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Pick up your free copy of “Seasons of Minnesota” Magazine at:

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Seasons of MinnesotaSept/Oct 2009 Page 5

T his is the 12th issue of Seasons of Minnesota, whichmeans it has been two full years of publishing thismagazine for you. With all of the wonderful comments

I keep hearing, I know it’s something that is appreciated inour community. Thank you for your support!

As always, this edition is loaded with useful information,in a wide variety of topics. Because school is starting soon,Officer Marilee Dorn has written a detailed article aboutback-to-school safety. It is geared toward everyone in thecommunity, not just those with school-aged children. Pleasebe safe and watch out for our kids!

It is also the start of apple season in our area, and weare lucky to have several orchards nearby. Pick up somefresh, local apples for a delicious, healthy snack...and try theapple crisp recipe, too. It’s one of my favorite desserts.

There were lots of great events this summer, so thereare several pages of photos this time. I hope you enjoythem—look for yourself or someone you know!

On a more serious note, we have experienced somevery serious medical issues with our cat recently. We wereheartbroken to learn he has the Feline Leukemia Virus, andby the time we found out, he was so sick that he nearly died.I have been researching it for myself, and I decided to writean article on it to inform others. Every cat owner needs to beaware of this and make sure to test and vaccinate for it.

Have a nice autumn...and thank you again for yoursupport of the magazine!

PP uu bb ll ii ss hh ee rr ’’ ss NN oo tt ee


“Seasons of Minnesota” is a proud member of:

6 Photo GalleriesKandiyohi County FairWillmar FestsStudio HopThe 4th of July in Spicer

14 Public SafetyBack-to-School Safety


18 Local GardeningMum’s the Word for Fall Gardens

20 Faith & ValuesWhat is Meditation?

22 Pet SavvySilent Heartbreak: Feline Leukemia

24 Local FlavorAn Apple a Day for Delicious Health BenefitsRecipe: Easy Apple Crisp

28 It Seems to Me...Let’s Be Friends

30 Puzzle: Word SearchFair Foods

Seasonsof Minnesota

Publisher & EditorSheila Quinn

Contributing EditorLaurie McCabe

AdvertisingSheila Quinn320.444.3272

Graphic DesignLeandro Rodrigues

DistributionMaxine Sweeter

ContributorsDennis BensonMarilee DornJoanne SuchyKari SummerletPastor Mari ThorkelsonSara Van Offelen

Seasons of MinnesotaPO Box 1707

Willmar, MN 56201Phone: 320.444.3272E-mail: publisher@


To advertise, please call:Sheila Quinn, Publisher


On the cover:Faye Kobilansky,

Faye K Real Estate, LLC

contents September/October 2009

Seasons of Minnesota is published bi-monthly by Quinn Graphics and Publishing, Inc. of Willmar, MN.No part of this publication may be reproduced, in any form, without prior written permission from the publisherand original author. Contributors maintain copyright ownership for all articles, photos, artwork, and othersubmissions. Opinions expressed by the authors are not necessarily those of the publisher.

Seasons of Minnesota Sept/Oct 2009Page 4

It’s our Second Anniversary!

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It was another successful year for the Kandiyohi Fair. Popular featues included the many 4-H exhibits,demolition derby, musical entertainment, bull riding, animal shows, and more. In an informal poll,the most loved fair foods were milkshakes, pork chops, mini donuts, lemonade, and cheese curds.

Photos by Sheila Quinn

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The Willmar Fests Celebration offers funfor the whole family. From the downtownblock party and parade to TaeKwon Do andfood demonstrations, it is a great place forthe community to come together. See younext year at Willmar Fests!

Photos by Dennis Benson

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Studio Hop is a popular yearly event, where local artists are able toshowcase their work for the public. All types of art is included, fromdrawing and painting to photography, jewelry making, and pottery.

Photos by Dennis Benson

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Spicer is one of the most popular destinations in Minnesota for the yearly Fourth of Julycelebration. There is a huge parade, fireworks, craft fair, and many other fun events. Manyfamilies gather to picnic and spend the entire day in town.

