Download - Sefer Tikunim 1

  • 8/21/2019 Sefer Tikunim 1


    Sefer Tikunim - .The Holy Book of Correction - ! """

    #The ne" full "e$ite """ "ill $e u%lo&'e' in ())*+

    ! "& "ritten to %ro,i'e & %r&ctic&l ui'e of %iritu&l kno"le'e in thi%hyic&l "orl'

    ritten for e,ery in'i,i'u&l/ to ui'e &n' hel% one m&ke the correction to the "&y oneli,e/

    0n or'er to ele,&te one oul &n' ch&ne one %&th"&y/ to li,e & fulfillin &n'%ur%oeful life .

    The 1rinci%le of Sefer Tikunim - ! / &re th&t "e h&,e cre&te' &n im%erfectitu&tion in our li,e/ throuh our &ction/ %eech &n' thouht . 2ither "e h&,e c&ue'

    irre,er&$le itu&tion th&t h&,e im%lic&tion or h&,e l&i' foun'&tion in our li,e$&e' on 'eceit/ lie &n' 'ihonety .

    The Sefer Tikunim - ! 'e&l "ith thee itu&tion &n' fin' olution to e,eryitu&tion in thi "orl'/ & the fun'&ment&l %iritu&l l&" i th&t e,ery %ro$lem h& &

    olution . The focu of Sefer Tikunim - ! / i to cle&ne &n' %erfect the

    %hyic&l itu&tion &n' it corre%on'in &ffect on our oul . Con,erely/ it te&che umetho' to cle&ne our oul/ our inner thouht "hich "ill/ in turn h&,e & %rofoun'effect on our %hyic&l life in thi "orl' .

    Sefer Tikunim - ! / "& "ritten for e,eryone in thi life/ & one %ur%oe/ &im&n' focu i to rectify the mit&ke "e h&,e m&'e either in thi life or %re,iou li,e/ inor'er to r&ie our le,el of %iritu&l &"&rene of 345 &n' the %irit "orl'/ $rinin the

    i'e&litic &n' %iritu&l &e of time "hen e,eryone in thi %hyic&l "orl' "ill $e inh&rmony "ith &ll the oul in the etern&l %iritu&l "orl' :6789 .

    The 0ntro'uction of Sefer Tikunim;uote & ,ere from


    NTh&t "hich i crooke' c&nnot $e correcte' .....................N eOce%t $y ....

    The em%h&i of the NSefer TikunimN / NBook of CorrectionN . 0 to try &n' un'ert&n'

    life/ %ecific&lly if one h& m&'e & mit&ke . Pn'ert&n'in life &n' itu&tion th&t h&,e
  • 8/21/2019 Sefer Tikunim 1


    $een cre&te' $y one mit&ke on & %iritu&l le,el/ "ill hel% one to fin' the c&ue &n'%iritu&l &n"er one nee' to m&ke the nece&ry correction.

    Thi $ook i,e ho%e to %eo%le/ & in life the rule i Nth&t %ro$lem h&,e olutionN.The ,ere &$o,e from the $ook of N

  • 8/21/2019 Sefer Tikunim 1


    St&rtin to correct one life $y t&lkin only the truthI then one life "ill $e correcte'&n' ui'e' $y 5i,ine inter,ention &n' correction to one oul "ill $e m&'e from

    &$o,e. The ecret to m&kin & correction in one life i &l"&y rememe$er t&lktruthfully &n' think truthfully/ &'mit one mit&ke &n' $e =))W truthful.

    The f&mou [e$ 2lie\er 3or'on - the Tel\er [oh ]ehi,&/ &l"&y o%ene' & Holyhe$re" efer &n' re&' & fe" ,ere "hene,er he nee'e' to i,e &nyone oo' &',ice/

    "hene,er he nee'e' to fin' the truthful &n"er to &ny %ro$lem in life he &l"&yt&rte' $y re&'in omethin truthful. The re&on he 'i' thi i from Sefer Tikunim -The $ook of Correction - th&t he "&nte' to connect "ith & %erfect enery of =))W

    5i,ine truthfulne $efore he &,e hi &',ice "hich he "&nte' to $e =))W %erfect &n'truthful.

    hene,er one i confronte' "ith 'ifficultie or h&,in &ny kin' of 'i%ute or &n

    &rument "ith &nyone/ &l"&y t&rt the con,er&tion $y the un'i%ut&$le truthful f&ct.0n th&t "&y/ $y t&lkin truth one "ill &l"&y $e ui'e' to continue in =))W truthI &n'"here,er there i truth there i ucce/ %iritu&l &n' %hyic&l ucce/ &n' true

    h&%%ine for eternity.

    e h&ll eO%l&in in 'e%th &ll the te% of Tikunim - Correction "hen "e m&ke the full"e$ite in Vutumn ())^/ the m&in thin to remem$er &n' t&rt "ith i &l"&y &y

    =))W truthful "or' &n' ne,er lie. _Better to kee% `uiet &n' &y nothin th&t lie Ra Tryit for b) '&y &n' ee ho" one life "ill ch&ne for the $etter R

    0neO%lic&$le Situ&tion1eo%le uu&lly N"&ke u%N %iritu&lly &t & time of crii/ "hen loic no loner offer the

    &n"er or olution to itu&tion . ife in the form of 52ST0Z] h& %l&ce' e&ch%eron in eO&ctly the itu&tion they nee' to $e/ in or'er to rectify %&t life N303PN

    & & reinc&rn&te' oul . 4r in or'er to hel% the oul r&ie to & hiher le,el $yCHVZ30Z3 / throuh e&ch of the t&e of life .

    Z4TH0Z3 HV112ZS B] VCC052ZT 4[ CHVZC2 / e,ery itu&tion i 'etine' &n'

    i there to te&ch our oul leon . 0f & %eron feel NtuckN - it i $ec&ue the oul iNtuckN &n' PST CHVZ32 $efore mo,in onto the future . 2,erythin th&t h&%%en%hyic&lly in our li,e i & reflection of omethin %iritu&lly th&t "e nee' to le&rn .

    Thee itu&tion &re often ineO%lic&$le $y loic . Zonthele they &re re&l &n' our %&in&t the time of crii i re&l . The f&ct th&t our oul feel the %&in i & in th&t "e &re

    N&li,eN &n' nee' to un'ert&n' on & 'ee%er le,el/ the leon "e nee' to le&rn/ in or'erto ele,&te ourel,e &n' our oul 4PT of the S0TPVT04Z .

