Download - Self-denial Part 1 · Self-denial Part 1 is booklet contains a selection of Divine Revelations, received through the Inner Word by Bertha Dudde as promised by John 14.21: ``Whoever

Page 1: Self-denial Part 1 · Self-denial Part 1 is booklet contains a selection of Divine Revelations, received through the Inner Word by Bertha Dudde as promised by John 14.21: ``Whoever

Bertha Dudde emeBooklet 031

Self-denialPart 1

The most difficult earthly task - and yet it isunavoidable - if we want to attain eternal life

A selection of Revelations from God,received through the 'Inner Word'

by Bertha Dudde

Page 2: Self-denial Part 1 · Self-denial Part 1 is booklet contains a selection of Divine Revelations, received through the Inner Word by Bertha Dudde as promised by John 14.21: ``Whoever

Self-denialPart 1

is booklet contains a selection of Divine Revelations, received throughthe Inner Word by Bertha Dudde as promised by John 14.21: ``Whoeverhas My commands and obeys them, he is the one who loves Me. He who

loves Me will be loved by My Father, and I too will love him and showMyself to him.''

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e revelations are non-denominational, they do not intend to attractmembers of any Christian religious affiliation nor to recruit members into

any Christian religious affiliation.e only purpose of these revelations is to make God's Word accessible to

all people, as it is God's Will.

Only complete and unaltered messages with references may be copied andtranslated.

Published by friends of the New

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Page 3: Self-denial Part 1 · Self-denial Part 1 is booklet contains a selection of Divine Revelations, received through the Inner Word by Bertha Dudde as promised by John 14.21: ``Whoever


The most difficult earthly task - and yet it is unavoidable - ifwe want to attain eternal life 1BD 8571 Purpose of earthly existence as a human being .... . . . . . 1BD 7380 e being's re-transformation .... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3BD 6085 God's help towards attaining beatitude .... Free will .... . . . 4BD 6730 Conscious psychological work .... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5BD 6738 Struggle for existence is essential .... . . . . . . . . . . . . 7BD 8064 Introspection .... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9BD 3244 Self-knowledge .... Psychological work .... Grace .... Hu-mili .... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11BD 6286 Fight against longings and passions .... . . . . . . . . . . . 12BD 6556 e world poses great dangers .... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14BD 8591 e broad and the narrow path .... . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15BD 8281 Danger of arrogance .... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17BD 7730 Spiritual superiori is not spiritual arrogance .... . . . . . 19BD 7524 Destiny conducive to reach full maturi .... . . . . . . . . 21BD 7736 About abstinence and asceticism .... . . . . . . . . . . . . 22BD 3821 Urgent admonition to detach from matter .... . . . . . . . 24BD 0765 Love .... Hate .... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25BD 1869 Sense of justice .... Judging one's fellow human being .... . . 27BD 7893 Perfection means conformi to divine will .... . . . . . . . 28BD 2083 Misuse of the gi s which distinguish the human beingfrom the animal .... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 30BD 8660 Misuse of divine gi s (Talents) .... . . . . . . . . . . . . . 32BD 6015 Everything serves to attain perfection .... . . . . . . . . . . 34


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BD 7928 Reason for painful strokes of fate .... . . . . . . . . . . . . 35BD 6549 e path to the eternal home .... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 37BD 7972 Decision by predestined guidance or experience .... . . . . 38

Who was Bertha Dudde? . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 40


Page 5: Self-denial Part 1 · Self-denial Part 1 is booklet contains a selection of Divine Revelations, received through the Inner Word by Bertha Dudde as promised by John 14.21: ``Whoever

The most difficult earthly task - and yet it isunavoidable - if we want to attain eternal life

BD 8571 received 27.07.1963

Purpose of earthly existence as a human being ....

Consider your human existence purely as a brief chapter of an infinitelylong period of development which, however, is of immense importance,because during this short time you have to make your decision of willwhich determines your fate in eterni .... For you can bring this processof development to a conclusion; but you can also prolong it again for aninfinitely long time which signifies beatitude or agony for your soul ....the human being's real Self .... thus you yourselves make this decision as ahuman being. You humans do not spend much thought on it, but the timeof your earthly life passes by quickly and then its result will take effect ....Time and again you are informed of it and yet you pay little attention towhat you are told or you would live consciously and make an effort to strivefor the right goal. But then you must also believe in a God and Creator toWhom you owe your existence, and by making contact with Him you willalso receive the strength to live your life according to His will. You must beaware of this God and Creator in order to submit yourselves to Him andHis will .... And you must know the reason for your existence as a humanbeing .... in order to live expediently on earth .... i.e., to reach the goal onaccount of which you live on earth .... You will not be kept in ignorance,time and time again God's will shall be proclaimed to you, no matter inwhat manner it will happen. For God speaks to people, He addresses themdirectly as soon as the conditions for it have been fulfilled .... Or He willenlighten a person through mediators .... Yet He will never leave peoplewithout knowledge about His will, since this knowledge enables them tolive their earthly life correctly and thus complete their development whilethey are living on earth. However, they can also keep a closed mind to everyexplanation; they can distance themselves from God, become disbelieversand refuse to accept any deeper reasons for living on earth. ey can merelydeem themselves as inhabitants of a creation, whose life is purely an endin itself, and only deal with their life from this point of view .... en they


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do not accept God's will either, Who requires a life of love, but their ownwill predominates, which is purely based on selfish love, which only wouldlike to provide itself with the greatest possible pleasure and will only everconsider itself but never its fellow human being .... A person like that isthinking completely wrongly, and unless he changes he will never everreach his goal on earth .... He will live his earthly life in vain and prepare adreadful fate for his soul .... But neither can he be prevented from it sincehe has free will and he will not be deprived in any way either as far as therecognition of truth is concerned, since he will always receive it in someform or other, he need only form the right opinion of it and his soul willderive the right benefit too.

However, precisely this forming of an opinion is omitted by him, he will besatisfied with that which he can comprehend with his earthly senses .... theworld and its possessions .... and he will let himself be captured by themand never take a step forward in his development because every conditionis missing for it, such as love and heartfelt contact with God, through whichhe could attain inner realisation and which testi to his correctly focussedwill .... But the human being's will is free and also has to be free duringhis life on earth so that he can make a decision and once again have theopportuni to enter his original state and to become as he had been in thebeginning .... For he would never be able to attain supreme beatitude werehe to remain an unfree being and unable to voluntarily take the path toGod, Who will guarantee this utmost bliss .... Everything that came forthfrom Him as a free being must remain in this freedom and desire to reachHim, then it will also be and remain very happy without limitation ....God's created beings once forfeited this freedom and were in a wretchedstate which lasted for eternities, yet one day God will return this freedom tothem but only for the purpose of their final return to Him .... for the purposeof making a free decision for or against Him .... nevertheless, time and againthe human being's attention will be drawn to the meaning and purpose ofearthly existence. And one day he will also have to justi himself, becauseevery person will sooner or later be informed of the fact that he only liveson earth for the sake of a purpose .... And anyone who seriously tries toascertain this purpose will also receive enlightenment, in everything thathappens to him he will be able to discover a wise guidance, then he will


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also begin to realise the purpose of his earthly life and endeavour to liveup to it, he will live responsibly and soon learn to recognise and love hisGod and Creator .... en he will truly not live his earthly life in vain,he will inwardly mature and soon attain the right goal: his union withGod through love .... He will recognise the significance of life on earthand do whatever it takes in order to bring one period of development toconclusion, so that he will be released from every physical form, from everychain, and be able to enter the kingdom of light and beatitude when hishour has come ....


BD 7380 received 07.07.1959

e being's re-transformation ....

You should not forget that the Eternal Love brought you to life, thattherefore your fundamental nature was love as I Am Myself and thatyou must revert to your fundamental nature again from which you haddistanced yourselves, i.e., you had changed yourselves into the opposite.And this re-transformation into love must take place again, for you cannotremain separate from Me forever, hence My activi and reign will alwaysaim to return you to the state you were in at the beginning. My nature islove, only love could have emanated from Me and as a spiritual being belikewise destined to be active in love. But then it also had to work in Mywill, and as long as this was so the beings were also intimately connectedto Me, they were constantly permeated by the strength of My love andthus the beings were like Me. Yet they did not remain that way .... theyturned their will against Me and used the strength of love flowing to themto act in opposition to My will. ey gradually distanced themselves fromMe, and every distance also signifies a weaker flow of strength, whichbecame ever less because the beings in arrogance and wrong thinkingrejected it themselves. For as a result of their resistance they also lost thelight of realisation, they fell into the abyss where the darkness engulfingthem became ever thicker until their spiritual substance hardened and theybecame solid substance, which only My will changed again by formingthem into creations in which they could give up their resistance.


