip this task.

1. In Setup, click the Object Manager tab.

2. From the list of objects, select Contact.

3. Click Record Types.

4. For each record type listed:

a. Click the record type label.

b. In the Picklists Available for Editing section, click Edit next to these picklist fields,and make sure the Selected Values are appropriate.

• Volunteer Availability

• Volunteer Skills

• Volunteer Status

Verify the App Logo, Tabs, and Profile AssignmentsReview the V4S app's settings to verify that the V4S tabs and logo are displayed in the userinterface, and that the app is visible to the appropriate user profiles.

1. From Setup, enter App Manager in the Quick Find box, then select App Manager.

2.In the list of apps, find Volunteers, then click , then click Edit.

3. Add a logo.

a. Click Insert an Image.

b. Change the File Location to Volunteers Documents.

c. Click Volunteers Logo V3.

Page 17: Set Up and Configure Volunteers for Salesforce · Salesforce database objects that are customized in V4S to track extra information about individual volunteers' skills and availability.

Install (or Upgrade) V4S in a Non-Trial Org Post-Installation Required Tasks


4. Move these tabs to the Selected Tabs list.

• Volunteers Help

• Volunteers Wizard

• Volunteer Jobs

• Shift Calendar

• Find Volunteers

Make your list of Selected Tabs look like this.

5. Lastly, check the Assign to Profiles section and make sure the app is Visible to allappropriate profiles. If you later create profiles for volunteers, volunteer coordinators, orother distinct roles, remember to update this visibility setting.

6. Save your changes.

Add Fields and Related Lists to Page LayoutsV4S adds custom fields to the Contact and Lead objects. Add these fields to the Contactand Lead page layouts. Also add Volunteer related lists to page layouts.

1. In Setup, click the Object Manager tab.

2. From the list of objects, select Contact.

3. Click Page Layouts.

4. Click one of the page layouts associated with a profile that needs access to volunteerinformation on Contacts.

5. With Fields selected in the left-hand palette, look for the Volunteer-related fields thatyou can add to your page layout.

Page 18: Set Up and Configure Volunteers for Salesforce · Salesforce database objects that are customized in V4S to track extra information about individual volunteers' skills and availability.

Install (or Upgrade) V4S in a Non-Trial Org Post-Installation Required Tasks


Tip: Enter volunteer in the Quick Find box for a shortcut to view just theVolunteer fields.

6. Decide where you want to place the fields in the page layout. We recommend firstcreating a Volunteer Information section in the layout to contain the fields.

a. From the first column of the fields list, drag Section to the page layout and drop itwhere you want the section.

b. Give the section a name and click OK.

7. From the fields list, select all the Volunteer fields (Shift-click or Cmd-click to selectmultiple), then drag and drop them into the Volunteer Information section.

Arrange them in a user-friendly order and you have something like this.

Page 19: Set Up and Configure Volunteers for Salesforce · Salesforce database objects that are customized in V4S to track extra information about individual volunteers' skills and availability.

Install (or Upgrade) V4S in a Non-Trial Org Post-Installation Required Tasks


8. Back in the left-hand palette, select Related Lists, then look for these Volunteer relatedlists: Volunteer Hours and Volunteer Recurrence Schedules.

9. Drag and drop these related lists into the page layout, wherever you like.

10. Save your changes and exit the page layout editor.

11. Repeat these steps for any Contact layout associated with a profile that needs access tovolunteer information on Contacts.

12. Back in the Object Manager, from the list of objects, select Lead.

13. Click Page Layouts.

14. Click one of the Lead layouts associated with a profile that needs access to volunteerinformation on Leads.

15. With Fields selected in the left-hand palette, look for the Volunteer-related fields thatyou can add to your page layout. As before, enter volunteer in the Quick Find box fora shortcut to view just the Volunteer fields.

16. Decide where you want to place the fields in the page layout. We recommend firstcreating a Volunteer Information section to contain the fields, just like you did for theContact Layout.

Page 20: Set Up and Configure Volunteers for Salesforce · Salesforce database objects that are customized in V4S to track extra information about individual volunteers' skills and availability.

Install (or Upgrade) V4S in a Non-Trial Org Post-Installation Required Tasks


17. From the fields list, drag and drop all the Volunteer fields into the VolunteerInformation section. Arrange them in a user-friendly order and you have something likethis.

18. Save your changes and exit the page layout editor.

19. Repeat these steps for any Lead layout associated with profiles that need access tovolunteer information on Leads.

Add Custom Buttons and Related Lists to Page LayoutsV4S provides custom buttons for various features. Add these buttons to the Campaign, Job,and Shift page layouts. If you're upgrading from an earlier version, remember to make theserequired updates.

1. In Setup, click the Object Manager tab.

2. From the list of objects, select Campaign.

3. Click Page Layouts.

4. Click Volunteers Campaign Layout.

5. With Fields selected in the left-hand palette, verify that all of the Volunteer-related fieldsare grayed out, which means that they're already on your page layout.

If any aren't grayed out, drag and drop them to the Volunteers section in the pagelayout.

6. Back in the left-hand palette, select Buttons, then look for these buttons: Mass EmailVolunteers, Shift Calendar, Volunteer Roster, and Find Volunteers. If any aren't grayedout, drag and drop them into the Custom Buttons section.

7. Save your changes.

Page 21: Set Up and Configure Volunteers for Salesforce · Salesforce database objects that are customized in V4S to track extra information about individual volunteers' skills and availability.

Install (or Upgrade) V4S in a Non-Trial Org Post-Installation Required Tasks


8. Now, repeat the same updates for the Volunteer Job Layout, along with verifying thatVolunteer related lists are part of page layouts.

a. In the Object Manager, from the list of objects, select Volunteer Job.

b. Click Page Layouts.

c. Click Volunteers Job Layout.

d. Verify that all of the Volunteer-related fields are in your page layout. If any aren't,drag and drop them in the Volunteers section.

e. Verify that these buttons are in the Custom Buttons section: Mass EmailVolunteers, Shift Calendar, Volunteer Roster, and Find Volunteers. If any aren't, addthem.

f. Back in the left-hand palette, select Related Lists, then verify that these related listsare on the page layout: Job Recurrence Schedules, Volunteer Shifts, VolunteerRecurrence Schedules, and Volunteer Hours. If any aren't, add them.

g. Click the wrench icon on the Volunteer Hours related list's tab.

h. Select the fields you want displayed.

i. Expand the Buttons section and verify that Mass Edit Volunteer Hours is one of theSelected Buttons.

j. Click OK, then confirm the related list updates.

Page 22: Set Up and Configure Volunteers for Salesforce · Salesforce database objects that are customized in V4S to track extra information about individual volunteers' skills and availability.

Install (or Upgrade) V4S in a Non-Trial Org Post-Installation Required Tasks


k. Save your changes.

9. Lastly, repeat the same tasks for the Volunteer Shift Layout.

a. In the Object Manager, from the list of objects, select Volunteer Shift.

b. Click Page Layouts.

c. Click Volunteer Shift Layout.

d. Verify that the appropriate volunteer fields are on your page layout. If any aren't,drag and drop them in the Volunteer Information section.

e. Verify that these buttons are in the Custom Buttons section: Mass EmailVolunteers, Shift Calendar, Volunteer Roster, and Find Volunteers. If any aren't, addthem.

f. Back in the left-hand palette, select Related Lists, then verify that the VolunteerHours related list is on the page layout.

g. Click the wrench icon on the Volunteer Hours related list's tab.

h. Select the fields you want displayed.

i. Expand the Buttons section and verify that Mass Edit Volunteer Hours is one of theSelected Buttons.

j. Click OK, then confirm the related list updates.

k. Save your changes.

Page 23: Set Up and Configure Volunteers for Salesforce · Salesforce database objects that are customized in V4S to track extra information about individual volunteers' skills and availability.

Install (or Upgrade) V4S in a Non-Trial Org Post-Installation Required Tasks


That's it. You're finished with the required post-installation tasks. Well done! Next up isfeature configuration. Get the most out of V4S by tailoring the app to work the way yourorganization does.

Page 24: Set Up and Configure Volunteers for Salesforce · Salesforce database objects that are customized in V4S to track extra information about individual volunteers' skills and availability.

Configure Features in Volunteers for Salesforce Configure Volunteer Skills and Availability Picklists


Configure Features in Volunteersfor Salesforce

Configure Volunteer Skills and Availability PicklistsThe Volunteer Skills picklist provides sample skills that volunteers offer. The VolunteerAvailability picklist offers sample time periods. Leads, Contacts, and Volunteer Jobs all makeuse of these picklists. Update the values to match your organization's unique volunteeringprofile and availability times.

For both the Lead and Contact objects, update picklist values for these fields, as needed:

• Volunteer Skills

• Volunteer Availability

As an example, we will show you how to update the Volunteer Skills picklist values.

1. In Setup, click the Object Manager tab.

2. From the list of objects, select the object that you're updating. For example, click Lead.

3. Click Fields & Relationships.

4. Click the field that you're updating. For example, click Volunteer Skills. (If you don't seethis field, click View All to expand the field list, and page forward until it's visible.)

5. In the Values section, click Del to remove unused picklist values, and click New to addvalues. For example, we add two new skills, Food prep and Bartending, each on its ownline.

After saving your additions, they're added as Values for Volunteer Skills.

Page 25: Set Up and Configure Volunteers for Salesforce · Salesforce database objects that are customized in V4S to track extra information about individual volunteers' skills and availability.

Configure Features in Volunteers for Salesforce Configure Email Notifications and Email Templates


Important: If you change values for Lead, remember to make the same changes forContact (and vice versa) so that users see the same set of choices for both.

If you update Volunteer Skills picklist values for Lead or Contact, also update thecorresponding values for the Skills Needed field on the Volunteer Job object.

1. In Setup, click the Object Manager tab.

2. From the list of objects, select Volunteer Job.

3. Click Fields & Relationships.

4. Click Skills Needed.

5. In the Picklist Values section, make the options match the Volunteer Skills options thatyou've specified for Leads and Contacts.

6. Save your changes.

Note: You may be tempted to update the Days of Week and Weekly Occurrencefields on the Volunteer Recurrence Schedules and Job Recurrence Schedules tomatch the Volunteer Availability picklist. Do not update the Days of Week andWeekly Occurrence fields. The System Scheduler relies on the existing values inthose fields to generate recurrence schedules properly.

Configure Email Notifications and EmailTemplatesAutomatically send reminder, notification, and thank you emails to volunteers, using emailtemplates together with workflow rules, which define rules like "send a reminder email toeveryone signed up for a shift four days before the shift."

Note: Salesforce limits the number of emails your organization can send per day. Ifyour email volume approaches more than 1,000 per day, consider using a separateemail automation service that integrates with Salesforce.

Review the Out-of-the-Box Email TemplatesDecide which email templates to keep active and which ones to turn off. You can customizeany out-of-the-box template or create your own. From Setup, enter Email Templates inthe Quick Find box, select Email Templates, then look in the Volunteers Email Templatesfolder.

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Configure Features in Volunteers for Salesforce Configure Email Notifications and Email Templates


Template Description Used for



Volunteer Hours Reminder Email Used with the time-based workflow rule, reminds all

volunteers about their upcoming shift. Compared

with Volunteer Shift Reminder, this is a more versatile

template that can include Volunteer Hours, Job, and

Contact information.

Volunteer Job Reminder Reminds all volunteers about their upcoming job (for

jobs without shifts).

Volunteer Job Reminder (using


Using the letterhead format, reminds all volunteers

about their upcoming job (for jobs without shifts).

Volunteer Job Signup Notification Notifies the volunteer coordinator about a new

volunteer signup for a specific job or shift on a Sites


Volunteer Job Signup Thank You Thanks an individual volunteer who has signed up for

a specific job or shift on a Sites page.

Volunteer Shift Reminder Used with the time-based workflow rule, reminds all

volunteers about their upcoming shift. Compared

with Volunteer Hours Reminder Email, this is a more

limited template that can include Shift information


Volunteer Shift Reminder (using


Using the letterhead format, reminds all volunteers

about their upcoming shift.

Volunteer Signup Notification Notifies the volunteer coordinator about a new

volunteer signup on the general Volunteer Signup

Sites page.

Volunteer Signup Thank You Acknowledges the volunteer for signing up on the

general Volunteer Signup Sites page.

Volunteers Personal Site Contact


Provides the URL for accessing a volunteer's Personal

Site page.

Configure Email Templates for Brand ConsistencyConfigure email templates so that they deliver a consistent, professional look and feelto your volunteers' inboxes. Check things like subject lines, letterhead, merge fields, and

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Configure Features in Volunteers for Salesforce Configure Email Notifications and Email Templates


overall formatting. Each template comes in both an HTML format and a plain text format;remember to edit both versions.

