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    setting up smart schools with IT-enabled classrooms and e-libraries, improving panchayat infrastructureunder schemes such as MNREGA and Backward Regions Grants Fund.
  • 8/9/2019 September 2014 to 5th October 2014


    Online Coaching for IAS PRE GS 2015

    What candidate will get:

    1. All the relevant and required materials of subjects mention in the GS syllabus like:

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    Maritime Challenges before India in the 21st Century

    The strategic analyst community in India, and also abroad, often complains of India being a sea-blind

    country despite its long coastline and a large number of islands. It is, in that sense, interlaced with our

    colonial past when, indeed, our maritime memory was erased by the Raj. During the British period, the

    Indian Ocean was reduced to a British Lake being controlled by the Royal Navy commander based in

    Singapore; this was accompanied by the destruction of Indian shipping industry, as well as the shipping

    sector itself, as a result of deliberate policy of discrimination by the then British rulers. It is of a piece of the

    tragic history of Indias colonisation.

    That is why the development of capabilities for addressing the maritime challenges for India is of a piece of

    Indias emergence as an important player in global affairs. And, it is part of the narrative of our freedom

    struggle when Indias maritime capabilities were projected as a vehicle for the spread of Indian civilisation

    and for the country to be known as the golden bird or soney ki chidiya. Let me just add that the ancient

    name of India is Jambudweep meaning the island of jamun (black berry) tree.

    Indian coastline is 7516.6 kms of which the mainland peninsular coastline is 5, 422.6 kms. It has 1,197

    island territories. Following Indias ratification of the UN Convention on the Law of the Sea (UN CLOS)

    and the adoption of appropriate domestic laws, an area of 2.013 million square kilometres of Exclusive

    Economic Zone in addition to 155,889 km of territorial waters are Indias area of exclusive use; following

    Indias submission before the UN Commission on the Limits of the Continental Shelf, a further addition of

    another approximately 1.2 million km makes the total sea area almost equal to our land area of 3.3 million


    India shares maritime border with more countries than on its land borders the Maldives, Sri Lanka,

    Myanmar, Indonesia, Thailand, Pakistan and Bangladesh; it has an unresolved maritime border dispute with

    Pakistan but, even, where borders are delimited there are frequent instances of illegal fishing due to lack of

    clarity about the precise alignment, arrest of fishermen, arms-smuggling, including terrorist infiltration,

    human-smuggling and drug-trafficking. India's Maritime Military Strategy, issued by the Indian Navy in

    2007, identified the Indian Ocean Region along with its chokepoints and its international shipping lanes

    which are located close to the peninsular coastline and pass through its island chains, as the primary area of

    interest and includes, amongst secondary areas, the southern Indian Ocean Region, the Red Sea, the South

    China Sea and the East Pacific Sea.

    Ministry of External affairs
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    The Indian Ocean littoral, an area of primary importance for Indian maritime agencies, hosts one third of the

    worlds population in about one quarter of the worlds landmass; it is rich in minerals reserves and for

    having 31% of the gas reserves and other oil reserves, precious minerals such as uranium, tin, gold and

    diamonds. Its littoral comprises countries with extreme diversities in economic circumstances and political

    stability including some becoming either failed or failing states or having failed regions within them; these

    factors have caused acute forms of terrorism, including the Jihadist variety, gun-running, human-trafficking,

    smuggling and other type of criminal activity. The IOR is the locus of 70% of the worlds natural disasters.

    An offshoot of globalisation, namely, the IT revolution and the empowering of the non-state actors,

    combined with weakened nation states, has created a situation in parts of the littoral which the security

    analysts describe as the phase of post-Westphalian Long War or of irregular or asymmetrical warfare

    which requires a different kind of military doctrine for conflict management. The weakened state and

    multilateral institutions, combined with the surge of the technology, have brought in new factors into global

    security dynamics, such as quality of governance, science and technology, especially IT and bio-technology

    and skewed economic growth leading to environmental unsustainability, competition for access to natural

    resources such as food, water and energy and the impact of their inter-linkages on the security dynamics.

    The end of the Cold War has also led to the weakening of the formal alliance systems and development of

    interest-driven cooperation amongst nations. The current phase is also witnessing the emergence of Asian

    powers, especially China, which is bringing in its own dynamics especially as it is considered by the West as

    not yet coopted into the global system.

