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  • 8/10/2019 IMAC XIX 194301 Dynamic Analysis Cranes


    Dynamic Analysis of Cranes

    M. A. NASSER

    Associate Prof

    (Visiting Researcher, Mechanical Engineering Department, The University of Dundee, Dundee, DDl 4HN, Scot land, UK.)

    Production Engineering & Mechanical Design Dept., Faculty of Engineering, Menoutia University, Shebin El Kom, Egypt


    The objective of this paper is to analyze the crane

    structures as a step to study their effects on the

    structures working integrally with them. The interaction

    between cranes and those structures has dominant

    effects on the global system behavior. Crane structures

    may have many forms of space structures. It is not

    logical or economical to perform experimental modal

    analysis to al l of them to investigate the structural

    behavior of such structures and carry out the in-site tests

    of measuring their effects on the structures integral with

    them. In this paper a tria l is made to estimate the crane

    structures eigenpairs numerically on the basis of fini te

    element methods, The finite element method was

    applied firstly on a small space structure. Small space

    slightly complicated structure is designed, manufactured

    and dynamically analyzed experimentally


    analytically to validate the model. The results indicate

    good agreement between theoretical and experimental

    eigepairs. An in-site crane is analyzed on the basis of

    the refmed model. The results of the analy tical study

    and measured frequencies indicated that there is some

    coincidence between exciting frequencies and system

    natural frequencies. Crane/barrage interaction was

    analyzed and the deflections in the barrage structure

    were theoret ically predicted by using the m-site crane

    eigenpairs and reactions between the crane and the

    barrage structure in a tria l to reduce their hazards on the

    masonry structures. The results indicated that high

    inning speeds cause less deflection but they still

    serious because they cause dynamic fluctuation along

    their track. Running speeds of cranes on such structores

    are recommended.


    N : number of modes.

    [ a [cl w4~1 :

    mass, damping, stiffness and

    modal shape matrices.


    : force vector.


    : reaction forces.

    X,Y,Z > : coordinates.

    iLCXG] :?

    vertical acceleration, velocity and

    displacement vectors

    ww> :

    vectors of acceleration, velocity and



    : resulting wheel loads applied to the



    : modal shape vector.


    : modal participation factor.


    : natural frequency


    : mode number.

    B : part of barrage and arch structure.

    c :crane

    w : wheel.

    NW : wheel number.


    Cranes as a mechanical system are the conventional

    way to move the steel water gates, which control the

    water flow according to irrigation and marine needs.

    Some cranes have large steel structure and others

    have small steel structures. Large and small cranes

    running over railway fixed over the top of the steel

    structure. The steel structure carrying the crane is

    running along the barrage masonry structure on a

    railway fixed at the top of the barrage. The railroad of

    small size cranes is always in the upstream side, while

    it is in the upstream and downstream edges of the

    barrage in the case of large cranes. Large running

    cranes use diesel engines, and some fured cranes use


    motors. The diesel engine, power

    transmission system and the


    of the crane over

    the barrages generate serious vibrations, [l-Z]. Some

    types of cranes are now out of service in some

    important infrastructure places, representing a vital

    problem despite their storage over the structure. The

    traffic over the reservoir generates vibration, which

    move the crane vertical ly to play as a vibrating


    instigating regenerative vibrations on the

    reservoir structure. It is recommended to keep this

    crane away from the structure. Electromechanical

    systems are now used to control steel water gates, [I].

    Studying cranes dynamics can helps in their v ibration

    reduction 13-41. An experimental modal parameters

    verification of container crane structure was

    numerically obtained using finite element method.