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Hence they must endure a state wherein they remain in complete weaknessso that they can be awakened to life again one day, and in accordance withMy will therefore animate creations in which the slow process of maturingtakes place. is is the stage of the `bound'will where only My will appliesand thus the being fulfils its task in the state of compulsion until it hasreached the maturi when it can receive its free will again. For one day ithas to be demonstrated again that you came forth from `love'. And one daylove has to flare up in you and urge towards Me again, one day you mustvoluntarily request the strength of love from Me and through a life of loveunite with Me once more, which ought to happen during your lifetime onearth. But then the process of reintegration will have been accomplished,then the being which, according to My will, was once created by My lovewill have voluntarily returned to the state of adopting its fundamentalnature again and of its own free will become as perfect as it was oncecreated by My will .... en the work I planned by creating you will havebeen accomplished, to turn you into My children whom I was unable tocreate on account of free will, instead, every being has to achieve this itselfbut then it will also be infinitely happy in eterni ....


BD 6085 received 21.10.1954

God's help towards attaining beatitude ....Free will ....

A er all, I only want to help you attain beatitude .... and because I see thatyou humans are taking wrong paths I approach you in order to put youright. Nevertheless, I can only show you the right way and only admonishyou to take it, but then your will must agree to follow My advice .... Butthis will of yours is weak and fickle, for as soon as someone comes yourway enticing you to walk with him you no longer remember My Wordsand join the tempter, you follow the one who leads you away from theright goal. e human being's conduct is influenced from both sides but hehimself decides according to his will. is is why I, apart from My Wordswhich urge people to make the right decision, also have to send hardshipand misery upon a person to prevent him from following the tempter ....


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making it impossible for him to go along with him .... but this does notyet mean with certain that he will follow Me; he can also remain inactiveby the wayside and precious time can pass by which he could have used tomove on ....

Yet this, too, is up to his free will which must not be infringed upon. Nomatter where he stays .... My love will not leave and always have an effecton him, and no person will be able to say that I have not crossed his pathand time and again brought him My Word which shall help him to use hiswill in the right direction. Time a er time people will be addressed by Me,and especially during earthly adversi I reveal Myself as a loving FatherWho grants His children's prayers .... And therefore it is certainly possiblefor them to comply with My Word and thus take the right path towardsascent .... to recognise the worthlessness of the enticement presented tothem by the tempter .... and to subsequently choose Me as their leaderWhom they gladly follow and with Whose help they will reach the goal ....My sole intention is to make you happy but your will must also accept itbecause I cannot force you into beatitude .... otherwise you would alreadybe blessed creatures yet without freedom of will .... thus you would act inthe law of compulsion and that excludes perfection. You, however, shallshape yourselves voluntarily into My children .... only then will you beable to be and remain blissfully happy forever ....


BD 6730 received 07.01.1957

Conscious psychological work ....

I want to find a permanent dwelling within you so that I will be able toassociate with you like a father with his children .... Only then will theoriginal relationship be restored which you had with Me when I createdyou. But I can only take abode in your heart when you have purged andadorned it for Me yourselves, for I can only stay in a place of absolutecleanliness, where no impurities remain, for these prevent My presence asthey are part of My adversary, who has to be totally expelled from you toenable My being there.


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And thus your earthly task only consists of preparing your heart such thatit can serve Me as an abode .... However, fulfilling this task requires yourdetermination and therefore also your desire for Me which thus promptsyour will to accomplish this work consciously: to puri your heart fromeverything that could prevent My presence. Even just the will to be unitedwith Me is extremely highly valued by Me, and it will also provide you withenough strength to accomplish your intention .... You will recognise whereyou have to intervene, what you have to do in order to shape yourselvessuch that I can take abode in you .... You will realise that you still havemany faults and imperfections, you will recognise all vices and longingsas obstacles to My presence and then endeavour to repel what displeasesMe and change everything which is degrading into virtues .... thus youwill carry out conscious psychological work because you are attracted bythe goal: to be eternally united with Me. us your love for Me must havebeen kindled in you already, and this love impels you towards Me and alsogives you the strength to change your nature, which you certainly realiseas ungodly and not in accordance with My will .... Consequently, everyonewho recognises himself as imperfect can also be certain that I will helphim to change .... However, people are in a bad way if they fail to discoverany imperfections in themselves, if they are convinced of their worth, ifthey don't find it necessary to improve themselves and therefore will neverbe able to receive Me in their hearts, because they suffer a rather sizeableevil .... pride, by which My adversary has firmly anchored himself in theirhearts.

Anyone who, in profound humili , recognises himself and his unworthi-ness will appeal to Me for strength and help and for mercy .... And I willhelp him and even draw him to Myself with burning love and compassion.... But anyone who does not recognise his low, imperfect state, will nevercall upon Me either. He travels his path through life and is and remainsconscious of his worth. But he walks without Me .... for as soon as he wouldfeel My proximi his arrogance would leave him too .... But he is unable tofeel Me, because I cannot come near him since he so obviously displays Myadversary's characteristic .... And thereby he pushes Me back; he lacks hu-mili , which alone is regarded and showered by Me with a wealth of grace.As long as you live on earth you are all still afflicted by imperfections and


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faults, which therefore necessitate the conscious work of improving yoursoul if you want to receive Me Myself in your heart, if you want to uniteyourselves with Me and experience the intimate Fatherly love yourselves.... But the resolve to attain Me and to change for My sake is enough forMe to provide you with so much strength and grace that you will indeed beable to accomplish this work of transformation, because I Myself long foryour return to Me and will therefore help every human being who of hisown accord also aspires to return to Me ....


BD 6738 received 16.01.1957

Struggle for existence is essential ....

A leisurely earthly life would mean, for most people, spiritual standstillor even regression, since then the human being would only rarely activelyconsider his spiritual perfection because his earthly life would completelyfulfil him, that is, he would be satisfied if it offered him what he physicallyneeds. us his selfish love would constantly be sustained and neitherwould his fellow human beings'fate offer him any opportuni of helpingthem and of being selflessly active. Earthly life is a time for testing thehuman being's will. But in order to prove itself it must be stimulated fromdifferent directions .... Consequently, every instinct in the human beinghas to be addressed and the will has to determine which instincts should begranted satisfaction. And that requires repeatedly changing circumstances,it requires constant stimuli and also constant failures, which thus determinethe human being's conscious battle of life. is can be purely physicallydirected but can also influence his inner life and so the human beingcan avail himself of all opportunities to mature fully .... but also let suchopportunities pass him by. Only a constant battle of life propels a humanbeing into action, at first only demanding his energy of life which he,however, can also use for attaining spiritual strength. An earthly existencewithout a fight would, in fact, leave his vitali unused, since a peacefulearthly existence would only very rarely kindle the love in people's heartwhich impels someone into kind-hearted activi . People would purely liveidle lives and not recognise a purpose for their existence, which consists of


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changing their selfish love into love for their neighbour. For he sees that hisneighbour's situation is just as good as his own and has no reason to provehis love for him.

On the other hand, however, he can create a peaceful earthly life for himselfif he endeavours to balance the existing dispari amongst people with love,if he tries to remedy desperate situations, which for the sake of the soul'smaturing have to exist, through unselfish activi of love and thus placeshimself into a state of maturi which will result in a carefree life on earth,because he has passed his test of will at the same time: to establish a bondwith Me through love .... which is and will remain the purpose and goalof earthly existence .... Earth is a place to mature for the soul which entersthe earth still in a very immature state. Hence it cannot be a paradise-likeabode as yet as a result of My will, but it could become a paradise-likeabode as a result of people's will .... if only everyone strived to complywith his earthly task of shaping himself into love .... for which, however,the opportunities must be created for him, and these consist of carryingout selfless deeds of love for fellow human beings suffering adversi . Forthereby you demonstrate your love for Me and your neighbour. But thenevery person can be certain that ever less distress and worries will burdenhim and the earth could truly be a paradise-like abode for all people, iflove pervaded all of them. Earth is a place of education which every humanbeing has to undergo .... He enters it in an immature state and should leaveit fully mature again .... And success will at all times also presuppose hardwork; victory will always be the crowning of a battle that took place before.... But the goal is a glorious one indeed, and people's will can achieve thisgoal ....



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BD 8064 received 16.12.1961

Introspection ....

You too, My loyal servants, have to be admonished by Me to improveyour souls more eagerly, for as long as you live on earth you all still carryimmature substances within yourselves. You all more or less still have tofight against inclinations, longings and all kinds of weaknesses, and youshould always remember that you ought to spiritualise these substancesduring your earthly life. A constant struggle will have to take place, andyou should overcome them, you should try to influence the unspiritualsubstances with much love to let go of you, to join the desire of the spiritwithin you, to stop pestering your soul so that it will be able to ascend tothe pinnacle with ever greater ease and without being held back. I wantto make the path to happiness easier for all of you, but you also haveto work on yourselves, you seriously have to examine yourselves as towhat weaknesses and faults are still burdening you; you have to questionyourselves whether your soul is still constrained by any cravings .... youhave to fight against every impure impulse, suppress each irate motion,you must not send out any ignoble thoughts and deny any human beingyour love .... you have to try to put right every injustice you have inflictedon a fellow human being ....