    In the non-traditional security threats, characterising the 21st century, are endeavoured to be addressed by

    the Ministry of Earth Sciences, set up in 2006. It is responsible for development of technology for

    exploitation and exploration of marine resources, weather services, climate change and geo-hazards,

    including tsunamis and vulnerability mapping for the purpose; it underlines the need for improving the

    quality of services provided for each of these activities which require considerable international

    collaboration. Its further major scientific role is oceanographic studies where it has significant partnership

    with the International Oceanographic Commission.

    This gives the opportunity to India to be diplomatically active amongst the littoral countries. One approach,

    of course, is to strengthen the regional governance organisations like IORA (Indian Ocean Rim Association)

    and the IONS (Indian Ocean Naval Symposium). Besides, a proactive approach for perception management

    needs to be developed in the littoral through leveraging our national media, and IT-enabled outreach

    programmes such as the pan-African e-network project. The need to address the challenges of the growing

    influence of the states in foreign affairs necessitates the strengthening of the role of MEAs public
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    diplomacy division. Special capacity-building efforts are needed for our maritime agencies for handling the

    challenges of non-traditional threats to the region.

    The diplomatic environment in the 21st century is undergoing rapid change due to globalisation and other

    accompanying factors and the, consequent, rapid expansion in the number and the variety of international

    actors, empowered by ICT and the social media, extending much beyond the traditional NGOs to include the

    more amorphous civil society groups. There is the resurgence of the traditional geopolitical agenda as the

    nation states compete for power, resources and, even, territory. There is expansion of regulatory diplomatic

    agendas which have been expanded by the global financial crisis regulatory banking, for example - and the

    whole host of other issues which can be handled only through more effective multilateral governance: these

    agendas are an outcome of this phenomenon which is likely to endure into the future.

    In short, the efforts required for these challenges need to be based on the whole-of-the-government approach

    and somewhat different kind of institutional thinking an effort which institutions such as the Central

    University of Rajasthan are geared well enough to undertake.

    Source: (lecture by Ambassador (Retd) Yogendra Kumar at Central University of Rajasthan Ajmer)
  • 8/9/2019 September 2014 to 5th October 2014


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    Storage Status of 85 Important Reservoirs of the Country as on

    October 16, 2014

    The Water Storage available in 85 important reservoirs of the country as on October 16, 2014 was 116.246BCM which is 75% of total storage capacity of these reservoirs. This storage is 87% of the storage ofcorresponding period of last year and 99% of storage of average of last ten years. . The present storage

    position during current year is less than the storage position of last year and also less than the averagestorage of last ten years.

    Central Water Commission monitors live storage status of 85 important reservoirs of the country on weeklybasis. These reservoirs include 37 reservoirs having hydropower benefit with installed capacity of more than60 MW. The total storage capacity of these reservoirs is 155.046 BCM which is about 61% of the storagecapacity of 253.388 BCM which is estimated to have been created in the country.



    The northern region includes States of Himachal Pradesh, Punjab and Rajasthan. There are 6 reservoirs inthis region having total storage capacity of 18.01 BCM. The total storage available in these reservoirs is

    13.82BCM which is 77% of total storage capacity of these reservoirs. The storage during correspondingperiod of last year was 90% and average storage of last ten years during corresponding period was 78% ofstorage capacity of these reservoirs. Thus, storage during current year is less than the corresponding periodof last year and also less than the average storage of last ten years during the corresponding period.


    The Eastern region includes States of Jharkhand, Odisha, West Bengal and Tripura. There are 15 reservoirsin this region having total storage capacity of 18.83 BCM. The total storage available in these reservoirs is14.80 BCM which is 79% of total storage capacity of these reservoirs. The storage during corresponding

    period of last year was 88% and average storage of last ten years during corresponding period was 79% ofstorage capacity of these reservoirs. Thus, storage during current year is less than the corresponding periodof last year and equal to the average storage of last ten years during the corresponding period.


