Download - September 2013 Family Connection Newsletter

  • 7/30/2019 September 2013 Family Connection Newsletter


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    CenterFleet & Family Support

    OmbudsmanAppreciation 43 Years o

    Standing Watch over our Families


    eptember is Child Saety Month

    aby-Proofng Your Home

    eady and Resilient Navy FamiliesWebinar Series

    re You Prepared?

    mployment and Transition Corner

    The Navy Family Ombudsman Program has been in place or 43 years and is a strong compone

    o amily readiness. During the month o September, the Navy community will take time to

    recognize the contributions o our command ombudsmen.

    Ombudsmen represent both the command and the amilies; they perorm a service which is

    oten very challenging. These volunteers help during all phases o deployment, disasters and

    crises. They are also there to assist with general questions and challenges acing Navy amilies.

    They serve because they are passionate and want to make a dierence.

    In spite o increasing challenges, ombudsmen continue to volunteer their time with a smile and

    a heartelt interest in command amilies. Their ability to move orward in the ace o adversity is

    one o the extraordinary characteristics exhibited by ombudsmen.

    Take comort in the act that your command ombudsmen understand the challenges you ace

    on a daily basis, because they too, are Navy Family members. Please take this opportunity to

    recognize and thank your command ombudsmen or all they do or you and your amily.

    View the 2013 Ombudsman Appreciation Events in your area.

    Impact o Deployment on Young ChildrenAt a time when the U.S. military has the highest number o parents among its active-duty servi

    members and is engaged in the longest sustained military conict in its history in Iraq and

    Aghanistan, new research is showing that the strain on military amilies is being elt acutely by

    even its youngest members, children under the age o 6. Young children can exhibit the same

    anxiety, depression, stress and aggression that some older children and adults experience ater

    living with multiple deployments, long separations and oten tense and awkward reunions wit

    Do what you can to show you caabout other people, and you will mour world a better place.

    Rosalynn Ca

    (Continued on next pag

    Familyc o n n e c t i o n

    S E P T E M B E R 2 0 1 3

    mily Connection is a publication o the Fleet

    d Family Support Program.

    e Navy's Fleet and Family Support Program

    omotes the sel-reliance and resilience o

    ilors and their amilies. We provide inormation

    at can help you meet the unique challenges o

    e military liestyle.

    e appearance o external links in this newsletter

    es not constitute ofcial endorsement on behal

    the U.S. Navy or Department o Deense.

    you have questions or comments, contact

    mothy McGough at [email protected] .

    Visit us online at:!/Fleet_Family
  • 7/30/2019 September 2013 Family Connection Newsletter


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    Your children

    may still have

    some big


    ahead o

    them. It is

    normal or kidsto take three months or more to

    to a new home. Spend time listen

    explaining and reassuring and th

    adjustment will go more smooth

    your entire amily.

    New Spouse Orientation

    is now available on-demand.

    It provides inormation on bene

    support services, military culture

    resources tohelp new Navy

    Spouses adapt

    to the military


    parents returning rom war, particularly when the parent has been physically or mentally


    A new report released by Child Trends, a nonprot research center, ound that while

    children are resilient, war can take a steep and potentially long-lasting toll during their

    critical early years, when the brain is growing rapidly and children are developing a

    sense o trust in the world. The report, Home Front Alert: The Risks Facing Young

    Children in Military Families, surveys scientic literature over the past decade and

    notes that stress levels or military amilies are unprecedented. Nearly one in ve service

    members returning rom Iraq or Aghanistan reports acute stress, depression or anxiety,

    including high numbers diagnosed with post-traumatic stress disorder or traumatic

    brain injury.

    When a parent is depressed or anxious, the researchers say, stress acts like a contagion

    and spreads throughout the amily. Inants can become listless, cranky, unable to sleep

    or unwilling to eat. Toddlers can be alternately clingy or withdrawn. They may be sullen

    or explode with unexpected tantrums. Preschoolers may eel guilty and responsible or

    a death or or amily discord. They may regress, begin wetting the bed or be unable to

    sleep alone.

    Many resources are available to assist amilies. Contact the Clinical Counseling Sta

    at your local Fleet and Family Support Center, Military Treatment Facility or Military

    OneSource or assistance.

    September is Child Saety MonthMany o us rely on electronic and video gaming or various reasons to entertain us,

    to minimize boredom or to relieve stress. Video gaming is a billion-dollar industry that

    targets young adults. Consequently, many young parents have made electronic and

    video gaming one o their avorite pastime activities. Researchers who have studied this

    phenomenon reported that electronic and video gaming can have both a negative

    and positive impact on the gamer and on others. For instance, research conducted

    by the Ofce o Naval Research suggests that there are some video games that can

    help adults process inormation much aster and improve their undamental abilities

    to reason and solve problems. However, many young parents and childcare providers

    are responsible or inants and toddlers but preoccupied with electronic and videogaming; they are putting their children at risk. Child atality studies indicate that many

    parents are increasingly being distracted by requent electronic and video gaming

    activities. According to Dr. Barbara Craig, CAPT, MC, USN (Ret.), Founder and Director

    or the Armed Forces Center or Child Protection and the Department o Deenses

    leading orensic pediatrician, too many parents are compromising their child saety due

    Impact o Deployment

    (continued rom page 1)

    (Continued on next page)

    S E P T E M B E R 2 0 1
  • 7/30/2019 September 2013 Family Connection Newsletter


    to their electronic and video gaming

    obsession. There have been numerous

    child deaths reportedly caused by young

    parents or other childcare providers who

    were ocusing on playing a video game

    when they should have been tending

    to the needs o a child. Autopsy reports

    conrmed that these types o incidents

    involved children who were suocated,

    beaten or malnourished. As with most

    lie activities, we must be take every

    precaution to minimize the risk and

    saety hazards.

