Download - Selling Travel March 2015



The DESIRE to travel starts early and continues throughout one’s

life – are you marketing to Generation Z?

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Steve Crowhurst [email protected]



SMP Training Co.


Steve Crowhurst SELLING TRAVEL is owned and published by Steve Crowhurst, SMP Training Co. All Rights Reserved. Protected by International Copyright Law. SELLING TRAVEL can be shared, forwarded, cut and pasted but not sold, resold or in any way monetized. Using any images or content from SELLING TRAVEL must be sourced as follows: “Copyright SMP Training Co.” SMP Training Co. 568 Country Club Drive, Qualicum Beach, BC, Canada, V9K-1G1 Note: Steve Crowhurst is not responsible for outcomes based on how you interpret or use the ideas in SELLING TRAVEL. T: 250-738-0064.




















Please note that Selling Travel, owned and published by SMP Training Co, is not connected in any way to Selling Travel magazine published by BMI Publishing Ltd., and based in the UK. The latter publication focuses entirely on destination and travel/tourism product training and is circulated solely to the UK and Ireland travel industries. To benefit from this resource visit and be sure to subscribe.

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Selling the Mysterious Ancient tombs, radiated patches in forests, lights in the sky, haunted castles, islands appearing

out of the ocean, lost cities, newly found artifacts, 3,000 year old ships found in the mud, dino

footprints… and a customer wants to book what? A beach vacation!!! What can I say? One

tourist’s beach is another explorer’s mystery adventure.

In this issue of Selling Travel we’ll take a look at selling something different, something just

slightly off the track, beaten or otherwise. Selling the world’s Mysterious Places might just

become a new niche for you.

We’ll also explore the contents of a new eGuide: Selling With Humour and how the use of humour

in your sales & marketing activities can warm more prospects to you and even speed up their

buying decision.

On the social media front, I have to tell you more about why I’ve put my Facebook business page

on hold. Okay let’s go inside…

Here’s to your continued success in SELLING TRAVEL.

Best regards.

Steve Crowhurst, CTC, CTM Hon. [email protected]


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Steve Crowhurst, Publisher

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Well what can you say, mystery is

in the eye of the beholder… and

there are mysteries everywhere

you travel and then some. Always keep an eye

open for anything

that’s new, different

and causes your

clients to think.

Unravel a mystery or two for

yourself and then you’ll have

direct knowledge to market to

your client list.

Where have you visited recently, or in the past, that was anything bordering on mysterious? Now

that could mean you were lost in the mist, you heard someone who wasn’t there calling your

name, you noticed the angle of the pictures on the wall change… you were suddenly in a different

time dimension and saw yourself in 2030… all clever stuff. A bit of Hollywood. So OKAY… BACK

TO REALITY which in itself is a mystery! In truth, where have you travelled that haunts you for all

the right reasons?

Let’s get a handle on the word mysterious – the definitions come back as: difficult or impossible

to understand, explain, or identify… puzzling, strange, peculiar, curious, funny, queer, odd, weird,

bizarre, mystifying, inexplicable, baffling, perplexing, incomprehensible, unexplainable,

unfathomable… and I bet that you can place a memory or two against each of those words.

I once hitch-hiked across an area in the UK known as Dartmoor. Now that was freaky Friday let

me tell you. And of course we had to be there as night fell. Not sure why now, I suppose we

wanted to test our resolve and perhaps see if we could meet any of the mass-murderers being

housed in the prison of the same name, who might be out for an evening stroll.

Being out on the ocean can be mysterious. You can see things that may or may not be there. You

can witness such wonderful skies and turbulent seas one minute and calm the next and even see

a line where two colours of ocean meet.

In the forests, atop mountain peaks, walking in the valleys and flying in a window seat… you can

witness sights, sounds and events that you might class as mysterious too. After the death of a

loved one, a white dove flew into the garden where I was standing and came right to my feet and

stayed there whilst my Mum and I crouched down with our hands out… the dove stayed with us

for three to five minutes and then it was gone.

Ancient events often leave a trail and an atmosphere that you sense when you enter that space,

you can touch walls and doors and again, get a feeling of what happened there. Real or being

tricked, sometimes we just don’t know and all of this makes for great marketing and even more

so if you have photographs or a video of what you experienced.

In terms of UFOs, my wife scores two to my one! Well, I was driving and couldn’t look up,

otherwise the score would have been 2-2.

Welcome! Welcome! Let me

show you to your room…

The Pyramids are mysterious. Easter Island is mysterious. Ghost ships like the Baychimo are

mysterious. Bigfoot is in there somewhere too. Nepal has its own ways and what about those

Nazca Lines and crop circles and similar phenomena? Did you know that there are hundreds of

reports and books all about those crop circles and there are crop circle tours of the world too.