    Better to $e &li,e "ith %&in th&n 'e&' "ithout %&in R
  • 8/21/2019 Sefer Tikunim 1


    The f&mou &yin from Sefer Shinuyim i N Better to $e &li,e "ith %&in th&n 'e&'"ithout %&in N - thi i in reference to thoe %eo%le "ho &re &li,e/ $ut &re %iritu&lly

    &n' emotion&lly "ithout &ny feelin - they &re in f&ct coni'ere' the li,in 52V5 - &their oul &re f&t &lee% - &lmot 52V5 .

    Sefer Tikunim eO%l&in th&t "ith %r&yer &n' %iritu&l ui'&nce/ if "e liten c&refully tothe in &n' coince'ence th&t h&%%en in our li,e/ &n' $e H4Z2ST "ith ourel,e/

    then 2Y2[] 1[4B2 HVS V S4PT04Z . The olution i like & m&ll keyo%enin & l&re 'oor . 0t only t&ke one m&ll %iece of kno"le'e/ inform&tion or &m&ll ch&ne in our &ttitu'e &n' thi $rin the olution "e nee' to PZ4C< the

    $lock&e in our life .

    hen & %eron h& foun' the olution &n' un$locke' the $lock&e/ it i like &n&m&\in he&,ine h& $een lifte' from &$o,e the %eron &n' & r&'i&nt lo" or

    h&%%ine fill the %eron life . Thi i kno"n & com%lete NT0

  • 8/21/2019 Sefer Tikunim 1


    4ne c&n'le for ]4P[ oul/

    4ne c&n'le for your 3PV[50VZ VZ32

    The i'e&l time i in the e&rly e,enin ut &fter unet . There i &lo the 0ZHV3cutom to re&' the $ook of SH0[ HVSH0[0"ith & %r&yer to &y &fter"&r' - kno"n

    & NT0

  • 8/21/2019 Sefer Tikunim 1


    V mic&rri&e i & 'e&th of & Soul - Zehom& from thi %hyic&l "orl' . The oul of thechil' t&rte' it ourney on thi "orl' from the moment of conce%tion _ ee eferilulim - the $ook of reinc&rn&tion - the %&e on NBirthN for eO%l&n&tion of the

    im%ort&nce of the moment of conce%tiona . Thi Zehom& - oul nee' to $e recue'&n' t&ken to %irit "orl' in eO&ctly the &me "&y & omeone "hom h& 'ie' .

    There &re m&ny re&on "hy mic&rri&e h&%%en &ccor'in to %iritu&l l&" . Themot %oiti,e &%ect i th&t thi oul h& &crifice' their life / in or'er to No%en u%N it%&rent %iritu&lly . 1&rent "ho h&,e lot & chil' or mic&rrie'/ "ill h&,e eOtremely

    'ifficult emotion&l time for m&ny ye&r/ PZT0 they t&rt to $elie,e in 345 &n'%irit "orl' . [econiin th&t the oul of thi chil'/ h& $een ent to thi "orl' to

    "&ke the %&rent u% %iritu&lly . Thi chil' oul "ill Z4T $e &t %e&ce until the %&rent&re "&kene' u% %iritu&lly . Vccor'in to Sefer Tikunim thi i not coni'ere' &

    %unihment of the %&rent / $ut & he&,enly %iritu&l ift/ for them to NV

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    The leon to u/ i th&t &fter &n &$ortion & NT0

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    BVBV SV0 U Sh&\t\er [e$$eith re%ect to [e$ ]iroel V$u Ch&t\eir& - kno"n & B&$& S&li . &ny %eo%le "ere

    i,en $lein $y him &n' &ke' to &y NT0

  • 8/21/2019 Sefer Tikunim 1


    4ther"ie/ one 'oe looe e,erythin/ & "e &ll kno" m&ny %eo%le "hom in Nmi'-lifeNlooe e,erythin/ $ut h&,e the ch&nce to ch&ne &n' re$uil' & ne" %iritu&l life. 4nelo i im%ly & choice $&e' on 'iconnectin &n' 'enyin the eOitence of 345/ &

    oul &n' %irit "orl'. Thi i e&ily rectifie' &n' correcte' $y reconnectin %iritu&lly .Th&nk to the %iritu&l 30T of kno"le'e throuh $ook like Sefer Tikunim &n' "ith

    th&nk to one N3u&r'i&n VnelN.

    GDDF Tikun

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    0n the &me "&y "hen & %eron looe omethin th&t $elon to them $y i,inch&rity in the n&me of [e$ eir B&&l H&ne/ o too/ "ith re%ect to one 'etiny . 0f

    one feel one h& lot one oulm&te or nee' hel% to fin' one oulm&te/ the $ookSefer Tikunim / eO%l&in &ll one nee' to 'o i im%ly to liht & c&n'le for the oul of

    [e$ eir B&&l H&ne/ i,e ch&rity &n' %r&y to $e ui'e' to fin' one 'etine'oulm&te .

    Then recite the %r&yer of [e$ Binyomin -

    N[&$$i Binyomin &y e,eryone i coni'ere' $lin' %iritu&lly until 345 o%en oneeyeN

    N1le&e 345 o%en my eyeN

    N[&$$i Binyomin &y e,eryone i coni'ere' $lin' %iritu&lly until 345 o%en oneeyeN

    N1le&e 345 o%en my eyeN

    1le&e &lo re&' our full %&e on[e$ eir B&&l H&ne

    1le&e ee the ne" %&e-

    N1r&yer to fin' one S4PVT2N
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    The [e' Strin $r&celet of N[&chelNThe Conce%t of [&chel &ccor'in to

  • 8/21/2019 Sefer Tikunim 1


    em&n&tion _efiroa/ the %iritu&l num$er of "holene - . 0t m&y &lo rec&ll themerit of the e,en Holy She%her' re%oni$le for $rinin the 5i,ine 1reence 'o"n

    to 2&rth.

    0t i &lo kno"n th&t the left he&rt i full of $loo' &n' i home to the e&rthly %&rt ofS4P - the NZefehN/ the ,it&li\in e&rthly &nim&l oul in & %eron. e&rin the trin

    &roun' the left h&n' remin' the %eron of the N$&ttleN th&t mut $e "&e' &&intoneX elfih &nim&litic ure &n' to ele,&te oneelf to & %iritu&l un'ert&n'in &n'


    Psalm 33

    The num$er bb correl&te to the conce%t of the correctin one "&y Ntehu,&N/ & theT&lmu' _S&nhe'rin =)b&a t&te th&t the "icke'

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    Vn& BX

  • 8/21/2019 Sefer Tikunim 1


    Wearing the Red String

    V you c&n ee from &ll thi/ the [e' Strin Br&celet i & me&n/ r&ther th&n &n en'. 0ter,e & & ch&nnel to hel% &"&ken in ourel,e &n' in 345 &n' %irit "orl'/ our

    'eire for connection &n' %rotection. e&rin the [e' Strin in&l your intention too%en yourelf u% to recei,e 3o'X $lein $y tryin to $ecome & $etter %eron/ $y

    %erformin &ct of oo'ne &n' kin'ne/ &n' $y remem$erin th&t humility i notonly &n &ttri$ute of 3o'/ it the in of & 3o'ly %eron. in&lly/ "e&rin the [e' Strin

    in&l your $elief in the rihteou merit of our [&chel 2meinu _4ur othera. 2,erytime one look &t the re' trin on one "rit it "ill remin' one of & more %iritu&l

    %ur%oe in life. 1le&e re&' our full %&e on 1rotection. 3oo' luck &n' m&y &ll yourre`uet for $lein $e fulfille'.