    The Western region includes States of Gujarat and Maharashtra. There are 22 reservoirs in this regionhaving total storage capacity of 24.54 BCM. The total storage available in these reservoirs is 18.86BCMwhich is 77% of total storage capacity of these reservoirs. The storage during corresponding period of lastyear was 89% and average storage of last ten years during corresponding period was 81% of storagecapacity of these reservoirs. Thus, storage during current year is less than the storage of last year and also

    less than the average storage of last ten years.

    Planning Commission of India
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    The Central region includes States of Uttar Pradesh, Uttarakhand, Madhya Pradesh and Chhattisgarh. Thereare 12 reservoirs in this region having total storage capacity of 42.30BCM. The total storage available in

    these reservoirs is 34.67 BCM which is 82% of total storage capacity of these reservoirs. The storage duringcorresponding period of last year was 89% and average storage of last ten years during corresponding periodwas 65% of storage capacity of these reservoirs. Thus, storage during current year is less than the storage oflast year but better than the average storage of last ten years.


    The Southern region includes States of Andhra Pradesh, Karnataka, Kerala and Tamil Nadu. There are 30reservoirs in this region having total storage capacity of 51.37 BCM. The total storage available in thesereservoirs is 34.09BCM which is 66% of total storage capacity of these reservoirs. The storage duringcorresponding period of last year was 79% and average storage of last ten years during corresponding periodwas 80% of storage capacity of these reservoirs. Thus, storage during current year is less than thecorresponding period of last year and also less than the average storage of last ten years during thecorresponding period. States having better storage than last year for corresponding period are Chhattisgarhand Tamil Nadu. States having equal storage than last year for corresponding period are Jharkhand andKarnataka. States having lesser storage than last year for corresponding period are Himachal Pradesh,Punjab, Rajasthan, Odisha,West Bengal, Tripura, Gujarat, Maharashtra, Uttar Pradesh, Uttarakhand,Madhya Pradesh, Andhra Pradesh and Kerala.

    (Source: Press Information Bureau Government of India Ministry of Water Resources)
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    Justice Handyala Lakshminarayana Swamy Dattu as the new CJI

    Hours after being sworn in as the 42nd Chief Justice of India at the Durbar Hall of RashtrapatiBhavan, Justice Handyala Lakshminarayana swamy Dattu pledged to be a common mans judge onthe Bench.

    The 63-year-old Chief Justice was sworn in by President Pranab Mukherjee. He will serve for 14months and retire on December 2, 2015.

    Asked about the changes in the Supreme Court over the years, the CJI said the workload had

    increased tremendously and many sensitive cases were being filed now. Justice Dattu is presidingover the Bench monitoring the 2G spectrum scam.

    187th Gunners Day celebrated: 28 Sep 2014

    28th September is being celebrated as Gunners Day. It has a special significance in the annals of thehistory of the Regiment of Artillery as the first Indian Artillery Unit, 5 (Bombay) Mountain Batteryequipped with 2.5 inch RML Gun, was raised on this momentous day in 1827. The Regimentcelebrates the occasion every year as Gunners Day.

    Artillery was first used in India in the 14th Century by the Bahmani Kings during the Deccan Waragainst Vijaynagar Kingdom. A force multiplier throughout the Mughal Period, and later during thereign of the Marathas, Hyder Ali, Tipu Sultan and the Sikhs under Maharaja Ranjit Singh, artilleryhas eternally been an arm to reckon with.

    The Regiment proved its mettle also during the operations of 1947-48, 1962, 1965, 1971 and 1999.After the Kargil conflict, Artillery has acquired further prominence and with its vast array ofweapons, it is acknowledged as an significant Arm of Decision.

    Special sitting to hear bail plea of Jayalalithaa

    The Karnataka High Court decided to hear the bail application of AIADMK general secretaryJayalalithaa, When the matter was first taken up by a vacation bench in the forenoon, G. BhavaniSingh, the Special Public Prosecutor in the trial court, told Justice Rathnakala that as there was noofficial communication that he had been appointed prosecutor in the appeal too, it would not be

    proper for him to represent the State.

    The judge said as representation on the prosecution side was necessary; the matter could wait for theappointment of a prosecutor.

    She then adjourned the application to, even as Ms. Jayalalithaas lawyers submitted that a

    prosecutors presence was not necessary as the trial court sentence was less than 10 years. The judge

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    interplanetary missions. He led a study team whose 2011 report laid out how India could send probesto the Red Planet.