Here’s one UK company that’s focused on this

niche and their rates are $6,000 all-in for the

tour and accommodation etc. Not bad!

Another website that’s focused on this mystery uses a phrase Sacred Geometry and that has a

nice ring to it. Part of your success in marketing and selling mysterious places will be how you

label your company or products.

Headings for your e-Blasts might be something like this:-

Explore the Mysteries of…

Walk Where Gods Walk

Unravel the Mystery of the Vikings

The Mysteries of Zen Buddhism

Stone Circles, Crop Circles and More

You have an excellent opportunity here to also include places that hold a “power” and those

places can range from libraries to mountain peaks, to waterfalls, to a forest glade… and the power

is often related to what happened ‘there’ or what the place of power holds such as an ancient

text for instance. Why not ask your clients to BRING YOUR TRAVEL MYSTERY TO US and then

plan that once-in-a-lifetime trip for them?

TV Shows

Hey look at this, on the Travel Channel…

Mysteries at the Museum. Have you

watched it? The shows are excellent and

each museum they review gives you a new

opportunity. Why? Well thousands of people

in your neck of the woods just might be

watching the same show. When you market

a Museum Mystery Tour… featuring for

instance four or five European museums all

within a train ride away… well that’s a group

tour itinerary ready to go.

Genealogy Mysteries

At some point in their lives, usually around

age of 50 – 60 people start to think about

their ancestry and if you are watching the

Genealogy Roadshow then you’ll know that

so many people have a family mystery that

needs solving. You can embark on a tour to

Europe, South America, Eastern Europe, Asia

and focus your tour on helping certain

people (could be by race, religion, interest…)

get to places where they can attempt to

unravel their own mystery.

Mysteries of the Universe

Are we alone? Are we watched? Do those

cave paintings tell us something we ought to

know? Probably watching too much TV

however, the universe does hold one heck of

lot of mysterious things and you can bet that

once again, thousands of people in your area

have questions. Just to gaze up through a

powerful telescope can be life changing. A

trip to all the famous telescopes in the world

might just be a tour you could offer.


These thundering torrents have held visitors

spellbound at their awesome power and

some of them hold a mystery dating back

centuries. Some have caves behind them,

some footpaths leading ‘somewhere’ and

some have rock paintings. Now if you want

to view something spectacular click here.

Cave Paintings

These amazing records of our ancestors are

losing their mystery as those that know are

finding them and decoding them. For the

moment tourists can still enter some caves

to view ancient cave art – but that will cease

soon as the breath of tourists cause the

death of the artworks.

There’s still ghost towns to explore, the

Bermuda Triangle, lost tribes, haunted

hotels and if you need more click here for 60

mysterious and interesting places to visit.

The mystery will never end as you well know.

So many places to see before “we” step off

the globe and enter a new universe. As the

saying goes, “Life is short, death is long” so

solve the mystery of your client’s mysterious

travels needs now.

Text Box
Text Box
Real or Fake? Well, the photo is fake... a combination of a seascape, a rock from my garden and a silhouette of me, layered together after removing the backgrounds. Fake or not, you can create your own imagery to market what you sell.

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Palace of the Winds, Jaipur, India.

Photo: Steve Gillick

An off-quoted phrase is that “yesterday is history, tomorrow is a mystery, today is a gift and that’s why they call it the present”. We can complicate things by citing the 1964 song, Forget Domani (Forget tomorrow), as “tomorrow never comes”. So where does this leave “mystery”? Historically, the word ‘mystery’ referred to secret rites, divine rituals and something hidden from mere mortals. Today we refer to anything that is hard to explain as a mystery. Stonehenge is a mystery. The pyramids of Egypt are a mystery. So are the whirling dervishes in Turkey.

But as we probe deeper and scientific

explanations turn mysteries into

probabilities, a sense of discovery still exists.

And from the point of view of human

curiosity and travel, the sense of

enchantment, supernatural, hidden

meanings, fantasies, storybook tales and

innate wonder, seems to take over our sense

of logic. The idea of placing yourself in the

state of mind that “I am witnessing this for

myself; The idea of placing yourself in the

state of mind that “I am witnessing this for

myself; I am a modern day explorer on my

own terms, I can be Indiana Jones or Lara

Croft or the real life Freya Stark or Wilfred

Thesiger, is very compelling.

Mystery for the sake of mystery becomes a bone fide attraction and becomes a strong draw for travellers looking to put their own footprint on the globe.