“The ultimate measure of a man is not where he stands in moments of comfortand convenience, but where he stands at times of challenge and controversy.”

- Martin Luther King, Jr.

Photos by Sheila Quinn

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GG oing back to school in the fall doesn’tjust affect kids and their families.Everyone must be aware of what

can be done to protect schoolchildren in ourcommunity. Children rely on adults in their livesto protect them, and you can make a difference.

If there is a bus stop in your neighbor-hood, become familiar with how many studentsare there each day and at what times. Takenotice if there are adults or older teens whoapproach them offering rides, taking pictures,or watching the stop and approaching aschildren return home. Notify victims’ parents,

law enforcement, or school and transportationofficials if you see physical confrontations,excessive teasing, and other bullying goingon at the stop area.

Give any children in your life a chance totalk about their back-to-school experiences. Knowwhen to give advice, but do more listeningthan talking. Some conversation-starters:

• Are there any dogs living on the routeyou walk to school? Do you know what to doif an aggressive dog comes toward you?

• How serious is bullying in your class/bus/group of friends? What can you do ifsomeone is being teased or hurt? Who canyou talk to if bullying happens to you?

• Have you ever noticed that most bullyinghappens when there are no adults around?

• How do you tell the difference betweenteasing (or flirting) and bullying (or sexualharassment)?

• Can you explain your school’s cyber-bullying policy?

• Who would you tell if you heard or sawthat someone brought a weapon to school?

• What are some good ways to showrespect for your bus driver/teacher/classmates?

• Does your bus driver have any specialrules for you to follow?

• Tell me what you would do if someoneoffers you a ride and your parents have notapproved you riding with them that day.

• How might you use later in life whatyou learned in math class today? What’s themost fascinating thing you have learned inscience this year? I see it as your “job” rightnow to take school seriously and learn as muchas you can. What do you think?

Traffic safety at back-to-school time isobviously impacted by school transportation.Be prepared for delays due to busses andparents driving students to school, particularlyif your commute takes you near a school.Allow extra time. You may want to scheduleyour travels to avoid peak student transporta-tion hours.

• You do not want to hit a bus or astudent: of school bus-involved fatal crashes,72 percent of the people killed were in vehiclesother than the bus, 20 percent of bus-involvedfatalities are students outside the bus, withtwo-thirds hit by the bus and one-third hit bya passing vehicle.

• Never go past a bus that is displayingred flashing lights and has the “Stop” armextended. If the bus’s amber flashing lightsare lit and the bus is slowing, be prepared forit to stop. You must stop and wait until the redlights are off and the “Stop” arm is retracted.This applies whether you are meeting or aregoing the same direction as the bus. If studentsare outside the bus when you pass, you risk

a $3,000 fine and up to one year in jail—andthat’s if you don’t hit anyone.

• Look around corners before turning.Not only do many local bus stop “arm” vio-lations happen after a car turns the corner, sodo a lot of pedestrian crashes. You need to lookfor pedestrians and school crossing guards beforeyou turn.

• Whether in a driveway or parking lot,check before and while you back your vehicle.All vehicles have blind spots that can hidestudents.

• When driving students to school, followyour school’s drop-off procedures for safety.Never have your child get out of the car andcross a street mid-block. Be sure kids areproperly restrained until you park. Childrenunder 4’9” tall should be buckled in boosterseats or other approved child restraints. Vehiclemanufacturers and safety experts recommendthat all children under 13 years old ride in theback seat.

• After school dismissal time, be alert forstudents on bikes and on foot. They’ve beenin class all day and probably aren’t thinkingabout traffic safety!

• Many high school students are sleep-deprived—and driving! Be alert and ready toreact when other drivers make mistakes.

