Download - September M&A report 09.docF

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Projects and Activities Secretary: Evadney Crooks President...Milton Pinnock.

Date Completed: October 7, 2009 Month: SeptemberClub: Kingston Mona Zone: 4A


Building on the Past, Preparing for the Future, As “WE SERVE”.



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No. of Projects (Year to Date8 18

Value of Projects (Year to Date): US $19,430.00

No. of Persons Impacted (Year to Date):594

No. of Man Hours (Year to Date): 104

Funds Raised (Year to Date): US$ 244.00

Address: P.O. Box 166, Kingston 7

Email Address: [email protected] Membership: 36 (Including 1 Associate member)Average Attendance: 83.5%

Average Attendance to Date: 82%

Projects & Activities No. OfProjects


No. of PersonsImpacted

ManHours Remarks

Health ServicesAnd Geriatrics

2 1019 32 15 Please see page 3 for details

Sight Conservation,Hearing & Speech

Drug AwarenessDiabetes Membership (5) Please see page 5 for details

Info/Technology (1) Please see page 5 for detailsLeo & Youth

3 (1) 1685 150 2 Please see pages 4 & 5

Disaster Preparedness& SafetySustainable Signature Projects

Senior Citizens 1 128 1 --- Please see page 2 for detailsLeadership & Succession Planning

( 2) Please see page 5 for details

Environment 1 Please see page 4 for details- value

already calculated at inception of project.

Community Direct& Health Services

2 717 10 12 Please see page 3,4&5 for details

Total 5 (9) 3691 193 37NB. Items in parenthesis ( )denote activities in the subject areas


US$1.00 = JA$82.00 PROJECTSSeptember 5 Photo Photographs (top) Lions Winston, and Lion Norma from the Spanish Town Club ; (below)

Lion President and the geriatrics enjoying their meal.

Health Services/Geriatrics

The senior citizens of the two homes were treated at the Rockfort Mineral Spa Saturday September 5, 2009. The President, Secretary and six other Lions participated in the activity. Lion President Service and one Lion from the Lions Club of Spanish Town partnered with the Club and assisted in the provision of breakfast and a hot drink for the group. The seniors and one Lion enjoyed their time in the bath soaking in all the minerals that were available. The seniors expressed their appreciation for the kind gesture of the Lions Club of Mona. The photograph at left shows the seniors enjoying a sumptuous lunch after their time in


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the water. Twenty two grocery packages were also delivered .

Value 0f Project:JA$57,800.00 US$704.00September 12 Health Services

Lion President participated in a training exercise of Community Health Aides at the Kingston Gardens Health and Outreach Center. He conducted a two hour presentation on Food Hygiene and Sanitary Control of Food Handling Premises. Twelve participants benefited from the presentation.

Value of Project: JA$25,830 US$315.00September 17 Health Services/Community Direct

The Lion President, the health Service chairperson and one other Lion paid another visit to the eight shut-ins in the nearby community and presented to them groceries and other goodies. They were extremely grateful for the packages especially since they had no form of support from relatives.

Value of ProjectJA$:48,000.00 US$585.00September 18 & 21 Health Service/Community Direct

The Lion President, as a follow-up on the eight shut-ins transported one who had to revisit the doctor, to the clinic and transported her back to her home. The President bought her the medication that was required.

The Lion President also obtained medication for another woman .The woman was very grateful, expressing the fact that she would have had to be without the medication if the Lion President had not sought them out in the first place. She wished him God’s blessing.

Value of Project:JA$17350.00 US$212.00

September 18

  Youth Services

The Lions Club of Mona donated a wheel chair to the Nurse's station at the Papine High School. The wheel chair will be used to provide for the safe transfer ailing students to the nurse's station for treatment. The presentation was made by past presidents Lion Dr. Keith Peart and Cynthia Peart to the school nurse.

Value of project: JA$25,000.00. US$305.00 September 26 Leo and Youth Services

The Club, through one of its partners – the Papine 3

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High School – donated approximately 250 new and used text as well as other books to the Amy Bailey Training Centre, in Downtown Kingston. The contact was made with the Centre through a Lion member who is a Social Worker. The books were transported in the School bus that is co-sponsored by the Lions Club.  Elapsed time – 1 hour.

Value of Project: JA$$105,000 US$1280.00September 21 Community Direct Youth

The Lion President, playing the angel of mercy and assisted a very distraught woman to purchase uniforms for her son.The woman was very grateful and prayed God’s blessing on him.

Value of Project JS$12,200 US$100.00 July to September



During July to september5057 seedlings were planted on approximately 12 hectares of land. The site has over the years experienced less farming activity (clearing land by slash and burn) and so in general more trees were in the area which explains the lower planting density of 421 seedlings/hectare.October to December will see Training of Farmers and development of environmental Education material .A meeting was held with Forestry Department who have agreed to start maintaining the total acreage of Phase 1 & 2 (35 hectares)

Of the US$121,000.00 grant a total of US$39,251.00 has been spent.Maintenance work is continuing in both areas.

September 1-30 Senior Citizens

One family has been preparing two meals per day for an elderly person on a daily basis. Expressions of gratitude flow each time the meals are taken.

Value of Project JA$10,500.00 US$128.00


September 2 Membership (Inter-clubbing)

The Lion President and two prospective members participated in the Lions Club of Kingston luncheon meeting. The guests were impressed


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September 13 Membership /Region Meeting

The Lion President and one other Lion attended the first Region 1 Meeting held at the Belair High School in Mandeville.

September 14 & 21

2 . 1.

Photos show Lion Denise conducting the workshops.

Membership/ Leadership/ Succession Planning

The acting membership director has done two presentations so far on membership concentrating on building membership and the strategies the Club could /should use to achieve not only growth in numbers but in the knowledge of Lionism. This has been very useful to the current membership but very beneficial to the prospective members as well. More sessions are scheduled to be held at a later date.

September 16 Health Services

The Lion President and the health service chair participated in a planning meeting with the Spanish Lions Club regarding the health fair to be held at the St Jago Park Health Center on Saturday October 10.

September 7 Community Direct

Lion President Milton continued on his quest to determine the needs of the communities served by the Lions Club of Mona. He visited the Mona Rehabilitation Center, was greeted by the Director of the facility who expressed his gratitude for the visit. There were multiple needs but the immediate needs were an ECG machine, bath trolleys, surgical beds, toilet articles, a door for the pantry , two TV sets for the wards and a 40ft container which would be refurbished to be used as a canteen. The Club is presently seeking ways to fulfill the needs of this deserving institution.

September 1-30 Information Technology

Most of the communication between the membership has been via the internet or text messages. Committee chairs also use this medium -conferencing, to avoid travelling to places to hold meetings. This has proven to be very useful with less time travelling to meetings.



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Evadney Crooks, Milton Pinnnock, MJF,PDG Secretary President


Total Membership: 36

Active 22Affiliate: 9 At Large 2 Associate: 2Honorary: 1