Angkor Wat is a fascinating temple complex. It’s a mystery even after knowledgeable local guides explain the significance of the bridges, the niches, the statues, and the position of the complex. Then you travel from Seam Rep in Cambodia to the Bulgaksa Temple in Gyeongju, South Korea or to Sigiriya, The Lion’s Rock, in Sri Lanka and you hear similar tales of structures providing pilgrims with a way to travel from the mortal world to the abode of the gods, many times with Apsaras (female celestial spirits) guiding the way. Even though the explanation has been provided, the thought behind the construction and the very process by which the temple complexes were conceived, remains something extraordinary and fantastic. The mystery of these legendary places continue. And mysteries come in all shapes and sizes. Some are on the regular tourist route: trying to imagine the actual Roman Coliseum in

Your Mystery Active Ingredient, Steve Gillick, President, Talking Travel

Italy or the Roman amphitheatre in El Djem, Tunisia; gazing at the Sphinx in Giza, Egypt; wandering down the street in Ephesus, Turkey to wonder at the Library of Celsus; standing before Ahu Tongariki-- the platform of 15 Moai statues on Easter Island; or scampering on one of the original “wild” sections of the Great Wall of China. Some mysteries are more nature-oriented: Oggling at the pink flamingoes in Lake Nakuru, in Kenya or the wildlife on the Galapagos Islands or on Japan’s isolated Ogasawara Islands; climbing the Santa Ana Volcano in El Salvador to see the brilliant turquoise crater lake; exploring the astounding land formations along the Quebrada del Rio de las Conchas, the road

that stretches from Cafayette to Salta in northern Argentina; and exploring deserts, gorges, canyons, waterfalls and rivers. Some mysteries inspire reflection: the Potala Palace in Lhasa Tibet, the city of Bhaktapur in Nepal, the Palace of the Winds in Jaipur, the Taj Mahal in Agra, Machu Picchu in Peru, Pompeii in Italy, Goreme in Cappadocia, and more. It’s a veritable world of wonders out there and the sense of mystery is a very personal ‘driver’ of travel dreams. For the travel seller it’s necessary to consider your own travel ‘drivers’ and then interview your clients with the same sense of awe and enthusiasm as you would plan your own journeys.

Selling mystery is like a detective process.

Following these leads will uncover your clients mystery needs:

1) Create the atmosphere. a. Posters on the walls b. Photos or short videos of mysterious

venues c. Subtle music playing in the background

(Irish reels or Indonesian Gamelan or Taiko drumming or Brazilian folk)

d. Tasting options. Keep a few bottles of local drinks on hand to give a tiny taste of the destination (wine, whiskey, sake, pisco sour)

e. Attitude. Nothing puts a damper on the mystery of travel than a travel agent with a blasé attitude and an order-taker mentality. Perk up! Get enthused! Show dynamic positivity. It’s infectious and your clients will reciprocate with their own enthusiasm.

2) Qualify the client a. Ask open-ended questions during the

client interview. “If you could wave a magic wand, where would you want to go; what would you want to see and experience”

b. Where have you been—where haven’t you been?

c. What’s the theme of your next travel? Beach? Adventure? Peace and Quiet? History? Mystery?

3) Do your homework. Every destination has its mystery elements. a. Be ready to suggest some, based on your

knowledge of the client. b. You can do some prep work before the

client’s visit if you’ve worked with them before, or you may need to follow up with a client to enhance the value of the destination.

c. Eventually, you will put together your own compendium of mystery features that cover destinations your client base is apt to visit. (Thinking of Japan? Have you ever thought of a temple stay in Koyasan? Or staying with a fisherman’s family in Tagarasu?)

4) Try it yourself! Remember that every time you travel and for whatever reason, you are investing in your career. a. Ask questions, take photos, assume that

one of your clients will want to travel to the same destination at some point in time.

b. Know the basics: the attractions, hotels, restaurants…but also know the mystery? Where is the mystery and why was it so compelling?

5) Don’t underestimate the ‘call’ of mystery in the travel-selling equation.

a. Key words, such as ‘mystery’, ‘unusual’, ‘hidden’, ‘secret’, ‘thrilling’, ‘discover’, ‘explore’ etc plant seeds of inquisitiveness in your clients and they will want to hear more.

b. Consider adding another line to your business card: “Mystery Maker” of “Mysteriously Yours”

The Potala Palace, Lhasa, Tibet. Santa Ana Volcano, El Salvador.

Sigiriya (The Lion's Rock) Sri Lanka. The 3rd Century Roman Amphitheatre,

El Djem, Tunisia

Anthony Dalton, FRGS, FRCGS

The big ship rolls with the heavy swells. Cold winds sweep the open decks. Spindrift whips off

the tops of restless waves. Keeping station on either side of the upper decks, a dozen or more

albatrosses ride the air currents with practised disdain for the howling wind. Gliding just above

the wake left by the cruise liner’s passing, another squadron of albatrosses follow us with

effortless style. Albatrosses, mariners believe, are the wandering souls of the sailors who lost

their lives near Cape Horn. If the legend is true, those souls are now graceful in the extreme.

