Download - Senate Standing Committee on Program Review Review... · 2017. 6. 14. · Dr. Helen Pearce - Dean, Faculty of Arts, Media and Design; Fanshawe College, London ON Ron Marchuk - faculty,

Page 1: Senate Standing Committee on Program Review Review... · 2017. 6. 14. · Dr. Helen Pearce - Dean, Faculty of Arts, Media and Design; Fanshawe College, London ON Ron Marchuk - faculty,

Senate Standing Committee on Program Review Wednesday, March 25, 2015

Senate Standing Committee on Program Review

Wednesday, March 25, 2015 3:00 p.m. – 5:00 p.m.

Surrey Campus, Cedar 2110


1. Call to Order / Stan Kazymerchyk 3:00

2. Confirmation of Agenda / Stan Kazymerchyk M 3:05

3. Approval of SSCPR Minutes from February 2015 M 3:06

4. Action items from February Minutes M 3:10

Revised SSCPR Mandate (link)

5. Action Plan Funding application: English (link) M 3:30

6. External Review Report: Fashion (link) M 4:00

7. Update on Reviews in Progress / Lori McElroy (link) I 4:30

8. Chair’s Report / Stan Kazymerchyk I 4:45

9. Additional business 4:55

9. Adjournment M 5:00

M – Motion required I – for Information only D – for Discussion only Next Meeting

Wednesday, April 22, 2014 3:00 p.m. - 5:00 p.m. Surrey Campus, Cedar 2110

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Senate Standing Committee on Program Review (SSCPR)

Wednesday, February 21, 2015, 3pm

Surrey Campus, Arbutus Building, Room 2410


Brinkerhoff, Celia Cato, Donna Coombes, Michael Donahoe, Patrick Fee, Jane Kazymerchyk, Stan / Chair Kozak, Romy Kumar Gaurav McElroy, Lori Richmond, Alexandra Traynor, Chris Voorsluys, Theresa

Ex-Officio / Non-voting: Au, Jennifer McKay, Andrew

University Secretariat:

Maxwell, Wendy / Recorder


Ferreras, Sal Westgate, Tom

Guests: Brunner, Pauline / Student Chernoff, Brittney / Student Kreuzkamp, Sonja / Student

1. Call to Order The meeting was called to order at 3:03 pm. The Chair welcomed Pauline Brunner, Brittney Chernoff, and Sonja Kreuzkamp who are attending this meeting as part of an Anthropology course.

2. Confirmation of Agenda

The agenda was accepted by consensus.

3. Approval of Minutes – January 21, 2015 Moved by Chris Traynor; seconded by Michael Coombes THAT the minutes of the January 21, 2015 be approved as amended.

Motion Carried

4. Business Arising from the Minutes The Chair reported that two Task Forces were created to deal with upcoming program reviews .

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5. Update on Reviews in Progress

Andrew McKay provided a written report. It was noted that the Legal self study is expected to be received soon.

6. Chair’s Report

The Chair reported that he is pleased with the progress that is being made. There have been several discussions on streamlining meetings and processes. Such streamlining will continue as we aim to stay focussed on the topics at hand.

7. SSCPR Mandate proposed revisions Proposed revisions to the mandate were distributed and discussed. Lori McElroy noted the proposed revisions. Moved by Patrick Donahoe; seconded by Michael Coombes THAT the committee accept the revised mandate of SSCPR as developed in principal, subject to final approval at the next meeting.

Motion Carried

ACTION: Lori McElroy will revise the mandate as discussed and present it at the next meeting. Stan Kazymerchyk will communicate with the Senate Governance Committee that the revised mandate will be sent to them soon.

8. Additional business The Senate Governance Committee Chair is asking all of the Senate Standing Committees to look at their membership composition, committee function, and efficiency. This will be discussed at the next meeting. The Chair thanked everyone for staying on topic at today’s meeting. Andrew McKay reported that he has resigned from KPU, and his last day is this Friday. Lori McElroy thanked Mr. McKay for his work during his time here. The position has been posted.