>> These back-to-school concerns coincidewith autumn’s traffic hazards:

° Slippery, wet leaves on the road;° More frequent morning fog;° The first frosts, then the first snow;° Changes in sunrise and sunset times and

sun angles. Be sure to drive with your low-beamheadlights turned on when the sun is low. ‹‹

For The Greater Commmunity

SS aa ff ee tt yy PP uu bb ll ii cc By Marilee DornWillmar Police Department

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and markets her listings ina creative, professionalmanner. In speaking withseveral of her past clientsall were impressed withher service and wouldhighly recommend her to others for eitherbuying or a selling a home. Regularly voicedcomments were: “The best Realtor out there,”“Always honest and upfront,” “Innovative,”and “Easy to talk to.”

June Gifford, one of Faye’s satisfied clients,said, “We found out about her from others whotold us about her exceptional service. She ishonest and easy to deal with, and she alwayskept us well informed.”

“When someone is looking for a home,”says Faye, “I’m there to help them find whatthey really want. I listen to their needs anddesires and find homes that suit their lifestyleand budget. I explain things in a way that iseasy to understand, especially for first-timebuyers, and I make sure they know what’sgoing on every step of the process.”

When it comes to someone selling a home,she believes in being honest and upfront. “Iwon’t inflate the value just to get a listing, and Imake sure the home is up to the highest stan-dards.” Faye expertly helps clients prepare their

homes for sale so they canbe presented to buyers inthe best way possible.“When other agents see mysign, they know it is a qual-ity home and want to bringtheir buyers to see it,” sheadds.

Faye’s clients oftenwork with Mike Von Bank

of Team USA Mortgage inthe lending process. Fayeand Mike share the samephilosophies of honesty,integrity, and thoroughcommunication. Their goal

is to make people happy and comfortablethroughout the process of buying or selling ahome.

First-Time Home Buyers Receive IncentiveThe 2009 first-time home buyer market

has been stimulated by the $8,000 tax credit,and it is not too late to take advantage of thisopportunity.

Individuals who have not owned a principleresidence in the last three years who are pur-chasing a new or resale home are eligible forthe tax credit. To qualify, the purchase mustoccur on or after January 1, 2009 and beforeDecember 1, 2009. This credit is equivalent to10 percent of the purchase price of the homeand, again, applies only to the first-time home-buyer and their principle residence.

Kevin Franek of Lakeville, MN, recentlybenefited from this tax credit. “The $8,000 is likea lifejacket!” he says. After paying the 3.5 percentdown payment required by FHAguidelines, that$8,000 not only replenished his savings andpaid for his new appliances, but also paid for anew pool table for his basement.

_______________________________________For more details, contact Faye Kobilansky at

Faye K Real Estate or Mike Von Bank at Team USAMortgage, LLC. Faye can be reached by phone at320-222-3293 or 320-214-8500 or by email [email protected]. Contact Mike Von Bank at952-226-3971 or [email protected].

BB uu ss ii nn ee ss ss ss pp oo tt ll ii gg hh tt

possible, with the utmost integrity. As hermany loyal clients will attest, she is honest,knowledgeable, keeps everyone well informed,I“I love it — it‘s fun!” says Faye

Kobilansky of her real estate career.In the service industry in some form

all of her adult life, she most enjoys being ableto help people.

The founder of Faye K Real Estate, LLC,Faye has ten years of experience as a Realtor®and believes in providing the best service

FAYE K REAL ESTATE:Helping Others Realize the American Dream

“Faye is realistic, works hard,and doesn’t make your decisionsfor you.” —Marge Hanson

“She sold our house the firstday it was on the market!”

—Faye Moen

“She's a Lady”1804 SW 7 1/2 Street - Willmar

“Big Country Styling”8398 Oak Ridge Drive - Spicer

“Honey”1012 SE Becker Avenue - Willmar

“Sunny Spot”707 NW 7th Avenue - Clara City

Mike Von Bank

Seasons of MinnesotaSept/Oct 2009 Page 17Seasons of Minnesota Sept/Oct 2009Page 16

By Sheila Quinn

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package. Chrysanthemums bloom profuselyin a wide range of colors, including white,yellow, orange, red, salmon, bronze, maroon,and gold. All varieties make excellent cutflowers. Mature sizes vary widely among vari-eties, ranging from one foot to over three feet,allowing mums to be used at the front, middle,and rear of the garden. Two-year-old plantscan produce as many as forty buds, with anaverage bloom period approaching four weeks.Flowers vary from rounded, small, button-type

(pom-poms) to the larger cushion shape, inaddition to varieties boasting large, daisy-likeflowers.