    Forced vibration tests as well as ambient v ibration

    due to wind load ing were performed. The validation

    between numerical and experimental results was

    obtained, [3]. An experimental and numerical

    identification of a container crane (55OOkN) structure

    natural frequencies, mode shapes and modal

    parameters are presented. A numerical dynamic

    model using finite element methods was applied. The

    beams are modelled as line-beam elements. Service

    transient behaviour of the structure has been obtained


  • 8/10/2019 IMAC XIX 194301 Dynamic Analysis Cranes


    and used for stress analysis and structural parameters

    identifications. Wind and crane motion forces are used

    for ambient vibration testing and their results are briefly

    included, [4]. An application of modal analysis as a

    basis for remode lling of Iarge structure crane was

    performed. The results of the analyt ical study and

    measured frequencies indicated that there are some

    coincidence between exciting frequencies and system

    natural frequencies, Careful investigation and diagnosis

    of vibration problems should be firstly done and

    followed by the structure remodelling using fini te

    element method to overcome some dynamic problems,

    [5]. This study may be used as a cornerstone of the

    dynamic analysis of large scale complicated structures.

    Firstly, diagnosis process should be done to detect the

    fault or faults that generate high levels of vibrations.

    These faults must be corrected to reduce energetically

    exciting force. Remodelling process can be done after

    this to make structural modif ication options using

    computers equipped with fini te element structural

    analysis software. Some other works, [6-S] have app lied

    the modal analysis technique to other types of cranes.

    Modal analysis was used for the ultimate purpose of

    crane safety by reducing the swinging. Swinging of the

    payload during and after transit poses a major safety and

    site efficiency problem. The objective of this research is

    to design implementable stabilizing controllers for a

    distributed model of the crane system. An exact moda l

    analysis of the closed loop system is performed

    assuming constant tension and no damping. An

    approach has been used to incorporate spatially varying

    tension and damping. Design of the control gains is

    demonstrated using a root locus approach. The theory is

    successfully tested on a gantry crane system. The

    controller significantly reduces the time required for the

    payload oscillations to damp out, [6]. Motion-induced

    vibrations have been reduced in flex ible systems in a

    feed forward way using a time-varying impulse

    sequence. The decoupled moda l responses for a general

    linear time-varying system are firstly approximated.

    Upon this approximation, the time-varying impulse

    sequences to suppress the vibrational modes are found.

    The performance of this method was demonstrated with

    two practical examples: a moving overhead crane and a

    two-link robot manipu lator. Consequently, this study

    has provided an input shaping technique applicable to

    the vibration suppression of broader classes of flex ible

    systems, 171. The transient response of the truck crane

    structure due to winch operation when the loading beam

    is operated in the vertical direction from the crane frame

    axis has been examined by modal analysis. The transient

    vibration strains in the lower beam were observed in an

    actual track crane and numerical simulations were

    carried out. Then, relationships between the winch

    operation and transient vibration strain levels were

    presented for the various operation patterns of the

    winch, [S]. Vibration and moda l analysis of the moving

    mechanical systems are very complicated processes.

    The modelhng of different parts of such systems and the

    interactions between these parts is difficult to be

    obtained. The crane/barrage is very similar to

    vehicle/bridge or train/rail 19-121 interaction, which

    should be considered. Some models of assessing

    vehicle/bridge interactions have been investigated and

    some case studies are given [9]. The bridge-vehicle

    interaction in curved box Girder Bridge was

    investigated [lo]. Train-bridge, which is very similar

    to crane ructure under time-varying system mode

    synthesis technique, has been investigated


    Another analysis of coupled vibration between

    railway vehicle wheels and rail for the case of an

    infinite number of vehicles in vertical and horizontal

    directions by using of an approximate model was

    predicted 1121. In the case of cranes there is an

    interaction between the crane structure and the

    structure integral with them. Another wheel-rail

    interface is due to the interaction between the steel

    structure carrying the crane and the barrage. The

    modelling of such arge-scale ranesover the barrages

    is a complicated process due to many complicated

    crane/rail/steel structure/ rail/bridge interactions. In

    this paper the top part of the crane will treated as a

    perturbed mass n order to reduce the complications

    of interactions between the top part and the crane

    structure. The available instrumentation will be used

    for testing the small-scalemodel for the comparison

    with the analytical findings from finite element

    methods. The updated finite element method should

    be used or the eigen analysis of an m-site crane. The

    analytical should be compared with earlier

    experimental results. The modal reactions as well as

    the modal parametersof the crane and the integrated

    structure should be used to determine the deflection

    causedby crane running over the integrated structures

    with the crane o define their safe unning velocities.