9. Adjournment

The meeting adjourned at 3:47 pm.

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Proposed Revisions to the Mandate of the Senate Standing

Committee on Program Review (SSCPR)

Kwantlen Polytechnic University performs regular and consistent reviews of educational

programs and units of study that are under the jurisdiction of Senate. The Senate Standing

Committee on Program Review oversees this process. Specifically, the mandate of the SSCPR is


1. Make recommendations to Senate on proposed revisions to Policy B.12

Program Review

2. Develop procedures and standards to ensure program reviews are conducted

in accordance with the principles of policy B.12, Program Review

3. Review Self-Study Reports, External Reviews and Action Plans, and

determine whether or not these meet KPU’s program review standards

4. Receive Institutional Responses to each program review, prepared by the

Dean and Provost

5. Review requests for Action Plan funding and determine whether or not to

recommend for funding

6. Receive Action Plan One Year Follow-Up reports that consist of a summary of

the project, its achievements, and a detailed accounting of the dispersal of

Action Plan funding (if applicable)

7. Report to Senate once per semester with a summary of the number of

program reviews that have been initiated, and the number of Action Plans

approved, since the last report to Senate

8. Report to Senate annually a schedule for Program Reviews planned for the

coming year

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EXTERNAL REVIEW REPORT for FASN degree program Bachelor of Design in Fashion and Technology

Faculty of Fashion, Design and Technology KWANTLEN POLYTECHNIC UNIVERSITY

March 2015

by External Review Team:

Chair: Janice Larsen – Industry: Bootlegger, and textile consultant

Dr. Helen Pearce - Dean, Faculty of Arts, Media and Design; Fanshawe College, London ON

Ron Marchuk - faculty, School of Horticulture, KPU

We would like to preface our report by commending the program team for the quality

work they do, the industry connections, and the effort to support their students and their

program. Your professionalism and dedication came through strongly during our site


We also commend the Dean and program team for working together to support the

need for the Lab Technician and the Program Assistant, which are both in place now.

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EXECUTIVE SUMMARY ................................................................................................ 3

SITE VISIT .................................................................................................................... 5

OBSERVATIONS AND CONCLUSIONS ............................................................................ 6

1. MISSION STATEMENT AND ALIGNMENT ................................................................ 6

2. CURRICULUM CHANGES ......................................................................................... 6

3. SUPPORT FOR FACULTY AND STAFF ....................................................................... 8

4. TECHNOLOGY .......................................................................................................... 8

5. RESOURCES AND SPACE .......................................................................................... 9

6. BUDGET ................................................................................................................. 13

7. INDUSTRY RELATIONS ........................................................................................... 14

8. ALUMNI NETWORK ............................................................................................... 16

9. MARKETING AND ENROLMENT ............................................................................ 17

10. KPU NETWORK ...................................................................................................... 17

11. OTHER SCHOOL OF DESIGN INITIATIVES............................................................... 17

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The 2015 Self Study Report for the FASN Program covers a wide range of topics

including goals, challenges, resources, enrollment, and recommendations that will

impact graduates of the program in the coming years.

The following recommendations from the Self Study Report are supported by the

External Review team:

Alignment within KPU and Industry is required to confirm the program philosophy

as a 4-year ‘Generalist’ undergraduate degree program.

Current High School applicants are deficient in both sewing skills and math. The effect on the FASN program cannot be overstated, and must be mitigated, either through remedial classes at Kwantlen or through external sources.

Enhanced Fit Analysis is required and the addition of some level of anthropometry instruction is recommended for inclusion.

Enhanced methodologies are needed to encourage creativity and risk taking.

The following additional staff positions are recommended in order to support the ability of the faculty to concentrate on their teaching responsibilities and required committee work:

o Education Advisor for the School of Design o Associate Dean o Marketing Advisor (Communications and Event Specialist) dedicated to

this department, to help promote programs, improve recruitment, and help develop new marketing initiatives, such as an enhanced social media platform and a website.

o Teaching or Lab Assistants, and Instructional Associates

Proper facilities are needed (in the new building) for the textile dyeing and printing courses.