Mums are easy to grow. They like loose,well-drained soil and their fibrous roots donot grow very deep, only six inches or so.They do not tolerate dry soils, so be sure tokeep them watered. Fertilizer can be appliedat whatever rate you use for other flowers inyour perennial garden. They prefer full sun,but even plants that receive four or five hoursof full sun can still produce beautiful blooms.They will just bloom a bit later.

Mums should be “pinched” the first halfof the growing season. Pinching is quite simpleand doesn’t need to be exact. In spring, afterplants have reached a height of six or seveninches, pinch each stem between thumb andforefinger, about a quarter inch above a leafset, removing the top one-fourth to one-thirdof the plant. New stems will develop fromeach leaf node. Pinching should not be doneafter July 1 so that the plants have ampletime to develop buds. Pinching will result instockier, bushier plants and more blooms.

Mums, like any perennial, die off com-pletely above ground after the first hardfrost. Whether you cut the plant down after afrost or wait until spring, the important stepto increase the chance of survival is that youmulch the area around the plant with at leasteight inches of shredded leaves.

One issue brought to mind is the topic ofcold hardiness. Some gardening experts saypeople started using the word “hardy” a whileback because they want to sell mums. Nothing

has really changed. They survive just finethrough some winters; other times you losesome of them. One of the hardy varieties ofmums that have gained popularity is calledthe “Minnesota Mum.” Developed at theUniversity of Minnesota, most gardenershave been pleased with their success throughthe winter as well as theirlarger varieties thatgrow three to fourfeet with anequal spread.

As thegarden andt r e e schange tot h e i rv i b r a n thues, andb e f o r e t h echill of wintercomes, take time toenjoy all of autumn’streasures and beauty.

Happy Fall! ‹‹

By Kari SummerletGG aa rr dd ee nn ii nn ggLL oo cc aa ll

Mum’s the WordWhen it Comes to Fall Gardening

AA utumn doesn’t mean the end of thegrowing season. Just as tulips remindus of spring, chrysanthemums represent

fall. Hardly noticed in the garden bed through-out spring and summer, they patiently waittheir turn and then explode into a mass of color.

Even as other fall blooming plants – asters,goldenrods, sedums, Joe-Pye Weed – are popularin the fall garden, the king of the stately autumncourt remains the chrysanthemum.

Few perennials offer such a complete

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The practice of meditation and prayer liesat the heart of the great spiritual traditions.There are more similarities than differencesamong traditions such as Christianity, Islam,Buddhism, Hinduism, and Judaism in thepractice of developing a relationship with aspiritual source. One technique for Christian-centered meditation is to focus your mind ona single word such as love, mercy, Jesus, light,peace—breathing it in and sending it out tothe world.

How and where do you meditate? Find aregular spot, preferably a space that is quiet,natural and simple. Sit on a cushion, bench orfavorite hair. Wear loose, comfortable clothes.Turn off all distractions such as cell phones.The best time is first thing in the morning,before bed, right after work or lunchtime.Begin with five minutes and slowly work upto twenty minutes. Make your practice a dailyor momentary habit.

Sit in a comfortable position, your backstraight and strong like a mountain. Keep yourhands relaxed, your eyes closed or half-closed.

Relax your jaw, face, neck and shoulders,drop your tongue, breathe through your nose.Begin focusing on your breath, which calms themind and gives stability. When distractionsarise, as they always do, notice them, let themgo, and return to the breath. Let go of judgment,attachment, analysis or expectations. Cultivateharmony, peace and gratitude for yourself,others, and the world. Practice and live whatyou learn.

What are the benefits? Patience, relaxation,memory, concentration, energy, healing, sleep,reduced blood pressure, less reaction and stress,enhanced spiritual life, and more joy. It is healthyfor all ages.