Your thinking shall always be noble and pure, which excludes every thoughtof hatred and vengeance .... You should avoid every unkind word andalways remember that you expect love, compassion and forgiveness fromMe, thus you should also grant the same to your fellow human being .... Ineverything you think or say you should know that I know it too, and youshould ask yourselves whether you are behaving correctly in My presence?.... I know that you are all still weak, that the battle which you shouldwage against yourselves is indeed the most difficult .... But My strength isalways at your disposal and you only need to send a pleading thought toMe and, truly, I will give you the strength and you will be victorious .... Youwill be able to paci the evil spirits within yourselves. ey will leave youprogressively more alone, they will become modest and also comply withthe soul's desire to calm down and make use of the strength for their ownpurification ....


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For they have this possibili to reach maturi themselves within theearthly body and to join the soul, because it will take all fully maturedspiritual substances along into the kingdom of the beyond when it hasto leave its earthly body. e soul itself still has various instincts withinitself from its previous embodiments, which it is supposed to change forthe better .... And it is also pestered by the body of flesh, because that isshaped from unspiritual substances .... But the human being also has thepossibili to exercise a redeeming influence on these evil spirits .... if hetries to change all negative qualities to the contrary until he has becomehumble, gentle, peaceful, compassionate and just .... until he has becomelove himself, which includes all those virtues, and then the human beingwill also be able to enter the spiritual kingdom fully matured. And thereforeyou should seriously examine yourselves as to what virtues you are stillmissing .... investigate, whether you have changed your nature completelyalready .... check, what you still need and seriously work at improvingyourselves ....

And you most certainly will be successful if only you have the seriousintention and appeal to Me to give you strength because you are too weakon your own. Call upon Me in Jesus so that I will strengthen your will, sothat you will lose your weakness of will, so that I will forgive you when youhave become sinful, and truly, My help is assured to you, for it is My ownwill that your souls shall mature, and I Am truly pleased in those who takechanging their nature into love seriously .... For as soon as you are full oflove all unspiritual substances within you will also become spiritualised,because they cannot resist the strength of love. But wherever these evilspirits are still active, love is not yet profound enough, in other words, IAm as yet not able to work in all fullness within you and you will have tofight to become pure so that I can take abode in you .... And then you willalso have been redeemingly active within yourselves ....



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BD 3244 received 04.09.1944

Self-knowledge ....Psychological work ....Grace ....Humili ....

e human being is at greatest risk if he indulges in self-satisfaction, ifhe deems himself psychologically highly developed and does not knowhimself. For he lacks humili which he, however, will have to demonstrateto God if he wants to receive His grace in order to continue maturing. Onlysomeone who deems himself small will strive to ascend, only someonewho feels weak will appeal for strength, and if he humbly approaches theheavenly Father in prayer strength can be given to him.

e human being should constantly work at improving himself and he canonly do so if he considers himself imperfect, if he is aware of his faults andweaknesses and tries to discard them. Every step towards perfection mustbe laboriously fought for, since fighting one's own faults and weaknessesrequires fighting against oneself, against one's cravings, one's leaning to-wards the world, towards material possessions, against one's evil instinctswhich make it difficult for the soul to release the spirit.

And this battle is an easy one as long as the body still makes demandswhich impede his psychological maturi . But first of all the human beingmust recognise himself; he must know what God wants and to what extenthis will is still in opposition to God's will; he must know that God requiresa complete transformation into love, and he must contemplate what thischange into love means .... that no evil thought should arise in the personand thus no evil deed may be carried out, that every movement of thehuman heart must be virtuous and gentle, that all bad habits should befought against and that the human being must train himself to becomegentle, peaceful, patient, compassionate and humble. He must constantlyobserve himself, and time and again he will find weaknesses and flaws ifhe takes his work of improving himself seriously .... he will not be satisfiedwith himself as long as he lives on earth, for he will not become so perfecton earth that he would have nothing to criticise about himself anymore. Hemust strive for perfection as long as he lives, and he will only do so as long


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as he is aware of his imperfection as a result of his stringent self-criticismand as long as he is absolutely determined to take the path of ascent ....And thus he has to remain profoundly humble and consider himself andhis work small and even more sincerely request the gi of grace so thatGod's strength will flow to him and enable him to carry out the work ofimproving his soul, because God giveth grace to the humble ....


BD 6286 received 16.06.1955

Fight against longings and passions ....

Deaden your every longing and you will mature in the shortest possibletime .... If you have the will to become perfect everything that is stillpulling you down into the abyss has to be overcome .... and this concernsall longings and passions which still adhere to you from the time of yourpreliminary development .... and which still cause you so much troublebecause My adversary influences you through these instincts and longingsand thereby intends to prevent your return to Me .... But these instincts andlongings are an obstacle for your union with Me, because they are ungodlyattributes which a perfect being cannot have .... and which therefore firsthave to be overcome before the union with Me can take place.

e human being has to fight against every craving for material things,for this always involves a greed to own something which belongs to Myadversary's realm, which therefore merely serves to satis the senses ....regardless of what it is .... As soon as a person's physical senses delight in itthey are longings which find earthly fulfilment .... is includes everythingthat provides the person with a sense of physical well-being, if it is activelypursued by the person himself and therefore lacks the foundation forspiritual endeavour: the realisation that all earthly things are transient.

I will also endow people with earthly possessions and their earthly life,too, will be blessed and offer them everything, and that in abundance,as soon as I recognise their spiritual aspiration, as soon as their loveapplies to Me and I Am their first goal .... en My love will give tothem abundantly, and even their earthly life will be blessed and offer themeverything because it will no longer harm them, since it will not captivate


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their senses. However, as soon as a human being still has a powerful desirefor earthly pleasures, possessions and stimulation he has to fight it, forthese longings are My adversary's weapon which frequently help him to bevictorious. Nevertheless, the human being will not become unfit for life onthis earth, his strength will grow but he will utilise it differently .... He willwant to work spiritually and only find satisfaction therein .... yet instantlyslow down if he sets his sights on the world again and sees something thathe desires to own ....

is is why `the kingdom of heaven suffers violence and the violent take itby force ....'Earth is the kingdom of the fallen spirits, it is My adversary'srealm .... Anyone who seriously thinks about this will also know thateverything desirable in the material world always requires the paymentof tribute to him and that everyone who pays this tribute also belongs tohim .... He will also know that there cannot be any compromises betweenMyself and him, that I want you completely and that a human being whostill has his eye on My adversary's kingdom will hardly reach Me ....

You should not allow yourselves to be captivated by the world, you have toexercise self-control with the things that still appear desirable to you, andyou then seriously have to suppress your cravings for them, you ought notto give into them, but you may enjoy without reservations what I bestowupon you Myself .... You may be pleased with what you receive withouthaving greedily aspired for it .... what My love gives to you because youbelong to Me, because you have recognised the purpose of earthly life andare now willing to be of service to Me ....

But be content with it and stifle every arising craving and always recognisein it a trap set by My adversary to win you back for himself .... Without aninner struggle you will not be victorious over him, but if your endeavourapplies to Me then you need not fight any longer, then the world will nolonger attract you, then your yearning will aim towards heaven .... thenmatter will have lost its power over you, then you will learn to despise it will have to be of service to you because you will have become its master....



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BD 6556 received 28.05.1956

e world poses great dangers ....

You will still have to experience the world very bitterly if you don't learn todespise it of your own accord, for as long as you love the world it will be ofgreat danger to you .... And if I want to save you from this danger then I willhave to ensure that you will loose your love for the world. I have to causeyou suffering and pain by using the world itself so as to make you aware ofthe fact that it is not helping but controlling you, so that you will experienceits dominance painfully and withdraw from it by yourselves. Much is yetto happen that will make you understand My Words, for that which youpresently consider an increased enjoyment of life will so get out of handthat you would gladly forgo the pleasures in order to be relieved from thegreat physical risks .... You will have no more securi , since people's lustfor life who are enslaved by My adversary will escalate to a point that it willoverride all thoughtful concern for others, that everyone will only considerhimself at the expense of his neighbour and frequently place the latter intoa position of danger which he can no longer evade. at which you strivefor with all your senses will become your downfall. And for as long as youmake this world and its commodities your sole purpose of life you will notwant to loose your mortal life either and try to prolong it in every possibleway .... Nevertheless it will still encumber you such that you will yearn foran end .... But only those who do not completely belong to My adversaryas yet will find life burdensome and frightening.

And that which I announce in advance will happen for their sake, so thattheir lust for the world will diminish and they will reflect on themselves,for these last few will need strong means of help otherwise they, too,will completely fall prey to the world, otherwise they will become the`hammer'themselves who before had been the `anvil'.... People shouldconsider themselves lucky to suffer damage `by means of the world`, forthey are the people I want to save from the world. But anyone who hasfallen prey to it already will ruthlessly and recklessly only assert himself ....An era is dawning such as has never been experienced on this earth before.... human life counts for nothing anymore, the laws of humani are nolonger sacred to anyone who committed himself to the world, thus to My


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adversary. e belongings of fellow human beings will not be respectedand as a result people will unscrupulously experiment, exploit and enjoyanything that will give them an advantage regardless of whether it willcause damage to another person's body or possessions. And I will allowit to happen, because My concern does not apply to the body but to thehuman being's soul .... and if it can be saved by these means then it willthank Me for it one day, even if it had to suffer excessively on earth. Peoplecannot be spared this suffering in the last days, for as long as there is stillan available means to release the souls from the adversary's nets I will alsouse this means or allow it to happen, albeit it is effectively My adversary'sactivi on people who already belong to him .... And if people think thatthey are advanced then the great destructions which will be triggered willprove the opposite to them .... Yet he who is blind sees nothing and doesnot want to see anything either, however, the hour on the clock of the worldwill be obvious to him who can see ....