Additional storage space is needed for student work, supplies, and secure space for final projects.

Meeting room space is needed for confidential coaching of students by faculty.

A more transparent budget is recommended.

Empowerment to make minor program adjustments within approved budgets could be facilitated by more generic course descriptions.

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Additional facilities and technology is required, e.g. overhead camera projectors, so that all students in the classroom have a complete view of the subject and samples under discussion.

Industry Advisory Committees should be re-established and made more robust in order for the school to keep current with what Industry really needs from graduates. Enhanced contacts with alumni would complement this endeavor.

The Curriculum could be enhanced by the further development of such topics as: o Gerber patternmaking o Sourcing of factories, raw materials o Leadership training and experience o Time management skills o Business subjects targeted to career buyers and merchants o Fashion math o Advanced Excel®

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SITE VISIT Held: February 16, 2015; at Richmond campus, KPU

The site visit was a full but productive day, well organized and comprehensive.

These were the key activities:

Interview with the program coordinator, Andhra Goundrey

Two separate interview sessions with a total of 11 faculty

Tour of some of the Fashion labs and facilities

Interview with five 4th-year students

Interview with Carolyn Robertson, Dean of the School of Design

Meeting with four industry persons, two of whom are alumni

Final meeting with the program coordinator

Our team took turns asking each focus group questions that we had previously

developed. Key points from these meetings are covered in our recommendations below.

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The following observations during the site visit support the recommendations made

in the Self-Study Report. Additional comments beyond the SSR from the External

Review Team are indicated with an asterisk *.


The Executive Summary in the Self Study Report provides a clear focus for both the

program review and future program objectives. The External Review Team submits the

following recommendations regarding this mandate:

The KPU Mission Statement in the SSR Appendix (starting page A1) is essentially generic in nature and does not mention FASN specifically. The Dean commented on program challenges on page 48, in a note on “technical apparel content”. Concern was expressed during the Site visit that the 4-year undergraduate degree be maintained as a ‘generalist’ degree, preparing students for a variety of careers and / or further study in order to specialize. Full alignment on this point is needed within the School of Design, as well as with Industry. The FASN Program review recommendations and implementation plan must clarify this position.

It seems reasonable with the resources at hand, and expected funding commitments, that a 4-year degree should remain as a ‘generalist’ program. Most Canadian companies require employees to be able to do a variety of tasks within either the Design or Technical streams of work.

The VISION 2018 Mission Statement of KPU offering a, “diverse range of programs that blend theory and practice” would be supported by the continuation of a ‘generalist’ degree philosophy.


The Self Study Report notes existing streams of study, suggests new curriculum topics,

and possible constraints to their complete implementation in future. The External Review

Team submits the following observations and conclusions:

Curriculum changes will be affected by the fact that High School applicants are deficient in both sewing skills (Home Economics sewing has been reduced or eliminated) and math compared to earlier graduates. In order for Kwantlen students to be able to master the complexity of their courses, remedial work is needed in order that FASN graduates in the future can maintain the prior high standards. The 2015 Review must come to terms with how that could be

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accomplished, either within the Kwantlen program framework, or remedial programs prior to entry.

Both faculty and students agree that enhanced Fit Analysis is required. Specific course content and resources on anthropometry are necessary within market-based research on customer profiles in order to achieve satisfactory outcomes. Today’s fit mannequins can look more ‘human’ than ever, and are needed to encourage the use of these tools as fit standards along with appropriate feedback from live ‘function’ models.

While the University has a strong relationship with Industry, further analysis of graduates’ real life job functions might be warranted. Due to the transfer of so many of the technical skills to offshore facilities, learning based on local production factories is limited. This puts additional pressure on the FASN program to graduate students with Head Office support expertise. International intern exchanges and / or field trip visits to locations where factories are available for production process work-study are encouraged.