For more information about editing the letterheads for your HTML email templates, seeUsing Letterheads in the Salesforce Help.

1. From Setup, enter Email Templates in the Quick Find box, then select EmailTemplates.

2. Select the Volunteers Email Templates folder.

3. Click the name of an email template to preview the email contents.

For example, here's an HTML preview of the Volunteer Job Reminder email.

4. Click either Edit HTML Version or Edit Text Version. Be sure to make your edits to boththe HTML and text versions.

5. Remember to Save your changes.

If you change a template or create a new one, remember to refresh the Mass EmailVolunteers page (available from the Volunteer Job page) so that it shows the latesttemplates.

Clone and Configure the Reminder Email Workflow RuleHaving V4S automatically email volunteers about upcoming shifts is a huge time-savingfeature. A workflow rule controls how far in advance to send reminder emails. Clone thesample workflow rule provided in V4S and either use it as is or adjust the lead time asneeded.

1. From Setup, enter Workflow Rules in the Quick Find box, then select WorkflowRules.

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Configure Features in Volunteers for Salesforce Configure Email Notifications and Email Templates


2. Click Volunteers Hours Reminder Email.

3. Click Clone. You're making a copy of this sample workflow rule because you can'tdirectly edit this part of the V4S package. The existing rule should be (and shouldremain) inactive.

4. Edit the Rule Name to give it a unique name. For example, My VolunteeringReminder Email.

5. Edit the Description to delete the placeholder text, Template to Clone.

6. Click Save & Next.

7. In the Time-Dependent Workflow Actions section, click Add Time Trigger.

8. Decide how far in advance of the volunteer shift you want the reminder email sent,in days or hours. For example, 3 Days. Enter those values and select Volunteer Hours:Planned Start Date & Time.

9. Save your changes.

10. Back in the Time-Dependent Workflow Actions section, click Add Workflow Action, thenclick Select Existing Action.

11. For Choose Action Type, select Email Alert.

12. Add Email Alert: Volunteer Shift Reminder Email Alert to Selected Actions.

13. Save your changes.

14. Click Done.

15. Back on your workflow rule's detail page, click Activate.

16. If you get a message that the Default Workflow User must be set first:

a. Click OK to continue to the Workflow & Approval Settings page.

b. Choose a Default Workflow User, typically yourself or another Salesforce adminuser.

c. Save your changes.

17. Back on your workflow rule's detail page, verify that it's now Active.

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Configure Features in Volunteers for Salesforce Configure Email Notifications and Email Templates


Clone and Configure the Volunteer Job Signup Workflow RuleThe Volunteer Job Signup Workflow Rule automatically sends an email to a person whenthey sign up for a job or shift using your website.

This workflow rule triggers V4S to send the email only when the Volunteer Status is set toWeb Signup—the default status assigned to Contacts who sign up through the website. But,what if you want to use a different status? Or more than one status? You can easily changewhat triggers this email by cloning the workflow rule and changing the rule criteria.

1. From Setup, enter Workflow Rules in the Quick Find box, then select WorkflowRules.

2. Click Volunteer Job Signup.

3. Click Clone.

You’re making a copy of this sample workflow rule because you can’t directly edit thispart of the V4S package.

4. Edit the Rule Name to give it a unique name. For example, My Volunteer JobSignup Thank You Email.

5. Edit the Description to make it unique to this workflow rule.

6. In the Rule Criteria section, change the criteria to include the Status (or Statuses) youwant to trigger the Thank You sign up email.

For example, if you want the email to be sent any time a Contact’s Volunteer Statuschanges to Confirmed, you would enter Volunteer Hours: Status equalsConfirmed.

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Configure Features in Volunteers for Salesforce Configure Email Notifications and Email Templates


7. Click Save & Next.

Now you’ll create the email alerts.

8. From the Add Workflow Action drop-down, select New Email Alert.

9. Enter a unique description for the template. For our example, we might enterVolunteer Confirmed Thank You Email Alert.

The Unique Name field will automatically populate based on the description you enter.

10. Select the Volunteer Job Signup Thank You template or a custom one you created.

11. From the Recipient Type drop-down, select Related Contact, then move RelatedContact: Contact from the Available list to the Selected Recipients list.

12. Click Save & New.

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Configure Features in Volunteers for Salesforce Configure Email Notifications and Email Templates


13. If you also want to send an email notification to the person responsible for managingvolunteers in your org, set up another email alert as follows.

a. Enter a unique description, such as Volunteer Confirmed NotificationEmail Alert.

b. Select the Volunteer Job Signup Notification email template or a customone that you created.

c. Select a recipient. To use the same functionality as the original workflow that youcloned, select Owner as the Recipient Type, then move Contact Owner from theAvailable list to the Selected Recipients list.

14. Click Save, then click Done.

15. Back on the Workflow Rule Detail, click Activate.

Now, when a Contact’s Volunteer Hours: Status changes to Confirmed, V4S sends a ThankYou email to the Contact and sends a notification email to the Contact Owner.

Create an Organization-Wide From AddressControl how V4S displays the "from" name and email address of the sender of automatedvolunteer emails. Your organization may want to show a generic name, such as VolunteerCoordinator, or you may want to include your coordinator's real name and job title. Theemail address can be for a specific person or for an inbox that multiple staff monitor andrespond to.

If you don't specify an Organization-Wide Address, because of how workflow rules are setup behind the scenes, automated emails can inadvertently show a sender name or emailaddress that you don't want to expose publicly.

1. From Setup, enter Organization-Wide Addresses in the Quick Find box, thenselect Organization-Wide Addresses.

2. Click Add.

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Configure Features in Volunteers for Salesforce Review Volunteer Hours Workflow Rules


3. Give the address a Display Name (such as Volunteer Coordinator) and a validemail address.

4. Select Allow All Profiles to Use this From Address.

5. Save your changes.

Salesforce sends a validation email to the specified address.

6. Click the validation link in the email to enable the address as the organization-wideFrom address.

Deactivate Website-Specific Workflow RulesIf you don't intend to integrate V4S with your website, deactivate these workflow rules.

• Volunteer Job Signup

• Volunteer Signup - Contact

• Volunteer Signup - Lead

1. From Setup, enter Workflow Rules in the Quick Find box, then select WorkflowRules.

2. Next to Volunteer Job Signup, click Deactivate.

3. Repeat these steps for the Volunteer Signup - Contact and Volunteer Signup - Leadworkflow rules.

Review Volunteer Hours Workflow RulesWhen entering hours, volunteers don't always fill in an End Date or a Planned Start Date &Time. If these fields are left empty, V4S uses workflow rules to automatically fill them in: theEnd Date is set to the Start Date that the volunteer entered, and the Planned Start Date &Time is set to the Shift's Start Date & Time.

Review the Volunteer Hours workflow rules. Then decide if you want to keep them as is,deactivate them, or clone them to edit the values.

1. From Setup, enter Workflow Rules in the Quick Find box, then select WorkflowRules.

2. Review these rules, deactivate unneeded ones, and clone any that require editing.

• Volunteer Hours - Set End Date

• Volunteer Hours - Set Planned Start Date & Time

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Configure Features in Volunteers for Salesforce Configure Fields on the Volunteers Wizard Page


Note: If you clone a rule, be sure to deactivate the original before you activateyour new rule. Otherwise, you'll have dueling rules which could yield unexpectedresults.

Configure Fields on the Volunteers Wizard PageThe Volunteers Wizard displays a group of Campaign fields including Status, Type, and Startand End Dates. If you want users to fill out different standard or custom fields from theCampaign object, edit the VolunteersWizardFS field set that controls which fields the wizarddisplays.

1.Click , then click Setup.

2. Click the Object Manager tab.

3. In the list of objects, click Campaign.

4. Click Field Sets.

5. Click VolunteersWizardFS.

6. Review the field set contents and update fields as needed.

• Add fields by dragging and dropping them into the In the Field Set box.

Note: The Volunteers Wizard page can display only Campaign fields. Addfields from that object only, even though the field set editor lets you dragfields from related objects.

• Remove fields by hovering over the field and clicking the Delete icon.

• Reorder fields by dragging and dropping.

• Make fields required by hovering over the field and clicking the Tools icon.

7. Save your changes.

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Configure Features in Volunteers for Salesforce Configure Fields on the Mass Edit Volunteer Hours Page


If you want to verify your changes, simply click the Volunteers Wizard tab in Volunteers forSalesforce.

Configure Fields on the Mass Edit Volunteer HoursPageThe Mass Edit Volunteer Hours page displays a group of Volunteer Hours fields includingHours Worked, Number of Volunteers, and Start Date. To let users fill out different standardor custom fields from the Volunteer Hours object, edit the MassEditVolunteerHours field setthat controls which fields the page displays.

1.Click , then click Setup.

2. Click the Object Manager tab.

3. In the list of objects, click Volunteer Hours.

4. Click Field Sets.

5. Click MassEditVolunteerHours.

6. Review the field set contents and update fields as needed.

• Add fields by dragging and dropping them into the In the Field Set box.

Note: The Mass Edit Volunteer Hours page can display only VolunteerHours fields. Add fields from that object only, even though the field seteditor lets you drag fields from related objects.

• Remove fields by hovering over the field and clicking the Delete icon.

• Reorder fields by dragging and dropping.

• Make fields required by hovering over the field and clicking the Tools icon.

7. Save your changes.

If you want to verify your changes, navigate to the Volunteer Hours related list on aVolunteer Job or Volunteer Shift, then click Mass Edit Volunteer Hours.

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Configure Features in Volunteers for Salesforce Configure Fields on the Find Volunteers Page


Configure Fields on the Find Volunteers PageThe Find Volunteers page displays certain Contact fields in two places: the Criteria section,and in the table of found volunteers. To change what options users have in the Criteriasection so they can search different standard or custom fields from the Contact object, editthe VolunteersFindCriteriaFS field set. To change the fields that users see in search results,edit the VolunteersFindFS field set.

Search criteria fields (1) are determined by the VolunteersFindCriteriaFS field set. Searchresults fields (2) are determined by the VolunteersFindFS field set.

Note: If you're looking at the Find Volunteers page and the picklist fields are blank,it's likely that picklist values aren't specified for Contact record types. To configurethose picklists, from Setup, go to the Record Types section for Contact, and edit thePicklists Available for Editing for all Contact record types.

1.Click , then click Setup.

2. Click the Object Manager tab.

3. In the list of objects, click Contact.

4. Click Field Sets.

5. Click VolunteersFindCriteriaFS.

6. Review the field set contents and update fields as needed.

• Add fields by dragging and dropping them into the In the Field Set box.

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Configure Features in Volunteers for Salesforce Configure Scheduling of Recurring Jobs and Volunteers


Note: The Find Volunteers page can display only Contact fields. Add fieldsfrom that object only, even though the field set editor lets you drag fieldsfrom related objects.

• Remove fields by hovering over the field and clicking the Delete icon.

• Reorder fields by dragging and dropping.

• Make fields required by hovering over the field and clicking the Tools icon.

7. Save your changes.

8. Repeat these steps for the VolunteersFindFS field set to change which fields aredisplayed in search results.

Configure Scheduling of Recurring Jobs andVolunteersAutomatic scheduling of Jobs and volunteers into the future saves a ton of repetitive dataentry. Say you have 10 volunteer slots for meal delivery every day, from 9 a.m. to 3 p.m., intwo 3-hour Shifts. You have a set of volunteers who reliably fill those Shifts. Set up the V4Sbatch job to run periodically and automatically create recurring Shifts and assign recurringvolunteers to them.

Set Up Automatic Creation of Recurring Shifts and VolunteersV4S comes with a batch job that you can run on a set schedule. For example, set up thebatch job to run once a week and automatically create Shift records for any active JobRecurrence Schedules, and assign any recurring volunteers to those shifts. Each time thebatch runs, it generates new records for a few months out (or for whatever time periodyou've specified in the Recurring Job Future Months custom setting) and updates existingrecords to reflect changes in event scheduling or volunteer availability.

1. From Setup, enter Apex in the Quick Find box, then select Apex Classes.

2. Click Schedule Apex.

3. Give the job a name, such as Schedule Recurrences.

4. For Apex Class, search for and select VOL_BATCH_Recurrence.

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Configure Features in Volunteers for Salesforce Configure Scheduling of Recurring Jobs and Volunteers


5. Specify the job frequency, such as Sundays at 1 a.m.

6. Set an end date well into the future.

7. Save your changes.

Now the batch job runs automatically on this schedule, creating recurring shifts andvolunteers for active Job Recurrence Schedules.

Control How Far in the Future to Schedule ShiftsOut-of-the-box, the V4S batch job schedules recurring Jobs—and assigns recurringvolunteers to them—four months into the future. Adjust this timeframe as needed.