BD 8591 received 20.08.1963

e broad and the narrow path ....

Anyone who has devoted himself to the world will hardly find the pathinto the spiritual kingdom .... He takes a broad and even path which offershim many enticing images to captivate his senses, giving his body a senseof well-being and making it impossible for him to take his eyes off them.... He will behold flourishing gardens, his lust for life will be stimulatedand he will not tire of absorbing all attractions, given that his dispositiondesires them and his desire will be satisfied by the one who wants toprevent a person's thoughts from turning to the spiritual kingdom. Hissoul, however, will be starving, for none of the possessions the world hasto offer will satis the soul's hunger and thirst, which requires a differentnourishment in order to mature and recover. For the soul is ailing andunhappy if it is only offered worldly things. Yet time and again messengersstand by the crossings where narrow paths are branching off wanting toentice people onto these narrow paths. But only rarely will they succeedin persuading a person to discontinue his journey on the broad street and


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to use the narrow path instead which leads faster and with certain to thegoal. If people listen to My messengers and accept their guidance they willtruly be helped, and soon they will look upwards and courageously startto go uphill, because they behold a marvellous goal and even obstacles orexertions of any kind will not hold them back, they will follow their guideand overcome all difficulties, for My messengers know how to describe thegoal in such glowing terms that they will muster all their strength in orderto attain it. But only a few people will take this narrow path at all, for themost part My messengers will not even be listened to, and the difficult andarduous climb scares those people off who only consider their body but nottheir soul .... e broad path, however, is a misguided path, it irrevocablyleads into the abyss, they get caught up in the impenetrable undergrowthand are unable to free themselves from it unless they call upon the help ofthe One, of Whom they certainly know but in Whom they didn't want tobelieve .... He alone can send helpers even into this confusion, which willrelease them and guide them to another path, yet only a few will appeal tothe One for help and their end will be a dreadful one.

Always remember that you don't live on earth in order to enjoy yourselvesand to merely provide a good living standard for your body, but believethat you should first consider your soul. And in order to help your soulyou should patiently accept all difficulties, walk the narrow path in theknowledge that it requires strength to ascend and believe that it will lead tothe goal, that it will become increasingly brighter the higher you will climb,and that at the end of the path there will be One Who already expectsyou, that He will send his messengers to meet you who will support youand help you overcome all obstacles .... that your eyes need only lookupwards in order to receive strength and light so that you will not go astrayand prevail over all discomforts on the way .... But don't let yourselvesbe deceived by the attractive images lining the wide path that leads downinto the abyss. Your goal is up high, in the light, and truly, you will onlyhave to make an effort for a short time in order to reach the pinnacle,yet this effort will be richly rewarded, for then you will no longer need tofear any evil if you no longer disregard the goal .... which is Me Myself,Who wants to guide you into paradise, into the kingdom of light and bliss.... However, this can never be reached on the broad path, for this is My


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adversary's means, who wants to show you all the riches in the world inorder to keep you away from the goal to unite yourselves with me again.He only influences people's senses, I, however, want to gain your souls andtherefore must deprive you of everything which might damage your soul,which includes all worldly pleasures and delights, for `My kingdom is notof this world ....'If you strive for this world you will not attain My kingdom,therefore shun the world wherever possible even if you have to comply withall requirements which life on earth demands of you .... But don't let thembecome your purpose in life, instead only aspire for My kingdom, and youwill truly not regret it and gladly travel the narrow path leading upwards,because you will soon recognise Me in the guide Who walks by your side.... en I Myself will be able to escort you because you have made Me thegoal of your earthly life and because I also know that you are turning awayfrom the one who only promises and offers the world to you .... And thefurther you distance yourselves from the said broad path the easier will beyour ascent, for the heights you aspire to will become ever brighter untilyou are finally surrounded by the brightest shine and you enter into Mykingdom which will reveal unimaginable splendours to you, and then youwill live in light and strength and freedom and be supremely happy ....


BD 8281 received 24.09.1962

Danger of arrogance ....

Anyone who takes My Word `You are all sinners ....'to heart, will alsoremain profoundly humble, he will not become arrogant nor judge harshly,for the knowledge of not yet being perfect himself will always make himbear in mind that he is a weak individual who needs My strength andsupport, and with a humble heart he will come to Me and appeal to Me forboth .... In contrast, the character of someone sure of himself and his worthwill betray pride, he will raise himself above his fellow human beings, andthis arrogance will show itself in contempt of the other person, in unkindjudgment and in the opinion of having superior knowledge and thereforeno need of further instructions, be they of an earthly or spiritual nature ....


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the arrogant person will always believe himself to have attained the degreewhich entitles him to look down on his fellow human beings.

And arrogance is truly part of My adversary which made him fall into thedeepest abyss, for he exalted himself above Me, his God and Creator, andhe drew a vast host of created beings along with him into the depth. Muchof this arrogant spirit still adheres to these fallen beings when they haveto carry out their last test of will as human beings. Arrogance is a ratherworrying sign of imperfection which the person then has to fight againstin earthly life until he has attained profound humili towards Me, andthen he will no longer show off to his fellow human beings either but willhave full understanding of their failings, because he will recognise his ownshortcomings himself.

But the right relationship with Me requires profound humili , and as soonas the human being recognises himself as sinful and admits to it, he willalso take refuge in Jesus Christ and appeal to Him to deliver him from it ....Humili will make him call to Him from the bottom of his heart and hewill find mercy before His eyes .... for `I bestow My grace upon the humble....'And no one can deem himself to be perfect for as long as he lives onearth .... He can only possess a higher degree of awareness, but preciselythis will make him consistently more humble, because he recognises thegreatness of his God and Creator and the infinite love this God and Creatorbestows upon His living creations, which will certainly make the livingcreation indescribably happy but it will not make it condescending.

Arrogance is still an indication of insufficient knowledge, for the adversarytries to obscure the light, the adversary still has a share in the human beingwho is assured of himself and his worth .... You all still have to fight verymuch against this evil, for time and again My adversary will breathe a senseof lo iness into you, time and again he will know how to find a weak spotwhere he is able to awaken self-deceit in you. And therefore you all shouldbe on your guard and try to nip every sense of arrogance in the bud, for youshould always remember that your Saviour and Redeemer Jesus Christ hastaken the path of most profound humili , precisely in order to atone foryour fall caused by pride .... You should bear His torments and suffering inmind which this atonement demanded of Him .... And you should know


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that your path across earth is the result of this fall into the abyss caused bypride.

e return to Me can only take place on the path of humili , and theearthly path should lead you to the realisation that you are weak, helplessbeings who require My loving support in order to ascend again, and whoonly ever have to ask Me for My assistance if they want to travel the earthlypath successfully. But the person whose spirit is still arrogant is still distantfrom Me and thus will hardly find Me. For true love, which includes hisneighbour, cannot develop in him correctly since in his arrogance he willstay away from the person to whom he should give his love. And since thehuman being can only mature through a life of love the arrogant personwill not make any spiritual progress but remain on the same level, if hedoes not sink even lower because My adversary still keeps him captive.

erefore fight against this evil and exercise strict self-criticism, then youwill discover faults which will make you feel small, and you will come downfrom the throne you have erected for yourselves by incorrectly assessingyour worth .... Humili alone will make you mature, then you will receiveblessings in abundance from Me, I will take care of you Myself, for youcome closer to Me when you are humble, and your prayer to Me will beheart-felt and devoted, and I will grant your request and draw you to Meas My children, for then you finally have separated yourselves from Myadversary, who became My adversary because he exalted himself over theOne from Whose strength he had emerged ....


BD 7730 received 23.10.1960

Spiritual superiori is not spiritual arrogance ....

Spiritual superiori should not be confused with spiritual arrogance ....If I guide a person into the truth, if he is taught by My Word in order tobe a suitable teacher again for his fellow human beings, then he may alsoconfidently endorse his knowledge because it originates from Me, and thenhe can also rest assured that he will have received the pure truth and thatthis truth has to be rated higher than human knowledge, which was merelyintellectually acquired and which, without the working of My spirit, is


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no guarantee for truth. Hence, one can never speak of spiritual arrogancewhere it concerns advocating the truth from Me, which the person receivesfrom Me directly. en any restraint would be wrong if the opportunipresents itself to inform people of My spiritual knowledge. You just shouldnot `cast your pearls before swine ....', i.e., you should not speak whereyou clearly recognise My adversary's spirit, because the truth will not berecognised there as such and every conversation will be in vain. But anyonewho is taught by My spirit shall also mention the working of My spirit andfrankly and determinedly stand up for My Word. He will certainly be ableto do so, for as soon as he speaks on behalf of Me and My kingdom I Myselfmake use of him and speak through him, and then you really won't be ableto say that an arrogant spirit speaks through him.

