Download - September Business Venture 2014

Page 1: September Business Venture 2014

With just over amonth until the Guelph2014Municipal Election onOctober 27,it’s time to consider the issues that mat-ter to you and our city as we focus onselecting the city officials for the nextfour years.With six candidates running beside the

current mayor, at press time it appearsthe race is down to two,with CamGuthrie holding twice the approval rateover mayor Karen Farbridge.In a random public opinion poll, con-

ducted onAugust 30 by the ForumPoll™, among 891 Guelph voters, over athird will vote for CamGuthrie in themunicipal election (36%), compared tothe 21%who will vote to re-electMayorKaren Farbridge. Jason Blokhuis attractsonly 4% of the vote and no other candi-date gets a significant share.With eight out of ten voters aware of

him, 73% approve of CamGuthrie,compared to just over a third whoapprove of the job Karen Farbridge isdoing as mayor at 37%.Awareness ofany of the other candidates is limited, asis their approval, with the exception ofAndrewDonovan, of whom 15% areaware but only one half approve.The poll notes that 40% of voters say

the transit lockout will affect their vote,while just over half say it will not.However, themajority, at 53%, say thewrongful dismissal suit connected withthe building of city hall will affect theirvote, over the 38%who say it won't.Guthrie supporters are especially con-cerned with the dismissal suit, as 75%say it will affect their vote, while only11% of Farbridge voters seemedconcerned.The City of Guelph andUrbacon

Buildings Group Corp. recently settledtheir legal dispute out of court for$6.635million.A city press release onSeptember 8 quotedMayor Farbridge assaying,“By reaching a settlement out of

court, the City avoids further legal costsand gains certainty on the cost impact.The cost will be accommodated withinthe City’s capital financing guideline toensure it does not result in an increase inproperty taxes, and that the City’s finan-cial position is protected.As wemove onfrom the litigation, we shouldn’t losesight of the fact that today,Guelph has awell-functioning, award-winning CityHall andMarket Square that willserve our community well for decadesto come.”While the settlement is over $6mil-

lion, a Statement from the Office of theCAO shows, after legal fees and settle-ment costs, the total project deficit is$8,346,261.The City will fund the settlement costs

not already provided for from its capitalasset renewal reserve, the Legal/OMBreserve and the Capital Tax Reservefund. The funds transferred from thecapital asset renewal reserve fund will berepaid over a five-year period.As follow up, the City’s internal audi-

tor has been asked to conduct a fullreview of risk associated with complex

capital projects so that the city adminis-tration can have the benefit of lessonslearned during this project, and so thatinformation can be applied to futureprojects.Of the proposed future projects, a

South End Recreation Centre and a newmain library are two developmentsbeing considered by Guelph residentswith the election approaching.Voters arerelatively split on spending tax dollarson a South End Recreation Centre dur-ing this term,with 44% in support and48% opposed, while about one fifthhave no opinion.Mayor Farbridge'ssupporters are more likely to favour theidea (55%) than are Guthrie voters(39%).When it comes to spending tax dollars

during this term on a new library down-town, 58% disapprove, while just over athird approve at 36%. It seems againFarbridge voters are far more supportiveof the development projects at 67% thanthe 14% of Guthrie voters who favourthe additional spending."It looks like the controversies of her

administration have caught up with her,

and Karen Farbridgemay have to sur-render her chain of office. CamGuthriehas obviously tapped into a vein ofconservative-leaning support that seesbig money city-building projects asunnecessary," said ForumResearchPresident,Dr. Lorne Bozinoff in a recentpress release.Increases to property tax is always a

concern among land owners, howevervoters are evenly split when it comes toincreases in the upcoming termwith52% of those polled not expecting to seeproperty tax increases over the rate ofinflation during this term.Last fall city staff originally recom-

mended a 3.36% increaseto the proposed 2014 Tax-supportedOperating Budget, representing an aver-age property tax increase of $107 for theaverage residential taxpayer with a prop-erty valued at $311,136.An updatedfigure, close to one per cent less, wasapproved amonth later at a 2.37%increase over the previous year.While the numbers are close, the infla-

tion rate in Canada was recorded byStatistics Canada at - continued page 3

Cast yourvote onOctober 27by Heather Grummett

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Stone Road Mall recently donated a cheque for over $8000 to The Foundation of Guelph General Hospital (GGH).The money was raised at Stone Road Mall’s Annual Children’s Charity Golf Tournament held on June 26, 2014. Themoney will go towards the purchase of two new cribs and additional supplies for the Paediatric Care Unit at GuelphGeneral. The Paediatric Unit provides primary care for infants, children and adolescents up to the age of 19. Picturedleft to right: Tony Stapley - General Manager Stone Road Mall, Janet Trowbridge - Director Inpatient Surgery andPaediatrics GGH, Christina Magee - Marketing Manager Stone Road Mall, Chelsea Smit - Administrative Assistant StoneRoad Mall, Linda Craig - Senior Development Officer GGH, Annual Giving. (Photo by Mary Ellen Wales)

September issue

Page 2: September Business Venture 2014

September 2014 page 2 VENTURE GUELPH PUBLICATIONS LTD. Business Venture

– adve r t o r i a l –

Rotary 2014 Changeover and Awards NightOn June 25, 2014 over 250 Rotarians, Rotaract members, and guests came together at the HanlonConvention Centre in Guelph for the Rotary District 7080 Changeover and Awards Night. This event, held tocoincide with the new “Rotary Year” which starts each July 1st, celebrated the accomplishments of allDistrict Clubs under outgoing District Governor Mike Gauthier during 2013-14, and ushered in PatsyMarshall as District Governor for 2014-15. Patsy Marshall is a Guelph resident, and the first member of theRotary Club of Guelph Trillium to be District Governor, the top position in the District.Mike and Patsy presented citations to 48 clubs in the District, ably assisted by our special guest, Rotary

International Director Bryn Styles from Barrie, Ontario.Citations were presented to all six of our local Rotary Clubs–the Rotary Club of Guelph, Guelph Trillium,

Guelph South, Guelph Wellington, Fergus, and Centre Wellington.District 7080 also has a vibrant group of Rotaract Clubs, with members between 18 and 30 years old.

The Rotaract Club of Guelph, based at the University of Guelph, received a citation for their outstandingwork in raising funds and awareness for a number of causes over the past year.Awards were also presented to a number of individuals in the District for their outstanding contributions

to the work of Rotary and the Rotary Foundation.The new District Leadership Team was introduced with the traditional passing of the pins – Immediate

Past District Governor Mike Gauthier, District Governor Patsy Marshall, District Governor Elect Will Pugh,and District Governor Nominee Bill Proctor.A photo album of the evening’s highlights can be seen on the Guelph Trillium website byvisiting the link you are interested in getting involved in Rotary, visit the website

Join Leaders - Exchange Ideas - Take Action.Visit our Website:

Rotary Club of Guelph Trillium Facebook and Ribfest Facebook PagesTo get to know us better and see what our club is currently doing international and locally. And let

us know you have been there by liking us on Facebook.

Rotar y Corner

Rotary Clubof Guelph-Trillium News

Contact info:519-824-2741 [email protected] todiscuss yourrequirements.

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Page 3: September Business Venture 2014

September 2014 page 3 VENTURE GUELPH PUBLICATIONS LTD. Business Venture

The Guelph & District Chapter HumanResources Professionals Association(GDHRPA) is proud to announce the recipi-ents of its fifth annual Employer ofDistinction Awards. The Awards recognizelocal companies for being outstandingemployers who shape organizational excel-lence and raise awareness of the HumanResources Profession through their organiza-tions’ success.The GDHRPA is pleased to recognize

Guelph General Hospital as the 2014Employer of Distinction in the large employercategory with over 200 employees andMEDUCOM Health Inc. as the 2014 Employerof Distinction in the small employer categorywith less than 200 employees. Both organiza-tions are commended for their person-cen-tered approach, and fostering environmentsthat encourage employee health and wellness,communication, flexibility and supportresulting in an engaged workforce that hasallowed these organizations to achievesignificant success in their operational andorganizational goals.The Awards were presented during the

GDHRPA’s June chapter event held at theDelta Guelph Hotel and Conference Center.The recognition of being an Employer of

Distinction gives employers the opportunity toshare their initiatives and success stories withother local business professionals, whileshowcasing that they are great places to work.The Guelph & District Human Resources

Professionals Association was established in1953 to promote the value of people inachieving the business goals that result inorganizational success. It provides resourcesand education to Human ResourcesProfessionals within the Guelph communityand surrounding areas.