    The natural frequenciesand mode shapes f the crane

    spacestructure were evaluated analytically by using

    the finite elementanalysis. A lesscomplicated model

    was designed,built, analysed and tested to update the

    finite element model. The updated the finite element

    model is then applied to the m-site crane. The

    structure was modelled by beam elements.The model

    shown in Fig. (2) is made up of 49 nodes and 129

    elementswhile the in-site crane structure is divided

    into 96 nodesand 188 elements.The top trolley of the

    crane was treated as a perturbed mass.The Equation

    of motion of the svstemcan be written as:

    To estimate he natural frequenciesand mode shapes,

    the damping in the system assumed o be neglected

    then the equation (1) takes the following:

    l..ctic>+[~c cl=~~c~ - (2)

    The damping neglecting assumption makes the

    system under analysis seems to be linear, so the

    systemmotion can be consideredas harmonic motion

    as ollowing:

    6, >= bc bowt


    From equation (3) substituting nto equation (2)


  • 8/10/2019 IMAC XIX 194301 Dynamic Analysis Cranes


    Solving equation (4) considering @]# 0 then:


    The static analysis of the system is special case of the

    dynamic analysis, so the equation (2) takes the

    followinrr form:



    For the integrating structure on which the crane is

    running over, the equation of motion in the vertical

    direct ion (z), is as the following:

    The analysis is concentrated on the dynamics of only 6

    spans of the integrated structure. The 6 spans are

    divided into thee equal parts, two under the crane, two

    frontal and two backward the crane. To determine the

    crane/barrage response, the mathematical model of the

    crane described is solved every time step and by using

    the eigenpairs obtained from the modal analysis of the

    bridge to solve the system modal. Modal forces

    corresponding to the different barrage modes are

    computed using the cranes static wheel loads. The

    crane wheels NW =8 wheels and the equation and



    Numerical integrations are used to solve the integrating

    structures modal equations by estimating the modal

    participation factors h, ,...h,v and their time derivation

    k,(t) h,Jg. The Newmark-Beta method is used for

    the numerical integration.



    +C du?)

    , T+w&@>= F,,,@,i) (10)

    fori=l+ N

    The barrage displacements at wheels positions are

    computed from;

    I = ,


    The crane was considered as 2-dimensional by only

    considering the vertical and traverse motions along the

    barrage. The computed wheel displacements are used as

    restraints. This process is repeated for each crane

    moving on the barrage and the displacements were

    estimated for one arch of the barrage. The first 5 modes

    are sufficient to obtain accurate displacements at the

    barrage arch, centres. The first longitudinal mode

    combined with different transverse modes is sufficient

    to obtain mid-span displacements at eccentric location.

    The analysis time is increased by one time step and new

    crane positions are estimated by repeating this



    The instrumentation that has been used to collect and

    process vibrat ion data for the crane space structure

    model described later in this section is shown in Fig.

    (1). The principal components are a PCB model

    J353B65 accelerometers and PCB 086CO2 impact

    hammer their corresponding line-drive supply

    amplifiers PCB 48OCO2, which allow low-level

    vibration data to be transmitted to the dual dynamic

    signal analyser HP 3567019 dual channel signal

    analyser connected by a Pentium PC allows data to be

    collected easily and transferred directly ME Scope

    Modal analysis software. The model of 35x35~72 cm

    is symmetric around two axis as shown in Figure (2)

    is made of 18.35m steel bars of 5x5mm square cross

    section. A total of 129 element and 49 nodal points

    were the measurement stations, for 147

    measurements. To excite al l vibrationa l modes with a

    specific frequency range, careful consideration must

    be given to choice the common reference degree of

    freedom. The driving point degree of freedom would

    be a vibra tional node number 20. The test model was

    hanged up to a fixed structure by using soft rubber

    strings and impacted by using the impact hammer.

    The vibrat ion signals were measured by the

    piezoelectric accelerometer. The signals from the

    impact hammer and the accelerometer were

    conditioned through the two conditioning amplifiers.