Is there a meditation group? Yes! Cometo Bethel Chapel on Tuesdays from 12:10 to12:30pm; Wednesdays 7:07-7:45am beginningSeptember 8th and 9th. It is led by PastorMari Thorkelson, and all are welcome. _______________________________________

Bethel Lutheran Church is located at 411Becker Av SW in Willmar. For more information,call 320.235.5450.

RR ight now, let yourself be simply present.Notice your breathing. Pay attention to“breathing in, breathing out.” Stay focused.

Notice your body moving up and down. Allow yourbody time to smile and relax. Notice your surround-ings. Take in smells. Notice. Listen. Pay attentionto the flow of “breathing in, breathing out.” Simplyenjoy this wide moment. Be fully present to righthere, right now. Nothing else. Let gratitude flowthrough your body no matter what.

You have just practiced “Present MomentMeditation,” a form of mindfulness that isavailable to us anytime and anywhere.Whether you are reading, walking, working,driving, spending time with family, having ananxiety attack, eating, going to bed...any-thing. You already have everything you needto balance your life—and it’s portable.

What is meditation? Meditation is openingyourself to the flow of creation and payingattention. “Where attention goes, energy flows.”Put simply, meditation is the experience ofour limitless nature when it ceases to bedominated by our usual mental chatter andconditioning. Meditation is natural, simple, andhealthy. And it takes courage. The hardest thingto do every day is STOP. Stop the rat-race andgive your mind and body space to balance, tobe quiet, and to focus.

By Pastor Mari ThorkelsonBethel Lutheran ChurchFF aa ii tt hh VV aa ll uu ee ss&&

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Silent Heartbreak: Feline Leukemiavery young, already ill, or at an otherwise highrisk for infection. Cats kept completely indoorsare at very low risk, unless exposed to anothercat with the disease. Cats allowed to go outside,however, are at risk because they can so easilycontract it from other outside cats that arecarrying the virus.

How is it spread?The FeLV virus is spread most commonly

through the saliva. However, it is also shed insmaller quantities in urine, feces, and milk frominfected cats. Transfer can occur from a bite,during mutual grooming, touching nose-to-nose(even through a screen door), and less commonlythrough shared litter boxes. It can be transmittedfrom the mother cat to her kittens before theyare born or through nursing. The virus does notsurvive very long outside a cat’s body, less thana few hours in most conditions.

How do I know if my cat has the FeLV virus?The only way to know for sure is to have it

tested by your veterinarian. If it isn’t suggested,make sure to ask to have this done at the kitten’sfirst checkup. Any reputable veterinarian canprovide this, as it is now a very common test. Ifthe results are negative for the virus, he or shecan give it a vaccination to help prevent it. Whilethe vaccine doesn‘t provide 100 percent protec-tion, it is about 95 percent effective. It is a goodidea to do this even with an indoor cat since itcould get outside at some point.

Can the virus be passed onto humans or otheranimals?

No, there is no evidence to suggest that it

can be passed onto humans, dogs, or your otherpets. It is exclusive to felines.

Why is it called the Feline Leukemia Virus, ifit doesn’t always cause leukemia?

It can cause a serious cancer of the lymphnodes, and it was named for that when first dis-covered.

Can it be treated?Once a cat is already infected, there is no

cure and no medication that can kill the virus.Because the disease causes severe immunodefi-ciency, treatment is mainly aimed at treating thesecondary infections with antibiotics. Afterinfection, most cats only live up to two years.Your veterinarian may prescribe a medicationto help boost the immune system, such asInterferon, which your cat will need to take forthe rest of its life.

Prevention:The best prevention is to keep your cat away

from other infected cats. If you don’t know thestatus of another cat, it’s best to keep them apart.And please—test and vaccinate your cats forFeLV, when they are young if possible.

