Download - Sei Mfa Koica Tctpk Carbon Journey 7 Oct 2010

  • 8/8/2019 Sei Mfa Koica Tctpk Carbon Journey 7 Oct 2010


    The Carbon Journey - Singapore's

    First UNFCCC Registered CDMProject

    (CDM Project Ref: 1950)

    Ministry of Foreign Affairs-Korea International Co-operationAgency Third Country Training Programme on Climate

    Change and Energy Sustainability

    Maximising Opportunities for Developing Countries of Asia

    Ong Gin Keat 7 Oct [email protected]

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    CDM Home

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    Clean Development Mechanism (CDM)



    Reports of Meth Panel, CDM AR WG and CDM SSC

    WG available11Mar 09

    - The report of the thirty-seventh meeting of the CDM Meth Panel (MP) is available more >>

    - The report of the twenty-third meeting of the CDM Afforestation and Reforestation Working

    Group (AR WG) is available more >>

    - The report of the nineteenth meeting of the Small Scale Working Group (SSC WG) is available more


    EB 46 - Proposed agenda and annotations available 11Mar 09

    The proposed agenda, its annotations and addendum for the forty-sixth meeting of the CDM

    Executive Board are now available. more >>

    For open/closed sessions, please consult the draft workprogramme.

    Proceedings of the meeting may be viewed through webcast.

    Call for public inputs : draft "Tool to determine

    the baseline efficiency of thermal or electrical

    energy generation systems"

    18Feb 09

    The Board at its forty-fifth meeting considered the draft Tool to determine the baseline efficiency of

    thermal or electrical energy generation systems (167 KB) which describes various procedures to

    determine the baseline efficiency of an energy generation system,for the purpose of estimating

    baseline emissions.

    The call invites inputs between the period starting 18 February 2009 and ending 31 March

    2009. more >>

    Key links

    CDM Bazaar: Web- portal connecting buyers,sellersand service providers

    CDM Photo ContestBest of Changing Lives08photo submissions

    Clean DevelopmentMechanism 2008 in brief

    CDM TechnologyTransfer report

    CDM Projects

    Interactive map more>>

    Statistics more>>


    IssuedCERs: 265,086,203ExpectedCERs (fromregistered projectsuntilthe end of 2012): > 1,490,000,000






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  • 8/8/2019 Sei Mfa Koica Tctpk Carbon Journey 7 Oct 2010


    Financial Times 17 April


    Stern admits heunderestimatedglobal warming.

    Data after his report

    came out in October

    2006 has led him tochange his mind.

    In retrospect, he

    would have taken a

    much stronger view in

    the report.

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    We cant keep doing the things weve

    been doing and expect a different result.

    Obama TIME 1 Sept 2008

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    Biomass Biomass is any plant derived organic matter available on a

    renewable basis, including dedicated energy crops and trees,agricultural food and feed crops, agricultural crop wastes andresidues, wood wastes and residues, aquatic plants etc. The energyin biomass can be harnessed in waste-to-energy plants or

    cogeneration plants.

    Cogeneration Cogeneration is the simultaneous production of electricity and heat,

    both of which are used.

    (Singapore National Climate Change Committee) )

    Biomass Cogeneration

  • 8/8/2019 Sei Mfa Koica Tctpk Carbon Journey 7 Oct 2010


    The Beginning UNFCCC adopted the Kyoto Protocol in 11 Dec 1997 and entered

    into force on 16 February 2005. (8 years later)

    1st World Registered CDM project (HFC, 3MCERs, India): 8 Mar 2005

    Singapore acceded to the Kyoto Protocol in 13 April 2006.

    ecoWise 1MW biomass boiler, 15t/hr operational 14 April 2005

    Use of electricity for internal use (consume 6t/hr steam)

    Tipping fee

    Board Resolution to proceed with CDM Project: 1 Nov 2006

    Thermal energy for the user. AMS IC

    Recovery of waste steam for heating/drying (ISO containers/Spent grains)

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    CDM Criteria

    1. Must promote sustainable development(economic, environment, social contribution)

    2. Emission reductions must be Real, Measurableand Additional

    3. Host country criteria:- Ratified Kyoto Protocol- Have the Designated National Authority(DNA) confirm project is in line with countrys

    sustainable development agenda and all laws- DNA issues Letter of Approval (LoA)

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    Social Criteria Min. 2.5% of carbon revenues donation to support charities

    Economic Criteria

    Job creation Recovering waste steam increases energy efficiency

    Knowledge acquire and build up dryer along with gain inconstruction/operations

    Environmental Criteria

    Reduction of GHG emission by substitution of diesel fuelwith renewableenergy recovered from a biomass boiler