    1le&e ee our full %&e on N[&chelN for %r&yer in he$re"

    Try it once &n' ee for yourelf Rot %eo%le "e&r thi Nre' $r&celet for b) '&yN/ ho"e,er ome ef&r'i communitie

    m&ke & ne" $r&celet once & "eek/ e,ery fri'&y $efore the &$$&th - Sh&$$o. Try"e&rin & re' cotton $r&celet for '&y &n' ee ho" you feel/ thi i & tr&'ition %&e'

    'o"n o,er ener&tion for &lmot b))) ye&r R o "hy not continue thi tr&'ition&l%iritu&l %rotection

    Nge&louN frien' "ont like it R0t h& $een kno"n th&t thi re' $r&celet %rotect & %eron from Ne&louyN &n' Ne,ileyeN. 0f & %eron h& N$&' frien'N/ "hen they ee thi re' $r&celet/ they "ill either

    l&uh &t it or &y omethin to un'ermine it %iritu&l trenth. gut inore their illycomment & thi i trie'-&n'-tete' tr&'ition of %rotection for b))) ye&r. But thi "ill

    m&ke you =))W cert&in th&t thee Nfreelo&'in frien'N &re non-%iritu&l. e&rin it"ill hel% you i'entify "ho your oo' frien' &re R

    0f you feel uncomfort&$le "e&rin it for the firt fe" hour/ thi i $ec&ue there m&y$eNe,ilN %irit th&t h&,e $een 'r&inin/ $lockin &n' ruinin your life/ no" th&t you &rerecei,in %iritu&l %rotection/ thee Ne,il %iritN &re feelin uncomfort&$le/ &fter & fe"

    hour & %eron "ill &ctu&lly feel ,ery oo' &n' enlihtene' & thi re' $r&celet of%rotection i &ctu&lly "orkin R 3oo' luck &n' m&y &ll your re`uet for $lein $e


  • 8/21/2019 Sefer Tikunim 1


    Tikun of N1&rno&N 8The &mou &n' tr&'ition&l %r&yer eO%l&ine' in the Tikun N1&rno&N 8 in Sefer

    Tikunim for i,elihoo' &n' N1&rno&N 8 / &nyone "ho 'oe not e&rn & li,in or h&no money houl' re&' thi f&mou Tikun N1&rno&N 8 .



    1le&e note th&t Sefer Tikunei H&\oh&r i not the &me & Sefer Tikunim/

    for more inform&tion %le&e ee our %&e on Tikunei H&oh&r


    The 0n'eO of our ge"ih S%iritu&l 2'uc&tion&l e$ite

    Thi e$ite of """.tikunim.comi till Nun'er contructionN

    e ho%e to t&rt u%lo&'in thi "e$ite t&rtin in S%rin ())*

    6F7886Fd8D 8Cont&ct 'et&il

    To cont&ct gon&th&n &Om&n %le&e ue the NCont&ct ormN.

    :d898 i &m tryin my $et to com%lete m&ny ne" "e$%&e e%eci&lly theN1&th"&yN/ NSefer ShinuyimN/ N D69D8 [&\iel H&m&l&chN NSefer 3ilulimN &n' "eho%e to t&rt the NVu'ioN 'urin ())*.

    0 ho%e thi eO%l&n&tion of T0

  • 8/21/2019 Sefer Tikunim 1


    "hich eO%l&in cle&rly the %&th"&y to true%iritu&lity &n' un'ert&n'in th&t &re

    %iritu&l oul i im%ly on & ourney 'urinthi %hyic&l life/ &n' throuh oureO%erience "e h&,e the o%%ortunity torefine one oul.The &mou Shot\er [e$$e `uote Sefer Tikunim &n' the conce%t of b c&n'le in the

    Sh&t\er [e$$e - [e$ Shulem oko"it\ "ill/ &t the f&mou Tom$ of the [&$$i in2Z025 - 4Z54Z.

    The Book of

  • 8/21/2019 Sefer Tikunim 1


    D?LA}E8 KpFADs8--?p8: ?p/KF?D?D .i not fullI unto the %l&ce "hither the ri,ero/ thither they o &&in.

    $D?w-?:AE87~A/sD-DEF!pqEADIsD-7Eq AGE7GK6sE7sJAD/sDA-D?M Az .

    %Vll thin toil to "e&rineI m&n c&nnotutter it/ the eye i not &tifie' "ith eein/

    nor the e&r fille' "ith he&rin.

    &8E-8??8 Kz/!88KA8x Kp/8E!-8 ?7E} Kz/!88 K?7x KpIGAD?w-p??L/ELEpK ?zE8 .

    'Th&t "hich h&th $een i th&t "hich h&ll$e/ &n' th&t "hich h&th $een 'one i th&t"hich h&ll $e 'oneI &n' there i nothinne" un'er the un.

    (p?:?Esx Kp8A-8K6/p??L!8?:Aw8??8?Ds7AD/ Kp8??8!?A .

    1)0 there & thin "hereof it i &i' XSee/thi i ne"X--it h&th $een &lre&'y/ in the&e "hich "ere $efore u.


    GJAF6/sp?DIE~AsL?D!A8x Kp/sD-8KA8

    A8x!K8?DGJ?w6--7 Kp/8?sL?D.

    11There i no remem$r&nce of them offormer timeI neither h&ll there $e &nyremem$r&nce of them of l&tter time th&t&re to come/ &mon thoe th&t h&ll come&fter. *P+

    (?D?p!q--D? A-DE7 A9KDK KDK8s/ ?8 .120

  • 8/21/2019 Sefer Tikunim 1


    &n' he th&t incre&eth kno"le'eincre&eth orro".

    Ecclesiastes Chapter 2I:JA: 8A! 8?LA A: 8?FAE ?}-8?FAD /qDAq AEv

    DK:?8 /!8-E~ 8}8A.