It was noted that course outlines could be more generic to facilitate changes and allow the program to be more responsive to a constantly changing global environment.

More learning in the following areas was also noted and we support: o Teamwork o Creative endeavors o Critical thinking o Fewer complete projects would allow for smaller, more process-based

projects, and fewer assessment hours required by faculty. o Terminology o Textile science and testing o Mass manufacturing o Research and report writing

* Further suggestions: o The program could encourage students to take more risks and to be more

creative, not requiring them to be perfect in sewing, etc.

o Alumni and industry felt that final year students should be treated more

like professionals and be allowed to manage their own time.

o Add some competency-based instruction in appropriate courses.

o As an employment-prep exercise, e.g. in FASN 3150, conduct mock

interviews w. fashion industry. (For a good example, ask Stan

Kazymerchyk, KPU Horticulture diploma instructor.)

o For an upper-level production course (e.g. FASN 3200, 4100, 4200?),

add a term project, which includes product planning, sourcing, and

costing. (For an example, see Hort 2477, Ron Marchuk, KPU Horticulture


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The Self Study Report stated various concerns about workload, resources, and

technology requirements. The External Review Team submits the following observations

and conclusions:

* Although not included in the Self Study Report, we recommend adding several

Instructional Associates and/or Lab Instructors: The degree program has 160

students, 15 faculty, and 1 Lab Technician, but no one to provide direct

instructional support. This can alleviate many of the faculty workload concerns.

We recommend that FASN request that KPU increase professional development funding: Faculty expressed concerns on current professional development funding limits. Future growth of the program will be supported by high caliber

faculty and their ongoing professional development. It seems prudent to explore possible ways to increase professional development funding within existing budgets.

The addition of an Education Advisor for students in the School of Design, as noted in the Self Study Report, would relieve faculty of this function, allowing them to concentrate on their primary teaching functions.

We support suggestions for cross-pollination and collaboration on resources between the various programs, in order to generate savings and possibly allow the reallocation of funding to new technologies and staffing of critical functions, such as the addition of an Associate Dean and more teaching assistants.

Many of the recommendations from the 2008 Program Review were not implemented. There is evidence that this was due to a lack of an action plan by the department, and limited resources of faculty and funding. The final implementation plan based on the 2015 Review must include a solutions-based path for greater empowerment within the FASN program in order to achieve the desired curriculum changes and associated transitions within a reasonable timeframe. Administrative delays must not be allowed to prevent the timely implementation of the final Review recommendations.

Membership and regular participation in professional organizations beyond teaching would enhance the ability of faculty to tap into solutions being developed in the apparel industry. The ASTM (American Society for Testing and Materials) International Textiles Committee D13 is just one such organization that would allow Faculty to network with industry professionals.


The Self Study Report identifies several areas in the realm of technology that are

recommended for inclusion in the undergraduate degree program. The External Review

Team submits the following observations and conclusions:

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There is great concern expressed about the integration of the newest technologies into the FASN program. Constraints to this include:

o Funding o Training of faculty o Space requirements o Time to master within a 4-year ‘generalist’ degree o Broad based industry requirements

The Vancouver market has a specific focus on athletic apparel. However, it must be remembered that there are a variety of companies, both local and not, that require graduates with experience in the broader based apparel realm.

Graduates who choose to become merchants or buyers and other business related careers express concern about a lack of business training. An introduction to data based reporting systems would be of benefit. (Note that the need for enhanced Excel skills has already been identified.)

Pattern-making expertise is critical to the ability to judge and correct fit. However, not all companies have CAD systems. Many North American companies that previously supplied 1st or graded patterns to factories have moved these functions overseas. Therefore, the investment in advanced expertise in this area is questionable, in terms of funding and timeframe within the program. However, it will be critical for the program to watch for the return of manufacturing in certain niche markets that could see a resurgence of domestic talent requirements.

Proper printing facilities in the new building will support enhanced training for both creative design and technical careers.