    For future missions, ISRO will have to turn to the Geosynchronous Satellite Launch Vehicle (GSLV)

    and GSLV Mark III that can lift much heavier spacecraft than the PSLV. The former, equipped withan indigenous cryogenic stage, had its first successful flight only in January this year. Anexperimental launch of the Mark III, with a non-functional cryogenic upper stage, is to take placeshortly. (The rockets operational cryogenic engine and stage are still under development.
  • 8/9/2019 September 2014 to 5th October 2014


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  • 8/9/2019 September 2014 to 5th October 2014


    Civil Services is the dream of many students. No wonder, there is a great competition for this examination,given the prestige and power linked to the profile of a civil servant. However, a large majority of students

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    How to Read A Newspaper for IAS Exam

    Two more attempts in UPSC Exams: all boon and no bane!!

    How to Study? The Ultimate Dilemma

    Preparing for Civil Services without Coaching

    IAS Preparation for Rural/Remote Areas Students

    Why do Online Test Series?

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    Whale shark found washed ashore at Panambur

    A 10-ft-long whale shark was found washed ashore at the Panambur beach. The whale shark, amongthe largest fish species in the world, is commonly found in deep seas around the LakshadweepIslands, and it, probably, is the first incident of a whale shark found washed ashore at Panambur.

    An average whale shark is around 30 feet in length and weighs around 9,000 kg.

    Preterm birth kills most children under 5 years in India

    Of the 6.3 million deaths in children under the age of five years, nearly 52 per cent of deaths during2000-2013 occurred during the neonatal period (0-27 days after birth). Preterm birth complications,

    pneumonia and intrapartum-related complications have been found to be the three main causes ofdeath in children globally.

    According to Li Liu from the Institute of International Programs and the first author of the paper,there will be 4.4 million deaths in children younger than five years even in 2030 if the present trendcontinues.

    In 2013, India, Nigeria, Pakistan, the Democratic Republic of Congo and China together accounted

    for half of deaths in the world in children aged under five years, and 52.5 per cent of all neonataldeaths. In the case of India and Pakistan, the three leading causes were preterm birth complications,pneumonia and intrapartum-related complications.

    Measles will be the Target after eliminating polio

    An ambitious drive to eliminate or control a host of diseases, including measles, which affects lakhsof people and leave many killed every year will be launched, Health Minister Harsh Vardhan said.

    Dr. Vardhan said the government was already working towards eliminating measles by 2015 and

    Rubella, also known as German measles, and Kala-azar or black fever by 2015.

    It also aims to eliminate parasitic disease Filaria by 2015 and Leprosy at district level by 2017.

    We got rid of Smallpox in 1977 and Polio in 2014. There is no reason why we cannot finish others,he said during a press conference.

    Dr. Vardhan said the government has called a meeting of health secretaries from across the countryon October 9 in this regard, following which a nationwide programme will be launched regardingelimination of such diseases and others.

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    The researchers carried out genome sequences on 92 Monarch butterflies from around the worldincluding non-migratory ones as well as on nine butterflies from closely related species. To study thegenetic basis for migration, they compared the genetic blueprint of migratory Monarchs to those thatdo not migrate.
  • 8/9/2019 September 2014 to 5th October 2014


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    Yogeshwar Dutt wins gold in Asian games

    Yogeshwar Dutt ended Indias 28-year-old wait for a wrestling gold medal in the Asian Games byemerging champion in the mens freestyle 65kg category at the Dowon Gymnasium in Incheon.

    The Indian, an Olympic bronze medallist, put on a stupendous show in winning 3-0 againstZalimkhan Yusupov of Tajikistan in the title clash.

    Mary Kom gets gold

    M.C. Mary Kom, popularly known as "Magnificent Mary" won the first ever boxing gold for India at

    the 17th Asian Games in Incheon on October 1, 2014. The five-time World Champion has punched

    her way to earn 13 yellow metals so far in her illustrious career.

    Boxer Sarita has offered unconditional apology for her emotional

    outburst: AIBA

    Facing the prospect of a ban, Indian boxer L. Sarita Devi offered an unconditional apology forrefusing to accept her bronze medal during the Asian Games presentation ceremony, the

    International Boxing Association (AIBA) has said.