    10 &i' in my he&rt XCome no"/ 0 "ill trythee "ith mirth/ &n' enoy %le&ureXI &n'/

    $ehol'/ thi &lo "& ,&nity.

    JL AD/AEvD?DJ8AI8?LA AD!/8E-8s8 ?s7 .20 &i' of l&uhter X0t i m&'XI &n' ofmirth Xh&t 'oth it &ccom%lihX

    /:AEqDAA9JpADGExEqK- ?AqIqDA~8s8?AF?LEq/

    6sLKDA!DAFAq--E7Kp-8KA K-8K6:JA:D?v?8Kp!7EELEE ?zE8/E AAK8xEL .

    30 e&rche' in my he&rt ho" to %&m%er myfleh "ith "ine/ &n'/ my he&rt con'uctin

    itelf "ith "i'om/ ho" yet to l&y hol' onfolly/ till 0 miht ee "hich it "& $et forthe on of men th&t they houl' 'o un'erthe he&,en the fe" '&y of their life.

    ?Aw?q/A7E?D?qDADEA~8/?7E .40 m&'e me re&t "orkI 0 $uil'e' mehoueI 0 %l&nte' me ,iney&r'I

    ?7D/J}EAE!IA7E?AK8?:/{7D?w- K .50 m&'e me &r'en &n' %&rk/ &n' 0

    %l&nte' tree in them of &ll kin' of fruitI

    ?7D/JFAq?--J ApE8ADK8/E7EELJ7 .

    !0 m&'e me %ool of "&ter/ to "&tertherefrom the "oo' %rinin u% "ithtreeI

    "??:7JL? Ap!/A:!-E:8??8DIE8KA??:Gs?8qAE88??8D/Dsw!?8 KpE?AD?D?p!q .

    #0 &c`uire' men-er,&nt &n' m&i'-er,&nt/ &n' h&' er,&nt $orn in myhoueI &lo 0 h&' re&t %oeion of her'&n' flock/ &$o,e &ll th&t "ere $efore mein geru&lemI

    $AE?wDE-|KKw:?8?6A/E@~A!F?DAJAME8AI ?7D ?pJ ?pA/J~@7EAAq?v?8--8? pJ pA .

    %0 &there' me &lo il,er &n' ol'/ &n'

    tre&ure uch & kin &n' the %ro,inceh&,e & their o"nI 0 ot me men-iner&n' "omen-iner/ &n' the 'eliht of theon of men/ "omen ,ery m&ny.

    &ADE?~AAEJ8A/Dsw8??8 KpE?AD?D?p!qI|?AF?L/8?A?7 .

    'So 0 "& re&t/ &n' incre&e' more th&n&ll th&t "ere $efore me in geru&lemI &lomy "i'om too' me in te&'.

    (DsFAKp!D ?pE7/sDADEvK8sD-A7E?K-qDD?w-8?LA /w-qDEL ?D?w-D?7/8K6A-8??8ADKL/

    D?w-D?7 .

    1)Vn' "h&toe,er mine eye 'eire' 0ke%t not from themI 0 "ithhel' not my

    he&rt from &ny oy/ for my he&rt h&' oy of&ll my l&$ourI &n' thi "& my %ortion

  • 8/21/2019 Sefer Tikunim 1


    from &ll my l&$our.

    (?!/D?FAq-E7E!?7 KpE?/D??7K:!/ADE?7 KpELEpKAGJAJ7EDI8}8ADswE8DK:K8!7A!EL!/G ?zE8 .

    11Then 0 looke' on &ll the "ork th&t myh&n' h&' "rouht/ &n' on the l&$our th&t 0h&' l&$oure' to 'oI &n'/ $ehol'/ &ll "&

    ,&nity &n' & tri,in &fter "in'/ &n' there"& no %rofit un'er the un.

    (?!JAD8?AF?L/JDDJ8A!DAFAw8K?v?8/J:?x KpLA9KDKME8/Kp-?:Aw/!8!?7 .

    12Vn' 0 turne' myelf to $ehol' "i'om/&n' m&'ne &n' follyI for "h&t c&n them&n 'o th&t cometh &fter the kin e,enth&t "hich h&th $een &lre&'y 'one.

    ?Av/px( KpGJA8?AF?LEDG-!DAFE8--GJAwJ?8/G-A9 KpsLE8 .

    13Then 0 &" th&t "i'om eOcelleth folly/& f&r & liht eOcelleth '&rkne.

    AwE8AA97JpsAq/D?(?F?LK8 KpsLEqA9DJ8IA7E?A

    E~-v/8KAM Kp?LK8K AK-?@w .

    14The "ie m&n/ hi eye &re in hi he&'I$ut the fool "&lketh in '&rkne. Vn' 0 &lo%ercei,e' th&t one e,ent h&%%eneth to them&ll.

    &AEvAqDAq/8AAwDAwE8E- A/8?M?DAsIAEqAqDA:/EAEF?L/6v Kp-8K6DK:?8 .

    15Then &i' 0 in my he&rt XV it h&%%enethto the fool/ o "ill it h&%%en e,en to meI&n' "hy "& 0 then more "ieX Then 0 &i'in my he&rt/ th&t thi &lo i ,&nity.

    "&wGGJAF6?F?LKD7-DAwE8/?DJ7AD?:Aw KpAq?xE8?qE8/DswE8L?w Ap/A9A!??F?LK8/7-DAwE8 .

    1!or of the "ie m&n/ e,en & of the fool/

    there i no remem$r&nce for e,erI eeinth&t in the '&y to come &ll "ill lon &oh&,e $een forotten. Vn' ho" mut the"ie m&n 'ie e,en & the foolR

    "( ?A/K-xELE8--w7EED?78 K7EME8/8 ?7E} KpELEpK ?zE8w-DswE8DK:K8/!7A!EL! .

    1#So 0 h&te' lifeI $ec&ue the "ork th&t i"rouht un'er the un "& rie,ou untomeI for &ll i ,&nity &n' & tri,in &fter"in'.


    ?AK-D?w-D?7/ KpD?7ELEpK ?zE8 !}KL} Kp/?v?D8KA8x Kp?L .

    1%Vn' 0 h&te' &ll my l&$our "herein 0

    l&$oure' un'er the un/ eein th&t 0 mutle&,e it unto the m&n th&t h&ll $e &fter me.


    /?F?LK88KA8JD?F?/ED ApAD?FAq-D?7/ADE?7 KpAEF?L KpAELEpK ?zE8IE-8K6/DK:?8 .