    The analogue signals of the exciting force and

    resulting vibration are then passed onto the dual

    channel signal analyser, which analyses and stores

    those signals. The processed signals are then passed

    onto computer equipped with the modal analysis

    software package. ME Scope modal Plus, VT520

    Vibrant Technology is used for experimental modal

    analysis. The same procedure was repeated for the

    model after perturbing by adding a mass of 24.525 N

    onto the top surface mesh to simulate the top trolley

    of the in-site crane.

    (a) Instrumentation.

    (b) Photo.


  • 8/10/2019 IMAC XIX 194301 Dynamic Analysis Cranes


    he Experimental Set-Up.

    (a) Outer Surface Meshing

    (6) Configuration.

    Fig. (2) The Model.


    The natural frequencies obtained by finite element and

    impulse excitation methods for the crane space structure

    model and the model perturbed by adding mass are very

    closely as shown in (Table-l) and figure (3). The natural

    frequencies obtained from the modal test matches very

    closely, less than 2.2 % with fmite element results for

    the model and 2.7 % for the perturbed model. The

    percentage-damping factors for different modes from

    modal tests of the model and perturbed model clearly

    show that the percentage damping factor values

    decrease with higher modes as shown in figure (4). The

    results indicated that the added mass to the system has

    great effects on the frequency and damping of the

    system. Figure (5) shows some frequency response

    functions obtained during the modal test of the model.

    The first eight modes are given in figure (6). Those

    modes are thoroughly examined by animation and

    reprints to know the nature or the type of each mode.

    Figure 7 (a and b) shows some in-site gate cranes.

    The crane under the study Fig. (7-a) is more or

    complete ly different than cranes shown in tigure (7-

    b). The integrating structures with them are also

    different in dimensions and geometry. The

    dimensions of the crane structure (9416952N) under

    the study are given in figure (7-c) and the top trolley

    carrying the crane is 195219N in weight. The top

    trol ley is treated as a perturbed mass.

    The specifications of the integrated structnre are

    given in reference [2]. Table (2) and Fig. (8) present

    the natural frequencies of the m-site crane in both

    analytical and experimental conditions, The analytical

    and experimental results matches very closely, less

    than 4.2 %. Figure (9) and (10) illustrate the

    deflection of the mid-span barrage and arch due to the

    running of the crane for the crane running speeds of

    10, 15 and 20 km/h. The analysed crane is integrated

    with a barrage of 110 arches each arch span is 5.4 m.