The Review committee toured the FASN spaces and heard feedback from students,

faculty and alumni about resources and space. The following section outlines the

Program Review team’s observations related to the recommendations put forward in the

Self-Study Report.

a) Availability of space for students: The Self-Study Report recommends more access for individual work for students

both during and after classes.

The Self-Study Report recommends that although the construction of the new

Design building is ‘on hold’, assessment and adjustments of current space

should continue through discussions among faculty, Facilities personnel, and


These Self Study Report recommendations are supported by the survey results, as

well as by conversations with faculty and students during the program review visit. For

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example, faculty mentioned that students are sometimes working on large projects

during class but have to share a table, which overcrowds their workspace. During the

tour, the Coordinator mentioned that solutions in some spaces may not even require

larger square footage, but perhaps a redesign of furniture and flexibility of layout.

Flexibility of design of furniture and layout would also allow faculty to move around more

easily to assist students.

Students we met mentioned the need for more access to the labs beyond the current

hours of operation. However, they also acknowledged that more lab time might result in

them spending too much time in labs to the point of being detrimental. They did not

reach a conclusion one way or another.

Conclusions: The External Review Team supports the recommendation to continue to

look for improvements in current space during the delay in construction of the new

building. By prioritizing the needs, and working with educational facilities specialists

(internal and external), cost-effective solutions could be found that are achievable now.

Also, experimenting with flexible learning spaces now could prepare faculty and

students for best practices in designing the spaces and delivering curriculum in the new


b) Improved space for water-based, dyeing activities: The Self-Study Report recommends improvements in the space currently used

for water-based activities, including painting and dyeing. Specifically, the

recommendation refers to the need to access water, a washer/dryer, and

improved venting.

This recommendation is supported by student and faculty comments in the Self-

Study Report. Specific comments were made by students and faculty related to water

drainage, ventilation, and washing and drying fabrics.

Also, during the site visit, the room used for painting and dyeing was cold because

the windows were left open to facilitate ventilation.

Conclusions: The External Review team supports prioritizing improvements to space

based on health and safety concerns related to the use of paints and dyes in an

improperly vented space. We recommend that KPU work with Facilities and health and

safety representatives to ensure proper storage and use of products, as well as

appropriate venting and water drainage.

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c) Storage space: The Self-Study Report recommends improved storage facilities including secure

space for storing large items.

This recommendation is supported through evidence in the student and alumni

surveys in the Self Study Report, as well as during student interviews during the

program review site visit.

During the focus group, the students said they had limited storage space in the

classroom, and that they had difficulty accessing their materials when another class was

using the space. They indicated the combined lack of access to the classroom and to

their materials impacted their ability to work on their projects. In addition, the students all

stated that they are concerned about damage to larger projects when stored in shared

space overnight.

During the site visit tour, the Review Team saw racks of projects in the faculty space

because the space provided a secure location. However, it also impacted the usable

space for the faculty to work and interact. Also the students mentioned that they didn’t

have access to the room in the evenings after the faculty left.

Faculty also said that they have challenges with storage of materials they need to

use in the classroom.

Conclusions: The External Review Team recommends locating secure storage for

larger items other than in the faculty work area. In the focus group discussion, the

students recognized that faculty and staff can’t be on site after hours in the evening to

provide access to secure storage, but also expressed frustration at not being able to

securely store their larger projects when they finished working with them in the evening.

If a secure storage site other than the faculty room could be found, would it be possible

for students to take turns being in charge of opening and closing the space after hours,

or a similar solution that put more responsibility on designated students during evenings

and weekends?

d) Faculty Space: The Self-Study Report recommends improved shared space for faculty as well as

access to private space for faculty discussions with students.

This recommendation is supported by the faculty survey results in the Self-Study

Report, which showed 58% of respondents were dissatisfied with space for teamwork

and private discussions with students.