    1'Vn' "ho kno"eth "hether he "ill $e &"ie m&n or & fool yet "ill he h&,e ruleo,er &ll my l&$our "herein 0 h&,el&$oure'/ &n' "herein 0 h&,e ho"n myelf"ie un'er the un. Thi &lo i ,&nity.

    ADE?7/, Kp /D??7K8-D?w /DE7--qD-K pEAD / AJqE

    pK ?zE8 .ELE

    2)Therefore 0 turne' &$out to c&ue myhe&rt to 'e%&ir concernin &ll the l&$our

    "herein 0 h&' l&$oure' un'er the un.

  • 8/21/2019 Sefer Tikunim 1


    ,w-p?v/JD?7 Kp8?AF?LAqE7EA:!--GJ ApFA:!I?vAD!s KpDE?7-Jq/!}KAJADKL--E-8K6DK:K8/8?7?A8?qE .

    21or there i & m&n "hoe l&$our i "ith"i'om/ &n' "ith kno"le'e/ &n' "ithkillI yet to & m&n th&t h&th not l&$oure'therein h&ll he le&,e it for hi %ortion.

    Thi &lo i ,&nity &n' & re&t e,il.

    ,!8 Kp--JqD /GJA7EA:! /JD?7-D?FAq /?v?D 8Ks8-8K wpK ?zE8 .ELE /D?7

    22or "h&t h&th & m&n of &ll hi l&$our/&n' of the tri,in of hi he&rt/ "herein hel&$oureth un'er the un

    ?A7--E-8?DAEEq/sD-:EF:sAFE/E7EF?J??-,wD?F ?pJqDIE-8K6/DK:K8!8 .

    23or &ll hi '&y &re %&in/ &n' hioccu%&tion ,eO&tionI ye&/ e,en in the nihthi he&rt t&keth not ret. Thi &lo i ,&nity.

    ?K 8vAK8A/8-,:J JpAE ?pADEFsx Kp ?v?q :J-G

    8 8sD?8 Ex v/ w ? 8s6-E IJD?7Eq.

    24There i nothin $etter for & m&n th&nth&t he houl' e&t &n' 'rink/ &n' m&ke hi

    oul enoy %le&ure for hi l&$our. Thi &lo0 &"/ th&t it i from the h&n' of 3o'.

    ,wDEFs!p!L?/{!L}KM .25or "ho "ill e&t/ or "ho "ill enoy/ ifnot 0


    DK:K8/!7A!EL! .

    2!or to the m&n th&t i oo' in Hi ihtHe i,eth "i'om/ &n' kno"le'e/ &n'

    oyI $ut to the inner He i,eth the t&k/ to&ther &n' to he&% u%/ th&t he m&y le&,e tohim th&t i oo' in the iht of 3o'. Thi&lo i ,&nity &n' & tri,in &fter "in'.

    Ecclesiastes Chapter 3

    ?. ?zE8 ELE /{KL-D?FAD 7AIG?A6 /DswED

    1To e,ery thin there i & e&on/ &n' &time to e,ery %ur%oe un'er the he&,en*P+

    7KKD?D/7A!?D I

    ?7EDE7!7E7E?D/7AJ .

    2*S+V time to $e $orn/ *S+&n' & time to

    'ieI *-+*S+& time to %l&nt/ *S+&n' & time to %lucku% th&t "hich i %l&nte'I *-+

    7~J8ED7AJAD / A:D7{JAD7AJ .

    3*S+V time to kill/ *S+&n' & time to he&lI*-+

    *S+& time to $re&k 'o"n/ *S+&n' & time to$uil' u%I *-+

    7JwA:D7AJL AD / A7AJ7JA .

    4*S+V time to "ee%/ *S+&n' & time tol&uhI *-+*S+& time to mourn/ *S+&n' & time to

  • 8/21/2019 Sefer Tikunim 1


    '&nceI *-+

    D7A9 ApE8AD?:/7AJAw?: I 7J:LED/7AsLADqEL .

    5*S+V time to c&t &"&y tone/ *S+&n' &time to &ther tone toetherI *-+*S+& time to em$r&ce/ *S+&n' & time to

    refr&in from em$r&cinI *-+

    7pE:AD7AqAD /

    7J ApD7AA9D ApE8AD .

    !*S+V time to eek/ *S+&n' & time to loeI*-+

    *S+& time to kee%/ *S+&n' & time to c&t&"&yI *-+

    "7E7JAD7AJAD / 7JpLED7AqEAD .

    #*S+V time to ren'/ *S+&n' & time to e"I*-+

    *S+& time to kee% ilence/ *S+&n' & timeto %e&kI *-+

    $7:s8KD7As AD / 78??LAD7AJD ?p.

    %*S+V time to lo,e/ *S+&n' & time to h&teI*-+

    *S+& time for "&r/ *S+&n' & time for%e&ce. *-+

    &D?7 !8 / KpEq /8 KJ7?8 /GJAx-8E .'*S+h&t %rofit h&th he th&t "orketh inth&t he l&$oureth

    (?K-G?A7?8/KpGE?8sDA:D?v?8--J7EDJq .

    1)0 h&,e een the t&k "hich 3o' h&thi,en to the on of men to $e eOercie'


    (K-DswE88 ??7/8K?J7A:IEK-?Ds7?8/GE??qDAq--DAqKpsD-?A?v?8K-8 K7EME8Kp-8 /8sD?87??


    E7A-|J .

    11He h&th m&'e e,ery thin $e&utiful init timeI &lo He h&th et the "orl' in theirhe&rt/ yet o th&t m&n c&nnot fin' out the"ork th&t 3o' h&th 'one from the

    $einnin e,en to the en'.

    (A7E?/wG:J?q--w-ELJ AD/J7EDA:J.?xELAq

    120 kno" th&t there i nothin $etter forthem/ th&n to reoice/ &n' to et %le&ure olon & they li,e.

    (E~AD?w-?v?8DEFsx Kp8? ?pA/8v?A:JD?FAq-JD?7--EE88sD/ .

    13But &lo th&t e,ery m&n houl' e&t &n''rink/ &n' enoy %le&ure for &ll hi l&$our/i the ift of 3o'.

    (A7E?/wD?w-Kp8 K7E8sD?8!88KA8?DJ7AD--8sD?8A8E7sA~DIJ8AD/!}KM!G|?D?7G ??7/!Ax Kp


    140 kno" th&t/ "h&toe,er 3o' 'oeth/ ith&ll $e for e,erI nothin c&n $e &''e' toit/ nor &ny thin t&ken from itI &n' 3o'h&th o m&'e it/ th&t men houl' fe&r

    $efore Him.