Keep in mind that the more months you schedule out, the more data needs to be crunchedwhen the scheduling batch job runs. Salesforce sets limits on how much processing poweryour batch jobs can consume, so keep it to a reasonable number.

For limits information, see Apex Governor Limits in the Salesforce DeveloperDocumentation.

1. From Setup, enter Custom Settings in the Quick Find box, then select CustomSettings.

2. Next to Volunteers Settings, click Manage.

3. Click Edit. If there are no Custom Settings values configured, click New.

4. Update the value of the Recurring Job Future Months field to the desired number ofmonths.

5. Save your changes.

Now, every time the batch job runs (according to the frequency you specified when creatingthe batch job), it processes data for your chosen time period.

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Configure Features in Volunteers for Salesforce Enter Some Test Data


Manually Run Batch Processing of Recurring Jobs andVolunteersThe scheduled recurrence batch job runs automatically after you've scheduled it. If youwant scheduled recurrences processed at other times, between scheduled runs, you canstart the process manually.

1.Click the App Launcher ( ).

2. Find and then click Process Recurrence Schedules.

3. Click Run Batch.

The page confirms when processing is finished.

Enter Some Test DataWhat better way to celebrate your newly configured app than to enter some volunteerrecords and create a test campaign with jobs and a few shifts? This is a great time to do itbecause, if you continue on to the last part of V4S configuration (adding V4S pages to yourwebsite), having test data makes it easier to see how V4S content looks on your website.

We recommend creating these test records:

• A Contact

• A Campaign with a one-time Job and a few Shifts

• A Campaign with a Recurring Job and a few Recurring Shifts into the future

• Some completed hours for the Contact in both the one-time and recurring Jobs

For detailed instructions on creating Contacts, Campaigns, Jobs, and Shifts, head over to theVolunteers for Salesforce User Guide.

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Make Volunteers for Salesforce Part of Your Website  Decide Which Pages to Add to Your Website


Make Volunteers for SalesforcePart of Your Website 

Embed V4S pages directly in your website so that volunteers can sign themselves up for jobsand track their own volunteer history. This part of setup and configuration is optional. V4Sworks standalone even if it's not tied into your website. By doing the extra work, though, youextend the feature configuration work you've already done and put it to even more powerfuluse.

Decide Which Pages to Add to Your WebsiteWhich V4S pages do you want to make available on your website? Pick and choose the onesthat make sense. They work independently of each other.

Page What It Looks Like

VolunteersSignupFS or

VolunteersSignup (form

for general signup and

expressions of interest in


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Make Volunteers for Salesforce Part of Your Website  Decide Which Pages to Add to Your Website


Page What It Looks Like

VolunteersJobListingFS or

VolunteersJobListing (list

of Jobs—with or without

Shifts—that volunteers can

sign up for)


VolunteersSignupFS or

VolunteersSignup (form

for signup for specific

Jobs or Shifts)

JobCalendar (calendar

view of Jobs and Shifts)


(form for reporting hours


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Make Volunteers for Salesforce Part of Your Website  Website Integration—A Tag Team Event


Page What It Looks Like


(personalized page with

an individual volunteer's


Website Integration—A Tag Team EventA lot of folks find website integration intimidating because it touches Visualforce, Apex, andother parts of Salesforce that involve code. While it's more involved than the installation andconfiguration you've done so far, you don't have to do it alone.

Website integration is a tag team event in which you and your web developer work together,in sequence. You lay the groundwork on the Salesforce side of things by using a Salesforcefeature called Sites to create web pages that display the V4S data that you want to makepublic. The V4S Sites pages contain the content.

How then does the web developer embed the V4S pages into your public website? Theanswer, friends, is IFRAMEs. They're HTML tags, with each tag representing a page of V4Scontent. You give the IFRAME tags to your developer, who inserts them into the HTML ofyour organization's webpages—essentially creating a page within a page.

Here's how you and your web developer work together to make the pages go live on yourwebsite.

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Make Volunteers for Salesforce Part of Your Website  Set Up Your Salesforce Site 


Set Up Your Salesforce Site The first step on the website integration adventure is to set up your Salesforce Site. It's aquick, two-step process. Ready? Let's jump in!

• Enable Salesforce Sites With a Domain Name

• Create a Site to Host V4S Pages

Enable Salesforce Sites with a Domain Name Enable Sites by claiming a domain name for your organization's Sites presence.

If your organization already has a Sites domain, you can use it rather than creating anotherone specifically for hosting V4S on your website. The Sites domain is a custom domain that'sseparate from any subdomain that your org may have registered under the My Domainfeature in Salesforce. The domain name that you choose for the Sites domain can be thesame as the one for My Domain, or different. Again, they are not related.

1. From Setup, enter Sites in the Quick Find box, then select Sites.

2. Choose a domain name, typically your organization's name or a variation of it. Enter itthen click Check Availability.

Important: After you register the domain in the next step, you can't changeit. For now, that's no big deal, because the V4S web pages are hosted on yourorganization's own website. Your website visitors don't see this domain name,but in the future you may decide to expose Sites pages directly, so choosesomething reasonable.

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Make Volunteers for Salesforce Part of Your Website  Set Up Your Salesforce Site 


3. Acknowledge that you have read and accepted the Sites Terms of Use, and then clickRegister My Domain.

4. Click OK to confirm registration.

Voila! You've enabled Salesforce Sites.

Create a Site to Host V4S PagesNow we actually create a site to host the V4S pages.

1. On the Sites page, click New.

2. In the Type of New Site drop-down, choose Guest User License.

3. Enter the required information.

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Make Volunteers for Salesforce Part of Your Website  Configure Data Access—An Overview


• Site Label—Enter a descriptive label, in case you love using Sites so much that youdecide to create other Sites in the future.

• Site Name—Review the unique name that's automatically filled in for you.

• Site Contact—Choose yourself or another system administrator.

• Default Web Address—The URL suffix is optional. Enter it only if you want your SitesURL to point to a directory more specific than the default Salesforce URL. If you doenter a value here, include it later whenever you specify URLs to your Sites pages.

• Active—Select this option to make your site accessible for testing right away.

• Active Site Home Page—For now, set the home page to use the defaultUnder Construction Visualforce page. Click the Search icon, then select theUnderConstruction Visualforce page.

• Clickjack Protection Level—Set to Allow framing by any page (no protection). Thisoption allows Sites to be IFRAMEd into your website.

4. Save your changes.

Configure Data Access—An OverviewAfter you've created a Site, configure the data access settings so that volunteers can interactwith your Site's contents. Sharing is the general term that describes how you control who

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Make Volunteers for Salesforce Part of Your Website  Configure Data Access—An Overview


sees what in Salesforce. Sharing settings control users' access to the Contact, Account,Campaign, Volunteer Jobs, and other V4S objects.

• Configure Data Access in Organization-Wide Sharing Defaults

• Configure Data Access for Visualforce Pages

• Configure Object and Field Permissions in Public Access Settings

Tip: If data access and visibility in Salesforce are unfamiliar territory, the Data SecurityTrailhead module is a great place to get your bearings first. Then come back and getcomfortable, because we're going to linger a while in the Setup menu configuringdata access.

Configure Data Access in Organization-Wide Sharing DefaultsEstablish the recommended baseline data access for all of your Salesforce users, includingyour website visitors.

1. From Setup, enter Sharing Settings in the Quick Find box, then select SharingSettings.

2. Make sure that you're managing sharing settings for All Objects.

3. Review the default access settings in the Organization-Wide Defaults section. If yourorganization is using an external sharing model, be sure to review the external accesssettings as well the internal access settings.

Note: You can tell you're using an external sharing model if the button abovethe Organization-Wide Defaults reads Disable External Sharing Model instead ofEnable External Sharing Model.

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Make Volunteers for Salesforce Part of Your Website  Configure Data Access—An Overview


Compare them to the minimum Internal Access settings that V4S requires. Make surethat these objects have at least the minimum so that V4S can save information thatvolunteers submit on your website.

• Lead—Public Read/Write

• Account—Public Read Only

• Contact—Public Read/Write

• Campaign—Public Read/Write (This setting controls the sharing settings forVolunteer Jobs, Shifts, and Hours, which are all set to Controlled by Parent.)

What if you need more restrictive access than the minimum, for one or more of theseobjects? For example, what if you don't want to make all of your Campaigns public?

1. Set the organization-wide default sharing settings for Campaign to Private, the mostrestrictive setting.

2. Back on the Sharing Settings page, go to the Campaign Sharing Rules section.

3. Create a sharing rule to define an exception to the organization-wide sharing settingsfor V4S users. For example, if the record type is Volunteer Campaign and the user typeis a Site Guest User, then give Public Read/Write access to Campaigns.

Configure Data Access for Visualforce PagesV4S is built on Visualforce, which is a way to create custom user interfaces for Salesforceobjects and data. Configure access to Visualforce pages for your volunteers user profile.

1. If you wandered away from your site to check on your Sharing Settings, go back to Sitesfrom Setup.

2. Click the site label for your site.

3. On the Site Detail page, click Public Access Settings.

Note: The following steps assume you're using the Enhanced Profile UserInterface. If you're using the Original Profile Interface, the path to these settingsand the actions you take are slightly different.

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Make Volunteers for Salesforce Part of Your Website  Configure Data Access—An Overview


4. Click Visualforce Page Access, then click Edit.

5. Add these pages to the Enabled Visualforce Page Access section. Ctrl + click to selectmore than one page at a time.

• GW_Volunteers.JobCalendar

• GW_Volunteers.VolunteersJobListing

• GW_Volunteers.VolunteersJobListingFS

• GW_Volunteers.VolunteersReportHours

• GW_Volunteers.VolunteersSignup

• GW_Volunteers.VolunteersSignupFS

6. If you intend to set up the Volunteers Personal Site feature, also add these pages.

• GW_Volunteers.PersonalSiteContactInfo

• GW_Volunteers.PersonalSiteContactLookup

• GW_Volunteers.PersonalSiteJobCalendar

• GW_Volunteers.PersonalSiteJobListing

• GW_Volunteers.PersonalSiteReportHours

• GW_Volunteers.PersonalSiteTemplate

7. Save your changes.

Configure Object and Field Permissions in Public AccessSettingsThe last step in configuring data access is making sure your Site's public access settings givepermission to read, create, and edit the dozen or so objects that V4S needs to do its job.

Note: The following steps assume you're using the Enhanced Profile User Interface.If you're using the Original Profile Interface, the path to these settings and the actionsyou take are slightly different.

1. On the Site Detail page, click Public Access Settings.

2. On the Volunteers Profile page, click Object Settings.

Page 48: Set Up and Configure Volunteers for Salesforce · Salesforce database objects that are customized in V4S to track extra information about individual volunteers' skills and availability.

Make Volunteers for Salesforce Part of Your Website  Configure Data Access—An Overview


3. For each of these standard objects, edit object permissions and field permissions.

• Accounts

• Campaigns

• Contacts

• Documents

• Leads

a. Click the object name, then click Edit.

b. In the Object Permissions section, enable Read and Create permissions for theobject.

c. In the Field Permissions section, look for all volunteer-related fields (all have"volunteer" in the field name) and enable Read and Edit permissions.

For example, these are some of the Volunteer fields on the Contact object.

d. Save your changes and repeat for each object listed above.

4. On the Object Settings page, click Volunteer Hours.

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Make Volunteers for Salesforce Part of Your Website  Activate Your Site


5. Click Edit. In the Object Permissions section, enable Read, Create, and Edit permissionsfor the object.

6. Save your changes.

7. For each of these custom objects, enable Read permissions and field permissions:

• Job Recurrence Schedules

• Volunteer Jobs

• Volunteer Recurrence Schedules

• Volunteer Shifts

• Households—Required if you're using the Household object in the NonprofitSuccess Pack or in a custom configuration. If you're not sure, go ahead and enablethe permission. It won't hurt anything.

a. On the Object Settings page, click the object name, then click Edit.

b. In the Object Permissions section, enable the Read permission for the object.

c. In the Field Permissions section, look for all volunteer-related fields and enableRead and Edit permissions.

d. Save your changes and repeat for each object listed above.

That's it! You've done painstaking work to get access and permissions squared away. Thegood news is that this part of configuration is a one-time process. You're done with dataaccess configuration unless you later add custom fields to Contact or any of the Volunteersobjects. In that case, don't forget to come back to the Volunteers Profile to set Read andCreate field permissions.

Activate Your SiteActually, you already activated your site when you created it. But it never hurts to doublecheck.

1. From Setup, enter Sites in the Quick Find box, then select Sites.

2. Look for the link under the Action column. If it says Activate, click it. If it says Deactivate,your site is already activated and ready to go.

