Download - September 2014 -- The Chalice from St. Francis' Episcopal Church - Eureka, MO


Holy Eucharist

Sunday service is at 10 a.m. at

616 Stockell Drive, Eureka, MO.

Office: 210 S. Central Avenue, Eureka,

MO 63025

Phone: 636-938-3733



The Rev. Sally S. Weaver

Phone Numbers:

Cell: 314-651-3836

Home: 636-938-7773

Bishop’s Committee: Jim Bowlin,

Sr. Warden, Jim Eckhardt, Jr. Warden;

Bob Champlin; Judy Cody; Jack

Lauless; Jackie Selle; Dan Card; Sue

Schmidt; Joe O’Reilly; Sylvia Ahmad

Suzanne Jones, Treasurer

Convention Delegates: Michael

Booker; Kathleen McDonald

Alternate: Kyra Jordan

Annual Meeting

An Annual Meeting is held each year at

the end of January at which new

Bishop’s Committee and Convention

Delegates are elected.

St. Francis’ Episcopal Church is a mis-

sion of the Episcopal Diocese of


The Chalice is the newsletter of St.

Francis’ Episcopal Church, Eureka, and

is published at least 10 times per year.

Submissions for The Chalice are

due approximately the 20th of each

month and may be

e-mailed to the Office at

[email protected].

The Chalice

St. Francis’ Episcopal Church

Eureka MO

Pastor’s Corner The commandments…are summed up in

this word, “Love your neighbor as your-

self. – Romans 13:9 (from the reading

for September 7, 2014)

Sunday, September 14 is our 2nd year for “Test

Drive Sunday.” As you’re aware, we’ve been going door-

to-door on Saturdays, inviting our neighbors in the

Mirasol and Ashton Woods subdivisions to check St.

Francis’ out, to take us for a test drive. Test Drive

Sunday provides a celebratory occasion for coming to

kick the tires and see what we offer.

What does St. Francis’ offer that’s so special? If I

had to answer that in one word, I’d say “community.”

Together, as a community, we worship – praying, singing,

and praising God. We work together on behalf of others

– in tutoring school children, in feeding hungry people

through the Eureka food pantry and the Trinity hot lunch

program, in providing shoes for children returning to

school…that list goes on and on. We enjoy one another’s

company -- in a men’s group, a women’s group, social

events for the whole parish, and blessedly, in the conver-

sations that are hard to interrupt when it’s time to start

worship on Sunday mornings. Together we ponder and

discuss God’s word and the issues facing us today – in

Bible studies, Adult Forums, and prayer groups.

Most of all, we hang in there with one another.

S e p t e m b e r 2 0 1 4

(continued on page 6)

The Chalice Page 2

Contacting Pastor Sally

If you call or e-mail Pastor Sally

and she doesn’t respond, please let her

know. The best number to call is her cell

phone: 314-651-3836. Remember that

there’s a middle initial, “S”, in her e-mail


The Vicar’s Calendar is


Pastor Sally’s calendar is on our website, Select

“Calendar,” then “Vicar’s Calendar.” It’s

the only calendar Pastor Sally uses, so it is

complete and up-to-date.

Table of Contents

Have we missed an

important date for you or

your family?

Jot a note and put in the

collection plate. We want

to help celebrate



Adult Forum Calendar 3

ASA Statistics 15

Birthdays & Anniversaries 9

Book Group 18

Calendar 22

Consider This 17

Contacting Pastor Sally 2

Crafternoon 13

Financial Update 19

Food Pantry Needs 9

Garden Committee — Help! 15

Kids’ Korner 7

Men’s Group 2

Pastor’s Corner 1

Prayer for St. Francis’ 19

Prayer List 10

Preparing for Sunday 10

Recipe of the Month 6

Shoeman Shoe Drive 12

Spiritual Offerings 10

St. Francis’ in Depth 19

Treasurer’s Commentary 18

Tutoring Ministry 12

Upcoming Events 4

Vicar’s Calendar 2

Watch Hummingbirds Pictures 8

Women’s Group 13

Worship Participants 21

The Chalice Page 3

Adult Forums are held on Sundays from 11:55 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. The complete

Adult Forum calendar is on our website at — select

“Christian Education/Formation”, “Adults”.