    The Head of the Indian Mission at the Incheon Asian Games 2014 Mr Adille J Sumariwalla hasforwarded to the President of the International Boxing Association Dr Ching-Kuo Wu, a letter ofapology of Woman boxer Sarita Laishram Devi (57-60kg) who had refused to receive the bronzemedal at the Award Ceremony for the 17th Asian Games, the AIBA said in a statement.

    Mrs Devi expressed an unconditional apology for her emotional outburst at the ceremony,writing that I regret and apologise. Such an incident will never reoccur in the future, it added.

    A disconsolate Sarita had refused to accept her bronze medal during the medal ceremony to protesther controversial semifinal loss to South Korean Jina Park. Sarita (60kg) had lost the bout despitedominating the proceedings.

    Men's hockey team regain gold, India jump to ninth place

    The Indian men's hockey team regained the gold medal after a gap of 16 years while the women's4x400m relay team also picked up gold as India added four medals to jump to the ninth position inthe overall standings in the 17th Asian Games in Incheon.

    The men's hockey players hogged the spotlight with the thrilling victory over arch-rivals Pakistan toensure a berth in the 2016 Rio Olympics.

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    It turned out to be a mixed day for Indian volleyball teams as the men's team defeated Thailand 3-1in the 5th-8th place classification match after the women suffered a 0-3 reverse to Hong Kong tofinish 8th in the competition.

    Indian men, women retain kabaddi gold medals at Asiad

    For a change, the Indian mens kabaddi team encountered things they hadnt in 14 years at the AsianGames. They had won gold in the last six editions since the sport made its debut in Beijing in 1990.But in the mens final, Iran had little respect for the sports kings.

    The Indian men had to sweat and slog for a 27-25 victory for the gold a little after its womendefeated Iran 31-21 to finish with a happy double which took it to the eighth spot in the medals table.

    Suddenly, Jasvir Singh, one of Indias top raiders, looked mediocre. The fitter and stronger Iranians

    exposed him, trapping him twice. And, with Ajay Thakur also caught, India appeared set to lose itshold over the event.

    India finishes on 8thposition in Asiad

    India ended its 17th Asian Games campaign at the eighth spot on the medals tally, a drop of twopositions from the previous edition of the mega-event which drew to a close here.

    India signed off with 57 medals -- 11 gold, 10 silver and 36 bronze. The tally dipped considerablycompared to the 2010 edition in Guangzhou, China.

    In 2010, the country had ended sixth with 65 medals -- 14 gold, 17 silver and 34 bronze.

    As expected China ended their campaign on top claiming 342 medals. The Chinese contingentwalked away with 151 gold, 108 silver and 83 bronze medals.

    Hosts South Korea finished a distant second with 234 medals -- 79 gold, 71 silver and 77 bronze.They were followed by the Japanese, who notched up 200 medals, including 47 gold, 76 silver and77 bronze.

    Sharapova wins China Open Maria Sharapova outlasted Petra Kvitova 6-4, 2-6, 6-3 to win the China Open and return to No. 2 in

    the rankings.

    The fourth-seeded Sharapova won her fourth title of the year and first since capturing her fifth GrandSlam title at the French Open in June.

    With the win, shell jump over Simona Halep and Kvitova to the No. 2 spot in the rankings, behindSerena Williams. Just five months ago, the Russian was one defeat away from dropping out of thetop 10 for the first time since 2011.
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    Kvitova, the reigning Wimbledon champion, fell short of earning her second title in as many weeks.She beat Eugenie Bouchard to win the Wuhan Open.
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    Ashraf Ghani

    Ashraf Ghani Ahmadzai has been sworn in as Afghanistans new President, replacing Hamid Karzaiin the countrys first democratic transfer of power since the 2001 U.S-led invasion toppled theTaliban.

    He became President of Afghanistan in a peaceful transition after a six-month election season thatended with marathon negotiations that gave the newly created position of chief executive to hischallenger Abdullah Abdullah.

    Afghanistan has now experienced its first-ever peaceful power transition in its history as outgoingPresident Hamid Karzai transfers power to the new President Ashraf Ghani Ahmadzai.

    Mr. Karzai had been Afghanistans only leader since 2001.