I wish I had known about this very seriousand contagious disease before my own cat con-tracted it. Now we have to deal with ongoing,potentially expensive health problems withhim…and we know we’ll lose him a lot sooner.In fact, he just spent an entire week of beinghospitalized and nearly died. Preventing theproblem in the first place is much cheaper andeasier than dealing with the consequences! ‹‹

WW hen my cat recently started gettingsick and losing a lot of weight, I tookhim to my veterinarian. He just wasn’t

himself anymore, and I was expecting that shecould give him some medicine and things wouldbe fine. Little did I know that my cat had beeninfected with the Feline Leukemia Virus (FeLV),and life would never be the same…for him orfor us! Most people I talked to had never evenheard of it, so I decided I should do an articleabout it to inform other pet owners.

FeLV is a very serious disease in the felineworld, but many people don’t know about ituntil it’s too late. Unfortunately, once your cathas contracted it, there is no cure. Most cats willend up needing continuous care and medicationfor the rest of their lives. Because it causes severeimmune deficiency, secondary infections areresponsible for many of the diseases associatedwith FeLV. Prevention is the best medicine, sotest first and vaccinate when they are negative,preferably as kittens.

What is FeLV?FeLV is a retrovirus, in the same family as

feline immunodeficiency virus (FIV) and human

immunodeficiency virus (HIV, the virus thatcauses AIDS). It is a cancerous disease that causesleukemia and other cancers, anemia, ulcers andlesions, lethargy, chronic digestion and respi-ratory problems, immunodeficiency, and a hostof other sicknesses. Cats usually don’t showsymptoms immediately, as it can take severalmonths, or even a few years, to develop illness.

What are the symptoms?There is no one specific set of symptoms;

however, a number of different possibilitiesexist. Cats that become sick because of FeLV willcommonly develop fevers and weakness, havedecreased energy, lose their appetites, experienceweight loss, and become susceptible to variousother illnesses such as pneumonia and urinarytract infections.

How common is FeLV infection?FeLV-infected cats are found worldwide; in

the United States, approximately 2 to 3 percentof all cats are carriers of the virus. That rate risessignificantly, up to 13 percent, in cats that are

By Sheila Quinn

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Eat an AppleToday

for DeliciousHealth Benefits

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M innesota apple season is here!Current research findings on thehealth benefits of apples give plenty

of reasons to eat more apples this fall and allyear round. Apples can play an important rolein decreasing the risk of certain cancers andheart disease, and reducing blood pressure inpeople with hypertension, thanks to high con-centrations of antioxidants and fiber. Recentresearch also points to a connection betweeneating apples and improving memory function.

According to the USDA, apples are amongthe top 20 foods with the highest antioxidant

concentration. Apples contain quercetin, apowerful flavinoid antioxidant.

Apples are also an excellent source of fiber,which helps with weight management andpreventing metabolic disease. They are espe-cially high in soluble fiber, which aides theregulation of cholesterol by preventing fattybuildup in the blood vessels, thus promotingheart health. Eat apples with the skin on toget the most antioxidant, fiber and nutrientbenefit.

Enjoy the many varieties of Minnesotaapples available this fall. Early variety applestend to be best for baking and freezing.September apples, such as Honey Crisp, arewonderful for eating. Apples store best whenrefrigerated at 32 degrees. Those kept at roomtemperature will deteriorate ten times fasterthan refrigerated apples.

Consider canning or freezing fall applesfor year round availability. For easy direc-tions on freezing or canning apples, see anonline University of Minnesota Extensionfact sheet at, learn about a newer product for canningpie filling in an Extension column on the subjectat ht tp ://

Eating an apple a day does keep the doctoraway. Minnesota apple varieties that are goodfor eating include Honeycrisp, Cortland,McIntosh, Honeygold, Regent, Haralson andothers. Visit an orchard and learn about themany great tasting apple varieties grown today.

_______________________________________Sara VanOffelen is a health and nutrition

educator with University of Minnesota Extension.

By Sara Van Offelen,University of Minnesota Extension

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Apple CrispS ince it’s apple season, I thought this

would be the perfect time to share myfavorite Apple Crisp recipe. It’s very

easy and delicious—it always gets ravereviews. For best results, use a flavorfulapple that has some tartness.