Adult Forums September & October

Sep 7 Our Tutoring Program

Sep 14 Test Drive Sunday -- games & potluck

Sep 21 Diocesan Youth Ministry

Sep 28 Creation as a Mark of Mission

Oct 5 Addressing Unjust Societal Structures as a Mark of


Oct 12 World Food Day: Service as a Mark of Mission

Oct 19 Archeology of the New Testament

Oct 26 New Believers as a Mark of Mission

Adult Forum Schedule

Helping Hands

at the Eastern Missouri Correctional Center

We have some unusual neighbors in the Eastern Missouri Correctional Center off of

Old Highway 66. Many of the offenders there wish to do some kind of community

service and the Restorative Justice programs provide opportunities for them to do

just that. The two main programs of Restorative Justice

here focus around sewing pillows and quilts for those

hospital and shelter programs that need these, and grow-

ing fresh produce for the Agape House. St. Francis’

parishioners have recently begun to increase their

engagement in the sewing ministry.

The head of the Restorative Justice Programs is Gloria

Link, who visited our Adult Forum this spring to ex-

plain the programs to us, explaining how we can help

these offenders who wish to start restoring to the

community what they might have taken away from

their home communities. Although she does not man-

age the other areas that might use volunteers she can

connect you with the people who do. If you are inter-

ested in this unique ministry, please call Gloria Link at


The Chalice Page 4

Upcoming Events Men’s Group Meeting – Tuesday, Sep 2

The Men’s Group meets on Tuesday, Sep 2 at 7 p.m. at Big Chief Roadhouse

in Wildwood. The address is 17352 Manchester Rd. All men of St. Francis’ and

their male friends are welcome.

Eureka Days is a 2-day community event with carnival rides, booths, a pa-

rade, food, and fireworks. St. Francis’ participates in the parade and with a booth.

We could use your help.

Our booth is open from 5-9 p.m. on Friday, Sep 5 and from 12:30-8:30 p.m.

on Saturday, Sep 6. Please sign up for a 2-hour shift on the sheet downstairs at the

Lodge. We apply temporary tattoos to children. It’s easy and fun. The booth is

covered from the sun and we’ll have a fan.

The parade is Saturday, Sep 6 beginning at 10 a.m. This year’s theme is “up,

up, and away.” Bob Champlin’s truck will be decorated and we’ll be marching in

front of it, giving out suckers – with a “Test Drive Sunday” flyer attached. Let Pas-

tor Sally or Annette Carr know if you plan on being in the parade. All are welcome.

Scarecrow Festival

The City of Eureka is having a “scarecrow festi-

val” during the month of October. Currently, 49 Eureka

organizations/businesses have agreed to display their

uniquely designed scarecrow the entire month of Octo-

ber as a civic activity.

Parishioner Paddy Wrob and Carly Champlin are

creating St. Francis’ scarecrow. Our scarecrow will be

displayed at the parish house at 210 S. Central Ave. The

scarecrows appear on Oct 1 and stay up all month.

For more information, visit

The Chalice Page 5

Float Trip Rescheduled – Sat., Sep 27

Inclement weather caused the float trip scheduled for Aug 16 to be canceled.

The float has been rescheduled for Sat., Sep 27. We’ll meet at 12:30 p.m. at the

commuter lot on 4th St. at Highway 109 (across from the QT and near the entrance to

I-44 from Highway 109).

We’ll be floating a section of the Meramec River near St. Clair. Canoes, kay-

aks, and multi-person rafts are available. After the float we’ll share a meal in the

outdoor pavilion. Pulled pork will be provided; a $5 donation is suggested to cover

the cost of the meat. You’ll want to bring a dish to share and a camp chair to sit on.

George Vits is the organizer and will put a sign-up sheet downstairs at the

Lodge with more details about costs. It’s a pretty float and a fun day you won’t

want to miss.

Vicar on Vacation

Pastor Sally was scheduled to be in Jerusalem for a course from Sep 20

through Oct 8. Because the situation in Israel is so uncertain, and because several of

the sites normally visited during the class are inaccessible, Pastor Sally has post-

poned this trip until Sep 8 of 2015.