Election–cont’d from pg 1

2.10% in July of 2014.Over the last four years, inflation rangedfrom just below 2% in January 2010 to its current level, with thehighest peak at 3.25% in 2011.In the 2010Municipal Election, of the 82,794 eligible Guelph

voters, only 33.91% cast a ballot.As onemethod of increasing civicparticipation,Guelph City Council approved the use of Internetvoting as an alternative votingmethod for the upcoming electionand three out of ten voters intend to cast their ballot online.Votingwill take place fromOctober 7 to 24, 2014.Although the ballots have not yet been cast, you can expect to see

some different faces around the council table as four incumbents arenot seeking re-election –Lise Burcher (Ward 5), Ian Findlay (Ward2), Jim Furfaro (Ward 1), and after 23 years councillor GloriaKovach is not running.There are several opportunities to learn about the candidates and

decide what platforms work for you. The Guelph Chamber ofCommerce will be hosting amayoral candidate discussion at CityHall the evening of October 9 and is working with Rogers TV on aschedule for City Councillor Candidate discussions.Educate yourself about themoney being spent in our community

and the projects that are on the table. Look into what the candidatesstand for and be wise when considering the choices for our city’sfuture.Most importantly, cast a vote.For a full list of candidates and details for online voting visit

MEDUCOM Health Inc. was named the 2014 Employer of Distinction in the small employ-er category with less than 200 employees. Pictured left to right are: Sherry Moraca, CristiOrth, Patricia Chisamore-Roberts, Darryl Vaz, Courtney Barker, Nicola Ingram, NoemieVilleneuve-Cloutier, and Serge Moraca.(supplied photo)

Human ResourcesProfessionalsAssociationGuelph and DistrictChapter

We sincerely thank all the nominees.Visit for information on the

Congratulations!The Guelph & District Chapter Human Resources Professionals

Association is proud to recognize and congratulate the recipients of the

2014 Employer of Distinction Awards:

Guelph General Hospital MEDUCOM Health Inc.

(over 200 employees) (under 200 employees)

Employer ofDistinction

Art of Denim


15 yearsby Heather Grummett

Founded by Paul and Marc Brombal, Art ofDenim is a premier denim store onWyndham St. in Guelph. The two brothersgrew up in the clothing business, havingworked with their father at Sidonio’s CustomMen’s Shop, and opened the downtownlocation in 1999.As a store that began with a focus on

mainly jeans and tops in junior styles, thebusiness has grown and evolved through theyears to offer casual wear for teens to senior-aged adults. Art of Denim offers jeans for allwho are young or who are young at heart.The extensive selection includes sizes 0 to 18for women, and sizes 29 to 40 for men.Tailoring service is also available to get thatperfect fit.Customers can choose from a wide variety

of tops, shirts, and outerwear from greatbrands you know and love–includingMackage, Soia & Kyo, and Canada Goose.Plus, a sophisticated line of both men’s andwomen’s work apparel is available. A uniqueaccessory line of scarves, gloves, socks, belts,bags, and shoes, is a great way to completeyour look.Built on personal and friendly service,

Marc and his staff will ensure you leave feel-ing great and looking your best. Stop by tocheck out the fresh, brand new look for thefall season.Art of Denim is open Monday, Tuesday,

Wednesday, and Saturday 10:00am to5:30pm, Thursday and Friday 10:00am to7:00pm.Anniversary celebrations will run

October 16, 17, 18–visitwww.artofdenimonline.comfor more details.

Employer of Distinction Awards 2014

Guelph General Hospital was recognized as the 2014 Employer of Distinction in the largeemployer category with over 200 employees. Pictured from left to right are: WendyBroeckel, Annette Harrington, Jane Cabral, Alison Adamson, Karen Suk-Patrick, DianeBell-Smith, and Cindy Embro. (supplied photo)

Page 4: September Business Venture 2014

September 2014 page 4 VENTURE GUELPH PUBLICATIONS LTD. Business Venture

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2014–The opinions and stories that appear in the columns ofBusiness Venture are for information purposes only. Statements andopinions within the pages of Business Venture are those of thewriters and do not necessarily represent those of the publisher,

advertisers or Venture Guelph Publications Ltd.

519-824-1595 Mike Baker, Publisher

[email protected]

2 Quebec Street unit 232 Guelph Ontario

This issue: 16 pages without inserts.

View it on-line at:

Printed by McLaren Press Graphics Ltd.

Message from the editor

For your up to datemonthly Calendar

of Events.Bookmark our website to

find all the great things todo in our area!

Fall Solid Wood Bedroom

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Welcome to our September issue of BusinessVenture.Every year Labour Day arrives and so does a

change in the weather. However, with the changein the weather comes a transformation as youngstudents get back to school and older studentsleave home to pursue a post secondary educa-tion. Companies get busier as employees returnfrom holidays and the final push begins as wehead toward the final quarter of the year.As I think of these changes, I think of our

feature onWoodlawnMemorial Park–-and howoften wemay drive upWoolwich St and take forgranted the cemetery that has been part of ourcommunity for 160 years.It is so muchmore than a cemetery; it is an

important part of Guelph’s history, with manyrecognizable members of our community nowresting there.Arthur Cutten, philanthropist and founder of

Cutten Fields Golf and Recreational Club–whoalso made large financial contributions to thecemetery. Orin Reid, builder, developer andfounder of Reid's Heritage Homes--are just twoof the many who come to mind.TodayWoodlawnMemorial has become an

urban arboretum filled with gardens and over4km of trails.Hopefully you have taken the time to read

our lead story.As one of the more importantelections in our community approaches, weencourage everyone to get out and vote.Our next issue of Business Venture is in October.

We welcome your business news and announce-ments at [email protected] GrummettEditor

The Occupational Health and Safety Act(“OHSA”) imposes numerous obligations onOntario Employers. One such requirementis to provide mandatory safety awarenesstraining to all workers and supervisors. Thisrequirement is outlined in the OccupationalHealth and Safety Awareness and Trainingregulation, which came into force on July 1,2014.Employers must ensure that a worker

completes a safety awareness training pro-gram as soon as practicable, which coversthe following topics:• the duties and rights of workers, supervi-sors and employers under the OHSA;

• the roles of health and safety representa-tives and joint health and safety commit-tees under the OHSA;

• the role of the Ministry of Labour, theWorkplace Safety and Insurance Board(WSIB), and entitles designated under sec-tion 22.5 of the OHSA such as health andsafety associations;

• common workplace hazards;• the Workplace Hazardous MaterialsInformation System (WHMIS); and,

• occupational illness.Employers are also required to ensure that

supervisors complete a safety awareness

training program within one week of per-forming work as a supervisor, whichincludes instruction on:• the duties and rights of workers, supervi-sors and employers under the OHSA;

• the roles of health and safety representa-tives and joint health and safety commit-tees under the OHSA;

• the role of the Ministry of Labour, theWorkplace Safety and Insurance Board(WSIB), and entitles designated undersection 22.5 of the OHSA such as healthand safety associations;

• how to recognize, assess and controlworkplace hazards and evaluate controlsdesigned to prevent workplace accidents;

• and, sources of information on the OHSA.The new regulation also imposes record

keeping obligations on employers. Anemployer must maintain records demon-strating that workers and supervisors com-pleted the safety awareness training or thatthey are exempt from doing so. Further,upon request an employer must provideworkers or supervisors with written proof ofthe completion of training for up to sixmonths after a worker or supervisor hasbeen employed.Employers should ensure that all workers

and supervisors have com-pleted training covering theabove noted topics.Employers should also havein place systems to maintain training andexemption records. It is important to notethat the above noted topics are the mini-mum that should be covered in workplacetraining. Providing more thorough trainingwill not only increase workplace safety butwill assist in demonstrating due diligence inrelation to any workplace accident.The discussed regulation is one of many

requirements with respect to Health and Safety.

Evan Campbell is an Associate in the Guelph office ofMiller Thomson LLP working in the areas of employmentlaw and litigation. Contact him at 519-780-4634 [email protected]

Mandatory Occupational Health and Safety Awareness Trainingby Evan Campbell

Greenway to start new businessAfter 13 years at Greenway Home ProductsLtd., Laura Greenway-Balnar has steppedaway from her roll at the family ownedbusiness and is moving forward with a newbusiness opportunity.Laura is returning to the Community &

Healthcare sector by owning and operatingRight at Home Canada–GuelphWellington, with additional Cambridgeand Kitchener-Waterloo locations to fol-low.As a registered Nurse with a B.A.Sc

degree in Gerontology, Laura is pursuingher passion of supporting seniors and fam-ilies by providing a wide variety of servicesto the older population, so that they maystay happy and healthy in their home for as

long as they wish.These services include a range of health-

care assistance, discharge planning andappointment coordination, transportationand meal preparation, homemaking, andmuch more. For more information

Page 5: September Business Venture 2014

September 2014 page 5 VENTURE GUELPH PUBLICATIONS LTD. Business Venture

Together, on October 27, we can create BETTER

Authorized by CFO of Cam Guthrie Campaign

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The GILBERT MACINTYRE & SON TRUST PLAN isdesigned to comply with all regulations under theFuneral Services Act of Ontario and is fully insured.

75 Years–2008

Page 6: September Business Venture 2014

Thirty-five local high school students from Wellington Catholic District School Boardand Upper Grand District School Board participated in a 23-day internationaleducational opportunity in Italy and gained a High School credit while immersed in theItalian culture.Sponsored by the Wellington Catholic District School Board and The Hamilton

Dante Centre, the students embarked on this intensive summer program designed toenrich students’ academic lives by providing an exciting educational environment andan interesting international experience.Excursions included overnight stays in Rome, Florence, Venice, Ortona, Chieti and

Sulmona, plus day visits to famous cities such as Pompeii, Assisi, Pisa, Verona,and Padua.