We’re crossing the Drake Passage, a 600 mile

wide part of the Southern Ocean, where the

winds and waves are unhindered by land.

They power in from the west on a non-stop

parade around their cold and stormy domain

at the bottom of the world.

Cape Horn is behind us. We left that craggy

promontory astern a few hours ago. Ahead

is the icy continent of Antarctica. We’ll see

her massive glaciers, vast snow fields,

drifting icebergs and her exuberant wildlife

tomorrow. For now, late in the afternoon,

some passengers are sampling wines, or

drinking coffee, reading books, playing

bridge. Others, equally disinterested in the

ocean outside, are playing bingo, or feeding

coins into slot machines. The hardy few, all

bundled up against the cold, share the

promenade deck with me. All of us are

anxious for our first look at the vast southern

continent of ice and snow. Together, until

sunset, we scan the waters for signs of

whales, or dolphins, and we watch the skies

for the wide wingspans of the great birds

that frequent this desolate, mysterious part

of our planet.

We are out on deck again at daybreak,

determined not to miss anything if possible.

Weather conditions, however, interfere with

that plan. We pass Smith Island’s latitude but

could not see it due to the misty weather. A

couple of hours later, after passing a few

large, drifting icebergs, we enter the

Schollaert Channel, cruising between the

rugged shores of Brabant Island on the

starboard side and Anvers Island off to port.

Both are heavily glaciated; each beautiful in

an austere, frigid way. Along with Gerlache

Strait, they were named by members of

Belgium’s Belgica Expedition of 1898-99, the

islands and the straits are breathtaking in

their mysterious beauty. Without warning, a

pair of humpback whales show themselves.

Twin spumes of spray followed by two backs

breaking the surface. Two large tails wave in

the air, and they are gone again.

Paradise Bay is a deep circular opening in the

western side of the Antarctic Peninsula.

Named by whalers in the early 20th century,

if a paradise can be cold its name suits it well.

We move slowly past the rocky headland on

the north side of the large bay. Two other,

smaller, expedition-style cruise ships are

there before us. One is preparing to leave as

we arrive. The other, a ghostly image in

white, is almost invisible against the

snowfields. There is plenty of room for us.

Our Greek captain has a great respect for

Antarctica’s ice, and for its beauty. With a

Chilean ice pilot on watch at his side, he

makes his ship pirouette slowly so all on

board get to experience the panoramic

views without running from side to side.

More whales appear for a few seconds each

and a line of penguins can just be seen

angling up the lower reaches of a glacier.

The Antarctic Peninsula is home to an exotic

collection of southern creatures. There are

six species of penguins, at least seventeen

types of birds – plus many more over

surrounding waters, including the glorious

albatrosses. Then there are six varieties of

seals, eight species of whales, plus

hourglass dolphins and the orcas – or killer

whales. The wildlife, for me however, is

only part of the show: the dramatic scenery

dominating the bay has me spellbound.

Craggy peaks, encrusted in white with black

and grey rock showing through on the

steeper elevations, overlook the still

waters. The mist sweeps in and recedes just

as quickly. A light rain falls; then turns to

snow flurries. The sun is visible as a strange

orb behind the lowering clouds. The

temperature hovers at just above freezing

point. Despite the conditions, the open

decks and the ship’s rails are lined with

people. No one wants to miss a second of

this magical scenery.

From Paradise Bay we travel north-east,

following the peninsula on one side and the

South Shetland Islands on the other. Our

new destination is Elephant Island and a

date with the memory of Sir Ernest

Shackleton, one of Antarctica’s greatest

explorers. The island is said to have been

named for its abundance of elephant seals

and for its shape, which, on a map

resembles an elephant’s head and trunk.

We discover it is a desolate, barren piece of

frozen real estate.

After his expedition ship was sunk by ice,

Shackleton and his men made their

torturous way to this bleak, inhospitable

island. Leaving 22 men to live under an

upturned boat, Shackleton and five

companions sailed over 700 miles in

another open boat to find help. Four and a

half months later he returned with a ship to

take his men home. It is a remarkable story

of survival, determination and leadership.

From the comfort of our cruise ship we

study the frozen shores of Elephant Island

and wonder how those men survived.

To emphasize the dreadful cold that is part

of Antarctica at all seasons, a monster

iceberg is stranded a few miles off shore.

Shaped like a rectangular table and

covering an area equivalent to a city block,

it has grounded in 900 feet of water, leaving

an estimated 100 feet showing above the

surface. Close by another berg, a little

smaller but equally impressive, glides past

the ship and the giant berg.