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Make Volunteers for Salesforce Part of Your Website  Test Load the V4S Signup Page on Your Site


Test Load the V4S Signup Page on Your SiteIt's time for the first big reveal. Let's see how your Site looks and verify that it works.

1. Click the Site URL.

2. As expected, the Under Construction page loads. (It's the Visualforce page that youspecified as the Active Site Home Page when you created the Site.)

3. In your browser's address bar, add this text to the end of the Site's URL:


(Note the two underscore characters between Volunteersand VolunteersSignupFS.) Thefull URL looks something like this (where mydomain is the custom domain that youregistered):

If you specified a Default Web Address when you created your site, include the label inthe URL, like so:

4. Hit Enter to load the page. Now we're in business! Check out the Volunteers Signuppage.

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Make Volunteers for Salesforce Part of Your Website  Test Load the V4S Signup Page on Your Site


5. Enter some test data in the form and submit it. Create a new volunteer and use yourown email address so you can see how thank-you and notification emails look.

6. Back in Salesforce, find the newly created Contact. The Volunteer Status field showsNew Sign Up.

Curious how the other V4S pages look? Feel free to preview them now.

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Make Volunteers for Salesforce Part of Your Website  Test Load the V4S Signup Page on Your Site


To See This Page Add This to the Site URL

Generic Volunteer Signup Page /GW_Volunteers__VolunteersSignup or


Calendar Page /GW_Volunteers__JobCalendar

Job Listings Page /GW_Volunteers__VolunteersJobListing or


Volunteer Report Hours Page /GW_Volunteers__VolunteersReportHours

Personal Site Contact Lookup /GW_Volunteers__PersonalSiteContactLookup

Personal Site Contact Info (For now, loading

this page redirects you to the Personal Site

Contact Lookup page, because we haven't

done the required configuration for the

Personal Site.)


Great work! Having a functional volunteer signup web form is a huge milestone. Next,customize and format the signup form so that it looks and feels consistent with the rest ofyour website. When you know the general customization principles for the signup page, it'seasy to apply them to other pages.

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Customize Your Website Customize the Volunteer Signup Page


Customize Your Website

Customize the Volunteer Signup PageCustomize the contents of the Volunteer Signup page, and make it look and feel like anintegral part of your website.

Choose Between Two Versions of the Volunteer Signup PageV4S offers two versions of the Volunteer Signup page, with the recommendation to usethe newer, customizable one that creates Contacts (not Leads) from new general interestsignups. The VolunteersSignupFS page is more flexible and simplifies your business process—skipping the step of converting a Lead to a Contact. If you're required to use Leads instead,we offer a couple of options.

Form Name Can Create from


Fields Customizable? Can Style

with CSS?



Contacts only—not Leads Yes, using the

VolunteersSignupFS field



GW_Volunteers__VolunteersSignup Either Contacts or Leads,

depending on your

Custom Settings

No Yes

Note: What if you require signups to be created as Leads, but want to be able tocustomize which fields are displayed on the form? Consider using Salesforce's Web-to-Lead form instead of one of the V4S signup forms. Web-to-Lead generates a leadcapture form for you (in HTML), which you can then provide to your web developer toadd to your website. Learn more about Web-to-Lead in the Salesforce Help.

Customize Volunteer Signup Fields (VolunteersSignupFSonly)Customize the fields displayed in the Volunteer Signup page to capture the volunteerinformation you care about. For example, replace Business Phone with Mobile Phone,or make a minimalist signup form that asks for name and email only. If you use the

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Customize Your Website Customize the Volunteer Signup Page


GW_Volunteers__VolunteersSignupFS page (not GW_Volunteers__VolunteersSignup), youcan customize the page to include any standard or custom field from the Contact object.

You may remember that you already configured field sets for the Volunteers Wizard andother V4S pages. To customize the VolunteersSignupFS field set, on the Object Manager tabin Setup, click Contacts > Field Sets, then click VolunteersSignupFS. Refer to Configure Fieldson the Volunteers Wizard Page for instructions on how to customize field sets.

Troubleshooting Tip: If any fields you added to the field set don't appear on your signupform, they might not be enabled for the Site Guest User profile. An error message at thetop of the page indicates which fields to enable. Go to the Site Detail page and update thePublic Access Settings for the Site Guest User profile. You previously configured the PublicAccess Settings, but if custom fields were added since that update, you may need to updatethe Public Access Settings again.

Specify Field Mappings for Converting Leads to ContactsIf you use a signup page that creates Leads from signups, then the Lead record getsconverted to a Contact record some time later in the volunteer's lifecycle. Salesforce callsthis process lead conversion. Let's define a simple one-to-one mapping of the volunteerfields to make sure information is copied cleanly from the Lead to the Contact.

1. In Setup, click the Object Manager tab.

2. From the list of objects, select Lead.

3. Click Fields & Relationships.

4. Click Map Lead Fields.

5. Click the Contact tab.

6. Specify values for these Contact fields to match the corresponding field from the Leadrecord.

• Volunteer Availability

• Volunteer Notes

• Volunteer Skills

• Volunteer Status

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Customize Your Website Customize the Volunteer Signup Page


7. Save your changes.

Style the Volunteer Signup Form with CSSThe Volunteer Signup form page uses a cascading style sheet (CSS). V4S provides theVolunteersSignupCss.css file as a Document in Salesforce. Customize the CSS file with yourown CSS styles so that the V4S part of the webpage matches the rest of your website's lookand feel.

1. If you're working in Lightning Experience, switch to Salesforce Classic so you can accessDocuments.

2. Go to the Documents tab. (If you don't see the Documents tab, click the + icon at theend of the tab bar, then click Documents in the list of All Tabs.)

3. Select the Volunteers Documents folder.

4. Next to VolunteersSignupCSS.css, click View.

5. Copy the CSS into your favorite text editor. Note that the file includes a commented-out "ugly" version of CSS—a high contrast version that's hard on the eyes but an easyway to see which parts of the signup page you can style.

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Customize Your Website Customize the Volunteer Signup Page


Here is an example of what the basic sample CSS looks like on a website.

6. Work with your web developer to update this CSS as needed, and then save it to yourlocal computer as VolunteersSignupCss.css.

7. Back on the Documents tab, upload your file.

a. Select the Volunteers Documents folder.

b. Click VolunteersSignupCSS.css.

c. Click Replace Document.

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Customize Your Website Customize the Volunteer Signup Page


d. Browse for your local copy of VolunteersSignupCss.css, and then click ReplaceDocument.

8. Verify the new styles in the Volunteer Sign-Up form by refreshing the page at the sameURL you used when testing your site.

Tip: If the styling is unchanged, try clearing your browser's cache and refreshingagain, or open the page in a private browsing window

Upgraders: If you're upgrading from an earlier version, newer versions of V4S sometimesoffer updated CSS files (check the release notes). However, your existing CSS files inDocuments are not overwritten during the upgrade process. Get the latest version of theCSS files from the V4S source code in GitHub, and manually update yours to match thelatest.

Add a File Upload Option to the Volunteer Signup FormYou can add a file upload button to the VolunteersSignupFS page andVolunteersJobListingFS page to let volunteers upload a resume, photo, or other file. V4Ssaves the uploaded file to the Contact record.

Add the button by appending a parameter to the end of the URL for the Volunteer SignupForm.

1. Decide the text that you want displayed alongside the button, telling volunteers whatto upload. For example, Please upload your resume. The button and label aredisplayed at the bottom of the form.

2. Add the FileUploadLabel parameter to the end of the page URL, with your text as theparameter value. Like this:


Use a ? character to separate the parameter from the first part of the URL. Encodespaces in the text as %20.

When you go to this URL, you see the file upload button with the text you specified:

IFRAME Tag for the Volunteer Signup PageGive your web developer this IFRAME tag so they can insert the Volunteer Signup page intoyour website. Use the appropriate format for HTTP sites or secure HTTPS sites.

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Customize Your Website Customize the Volunteer Job Listing Page


Sample IFRAME in HTTP format:

<iframe src="" frameborder="0" scrolling="false" height="600" width="500"></iframe>

Sample IFRAME in HTTPS format:

<iframe src=" /GW_Volunteers__VolunteersSignupFS" frameborder="0" scrolling="false" height="600" width="500"></iframe>

A few reminders to keep your code snippet clean:

• mydomain is a placeholder value for your domain name. Be sure to include your actualdomain name in place of the placeholder text.

• yoursitelabel is a placeholder value for the Default Web Address. Include it only if youspecified one when you created your Site.

• Are you using the VolunteersSignup page instead of VolunteersSignupFS? Specify theright one.

• There are two underscore characters between Volunteers and VolunteersSignupFS.

• If you're using the FileUploadLabel URL parameter, add it to the end of the URL,separating it from the rest of the URL with a ? character.

Customize the Volunteer Job Listing PageCustomize the contents of the Volunteer Job Listing page, and make it look and feel like anintegral part of your website.

Choose Between Two Versions of the Volunteer Job ListingPageV4S offers two versions of the job listing page. Decide which one works best for your setup.

Form Name Fields Customization Can Style with CSS?



Yes, using the



GW_Volunteers__VolunteersJobListing No Yes

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Customize Your Website Customize the Volunteer Job Listing Page


Customize Job Listing Fields (VolunteersJobListingFS Only)The Job Listing page includes a signup form for volunteers to register for a specific Job orShift.

It always requires First Name, Last Name, and Email, because these fields are used formatching volunteers to existing Contacts. The Number of Volunteers field is also required.

If you use the GW_Volunteers__VolunteersJobListingFS page (notGW_Volunteers__VolunteersJobListing), you can customize the popup signup form toinclude any standard or custom field from the Contact object or the Volunteer Hours object.

You may remember that you've already configured field sets for the Volunteers Wizardand other V4S pages. On the Object Manager tab in Setup, go to Contacts > Field Sets andclick VolunteersJobListingFS. Refer to Configure Fields on the Volunteers Wizard Page forinstructions on how to customize field sets.

Tip: If any fields you added to the field set don't appear on your Job Listing sign-upform, they might not be enabled for the Site Guest User profile. An error message atthe top of the Job Listing page indicates which fields to enable.

Go to the Site Detail page and update the Public Access Settings for the Site GuestUser profile. You previously configured the Public Access Settings, but if you oranother admin have added custom fields since that update, they may need to beupdated again.

Here's how the page might look with some customizations.

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Customize Your Website Customize the Volunteer Job Listing Page


Show Job Location on a MapMake it even easier for your volunteers to commit to a Job by showing its location on amap. This feature relies on the Google Maps Embed API and the information in the locationaddress fields on Volunteer Job records.

For details about working with the Google Maps APIs, see the maps documentation in theGoogle Developer Guide.

1. Get a Google API key.

2. Store the Google API Key in V4S Custom Settings.

a. From Setup, enter Custom Settings in the Quick Find box, then select CustomSettings.

b. Next to Volunteers Settings, click Manage.

c. Click Edit, then in the Google Maps API Key field, paste your API key.

d. Save your changes.

3. Verify that your copy of VolunteersJobListingCSS.css includes a CSS class for the GoogleMap IFRAME. Edit this markup as needed.

.cssGoogleMapIFrame { height: 300px; width: 400px; border: 0;}

Now, when you display the VolunteersJobListingFS page with the ShowLocationMap URLparameter set to 1, and the Job has location address fields filled out, the map is displayed.

Link Volunteers to an External Signup WebsiteIf you have a separate system for managing Job signups, V4S can show a signup link thatdirects the interested volunteer to an external registration site.

Create external signup links on a per-Job basis. Specify a URL in the External Signup Url fieldfor the Job record. That's all it takes to display a link.

Note: If you don't see the External Signup Link field on the Job record, your Adminmay need to add it to the Volunteer Job page layout and enable field permissions forthe appropriate profiles.

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Customize Your Website Customize the Volunteer Job Listing Page


Tip: If the Volunteer Job's External Signup Url field has a value, but the link on theJob Listing page is still displaying the default internal signup link, verify that the SiteGuest User profile has read access to the External Signup Url field on Volunteer Job.

To change the link text to show something other than "external site," edit the custom label,labelExternalSignUpUrl. See Translate V4S into Other Languages or Customize Terminology.

To style the link or the listing detail differently, edit these CSS classes in theVolunteerJobListingCSS file:

• externalJobLink

• externalJob

Style the Volunteer Job Listing Page with CSSThe Volunteer Job Listing page uses a cascading style sheet (CSS). V4S provides theVolunteersJobListingCSS.css file as a Document in Salesforce. Customize the CSS withyour own CSS styles so that the V4S part of the webpage matches the rest of your website'slook and feel.

Follow the instructions provided for styling the Volunteer Signup page, making sure that youedit the VolunteersJobListingCSS.css file.