Students from the Wellington Catholic District School Board and Upper Grand DistrictSchool Board pose during their visit to Pompeii. The photo is taken in front of the Temple ofJupiter with Mt. Vesuvius in the background. (supplied photo)

Believe it or not, there is a movement afoot inCalifornia to divide that state into six pieces. TimDraper, a SiliconValley venture capitalist is pushingthe proposal and has put $5 million of his ownmoneyto get it on the ballot this fall. So far he is the only oneto pony up any cash for the project.He says that,“California has reached the breaking

point . . .smaller governments would be more respon-sive to the needs of residents and communities.”"Vast parts of our state are poorly served by a

representative government," he is quoted as saying,and California residents "would be better served by sixsmaller state governments."Draper, recommends dividing California regionally,

including establishing a state called SiliconValley,which would include San Francisco and nearby coun-ties that are home to technology giants like Facebookand Apple. The proposal is far from universallyapplauded.Many people have pointed out thatCalifornians have toomuch in common, and are sointerdependent that dividing the whole into six bitsmakes no sense at all. Yes, you can draw a line arounda part of the state that has a focus on high tech, oragriculture, or show business – but that doesn’t tell thewhole story.Hey, that reminds me of Guelph: we have six wards,

we have “regional strengths,” and some places havemore stuff than other places. So maybe if each wardwas its own city, we’d be better off too. Ridiculous?Maybe. But some of the narrowing and insular atti-tude I’ve heard regarding the various “states”ofGuelph (or sometimes, its informal “East,West, North,South and Downtown component parts) make mewonder just how short-sighted some citizens can be.Sometimes people forget that all our public assets

are for all Guelpites regardless of address. Like thefolks who didn’t want to have parking included in thedevelopment of a new park because they didn’t wantto share “their” greenspace with the rest of the city.What? Did they forget that every public thing any partof the city “gets”we all get?When I go toVictor Davis Pool or theWest End

Recreation Centre or City Hall or Riverside Parknobody asks me where I live in the city. I can checkout a book from any Library in town (and take it backto any library too). City facilities are facilities forus all. Period.

The real question should be “where in our city doesinvestment of public money make sense?” In my opin-ion, building a recreation centre on Clair Road (whichI support) has more to do with the need for moreskating and swimming and other facilities for allGuelphites than it has to do with the concept offairness for the South End. I think it’s fine to locatethere, but the main driver is need: we are underservedas a city, not as a particular ward.Which is why I think that it’s pointless to add up

what civic assets we have in each area to establish pri-orities.We have invested our public money wisely andappropriately throughout the city and have a smartplan for future capital investment across the city whereit makes the most sense. That means we pave roadsand upgrade services, add parks and recreation, turnparking lots in to multi-use high public revenue assets--and so on–based on citywide benefit. If the sidewalksare wider onWyndham Street than onWater Street,that is because there are more Guelphites using them,and not because some part of town is “due”moresidewalk than some other.I fully acknowledge that lots of public money has

been invested in Downtown Guelph, and that nomat-ter how economically and socially sensible that is,some folks will grouse. It is to be expected, of course.Most Guelphites care about Downtown intensely andare willing to offer opinions on all manner ofdevelopments here.Most people don’t know what thecost of digging upWellington Road is–that’s just anecessary construction project–but when infrastructuremoney is spent Downtown, everybody has an opinionon the cost, the need, and the planned outcome.I fully acknowledge that each part of town has a dis-

tinct flavour and history (nomatter how short orlong).And I get that there are specific needs and wantsand aspirations that are asymmetrical. But it is muchmore important to invest public money where it is themost efficient, where it does the most good for thewhole city, than it is to chunk it out in equal parts.Guelph is one city not six, and we need to invest in itas such.Even if for no other reason than to be a good exam-

ple to our friends in California.Quotes from TimDraper come from a story in the San JoseMercury



June 2014 page 6 VENTURE GUELPH PUBLICATIONS LTD. Business Venture

Local students learn abroadsubmitted by Wellington Catholic District School Board

The Business of Downtown

by Marty Williams, Executive Director, Downtown GuelphBusiness Association

Guelph’s public assets

benefit everyone


Page 7: September Business Venture 2014

September 2014 page 7 Feature: Woodlawn Memorial Park 160 Years VENTURE GUELPH PUBLICATIONS LTD. Business Venture








Because every life is worth remembering always

“Show me the manner in which a nation or a community cares for its dead

and I will measure with mathematical exactness the tender sympathies

of its people, their respect for the laws of the land and their loyalty to

high ideals.”–William Gladstone, former British Prime Minister


ohn Galt designed the city of Guelph during a time when a great importance wasplaced on churches, and with every church was a cemetery. Galt placed the Catholic

Church, Church of our Lady, on the hill and he placed the Anglican Church, the originalSt. George’s Church, downtown in the square.Having the foresight to realize there would be people who died with no religious

affiliation, he also created the Union Cemetery, which was owned by the City of Guelphand the Township of Guelph, and today the parcel of land is the Baker Street parking lot.When, in 1853, a bylaw was passed stating that burials would no longer be permitted

within the city limits, the Catholic cemetery was moved to St. Joseph’s Cemetery; the5-acre parcel of land was given to the cemetery by the sisters of St. Josephs.The Anglican Church purchased 10-acres of land outside of Guelph and partnered with

the City and Township to purchase an additional 30-acres. The new plot was a big stepaway from the tiny cemeteries that were dotted across the province.At 40-acres, thenewWoodlawn Cemetery was the largest track of cemetery land inWellington County,reducing the need to maintain many smaller parcels of land.160 years later,Woodlawn Memorial Park sits on 80-acres–it is once again within the

city limits, and 35,000 bodies rest within the park.As a not-for-profit organization,Woodlawn Memorial Park is dedicated to preserving the importance and beauty ofthe cemetery.Available land still remains at Nicklin andWoodlawn Road that willaccommodate the community’s needs for many decades to come.

• • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • •

hrough the years,Woodlawn Memorial Park just continues to get better and better.The early Board members were always so forward thinking and had the foresight to

know the cemetery would be here for a long time. Perhaps they didn’t realize it, but thatforesight was an important step in our history,” says Paul Taylor, General Manager,Woodlawn Memorial Park.In the early years of the cemetery, family members paid an annual fee to have plots

maintained by a grounds keeper. In 1914, perpetual care was introduced atWoodlawnCemetery on a voluntary basis. The first family paid a large one-time payment, at thattime $25, to maintain the plot forever. The money was put into a trust and the propertymaintenance was paid for from the interest. Families continued to have the option ofmaking annual payments until 1927.In 1919,Arthur Cutten donated $10,000 to beautify the cemetery with the stipulation

that a proper recognizable Board be formed to oversee the spending of the money.The Guelph Cemetery Commission was formed with two members from each

of the original purchasers–the Anglican Church, the City of Guelph and the Townshipof Guelph. The Board’s responsibilities included hiring a Cemetery Keeper,Superintendent, or General Manager to oversee the day to day operations and hiringof any additional staff.In 1927, the Guelph Cemetery Commission decided that a perpetual care payment

would be mandatory to all families purchasing new plots, and through time the existingplots would also be converted to perpetual care.This decision came 25 years ahead of the rest of the province, when in 1952, the

Ontario Government made it mandatory under the Cemetery Act for all cemeteries tocollect perpetual care payments.“Known today as a Care and Maintenance Trust Fund, perpetual care is the heart and

soul of the cemetery,” says Taylor.“If the trust is healthy, the cemetery will be maintainedproperly and will remain healthy forever. Tens of thousands of dollars enter the trustevery year, added to that initial $25. The interest made goes strictly towards themaintenance of the property; it does not pay for administration costs or overhead.”For every grave acquired, provincial cemeteries are mandated to put 40% into a trust.

“This cemetery has seen five to six generations. Our goal is to improve the property asbest we can during our years, to make it better than when we received it, and to pass iton to the next generation for it to be improved more,” adds Taylor.



Page 8: September Business Venture 2014

September 2014 page 8 Feature: Woodlawn Memorial Park 160 Years VENTURE GUELPH PUBLICATIONS LTD. Business Venture

An urban arboretumoodlawn Memorial Park and Arboretum is the only cemetery on the Trans Canada Trail. Over 4 km of roadways and pathways wind throughthe grounds. Of the hundreds of trees in the park,many are more than a century old and several specimens are rare and unique to the city.

“Our cemetery is a place to celebrate life, to visit loved ones and friends, and to reflect on memories of the lives lived,” says Paul Taylor, GeneralManager.“We encourage visitors to concentrate on the life, not the death. Community members are welcome to use the cemetery in a respectfulway to enhance their lives.”With a 42% tree canopy, the grounds make a peaceful area to enjoy a walk or run. Extensive gardens, waterfalls and fountains are featured

throughout for those interested in horticultural, and the cemetery also makes a great learning tool, with the trees named in both English and Latin.Rich in history, visitors can experience the early monument carvings in various materials including marble, granite, and bronze.Woodlawn Memorial partners with area schools and the Guelph Civic Museum to offer additional opportunities for youth to learn about the

history of Guelph and early pioneers. Plus, occasional Spirit Walks use volunteer actors to re-live the lives of prominent Guelph citizens whonow rest within the park.

• • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • •

Thank you,Woodlawn Memorial Park, for

supporting Guelph and area families with compassion for 160 years.



Congratulationsto WoodlawnMemorial Parkin celebrationof more than160 years in the

Guelphcommunity!5400 Highway #6 North, Guelph Ont. N1H 6J2 519-836-8814



T 519.822.4680F 519.822.1583

Mother’s EveEvery May families gather tosend kisses to heaven during abrief and gentle service ofremembrance. In remembranceof mothers everywhere, notes areplanted at the foot of a shrub inthe Mothers’ Grove.