    /pE:AK-|?A . 15Th&t "hich i h&th $een lon &o/ &n'th&t "hich i to $e h&th &lre&'y $eenI &n'

  • 8/21/2019 Sefer Tikunim 1


    3o' eeketh th&t "hich i %urue'.

    "&J7A?/ELEpK ?zE8JA? ApME88?M ?p7 EpK?8/A!KKE88?MJ ?p7 Ep??8 .

    1!Vn' moreo,er 0 &" un'er the un/ inthe %l&ce of utice/ th&t "icke'ne "&thereI &n' in the %l&ce of rihteoune/

    th&t "icke'ne "& there.

    "(AEv/qDAq--K-EE8KA-7 ?p??8/s Ap8sD?8w-7D?FAD-{KL/DE7AD?w-8 K7EME8?p .

    1#0 &i' in my he&rt XThe rihteou &n'the "icke' 3o' "ill u'eI for there i &time there for e,ery %ur%oe &n' for e,ery"ork.X

    $(AEv/qDAq--DE7-EA:Aq?v?8/??:AD8sD?8IJADA/K8 Ap-8?8Aq8?M8K8?D .

    1%0 &i' in my he&rt X0t i $ec&ue of theon of men/ th&t 3o' m&y ift them/ &n'th&t they m&y ee th&t they themel,e &re

    $ut & $e&t.X


    JAw8K6GwJ8K6/EL!A?LKDswEDIEJ!?v?8G-8?8AqE8Gv/wDswE8DK:?8 .

    1'or th&t "hich $ef&lleth the on of men$ef&lleth $e&tI e,en one thin $ef&lleththemI & the one 'ieth/ o 'ieth the otherIye&/ they h&,e &ll one $re&thI o th&t m&nh&th no %re-eminence &$o,e & $e&tI for &lli ,&nity.

    ,DswE8A9DJ8/DK-J??LKIDswE88??8G-??7K8/DswE8A: ?pDK-??7K8 .

    2)Vll o unto one %l&ceI &ll &re of the'ut/ &n' &ll return to 'ut.

    ,E7J/EL!Aq?v?8--8?Ds7?88/8?DA7?ADIEL!A/8?8AqE8--KKsxE88/8?EAD{Kv?D .

    21ho kno"eth the %irit of m&n "hetherit oeth u%"&r'/ &n' the %irit of the $e&t"hether it oeth 'o"n"&r' to the e&rth

    ,?A/wG:JKpLE A?v?8 ?7EAq--

    w-!8/J:AJAD/8KAq8KA8xADKLw!}K Kp?L .

    22herefore 0 %ercei,e' th&t there inothin $etter/ th&n th&t & m&n houl'reoice in hi "orkI for th&t i hi %ortionIfor "ho h&ll $rin him to ee "h&t h&ll

    $e &fter him

    Ecclesiastes Chapter 4

    / ELE 7E Kp / @p7?8-D?w-K 8KA K?/ :A EpAEx! /

    LEA /AK8?D G @p7?8 E7A 8}8AIpK ?zE8LEA A/ELswK8?D G K8 Aps7.

    1But 0 returne' &n' coni'ere' &ll theo%%reion th&t &re 'one un'er the unI&n' $ehol' the te&r of uch & "ereo%%ree'/ &n' they h&' no comforterI &n'on the i'e of their o%%reor there "&

    %o"er/ $ut they h&' no comforter.

    ELq EpAK-ME8/?:Aw Kp!--G-xELE8/Kp8?M8xEL8?K7 .

    2herefore 0 %r&ie' the 'e&' th&t &re&lre&'y 'e&' more th&n the li,in th&t &re

  • 8/21/2019 Sefer Tikunim 1


    yet &li,eI

    :JA/K8 Az--Kp-GK7/sD8??8KpsD-8v?K-8 K7EME87??8/Kp8 ?7EELEpK ?zE8 .

    3$ut $etter th&n they $oth i he th&t h&thnot yet $een/ "ho h&th not een the e,il"ork th&t i 'one un'er the un.

    ?AK-D?w-D??7/AD?w-GJ Apw8 K7EME8--w8!/!87IE-8K6DK:K8/!7A!EL-pA .

    4V&in/ 0 coni'ere' &ll l&$our &n' &lleOcellin in "ork/ th&t it i & m&nX ri,&lry"ith hi neih$our. Thi &lo i ,&nity &n'& tri,in &fter "in'.

    J ?Aq-K DFsA/??-K AwE8:sL D .

    5The fool fol'eth hi h&n' toether/ &n'e&teth hi o"n fleh.

    :J/sDA|EFEL?--sDAMEA?LD??7/!7A!EL! .

    !Better i & h&n'ful of `uietne/ th&n $oththe h&n' full of l&$our &n' tri,in &fter


    "A: EpA8KA K?DK:K8/ELEpK ?zE8 .#Then 0 returne' &n' &" ,&nity un'er theun.

    $p?LKGA pEGqLv?G-JD/GA{D?FAD-JD?7--


    7aJ7/_sD-7Eq AKps7IAD!D?7/ELA!

    K-pAE8?:J--E-8K6DK:K8GEA7A7?/!8 .

    %There i one th&t i &lone/ &n' he h&th not& econ'I ye&/ he h&th neither on nor

    $rotherI yet i there no en' of &ll hi l&$our/neither i hi eye &tifie' "ith riche Xfor"hom then 'o 0 l&$our/ &n' $ere&,e myoul of %le&ureX Thi &lo i ,&nity/ ye&/ it

    i & rie,ou $uine.:JE& AzE8/G-?LK?8Kpp-K8?D?F ?:J/

    .?D?7Eq'T"o &re $etter th&n oneI $ec&ue theyh&,e & oo' re"&r' for their l&$our.

    (w-!Ds /?LK?8?K-J:LIJDA/?LK?8DJx Kp/G

    A p/J8ED .

    1)or if they f&ll/ the one "ill lift u% hifello"I $ut "oe to him th&t i &lone "henhe f&lleth/ &n' h&th not &nother to lift himu%.

    (E-!:Aw ApE Ap/ELAK8?DI?LKAD!/A9?L .11V&in/ if t"o lie toether/ then they h&,e"&rmthI $ut ho" c&n one $e "&rm &lone

    (A-JAA/?LK?8--E AzE8/!AE7EJA~KI!LE8A/p? @pAE8/sD8?8A:/?} .

    12Vn' if & m&n %re,&il &&int him th&t i&lone/ t"o h&ll "itht&n' himI &n' &threefol' cor' i not `uickly $roken.

    ?AF!/KpsD-7E?6D/?F?LA--A9KDKMG(:JKDKGwA8?8ADJ7 .