Here's how the page looks with minimal styling.

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Customize Your Website Customize the Volunteer Job Listing Page


IFRAME Tag for the Volunteer Job Listing PageGive your web developer this IFRAME tag so they can insert the Volunteer Job Listing pageinto your website. Use the appropriate format for HTTP sites or secure HTTPS sites.

<iframe src="" frameborder="0" scrolling="false" height="600" width="500"></iframe>

Sample IFRAME in HTTPS format:

<iframe src=" /GW_Volunteers__VolunteersJobListingFS" frameborder="0" scrolling="false" height="600" width="500"></iframe>

A few reminders to keep your code snippet clean:

• mydomain is a placeholder value for your domain name. Be sure to include your actualdomain name in place of the placeholder text.

• yoursitelabel is a placeholder value for the Default Web Address. Include it only if youspecified one when you created your Site.

• Are you using the VolunteersJobListing page instead of VolunteersJobListingFS? Specifythe right one.

• There are two underscore characters between Volunteers and VolunteersJobListingFS.

• If you're using one or more URL parameters, add them to the end of the URL. Separatethe first parameter from the rest of the URL with a ? character. Separate multipleparameters with the & character.

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Customize Your Website Customize the Volunteer Job Listing Page


Supported URL Parameters for Both Volunteer Job ListingPagesUse one or more of these optional URL parameters in your IFRAME tag to further customizehow Jobs and Shifts are displayed in the job listing, regardless of whether you're usingVolunteersJobListing or VolunteersJobListingFS.

Add parameter names and values to the end of the URL in your IFRAME tag. Remember to:

• Use a ? character to separate the first parameter from the rest of the URL.

• Use an & character to separate each parameter.

Here's an example VolunteersJobListingFS IFRAME tag with two parameters (ShowSkills andJobID) in the last part of the URL.

<iframe src=" /GW_Volunteers__VolunteersJobListingFS?ShowSkills=0&JobID=a0T41000003jEKcEAM" frameborder="0" scrolling="false" height="600" width="500"></iframe>

Name Value Description

CampaignId Campaign's 15-

character Salesforce

ID (show a single


null (default)

Display only the Jobs from the

specified Campaign. For example:


Otherwise, leave blank to display all active


JobID Job's 15-character

Salesforce ID (show a

single Job)

null (default)

Display only the specified Job. For example:


Otherwise, leave blank to display all active Jobs.

ShowCampaignHierarchy 0 (hide; default)

1 (show)

If CampaignId is specified, also show all active

Campaigns that are its children.

ShowDescription 0 (hide)

1 (show; default)

Show the Job's description.

ShowJobName 0 (hide)

1 (show; default)

Show the Job's name.

ShowLocationAddress 0 (hide)

1 (show; default)

Show the Job's address.

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Customize Your Website Customize the Volunteer Job Listing Page


Name Value Description

ShowLocationInfo 0 (hide)

1 (show; default)

Show location details from the Job's Location

Information field.

ShowSkills 0 (hide; default)

1 (show)

Show the job's desired skills in a semicolon-

separated list.

Additional Supported URL Parameters for theVolunteersJobListingFS PageIf you're using VolunteersJobListingFS, use one or more of these optional URL parameters inyour IFRAME tag to further customize how Jobs and Shifts are displayed in the job listing.

For details about adding URL parameters to an IFRAME tag, see Supported URL Parametersfor Both Volunteer Job Listing Pages.

Name Value Description

DateFormat EEEE m/d/yyyy


String format that tells V4S how to display Shift dates.

The default string displays the day as text, followed by the

month, date, and year. For example: Thursday 4/6/2017.

You can specify a different string format by arranging these

supported character sets with standard punctuation for

date formatting (forward slashes, hyphens, commas, and so


• MM—Include a leading zero for the first nine months

of the year, such as 01, 08.

• M—Display the first nine months of the year without a

leading zero, such as 1, 8.

• dd—Include a leading zero for the first nine days of the

month, such as 02, 09.

• d—Display the first nine days of the month without a

leading zero, such as 2, 9.

• yyyy—Display a four-digit year, such as 2017.

• yy—Display a two-digit year, such as 17.

• EEEE—Display the day as text, such as Thursday.

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Customize Your Website Customize the Volunteer Job Listing Page


Name Value Description

dtMonthFilter Today's current month

in the format yyyy-

mm-dd (default)

The initial month to show data for. For example, to show all

shifts for March 2017, dtMonthFilter=2017-03-01.

Language en (default) Display the labels that have been translated in Salesforce

into a different language. Identify the language using a two-

character language code, such as en, or a five-character

locale code, such as en_AU. (See Supported Languages in

the Salesforce Help.)

V4S supports these languages out of the box:

• Dutch (nl_NL)

• English (en)

• French (fr)

• German (de)

• Japanese (ja)

• Spanish (es)

You can create your own translations in other languages.

See Translate V4S into Other Languages or Customize


The specified language overrides the language that users

have set in their Salesforce personal settings.

FileUploadLabel Your custom text

string (no default)

Show a file upload option in the Job signup page. See Add

a File Upload Option to the Volunteer Signup Form.

nDaysToShow 0 (default) Number of days' worth of Shifts to show per Job. Set to 1

to show a specific day's Shifts. When set to 0, we ignore this

parameter. When set to anything other than 0, this value

overrides nMonthsToShow.

nMonthsToShow 3 (default) Number of months' worth of Shifts to show per Job. (You

don't want huge lists of Shifts for Recurring Jobs taking up

too much screen real estate.)

ShowLocationMap 0 (hide)

1 (show; default)

Show a map of the Job's location. Requires that you

complete the setup steps to show Job location on a map.

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Customize Your Website Customize the Volunteer Job Listing Page


Name Value Description

ShowNumberAvailable 0 (hide; default)

1 (show)

Show the number of volunteers confirmed and the number

still available for each Shift.

TimeFormat h:mm tt (default) String format that tells V4S how to display Shift times. The

default string displays the time of day as hour and minutes

with a.m. or p.m. For example: 9:30 am.

You can specify a different string format by arranging these

supported sets of characters with standard punctuation for

time formatting.

• hh—Use 12-hour time and include a leading zero for

the first nine hours of the day, such as 01, 08.

• M—Use 12-hour time and display the first nine hours

of the day without a leading zero, such as 1, 8.

• HH—Use 24-hour time and include a leading zero for

the first nine hours of the day, such as 02, 09.

• H—Use 24-hour time and display the first nine hours

of the day without a leading zero, such as 2, 9.

• mm—Display minutes with a leading zero for the first

nine minutes of the hour, such as 03, 06.

• m—Display minutes without a leading zero for the first

nine minutes of the hour, such as 3, 6.

• tt—Display the time period as am or pm.

volunteerShiftId Shift's 15-character

Salesforce ID (show a

single Shift)

null (default)

Display only the specified Shift. Always specify the JobID

parameter along with volunteerShiftId. For example:


If Shifts recur and nMonthsToShow is set to 0, show only a

single Shift. If nMonthsToShow is set to 1, show the Shifts

for the month.

Otherwise, leave blank to display all upcoming Shifts for the

number of months' specified in nMonthsToShow.

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Customize Your Website Customize the Job Calendar Page


Customize the Job Calendar PageCustomize the contents of the Job Calendar page, and make it look and feel like an integralpart of your website.

Style the Job Calendar Page with CSSThe Job Calendar page uses a cascading style sheet (CSS). V4S provides theJobCalendarCSS.css file as a Document in Salesforce. Customize the CSS with your own CSSstyles so that the V4S part of the webpage matches the rest of your website's look and feel.

Follow the instructions provided for styling the Volunteer Signup form, making sure that youedit the JobCalendarCSS.css file.

Here's how the page looks with minimal styling.

Change the Job Calendar Color SchemeIn a given calendar month, each Job (and all of its Shifts) is displayed in a unique color. Tochange the color scheme, edit the color values that are stored in a custom label.

1. From Setup, enter Custom Labels in the Quick Find box, then select Custom Labels.

2. In the list of labels, find and then click labelColorValues.

3. Click New Local Translations/Overrides.

4. Select your language.

5. In the Translation Text field, enter all of the colors that Jobs can be assigned to. Specifycolors by the names that are recognized by most Web browsers, such as PowderBlue orYellowGreen. Don't include spaces within the names, surround each name with doublequotes, and separate names with commas.

6. Save your changes.

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Customize Your Website Customize the Job Calendar Page


Each Job is uniquely assigned to a color and that color remains constant no matter whichmonth of the calendar you're viewing the Job in. While you can control which colors areavailable, you can't control the color assignments—V4S assigns them automatically.

Note: V4S runs code on the JobID to map it to one of the available colors, so Jobscan end up using the same color. If you want to change the color of a Job, you canplay around with adding and removing color names from the custom label, to see ifthat gives you results you prefer.

Customize the Job Calendar's Link Text and Styling for PastShiftsWhen someone clicks on a past Shift, or a Job with all Shifts in the past, V4S displays the Jobwithout a signup link. Instead, V4S shows a message that there are no upcoming shifts andshows the date of the Job's first Shift.

You can customize the display of past Shifts to visually distinguish them from active Shifts.

• Change the text of the message by editing the custom label, labelEventInThePast. SeeEdit Custom Labels for more information.

• Style past events differently by editing the CSS class, pastEvent, in theVolunteerJobListingCSS file.

IFRAME Tag for the Job Calendar PageGive your web developer this IFRAME tag so they can insert the Job Calendar page into yourwebsite. Use the appropriate format for HTTP sites or secure HTTPS sites.

Sample IFRAME in HTTP format:

<iframe src="" frameborder="0" scrolling="false" height="600" width="500"></iframe>

Sample IFRAME in HTTPS format:

<iframe src="" frameborder="0" scrolling="false" height="600" width="500"></iframe>

A few reminders to keep your code snippet clean:

• mydomain is a placeholder value for your domain name. Be sure to include your actualdomain name in place of the placeholder text.

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Customize Your Website Customize the Job Calendar Page


• yoursitelabel is a placeholder value for the Default Web Address. Include it only if youspecified one when you created your Site.

• There are two underscore characters between Volunteers and JobCalendar.

• If you're using one or more URL parameters, add them to the end of the URL. Separatethe first parameter from the rest of the URL with a ? character. Separate multipleparameters with the & character.

Supported URL Parameters for the Job Calendar PageUse one or more of these optional URL parameters in your IFRAME tag to further customizehow jobs and shifts are displayed in the Job Calendar.

For details about adding URL parameters to an IFRAME tag, see Supported URL Parametersfor Both Volunteer Job Listing Pages on page 57.

The Job Calendar supports all the URL parameters that are supported on both Job Listingpages. For the complete list of supported URL parameters for the Job Calendar, refer to theparameters in both of these sections . . .

• Supported URL Parameters for Both Volunteer Job Listing Pages

• Additional Supported URL Parameters for the VolunteersJobListingFS Page

. . . as well as these additional parameters that are specific to the Job Calendar page:

Name Value Description

CalendarView agendaWeek


month (default)

Set the calendar's initial display format.

initialDate Today's date (default)

in the format yyyy-


Set the calendar's initial display date. For example, setting

this parameter to 2017-03-01 will set the calendar to

display March 2017.

Print 0 (don't optimize;


1 (optimize)

Show the calendar in a view that's optimized for printing on

a single page.

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Customize Your Website Customize the Volunteer Report Hours Page


Name Value Description

ShowNumberAvailable 0 (hide; default)

1 (show)

Show the number of volunteers confirmed and the number

still available for each Shift.

• In a tooltip on the Shift when viewed in Month


• In the Shift when viewed in Week or Day format.

Note: We repeat this listing of the same parameter

from VolunteersJobListingFS to highlight the small

differences in how the Job Calendar displays the


Customize the Volunteer Report Hours PageCustomize the contents of the Volunteer Report Hours page, and make it look and feel likean integral part of your website.

Customize the Fields in the Volunteer Report Hours PageCustomize the fields displayed in the Volunteer Report Hours page to make it more usablefor volunteers. For example, expose the Comments field so that volunteers can leavefeedback on their experience. You can include any standard or custom field on the page, aslong as it's from the Volunteer Hours object.

Note: On this page, V4S displays only a subset of all Job and Shift records. Especiallyif you have a lot of recurring events, keeping the drop-down lists to a reasonablelength makes it easier for volunteers to find the Jobs and Shifts that they worked.

• Volunteer Job displays only active Jobs, under active Campaigns.

• Volunteer Shift displays only the Shifts that are scheduled within a three-monthwindow of last month, this month, and next month.