Once a person has been guided into truth by Me he will also be enlightenedhimself, he will recognise all correlations and able to speak about them.And if he is sure of the truth of his knowledge because he was taught`through the spirit'then he will also be self-confident and able to refutewrong opinions or provide good clarifications, in which case he can't becalled `arrogant', rather, his spiritual superiori should be recognised andacknowledged; the truth he imparts must impress the listener and also givehim the inner conviction that it is I Myself Who speaks to him through ahuman mouth. And since I know My light bearers'will I can also distributethe gi s of the spirit such that they will be valued .... For this reason Ichoose My own servants and give them the task to pass on the pure truth.... And anyone with good intentions will recognise the truth and gratefullyaccept it .... anyone with good intentions will be brought together with thebearers of truth so that he, too, shall be guided into truth, depending on hiswill. And you should always remember that I only give My grace unto thehumble .... at an arrogantly spirited person would never ever be able toreceive a gi of grace from Me because only a profoundly humble heart isreceptive for it or you would have to discard everything said to you .... buta er serious examination you won't be able to do that. Spiritual superioriis only the complete certain of knowing the truth, and I expect this fromMy bearers of light, or they would be unable to confidently uphold thetruth from Me towards their fellow human beings .... It is necessary forlight to be brought to people who live in spiritual darkness ; it is necessary


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to illuminate the path of ascent for them, for you humans will not goforward on dark paths but you will continue to strive towards the abyss.For this reason I will repeatedly convey light to you, and blessed is he whoaccepts it .... blessed, who takes the path which will be shown to him in thelight of truth ....


BD 7524 received 17.02.1960

Destiny conducive to reach full maturi ....

On My part you are offered every possibili for development, for yourwhole course of life is determined by Me such that it will provide you withconstantly new opportunities to work at improving your soul. Time andagain you are faced with opportunities where you must prove yourselves,where you must activate your will, where you thus have to form yourown point of view and where it will then matter as to how you reconcileyour actions and intentions with My commandments of love for God andyour neighbour, which should be at the root of everything you do or don'tdo. And your destiny is purely arranged such that you will be motivated tobecome lovingly active .... Time and again opportunities are created for youto consider your neighbour and thereby also prove your love for Me. Mysole concern is to help you transform your nature, and therefore I will alsoalways express Myself in a way which offers you possibilities to achieve thistransformation. Your destiny is determined by Me, yet only ever in such away that it will serve you for the best, that your soul can thereby maturefully if you are of good will, that is, if you intend to achieve perfection onearth. In that case you can only ever recognise My hand in everything youencounter, which guides you such that it will benefit your soul. And thisis why you should also humbly accept what providentially approaches you.... is is intended in My plan of eterni , and this plan is truly designed inlove and wisdom and will be implemented in love and wisdom, always forthe sake of your salvation.

Hence, disaster doesn't actually exist for you, for although on earth itseems that way, spiritually it is nevertheless only an opportuni to achievematuri for your souls, and it is only up to you as to whether such a disaster


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will benefit you, whether it will be a blessing for your soul. It all dependson the attitude of your will, whether it seeks contact with Me and holds on,in that case everything he does and thinks from then on will be a blessingfor him. Everything that happens to a person according to destiny musthave a good effect for someone who closely unites with Me, for he will notlet go of Me and will also overcome every seemingly difficult experience,because I Myself will stand by his side through his heartfelt bond with Me.And thus his destiny will actually resolve itself and take a positive courseas soon as the person merely is and remains in contact with Me. And thebond with Me is the purpose and goal of every event, but not everyone willestablish it and therefore must o en suffer for a long time before he takesthe path to Me, Who can then relieve him from every burden when heentrusts himself to Me and appeals for My help. But he should always bearin mind that only his maturing on earth will be blessed on My part and thateverything which comes upon a person is conducive to this maturing .... heshould always consider that it is up to him as to how long such strokes offate will burden him, and that he will release himself from them as soonas he enters into heartfelt uni with Me .... he should always rememberthat it only concerns this heartfelt uni , that he should return to Me, fromWhom he had once voluntarily distanced himself ....


BD 7736 received 02.11.1960

About abstinence and asceticism ....

Whatever motivates you to practise abstinence .... you should not weakenyour body with it, for I gave it to you so that your soul should attainmaturi in it and it is your du to maintain your soul's vessel for as longas you live on earth .... You will understand that a weakened body is unableto fulfil the task it was allocated by destiny, and I really don't want you torender yourselves unfit for the work you have to accomplish on earth. Yetneither does your spiritual development depend on self-denial, on yourwithholding from your body what it needs in order to stay alive, what isbeneficial to remain healthy. Earthly life makes demands on you which youmust comply with in order to be useful members of socie .... And you need


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strength for this, which you must repeatedly replenish by providing yourbody with the right amount of sustenance and refreshment .... However,you should not exceed the amount, since it is truly not beneficial for you.... But neither should you let the body starve and thereby weaken it ....For this is not My will, Who created you in line with natural law, i.e., I didnot provide the body with functions which keep it alive and going for noreason, as far as it is My will. You should respect My wisdom which createdthe human body this way as you require it to be a vessel for your soul inwhich it ought to achieve its earthly task: to attain full maturi for thespiritual kingdom ....

However, remember to abide by natural law, too much as well as too littleis wrong, you should be moderate in all things and not make the bodyunfit for its task through excessive self-denial .... just as, vice versa, everyoverindulgence is bad and can spiritually damage the soul. And thereforeyou should merely keep to natural law, live a simple and modest life andalways request My blessing ....And it will not do you any harm, nothing willinfluence your spiritual maturing, your body will not become prematurelyweak and you will even be spared illness, if you don't sin against naturallaws .... if you also acknowledge your body's spiritual task and help it bykeeping it healthy and not denying it what it needs for its existence ....And only pray that you will always recognise the right measure .... thatyour love for the body will not be greater than your love for the soul; praythat I will always give your body the strength to achieve its earthly task.And if you thus endeavour to comply with My will then no illness willfrighten you again, for then you will know that even this shall merely helpto spiritualise body and soul .... But don't try to achieve this spiritualisationthrough asceticism as it contradicts natural law and can even result ina healthy body falling ill, but then it will be self-inflicted. Overcome allcravings which do not help to sustain the body .... fight against them, thenyou will live in the right way and your soul, too, will be able to becomefully mature .... Yet all excess is a disadvantage for the soul, for a certainamount of spiritual pride or ambition motivates the person to accomplishsomething extraordinary for the sake of his soul's maturi . But just as Icreated the body that is how it should serve you .... what the body requiresby natural law it should also receive .... en it will accomplish its task as


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a vessel for the soul and help it achieve maturi , and the body will makegood use of the time it was allocated by My will on earth ....


BD 3821 received 09.07.1946

Urgent admonition to detach from matter ....

Recognise the time and adjust your life accordingly .... Anyone who isunable to detach himself from the possessions of the world will find the lastdays before the end very difficult, for he will lose everything if he does notbelong to those who are completely corrupt, who will receive everythingso as to completely renounce Me. en I will have to take that which youare unable to relinquish voluntarily from you by force if I want to saveyou from entirely falling prey to the one who wants your eternal ruin. Forearthly matter belongs to him and must never become the principle of yourlife, instead you should use it to cover your most essential physical needsso that you can consider your soul the more abundantly .... For this alone isneeded in the coming time, because you only have little time le until theend. But if you spend it by just taking care of your physical well-being thenyour soul will go short and will have to suffer indescribably if I still wantto rescue it before the end. erefore remove whatever your body does notrequire and give it to your needy fellow human being, for there will bemuch hardship with My permission. Recognise the last days before the endby the fact that a great tribulation will befall the earth which you will beunable to avert by yourselves and which will be made even worse throughMy will, through My last intervention before the end. en you all mustrealise that I only want you to have very little for your body, that I wantto direct your mind more towards the soul, towards the spirit, and humblysubmit yourselves to My will. Ignore your body and only take care of yoursoul, then I will take care of your physical well-being and keep you aliveuntil the end, and you will be able to endure your last stage of life becauseI will help you.

And thus liberate yourselves from all earthly matter, detach your heart fromit, and gladly share whatever you own with your needy neighbour. Andyou will not have to go short despite your externally most modest living


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conditions, you will be able to live and work because your soul will receivedoubly what your body gives up. I must take your earthly possessionsaway from you if you don't part from them voluntarily, I must implementa forceful solution if you are too weak to separate yourselves from them.But it is far better if you already detach yourselves from them in your heartbefore, that you no longer let yourselves be enslaved by matter, but that youleave everything up to Me of your own free will if you sacrifice everythingyou own to Me .... en I will return to you what you need and also makeyour earthly life easier, and you will make proper use of the time until theend for your soul. For if I tell you that you that your life will not last longanymore, why should you still anxiously worry ....? You will have to leaveall earthly possessions behind when your body dies, your soul, however,will remain chained to it even in the spiritual kingdom if it hasn't detacheditself on earth already. And I want to help the soul learn to overcome iton earth and free itself from all longing for it .... Detach yourselves frommatter .... I let this call resound more urgently than ever, for the care of yoursoul is paramount in the forthcoming time ....