Ahead of us, as we leave the vicinity of

Elephant Island, is another crossing of the

Southern Ocean and a return to warmer

lands. No one on board really wants to

leave: Antarctica has captured our

imaginations and, for some of us, our

hearts. For me, a return to the ice is a silent

promise made to myself.

I’m hooked on mysterious places. I’m

hooked on Antarctica.

Check the Selling Travel Store at the end of March, or Opt-In

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Okay. Here we go. Make ‘em laugh as they say, and the money will follow. And I have to say,

from my own career selling travel, it works. Take a few minutes to think back through your

own career and chances are when everyone was smiling, happy and laughing with you, that

you found it easier to close the sale. For those of you new to selling travel, make no mistake

that selling with humour is a selling technique that should be as natural to you as waking up. If

you fake this, it will show and your clients will go. But not with you. So listen and learn. Better

still, read and learn.

Who knows where it comes from, but my

family were funny. They loved to laugh and

that was how I grew up. We found life in

general funny or we made light of things that

would get others down. Hey no money this

month – we laugh about it. No food. What a

chuckle. And of course this humourous trait

was developed during WW1 for my

grandparents and WW2 for my parents –

with my Dad spending five years as a POW in

Poland during the war, he needed his sense

of humour to survive. That’s what he

brought home after the war, well that and a

few memories he chose to bury.

My Dad sold life insurance for the Prudential

and that line of work also required a sense of

humour! Getting back to work after being a

POW – well that too required a sense of

humour. Having me as a son, well… say no

more! Apparently I was a funny kid. Made

ma & pa laugh and when I set of around the

world at age 18, well my letters home were

humourous too. That trait stayed with me

and I have trained many other travel agents

over time in how to find and use their funny

side. It’s not for everyone of course as some

of us are just not humourous. Not so say

some have no sense of humour, they do, but

they just cannot impart it and when they try,

well everything goes pear shaped.

But then, if you can’t say it, can you spell it

out, can you write it, can you create it in a

graphic? These are the tools you can use, if

you don’t happen to be a stand up

comedienne like Steve Martin or Carole


If you can laugh at yourself and have stories

to tell and photos too, then you are on your

way to selling more travel and laughing all

the way to the bank – and that my friends

has a nice ring to it!

Are you a woman in travel? Could you

emulate any of the female comediennes?

Are there stories you can tell that are funny,

happened to you or your clients? If so, then

why not script yourself for a short stand up

introduction to open a consumer event

with? It works. Believe me.

Okay, over to you. Start to record those funny

events and situations that both you and your

agency team and all of your clients have

experienced and or reported. These stories will

help your cartoonist do their job. Once you have

a decent selection you can start posting them on

your website and who knows you might even

have enough to publish a booklet that you can

hand out to your existing and new clients. So,

how much fun would this be? Funny money!

Agency Comics & Cartoons Find yourself a local cartoonist, tell them all about the things that have happened to you

and also to your clients when they travel. Let your cartoonist create your comic strips and

cartoons for you and then you can select the best ones for your website, flyers and even

your brochures.

Believe it or not, this takes practice. If you intend to sell with a smile then we’re talking about in person, on the phone, via your website, in your written communication and over social media too. That’s a lot of smiling, but it will be worth it. Let’s start with your website as this is where so many customers and customers-to-be go when they want to check you and your agency out. Whether you are a single independent, home-based travel agent or you work at a downtown, full service, physical location… your website is where the so called customer is won or lost in an instance.

What’s On Your Screen That’s Humourous? Take a look to the right and note that this webpage belongs to National Geographic Traveller magazine, India. When I searched for websites with travel humour this was the first to pop up and it really does have quite a selection of funny “stuff” – even a video of Jerry Seinfeld talking about air travel. The key to this webpage and the humour it dispenses is that the humour is clean – and that’s important. I viewed other websites that actually boasted travel humour and comedy but I was put off by the lewd humour and expletives. Might be funny at another time and place, but there’s no need for it on, in this case, your website. To attract the visitor to your website and to have them stay on your website at least until they click to read about your services and latest tour offerings, all you need to do is to position a video slap dab in the center of your website.

This video could be all about one of your funny encounters, it might be from YouTube or an embedded video you found online and it’s free to use, or it might be a series of funny images that you personally shot. Using my own website home page as the test page layout I’ve kept the header image and blanked out the rest of the page… now I can insert something humourous. Start with a title for your humour page. Factor in the word/s fun, funny, humour… in other words tell the visitor to your website what they’re looking at… then add a tag line to entice them to read on, click on, check out… or get in the mood to travel. A little humour at this point reduces the fear of flying and the hesitancy to book or try something new. I’ve come up with a name for my travel humour page as The Funny Traveller. How would you label your humour page?