    13Better i & %oor &n' "ie chil' th&n &nol' &n' foolih kin/ "ho kno"eth not ho"to recei,e &'monition &ny more.

    ?p!FADEAq/EDJ?8/??A9sDADwEJ!q-(w .

    14or out of %rion he c&me forth to $ekinI &lthouh in hi kin'om he "& $orn


  • 8/21/2019 Sefer Tikunim 1


    &?/K-D?w-xELE8/FAE8AE8/ELEpK ?zE8--7KDKxE8 zE8/Kps7E?ALE .

    150 &" &ll the li,in th&t "&lk un'er theun/ th&t they "ere "ith the chil'/ theecon'/ th&t "& to t&n' u% in hi te&'.

    "&G-{D?FAD-?7?8/DsFADKp-8??8K8AD--EJL?8/sD!LA A-J:w-E~-8K6DK:K8/GJA7EAEL! .

    1!There "& no en' of &ll the %eo%le/ e,en

    of &ll them "hom he 'i' le&'I yet they th&tcome &fter h&ll not reoice in him. Surelythi &lo i ,&nity &n' & tri,in &fter "in'.

    "(s Ap9D~a?9ADA~E/_KpEwA9DDK-q8sD?8/:J?AE7s ApD/DAwE8LE:?6w-?7AJ/J7ED


    1#3u&r' thy foot "hen thou oet to thehoue of 3o'/ &n' $e re&'y to he&rken it i

    $etter th&n "hen fool i,e &crificeI forthey kno" not th&t they 'o e,il.

    Ecclesiastes Chapter 5J8AD /8EA-DAD--?:? ?9AqDA?9 -DE7 D8E:A-D

    8sD?8!A8 Gw-DE7 /{Kv?8-DE7 8?AE ?zEq 8sD?8 w

    E7A .K?:A9?

    1Be not r&h "ith thy mouth/ &n' let notthy he&rt $e h&ty to utter & "or' $efore3o'I for 3o' i in he&,en/ &n' thou u%one&rthI therefore let thy "or' $e fe".

    w?qJDLE8/:sAqG?A7IDJADAw/:sAq?:A .

    2or & 're&m cometh throuh & multitu'eof $uineI &n' & foolX ,oice throuh &multitu'e of "or'.

    8sDD/D-LAJAKpEwsKK EpAD--wG{KL/


    AwEqKp-s/ Ep .

    3hen thou ,o"et & ,o" unto 3o'/ 'efernot to %&y itI for He h&th no %le&ure infoolI %&y th&t "hich thou ,o"et.

    --J:J/KpsD-s Kz/sDA EpA .4Better i it th&t thou houl'et not ,o"/th&n th&t thou houl'et ,o" &n' not %&y.

    LEDK-?9K/D-GK-?9 ?Aq/DA-EsAD

    A9vADEME8/w8?~?~ Ap88?M?D|sA8sD?8DE7-?9KDJ/DqLAK-8 7E?9K? .

    5Suffer not thy mouth to $rin thy flehinto uilt/ neither &y thou $efore themeener/ th&t it "& &n errorI "hereforehoul' 3o' $e &nry &t thy ,oice/ &n'

    'etroy the "ork of thy h&n'


    !or throuh the multitu'e of 're&m &n',&nitie there &re &lo m&ny "or'I $ut fe&rthou 3o'.

    "-Kps7p?DK6~A? ApKK?/8KA8?AME:--D-EA/DE7-{KLE8wEs:?~DE7Es:?/sp/8s:A~!/


    #0f thou eet the o%%reion of the %oor/&n' the ,iolent %er,ertin of utice &n'rihteoune in the t&te/ m&r,el not &t them&tterI for one hiher th&n the hih"&tcheth/ &n' there &re hiher th&n they.

    $GJAA{K K/DswEq8a!8--_A9KDK8K ?AD/?:7K . %But the %rofit of & l&n' e,ery "&y i &

  • 8/21/2019 Sefer Tikunim 1


    kin th&t m&keth himelf er,&nt to thefiel'.

    &:8s|KKwsD-7Eq A|KKw/!-:8sGJ?8KqsD8v!:AIE-8K6/DK:?8 .

    'He th&t lo,eth il,er h&ll not $e &tifie'"ith il,erI nor he th&t lo,eth &$un'&nce/

    "ith incre&eI thi &lo i ,&nity.

    (J:Aq/8?:JE8/!qE/?8KDAFJI8E!-GJ Apw/?8KD?7A:D/w/


    a!A_?7 .

    1)hen oo' incre&e/ they &re incre&e'th&t e&t themI &n' "h&t &',&nt&e i thereto the o"ner thereof/ &,in the $ehol'inof them "ith hi eye

    AE!?8) Ap:s7?8/-E7AA-8qAE8DFsI7?: ?E8A/ p?7KD--!}KEL}EJD/GJpD .

    11S"eet i the lee% of & l&$ourin m&n/"hether he e&t little or muchI $ut the&tiety of the rich "ill not uffer him tolee%.

    (p8?7?8?DJL/?ELEpK ?zE8Kps7! ?p?D?7A:D/J?7?AD.

    12There i & rie,ou e,il "hich 0 h&,eeen un'er the un/ n&mely/ riche ke%t $ythe o"ner thereof to hi hurtI


    13&n' thoe riche %erih $y e,il&',entureI &n' if he h&th $eotten & on/there i nothin in hi h&n'.

    (KpEw??GKKqJM/J?7:!p?KFKD?D?q KpAwI8?!A!

    sD- ?JD?7E:/A9Dsx KpJ?Aq .

    14V he c&me forth of hi motherX "om$/n&ke' h&ll he o $&ck & he c&me/ &n'

    h&ll t&ke nothin for hi l&$our/ "hich hem&y c&rry &"&y in hi h&n'.

    &E~A-8s68?7?8?DJL/D?w-EM@7?q KpGwA9DI8E!-GJAxJD/Ds7Ex KpEL!?D .

    15Vn' thi &lo i & rie,ou e,il/ th&t in&ll %oint & he c&me/ o h&ll he oI &n'"h&t %rofit h&th he th&t he l&$oureth for the"in'

    "&ED?w-??/A9 KpsLEqDFsIE7?FA8qAE8/JAD?LA|K?? .

    1!Vll hi '&y &lo he e&teth in '&rkne/&n' he h&th much ,eO&tion &n' ickne&n' "r&th.

    "(8}8Kp-?v/:JKp-8K?DJFKD-J ApDAJADA8?:JD?FAq-JD?7Ds7Ex KpELE-pK KzE8E AA-?xEL

    Kp-GE?-JD8sD?8--w-!8JADKL .