Instead of being in Jerusalem in class, Pastor Sally will be on vacation in

Idaho. However, she’ll only be gone 1 Sunday instead of the 3 planned with the Je-

rusalem trip. Tony and Sally will leave on Monday, Sep 22 and return Friday, Oct 3.

The Rev. Dr. Warren Crews will celebrate and preach on Sunday, Sep 28 and will be

available for emergency pastoral care in Pastor Sally’s absence.

CERT Training Offered

The Eureka Police Dept. is offering CERT (Community Emergency Response

Team) training. CERT is made up of volunteers that would help organize the com-

munity response if a disaster strikes.

Attendance at the following sessions is required: Mondays from 7-10 p.m. on

September 15, 22, 29, and October 6; and Sat., October 11 from 8 a.m. to 5 p.m.

Training occurs at the Eureka Fire District Training Center, 18765 Old Hwy 66.

Paddy Wrob is assembling a group to take the training, so talk to her if you'd

like to participate. Or you can register yourself by calling 636-938-6600.

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Recipe of the Month

Submitted by Sylvia Ahmad


250 g couscous 1 teaspoon ground cumin

1 teaspoon smoked paprika sea salt

freshly ground black pepper 1 medium red onion, peeled

1 medium cucumber 2 ripe tomatoes

1 fresh red chili 1 bunch of fresh mint, leaves picked

1 bunch of fresh coriander, leaves picked

1 bunch of fresh flat-leaf parsley 1 tablespoon tomato purée

2 tablespoons extra virgin olive oil 1 unwaxed lemon, zest and juice


Place the couscous, cumin, paprika and a big pinch of salt into a bowl. Stir to com-

bine, then pour just enough boiling water to cover the couscous. Cover the bowl and

leave for about 10 minutes.

Meanwhile, finely chop the onion, cucumber, tomatoes and chili (I leave the seeds

in, but deseed if you prefer). Finely chop the mint

and coriander leaves, and the parsley (including the


Mix the couscous up with a fork, then stir in the to-

mato purée until well coated (I do this with my

hands – it's messy, but quite therapeutic!). Add all

the chopped vegetables, chili and herbs and mix

well. Stir in the oil and the lemon zest and juice,

then season to how you like it.

Like any group of people who spend time together, occasionally feelings get

hurt and communication breaks down. But being a community of Christ means

talking to, listening to, and forgiving one another. It means accepting each other’s

gifts and limitations. It means being there for one another during times of joy and

times of sorrow. It means loving our neighbors – that is, our fellow parishioners and

everyone who walks through the doors – as ourselves.

Please consider inviting people you know to Test Drive Sunday on Sep 14 to

experience community at St. Francis’. There will be meaningful worship, great

food, games for children, and a cakewalk for everyone. And, as always at St.

Francis’, there’s sure to be lots of talking and laughing. Thanks be to God!

-- Pastor Sally†

(continued from “Pastor’s Corner” on page 1)

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KIDS’ KORNER Our Children’s Views on God and the Gospel

If you found Jesus on a beach in Florida, what would happen?

The government would claim him.

Our government is weird. Britain’s is


What year was Jesus born?


What did we study today?

Another story where God’s kingdom is related to plants.

We don’t need medication. We have Jesus. And the American


The Chalice Page 8

School Shoes Thanks

The Youth Group created the poster with tags that enabled St. Francis’ to pro-

vide 15 Eureka/Pacific children with new shoes before the start of school. Thank

you, teens and parishioners.

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September Birthdays

Hugh Hollister Sept 4

Jonathan Booker Sept 4

Alex Broom-Morse Sept 14

Tony Weaver Sept 21

Ann Doerr Sept 22

Cory Lawson Sept 27

Michael Weaver Sept 27

Judy Cody Sept 29

Bob Hosutt Sept 29



Anne & Michael Booker Sept 4

Bob & Della Hosutt Sept 9

John & Sue Schmidt Sept 11

Debbie Pizzella & Dan Merideth

Sept 13

Eureka Food

Pantry Needs

It's back-to-school time and the

Food Pantry will have a lot of

calls for pack-a-lunch

items.......please consider:

peanut butter, jelly/jam, single

serve fruit cups, single serve

pudding cups, protein or granola


You get the idea..thank you for

caring and helping.

