Download - Sermon ppt Psalm 4 (25112012)

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2 t h a n k y o u s

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Page 5: Sermon ppt   Psalm 4 (25112012)

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Philip Phua

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s c r i p t u r e p a s s a g e : p s a l m 4

the psalms: man’s words to God, God’s words to man

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Answer me when I call,

O God of my righteousness!

You have given me relief

when I was in distress.

Be gracious to me

and hear my prayer!

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O men, how long shall my honour be turned into shame?

How long will you love vain words and seek after lies?

But know that the LORD has set apart the godly for himself;

the LORD hears when I call to him.

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Be angry, and do not sin;

ponder in your own hearts on

your beds, and be silent.

Offer right sacrifices,

and put your trust in the LORD.

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There are many who say,

“Who will show us some good?

Lift up the light of your face

upon us, O LORD!”

You have put more joy in my heart

than they have when their grain

and wine abound (2x).

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In peace I will both lie down

and sleep;

For you alone, O LORD,

make me dwell in safety;

You alone, O LORD.

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Trust in

Tight Spots

Prayer in Psalm 4

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What type is it?

an indiv idual lament a plea for del iverance a song of t rust a psalm of conf idence

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the structure

Psalmist to God (verse 1)

Psalmist to men (verses 2-5)

Psalmist to God (verses 6-8)

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the title

To the choirmaster

On stringed instruments

A Psalm of David (le Dawid)

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4 : 1 e x p e r i e n c e & a p p r o a c h

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1 Answer me when I call

O God of my righteousness!

You have given me relief

when I was in distress.

Be gracious to me and

hear my prayer!

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1 Answer me when I call

O God of my righteousness!

You have given me relief

when I was in distress.

Be gracious to me and

hear my prayer!

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1 Answer me when I call

O God of my righteousness!

You have given me relief

when I was in distress.

Be gracious to me and

hear my prayer!

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“You have given me room/space in my narrowness/constraint.”

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H e b re w s 4 : 1 4 - 1 6

Since then we have a great high priest who has passed through the heavens, Jesus, the Son of God, let us hold fast our confession. For we do not have a high priest who is unable to sympathize with our weaknesses, but one who in every respect has been tempted as we are, yet without sin. Let us then with confidence draw near to the throne of grace, that we may receive mercy and find grace to help in time of need.

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4 : 2 - 5 i d e n t i t y & r e s p o n s e

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2 O men, how long shall my honour

be turned into shame?

How long will you love vain words

and seek after lies? Selah

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3 But know that the LORD has set apart the godly for himself;

the LORD hears when I call to Him.

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confidence or


I know who I am,

I am God’s.

God hears me

when I call.

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identity crisis - the cracked image

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4 Be angry and do not sin;

Ponder in your own hearts on your beds and be silent. Selah

5 Offer right sacrifices,

and put your trust in the LORD.

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E p h e s i a n s 4 : 2 6 - 2 7

"In your anger do not sin": Do not let the sun go down while you are still angry, and do not give the devil a foothold.

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4 : 6 - 8 g r e a t e r j o y & p e a c e

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6 There are many who say, ‘Who will show us some good?

Lift up the light of your face

upon us O LORD!’

7 You have put more joy in my heart than they have when their grain and wine abound.

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8 In peace I will both lie down

and sleep

For you alone O LORD

make me dwell in safety.

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p s a l m 4

man’s words to God, God’s words to man

what is God’s saying to you today?

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Answer me when I call,

O God of my righteousness!

You have given me relief

when I was in distress.

Be gracious to me

and hear my prayer!

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O men, how long shall my honour be turned into shame?

How long will you love vain words and seek after lies?

But know that the LORD has set apart the godly for himself;

the LORD hears when I call to him.

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Be angry, and do not sin;

ponder in your own hearts on

your beds, and be silent.

Offer right sacrifices,

and put your trust in the LORD.

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There are many who say,

“Who will show us some good?

Lift up the light of your face

upon us, O LORD!”

You have put more joy in my heart

than they have when their grain

and wine abound (2x).

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In peace I will both lie down

and sleep;

For you alone, O LORD,

make me dwell in safety;

You alone, O LORD.