You may remember that you've already configured field sets for the Volunteers Wizardand other V4S pages. To customize the VolunteersReportHoursFS field set, on the ObjectManager tab in Setup, click Contacts > Field Sets, then click VolunteersReportHoursFS. Referto Configure Fields on the Volunteers Wizard Page for instructions on how to customizefield sets.

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Customize Your Website Customize the Volunteer Report Hours Page


Troubleshooting Tip: If any fields you added to the field set don't appear on your VolunteerReport Hours page, they might not be enabled for the Site Guest User profile. An errormessage at the top of the page indicates which fields to enable. Go to the Site Detailpage and update the Public Access Settings for the Site Guest User profile. You previouslyconfigured the Public Access Settings, but if you or another admin have added customfields since that update, they may need to be updated again.

Style the Volunteer Report Hours Page with CSSThe Volunteer Report Hours page uses a cascading style sheet (CSS). V4S provides theVolunteersReportHoursCSS.css file as a Document in Salesforce. Customize the CSS withyour own CSS styles so that the V4S part of the webpage matches the rest of your website'slook and feel.

Follow the instructions provided for styling the Volunteer Signup page, making sure that youedit the VolunteersReportHoursCSS.css file.

IFRAME Tag for the Volunteer Report Hours PageGive your web developer this IFRAME tag so they can insert the Volunteer Report Hourspage into your website. Use the appropriate format for HTTP sites or secure HTTPS sites.

Sample IFRAME in HTTP format:

<iframe src="" frameborder="0" scrolling="false" height="600" width="500"></iframe>

Sample IFRAME in HTTPS format:

<iframe src=" /GW_Volunteers__VolunteersReportHours" frameborder="0" scrolling="false" height="600" width="500"></iframe>

A few reminders to keep your code snippet clean:

• mydomain is a placeholder value for your domain name. Be sure to include your actualdomain name in place of the placeholder text.

• yoursitelabel is a placeholder value for the Default Web Address. Include it only if youspecified one when you created your Site.

• There are two underscore characters between Volunteers and VolunteersReportHours.

• If you're using one or more URL parameters, add them to the end of the URL. Separatethe first parameter from the rest of the URL with a ? character. Separate multipleparameters with the & character.

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Customize Your Website Customize the Volunteer Report Hours Page


Supported URL Parameters for the Volunteer Report HoursPageUse one or more of these optional URL parameters in your IFRAME tag to further customizethe page for volunteers reporting their hours worked.

For details about adding URL parameters to an IFRAME tag, see Supported URL Parametersfor Both Volunteer Job Listing Pages on page 57.

Name Value Description

DateFormat EEEE m/d/yyyy


String format that tells V4S how to display Shift dates. The

default string displays the day as text, followed by the month,

date, and year. For example: Thursday 4/6/2017.

You can specify a different string format by arranging these

supported character sets with standard punctuation for date

formatting (forward slashes, hyphens, commas, and so on).

• MM—Include a leading zero for the first nine months of the

year, such as 01, 08.

• M—Display the first nine months of the year without a

leading zero, such as 1, 8.

• dd—Include a leading zero for the first nine days of the

month, such as 02, 09.

• d—Display the first nine days of the month without a

leading zero, such as 2, 9.

• yyyy—Display a four-digit year, such as 2017.

• yy—Display a two-digit year, such as 17.

• EEEE—Display the day as text, such as Thursday.

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Customize Your Website Customize the Volunteer Report Hours Page


Name Value Description

Language en (default) Display the labels that have been translated in Salesforce into a

different language. Identify the language using a two-character

language code, such as en, or a five-character locale code, such

as en_AU. (See Supported Languages in the Salesforce Help.)

V4S supports these languages out of the box:

• Dutch (nl_NL)

• English (en)

• French (fr)

• German (de)

• Japanese (ja)

• Spanish (es)

You can create your own translations in other languages. See

Translate V4S into Other Languages or Customize Terminology.

The specified language overrides the language that users have

set in their Salesforce personal settings.

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Customize Your Website Configure How V4S Handles Volunteer Signups


Name Value Description

TimeFormat h:mm tt (default) String format that tells V4S how to display Shift times. The

default string displays the time of day as hour and minutes with

a.m. or p.m. For example: 9:30 am.

You can specify a different string format by arranging these

supported sets of characters with standard punctuation for time


• hh—Use 12-hour time and include a leading zero for the

first nine hours of the day, such as 01, 08.

• M—Use 12-hour time and display the first nine hours of the

day without a leading zero, such as 1, 8.

• HH—Use 24-hour time and include a leading zero for the

first nine hours of the day, such as 02, 09.

• H—Use 24-hour time and display the first nine hours of the

day without a leading zero, such as 2, 9.

• mm—Display minutes with a leading zero for the first nine

minutes of the hour, such as 03, 06.

• m—Display minutes without a leading zero for the first nine

minutes of the hour, such as 3, 6.

• tt—Display the time period as am or pm.

Configure How V4S Handles Volunteer Signups

Automatically Confirm Web Signups and Update ShiftAvailabilityWhen a volunteer signs up for a Shift from the website, V4S automatically creates aVolunteer Hours record with a status of Web Sign Up, which does not affect the Shift's # ofVolunteers Still Needed number. So a full Shift could still display a signup link because theweb signups haven't been counted.

You can automatically confirm web signups by creating a workflow rule that updates theVolunteer Hours status to Confirmed.

1. From Setup, enter Workflow Rules in the Quick Find box, then select WorkflowRules.

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Customize Your Website Configure How V4S Handles Volunteer Signups


2. Click New Rule.

3. Select Volunteer Hours, then click Next.

4. Give the rule a name, such as Confirm Volunteer Web Signups.

5. In the Evaluation Criteria section, select created.

6. In the Rule Criteria section:

a. Select criteria are met.

b. Define the criteria as Volunteer Hours: Status for field, equals for operator, andWeb Sign Up for value.

7. Click Save & Next.

8. In the Immediate Workflow Actions section, click Add Workflow Action, and then selectNew Field Update.

9. Give the action a name, such as Convert Signup to Confirmed.

10. Review the Unique Name that's automatically filled in for you.

11. In Field to Update, set the values to Volunteer Hours and Status.

12. In the Specify New Field Value section, specify A specific value and Confirmed.

13. Save your changes.

14. Click Done.

15. Back on the Workflow Rule detail page, click Activate.

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Customize Your Website Configure How V4S Handles Volunteer Signups


Customize Rules for Matching Volunteer Signups with ExistingContacts (VolunteersSignUpFS and VolunteersJobListingFSonly)When your volunteers sign up from a Sites page, V4S tries to match the person with anexisting Contact in Salesforce. By default, V4S looks for an exact match with First Name, LastName, and Email. If you're using VolunteersSignUpFS and VolunteersJobListingFS, you canedit custom settings to match against a subset of these fields (for example, just Last Nameand Email) or against additional fields.

Note: The Contact Matching Rule, Contact Match Email Fields, and ContactMatch First Name Fields custom settings apply only to the newer versions of theVolunteers Sign Up and Volunteers Job Listing pages (VolunteersSignUpFS andVolunteersJobListingFS.)

1. From Setup, enter Custom Settings in the Quick Find box, then select CustomSettings.

2. Next to Volunteers Settings, click Manage.

3. Click Edit to edit custom settings as needed.

• As you can see in Contact Matching Rule, by default, V4S requires matching on allthree fields, "Firstname;Lastname;Email". Edit this setting as needed to match on asubset of these three fields, for example, Lastname;Email, or Firstname;Lastname.

Note: If you're using the Nonprofit Success Pack and the Contact MatchingRule includes Email, V4S tries to match against Work Email, Personal/HomeEmail, and Alternate Email.

• To match against additional Contact email fields, you must include email in theContact Matching Rule. Then in Contact Match Email Fields, for each customemail field you want V4S to match on, enter the field's full developer name,including the namespace prefix. Separate fields using semicolons.

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Customize Your Website Configure How V4S Handles Volunteer Signups


Note: You don't need to include email fields from NPSP; they'reautomatically checked as long as Contact Matching Rule includes email.

• To match against additional Contact first name fields, such as a nickname field, inContact Match First Name Fields, enter each field's full developer name, includingthe namespace prefix. Separate fields using semicolons. Note: Contact MatchingRule must include FirstName for V4S to match against additional Contact firstname fields.

4. Save your changes.

Tip: If signups from Sites pages aren't being recognized as existing Contacts, andyou get duplicate Contacts created from signups, check the Sharing Settings for theContact object. Make sure it's not set to Private. Refer back to Configure Data Accessin Organization-Wide Sharing Defaults.

Customize Rules for Matching Volunteer Signups with ExistingContacts (VolunteersSignUp and VolunteersJobListing Only)If you're using the older versions of the Volunteer Sign Up and Volunteer Job Listingpages (VolunteersSignUp and VolunteersJobListing), by default they create a new Lead(VolunteersSignUp) or Contact (VolunteersJobListing) record for every new signup. Toprevent duplicating volunteer records, you can edit a custom setting to require that V4S tryto match the volunteer with an existing Contact in Salesforce.

Note: We recommend using the newer versions of the Volunteer SignUp and Volunteer Job Listing pages instead (VolunteersSignUpFS andVolunteersJobListingFS.)

When the Signup Matches Existing Contacts custom setting is selected, V4S tries to matchon First Name, Last Name, and Email. (The fields for matching are not editable.) If V4Scan't find a match, it creates a new Lead record. You can have V4S create a Contact recordinstead by selecting the Signup Creates Contacts if no Match custom setting.

Customize Rules for Creating Contacts with Specific RecordTypesIf a volunteer signup can't be matched with an existing Contact, V4S creates a Contactrecord without a record type specified. If you require these newly created contacts to have a

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Customize Your Website Configure How V4S Handles Volunteer Signups


specific record type, such as Volunteer, customize one of the out-of-the-box Workflow Rulesto automatically assign a record type.

1. From Setup, enter Workflow Rules in the Quick Find box, then select WorkflowRules.

2. Click Volunteer Signup - Contact.

3. In the Workflow Actions section, click Edit.

4. Click Add Workflow Action, and then select New Field Update.

5. Give the action a name, such as Set Volunteer Record Type.

6. Review the Unique Name that's automatically filled in for you.

7. In Field to Update, choose Contact Record Type.

8. In the Specify a New Field Value section, specify your desired Contact record type.

9. Save your changes.

10. Click Done.

11. Back on the Workflow Rule detail page, make sure your rule is Active. If not, clickActivate.

Specify the Account Name for Automatically CreatedContacts (NPSP Users Only)Contacts that are automatically created from volunteer signups have an associatedAccount that's also created automatically. If you're using the Nonprofit Success Packwith the Individual Bucket account model, set up V4S to assign an Account name thataccommodates NPSP. (For users of the Household account model and One-to-OneIndividual model, the default custom setting is blank and should remain so.)

Tip: If you're not sure how you're using NPSP, see Which Account Model Am I Using?

1. From Setup, enter Custom Settings in the Quick Find box, then select CustomSettings.

2. Next to Volunteers Settings, click Manage.

3. Click Edit, then in the Signup Bucket Account On Create field, enter the name of theAccount, typically "Individual."

4. Save your changes.

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Customize Your Website Manage Time Zones for Displaying Volunteer Jobs


Manage Time Zones for Displaying Volunteer JobsTime zones can be complex for some organizations. Salesforce offers multiple ways to settime zone for users, Campaigns, and Jobs.

If your operations don't typically deal with time zone differences, you don't need to worryabout all the options, and neither does your volunteer coordinator. Simply change theSite Guest User's default time zone to your local time, for all Campaigns and Jobs. If yourcoordinator happens to plan an event in a different time zone, it's easy for her to make aone-off change for a specific Campaign or Job.

If your operations are more complicated—hosting events in multiple locations that crosstime zones or drawing volunteers from different time zones—get familiar with how the SiteGuest User's time zone interacts with the other time zone settings.

What happens when . . . Time Zone Displayed

Your volunteer coordinator or

another user saves a Shift's Start

Date and Time in V4S

The time zone specified in the user's Salesforce user account, converted

to GMT.

A different user views the saved

Shift's Start Date and Time in V4S

The time zone specified in the user's Salesforce user account. Users in

different time zones see different times.

Your public website displays

the saved Shift's Start Date and

Time (on the Job Calendar or Job


The time in GMT converted to one of these time zones, in this order of


1. The Job's Volunteer Website Time Zone, if set.

2. The Campaign's Volunteer Website Time Zone, if set.

3. The Site Guest User profile's time zone, if set.

If none are set, the time is displayed in GMT.

A Salesforce email displays the

saved Shift's Start Date and Time

The Default Time Zone specified in your organization's Profile.

The only way to control this time zone setting is by changing it

organization-wide from Setup, in Company Profile. This is a known

limitation of V4S.