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During the program review site visit, we toured the space currently used by faculty as

shared space. The Program Coordinator explained that some progress has been made

in the last year to rearrange aspects of the shared space to enable more effective

collaboration among faculty. However, during our site visit, the space was overcrowded

because the lack of alternative secure storage resulted in racks of student projects being

stored in the shared faculty space.

Conclusions: The External Review Team supports the recommendation for improved

shared space for faculty because it would contribute to the potential for teamwork and

collaboration which is a high priority for the team in light of the need to develop an action

plan and then carry out the prioritized activities.

e) Classroom technology: * The lack of an overhead camera projector in the classroom restricts the ability

to present effective demonstrations to the class when demos are done at the

front of the class.

While installing an overhead camera projector wasn’t a specific recommendation in

the Self-Study Report, the suggestion came during the site visit tour of the facilities and

the student focus group. The Coordinator showed us the room and described how the

back row of students was not able to see the details of demonstrations occurring on the

table at the front of the class.

During the focus group the students also mention that in first and second year

drafting classes, the learning experience was totally different if you were sitting in the

front row or the middle and back row.

Conclusions: The External Review Team supports the purchase and installation of

overhead camera projectors so all students can see the details of lab demonstrations.

This is a solution used in Fashion programs at other educational institutions and it might

help to contact those programs to find out what works best in their classrooms. It would

seem to be a cost-effective solution that would help immediately and, depending on

when the new building is completed, the unit could be moved or an updated unit could

be purchased.

Also, flexible wheeled furniture may allow for movement of seating arrangements for

a more circular and inclusive classroom layout when those types of classes are taught.

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f) Other resources: The Self-Study Report also mentioned varied resource concerns such as

inadequate use of textbooks that students were required to purchase, the need

for more power outlets for laptops in the classroom, more paper recycling

facilities, and access to better quality printing.

These recommendations were supported by the student and faculty survey results in

the Self-Study Report.

Conclusions: The External Review Team recommends that a clearer budget process

and collective prioritization of these resource needs could enable the program team to

plan for specific purchases and installment of these items.

Also the program team could review the value of the textbooks the students are

required to purchase. For example, a survey asking students about the relevance of

each textbook they purchased might help the program team better understand the

specific courses and textbooks the students think are most and least useful.

Additional recommendation:

* During the industry/alumni focus group, the External Review Team heard the

recommendation that students should be given more resources related to

Material Sourcing. The group unanimously indicated that students did not

graduate with enough information about specific places to source a wide variety

of materials. They suggested at minimum a printed list of different companies

and the types of materials they sold would be beneficial to the students. They

suggested that discussion about sourcing companies could be increased in 3rd

year, and that the costing course in 4th year could go into more depth about

sourcing, and provide activities that required students to become more familiar

with sourcing a wide variety of materials so that they were better prepared to do

that on their own when they start working.


The Self-Study Report recommended a transparent and accountable budget

process so that the program team would be aware of the allocation of funds to

their program and how to access and spend those funds.

Evidence for the recommendation is apparent in the Self-Study Report and in site

visit interviews with the coordinator, faculty and the Dean.

In the Self-Study Report questions, the Dean mentions (p. 51) that she is working with

the program team on strategic budgeting issues to control overrides and to identify

priorities for expenditures. Self-Study and site visit discussions outlined the need for

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further work to be done to provide the clarity and accountability around the program

budgeting process.

The Self-Study Report identified the need for the program team to have a clearer

understanding of the budget process, the funds allocated to the program, and how to

plan strategically to connect the available budget with the needs of the program.

Specifically, one faculty focus group talked mostly about the need for a more transparent

and accessible budget process. The other faculty focus group mentioned how deflating it

was to them to keep hearing that there is no money. They said it would be more helpful

for them to hear administration asking how they can help rather than hearing there is no

money. The faculty were not aware of a budget plan or process to try to match their

program needs with available dollars.