    Oprah Winfrey and Harry Belafonte

    Oprah Winfrey and performer-activist Harry Belafonte were among those honoured at HarvardUniversity at its annual celebration of African American culture.

    The universitys Hutchins Center for African and African American Research presented its annualW.E.B. Du Bois Medals to eight people at the ceremony. Other recipients included British architectDavid Adjaye, civil rights hero U.S. Rep John Lewis; 12 Years a Slave director Steve McQueen,Greys Anatomy and Scandal creator Shonda Rhimes, and movie producer Harvey Weinstein.

    The medal has been awarded since 2000 and is Harvards highest honour in the field of African andAfrican American Studies. Ms. Winfrey also accepted a posthumous award for author and poet MayaAngelou, whom she has called a mentor.

    Martin Perl

    Martin Perl, a Nobel Prize-winning physicist from Stanford University who discovered a subatomicparticle known as the tau lepton, has died at age 87.

    The university said the retired professor, one of two American scientists who shared the Nobel Prizefor physics in 1995, died at Stanford Hospital.

    At the time Perl discovered the tau lepton, many physicists doubted the particle that would turn outto be a heavyweight cousin of the electron existed. He eventually proved them wrong using a newkind of accelerator in which electrons and positrons course in opposite directions and collide.

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    Issues of surrogacy

    With a range of alternative medical solutions to childlessness becoming available, surrogacy has emerged asone route for many couples. While some countries have banned the practice, commercial gestationalsurrogacy, in which a woman is paid to have a baby to whom she has no genetic link, has caught on incountries such as Mexico and India. After the first surrogate delivery in India in June 1994, India hassteadily emerged as an international destination. Relatively inexpensive medical facilities, know-how inreproductive technology, and the availability of women, largely from poor socio-economic situations andwho are willing to take up the task, have aided the growth. Today there are thousands of clinics in India thatoffer such services. From what was generally confined to close relatives or friends in altruistic mode, the

    network has become extended, with payment of money to surrogate mothers becoming the norm. Servicesare even being advertised. Such commercialisation of motherhood has raised ethical, philosophical, andsocial questions and raised fears of the exploitation of women as baby-producers, and the possibility ofselective breeding. In several instances, complications have arisen regarding the interests and rights of thesurrogate mother, child, and intending parents. Yet, there are no clear legal provisions in place yet. TheIndian Council of Medical Research in 2005 issued guidelines for the accreditation, supervision andregulation of surrogacy clinics, but those remain on paper. An expert committee drafted the AssistedReproductive Technologies (Regulation) Bill, 2010.

    The Union government is now set to table in Parliament the Assisted Reproductive Technologies(Regulation) Bill 2013. Letting single parents and foreign nationals to have children through surrogates in

    India is one issue in focus. The question relating to the citizenship of children born through an Indiansurrogate and claimed by a foreign couple is one outstanding issue. Unscrupulous or mismanaged agenciescould wreak havoc with lives. Many surrogacy agencies claim they are offering a legitimate service but intruth they operate in a grey area. The absence of appropriate legal provisions to ensure that surrogatemothers, who often enter into loosely drafted agreements with commissioning parents, do not becomevulnerable is a serious issue. Right now, the surrogate mother could find herself with a child she did not planfor, should the clients change their mind. On the other hand, the big worry of the intending parents would bethat the baby may not be handed over to them. A comprehensive regulatory framework and binding legal

    provisions could bring order to the field, but the larger moral quest ion whether human reproduction shouldbe commercialised would still remain.

    (Courtesy: The Hindu)

    MGNREGA much exploited, will go ahead with tweak: Govt

    Amidst opposition in several quarters to its plan to tweak the rural job scheme, NDA government assertedthat it would go ahead with MGNREGA reforms as it charged that the flagship programme of the previousUPA regime was allowed to be exploited for purely partisan purposes.

    The tendencies of acquiring easy money and using government funds for political party promotion could becurbed only when a spirited team of genuine and unbiased individuals is asked to look into the question of

    reforming MNREGA, the government said.

    Selected Editorials of Importance
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    Citing various studies and excerpts of CAG reports on MGNREGA, it added, What is urgently required is athorough review of the scheme by independent organisations and individuals, essentially those who so farhave never been involved with MoRD (Ministry of Rural Development) schemes.