Change the Site Guest User Profile's Default Time ZoneV4S defaults to showing Campaigns, Jobs, and Shifts in the GMT (Greenwich Mean Time)time zone. If your organization prefers a different standard, change the default setting in theSite Guest User profile.

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Customize Your Website Configure Email Notifications for Website Integration


1. Back on your Site Detail page, click Public Access Settings.

2. Click Assigned Users.

3. Next to your Site Guest User, click Edit.

4. Under Locale Settings, change the default Time Zone from GMT to your preferred localtime zone.

5. Save your changes.

Configure Date Time Formatting for the Site Guest UserProfile (Upgrades Only)Starting in V4S version 3.0, we format date time in the backend in Salesforce rather than inthe user's browser. If you're upgrading from a pre-3.0 version, update the Site Guest Userprofile so that the System Note field on Volunteer Shifts is visible to the profile. Otherwise,date time formatting remains inconsistent with the latest version and affects how your Shifttimes are displayed.

Configure Email Notifications for WebsiteIntegration

Configure the From Address for Thank You EmailsAfter you've specified the Organization-Wide Address, configure email alerts to use thisaddress for thank you emails. Email alerts are the emails that workflow rules send.

1. From Setup, enter Email Alerts in the Quick Find box, then select Email Alerts.

2. Look for the Volunteer-related email alerts.

3. Click Edit next to the first thank you email alert.

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Customize Your Website Configure Email Notifications for Website Integration


4. Set the From Email Address to the name and address that you added as theOrganization-Wide Address.

5. Save your changes.

6. Repeat this configuration for the other thank you email alerts that you intend to use.

Configure the Recipients of Signup Notification EmailsWhen a volunteer signs up on your website, V4S associates the signup with a Contact ora Lead (depending on which signup form you're using and your Contact matching rules).The resulting email notification goes to the owner of the Contact or Lead. Organizationsoften prefer to have signup notifications sent to the volunteer coordinator instead. Makethis change in Email Alerts.

Note: If you haven't already created a user for your volunteer coordinator, do thatfirst so that you can designate that user as the recipient.

1. From Setup, enter Email Alerts in the Quick Find box, then select Email Alerts.

2. Next to each of the Signup Notification Email Alerts, click Edit.

3. Remove the default owner and add your volunteer coordinator to Selected Recipients.

4. Save your changes.

If you don't change the default recipient, the signup notification goes to the user who ownsthe existing Contact record, or it goes to the Volunteers Site Guest User if there's no existingContact.

Deactivate the Workflow Rule for Volunteer Signup—ContactIf you're using the VolunteersSignupFS version of the Volunteer Signup page(recommended), skip this task. If you're not using VolunteersSignupFS, it's safe—andrecommended—to deactivate the workflow rule called Volunteer Signup - Contact. Use the

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Customize Your Website Customize the Volunteers Personal Site Pages


Volunteer Job Signup workflow rule instead, because it uses an email template that includesJob and Shift details. Volunteer Signup - Contact uses an email template that can't pull inthose details, which means a less descriptive thank you for volunteers.

If you leave both workflow rules active, volunteers are sent multiple thank you emails for thesame signup.

1. From Setup, enter Workflow Rules in the Quick Find box, then select WorkflowRules.

2. Next to Volunteer Signup - Contact, click Deactivate.

Customize the Volunteers Personal Site PagesCustomize the contents of the Volunteers Personal Site pages, and make them look and feellike an integral part of your website.

Take a Tour of the Volunteers Personal Site PagesThe Volunteers Personal Site page shows volunteers their personal information, upcomingjob shifts, and volunteer history.

The Personal Site is a Visualforce page like the other V4S pages, but a bit different from thepages that you've added using IFRAME tags.

• The header section includes a navigation bar with links to the four pages that make upthe Personal Site. You can include different pages if you like.

• Instead of an IFRAME, the page uses a Site template,, thatdefines the page layout and stylesheet for all Personal Site pages. Make a copy of thesample, default template and edit it to match your website's styling.

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Customize Your Website Customize the Volunteers Personal Site Pages


• Volunteers request access to their individual Personal Sites by submitting the PersonalSite Contact Lookup form.

V4S matches the requestor's information against existing Contacts and if there's amatch, emails the requestor a unique URL to their Personal Site. You add the Lookupform separately with an IFRAME and style it with CSS. You're also going to configure theVolunteers Personal Site Contact Lookup email template that provides the PersonalSite URL.

Enable Access to Personal Site PagesMake sure that you've already given the Site Guest User profile access to the Visualforcepages that make up the Personal Site page. Personal Site page names start withGW_Volunteers.PersonalSite.

For more information, see Configure Data Access for Visualforce Pages.

Customize the Volunteers Personal Site Contact Lookup Page

Require Contact Information Match for Personal Site AccessWhen volunteers submit the Personal Site Contact Lookup form to request access to theirPersonal Site, for extra security, you can require that both the ContactId and the Email URLparameter values are a match for the Contact.

1. From Setup, enter Custom Settings in the Quick Find box, then select CustomSettings.

2. Next to Volunteers Settings, click Manage.

3. Click Edit, then enable Personal Site Requires URL Email Match.

4. Save your changes.

With this custom setting enabled, the Personal Site URL must include the Email parameterand its value must match the specified Contact's email address.

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Customize Your Website Customize the Volunteers Personal Site Pages


Configure the Email Sent to Volunteers Requesting Personal SiteAccessVolunteers who complete the Personal Site Contact Lookup form receive an email withinstructions for accessing their Personal Site. An email template defines the contents of theemail. Edit the email template to configure the Personal Site URL, and edit custom settingsto configure the email sender name.

1. From Setup, enter Email Templates in the Quick Find box, then select EmailTemplates.

2. Click the template named Volunteers Personal Site Contact Lookup.

3. Click Edit HTML Version.

4. Replace the placeholder text with the full URL to the Personal Site Contact Info page,which looks something like this:{!


Note: We enter the URL manually because we can't use merge fields to do it allautomatically.

5. Delete the instructions (shown here shaded).

6. Save your changes.

7. Repeat this URL configuration for the text version.

8. Configure the email sender.

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Customize Your Website Customize the Volunteers Personal Site Pages


a. From Setup, enter Custom Settings in the Quick Find box, then select CustomSettings.

b. Next to Volunteers Settings, click Manage.

c. Click Edit, then in the Personal Site Org-Wide Email Name field, enter the DisplayName that you specified in Organization-Wide Addresses.

d. Save your changes.

9. To test your changes, back on the Email Template Detail page, click Send Test and VerifyMerge Fields.

10. Send the email to a test Contact associated with your email address. Verify that theURL in the email clicks through to the correct page and that the sender is the one youspecified in Organization-Wide Addresses.

Style the Personal Site Contact Lookup Page with CSSThe Personal Site Contact Lookup page uses a cascading style sheet (CSS). V4S provides theVolunteersPersonalSiteCSS.css file as a Document in Salesforce. Customize the CSS withyour own CSS styles so that the V4S part of the webpage matches the rest of your website'slook and feel.

Follow the instructions provided for styling the Volunteer Signup page, making sure that youedit the VolunteersPersonalSiteCSS.css file. You can use CSS to style the font and the sizeof the form (.cssContactLookupPanel).

You can change the text of the title and body of the form by editing these custom labels:

• labelContactInfoLookupTitle

• labelContactLookupInstructions

IFRAME Tag for the Personal Site Contact Lookup PageGive your web developer this IFRAME tag so they can insert the Personal Site ContactLookup page into your website. It's just a few fields, so consider adding it as a small contentarea on an existing webpage rather than as a standalone page. Use the appropriate formatfor HTTP sites or secure HTTPS sites.

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Customize Your Website Customize the Volunteers Personal Site Pages


Sample IFRAME in HTTP format:

<iframe src=" /GW_Volunteers__PersonalSiteContactLookup" frameborder="0" scrolling="false" height="600" width="500"></iframe>

Sample IFRAME in HTTPS format:

<iframe src=" /GW_Volunteers__PersonalSiteContactLookup" frameborder="0" scrolling="false" height="600" width="500"></iframe>

A few reminders to keep your code snippet clean:

• mydomain is a placeholder value for your domain name. Be sure to include your actualdomain name in place of the placeholder text.

• yoursitelabel is a placeholder value for the Default Web Address. Include it only if youspecified one when you created your Site.

• There are two underscore characters between Volunteers andPersonalSiteContactLookup.

• If you're using a URL parameter, add it the end of the URL. Separate the parameterfrom the rest of the URL with a ? character.

Supported URL Parameters for the Personal Site Contact LookupPageUse the optional URL parameter in your IFRAME tag to further customize how fields aredisplayed for volunteers requesting access to their Personal Site.

For details about adding URL parameters to an IFRAME tag, see Supported URL Parametersfor Both Volunteer Job Listing Pages on page 57.

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Customize Your Website Customize the Volunteers Personal Site Pages


Name Value Description

Language en (default) Display the labels that have been translated in Salesforce into a

different language. Identify the language using a two-character

language code, such as en, or a five-character locale code, such

as en_AU. (See Supported Languages in the Salesforce Help.)

V4S supports these languages out of the box:

• Dutch (nl_NL)

• English (en)

• French (fr)

• German (de)

• Japanese (ja)

• Spanish (es)

You can create your own translations in other languages. See

Translate V4S into Other Languages or Customize Terminology.

The specified language overrides the language that users have

set in their Salesforce personal settings.

Customize the Volunteers Personal Site Contact InformationPage

Customize the Fields on the Personal Site Contact Information PageThe four panels on the Personal Site Information page are controlled by a field set for eachpanel. Edit these field sets to display your desired combination of standard and customfields.

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Customize Your Website Customize the Volunteers Personal Site Pages


Field Set Name Object Description

PersonalSiteContactInfoHistory (1) Volunteer Hours Controls the fields in Your Recent

Volunteer History list.



Volunteer Hours Controls the fields in the Scheduled

Volunteer Shifts list.

PersonalSiteContactInfoPanel1FS (3) Contact Controls the fields in the volunteer's

personal information panel in the top left

of the page.

PersonalSiteContactInfoPanel2FS (4) Contact Controls the fields in the volunteer's

personal statistics panel.

Supported URL Parameters for the Personal Site Contact Info PageUse the optional URL parameters in your IFRAME tag to further customize individualvolunteers' Personal Site pages.

For details about adding URL parameters to an IFRAME tag, see Supported URL Parametersfor Both Volunteer Job Listing Pages on page 57.

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Customize Your Website Customize the Volunteers Personal Site Pages


Name Value Description

ChartDateFormat MMM yyyy (default) String format that tells V4S how to display dates on the X axis of

the personal Volunteer Hours chart. The default string displays

the month as a three-letter abbreviation followed by a four-digit

year. For example: Apr 2017.

You can specify a different string format by arranging these

supported character sets with standard punctuation for date

formatting (forward slashes, hyphens, commas, and so on).

• MM—Include a leading zero for the first nine months of the

year, such as 01, 08.

• M—Display the first nine months of the year without a

leading zero, such as 1, 8.

• MMM—Display the month as a three-letter abbreviation,

such as Apr (English only).

• dd—Include a leading zero for the first nine days of the

month, such as 02, 09.

• d—Display the first nine days of the month without a

leading zero, such as 2, 9.

• yyyy—Display a four-digit year, such as 2017.

• yy—Display a two-digit year, such as 17.

• EEEE—Display the day as text, such as Thursday.

ContactId (required


Contact's 15-

character Salesforce


ID of the Contact whose page is being displayed

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Customize Your Website Customize the Volunteers Personal Site Pages


Name Value Description

DateFormat E m/d/yy (default) String format that tells V4S how to display Shift dates. The

default string displays the day as text, followed by the month,

date, and year. For example: Thu 4/16/17.

You can specify a different string format by arranging these

supported character sets with standard punctuation for date

formatting (forward slashes, hyphens, commas, and so on).

• MM—Include a leading zero for the first nine months of the

year, such as 01, 08.

• M—Display the first nine months of the year without a

leading zero, such as 1, 8.

• dd—Include a leading zero for the first nine days of the

month, such as 02, 09.

• d—Display the first nine days of the month without a

leading zero, such as 2, 9.

• yyyy—Display a four-digit year, such as 2017.

• yy—Display a two-digit year, such as 17.

• EEEE—Display the day as text, such as Thursday.

• E—Display the day as a three-letter abbreviation, such as

Thu (English only).

Email Contact's email

addressEmail address that matches one of the Contact's email

addresses of record.

If you specify this parameter, the Personal Site Requires URL

Email Match custom setting must be enabled.