This cartoon I’ve created is more a humourous reminder to the traveller that you get what you pay for and at the same time reminds them of the time they booked on line or paid for cheap seats and got them! Think beyond the humour for a real time meaning / education behind the words/image. As far as we know from those that do website testing, the typical visitor to a website will spend 20% of their time, which could be three seconds, focused on the center of your webpage. If that is true, then that’s where you’ll want to play your humourous video, or set up a slide show of funny images or embed a cartoon. If you have your humourous content behind a tab on the navigation bar labeled Resources for instance, not too many visitors will find it let alone click on it. This is why it’s important to make use of that Home Page real estate.

Get in the mood to travel with our travel humour page!

If your website is a ready-made template design established by the company you work for or hold a membership with, then if you can update your website without HQ consent, you will need to look for areas on your home page where you can place your humourous content. If there is a spot vacant to the top right – go for it as our eyes tend to end up there after we have swept them across the webpage.




Client’s eyes will end up here – hyperlink an icon to your humour page



The Women Only market is there for every female travel agent to consider as a niche – so think about

what you currently sell and ask yourself if there is a ‘women only’ opportunity where you live. This new

publication includes a review of travel safety which is the #1 challenge for the travelling woman. Travel

safety then is a key component to running a successful women only niche. Not every female traveller is

a shopper. Some like fly-fishing, cuisine tours, others a discussion group around a campfire lost in the

mountains… so never generalize. For every activity there’s a woman waiting and wanting to do it, by

herself or with like-minded women. Check the store today.

Tell the world you sell airline seats: The media have already made comment. They have already

asked the consumer, "Do you book flights on the Internet?" Supposedly the consumer has said

yes. The media have stated that airlines are moving away from travel agents. That travel agents

will be charging more. That the big "I" will take all those airline seat reservations. Perception

is reality. Time to start your media ball rolling. Attract the consumer by promoting airline seats.

'Push' Your Web Site To Your Clients: That's

right. Add a "We Sell Airlines" comment on

your home page. Get noticed. Here's how to

"push" or mail your Web site. Open your

Web site. Right Click on the grey area just

under your URL. Click Command and this

tool bar will appear:

Click on PAGE and you will see two options:

Send the home page or just the link. It's your

choice. Sending the page is more graphic and

grabs more attention. Be sure to test send

your home page to your own email account

to make sure the webpage arrives intact.

Sometimes the graphics do weird things. If

your home page does not look good, then

you know to just send the link and add your


The other method is simply to Print Screen

and insert that image into your email, then

Right Click on the image and hyperlink it to

your website.

The Seat of Power is Knowledge: Time to get

the agency team back in the knowledge

game. Study what makes you money. Find

out where those money making seats are.

Some corporate agencies have the software

that will keep searching for a selected seat.

When that seat clears — zap! It has been

secured and reserved. Study

to know where the best seats are and know

what you will charge for this service.

Seatbelt Signs On: Sure you can wait until

someone asks about "any seats to..." or, you

could unbuckle, be proactive and check

availability in the morning. You'd be

checking the point-to-point or end-point

destination you sell the most. Knowing seat

availability, you can now e-mail or call your

"last minute flight club" (you do have one?)

and say, "Hi, this is Getaway Gertie calling. I

have two seats to (destination X) leaving like

now! And I have a great spa that will go with

those dates too!" And the fee to go with that

is your next statement.

Flight Schedules: Yes, they still exist. You can

send a paper version or electronic. Sure your

clients could go online. But that's like saying

its Monday and it's raining so no one will buy

today. Learn to "push" your know how out to

your clients. Remember there is B2B, B2C

and then there is U2ME. Keep it U2ME. Send

the schedules. Tell your clients that

"someone almost sat in your seat!" Then tell

them you saved it for them. For a fee, of


Re-brand The Brand: Many charter firms

and tour firms will let you add your own

brand to their flight or air-tour combo. Go

for it. The airline seats are there. Flight time

and date is set. It's going with or without

your group. Best to have a group on that

flight, wouldn't you say? Discuss with your

BDM today how you can re-brand the brand.

Local Store Marketing: Get out into your

community. Meet with schools. Talk to

teachers about school trips. Move on to

associations. Get a camera club group ready

to click. Walk into all retail stores in your

area and talk about joint marketing efforts.

You bring the seat. Let them bring their

mailing list.

New Seat Fits All: When airlines introduce a

new seat, get one in your agency window

and invite the walk-by traffic to come in and

try it. Remember to sell all the senses. Sell

the emotion of comfort vs. the never

popular knees-to-chest configuration.

