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Page 1: Semi presidentialism

Semipresidentialism: A new form of constitutional democracy


Definition Separation of power Limitations Subtypes Discussion

Presented by: Tsering Tashi

Page 2: Semi presidentialism

What is semipresidentialism?

Duverger definition:• The president is directly elected by universal suffrage • He possesses considerable powers. • Prime minister who possesses also executive power

but he can stay in office only if parliament supports him.

The widely acknowledged standard definition:The situation where a popularly elected fixed-term president exists alongside a prime minister and cabinet who are responsible to the parliament. Robert Elgie (1999)

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How many countries are there currently in the category of semipresidentialism?

Which country first adopted semipresidential system?

Germany(Weimar republic, 1919)

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The Semipresidential countries in the world

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Source: Michael J. Sodaro(2007)

Dual Executive

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The unique feature of semi-presidentialism is “dual executive”

Executive power is shared between the president and the prime minister.

no a clear division of power between the two executive within the constitution

French Fifth Republic constitution article 15 : “The president is commander in chief of the armed forces” Article 21: “The prime minister is responsible for national defense” Competition and coordination problem

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Dual legitimacy

Since 1986, French “cohabitation” Divided majority Government.

president one party and PM and government from opposing party. Isolated within the executive.

President & government : clash of legitimacy

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Divided minority government

Cindy skach argument: Fragmented legislature.No president, prime minister and any party enjoy majority.President resorts to emergency and legislation without government. Rober Elgie: Bad for young democracy and democracy will collapse.

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Rober Elgie, Lijphard, Cindy skach

Cindy skach : Consolidate majority is a durable and stable govt

President supported by majority government Transfer power to executives and super powerful

presidency Accumulation of power in one institution

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Shugart and Carey : Premier-Presidentialism : Prime minister exerts greater

executive power. Robert Elgie: Single responsibility: situation where prime

minister and cabinet are exclusively accountable to the legislature. President can’t dismiss the prime minister and cabinet.

President-parliamentarianism: president has more authority.

Dual responsibility: prime minister and cabinet are responsible to the legislature and president.

Legislature and president both can dismiss PM.

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Legislative power of President

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Non-Legislative power of President

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52 countries have adopted the semipresidential constitution according to the Robert Elgie’s categorization. So, the pertinent question is why the newly established young democracies adopted this newest system of power sharing arrangement and is it good or bad for them?

Why there is a great disparity between the constitutional power and actual authority of president? In the case of France, president has limited constitutional power according to the Roper’s data, what makes French president powerful on the ground?

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Skach, Cindy. "The "newest" Separation of Powers: Semipresidentialism."International Journal of Constitutional Law 5.1 (2007): 93-121. Web.  

Roper, Steven D. 2002. 'Are All Semipresidential Regimes The Same? A Comparison Of Premier-Presidential Regimes'.

Elgie Robert, The politics of semipresidentialism,1999.   Sodaro, Michael J., and Dean Walter Collinwood.  Comparative Politics: A

Global Introduction. New York: McGraw-Hill, 2007. Print.

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