Lilac Remembrance ServiceIn partnership with HospiceWellington, Gilchrist Chapel andthe staff at Woodlawn Memorial,this event takes place in lateMay.A Lilac is planted inremembrance of families servedthroughout the year.

Rockwood Summer ServiceEvery June loved ones gather atthe Hanna Chapel at theRockwood Cemetery for anannual service of remembranceand evening of fellowship in acharming country cemetery.

Summer Walking TourAnnual themed walking tourstake place throughout thesummer months.

United Nations DayThis self-directed event eachOctober allows communitymembers to walk the TransCanada Trail and visit the PeacePole in the Garden of Peace,where there are more than 18different languages displayed onthe pole.

Remembrance DayWoodlawn Memorial holds anannual, very personal service atthe Veterans’ area, below theCanadian flag.

International Children’s DayEvery November communitymembers are encouraged to visitthe Children’s Memorial Gardenand add an ornament to the livingAngel Tree in remembrance of themore than 900 children there; toremember a special child orcelebrate the children in your life.

Blue ChristmasThis is a unique Christmas eventto remember loved ones near andfar or to simply enjoy theexperience of carol singing in thecemetery. In early Decembercommunity members gather atthe mausoleum for the annualcarolling by candlelight.

Veterans’Winter Wreath ServiceEach DecemberVeterans arehonoured with the placing of freshwinter wreaths on the more than180 graves in the veterans’ areas.

Timeline of the keepers

Over the past 160 years, the care and operations ofWoodlawn Cemetery–now known as Woodlawn MemorialPark–has been overseen by an individual carrying the titleof Cemetery Keeper, Superintendent, and is known todayas the General Manager.

There is limited recorded history on the early keepers,who wereresponsible for all operations, including groundsmaintenance.

William Haskins & George Bates,Term: 1855 - 1856William Snelling, Term: 1856 -1857George Canham, Term: 1857 - 1861Barnabus Gibson, Term: 1861- 1868 and his sonWilliam Gibson, Term: 1868 - 1869

Samuel Calver, Term: 1854, 1869 - 1882

Peter Gokeywas born in SydenhamonMarch 1,1845.Hewas the 7th CemeteryKeeper and the last to be given that title,replacingMr.Calver,who died in 1882.TheGokey’s were the first family to occupy theCemetery Lodge,Peter was well known andthe entrance to the Cemetery was facetiously spoken of as“Gokey’sGates”.Term: 1883 –1907

George L.M.C.Steelewas born in Guelph onDecember 15, 1862.The second family to livein the Cemetery Lodge, Steele was appointedto replace Peter Gokey in 1907.He was thefirst Superintendent when the GuelphCemetery Commission was formed in 1919.That same year he was the first to be provid-

ed with a uniform for attendance at funerals.We learned from sonDoug, that George called theMayor of Guelph during the Spanishflu epidemic for help, and a bus load of workers arrived the nextday to help with interments.They were doingmore than 50 burialsa month during the epidemic.During the time they lived inthe lodge electricity was installed in the house through theupstairs floor.Term: 1907–1921

John Thomas Crosbywas born in 1867 at Dearham Centre nearLondon. In 1884 the Crosby family moved to Guelph Townshipwhere he farmed along side his father at Marden. John worked atone time for the Guelph Radial Railway and in 1921 was appointedsecond Superintendent of the Cemetery Commission.The Crosby’swere the third family to live in the Cemetery Lodge.He served for21 years and when he became ill,RossArmitage became actingsuperintendent.Crosby died November 7, 1942 at the age of 75.Hisloss was deeply felt by the public and the Cemetery Commission.Term: 1921-1942

Ross FergusonArmitagewas born inFergus onMay 7,1896.Ross worked atRaymond’s SewingMachine Co.and at BondHardware and thenmoved to Buffalo wherehe worked assembling horseless carriages forthe Pierce-Arrow plant during 1915 and1916.Upon returning to Guelph he joined the army and servedoverseas almost three years with the Canadian Signal Corps.Hebegan working for the Cemetery Commission and was appointedthird Superintendent ofWoodlawn Cemetery followingMr.Crosby’sdeath.The fourth family to live Cemetery Lodge,Ross held theposition for 23 years.During his term of employment Ross sawmany changes, enlarging the garage and workshop, removal ofmany shrub beds at the front whenWoolwich St.was widened; theroads were paved until 3/4 of the roadswere completed by 1963.Themodern officewith fireproof vault andwashroom facilitieswereadded for the public about 1960.Mr.Armitage estimated itwould beabout 35-40 years before it becamenecessary to develop the landon the other side of the tracks and that landwill serve for at least100 years.Term: 1942-1965

With the goal of keeping memories alive, and not to forget about past generations,Woodlawn Memorial holds several public services and events throughout the year–some sad,some entertaining, for theatre, for history and for remembrance.

For more details visit or find Woodlawn Memorial Park on Facebook.


Special services and events


John T. Crosby

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September 2014 page 9 Feature: Woodlawn Memorial Park 160 Years VENTURE GUELPH PUBLICATIONS LTD. Business Venture























re cemeteries still relevant in today’s changing culturalenvironment?WoodlawnMemorial Park Cemetery provides

a great deal of value to the citizens of Guelph and surrounding areas.These values extend far beyond the simple disposition (e.g. interment,inurnment, scattering, etc.) of human remains.Guelph’s municipalcemetery provides a tranquil, respectful, park-like environment forpeaceful reflection for all who visit there.There is a fundamentalhuman desire to remember our ancestors and to be remembered byour descendants.Cemeteries’operations and appearances are changing as a result of after

death care consumers’growing demand for cremation.Greaterburial densities are achieved on a smaller land base but increasinglymorecreative appealing and attractive“garden”ambiances are afforded thosemaking the choice for cremation.Guelph currently has a cremation rate inexcess of 61%,that is,more than three out of every five deaths results incremation rather than traditional casket burial.This rate has been risingsince the early 1970’s and continues to rise by almost 1% annually.Unlike traditional casket interment,which is mandated under provin-

cial legislation to occur in a cemetery, cremation dispositions may occuranywhere.Cremated remains may be scattered on land, over water orsimply kept at home.Disposition and memorialization at the cemeteryis entirely optional to the cremation consumer.The cremation consumermust perceive the value in cemetery products in order to consider pur-chasing them.Under Taylor’s prudent and knowledgeable stewardship,WoodlawnMemorial Park has addressed the after death care consumers’ever growing demand for cremation by providing cremation intermentalternatives in beautiful settings.This choice carries with it a wide arrayof cremation interment and memorialization alternatives andWoodlawnMemorial Park continues to grow such choice options for those selectingWoodlawn as the final resting place for themselves or a loved one.WoodlawnMemorial Park offers a variety of disposition and

memorialization options to appeal to themodern cremation customer.Cremated remainsmay be interred in in-ground lots or cremorials, inurnedin columbariumniches,commingled in an ossuary or scattered in a scat-tering garden.Memorializations include upright and flatmonuments,niche/cremorial plaques andmemorial trees,benches and‘memory stones’.The Royal Belvedere Cremation Garden features benches, a fountain

and waterfalls, a Belvedere, an ossuary incorporated into attractiveornamental plantings and nine different inurnment options and asmanymemorialization opportunities.

The public choosing cremation readily buys into the plethora of choicesoffered in this distinctive garden setting.While a growing percentage choose cremation, there is an ongoing and

will likely always be, demand for traditional casket burial. TheWoodlawn team has met this demand by developing ‘over the tracks’ atWoodlawn.‘Lilac Section’ has proven very popular for those choosingcasket interments in this 30-acre expansion area atWoodlawnMemorialPark. Preliminary planning and design for a“green burials”sectionwithin a treed location in these expansion lands has already beeninitiated.Real“green burial”demand is predicted to come from the BabyBoomers’ offspring, the environmentally conscious“Gen Xers”.However,this demographic group is not yet of an age where such decision makinghas entered their current life choices, so their buying effect for ‘greenburials’may not be felt for another 20 years at the cemetery.It is often said that cemeteries are for the living. It is the living who

decide where and how the dead are placed into the cemetery and it is theliving who visit the cemetery.However,Woodlawn visitors do more thanjust visit their deceased family members inWoodlawnMemorial Park.Additional alternate uses and passive recreational opportunitiesare provided for inWoodlawnMemorial Park.An extension of theTrans-Canada Trail runs through the cemetery;the grounds serve as a sanctuary for urban wildlife; plantings of manybeautiful specimen trees provide anArboretum-like setting with signageidentifying their scientific and common names; and genealogistsresearch historical connections owing to the cemetery’s 160 yearpresence in the community.Under theWoodlawn team’s direction,former cemetery public outreach programs included SpiritWalks, alocal drama groups’ re-enactments of historical events, related topersons buried at this special community facility.The ‘business’ of cemeteries is under constant change but a tour of

WoodlawnMemorial Park clearly indicates this special communityasset is both prepared and preparing for its next 160 years.

Woodlawn Memorial Park on your 160th anniversary. Hilton Landmarks is proud of our long-term role providing planning and design for the Lilac section, Royal Belvedere Cremation Garden and other features.


