Download - SEO - Informative Guidelines on Search Engine Optimization


SEOSearch Engine Optimization

Most Potential Resource in online marketing

The Beginning of SEO

SEO or Search Engine Optimization began asa practice among web masters when Googleintentionally published few basicoptimization ways. The main objective wasto spread some basic level of practiceswhich are required for improving searchengine crawl & catch.

Google’s benefits from Optimized websites

When many webmasters followed their optimization guidelines, Google web crawler were able to crawl & fetch maximum websites. The search engine was able to add more significant data and index in their search results.

What is SEO SEO or Search engine optimization consist of some

modifications, editions made in a website and itspages. The changes are mainly implemented toimprove certain qualities which enhancing easy crawl,right cache and indexing in search results. From theview of webmasters point, the modifications made inthe website and its pages are generally called as on

page SEO Optimization. Get Identified

SEO – Search Engine Optimization

SEO & Online MarketingMore than 95 percentage of visitors are entering into websites through search engines ( mainly through Google search engine). (Organic Visits)99% of organic visitors are potential customers. Since they comes to website by entering by keywords or phrases related to their needs

Scope of SEO in MarketingPotential visits generated in websites are coming through search engines

Compare the hike in number of internet users

SEO who can logically apply the technical knowledge, relevancy, value, content will definitely survive. Getting right SEO Training

Since search engines are there, there will be SEO

Distribution of Internet Users in Australia by Age group

Modern Business & SEO MythsMany big companies and business firms depend on SEOVery less number of people are aware about SEO98% of entrepreneurs are not aware about the ethical and unethical SEO practices, differences, after effects.

SEO - Additional FactsInvest for SEO in a long term Prospective

Hire qualified, ethical & responsible SEO professionals

It is pure marketing effort mixed with quality, information, dedication & logical skills.

Quality SEO ApproachNo need to play over smart games in SEO

Avoid spamming activities and SERP manipulation

Follow ethical and authorized optimization practices recommended by Google

Build website in an interactive, impressive & user friendly way

Maintain quality more than quantity

Mobile – Optimization – Top need in SEO Number of mobile internet users increasing in a dramatic rate

Content is the King in SEO Try to produce quality & unique content

Search engines weigh the website by validating the level of authority and trust by users.

Give first preference to users than search engine bots

Try to maintain Quality – in content, reputation, etc.

If your visitors do not trust your website and spend sometime, not navigating to few inner pages, not involving in anyinteractions, Search engine bots will think that your websiteis valuable for the users.

Thank YouSoftLoom IT Solutions

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