BD 0765 received 31.01.1939

Love ....Hate ....

Behold, My child, I come to meet with open arms those of you who want toaccept My gi s. Your heart's yearning will convey My love to you, My lovefor you demonstrates itself in your desire for Me, and this will also be yourstate in the beyond, you will constantly long for Me, and My love will grantyou fulfilment without end. Behold, I placed love into your heart so thatone day you should delight in beatitude when your love will be fulfilled.But I also placed the opposite impulse into you because you can only attaina state of beatitude by overcoming this impulse, and thus your endeavouron earth should especially apply to the fight against hate, the feeling ofintense animosi , for hate poisons your soul in a very destructive manner.... hate destroys everything that is created by love ....


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A person with a feeling of hate in his heart will never ever be able toachieve perfection, for hate is part of evil a er all .... Hate is so disastrousand so unspeakably depressing for the soul .... it is the worst e6il .... it isthe enemy of every good attitude .... it is a vice which quells everythinggood and noble .... it is the origin of sin .... A heart having succumbed tohatred is incapable of any noble feeling .... Where hatred rules no virtuecan be exercised. Humili , gentleness, forgiveness and mercy .... these arecompletely alien concepts to a heart controlled by hate; for the person hasno knowledge of love at all, and this is necessary, a er all, if he wants to livein a virtuous, good and God-pleasing way.

e appalling effects of hate can be recognised by the person in the beyond.... how it has distorted the soul of someone who was under the influenceof hate in his earthly life. If only people would consider that the opposingpower gains complete control over a hating earthly child so that it will findit ever more difficult to withdraw from this power and its influence, that itwill also find it ever more difficult to find its way back to love again, andthat such a person cannot be rescued by any other side unless he genuinelystrives to liberate himself from the power of evil. As long as he does notwithdraw from this influence with the firm intention to apply love it will beextremely difficult to become free. It is certainly understandable that thehuman being is o en virtually pushed into a feeling of hate when he looksat and reviews other people's heartlessness and observes their injustice andapparently successful conduct, but he always has to remember that there is aGod in heaven Who will repay every iniqui in due course .... He also has tocounter this with the fact that Jesus Christ even lovingly forgave those whowere to blame for His death, and that a feeling of revenge at no time got theupper hand in Him, but full of love, He only ever responded to the earthlychildren's conduct with understanding and compassion. Love should, a erall, defeat hate, and therefore the children on earth likewise have to makean effort to stifle the feeling of hate when it begins to arise in the humanbeing .... and only ever repay it with love even if the temptation to feel mostbitter hatred against the oppressors of people is too strong. Most peopleerr since they deem themselves extremely superior and believe that theyhave to express their power over their subordinates in a very blatant way,yet the individual should not respond with hate, instead he should resolve


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to educate the other person with love.

He should first consider his own soul which should be protected from thedanger of hate, its struggle is at times so dreadfully difficult, yet overcomingthis most detrimental attribute for the soul will lead to perfection, forthen love will have triumphed over the opponent .... Hate will have beenrendered harmless and destroyed by the strength of love, and the soulwill be grateful for such effort since it will have been released from bitteranguish ....


BD 1869 received 30.03.1941

Sense of justice ....Judging one's fellow human being ....

e human being has to have an inherent sense of justice or he would beunable to pass judgment on apparently heartless conduct. Anyone whodeems himself so exalted that he will not tolerate any objection becausehe believes himself infallible will never think righteously either, for hedoes not allow others the same rights he claims for himself. A substantialdifference has to be made between people. Anyone being strictly criticalof himself and his actions will also always make an effort to judge otherpeople fairly. However, anyone who only looks for faults in his fellowhuman beings and believes himself without error will regard all conductfrom a superior point of view, and thus his judgment is wrong.

Every human being can err; every human being can make mistakes .... Yethe has to know himself, then he can fight his faults and improve himself.... But anyone who does not recognise a fault in himself will not strive forperfection either.

When he acts unkindly he will not be aware of it, he will not hold himselfto account and is incapable of judging his actions fairly. He lacks a senseof justice; he will always consider his own actions beyond reproach but tryto demean his fellow human being for the least mistake. It has to be clearto the human being that he has no right to accuse a fellow human being ofa degrading action as long as he does not live up to a high moral standard


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himself. He should always consider his own shortcomings if he wants tocriticise the failings of other people.

But someone with an inherent sense of justice will not hastily judge some-one else, for he will try to put himself into the same situation and then alsounderstand the failings and faults of the other person. However, in orderto be able to do so he has to be truthful, he has to see things as they are.... he should not rate himself too highly and underrate his fellow humanbeing, for then he will apply a different standard to his own faults thanto the other person's faults, and that excludes all righteous thinking andjudgment.

It is exceptionally valuable to firmly call oneself to account, then thehuman being will stay true to himself and not do his fellow human beingan injustice out of selfishness by unfairly condemning his conduct andputting himself above the other person. And thus the human being shouldfirst look at himself and his behaviour before he criticises his fellow humanbeing and elevates himself as his judge ....


BD 7893 received 14.05.1961

Perfection means conformi to divine will ....

A living faith can truly move mountains .... You would be able to be incommand over all the elements of nature if you had this living faith .... Youwould be able to transmit your will unto people and animals if in livingfaith you wanted to relieve their earthly distress .... en you would alwayswork with My strength, for in living faith you are most sincerely unitedwith Me and able to use My strength without limitation. But what doesit mean to possess a living faith? .... To possess such a high degree of loveit means that you are fully enlightened, that you know of all correlationsand thus also know of your past nature, when you came forth from Mein an exceedingly powerful and perceptive state .... e knowledge youpossess now .... having become love yourselves .... will not let you doubtanything because you also correctly recognise Me and My nature, whichis love, wisdom and might in itself .... And since you once were created inMy image you also realise that the same power is inherent in you when


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you are united with Me, or, because you are united with Me .... But thenyou will also use your power according to your inner realisation. You willnever attempt to accomplish something that would not be in line with Mywill, for then your will is the same as Mine because you will have reachedthe light, the correct knowledge .... It is not possible to have a living faithwithout love .... Love, however, also ensures insight into My eternal planof Salvation .... Love guarantees that you think and act correctly, that yourwill is in line with Mine, that you will not work against My eternal planof Salvation if you have the right kind of realisation, if you live in thelight of truth. For although you will possess a living faith which enablesyou to accomplish everything you will nevertheless not use your inherentstrength of faith to work contrary to My love and wisdom .... for your will,which has conformed to Mine, prevents you from doing this, so that everydeed of love for your neighbour accomplished by your living faith will alsocorrespond to My love if it serves his salvation of soul.

For My goal is and will remain that My living creations shall attain beat-itude, the maturing of souls, the return of the once fallen spiritual beingsto Me. And My love and wisdom will only ever manifest itself according tothis goal. And since I have always known people's will My eternal plan ofSalvation is based on it, and it cannot be revoked by people who still lackprofound realisation .... If you want to be powerful on Earth and accom-plish great things you must ignite the love within yourselves into a brightfire .... But this fire of love radiates brightest light, and in this light you willrecognise Me and My nature, which is love, wisdom and might .... In thatcase, however, you will know about My goal and My extraordinarily wiseplan of love .... And then it will truly not occur to you to work in oppositionto this plan .... You would only ever try to influence your fellow humanbeings with love, so that they, too, will shape themselves to love, becauseyou recognise that love is the only path to the pinnacle, to Me and to eternallife .... A living faith is the sign of a soul's highly advanced maturi , of ahigh degree of love, which gives life to this faith .... And with such faith youtruly can also move mountains .... But you will always act as one with Mebecause your love has closely united you with Me. And then you also knowMy will, you feel it in your heart and act accordingly. But this will can neverbe directed in opposition to My love and wisdom .... For no wrong will


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can take effect in you either, then you, too, shall only think and want as Ido, then for you, too, only the spiritual being's salvation will be importantand you will want to help the souls which still linger in darkness. Earthlylongings, however, will be alien to you and never prompt you into usingthe strength of faith ....


BD 2083 received 22.09.1941

Misuse of the gi s which distinguish the human being from the animal ....