Cam SkipperOwner & Managing Director

“We have provided design and consulting services to Paul Taylor and

Woodlawn since the 1990’s and have long considered ‘his’ property one

of the premier cemeteries in Canada!” –Rob Hilton, Hilton Landmarks Inc.

Timeline of the keepers

John Penricewas born inMorriston onMay29, 1903. John worked underMr.Armitagefor approximately 10 years as assistantSuperintendent before taking on the positionof fourth Superintendent in 1966.During thefirst year of Mr.Penrice’s term the January

minutes show themain entrance will be extended by removingthe pedestrian gates and resetting the large stone posts, the smallgates then to be welded to the main gates which will in effect givea wider entrance to the Cemetery.The Penrices were the fifthfamily to live in Cemetery Lodge.After four years asWoodlawnCemetery Superintendent he resigned in 1970.Term: 1966-1970

J.W.Clements Hannawas an assistantunder John Penrice and upon his retirement,Hanna became the fifth Superintendent onJuly 1, 1970.Mr.Hanna was born in Ireland,January 1916 and came to Guelph in 1969.The Hanna family was the sixth family tolive in the lodge.He retired in the spring of 1981.He diedApril 20,2003. Term: 1970-1981

PaulA.Taylorwas appointedthe sixth Superintendent ofWoodlawn Cemetery in June1981 and today holds the titleGeneral Manager.He beganworking for the cemetery in1977.Paul, his wife Cindyand their sons Chadd andBrett continue on the tradi-tion that started in 1854 ofresiding in the white brickCemetery Lodge.They are

the seventh family to live in Cemetery Lodge.On his many tours,Paul oftenmentions James Scroggie the first burial site in Unioncemetery near the Cemetery Lodge.During the winter of 2014Mr.Scroggie’s monument was damaged.Paul has had hismonument restored and returned to its original position by ChrisKillam and Kate Paterson and the site safeguarded from furtherdamage.Paul Taylor’s count of burials as of 2014 is over 35,500after 160 years compared to Peter Gokey’s count of 5000 in 1884after 30 years.While preserving the past,Paul also makes plansfor the generations to come.Term: 1981 - presentGeneral Manager/Treasurer

Timeline Photographs provided by Judy Steele and researchby Charlotte Mackie. Charlotte has been a volunteer withWoodlawnMemorial Park for over 30 years. It is through her

dedication that somuch of the history ofWoodlawn has

been recorded.

Additional Photographs by Hilton Landmarks Inc., andWoodlawn Memorial Park.


- continued

Woodlawn Memorial Park–keeping pace with change

[email protected]

“Wellington County’s Oldest Family Owned Funeral Home”Our Family Serving Yours 75 Years (2008)


Page 10: September Business Venture 2014

September 2014 page 10 Feature: Woodlawn Memorial Park 160 Years VENTURE GUELPH PUBLICATIONS LTD. Business Venture


Lost but not forgotten

Every life atWoodlawnMemorial Park is a life to be

remembered, but howmoving when the history of

someone’s life can reach out and touch the heart of a

complete stranger, decades later.

• • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • •

William Holloway (1892-1922)was the first Guelph police officer killed in the line of duty.Hewas killedwhile directing traffic on EramosaRoad at Queen Street while patrollingwith a fellow officer on themorning of May 2,1922.The officers were standing at the edge of the road,trying to stop a car speedingup the EramosaRoad hill fromWoolwich Street just before 2am.Hollowaywas struck hard as the car braked and skidded,and he died several hours later in the hospital.

A FirstWorldWar veteran,Hollowaywas given amilitary funeral and it was reported that a large crowdgathered towatch the funeral procession toWoodlawnCemetery.His widowwas an Englishwar brideand returned to her familywith their baby daughter following his death.In 2000,the Ontario PoliceMemorial was unveiled inQueen’s Park to honour those police officers in

Ontario’s historywho lost their lives in the line of duty.The names of all known fallen officers areinscribed upon theWall of Honour.Having heard the story of the fallen Guelph officer during a SpiritWalk atWoodlawnMemorial Park,

a local reporter looked,but did not find,Holloway’s name on thememorial.Knowing theman existed and feeling he deserved to be recognized,the local resident contacted both

the Guelph Police and the city to find the line of duty death had somehow fallen from the records.Through this kind act,WilliamHolloway’s name has nowbeen added to the list of fallenOntario officers.

• • • • • • •

Royal CanadianAir Force Leading Aircraftman Ted Bates of Guelph and Flight Lieutenant PeterCampbell of the Royal Air Force were both lost when their plane crashed into Lake Muskoka duringthe SecondWorldWar.The two men died on December 13, 1940 when their Nomad aircraft collided with another after

taking off from Camp Borden on a mission to search for a missing colleague.While the other plane was found amonth later, it was presumed that the twomen had landed in the

lake.At over 120 feet deep, the equipment did not exist at the time to search inlandwaters of that depth.The wreckage of their downed plane had rested at the bottom of Lake Muskoka for more than

60 years,when two area residents,Matt Fairbrass andAl Bacon began searching the lake in 2001hoping to find artifacts for a proposed museum.A story about the search eventually made its way to Tom Bates in Guelph, a brother of the fallen air-

man, who called Fairbrass and told him of the missing plane.The knowledge of the two lost men prompted Fairbrass to spend hundreds of hours in his boat

searching the lakebed with his sonar equipment.After finally narrowing the possible locations hecalled the OPP Underwater Search and Recovery Unit based in the Lake Muskoka area.With the con-firmation of his discovery, the Royal Canadian Navy’s Fleet Diving Unit recovered the remains.After over 70 years, the twomenwere laid to rest inmatching caskets in the fall of 2013 atWoodlawn

Memorial Park.Themenwere honoured with a full military service in the veteran’s garden.Tom Bates,who was 86 at the time,was able to attend the service for his brother, as were family

members for the British pilot who felt the two men should continue to rest together.


memorial is a way to express the story of a life at an individual’s grave with either a monumentor a marker.A cemetery full of monuments tells us about the history of our community.They

show us the kind of people who lived in our community at any one time and the kinds of people inour community today.Along with quality, personalization can be one of the most important aspects of designing a

memorial that truly reflects the life to be remembered.Memorial designer Erin Tosh has theexperience and creative background to help families express the words and feelings they may bewishing to convey in their memorial.Families are often surprised at what they can show and say on their monuments.Woodlawn

Memorial offers quality memorials from bronze markers to granite monuments. Erin is available tohelp you choose the rightmemorial for you and your family.Call for an appointment at 519-822-1271.

The following products and services are available:

Woodlawn Memorial Park, your service to ourcommunity continues to be invaluable.

Frank Valeriote, Member of Parliament40 Cork St. E., Guelph 519-837-8276




JOHN SNOW owner/operator(519) 855-9911


to Woodlawn Memorial

Park on 160 years

of service to our


CREMATION$1895 + hst

Prepay byDecember 31, 2014

All-InclusiveNo Extra Fees

or Hidden Charges

74 Dawson Road(between Speedvale Ave & Willow Rd.)Guelph, ON N1H 1A8

Showroom Hours:Mon-Fri: 7:30 am - 5:30 pmSat: 8:00 am - 3:30 pmClosed Sun and Holidays (519)823-1881

• Full Sized Traditional Graves• Upright Granite Monuments• Personalized Granite Monuments• Flat Markers in Granite or Bronze• Photo Montage Bronze Markers• Inscription services• Crematorium• Cremation Graves• Cremation Urns and Urn Vaults• Outdoor Bronze Cermorial Niches

• Outdoor Columbarium Niches• Private Family Heritage Estates• Ossuary–Cremation Garden• Glass faced Indoor Niches• Marble faced Indoor Niches• Bronze faced Indoor Niches• Memorial Trees and Benches•Wreaths forWinter Season•Wreaths for Veterans• Artificial Floral Wreaths

• • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • •


Thank you

Page 11: September Business Venture 2014

September 2014 page 11 VENTURE GUELPH PUBLICATIONS LTD. Business Venture

Time to get ready for your flu shotsby Anna Bartolomucci

Flu season is right around the corner andit’s a good time of year to be reminded ofinteresting influenza facts!Influenza is a respiratory disease that

spreads easily and quickly from person toperson through the air by coughing orsneezing. This highly contagious disease iscaused by a virus that often changes everyyear. People who suffer from influenzaoften have high fever, chills, and headache,dry cough, abdominal pain and muscleaches. Individuals may be sick for severaldays to a week or more. Workplace andschool absenteeism increases considerably.The impact on employees and employers issignificant.In Canada, it is estimated that 10-20 per-

cent of the population becomes infectedwith the influenza virus each year. 1.5 mil-lion days of absenteeism are reported. Up

to 20,000 flu-related hos-pitalizations are reportedin a given year. Althoughmost people recovercompletely, as many as4,000 Canadians, mostly seniors, die everyyear from pneumonia or serious complica-tions of flu.In addition to a healthy diet, regular

exercise, adequate sleep, disinfecting fre-quently used surfaces, coughing in yoursleeve, disposing tissues properly, goodhand washing, and staying at home if youare ill, the flu shot can also help to preventgetting the flu. Get a flu shot and help toprotect yourself and others.

Anna Bartolomucci RN OHN, Workplace Wellness/InfluenzaCoordinator, WellServe Health Care Management–a divisionof Wellpoint Health Ltd. 519-837-3896 ext 17

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A CONCERT FUNDRAISER celebrating and supportingmusic and arts education inGuelph & Wellington County.