Please keep this in mind in regard

to donations to the Food Pantry

wagon. For some families to fill

in these meals there is a greater

demand on items supplied

monthly for our local families

who are in need.

Remember the Food Pantry when

you are shopping! Combine two

ministries in one swoop! Use

your Schnucks E-Scrip Card

while shopping for the Food


The Chalice Page 10

“Preparing for Sunday”

The homepage of our website,, now contains the

icon shown here. Click-

ing on this icon brings up

the Bible readings for the

upcoming Sunday. Not

only can you read the

Scriptures appointed,

there’s a brief explana-

tion of each passage.

This is a good and easy way to prepare for

what you’ll hear at Sunday morning worship.

St. Francis’ Spiritual Offerings

during the Week

Mondays from 5:30-6:15 p.m. at the par-

ish house (210 S. Central) we gather for

prayer. We pray for the people of St. Fran-

cis’, those who haven’t joined us yet, those

on our prayer list, the needs of our commu-

nity, and the world. We close each session

at 6:05-6:15 p.m. with New Zealand Night


Thursdays at 7 p.m. and Fridays at 10

a.m. at the Parish House (210 S. Central)

we study the Bible readings appointed for

the upcoming Sunday.

Please join us for these meetings whenever

you can, whether weekly or once in a while.

All are welcome.

Tom & John Sons of Paddy Wrob

John Father of Kathleen McDonald

Laura parishioner

Elaina parishioner

Nathan Grandson of George Vits

Lisa Daughter of George Vits

Heather Judy Cody’s daughter

Tim Brother of Kathleen O’Reilly

Kurt Stepson of Bob Champlin

Judy Debbie Pizzella’s sister

Margie Neighbor of Sylvia Ahmad

Thurman Father of Jerry Smith

Lynn Father of Cheryl Foster

Lou Ann Wife of Dan Card

Horst Brother of Brigitte Jung

Tanya Daughter of Brigitte Jung

Bob Rich Mayfield’s friend

Terry Paddy & George’s friend

Jackson Sue Schmidt’s nephew

Roberta Carly Champlin’s sisster

Wilma Ex-wife of Roger Shaw

The Sager


Kyra Jordan’s friends

Scott & Lisa Michael Booker’s co-workers

Mike Joe && Donna Bernert’s


Prayer List

October Calendar &

Worship Schedule

The deadline for the October newsletter, cal-

endar & worship schedule is September 25.

Items not received by that date may not

make the publication. If you have items for

any of these publications, please send or e-

mail to Barbi Click in the parish office

([email protected]).

The Chalice Page 11

The Women’s Group at Gina Nessel’s home.

Spiritual Retreat—October 25

Mark your calendars! On Saturday, October 25 from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m.: Kristie

Lenzen will lead us in a spiritual retreat at Riverwoods in Washington, MO.

More details will follow.

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Shoeman Shoe Drive: Success by the Numbers

The final counts are in: The Shoeman drive through St. Francis’ Church in

2014 was many, many times more successful than the fabulously

successful Shoeman drive at St. Francis’ in 2013. Last year, with

a single collection point, St. Francis’ collected more than 140

pairs of shoes, most of them from our own closets. This year,

opening the drive so that parishioners could take collection boxes

to sites around Eureka, we had six collection sites. The 750 pairs of shoes collected

required four trips in John Schmidt’s truck to Shoeman’s Fenton headquarters.

These shoes will ‘walk’ many more miles until they’re sold for very low sums

to world neighbors who need them. The funds from the shoe sales are used for

sustainable water wells. Thanks to Shoeman for this valuable ministry in the world,

and thanks to the Men’s Group for involving our parish, especially the project

honcho, John Schmidt.

Tutoring @ St. Francis, September 3rd

School starts really early in the St. Louis area and it’s time for the St. Francis’

tutors to help shore up our young learners.

This special ministry, created and organized

by the Selle family, is now in its fourth year.

We’ve grown, we’ve succeeded with our

students and are ready to do it all again,

hopefully with more kids and more tutors.