Unadulterated pleasure in life is the goal and endeavour of every personwho still lives in darkest spiritual night on earth. And as soon as he achievesit he will enjoy his life to the full and only live for his body while his soulgoes without, and if the human being is satisfied with purely physicalpleasures his state can be called exceedingly imperfect. It testifies to apurely materialistic attitude, for then the human beings will merely be anemp shell, he cannot be deemed any more, that is, more highly advancedthan a creature which lacks intellect and free will, for the latter is not beingused or is used in a completely wrong way by the person. e gi s whichdistinguish the human being from the animal are intended to achieve thesoul's higher development; their use shall merely manage to achieve thesoul's transformation. e human being, however, only uses these gi sto enhance his body's well-being, and thus he is misusing them. In thiscase the circumstances of the individual person are not important, for thestriving for the pleasures of life in itself is a misuse of his received energy oflife and the gi s bestowed upon him by God's love. As to whether he willfind fulfilment in his life does not change the fact that his desire worsens thedarkness of soul, for his thoughts and intentions impede the soul's actualtask. Hence the person's life can remain emp and deprived of earthlypleasure and still not gain him psychological higher development becausehis desire is orientated towards earthly pleasure. Fulfilment is o en deniedto them in order to redirect their thoughts and intentions towards spiritualexperiences, and yet they fail to find the path into the spiritual kingdom.

eir highest goal is and remains earthly happiness .... And such an attitudewill not reduce their distance from God, thus it is the cause of a deficiency


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which will have far-reaching consequences at the end of their earthly life,and this deficiency can no longer be rectified once the soul has le itsearthly body.

On the other hand, a short time on earth can suffice to make up forwhat had been neglected if the human being takes the shaping of his soulseriously. is is why ever more opportunities will approach the humanbeing in his latter years of life which he only needs to make use of andwhich, if he is willing, can bring him incomparable blessings, for Godwill not leave misguided souls without help even if the human being doesnot acknowledge Him, i.e., even if through his attitude towards worldlypleasures and earthly possessions he turns towards God's adversary. Hestruggles for his soul until his death. Time and again He is willing to helpand guides him such that his thoughts will be turned to spiritual spheres.And time and again his will is given an opportuni to make a decision. Fordivine love is such that it will not let go of whatever wants to withdraw fromHim. Even so, God will never decisively intervene in the human being'swill but so evidently bring those people together who can complementeach other, i.e., He brings badly informed people in contact with those whocan serve them in a giving and instructive way. is task is o en difficult aslong as the world is still alluring, which weakens the will for the acceptanceof spiritual truths. Yet occasionally just slight attempts will suffice to makea human being receptive to them .... namely, when the world gives him verylittle .... Unfulfilled desire can also lead to overcoming the desire, in whichcase it was richly blessed. en the person's struggle with himself, againsthis own craving, was made easy for him by denying him the satisfaction.And this, too, is God's grace, which can lead to the right decision of the freewill. One day people will thank God for what they so bitterly and harshlycondemn, if it was successful .... or they will suffer bitter regret if their willignored this grace as well ....



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BD 8660 received 31.10.1963

Misuse of divine gi s (Talents) ....

Don't believe that you can revoke My eternal order with impuni , don'tbelieve that you will benefit from an action which contradicts My lawfulorder. And this will always be the case if you wrongly use the gi s youreceive as a human being, which therefore trigger functions in you .... whichprompt your will into becoming active .... e human being is intricatelystructured, he is a work of creation which testifies to My love, wisdom andmight, all his functions are meaningful and can only have been devisedby a Creator Who is unsurpassable in His wisdom .... merely the physicalcomplexion differs, so that not all people have the same abilities at theirdisposal and their will to make use of them is either weaker or stronger. uspeople are differently talented in their skills and intentions .... they are alsopermeated by My strength differently, because it depends on the person'swill whether he requests My strength, which is always at his disposal, orwhether he only uses his vitali , which also flows to him at a weaker orstronger rate in a natural manner. A physically completely healthy personcan therefore have more vitali at his disposal than someone with anailing body; however, the latter can noticeably increase his own strength bydirectly requesting My strength and as a result accomplish achievementswhich surpass those of his fellow human being. And thus talents are alsogiven to people which likewise express themselves in different ways. Allthese talents are gi s from Me, gi s of grace which the person should usecorrectly in his earthly life by being of service to his fellow human beingagain to the best of his abili , for he will want to develop his talents toeither do good or to instil pleasure, providing the person always lives withindivine order. Yet everything of a divine nature can also become distortedthrough My adversary's influence .... For he will leave no stone unturnedin order to revoke the divine order ....

Consequently, the more enslaved a person is by him, the more the adversarycan succeed in destroying his belief in a God, the more he can also influencehim into wrongly cultivating the abilities .... these talents .... which restdormant within him. He will remove his sense for everything pertainingto divine order, he will want to destroy the `natural harmony'.... He will


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always think, want and create such that it will contradict this order, theharmony .... en the person's thinking and feeling will become confusedthrough the adversary's influence. And then distorted images will appearregardless in which field a person works. People will think wrongly andput their thoughts on paper, so that writings will arise which do not benefitother people, which present entirely wrong conclusions and which areunable to satis a reader who still moves within the divine order .... Andonly the adversary's followers will affirm and accept them. Yet their soulswill gain nothing, instead they will even lose that which they possess ....And thus, through the adversary's incentive the most varied talents will bemisused .... What they will then call into life will only ever be distortedimages of what I give to people for their happiness .... e functions ofhands, eyes and ears are being misused with inharmonious and distortedconsequences, for they are being led by the one who is against divine order,against that which is perfect, and who also induces people to be activelyagainst Me by producing works which testi to anything else but to thedivine gi s the human being received .... on the contrary, they originatefrom a sphere where everything has le the order. And the fact that theseproducts of satanic activi find recognition again demonstrates people'sspiritual state, for their nature was not created such that they lack theabili of making the right judgment, rather, their disbelief is confusingtheir mind .... they are unable to think clearly even if, from an earthlypoint of view, they possess a sharp intellect, yet their spiritual blindnessdemonstrates itself in their wrong judgment, they are no longer capableof differentiating between harmony and disharmony, and time and againpeople with the same spiritual attitude will join them and their judgment.And this distortion of creative products is merely a sign of immense spiritualconfusion, an obvious sign of My adversary's activi and therefore also asign of the near end, for the soul's full maturing is no longer assured wherealmost nothing is within divine order anymore. All My creations testito wisdom, love and omnipotence and these must also be recognisable inhuman work and activi , everything must radiate harmony and soothinglytouch the human being's soul which is devoted to Me .... But anyone who isstill distant from Me due to his wrong attitude towards Me, due to disbeliefor his belief in error will also lose the right sensitivi for any harmony


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because his soul still belongs to the one who is My adversary ....Amen

BD 6015 received 04.08.1954

Everything serves to attain perfection ....

Regardless of what confronts you in life it will serve you to attain spiritualperfection .... Yet it is up to you yourselves as to whether you also makeuse of all encounters. e correct attitude towards all happenings concern-ing yourselves and your surroundings will further your development ....whereas the wrong attitude will bring it to a halt .... e right attitude,however, consists of the fact that you look for the bond with your eternalFather, or strengthen it if you already have found it. en everything will bea blessing for you, even the greatest sorrow .... Spiritual advancement canonly ever be possible through overcoming, fighting or humbly submittingto it if it is not possible to surmount it .... And My strength must alwaysbe requested for this because you are not strong enough on your own. erequest for My strength requires your contact with Me and will also assureyour spiritual progress. I always truly endeavour to draw you towards Me,to turn your thoughts to Me, and if you won't do so of your own accordwhen you are urged by your heart to seek Me then I will have to affect yousuch that adversi must encourage you to come to Me .... or .... if you arevolitionally already My Own .... I want you to hold on to Me ever moresincerely, in that case your adversities will come upon you so that you willjoin Me ever more closely. e connection with Me guarantees your soul'sever-increasing spiritualisation, for wherever I Am present everything elseis excluded .... where My presence is longed for there is no more room forearthly desire.

And this is all I want to achieve when I allow you to get into difficulties, toendure suffering and feel weak and without strength. e Giver of strengthis always at your disposal, yet My strength can only flow into you if it findsa receptive vessel, which your will must thus open itself. is is why youneed not fear earthly hardship, for you can resolve it yourselves with Mystrength, which is more than amply available to you .... Surrender to yourdestiny and know that I stand above it all, Who can change everything


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in an instant. What today still weighs you down can tomorrow bring youjoy .... if you entrust yourselves to Me, if you unite yourselves in prayerwith Me and thus the spiritual purpose of every adversi will have beenachieved .... by having come one step closer to Me again, Who wants to beaspired to by all My children so that the strength of My love can permeatethem and they can safely proceed to ascend ....


BD 7928 received 26.06.1961

Reason for painful strokes of fate ....

I will still create many opportunities for you before the end which shallenable you to find the path to Me .... Time and again I will reveal Myself toyou, though o en in a painful manner, yet you shall always recognise thatyou are unable to determine your own destiny, you shall always recognisea Power above yourselves Which intervenes in your life, and harshly so ifthere is no other option, in order to pull you back from the abyss towardswhich you are blindly striving .....

I want to save you, and all My admonitions and warnings bear no fruit ....this is why every so o en I have to treat you harshly and inflict pain on you.... I have to take your most precious possession on earth away from you, Ihave to inflict death and disease on you, you will have to be struck by allkinds of misfortunes because you don't believe in a Power to Which youowe your life.