Performers include:Michael Harris & Friends Joe Macerollo & Friends Adrian Raso & Friends Guelph Collegiate

Vocational Institute Band

Mitchell Woods Public School Band Bishop Macdonnell High School Choir & Dance TroupeSt. John’s Kilmarnock

Senior BandGateway Public School Strings

Generously sponsored by:

November 6 at 7pmRiver Run Centre, GuelphTickets $15:


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riendsJoe Macerollo & FriendsMichael Harris & F

Performers include:

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Kilmarnockt. John’sp


Something incredible is about to happenin Guelph, on November 7th 2014.Organizations, community groups andindividuals alike will be going out andcelebrating the kindest day of the year.Being kind is providing someone else’s

needs before your own. It is not aboutdonating money, but rather donatingtime bringing smiles or cheer to some-one’s day.Random Act of Kindness Day is an

opportunity to do something thoughtful

for someone else to prove that we live ina great community. The concept is sim-ple. For example, last year one person dida kind act for another and gave that per-son a Random Act of Kindness card. Therecipient of the act “pays it forward” bythen doing something kind for someoneelse.“It is so easy to be kind to another per-

son, even in a very small way, but therewards are tremendous,” says RAK DayChair Hilary Coates. “The recipient of

your kindness appreciates the gestureand you feel great as well. We haveenough sadness and turmoil in theworld–RAK Day can remind us that wecan make a positivedifference in someone’s life.” Researchshows that kindness is contagious andincreases group cohesion and employeeengagement. It involves and empowerseveryone. It builds community and helpskeep Guelph a great place to live. Theday is an invitation to make kindness away of life.If you have any questions please call

Hilary Coates at 519-821-9216 or sendan email to [email protected]

Random Act of Kindness Day

September 18-21

Free PANDORA bracelet, with $125 PANDORA purchase.**Receive a free sterling silver PANDORA Clasp or Bangle bracelet ($75 CA

retail value). Prices before taxes. While supplies last, limit one per customer. Charms sold separately. See store for details.

Join us in the next issue ofBusiness Venture.

Visit our website for moreof our specialty

publications, Calendarof Community Events

and more.

Page 12: September Business Venture 2014

September 2014 page 12 VENTURE GUELPH PUBLICATIONS LTD. Business Venture

If you are familiar with the 1996 film 'JerryMaguire' then you will know the well-knownphrase "Showme themoney". It sounds like apretty good way to run an organization, doesn’t it?Anymayoral candidate for the upcomingmunici-pal election who speaks about maximizing valueand respecting tax payers are really saying they’regoing to show citizens themoney, aren’t they?WellI challenge all of the candidates across the board toshowme themoney at the same time as talkingabout your great and grand plans, because as mostpeople are unaware the Provincial governmentwill not be showingmunicipalities themoney tothe same extent for the duration of their term.According to the OntarioMinistry of Finance

through The OntarioMunicipal Partnership Fund(OMPF); which is the Province’s main transferpayment tomunicipalities, in 2014 it will providea total of $550million in funding to 388munici-palities across Ontario.While the provincial government has uploaded

some social program responsibilities, the fundingthrough the OMPF is being scaled back.Althoughoriginally planned to be a $25million per yearreduction from 2013 to 2016, the recently passed2014 Ontario Budget proposed additional reduc-tions. In 2015 the OMPFwill be $515millioncompared to the $550million for this current year.These cuts in provincial funding will hit munici-palities hard as this represents an unexpectedfunding cut of $10million to the communitiesthat can least afford it.The province says that this funding, combined

with themunicipal benefit resulting from theprovincial uploads, will total over $2 billion in2014 –more than three times the level of fundingprovided in 2004. This is another case of smokeandmirrors as the Ontario Federation of

Agriculture and the OntarioMunicipalitiesAssociation paint a very different picture of thefuture that none of themayoral candidates spokeabout leading up to the last provincial election.Not all municipalities that are facing provincialtransfer cuts have benefited to the same extentfrom the provincial uploading of some socialprograms.The provincial government has uploaded a

number of social services such as: the OntarioDrug Benefit (ODB), the Ontario DisabilitySupport Program (ODSP),OntarioWorks (OW)and court security and prisoner transportationthat were previously provided at themunicipallevel. These uploaded services were estimated tosavemunicipalities approximately $1.4 billion in2013 but manymunicipalities will be facingmoredifficult financial situations due to these changesas themajority of financial gains from uploadingthese social services will be enjoyed by largerurbanmunicipalities like Ottawa, Toronto,London andHamilton.In themovie ‘The Grand Budapest Hotel’ there

was a saying: 'When the destiny of a great fortuneis at stakemen's greed spreads like a poison in theblood stream'. Given their limited taxing authori-ties and ongoing reductions in the real value oftransfers from the province,municipalities willhave little choice but to raise property taxes tocover services they provide to citizens.Political leaders of the recent past have governed

by themotto: ' The world is there for the takingand that is exactly what we are going to do'.As wegear up for yet another election, when the dustsettles hopefully the newly elected council willgovern by a different credo such as: “Life is therefor the taking, life is there for the sharing, whenyou realize that life is wonderful.”

Show me the money by Kevin Cahill

After 14 years, downtown business ownerPaul Smit is retiring from his business andhas sold The Soccer Fanatic to new owners.“I have had the privilege of working with

players, families, coaches, managers, soccerorganizations, and teams to support thedevelopment of soccer within the commu-nity,” says Smit. “For me it has been particu-larly exciting to see the growth of young soc-cer players and encourage their enthusiasmand engagement in ‘the beautiful game’.”New owners Tony da Silva and his son

Ryan, of da Silva Enterprises will take overas the new owners as of September 2, 2014.“Thank you to everyone who has support-

ed me over the years. I leave feeling veryconfident that the new owners will bringthe same enthusiasm, expertise and servicethat has made The Soccer Fanatic the placeto be for the soccer community of Guelph,”adds Smit.Welcome the new owners to downtown at

the 49 Cork St E location. For more detailsvisit

New owners to popular downtown business



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Pictured left to right are Paul Smit, with the new owners of The Soccer Fanatic, Tonyda Silva and his son Ryan da Silva.

Saturday October 4

Intelligent Women Informed Now

9am to 3:30pmJoin local business professionals for an informative workshop.Retirement advisor and host Donna McCaw will discuss future proofing your

retirement. Get advice from senior fitness instructor and motivational speaker,Nancy Revie and local lawyer Robin-Lee Norris.Get tips from Realtor® Jan Husson; learn about financial peace of mind from

financial advisor Eleanor Ross; and discuss travel inspirations from independ-ent travel advisor, Barbara Fisk.

$50 includes lunch.The Village of Arbour Trails, 33 Bayberry Dr. Limited seating - pre-registerto Jan Husson at 519-821-6191 x 318 or email [email protected].


The Guelph CivicMuseum,GuelphArts Counciland the City of Guelph are pleased to open the callfor submissions for the fourth installment of the“Wall of Art” exhibition series.This exciting series aims to showcase the breadth

of local talent that we have here in Guelph as well

as provide artists with a unique opportunity toshare their work with a larger audience.Submissions for the fourth installment, entitled“Icons and the Iconic”, are open now and will closeon September 14 at 5pm*. Selected works will beshown fromOctober 3, 2014 to January 4, 2015 at

the Guelph CivicMuseum (52 Norfolk Street) withan opening reception onNovember 7 at theGuelph CivicMuseum.*Submission details available online at are visual symbols that stand for something

beyond their face value. To be iconic is to be recog-nizable, all-pervasive.We invite artists to explorethe theme of Icons and the Iconic and submit theirwork to this quarterly juried exhibition.Formore information, please contact KatieWilde

at [email protected] or call (519) 836-3280.

Guelph Arts Council, Guelph Civic Museum and the City Of Guelph seek submissions for “Icons and the Iconic”

Page 13: September Business Venture 2014

As more baby boomers retire in the comingyears, estate protection and preservation hasbecome a significant consideration in portfoliomanagement. The use of segregated funds isoften overlooked as part of the solution. Forindividuals who are looking for lower risk alter-natives these funds do offer portfolio balanceand stability.Unlike mutual funds, segregated funds pro-

vide capital guarantees and death benefit guar-antees-depending on the company and theproduct these funds provide a minimum ofseventy-five percent and up to one hundredpercent of the initial invested capital–certainlyan advantage in volatile equity markets. As well,reset features, which allow the investor to lockin gains, is available on a periodic basis andcould be a valuable portfolio saver. It is note-worthy to point out that utilization of the reset

feature will extend the contract maturity date.Segregated funds will also permit an investor

to name a preferred beneficiary and the policywill be protected from the creditors of the deadinvestors estate. Named beneficiaries receive theproceeds of the investment policy directly,bypassing the delays, legal costs and taxes of theprobate process. Another important feature liesin the fact that the investment provides creditorprotection-for those in business or one of theprofessions the protection from lawsuits orbankruptcy could provide significant peace ofmind.Critics of segregated fund use often cite the

marginally higher management expense ratiosas a reason not to utilize these funds. Onethough must consider his\her needs when itcomes to deciding whether or not to utilize theproduct. An older investor who may be nearing

retirement or who is retiredmay feel the elimination ofrisk and taking advantage ofthe aforementioned benefits isworth the extra price while a younger investorwith a long time horizon may not be concernedof the benefits. Essentially, any guarantee comeswith a cost but the excellent track record of sta-ble returns from Canadian insurance compa-nies may be a good investment and estate-plan-ning tool for one’s portfolio.Diversification is an important feature of any

portfolio. Talk to your investment advisor todetermine if segregated funds would be benefi-cial for you.