On Sunday, September 7th, Jackie

Selle will lead adult forum on the topic of

this important ministry. Come to learn more about what we are doing, what plans

may soon be in action if we are given a diocesan grant, and how you can support the

program whether you are a teacher or not!

The Chalice Page 13

Women’s Group Meets September 2nd

The Women’s Group will meet for conversation and a cool drink on Tuesday eve-

ning, September 2nd at the home of Brigitte Jung. Here are the details:

Where: 3865 Timberstone Trail, 63069 (off of Highway F. Near Lakewood

Hills. On the way to Laura’s house.) Use GPS or call.

NOTE: Limited parking. Carpool if possible.

When: 6:00 p.m.

Why: This is a regularly meeting group, but this is our first since we started

having two services. Do come and visit all the ladies of the parish.

Bring a friend if you’d like.

Say good-bye to Sylvia as she goes on her annual grandbaby trip to

Australia. She’ll miss the October and November meetings.

It’s Crafternoon Time Again!

If you like to be productive, to keep your hands busy

while you talk, St. Francis’ has the place for you. Come try

us out!

The Crafters meet at the Parish House most Wednes-

days from 12:30 until ready to go home about 2:30 or 3:00.

Sometimes there’s a project in common to work on, but of-

ten the crafters just bring portable crafts, drink coffee and

chat. What we provide for one another is a listening ear, a

good laugh, and advice from experienced needlewomen. If

you are a somewhat reluctant crafter, come on along. You never know where you’ll

find something you like to do. All are welcome! Neither registration nor commit-

ment is required.

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The Chalice Page 15

Treasurer’s Commentary July 2014

Financial statements were given or mailed out during the last two weeks of July. No

major concerns are reflected in this month’s treasurer’s report.

Respectfully submitted,


Suzanne Jones, Treasurer

Worship Attendance Statistics

2013 2014

8 Pentecost 52 55

9 Pentecost 59 58

10 Pentecost 52 56

11 Pentecost 62 58

Please Help! The Garden Committee is on Vacation!

Can you give an hour or two in September or October to help with our part of

the YMCA community garden? All summer long, John Schmidt, Brigitte Jung and

Sylvia Ahamad have helped out as needed, building the garden, tending it, and har-

vesting crops and taking them to food pantries. Now with international vacation

schedules, Judy Cody and I are left alone; of the two of us, Judy’s the only really

competent one!

If you could donate a couple of hours to help in Sep-

tember and October, we could really use your help. This

would be a good way to show support for the ministry without

having to commit to the whole season. Oh! We just planted

beets and spinach, ready for harvest next month. You’ll get some first fruits…..

Please email me with the days and times that usually work well for you. I can

share the to-do list we receive from the Master Gardeners and I can meet you there

to show you the ropes. Thanks for helping with this fun, profitable ministry. Kath-

leen McDonald [email protected]

The Chalice Page 16

St. Francis’ In-Depth

If you would like more details about St. Francis’ finances, the Bishop’s Committee

meetings, and the Vicar’s activities, please see the bulletin board in the lower level

of the Lodge. There you will find two month’s worth of:

Bishop’s Committee meeting minutes

Monthly financial reports

Treasurer’s commentary

Vicar’s activity reports

Financial Update — JULY 2014

July 2014

Budgeted for


YTD 2014


YTD 2014


Total Income $ 7,899 $ 10,801 $ 88,046 $ 75,607

Total Expenses 10,149 11,857 75,614 77,263

Difference $ (2,250) $ (1,056) $ 12,433 $ (1,656 )

Prayer for St. Francis’

We pray for the witness, renewal, and growth of our parish family. Living

God, infuse us with your love. Enable us to proclaim the good news of Jesus

Christ to all whom we meet through our actions, our thoughts, our

words. Make St. Francis' Church a place of invitation and welcome, a safe

harbor and a beacon of the light of Christ. Amen.

Checking Account—Rockwood Bank $ 28,433.62

Balance in Diocesan Investment Trust 12,279.92

Custodial account held by the Diocese 32,444.24

Vicar’s Discretionary Account 862.23

Total $ 74,020.01

If you have further questions, talk to the Vicar. Pastor Sally values input and

is happy to have a conversation at any time about St. Francis’.