Conclusions: The External Review Team supports administration and the program

team continuing to work on a shared understanding of the budget process, the funds

available to the program, and how those funds could be strategically allocated, perhaps

in a 1-3 year plan to meet current needs while in the planning stages for the new


A clear budget process ties in with the recommendations around resources and

space. It would seem to be more time and cost-efficient if the program team had a clear

understanding of the process and available funds while they work on prioritizing their

resource recommendations over the immediate and longer term.

Budget also impacts the important recommendations around enabling the team to

have the time to plan for and implement curriculum changes. Enabling faculty to

implement their Action Plan may involve:

more time release,

several days set aside for team planning during the May/June period,

perhaps costs related to bringing in outside curriculum planning expertise, or outside expertise for space redesigns.

Such costs for enabling the Action Plan may be in addition to funds allocated for the

usual operating needs of the program.


The Self-Study Report recommends re-establishing the Advisory Committee this

year, and the possibility of merging it with the Advisory Committee for the Post

Baccalaureate program to avoid duplication and increase participation.

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It also suggests the need to have the time to maintain current industry contacts

as well as develop new ones.

These recommendations were supported by the Self-Study Report results, as well as

by conversations with students and faculty during the site visit.

Clearly, the relationship between the program and industry in general is one of the

strengths of the program. This strong industry connection was mentioned frequently

during the site visit conversations as well as in the Self-Study.

During the site visit, students, alumni and industry expressed satisfaction with the

connections to industry that the program provided. This was seen as a strength of the

program. Faculty were also proud of their industry connections, but were also clear that

they felt they had limited time to maintain current relationships and establish new ones.

Conclusions: The External Review Team supports the recommendation to place a

priority on reactivating the Program Advisory Committee. A strong, active advisory

committee with committed and varied industry representatives and alumni is particularly

valuable at this stage when the program team will be working to prioritize and carry out a

challenging Action Plan.

Enabling more time for faculty to maintain and develop industry relations is

challenging. However, it may be that by enacting some of the other program review

recommendations, the team will be able to consciously allocate more time for industry

connections. For example, it is possible during curriculum renewal and restructuring to

consider changes to courses and delivery that build in time for industry connections for

faculty and students.

Enabling the recommendation of hiring an Educational Advisor and an Associate

Dean would also likely result in a trickle-down effect of more time for the program team

because of sharing the workload across additional administrative personnel.

* Additional recommendations:

The alumni focus group mentioned that guest speakers were mostly

representative of the design aspects of fashion, and that it would help to include

a balance of industry speakers who also represented the technical and other

areas of the industry.

Form partnerships with industry trade associations.

Create regular field trips as lab experience in appropriate courses.

Solicit industry to provide financial awards for students (in addition to those from

KPU Office of Advancement). (Contact School of Horticulture.)

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Encourage more faculty involvement with industry: e.g. memberships,

committees, industry publications.

Create an employment-focused day, which includes presentations from industry,

and scheduled interviews between industry and students. (similar to half-day

Branching Out event, School of Horticulture)


The Self Study Report recommended developing a more formalized system to

track alumni, and to engage with alumni and industry through events and other


This recommendation was supported by evidence in the Self-Study Report results,

as well as in conversations during the site visit. Discussions among students and faculty

that related to alumni were often associated with suggestions of relationships with

industry in general.

* The External Team would add that the alumni and industry we interviewed felt that the interns presented themselves better at interviews than the graduates, although they weren’t sure why.

Conclusion: The External Review Team supports the recommendation and sees the

value of stronger alumni relations because it would contribute in multiple areas such as

marketing, future program growth, benefits for current students and graduates, and

industry connections for students and faculty.

Given the current time constraints for faculty, the External Review Team supports the

suggestion in the Self-Study Report that improved alumni connections may be enabled

by working more closely with the KPU Alumni Association instead of necessarily starting

a new tracking process.

The Self Study Report recommendation of ongoing network events with alumni was

supported as well by the student focus group and the alumni/industry focus group during

the site visit. One specific discussion was around the idea of having a panel of recent

graduates return and talk with current students to discuss their employment experiences

after leaving the program.