John M. Moran BA., EPC., ICIA. - Lyon Financial Services Inc. Contacthim at [email protected] or 519-766-0001.

September 2014 page 13 VENTURE GUELPH PUBLICATIONS LTD. Business Venture

Attention Businesses:Now Trading Gold and SilverBest Rates GuaranteedWe have:• The best rates on all trades ( guaranteed to beat

all bank rates)• The ability to save today’s rate for a future date(up to a year away)

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Segregated Funds–a good safety option by John Moran

Finance Business and Personal

Ontario AGRICentre100 Stone Road West, Suite 301, GuelphTelephone: 519.822.4680Fax: 519.822.1583Toll-Free:

We all know that potholes can do seriousdamage to our vehicle and sometimes evenput us right off the road.When a businessis growing rapidly there can be many “pot-holes” along the way that can seriouslyimpair the company’s ability to maintainthat growth and even stay in business longterm.In the April issue of Business Venture

I discussed how Cash Flow, People andProduct/Service Delivery can impair acompany’s growth. Here are two other crit-ical potholes I have witnessed along withsome suggestions to help steer clear ofthem.MarketingWhenever businesses get busy filling ordersand servicing clients it is possible that theytend to allow their leads pipeline to dry up.This creates a feast and famine situationwith respect to new customers. It may alsohappen that, without proper attention tothe Marketing programs, what worked toget you so busy to start with may stopworking, leaving you short of new clientsand flattening your growth curve.Establish a number of Marketing tools

that are consistently operating, each con-tributing 10-20% of the leads to yourpipeline. Combining this with a Test andMeasure system that monitors the effective-

ness of the tools will help prevent thisproblem.PlanningWhen owners and managers get busy deal-ing with all the short-term problems thatrapid growth can bring they may stoplooking at the medium to long-term goalsthat will keep the company going into thefuture.Without proper longer term visionand plans a company can start to drift andlose its way.Establishing planning rituals in a compa-

ny can ensure that the proper time andattention are paid to this important aspectof business management. Ensure that spe-cific dates and times are set aside formonthly quarterly, annual and three-yearplanning processes. Ensure that there is anaccountability process in place to track theprogress toward these goals.Driving your company in the directions

listed above to avoid these potholes shouldensure that the “wheels don’t fall off” whenyou experience strong growth. It will allowyou to go after more business with the con-fidence that you, your systems and yourpeople can handle the increased volumeand thrive.

Tony Roy,Certified Business Coach, ActionCOACH. He can be con-tacted at 519-729-0033 or [email protected]

(519) [email protected]

Contact us to beincluded in

Business VentureNext issue: October.

Potholes on the Growth Road by Tony Roy, a local non-profitsocial enterprise, will be merging its onlineshopping portal under the FunRaisers.cabanner in mid-October. Local non-profitorganizations are invited to attend a Lunch& Learn session on September 16 atInnovation Guelph at 12:15 p.m. to findout more about how can beof benefit to, with 30 non-profit

collaborators and close to 200 businesspartners, and funded by the OntarioTrillium Foundation, paused its operationslast winter. It has recently joined forceswith, a Kitchener-basedsocial venture that has a similar mandateof supporting local has developed a mobile

app platform, which is an engagement toolfor non-profits. It has been readily adoptedby the United Way of KW among othercharities in the Waterloo region and isquickly being embraced in the Guelph-Wellington area. The app also has ashopping feature, which offers deals on awide range of products and servic-es–generally a 30-40% discount off theretail cost of an item. During the sale

transaction, the purchaser immediatelydirects 10% of the sale price to a localcharity or non-profit of choice.To become involved as a business owner

or as a non-profit partner, or for furtherinformation, contact Joanne Grodzinski,Chair of [email protected], 519-837-7728or Dev Thakkar, CEO of, [email protected] 226-606-7040, orvisit

Media release merges with KW’

762 Woolwich St., Guelph519-822-1271

Celebrating 160 years

Guelph Municipal ElectionDebate Schedule

Rogers TV and the Guelph Chamber of Commerce areonce again partnering to provide the community cover-age and rebroadcast of the municipal candidates discus-sions for each ward in Guelph as well as mayoral candi-dates on the following days. Rebroadcast schedules willbe announced at,or by viewing RogersCable 20.

September 23Ward 1 6pm - 7 pm (60 min) 5 CandidatesWard 3 7:30pm - 9pm (90 min) 6 Candidates

October 2Ward 2 6pm - 7pm (60 min) 5 CandidatesWard 4 7:30pm - 9pm (90 min) 7 Candidates

October 3Ward 6 6pm - 7pm (60 min) 5 CandidatesWard 5 7:30pm - 9pm (90 min) 6 Candidates

Thursday October 9Mayoral Debate 6:00pm - 7:30pm

Lloyd Longfield, President and CAO of theGuelph Chamber of Commerce will moderatediscussions. The public is invited to attend andto provide questions to be brought forward astime permits. Cards will be circulated on theevening of each discussion and volunteers willbe on hand to distribute and collect cards.

For more information, contact Lloyd Longfield,Guelph Chamber of Commerce at 519-822-8081or [email protected].

Page 14: September Business Venture 2014

September 2014 page 14 VENTURE GUELPH PUBLICATIONS LTD. Business Venture

DensoManufacturing utilized the saveONenergy Retrofit Programincentives funded by the Ontario Power Authority and administeredby GuelphHydro to realize a rebate of $24,887.10 for updating theircompressed air system.Since 1999,DensoManufacturing (Denso) in Guelph has been

making heating, cooling and ventilation (HVAC) products for theNorth American automotive industry.More than 500 employeeswork out of their 30,000 square metre facility, which operates 24hours a day, seven days a week. Theymanufacture more than 4,000HVAC systems and close to 7,000 enginecoolingmodules a day, andrely on compressed air for process applications.Denso’s compressed air system consists of a bank of six rotary

screw compressors and a 9,690 litre dry air receiver which acts asstorage. The compressors operate independently tomaintain a95-pound per square inch (psi) compressed air supply to the plantand are triggered by overall pressure,meaningmore compressorswere operating than needed tomeet energy demand. Looking toreduce the energy used to produce compressed air by 30 per cent,Denso worked with GuelphHydro to identify the options availableto them.Review of the compressed air system layout revealed that by

installing a gate valve,Denso could reduce energy consumption byonly running the compressors needed tomaintain pressure, and aflow controller could be opened as needed to supplement or bal-

ance the pressure withmaximum efficiency. Installation of an addi-tional storage tank wouldminimize system pressure fluctuation andoffer additional efficiency.The systemwas installed over a weekend therefore occurring no

down time in the plant. Prior to the system being retrofitted, theelectricity cost to operate the compressors wasmore than $295,000annually.After installation, electricity costs were reduced to$192,000–a savings of $103,000 annually. The total project cost$44,048 and resulted in energy savings of 461,039 kilowatt hoursper year. In addition to the electricity savings,maintenance costswere reduced because the controller automatically cycles throughthe compressors to evenly share run time, reducing the amount ofmaintenance required.“The process was easy,” says CleoValiquette of Denso.“Our

contractor and GuelphHydro worked together to help facilitate theapplication process andmade it really easy for us to participate.We’re very pleased with the results.”Denso continues to work closely with GuelphHydro to look for

other potential projects that will be eligible for incentives.Since 2007,GuelphHydro Electric Systems Inc. has provided

more than $3.1million in Ontario Power Authority incentives forretrofit projects to businesses in Guelph.The RETROFIT PROGRAMOM, offered through local electricity

distribution companies like GuelphHydro and funded by the

Ontario Power Authority, provides businesses with substantialfinancial incentives for replacing existing equipment with high-efficiency equipment and for installing new control systems toimprove the efficiency of operational procedures and processes.Local businesses interested in conducting their own retrofit

project are encouraged to contact GuelphHydro for direction onhow to proceed. Formore information about the RETROFITPROGRAMOM, visitwww.guelphhydro.saveonenergy.caor contactMark Britton at GuelphHydro Electric Systems Inc. at519-822-1750 (ext. 2240) or via email at [email protected].

Funded by Ontario Power Authority and offered byGuelphHydro Electric Systems Inc.Subject to additional terms and conditions found Subject to change without notice.OMOfficial mark of the Ontario Power Authority.Used under licence.

Guelph Hydro provides Denso Manufacturing $24,887.10 in incentives for energy-saving retrofitsSubmitted by Guelph Hydro Electric Systems Inc.

Every year the Children’s Foundation brings theirgala guests to another part of the world and thisyear they are bringing LasVegas,Nevada to theDelta Guelph,Ontario.With a grand prize valued at $5000 which

includes twoWestJet tickets anywhere they fly(they go to Hawaii!), and a performance by awardwinning Elvis tribute artist SteveMichaels; thisevent is sure to be over the top!The evening will also boast a delicious four-

course meal including a cupcake sampler fromGuelph’s Decadently Yours.A live and silentauction will help the Foundation raise themuch-needed funds to support local children throughtheir programs.Tickets are $100 until September 18 and then

they will go up to $110.Each of the Gala’s Platinum sponsors have been

attending the event for several years: ContractExpress Ltd, Ceramic Décor and BurnhamInsurance & Financial Services Ltd.–The

Cooperators.Viva LasVegas!More details about TheAround theWorld with

the Children’s Foundation Gala can be found or 519-826-9551 x27.The Children’s Foundation of Guelph and

Wellington has four programs to supportlocal children:• Grants Program provides financial assistance for chil-dren so that they can participate in sports, cultural andrecreational activities.

