Download - Select Manage ribon and then click on “Styles Editor” 113/Dim Config for Autodesk Inventor.… · iLogic Editor Batch Publish Content Center Web


Select Manage ribon and then click on “Styles Editor” tab

Drop the list of options of dimension option and select Default


In the Units Dialog select the precision for linear and angular

dimensions. If the tolerance of dimension fully determines the

decimal part then show the integer part of dimensions. If it is the

case select 0.0 precision

Click on this tab and in the following sub dialog box select Arial

font and for A3 templates set the font height as 5 mm

For having a horizontal tail of leader lines click on this tab and

select horizontal option. And then click on DONE tab and finish

the configuration process.

You are ready to start dimensioning process! Select Annotation

ribon to start.....