Becoming a Glass Act: Do you have an

agency window? Chances are you do. If you

are in a high traffic area and you have high

walk in, this could work for you. You can find

airline seats in town (your town) to use in a

window display. Now, hire a student from

the local acting school, class or theatre. Have

them in the seat, relaxing, holding up signs

and interacting with the window-watchers.

Most of the time you agencies only feature

the seat. Remember we need to add some

sparkle. Some fizz. Animate. Sell on emotion.

Add an actor and go live action.

Best Seats In The House: Do your

homework. Which airline has been rated

best? What seats are rated best? Find out.

Define your Best Seat strategy and get to

market. There are probably a million ways to

sell an airline seat. Let your preferred airline

suppliers promote their destinations. This is

excellent backup support for you. Unless

there is a seat it doesn’t mean anything.

What if you blocked and held under deposit

20 seats to a destination for an exclusive

tour. Whatever it is, think seats. Book, block

and sell 'em.

Sell Insurance: Every airline seat means a

chance to sell insurance. How could this not

be a sale given the reports on terrorism?

Even if you didn't get to book the seat, you

can still sell insurance. So let's say you sell

2,000 seats/tickets a year. At a premium of

$100 paying 43% commission that would be

$86,000 in insurance commissions. Pump

up your air seat sales and win!

“Lousy seats eh Jimmie, but what a view!”

Social? That’s for consumers.For travel companies, social media means business.As digital channels mature in scope and power, the industry needs to catch up

Text Box
To download your own copy of this report please click HERE.

Social? That’s for consumers.For travel companies, social media means businessQuick facts on travel

When researching a trip… When on a trip…

33% of people use Facebook on vacation because they “like to share the satisfaction of being on holiday with my Facebook friends”

48% of people post vacation photos to Facebook when they return home

Popular devices used while on vacation

How soon people log into Facebook after landing

Before getting home from airport27%




Same day

Within a week



% of people with apps on phone or tablet (type of app)


Online Travel Agent

Hotel Chain

Review Site





Dream trip list

76% of people have a list of dream trips

Only 8% have been everywhere on their list

Liked on Facebook

50% of people have liked a travel brand on FB; hotels and airlines are most popular

Online reviews from travelers

76% agree “they give me insider knowledge not available elsewhere”

68% agree “they give me the confidence I need to book”

of people book their vacation through online travel agents






smart- phone

83%of people use the internet while on


Source: Facebook-commissioned global survey of 10,500 people who use social media

A funny thing happened on the way to my Facebook page. I received an email from Facebook,

I think… looked like it. But? Anyway it was mentioning new rules for business pages and the

fact that I had to operate a Personal Page and migrate to Business Manager… and then a whole

bunch more work to meet the new rules.

With 729 LIKES I thought I’d delve deeper

and so clicked on INSIGHTS found on the

top toolbar. Once there you can view the

data that’s all about your page.

When you click on Insights you will see

another tool bar listing LIKES and PEOPLE.

I clicked on People first to find out where

my LIKES where coming from.

The chart shown here is first up and it

discloses Male to Female ratios and age

brackets and further down, where your

LIKES come from.

I cropped the chart as shown here in the

table, and out of my 729 LIKES you can

see the split: 394 live in the USA, 229 in

Canada… and there’s that one LIKE from

various countries – even Uzbekistan!

Next I wanted to know WHO my LIKES

were. To find that out, I clicked on LIKES

and here was my about face – 60% of the

LIKES did not sell travel.

My Selling Travel Facebook page is meant

purely for people and businesses working in

the travel trade as all of the tips, tools and

techniques are related to selling to the

consumer. Well, as I went through each of

my so called LIKES, I found out why I received

clicks when I posted a zany image versus

hardly any clicks when I posted something

that could boost a travel agent’s sales.

Reason was: over 60% of my LIKES were by

people with absolutely no connection to

selling travel. The big question is: WHY on

earth would these people LIKE my page? So

then I had the task of cleaning up my

Facebook page.

That’s where it now stands. I am visiting each

and every LIKE which means clicking on the

person’s link who LIKED my page and then

that takes me to their Facebook page. If

there’s no sign or mention of being in the

travel industry that LIKE is removed.

Turning my experience to your own use –

you’ll need to check out WHO is behind the

LIKES on your own agency Facebook page,

and then delve into their Facebook page to

find out their status and any mention of

employment, recent trips, up-coming travel

etc. If there’s no mention of any such thing,

or they have booked and paid and travelled

and returned and that booking did not go

through your agency, then you have a couple

of options. One would be to contact them

and ask why, the other to remove them from

your list.

HOWEVER… here’s a great tool just introduced and it is a CALL TO ACTION button.