• Adopt-A-Family Program ensures all children get thechance to create holidaymemories, even if their familyis in a challenging situation.

• Scholarships are awarded not on academic achieve-ment but rather on life achievement and goals in theface of difficult life situations.

• Food & Friends Program supports breakfast, lunchand snack programs for students in a supportive, non-judgemental environment where they feel cared forand safe. Food and Friends is a UnitedWay supportedprogram.

9th Annual Around the World with the Children’s Foundation

Gala is going to Vegas

Five years ago the City of Guelph EconomicDevelopment partnered with business to create a10-year economic development plan for Guelph,Prosperity 2020.A recap of the key elements ofProsperity 2020 appears below.1 Invest in Infrastructure In the past 5 years, Guelph hasseen development in new housing, buildings, roads,waste management, water, community energy, andemployment lands.

2 RepositionGuelph as aPremierBusiness InvestmentLocation The Guelph Chamber of Commerce (GCC) isworking with the City to review financial performance,improve approval process, focus on the common good,and become known as "business friendly”.

3 Focus Investment andGrowth inKey SectorsThanks toresearch by two students working with the GCC thissummer, we have collected information on over 3400businesses in Guelph to help to inform us on growth inthe business sectors that were identified as key in oureconomic development strategy: advancedmanufactur-ing, agri-innovation, information and communicationstechnology, professional/scientific/technical services, artsand culture.We have also divided Guelph into 8business zones to understand where businesses aregeographically.

4 Governance,Profile,andReach The Chamber has partici-pated in committee work at the City of Guelph, includ-

ing DowntownAdvisory,WasteManagement Review,Water Conservation, Council Remuneration,Community Energy, and Internal Operations Review.

5 Invest inDowntownThe GCC has supported planningreviews for theMarket Square/City Hall development, aswell as recent private residential development and plansfor St. George’s Square.

6 Invest inTourism Responding to Request for Proposal,the GCC has provided the City with ideas for managingtourism differently. These plans are currently underreview by a third party consultant.

7 Invest inPeople and Ideas In the last five years, the GCChas developed Innovation Guelph, introduced aWorkforce Development Committee and supported ini-tiatives by the University of Guelph, Conestoga College,and both School Boards.

The Guelph Chamber will be working with theCity of Guelph,University of Guelph, and otherpartners in Connect GuelphWellington to presentan Economic Summit on January 30, 2015.Thanks to our students, we are getting some greatdetails to inform this year's discussions.Keep up to date with the Guelph Chamber of

Commerce at

Lloyd Longfield, President and CAO, Guelph Chamberof Commerce

Prosperity 2020 progress in Guelph by Lloyd Longfield

Media release

Building prosperity is about maintaining abusiness ecosystem that supports the creationof new startups while actively growing existingcompanies. Over the past few years, significantinvestment on the part of the Federal andProvincial government and many privateorganizations has been focused on establishinga world-class entrepreneur culture in Canada,mainly focused on startups.Innovation Guelph (IG) is an active member

of a growing network of business supportorganizations dedicated to training new entre-preneurs and growing new companies. TheOntario Network of Entrepreneurs (ONE), towhich IG belongs, really is a world-class net-work of top notch business incubators andaccelerators that share resources and bestpractices to best serve companies in their earlystages of development.Regionally, IG belongs to a collaborative of

Regional Innovation Centres (RICs) thatincludes Haltech in Oakville, InnovationFactory in Hamilton, and Innovate Niagara inSt Catharines; we call ourselves theWest GTARICs. IG is also building links to VentureLabin Markham, LaunchIt in Minto, and thenewly established Henry BernickEntrepreneurship Center located on campusat Georgian College in Barrie. These links pro-vide channels for client referrals, joint eventsand workshops, and sharing of businessexpertise and mentors. Ultimately this collab-orative network can focus resources on thecompanies with the greatest potential for suc-cess and, by working together on events andtraining sessions, we can lower the costs ofdelivering services.However, as the local startup support

ecosystem flourishes, we cannot neglect theneeds of the small- and medium-sized compa-nies (SMEs) that are looking to grow too. Inmost places in Canada, 80% of companieshave fewer than 50 employees.We call thesesmall companies; medium-sized companiesare those with fewer than 500 employees.Collectively, SMEs account for as much as

95% of businesses in Canada. At IG, we’re par-

ticularly focused on assisting technology andmanufacturing SMEs. In Guelph, that meansautomotive, agritech, food and beverage,biotech, cleantech, energy, high tech (ICT),materials, and other manufacturing-basedbusinesses. In most cases, growth comes fromdeveloping existing or establishing new exportmarkets for products made here. However,challenges to growth can be quite varied andoften require customized support. In responseto these sorts of issues, IG has launched a newcomponent of our Speedway business adviso-ry and education program called Fast Lane™.IG’s Fast Lane™ targets the needs of SMEs

by providing customized assistance to tacklemajor growth hurdles. The top issues facinglocal SMEs are how to: recruit and train tal-ent/employees; access government programs;develop physical expansion plans; boost salesthrough online channels; source supplieslocally to drive down costs; develop new mar-kets, especially global; and implement processefficiency measures or lean manufacturingpractices. Often, business expansion alsorequires changes to internal processes aswell–what worked at $2M doesn’t at $5M.Other hurdles may arise from management orleadership issues. Some businesses need torefresh their brands or marketing plans tomeet the needs of a global market. IG’s FastLane™ can help with all of these challenges.Over the coming months, IG will be reach-

ing out to local SMEs who can benefit fromthe Fast Lane™ service. Companies acceptedinto the program will gain access to top tierindustry specialists and advisors that will helpthem identify and tackle their most pressingchallenges. For a limited time, companies cantake advantage of a mixture of free and paidservices under the Fast Lane™ suite of services.Visit to learn moreabout the program.

Jamie Doran, Chief Executive Officer, Innovation Guelph

IG’s Speedway just got a Fast Laneby Jamie Doran

Left to right: Kazi Marouf, Guelph Hydro; from DENSO Manufacturing CanadaInc. Rich VanOorschot, Cleo Valiquette, Michelle Dermody and Phil Evans; andGiorgio Boccalon, Guelph Hydro. (supplied photo)

Page 15: September Business Venture 2014

September 2014 page 15 VENTURE GUELPH PUBLICATIONS LTD. Business Venture

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Page 16: September Business Venture 2014

September 2014 page 16 VENTURE GUELPH PUBLICATIONS LTD. Business Venture

For many business owners, capitalcosts prove to be the primary barrierto investing and participating ina retrofit project. The RETROFITPROGRAM’S incentives tackle thisbarrier head on, making it possible foryou to install and benefit from newer,more energy-efficient technologies.

Participate and save

The RETROFIT program providessubstantial financial incentives forreplacing inefficient existing equipmentwith high efficiency equipment andfor installing new control systemsthat will improve the efficiency ofyour operational proceduresand processes.

Start saving sooner

Getting your project underway withoutdelay is our priority. We’ll work withyou to make a quick pre-approvalprocess so your project can moveahead as soon as possible.

Whether your project isPRESCRIPTIVE, ENGINEEREDor CUSTOM, you’ll find plenty ofavailable incentives.

Contact us today:Visit guelphhydro.saveonenergy.cafor more information, perspectivesfrom experts and clients, or toapply online.

Tel: 519-822-3017Fax: 519-822-0960Email: [email protected]

Lighting projects

The greater of either: $400/kW ofdemand savings or $0.05/kWh of firstyear electricity savings to a maximumof 50% of project costs.

Non-lighting projects,including lighting controls

The greater of either: $800/kW ofdemand savings or $0.10/kWh of firstyear electricity savings to a maximumof 50% of project costs.

Who is eligible?

Owners or tenants of commercial,institutional, industrial, agriculturaland multi-residential facilities,including social housing.

To take part, your project must be wortha minimum PRESCRIPTIVE incentiveof $100 to apply. For the ENGINEEREDor CUSTOM measures, your projectmust have an estimated demandreduction of 1kW and/or first-yearannual savings of 2,000 kWh. If you areunsure of your eligibility contact yourlocal electric utility.

Install Energy-Efficient Measures andReceive up to 50% of Your Project Costs


Program benefits include:• Decreased operating and

maintenance costs• Lowered energy

consumption and costs• Reduced payback periods

Incentives for:• Lighting and controls• Unitary air conditioning• Synch belt• Variable frequency drives• Agribusiness• Alternative energy measures• Motors• Pumps• Fans• Refrigeration, and more …

What incentives are available?• $400/kW for Lighting• $800/kW for Non-lighting

Subject to additional terms and conditions found at Subject to change without notice. Funded by the Ontario Power Authority and offered by Guelph Hydro Electric Systems Inc.A mark of the Province of Ontario protected under Canadian trademark law. Used under sublicence. OMOfficial Mark of the Ontario Power Authority. Used under licence.