    A note prepared by the Nitin Gadkari-led MoRD said, Unless an extremely likely network of interests isnot broken, the real picture will not emerge.

    Excerpts of CAG reports and critical studies, including those done during the UPA regime and presented ata conference called by the government, are an eye opener. These reports rarely find mention in MoRDdocuments.

    These reports are testimony to the fact that the scheme was allowed to be exploited for purely partisanpurposes in states like Andhra Pradesh, it said.

    The governments reiteration of its stand comes two days after several leading economists urged Prime

    Minister Narendra Modi to not dilute the provisions of the rural employment guarantee programme, whichprovides economic security to millions of poor.

    However, the ministry said it was necessary for the scheme to be converted into a popular movement aimedat zero-unemployment in villages.

    HamaraGaon-HamaraRojgar!HamaraVikas!, or similar slogans may inspire villagers to use the schemeto evolve a collective vision for their village and, in the process, eradicate unemployment completely.Unless this spirit is successfully inculcated, the scheme will continue to be yet another government

    programme where money is doled out. Since anyway it is easy money, all participating agencies andindividuals consider nothing wrong in seeking personal benefits out of the same, the ministry said.

    The government said in spite of clear evidence of rampant corruption at various places, the schemecontinues to be presented as a successful scheme.

    This perhaps is due to a solid network of vested interests involving political party functionaries,government officials, NGOs, research institutes and experts desirous of milking the scheme to theiradvantage, it said.

    Stating that the scheme has earned quite a bad name, the note said that under it there was lack ofgenuinely demand-driven implementation mechanism (and) non-transparent functional structure.

    Also, it noted, there was absolute lack of collectively thought-out development projects leading to completedelink between requirements of the village and the activities carried out under the scheme.

    The ministry said that being part of a right-based framework, the scheme could also be effectively linkedwith skill development.

    (Courtesy: The Indian express)
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    Respite on inflation

    The fall in consumer price index inflation to 6.46 per cent in September is significant for more reasons thanone. First, it is the lowest inflation number since the start of the new CPI series from January 2012. Second,this is the fourth successive month when CPI inflation has ruled below 8 per cent, which is the Reserve Bankof Indias target for January 2015. The latest drop, from 7.73 per cent in August, is indeed rather sharp andtakes the inflation rate closer to the RBIs 6 per cent target for January 2016. Third, the decline has taken

    place notwithstanding a somewhat deficient south-west monsoon and poorly distributed rainfall, bothspatially as well as temporally. This probably suggests that the fall we are seeing is real. The fact thatinflation based on the wholesale price index has dipped to 2.38 per cent in September a 59-month low is only further confirmation of what appears a clear trend.

    It is another matter, however, whether the RBI believes that inflationary pressures have receded enough tojustify interest rate cuts. The central bank may well take the position that the current decline is not structural,

    but flows out of the base effect of higher inflation during this time last year. But there is one thing the RBImust take into account: global crude prices, which have touched about $85 a barrel (Indian basket) from theover $105 levels three months back. This, along with a stable rupee, has enabled oil marketing companies toreduce retail petrol prices and possibly repeat the same for diesel in the coming days. The impact of this intempering the publics inflationary expectations is not small. The RBI also cannot be oblivious to adeveloping global bear market in most agri-commodities, which again provides reasonable insulation fromrenewed inflationary pressures back home.

    It is an opportune time for the Centre and the RBI to engage in a dialogue on a monetary policy framework

    that balances inflation control with growth promotion objectives. Ideally, it is the Centre that should specify

    an inflation target for the RBI; at the same time, the latter should have the full freedom to set interest rates or

    employ other monetary measures to achieve the same. Now, it is the RBI that decides on both the inflation

    target as well as policy rates without really factoring in growth concerns. We have clearly reached a point

    where industrial growth at 0.4 per cent should worry our policymakers more than retail inflation at below

    6.5 per cent, and possibly heading lower. The Centre must use the opportunity from falling world crude

    prices to rationalise fuel subsidies and show its seriousness about fiscal consolidation. This, by itself, should

    give the RBI sufficient reason to show greater monetary accommodation.

    (Courtesy: Business line)
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