    No air emissions will be generated by the combustion of diesel oil

    In line with The Singapore Green Plan 2012 :to achieve 25% reduction ofcarbon intensity level from 1990 level by 2012

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    Emission Reduction

    Project activity


    Biomass energy


    Baseline emissions ~

    business as usual

    Diesel burners (BEy)


    CO2 emissions

    ERy= BEy PEy - Leakage

    Emission reduction (Ery)


  • 8/8/2019 Sei Mfa Koica Tctpk Carbon Journey 7 Oct 2010


    The project activity would not have occurred anyway


    Investment barrier: IRR is low without Carbon Credits, noexternal financing

    Technological barrier: new technology must be imported

    Barrier due to prevailing practice: first of its kind

    Others barriers: institutional, limited information,

    managerial resources, organizational capacity, financialresources, or capacity to absorb new technologies

    Barrier Analysis

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    DryerSpent grain dryer

    Will reduce the waste original weight by 65-70%.

    The steam consumption to dry one ton of waste is ~1 ton steam (6barg)

    Steam requirement is ~ 5 tons/hour of steam will be required to dry100 tons/day wet spent grain

    Investment ~ 2,1 m S$ (total in two phases)

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    Project Monitoring18 Nov 2008 to 31 Dec 2009

    Actual Total

    1) Total Operating days 359 409 88%

    Dryer Capacity - To dry 1 tonne spent grains from 70% moisture to 10% moisture

    Design capacity Actual

    2) Tonnes Steam 29,079 17,957 61.75%

    3) CERs Comparision Estimated Calculated

    CERs 25,939 4,180 or 16%


    2nd dryer implementation delayed due to poor economic conditions

    Difficulties to secure sufficient quantity of spent grains to dry

  • 8/8/2019 Sei Mfa Koica Tctpk Carbon Journey 7 Oct 2010


    Time lines


    Verification. DOE


    5) DOE appointment and project validation start 3 Sept 2007

    6) Draft PDD upload to DOE website (30days) 10 Sept 9 Oct 2007

    7) DOE Site visit/validation 19-20 Nov 2007

    8) Upload to DOE website 10 Sept 2008

    (Request for correction 7 Oct 08. Resubmitted 24 Oct 08)

    9) Registration (by Registration and Issuance Team) 18 Nov 2008

    (Actual informed 23/12/2008)

    10) Monitoring Plan Implementation In progress

    11) Generation 18 Nov 2008 -31 Dec 2009

    12) Generation verification 1Q 2010

    13) Issuance of CERs



    (14 Months)

    1) Project Identification Note (PIN) and concept development Jan June 2007

    2) Stakeholders meeting 5 July 2007

    3) Host DNA approval (technical committee approval) 22 Aug 2007

    4) Project Design Document (AMS -IC)Project description, Baseline definition, Additionality assessment, To Aug 2007CER calculations, Monitoring plan, Environmental and sustainabilityimpact, Stakeholders meeting comments


  • 8/8/2019 Sei Mfa Koica Tctpk Carbon Journey 7 Oct 2010



    PDD from initial 43 pages to 60 pages

    Equipment design, engineering, fabrication,installation, commissioning

    Mitigation of risks project phasing, financial Working with unknowns. Expect and accept

    potholes in the road.

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    Directions for the user

  • 8/8/2019 Sei Mfa Koica Tctpk Carbon Journey 7 Oct 2010


    Understand the issues Important elements


    Engage stakeholders

    Find the right consultant

    Beware of ground level Implementation issues

    Results delivered at operational level

    Learn from mistakes. Middle management squeeze

    Directions for the user

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    A CDM Roadmap? Rapid evolution, work in progress

    Know the technologies, engineering and limits

    Site verifications - know what is happening at site

    Networking, Mentor, Guru Not just your friends !

    The right consultant experience and track record Structure contract for mutual long term gain

    Project two steps ahead because that will decide your start yesterday Be guided by learning experience and work together

    (soul searching may be required)

    Directions for the user

  • 8/8/2019 Sei Mfa Koica Tctpk Carbon Journey 7 Oct 2010


    In summary

    The methodology road has been

    built and may be modified after youdrive through

    Sometimes you wonder if its still

    the same road

    Sometimes you wander intodifferent places

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    Making your

    own highway

    And possible dead ends

  • 8/8/2019 Sei Mfa Koica Tctpk Carbon Journey 7 Oct 2010


    Thank youBe different

    [email protected]

    Environmental and renewable/clean energy