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Customize Your Website Customize the Volunteers Personal Site Pages


Name Value Description

Language en (default) Display the labels that have been translated in Salesforce into a

different language. Identify the language using a two-character

language code, such as en, or a five-character locale code, such

as en_AU. (See Supported Languages in the Salesforce Help.)

V4S supports these languages out of the box:

• Dutch (nl_NL)

• English (en)

• French (fr)

• German (de)

• Japanese (ja)

• Spanish (es)

You can create your own translations in other languages. See

Translate V4S into Other Languages or Customize Terminology.

The specified language overrides the language that users have

set in their Salesforce personal settings.

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Customize Your Website Customize the Volunteers Personal Site Pages


Name Value Description

TimeFormat h:mm tt (default) String format that tells V4S how to display Shift times. The

default string displays the time of day as hour and minutes with

a.m. or p.m. For example: 9:30 am.

You can specify a different string format by arranging these

supported sets of characters with standard punctuation for time


• hh—Use 12-hour time and include a leading zero for the

first nine hours of the day, such as 01, 08.

• M—Use 12-hour time and display the first nine hours of the

day without a leading zero, such as 1, 8.

• HH—Use 24-hour time and include a leading zero for the

first nine hours of the day, such as 02, 09.

• H—Use 24-hour time and display the first nine hours of the

day without a leading zero, such as 2, 9.

• mm—Display minutes with a leading zero for the first nine

minutes of the hour, such as 03, 06.

• m—Display minutes without a leading zero for the first nine

minutes of the hour, such as 3, 6.

• tt—Display the time period as am or pm.

Style the Personal Site Contact Information Page with CSSThe Personal Site Information page uses a cascading style sheet (CSS). V4S provides theVolunteersPersonalSiteCSS.css file as a Document in Salesforce. Customize the CSS withyour own CSS styles so that the V4S part of the webpage matches the rest of your website'slook and feel.

Follow the instructions provided for styling the Volunteer Signup page, making sure that youedit the VolunteersPersonalSiteCSS.css file.

Customize the Overall Styling of the Volunteers Personal SitePagesA Site Template controls the overall page styling, header, navigation, and footer for PersonalSite pages. V4S provides a Visualforce page that serves as the default Site Template. Make acopy of it and customize the styling of the page components.

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Customize Your Website Customize the Volunteers Personal Site Pages


1. From Setup, enter Visualforce Pages in the Quick Find box, then select VisualforcePages.

2. In the list of pages, click PersonalSiteTemplate.

3. Click Preview to open the page in a new window and see the default styling.

4. Because you can't edit a Visualforce page that's part of a Salesforce managed package,make a copy of the template.

a. Back on the page detail, select all the Visualforce Markup and copy it to yourclipboard.

b. Go back to the Visualforce Pages list, and click New.

c. Give it a label such as MyPersonalSiteTemplate.

d. Review the name that it automatically assigns.

e. Select and delete all the placeholder Visualforce Markup, then paste your copiedmarkup.

f. Edit any page or object references in the markup to include the GW_Volunteers__namespace (see details below).

g. Save your changes.

5. Edit your copy of the Site Template. Some things to note:

• Be careful to preserve the jQuery, jQueryUI and Boostrap Javascript libraries thatthe template loads, and that other Sites pages also rely on.

• When referring to any page or object within the V4S managedpackage, always include the GW_Volunteers__ namespace. Forexample, change the page reference, Page.PersonalSiteJobListing,to Page.GW_Volunteers__PersonalSiteJobListing. Similarly, changethe label reference, Label.labelPersonalSiteJobListingTitle, toLabel.GW_Volunteers__labelPersonalSiteJobListingTitle.

• The <apex:stylesheet> tag is used to include VolunteersPersonalSiteCSS.css forall the pages to use.

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Customize Your Website Customize the Volunteers Personal Site Pages


• The <apex:insert name="body" /> tag indicates the area where content from thePersonal Site Visualforce pages is inserted.

Tell Your Site to Use Your Copy of the Personal Site TemplateEdit your Site's Site Template property to specify the page that you created based on thesample, default template.

1. From Setup, enter Sites in the Quick Find box, then select Sites.

2. Under the Action column, click Edit.

3. In the Site Template field, click the lookup icon. Search for and then select your newlycreated Visualforce page.

4. Save your changes.

Limit the Display of Jobs on the Volunteer Report Hours Page(in Personal Site Pages Only)When a volunteer reports hours, the Volunteer Job picklist by default displays the Jobs thatare active, under active Campaigns. To display only the Jobs where the volunteer has anexisting Volunteer Hours record, enable the custom setting that applies this filter.

Note: This custom setting affects the Volunteer Report Hours page within theVolunteers Personal Site Pages only.

1. From Setup, enter Custom Settings in the Quick Find box, then select CustomSettings.

2. Click Manage next to Volunteers Settings.

3. Click Edit.

4. Select Personal Site Report Hours Filtered.

5. Save your changes.

More Personal Site CustomizationsTo change the wording of onscreen text, messages, and warnings on Personal Site pages,you can override the existing text in custom labels, or create your own translations in otherlanguages. Look for the category of custom labels starting with PersonalSite.

For more information, see Edit Custom Labels.

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Translate V4S into Other Languages or Customize Terminology Enable the Translation Workbench


Translate V4S into OtherLanguages or CustomizeTerminology

V4S is available in these languages:

• Dutch (nl_NL)

• English (en)

• French (fr)

• German (de)

• Japanese (ja)

• Spanish (es)

To help V4S speak the language of your volunteer program, you can replace the existingonscreen text (labels) with alternate text that uses your organization's terminology. Or youcan translate all terms in the app into another language.

Enable the Translation WorkbenchUse the Translation Workbench, a standard Salesforce tool, to manage translations intoother languages and custom terms in the same language. Enable it for the languagesyou support, and then see how it handles common tasks for translation and customizingterminology.

1. From Setup, enter Translation Settings in the Quick Find box, then selectTranslation Settings.

2. If this is your first time enabling the Translation Workbench, click Enable.

The Translation Workbench displays the supported languages.

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Translate V4S into Other Languages or Customize Terminology Override the Term for a Field or Button


3. For each language you support:

a. Either Edit an existing supported language or Add a new one.

b. If you're adding translations for a language, assign translators by moving users'names to the Selected List.

c. While the translation is in progress, leave the Active setting disabled. Remember tocome back when the language is ready for use and make it Active, which makes itavailable to users who choose it as their personal language.

d. Save your changes.

Override the Term for a Field or ButtonA common terminology task is replacing an out-of-the-box term with your own term. Let'soverride a term for a button to see how to do overrides in the same language.

1. From Setup, enter Override in the Quick Find box, then select Override.

2. Specify the item to override.

a. Select the Volunteers for Salesforce Package.

b. Select the Language.

c. Select a Setup Component from the list of translatable customizations. Onlycertain components can be overridden or translated.

d. Select the Object that has the item to override. This final criteria determines whichvalues can be changed.

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Translate V4S into Other Languages or Customize Terminology Edit Custom Labels


3. Double-click in the Label Override column, in the appropriate row, and enter the newlabel value.

4. Repeat the label override as need for other items.

5. Save your changes.

Edit Custom LabelsThe V4S Sites pages use labels whose values can be changed. While you can't directly editthese label values, you can override the default value by "translating" them into English orany of our other supported languages.

For example, you may want to translate some of these labels:

Label Description Site page the label appears on

labelColorValues The color scheme for

Jobs and Shifts on the



labelContactInfoLookupTitle The title for the

Contact Info lookup



labelContactLookupInstructions Instruction text for

filling out the Contact

Info lookup form.


labelEventInThePast The text that displays

for past shifts.


labelExternalSignupURL The link text for an

External sign up URL.


labelPersonalSiteContactInfoTitle The link text for

viewing your

information on the

Personal Site page.


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Translate V4S into Other Languages or Customize Terminology Edit Custom Labels


Label Description Site page the label appears on

labelPersonalSiteJobCalendarTitle The text for the Job

Calendar link at the

top of the Personal

Site page.


labelPersonalSiteJobListingTitle The text for the Job

Listing link at the top

of the Personal Site



labelPersonalSiteReportHoursTitle The text for the Report

Hours link at the top of

the Personal Site page.


labelPersonalSiteTitle The title that appears

on top of the Personal

Site page.


1. From Setup, enter Custom Labels in the Quick Find box, then click Custom Labels.

2. In the list of labels, click the name of the label you want to edit.

3. Click New Local Translations/Overrides.

4. Select your language.

5. In the Translation Text box, enter the label you want to use.

6. Click Save.

If you go to the Site page where this label is used, you see the new text.

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Translate V4S into Other Languages or Customize Terminology Translate the Contact Volunteer Skills Picklist


Translate the Contact Volunteer Skills PicklistLet's translate the values in a picklist so that you see how to translate terms into anotherlanguage.

1. From Setup, enter Translate in the Quick Find box, then select Translate.

2. Specify the item to translate.

a. Select the language you're translating into.

b. Select Picklist Value for Setup Component.

c. Select the Contact Object.

3. Find Volunteer Skills in the menu, then click +.

4. Double-click in the Label Translation column for each term, and enter the translationfor the picklist value.

5. Repeat the label translation as needed for other items.

6. Save your changes.

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Translate V4S into Other Languages or Customize Terminology Export All Translatable Terms for a Language


Export All Translatable Terms for a LanguageExport a translation file for a language to generate a list of all the translatable terms. Theexported file can help your first-time translations and also help translators stay on top oflabel changes that affect their translations.

1. From Setup, enter Export in the Quick Find box, then select Export.

2. Select Bilingual.

3. Click Export.

4. Look for the email from Salesforce confirming the export is done.

5. If you're working in Lightning Experience, switch to Salesforce Classic so you can accessDocuments.

6. Go to the Documents tab. If you don't see the Documents tab, click the + icon at theend of the tab bar, then click Documents in the list of All Tabs.)

7. Go to the My Personal Documents folder. Next to the name of your exported .zip file,click View to save the file to your computer.

8. On your computer, extract the .zip file to get a translation file for each language thatyour Salesforce org has enabled. .stf files are tab-delimited text files in the Salesforcetranslation format.

9. We recommend renaming the file extension from .stf to .txt, so that when you open itin a spreadsheet program like Microsoft Excel, you can specify how the file is structured.If you're warned that renaming file might cause it to become unusable, confirm thatyou do want to rename it.

10. Open the file in your spreadsheet program.

Tip: If your spreadsheet program can't locate the .txt file, verify that it's lookingamongst all file types, not just its own proprietary format.

11. Follow your program's instructions for importing the data. The following steps assumeyou're using Excel.

12. Choose the Delimited file type, with Tab delimiters.

13. Review both sections in the file to plan your edits.

Translated terms

Update a translation by overwriting the current translation, in Column C.

Untranslated terms

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Translate V4S into Other Languages or Customize Terminology Import a Translation File


Specify a translation by overwriting the values in Column B.

14. Save your changes in the spreadsheet. If asked whether to keep it in the current format,choose Yes.

15. Close Excel. If asked whether to save again, choose No.

16. If you renamed the file extension from .stf to .txt, rename it again to .stf.

17. Clean up a formatting issue that Excel introduces.

a. Open the file in a text editor such as Notepad.

b. Open the text editor's feature that lets you find and replace text.

c. Find all double quotation marks (") and replace them with no value.

d. Using the text editor's Save As option, specify that the file uses UTF-8 encoding.

e. Save the file.

Now you're ready to import the translations into V4S.

Import a Translation FileImport an edited translation file back in to V4S to add or update your language translations.

1. From Setup, enter Import in the Quick Find box, then select Import.

2. Click Choose File.

3. Select the .stf export file that you created or select a .zip file containing multiple .stffiles.

4. Click Import.

5. Look for the email from Salesforce confirming a successful import or reporting importerrors. If there are errors, look in the Documents tab for details.

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Test Your Customized Sites Pages Import a Translation File


Test Your Customized SitesPages

When you're happy with your Site's contents and styling, make sure that the pages load andlook as intended before handing them over to your web developer.

If you've implemented some, but not all of the available V4S pages, then some of these testcases may not apply.

1. Fill out the Contact Lookup form for your existing test Contact.

2. Click through in the confirmation email and confirm access to the existing Contact'sPersonal Site.

3. Fill out the Contact Lookup form for a new volunteer.

4. Confirm that the new signup creates the appropriate Lead or Contact record.

5. If creating Leads from signups, confirm that upon lead conversion, volunteer data iscopied correctly from Lead records to the Contact records.

6. Confirm that volunteers can see volunteer jobs, sign up for shifts, and receive properlyconfigured thank you emails and reminder emails.

7. Confirm that your volunteer coordinator receives notification emails.

8. Confirm that links to external signups work.

9. Confirm that volunteers can report their hours.

10. Spot check any customized terminology or translations.