    Below are several indicators that

    parents and childcare providers shouldbecome amiliar with to determine i

    they or someone they know is in need

    o support to help them prevent child

    abuse and child neglect:

    N Cannot stop playing

    N Poor school and work


    N Lying about how much they play

    N Decreased attention to hygiene

    N Decreased attention to amily

    and riends

    N Decreased sleep

    N Withdrawal symptoms

    N Irritability i someone prevents

    them rom playing

    N Negative outcomes in personal


    N Intense guilt or intense pleasure in


    N Spending too much money on


    To learn more about how you can keep

    children sae contact your local New

    Parent Support Home Visitation Program

    go to

    Baby-Proofng Your HomeWhen you have a baby, whether it is your rst or th, nothing is more important tha

    ensuring his or her saety. A home can be lled with many potential baby hazards, bthere are a ew easy saety precautions you can take to baby-proo your home:

    N Lock your window latches or window guards to prevent children rom alling

    out o upper oor windows.

    N Ensure window coverings are sae; corded window coverings and blinds can

    a strangulation hazard. TheWindow Covering Saety Council oers ree repair

    kits to make corded window coverings saer.

    N Install cabinet and drawer latches to prevent children rom getting into

    hazardous chemicals.

    N Stay up-to-date on saety recalls or all home products.

    N Find additional important home saety inormation


    I your home does not meet your saety needs, contact the Navy Housing Service

    Center (HSC) or assistance. You can nd Navy HSC contact inormation online at

    Navy Fleet and Family Readiness has

    developed a series owebinars



    to help Navy

    amilies adjust

    to the challenges

    o deployment.

    These 60-minute webinars will provide

    Sailors and amily members with the

    knowledge, resources and tools to

    promote and enhance amily resilience.The September webinar will take place on

    September 19 at 1 P.M. Eastern Time and

    will ocus on suicide prevention. Empower

    yoursel with the knowledge to ACTso

    that a Sailor, riend or amily member in

    distress receives the help needed to stay


    To enter and attend the webinar, Sailors

    and amily members should ollow the

    instructions below:

    1. Open Internet Explorer on your

    computer. Click on the ollowing link:


    2. Type your name in the box next to th

    Enter as a Guest label.

    3. Click the Enter button. The classroo

    will open in a new screen window. Th

    is a pop-up window, so you may hav

    to disable that security setting or this


    Ready and Resilient Navy FamiliesWebinar Series

    Child Saety Month(continued rom page 2)

    S E P T E M B E R 2 0 1
  • 7/30/2019 September 2013 Family Connection Newsletter


    Employmentand Transition CorneVeteran Pledge Initiative frothe Small Business Associatio

    The Small Business Administration (SBA

    announced the SBA Veteran Pledge

    Initiative, a commitment by its top lend

    to collectively increase lending activity


    by ve


    per year

    or the

    next ve

    years! SBA expects to assist an additiona2,000 veterans with support rom some

    their top 20 national lending partners, a

    approximately 100 additional regional a

    community lending partners across the

    United States. The loans will help vetera

    start or expand small businesses. The

    increase in lending looks to be about $4

    million over the next ve years. To read

    on the Veteran Pledge Initiative visit the

    webpage. To learn more about addition

    opportunities or veterans available throthe SBA visit

    Returning Warrior Workshops (RWW)

    Returning Warrior Workshop Schedule and IA Family Events

    Click Links and Resources.

    IA Discussion Group Schedule

    View the Fleet-wide list o classes, support

    groups and events.

    U.S. Navy IndividualAugmenteesLike us on Facebook.

    S E P T E M B E R 2 0 1

    Are You Prepared?I a catastrophic disaster were to occur today, would you be prepared?

    Would you have an emergency kit ready or use? I you and your amily were

    separated, would you know what to do? September is National Preparedness

    Month and it is the perect time to evaluate i you and your amily are prepared or

    an emergency or disaster.

    Be informed. Find out what disasters are most likely to happen in your area and

    the history o their occurrence. Local emergency management ofces can help

    you identiy the potential hazards, provide an outline o the local plans, and make

    recommendations or you and your amily. You should also become amiliar with

    the location o emergency acilities.

    Have a plan. Talk with your amily about dierent disasters and what actions

    to take or each o them. Find out the various evacuation routes and establish a

    designated meeting place. Discuss how you will communicate with each other i

    you are separated and designate one or two out-o-state contacts who you can

    check in with and make contact cards with important phone numbers or each

    amily member to carry. Practice your plans and ensure that your children know

    what they are supposed to do.

    Have an emergency kit. This is a collection o basic items you may need in the

    event o a disaster. Having emergency kits or your home and vehicle will permit

    you to evacuate more quickly and or ensure that you and your amily can meet

    your basic needs until help arrives. Review the inormation available on www. and to nd out what supplies you should have in

    your kit.

    The time and eort you and your amily invest in planning will make a dierence

    in your ability to handle any potential emergency situation or disaster and will help

    each o you to stay sae.

    Download the Navy Family Accountability and Assessment System (NFAAS)

    App. This app is a great resource or emergency preparedness inormation and

    can connect you directly to NFAAS. Download it today or your iPhone or Droid.

    Search or NFAAS or scan the appropriate QR code below.

    Droid iPhone
  • 7/30/2019 September 2013 Family Connection Newsletter


    To contact your ombudsman go to

    of standing watchover our families