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(Continued on page 18)

Consider This…

We Episcopalians, like many other People of the Book, look to scripture

as one way of understanding who God is and who God wants us to be.

Our Bible is full of references to Creation and stewardship; in fact the

whole first book of Genesis is about God’s creation of the world and

God’s wish for all of God’s creation to live harmoniously. The scrip-

tures, particularly the Psalms, are full of beautiful poetry praising God for the glories

of creation. My personal favorite is Psalm 104. Here’s how it begins:

Psalm 104:1-6 Bless the LORD, O my soul. O LORD my God, you are

very great. You are clothed with honor and majesty, wrapped in light

as with a garment. You stretch out the heavens like a tent, you set the

beams of your chambers on the waters, you make the clouds your

chariot, you ride on the wings of the wind, you make the winds your

messengers, fire and flame your ministers. You set the earth on its

foundations, so that it shall never be shaken. You cover it with the deep

as with a garment; the waters stood above the mountains.

But starting early in the Book of Genesis, we learn that human beings can and do

live without concern for harmony. Right off the bat, Adam and Eve are ejected from

paradise, and then one of their sons kills the other. This is not living in harmony

with God and other humans, never mind living in harmony with all creation!

In addition to sharing poetic praise for God’s creation and reminding us of all that is

beautiful and good and inspiring about creation the Scriptures serve as a reminder

that there are consequences for the many times over history when people have not

lived in harmony with the rest of nature. This passage is from the prophet Isaiah and

sounds very much like a punishment for all people for their transgressions against

God. To us, today, it serves as a reminder of what will happen if we are not more

careful, more aware of our responsibility to serve and guard the Earth.

Isaiah 24:3-6 The earth shall be utterly laid waste and utterly de-

spoiled; for the LORD has spoken this word. The earth dries up and

withers, the world languishes and withers; the heavens languish to-

gether with the earth. The earth lies polluted under its inhabitants; for

they have transgressed laws, violated the statutes, broken the

everlasting covenant. Therefore a curse devours the earth, and its

inhabitants suffer for their guilt; therefore the inhabitants of the earth

dwindled, and few people are left.

As the people of St. Francis’ Church, we have a special gift in living as close to na-

ture as we do. We delight in seeing deer, foxes, herons, hawks, turtles, and those

teeny tiny toads who are on my porch right now. We can ride for miles in the spring

The Chalice Page 18

(continued from page 17)

looking at redbuds, dogwoods, forsythia and other flowering trees. In them we are

reminded of the intensely, insanely beautiful complexities of creation. But we also,

because Creation is so close to us and it feeds us every day (literally, with our toma-

toes!) have a special responsibility to remember that creation needs to be cared for.

It does make a difference when we buy with less packaging, it does make a differ-

ence when we recycle, it does make a difference when we inform ourselves as com-

pletely as possible on ecological issues before they come up to a vote.

If you’d like ongoing inspiration for this work, why not begin with Scripture? If you

Google “Bible verses about nature” you’ll have quite a supply. God has blessed us

greatly. Let us return the gift to God, not badly scarred and used-up.

Kathleen McDonald

September Book Group:

The Memory Keeper’s Daughter

The book choice for St. Francis’ September meeting is a very touching one and

promises great discussion points about loss, family, and the spreading consequences

of decisions. Come and bring a reader friend!

Thursday, September 11th, 6:30 – 8:00 p.m.

At the Parish House

Book available from or from St. Louis County Library

Synopsis from Publisher’s Weekly Edwards's debut novel hinges on the birth of

fraternal twins, a healthy boy and a girl with Down syndrome, resulting in the

father's disavowal of his newborn daughter. A snowstorm immobilizes Lexington,

Ky., in 1964, and when young Norah Henry goes into labor,

her husband, Dr. David Henry, must deliver their babies

himself, aided only by a nurse. Seeing his daughter's

handicap, he instructs the nurse, Caroline Gill, to take her to

a home and later tells Norah, who was drugged during labor

that their son Paul's twin died at birth. Instead of institution-

alizing Phoebe, Caroline absconds with her to Pittsburgh.