The student focus group mentioned that they appreciated the current practice where

faculty bring in third-year students to talk with first-year students. While this is not directly

related to 'alumni’, it still supports the advantage of students interacting with other more

experienced students. It could be that by enabling stronger connections between

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students in different years of the program, they may graduate with an established set of

connections that would essentially be an informal network of alumni.


We support the recommendation that KPU add a Marketing Advisor (Communications and Event Specialist) dedicated to this department, to help promote programs, improve recruitment, and help develop new marketing initiatives, such as an enhanced social media platform and a website.

We support the suggestion for more participation in community and industry events, such as career fairs, trade shows and an Open House. However, we suggest that the Action Plan include a list of specific events, and a process for ensuring support and participation from all faculty and staff.

We agree that collaboration between programs and institutions needs ongoing support.

We agree that the department needs to pursue opportunities for Continuing Studies, to develop courses for high schools, industry and the community. However, this must involve support from KPU in terms of workload release time for faculty.

* We suggest the department create an internal Marketing Committee, whose responsibilities would include:

o Annually updating the list of marketing events, both within and external to KPU.

o Develop a proposed budget to support the marketing activities. o Annually review the success of the various marketing initiatives. o Contact other departments within KPU for input and advice on marketing



We agree with the importance of stronger relationships with other KPU departments and offices. However, the Action Plan must indicate how and when this could occur.


We agree with the request for an Associate Dean position. There are 7 programs within the Faculty and over 500 students, which we feel is too much for a single Dean to effectively manage alone.

We agree with the request for an Educational Advisor for students, as available to most KPU programs.

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* Faculty we interviewed suggested students need more support for general student performance skills, such as time management, organization, and leadership. Recommendation:

o Have the KPU Counseling department deliver training sessions.

* Students we interviewed suggested that students in years 1 and 2 need more support, training, and information as outlined earlier in this report.

* The department needs to implement the KPU SharePoint system to improve internal communication

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Program Reviews in Progress As of: 3/12/2015 Page 1 of 2

Planning Began

Report Approved

Site VisitReport

Received Report



Report Received

Arts Criminology 2009 Mar-12 Nov-12 Jun-13 Mar-13 Feb-14 Apr-15

Arts Creative Writing 2010 Jun-12 Sep-12 Oct-12 Jun-14 Nov-14 Jun-15

BusinessBTech IT + Cert and Dipl

2010 Sep-13 Nov-13 Jan-14 Sep-14 Sep-15 Action plan funding not applied for

Arts Political Science Jun-10 Nov-11 Mar-12 May-12 May-13 Feb-14 Apr-15One-year update planned for April 2015

Arts Music 2011 Feb-14 Apr-14 May-14

Arts History 2011 Feb-13 Mar-13 May-13 Nov-13 Feb-14 Apr-15One-year update planned for June 2015

Arts English Sep-12 Feb-14 Mar-14 May-14 Oct-14

Business Legal Admin May-13Data collection completed June 2014; Self-Study report planned for May 2015

DesignFashion Design (2nd Cycle)

May-13 Oct-14 Feb-15 Mar-15

BusinessHuman Resource Management BBA


Student and faculty surveys completed; awaiting feedback from SST on Alumni and Industry surveys

Progress UpdateFaculty Program

Self-Study External Review One-Year Follow-upAction Plan

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Program Reviews in Progress As of: 3/12/2015 Page 2 of 2

Planning Began

Report Approved

Site VisitReport

Received Report



Report Received

Progress UpdateFaculty Program

Self-Study External Review One-Year Follow-upAction Plan

BusinessEntrepreneurial Leadership BBA


Student and faculty surveys completed; awaiting feedback from SST on Alumni and Industry surveys

TradesComputer Aided Design and Drafting

Jun-14 Data collection completed


Business Management Certificate and Diploma

Sep-14 Self-Study planning underway

BusinessBusiness Administration Diploma

Sep-14Planning for data collection underway; expect to launch surveys in Fall 2015