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SEO Techniques

Page 2: Seo t echniques

Trainings by Vidya Bhagwat

Objective Of This Chapter :

SEO gives surprisingly effective results in a

short time if done efficiently. SEO is the act of modifying a

website to increase its ranking in organic crawler-based

listings of search engines.

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Trainings by Vidya Bhagwat

Introduction :

Search Engine Optimization is a process of optimizing a webpage or an article, so as to make it appear better to the search engine crawlers. In general, the higher the page appear in the search engine result pages, the greater are its chances to be clicked by the end user.

Optimization can be done on a webpage or off the web page. Off page SEO can be performed by creating Back links. For doing on page SEO, you need to optimize the following components :-

• Page Title• URL• Image• Use of proper H1, H2... tags• Keyword Density• Keyword Distance

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Trainings by Vidya Bhagwat

Article Marketing :

Article marketing is a form of marketing in which articles are strategically placed on the Internet for the purpose of promoting a specific website. The concept is to generate interest in your website, establish credibility as an expert in your niche and create back-links to your website that will improve your site's search engine ranking.

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Trainings by Vidya Bhagwat

Using Blogs An Forms :

He world of digital marketing is constantly changing, and in today’s fast paced work environment, it can be difficult to stay up-to-date on the latest SEO and digital marketing tactics.

There are a ton of SEO forums and it is hard to keep up with all of the information that is put out in all of them. Fortunately there are a bunch of bloggers like me who try to point out some of the good stuff in them. Thread Watch is a bit of a hybrid, sort like a blog and a forum. It is ran by Dave, many other friends.

• Search Guild• V7N Web Dev Community • Search Engine Watch Forums• Digital point

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Trainings by Vidya Bhagwat

SEO Assessment & Metrics :

The goal of SEO is to advance selected pages of your site so they rank in the

top placement for search engine results on targeted keywords and, ideally, on

Google’s page one. Our SEO Review assesses where your website is in this

process. SEO is a baseline for online success. When your website is optimized

you get found in search engines. Get the information you need to know how well

your site is performing. Our SEO examination is attuned to the latest algorithm

changes and updates. You will receive a full diagnostic real-time web check.

• Improves website optimization

• Checks on keyword placement

• Checks on site functionality

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Trainings by Vidya Bhagwat

Building A SEO Friendly Site:

The quality of your aide content, structure, internal

links, etc is very important for SEO!

1. E.g. if your keywords are missing on your web site Google

considers it irrelevant. This is to avoid SEO bombs.

2. Be sure to insert your keywords and phrases on the page titles,

subtitles, sidebars, footers, etc.

3. Carefully prepare your content and internal links anchors

measure keywords density.

4. use tags and categories for content annotation.

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Trainings by Vidya Bhagwat

Monitoring the internet reputation of a person /

product/ brand/ business. With the goal of suppressing negative

mentions or pushing them lower on the search engine.

• Social media sites :

Google webmaster tools :

Google analytics :

Alexa :

Online Reputation Management :

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Trainings by Vidya Bhagwat

Paid E-Marketing And SEO :

• Many companies pay for visitors to their site

• Pay-per-click programs

Google Ad words – pay for attracting visitors

Google ad sense – gat paid for showing ads

Microsoft ad center

Yahoo search marketing

• Link exchange programs

• Mobile pay-per-click programs

Google mobile ads Microsoft mobile banner

• Black SEO techniques officially forbidden by the search engine

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Trainings by Vidya Bhagwat

• Examples of black SEO techniques

Spamdexing ( search engine spam)

Hidden text/ hidden links/ injected content

Buying / selling links/ link frames

Scraper sites (spam sites, web scrapers)

• Avoid using black SEO techniques !

You may get unlisted from the SERPs

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Trainings by Vidya Bhagwat

Link Bait SEO :

1. link bait (viral) SEO is original marketing technique that works

well for SEO.

2. Create an unique content that lots of people will like and share

e.g. funny picture / story.

3. Distribution it initially in the social networks

4. It will get shared and multiplicities like a virus.

5. Ensure the link bait content links to your site with your keywords

as anchors

6. Ensure the link bait content is hard to be copied outside or your


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Trainings by Vidya Bhagwat

Thank You