David's deception becomes the defining moment of the main

characters' lives, and Phoebe's absence corrodes her birth

family's core over the course of the next 25 years. David's

undetected lie warps his marriage; he grapples with guilt;

Norah mourns her lost child; and Paul not only deals with his

parents' icy relationship but with his own yearnings for his

sister as well. Copyright © Reed Business Information, a division of Reed Elsevier

Inc. All rights reserved.

The Chalice Page 19

Acolytes and Crucifers at St. Francis’

Each Sunday in our church, our worship service begins and ends with the

cross of Christ, in shining brass, mounted on a tall pole. That cross also leads the

shorter procession when the priest follows the cross out into the congregation before

reading the Gospel.

The person who carries the cross is called the Crucifer.

In our parish, the Crucifer is vested in a white alb and remains

at the altar with the priest to serve as Acolyte. The Acolyte as-

sists the priest with preparation for and cleanup from Holy


The ministry of Crucifer/Acolyte is meant for teens and

adults, since the cross is tall and rather heavy. Our parish also

encourages children to participate in this ministry with our

children’s cross. Any child old enough to walk the procession

independently and to carry this light cross is welcome to vol-

unteer on a Sunday. Some training is required, but both Rich

Mayfield and Pastor Sally would be happy to walk a new aco-

lyte through the service.

If you are interested in learning more about being a Crucifer/Acolyte or per-

haps giving it a try, please see Pastor Sally or Rich Mayfield. If your child would

like to try carrying the childrens’ cross please see Aundrea Bach or Pastor Sally.

Hot Dog! September 20

Judy Cody’s fun-filled hot dog roast and karaoke fest is

Saturday, September 20 at 6 p.m.

Bring a dish to share!

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The Chalice Page 21


Ministry SEP 7 SEP 14 SEP 21 SEP 28

Sexton Jim Eckhardt Rich Mayfield Jim Eckhardt Rich May-


Lectors Bob Smith



Michael Booker

Tim Booker

Joe O’Reilly

Sue Schmidt

Barb Sacco

Kevin Selle

Intercessors Bob Smith



Michael Booker



Sue Schmidt

Joe O’Reilly

Barb Sacco

Kevin Selle

Chalice Kevin Selle



Barb Sacco Michael


Acolyte Kathleen


Kevin Selle Rich Mayfield Elaina


Torchbearers Annette Carr

Roger Shaw

Carly Champlin

Bob Champlin

Elaina Hoffner

Laura Hoffner



Jack Lauless

Altar Guild Setup-Linda










Cleanup -

Sue Schmidt




Jerry Smith

Usher Rich Mayfield Michael Booker John Schmidt Jim Eckhardt

Tellers Bob Champlin

Bob Smith

Rich Mayfield

Bob Champlin

Suzanne Jones

Jim Eckhardt





The Chalice Page 22

September 2014 @ St. Francis’

Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat







6 pm Women’s

Group, Brigitte

Jung’s home

7 pm Men’s

Group @ Big



6:30 pm

Tutoring @



7 pm Bible



10 am Bible


7 pm Eureka



9 am




8 am HE

10:15 am HE

11:55 am

Adult Forum

12:45 BC



5:30 prayer


6:30 pm Wor-

ship & Music


9 10

12:45 pm


6:30 pm

Tutoring @



6:30 pm

Book Group


10 am Bible



9 am




8 am HE

10:15 am HE

11:30 am

Test Drive



5:30 prayer



6 pm Commu-

nication &



12:45 pm


6:30 pm Tutor-

ing @ Lodge

7 pm Youth at

Pastor Sally’s


7 pm Bible



10 am Bible



6 pm Hot

Dogs @ J




8 am HE

10:15 am HE

11:55 am

Adult Forum


5:30 prayer


23 24

12:45 pm


6:30 pm Tutor-

ing @ Lodge

7 pm K Selle




7 pm Bible



10 am Bible



12:30 pm


River Float



8 am HE

10:15 am HE

11:55 am

Adult Forum


5:30 prayer


30 AA, Al-Anon and Overeaters

Anonymous meet at the par-

ish house on Tuesday, Thurs-

day, Saturday and Sunday.

All worship services will be at

the Masonic Lodge. And all

other events will be at the

parish house unless otherwise