Filling:3 cups apples, peeled and diced (5-6 apples,depending on size)1/2 cup sugar1 Tablespoon flour (heaping)1/4 tsp saltcinnamon to taste

Mix all of the above ingredients with a largespoon until well combined. Put into a greased 9x9-inch baking pan, or use a glass pan of similar size.

Topping:1/2 cup uncooked oatmeal (quick or regular)1/2 cup brown sugar1/2 cup flour1/4 teaspoon baking powder1/4 teaspoon baking soda1/4 cup melted butter

Combine all ingredients until crumbly. Sprinkleover apple mixture.

Bake in oven preheated to 350 degrees, 30-35minutes, until topping is browned.

Let cool for at least 30 minutes; serve warmwith a scoop of vanilla ice cream or a dollopof whipped cream.

By Sheila Quinn

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interested in their delicious grilled duck withjalapeno and water chestnut appetizers thatthey have shared with us!

Now, while they are new friends to me,my husband has known Danny since child-hood, and now that we’ve moved back intothe area they’ve gotten back in touch. Myhusband is fortunate to have many lifelongfriends, and I’ll admit, sometimes it’s difficultfor me because there is so much talk of oldtimes that I don’t share. But his friends alwaysaccept me into the group, make me feelwelcome, and eventually the reminiscing fadesinto the background and we all get on withthe present—and what future plans we canmake: concerts, dinners, barbeques, and moretrips to the beach!

It seems to me that as we get older weforget the joy in making new friends. It takessome effort; you may have to get past feelingleft out because you don’t share a commonbackground. Sometimes you have to get outof your routine in order to meet people, andalso be truly interested in new experiences.You also have to make room in your life forsomeone new. New acquaintances won’tbecome friends if you don’t make the time toget to know them.

I’m lucky that my husband is so good atmaking—and keeping—friends and that heis kind enough to share them with me. If youdon’t have “built-in” new friends to meet, go

out into the world and mingle; get to knowsome new people. I can almost guarantee itwill give your spirits a lift!

_______________________________________How does “it seem” to you? Need some advice?

Got a question or a suggestion for a future column?Please write me at [email protected]. Tellme about yourself. Maybe we’ll become newfriends, too!

Let’s Be FriendsII tt SS EE ee mm ss TT oo MM ee

OO riginally, this issue’s column was going to beanother cranky rant, but after the terrificmorning I had, I’m just not in the mood to

complain. What changed my attitude? My husband and Ispent a beautifully pleasant day at the beach with our newfriends, Danny and Laura, and now I’m inclined to write ofhappier things.

The four of us had a great time playing in the water, watchingpeople, sharing snacks, telling stories, and having a lot of laughs.We’ve gotten together at the beach a few times lately, and, speaking formyself at least, it’s made me feel energized and full of life. Needless tosay, I was reluctant to leave, but a growing (or should I say glowing?)sunburn and a magazine deadline called me home.

On the drive back to the house, I was struck by how good it feelsto make new friends. It’s exciting and interesting to learn aboutsomeone’s life—their families, their jobs, their interests…and, let’s faceit, it’s always fun to have a new audience for your personal stories, too!

Sometimes you discover your new friends have relatives in the samesmall town as yours, or you find that you share a favorite author ora love of baking, but what’s almost better is when they have ahobby that you know nothing about but might be interested in.

D a n n y a n dLaura l ike tohunt and doother outdoorrecreations thatmy husbandand I have neverexperienced. It’sfascinat ing tolearn about some-thing new, and whileI’m not too interestedin hunting, I am very

By Laurie McCabe

Seasons of Minnesota Sept/Oct 2009Page 28

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Seasons of Minnesota Sept/Oct 2009Page 30 Seasons of MinnesotaSept/Oct 2009 Page 31

Fair Food!For the solution, please see our website:

“The purpose of life is a life of purpose.”- Robert Byrne

August is the time for county fairs, followed by the Minnesota State Fair in September. See how many of these fabulous fair foods you can find in the puzzle below!

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