Check out your Facebook page. Look for the Call to Action button shown on mine as Shop Now

and then just follow the clicks. If your Timeline Image represents a new tour for instance then

your Call to Action button could link your Facebook followers to the web page on your website

that talks about the new tour.

So once I clear all the NON-LIKES from my Facebook page, I’ll be back with some trade stuff.

Selling travel today means knowing more than just where places are and the best hotels. Today

the travel professional needs to show their knowledge as it relates to travel related “things”

and these things could be services, applications, and especially techno gadgets that could help

make a client’s trip more enjoyable. Here’s a few tips:

iStick USB Flash Drive

This drive is so simple. You use the Lightening connector to

attach it to your iPhone or iPad and you then you have an

additional 16, 32, or 64GB storage for and let’s go for photos.

Now, your travellers can shoot to their hearts content and not

worry about storage space. They can retain all their apps and let

the Camera Roll transfer to the iStick. To transfer images to a

computer you slide the slider to reveal a USB. Click here.

SanDisk iXpand™ Flash Drive for iPhone and iPad

iXpand™ Flash Drive is the easiest way to transfer photos and

videos between your iPhone, iPad, PCs and Mac computers.

Quickly free up memory on your iPhone or iPad, and instantly

expand storage by up to 64GB. You can search online for where

to purchase in your local area. Click here.

CardRecovery Software

Data Recovery Tools for Camera Cards Price: $39.95 (USD) per copy. No monthly fees. You can

keep and use the product permanently to recover an unlimited number of files. Free 2-year

upgrades. Click here. Depending on which camera card your client uses, they can also go to their

website and look for Data Recovery.


(Hi-Tech Utility Clothing System) Technophiles tend to travel

with lots of hardware and gadgets. Each of those gadgets

often needs its own charger and we need cables to connect

those gadgets to other device. In short, we need lots of space

for our electronics when we travel. Shaman HTUC (Hi -

Technology - Utility - Clothing) System Shaman product utility

wear as the light weight pro reporter vest system and the

electro traveller vest emphases the concept that travelers

and pro photographers should wear all of their devices and accouterments within their,

backpack, or luggage but in their HTUC. Click here.

Here’s where you find even more ideas on how to

sell travel and boost your revenues. Ct is the trade

magazine and every article I write is always

geared to new business generation for YOU and

your suppliers. The content ranges from a step by

step how-to article to a comment about a

current topic. Many of the articles are worth

reviewing with your suppliers should you be

able to work together to generate that new

dollar for all. Click here to read.

The full Canadian Traveller logo represents the

consumer magazine that now reaches millions

of readers. Even if you have your own in-house

magazine it is always a good idea to tell your

clients about the consumer CT and the main

reason for that is some supplements are shared

between the trade and consumer magazine. Now

you know what your client is reading, you can,

from the trade issue, learn how to sell various

destinations and then make the call. Everything CT

does targets new business generation and hopes to

put more money in your jeans. Click here to read.


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Home-Based Power Pack (books and a CD)by Anita Pagliasso.

Become the Exception: A Complete Sales Strategy,by Mike Marchev, CTC.

15 ebooks created by Steve Crowhurst, CTC on topicssuch as marketing, sales, charging services fees,presentation skills and much more.

How to Start a Home Based Travel Agency and SellingCruises - Don't miss the boat!by Tom and Joanie Ogg, CTC, MCC

5 downloads from Penney Rudicil,The Gadget Girl, starting at only $4.

How to Turn Inbox Leads Into Sales (in print)

! Support The Travel Institute by using this special link, nexthing and will help us provide scholarship assistance to travel

by Stuart L. Cohen.





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r words, we will give you a travel experience that goes beyond your expectations. Rest assured, is your perfect traveling companion.

BEFORE YOU TRAVEL:• Ensure that you are carrying your up-to-date passports and have obtained any required/necessary tourist visas for entering the country(s) you are visiting. • You trip involves cancellation penalties in the unforeseen event that you cancel/postpone your travel arrangements. Ensure that you are aware of these penalties.• Carry your Out-of-Country Hospital/Medical/Travel Insurance Policy with you.• Be aware of luggage restrictions such as weight, size and type of suitcases allowed on the international and domestic flights on your itinerary. Excess baggage charges are steep and can cause great inconvenience• Ensure you have obtained recommended or required inoculations. Certain inoculations are mandatory for travel to endemic areas. Your travel agent will have provided full details.• Check out the availability of local ATMs in your destination and/or purchase some local currency or travellers cheques.• Give family/friends the contact information at hotels/lodges you will be staying during your travel. Information on your accommodations is provided within your documents.• We recommend that you put your newspaper subscription on hold for the duration of your trip and have your mail collected by a neighbour or held at your local post office.• It is always recommended that you secure your home with a security alarm before you leave.

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