And there will be more and more instances when I will tear people apart,when death will come marching, when disasters will abruptly end people'slives .... I will manifestly show Myself, yet only be recognised by the willingperson who then will find his way to Me and no longer can go astray ....

e end moves ever closer, and thus My love, wisdom and might still willalso have to frequently intervene .... Time a er time humani has to beshown the transience of earthly things anew, they have to come to realisethe triviali of their aspired goals, and as a result will o en have to sufferphysically and psychologically, but they shall always also receive help if theyturn to Me and appeal for My support in their adversi . And their fellow


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human beings, too, shall consider that they could suffer the same fate andrealise that they don't live on this earth for earthly life's sake ....

Every stroke of fate can result in making other people think and questionwhether their own way of life corresponds to God's will, if they believe ina God .... Each stroke of fate can help people to believe if they turn to Meand through My obvious help will also be able to recognise Me .... usyou, who receive My Word, should explain to your fellow human beingsMy occasionally harsh and cruel appearing interventions in people's lives.... explain to them that I will use all means in order to win people over forMe, and that I will not stop to keep expressing Myself, for every misfortuneis an expression of Myself which can happen to anyone yet it only everintends to turn their thoughts into My direction .... For there is only littletime le and you humans merely pay attention to the world but not to thesalvation of your soul ....

e world will pass away, that is, you won't be able to take anythingbelonging to the world across into the kingdom of the beyond .... You onlyever chase a er dead commodities, and therefore you will be repeatedlymade aware of the world's fleeting nature. Again and again you will hear ofaccidents and all kinds of disasters, again and again you will have to sufferthe loss of human lives, and again and again you will ask yourselves why aGod of love allows this to happen .... e God of love wants to win you forHimself, he wants to make you blissfully happy, and therefore He wantsyou to turn your thoughts to Him ....

My love alone is the reason for everything that affects you badly, for youwill go astray again for an infinitely long time if you don't remember Me ....And only for this reason I reveal Myself to you and also intervene harshlyand painfully if you ignore My loving admonitions and warnings .... For Idon't want you to go astray .... I still want to save you before the end andprotect you from a far worse fate .... from the new banishment into thecreations of earth, which will be inevitable if you don't find Me anymorebefore the end of the earth ....



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BD 6549 received 17.05.1956

e path to the eternal home ....

e way home can be long and comfortable but also short and arduous,depending on how serious you are of reaching your goal .... But you canalso quite easily walk a completely wrong way if you don't care where yougo to .... A difficult path will never lead into the abyss, for the one whowants to entice you to descend shows you ways which are appealing to walk.... He will never lure you to himself with a difficult path. is is why itshould always give you cause for concern if your earthly path is far tooeasy and full of joy; then you should always ask yourselves whether youare on the right path, whether it is the path to your eternal home. But youare generally satisfied as long as your earthly life gives to you what youdesire, and then you will rarely consider the life of your soul a er death.... But you should be concerned .... If you want to reach higher spheresthen your ascent must require strength, it will never be possible to cover iteffortlessly unless you completely hand yourselves over to Me and let Mebe your guide. In that case you will not feel the effort of ascending quite somuch and yet your path will lead upwards .... erefore, take notice of thefact that an even path can never lead to the goal .... and humbly accept alladversities and difficulties, for they guarantee you a path of ascent, to Me,Who should never be searched for below but only ever above.

And also beware that you do not divert from these ascending paths onto thewide and comfortable road again, for you can change your goal at any time,the opportuni will always be offered to you to change from the broadpath onto the narrow path which cannot be effortlessly walked; just as thereverse is always possible, for My adversary will never stop enticing youand time and again will show you appealing regions to prompt you to directyour steps to where he wants you to go .... An all too easy earthly life withall kinds of earthly joys and pleasures is such a wide and easily passablepath, which certainly can still be exchanged before the end of your life onearth with the steep path towards ascent, but although the achievement ofthe goal can still be possible it is nevertheless very doubtful, for no personknows when his earthly life will be over and whether he will still havethe opportuni at the end to turn onto the narrow path towards ascent.


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No-one knows whether he can ever catch up on the missed time or whetherhe will still be able to change the direction of his goal in his earthly life.... is is why you should not be envious of any fellow human being wholives a carefree earthly life which constantly seems full of joy .... He is noton the right path yet, he is still too much taken care of by the one whowants to lure him into the abyss .... And yet, guided by My hand, you toocan enjoy your earthly life, but your joys and wishes will be different onesthan those which you observe with your fellow human beings. For the gi sdistributed by Me are of a different kind but they can make the person farhappier than material possessions .... And at the same time they give youthe necessary strength you need for the path of ascent .... And you willtruly not make a bad choice if you decide quite early to turn off the broadway onto the narrow and seemingly impassable path towards ascent .... Forthen you will no longer desire what you have le behind .... You will lookupwards and follow the light, and you will safely reach the goal, to Me inyour Father's house ....


BD 7972 received 20.08.1961

Decision by predestined guidance or experience ....

Know that every earthly or spiritual experience affecting your life is in-tended or permitted by Me. For every person's course of life is alwaysdetermined by Me in accordance with his spiritual development. And thuseverything can be in your best interest, you don't have to suffer if youaccept everything from My hand and even humbly accept your burdens,for your correct attitude towards Me will also allow you to assess everyevent correctly and your soul will mature. e only purpose of earthly lifeis for your soul to mature .... And all earthly events, be they suffering orjoy, will approach you in line with this purpose .... Any event is able to leadyou closer to Me if it is your free will to find union with Me.

But My adversary also tries to win you for himself, and thus you willbe faced by temptations on his part which I allow because he still hasa claim on you, and he will equally influence you but never be able toforce you, instead it remains up to your free will to what extent you allow


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yourselves to be influenced by him. Hence you make your own decision byconsciously turning either to Me or to him. And you can make this decisionin every situation; every experience, every stroke of fate, every pleasureand every affliction can impel you to make this decision. And if you knowthat nothing happens without My will or permission, then soon nothingwill be able to worry you either .... for as soon as you turn your sights andthoughts towards Me, call Me to your side or commend yourselves to Mein prayer, you will mature spiritually and have achieved an advantage foryour soul again.

All these are also tests of faith which you have to pass .... for My adversarywill do anything to separate you from Me, to lessen or destroy your faithin a God and Father Who is always willing to lovingly help His children.He will always want to darken your spirit, he will try to spread darknessacross you so that you no longer recognise Me as your loving Father ofeterni .... And this is why he particularly tries to take precedence duringmisfortunes with the intention of causing reluctance and ill feeling in you.... And then you have to adamantly resist and know that everything Iallow to come over you is beneficial for you, and that you only have to turnto Me in firm faith in order to banish even the most arduous adversi byhanding everything over to Me, Who will truly help you to get out of everyadversi . For My constant concern is only ever your return to Me ....

I want to tie you to Myself and not lose you, and therefore I will also alwaysprove My love, and this love shall never be doubted by you. You havealready travelled a long path which brought you ever closer to Me .... elast short stretch of the way requires great willpower by you, because youconsciously have to turn to Me, to the pinnacle, whereas before you weredrawn by My love .... But this love gives you even more, it does everythingin order to guarantee your return to Me ....

Just grant Me your free will, strive towards Me in free will, don't letyourselves be enticed by the world which is My adversary's tool to win youover .... Believe in Me and My love, and in your heart long for the Father,and call upon Me in every adversi of body and soul .... And truly, everyexperience will only ever serve your ascent, for everything is based on Mylove and wisdom whatever you might encounter .... And rely on My love


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and My might, for I Am always willing to help if only you would call uponMe in your heart ....


Who was Bertha Dudde?

Bertha Dudde was born on 1. April 1891, as the second oldest daughterof a painter, in Liegnitz, Silesia. She became a dressmaker and began toreceive pronouncements from God through the `Inner Word'on 15. June1937.

“In a clear dream I was moved to write down my thoughts a er devoutprayer. Understandably this o en gave way to doubt and inner conflictsuntil I was convinced that I was, myself, by no means the initiator of theseexquisitely gracious words; but instead it was the spirit within me, in otherwords, the love of the Heavenly Father was obviously responsible for themand introduced me to the truth”.

“I was given knowledge of the spiritual world which far exceeded myelementary school education. I received and receive this knowledge as adictation in a state of complete consciousness; I write down everything I amtold in shorthand, in order to then transfer it word for word to clean copy.

e procedure does not take place in a state of compulsion, for example ina state of trance or ecstasy, but in an absolutely level-headed frame of mind.However, I have to want it to happen and then I can receive these dictationsvoluntarily; they are neither bound by time nor place.

“Now I only have one wish, which is to be able to make these gi s of graceaccessible to many more people and in accordance with the will of GodHimself to be allowed to do much more work in His vineyard.”

(Quotations from an autobiography from 1959).

Bertha Dudde died on 18. September 1965 in Leverkusen, Germany.