    Four wheels of the crane wheels are running over the

    spandrel wall of the barrage in the downstream

    direction and the other four wheels are running over a

    wall of 110 arches of the same span. The deflection

    values of the arch are generally less than those of the

    barrage spandrel wall, this because of the larger width

    of the arch. The width of the arch is 205 cm while the

    width of the spandrel wall is 68 cm. The reaction

    forces play with the mode shape the vital ro le in this

    relationship. The fast mode was considered because

    its dominant effect in this condit ion. The results

    indicated that the lower velocities cause higher

    deflections. Despite the higher speeds cause lower

    deflections, they are not recommended because they

    cause large fluctuations in the deflect ion with distance

    for higher speeds. These fluctuations are severe

    dynamic loading to the structures integral with those


    The work in this paper presents an analysis of the

    dynamics of crane, as typical ly used for barrages

    gates handling operations, for the ultimate purposes of

    research into infrastructure safety. Dynamical models

    are proposed for the crane based on a simplif ication

    of the structure into a space structure frame of the

    below trolley and the overhead tro lley. Full three-

    dimensional motion is encompassed in the dynamical

    equations of motion, and various movement scenarios

    are examined. The crane/barrage dynamics was

    studied. The phenomenon is explained and

    investigated using pure geometry and a numerical

    method to assess its effect in practise. This paper is

    concerned with the investigation of non-destructive

    methods of structural testing using fin ite element

    models. Non-destructive methods of structural testing

    have growing popularity in their appl ication to the

    quality control of our strategic infrastructure such as

    barrages and reservoirs structures. In this research, the

    finite element models are used as a tool to investigate


  • 8/10/2019 IMAC XIX 194301 Dynamic Analysis Cranes


    theoretically the dynamic behaviour of large-scale

    barrage structure regarding the crane dynamic load, it

    structures. Thus, test data Corn a site may be interpreted

    is important to know which is the most critica l natural

    in frequency domain to assess the integr ity of a

    frequency of the structure The most critical natural

    structural dynamics. A real situation during crane

    frequency is likely to be that which is closest to the

    working, it is necessary, however, to keep a record of

    dominant excitation tiequency in the crane motion

    the vibrat ion responses of the barrage structure during

    input. This would be known by analysing vibration

    the crane motion to be able to make any

    spectra of a typica l loca l in-site crane motions and the

    recommendation for the design and operation of a real

    modal analysis of the crane structure.

    Made Crane model Structure.


    Perturbed Crane model.

    Frequency (Hz) Dam ping Frequency (Hz)


    7-h w, Th

    11 2.07E3 2.050E3 1.582 4.663E3 4.612E3

    12 2 5E3 2.466E3 938.836E-3 5.128E3 5 116E3

    13 2.63E3 2.603E3 3.873 5.659E3 5.618E3

    14 3.2983 3.085E3 1.177 6.lE3 6.139E3

    Table (1) The Frequencies and Damping of the Models.

    . . , _ I





    0 -: i

    0 2 4 6 b 10 12 14 16

    Fig. (3) Mode Frequency of the Models.

    I * stru. . stru.+mass I

    0 5

    Mode 10

    Fig. (4) Mode Damping of the Models.

    Fig. (5) Some FRFs of the Model .


  • 8/10/2019 IMAC XIX 194301 Dynamic Analysis Cranes


    Fig. (6) Some Mode Shapes of the Model.




    l -

    (b) Photo.

  • 8/10/2019 IMAC XIX 194301 Dynamic Analysis Cranes


    (c) Outer Dimensions.

    Fig. (7) In-Site Crane.

    Table (2) Mode Frequency of the In-Site Crane.

    30 ,

    . Th. XExp.


    25 _

    3 A

    E. 20. .x

    E 15. Y


    10. *xx=






    0 (

    0 5 IO 15 20


    Fig. (8) Mode Frequency of the In-Site Crane.









    5 -0.25


    2 -0.3




    Pos ition of Front Axle (m.)

    Fig. (9) Barrage Deflection.



    a -0.1




    T$ -0.2


    -0 25

    -0.3 J

    Position of Front Axle (m.)

    Fig. (10) Arch Deflection.


    1, The modal analysis results carried out on the model

    and perturbed model are agree very closely with

    experimental fmdings. The study gave a good

    confidence that modal analysis could used to verify

    and update

    crane dynamics during their

    qualification testing.

    2. Finite e lement analysis is capable to anticipate the

    dynamic characteristics and behaviour of crane

    structures during

    their operation to avoid the


    between forced



    frequencies of the crane system.

    3.Experimental modal analysis of other cranes are

    only required when the accuracy and reliability of

    such systems are required.

    4. It is recommended that the running velocities of the

    cranes should kept as min imum as possible.

    Despite the higher speeds cause lower deflections.

    The higher

    running velocities are not


    because they cause large

    fluctuations in the deflection with distance for

    higher speeds. These fluctuations are severe

    dynamic loading to the struchues integra1 with

    those cranes.


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  • 8/10/2019 IMAC XIX 194301 Dynamic Analysis Cranes


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    The author would like to thank the support of M&ERI,

    NWRC, Egyptian Ministry of Irrigation and Water

    Resources for the experimental facilities they have offered

    me to conduct this work, in particular to Prof. Helal and Dr.

    Abdel Rabman. Also the author would like to thank the

    support of the Mechanical Engineering Department, the

    University of Dundee, in particular to Prof. J im Hewit the

    Professor of Mechanical Engineering for the computing

    and other facilities he has offered me to conduct this paper.