    1#Behol' th&t "hich 0 h&,e een it ioo'/ ye&/ it i comely for one to e&t &n' to'rink/ &n' to enoy %le&ure for &ll hil&$our/ "herein he l&$oureth un'er the un/&ll the '&y of hi life "hich 3o' h&thi,en himI for thi i hi %ortion.

    $(ED?w-?v?8KpGE?-JD8sD?8Kps7?FA!JD Ap8ADsFKD!}KM/ ?DAK-JADKL/ELs ADA/JD?7Eq--

    8s6/EE88sD .

    1%2,ery m&n &lo to "hom 3o' h&thi,en riche &n' "e&lth/ &n' h&th i,enhim %o"er to e&t thereof/ &n' to t&ke hi

    %ortion/ &n' to reoice in hi l&$our--thi i

  • 8/21/2019 Sefer Tikunim 1


    the ift of 3o'.

    &(wsD8qAE8/swA6K-A?xELw8sD?88K7E/ELA AqJqD .

    1'or let him remem$er the '&y of hilife th&t they &re not m&nyI for 3o'&n"ereth him in the oy of hi he&rt.

    Ecclesiastes Chapter !

    ?v?8-DE7 /8 8?qEAIpK ?zE8 ELE ? Kp /8?7? p .1There i &n e,il "hich 0 h&,e een un'erthe un/ &n' it i he&,y u%on men

    pKpGK-JD8sD?8Kps7?FA!J:?FA!}KA?LJpAEADDswKp-8K!A/sDA-!}KD ApE8sD?8DsFKD

    !}KM--wpAF?/!}KDAFs8K6DK:K8DL?7?/!8 .

    2& m&n to "hom 3o' i,eth riche/"e&lth/ &n' honour/ o th&t he "&ntethnothin for hi oul of &ll th&t he 'eireth/

    yet 3o' i,eth him not %o"er to e&tthereof/ $ut & tr&ner e&teth itI thi i,&nity/ &n' it i &n e,il 'ie&e.





    ?pAJqE8KAL:EA!A8x Kp?-A ?p/JpAEAsD-7Eq AG-8?:JE8/E~A-8?!:A/

    sD-8?A?8J--AEv/:J!}KMDK?}E8 .

    30f & m&n $eet & hun're' chil'ren/ &n'li,e m&ny ye&r/ o th&t the '&y of hiye&r &re m&ny/ $ut hi oul h&,e notenouh of oo'/ &n' moreo,er he h&,e no

    $uri&lI 0 &y/ th&t &n untimely $irth i $etterth&n heI

    w-DK:K8E:?q/A9 KpsLE:!A9DIA9 KpsLE:!/J Ap8K@FA .4for it cometh in ,&nity/ &n' 'e%&rteth in'&rkne/ &n' the n&me thereof i co,ere'"ith '&rkneI

    E-pK KpsD-8v?/sDA7??IELE8K6?D/8K .

    5moreo,er it h&th not een the un norkno"n itI thi h&th r&tific&tion r&ther th&nthe otherI

    !A8??L/|KDK ?pE7E/8?:JA/sD8v?--sD8DK-J??LK/DswE8A9DJ8 .

    !ye&/ thouh he li,e & thou&n' ye&rt"ice tol'/ &n' enoy no oo'I 'o not &ll oto one %l&ce

    "D?w-DE7?v?8/!8ADIE~A-pKK}E8/sDD?M .#Vll the l&$our of m&n i for hi mouth/&n' yet the &%%etite i not fille'.


    %or "h&t &',&nt&e h&th the "ie moreth&n the fool or the %oor m&n th&t h&thun'ert&n'in/ in "&lkin $efore theli,in

    &:J8AEE7/A9?D8-pK?IE-8K6DK:K8/!7A!EL! .

    'Better i the eein of the eye th&n the"&n'erin of the 'eireI thi &lo i ,&nity

    &n' & tri,in &fter "in'.

  • 8/21/2019 Sefer Tikunim 1


    (8E-8??8 Kz/?:Aw? AJ Ap/7?JA/Kp-!8?vIsDA-DEF!G?D/7|E Kp!}KM .

    1)h&toe,er cometh into $ein/ then&me thereof "& i,en lon &o/ &n' it iforekno"n "h&t m&n iI neither c&n heconten' "ith Him th&t i mihtier th&n he.


    ?:A8qAE8/qAEDK:?8I8E-sx/?v?D . 11Seein there &re m&ny "or' th&t

    incre&e ,&nity/ "h&t i m&n the $etter

    (w-E7J8E-:J?v?DxELEq/E AA-xELJDA:K8-- 7EADEwKp-E?v?D/8E-8KA8x?LELE

    pK ?zE8.

    12or "ho kno"eth "h&t i oo' for m&nin hi life/ &ll the '&y of hi ,&in life"hich he %en'eth & & h&'o" for "hoc&n tell & m&n "h&t h&ll $e &fter him un'erthe un

    Ecclesiastes Chapter #JAD?!8 K?ME8/ Jx AI:J GKJ Kz / p :J .

    1V oo' n&me i $etter th&n %reciou oilI &n'the '&y of 'e&th th&n the '&y of oneX $irth.

    :JKFKD?DDK-q-DK:/KFKDK-q8K Ap--KpEq/!8|JD?w-?v?8IELE8A/GDK-JqD .

    20t i $etter to o to the houe ofmournin/ th&n to o to the houe offe&tinI for th&t i the en' of &ll men/ &n'the li,in "ill l&y it to hi he&rt.

    :JE7Ew/JL Aw-E7sA:?/:E:D .

    3YeO&tion i $etter th&n l&uhterI for $y

    the &'ne of the counten&nce the he&rtm&y $e l&''ene'.

    :Aq8?LAAwD:AqDK:/:DA?FL:D .

    4The he&rt of the "ie i in the houe ofmourninI $ut the he&rt of fool i in thehoue of mirth.

    :J/E7s ApDE7E?F?L--p/E7sp pDAw .50t i $etter to he&r the re$uke of the "ie/th&n for & m&n to he&r the on of fool.



    !or & the cr&cklin of thorn un'er & %ot/o i the l&uhter of the foolI thi &lo i,&nity.

    "wKps7?8/DDJ8A?F?LIqK-:D/8??E .

    #Surely o%%reion turneth & "ie m&ninto & foolI &n' & ift 'etroyeth theun'ert&n'in.

    $:JL?:?/J pI:JA9K K-EL!/E:A-EL! .

    %Better i the en' of & thin th&n the$einnin thereofI &n' the %&tient in %iriti $etter th&n the %rou' in %irit.

    &D-D8E:A?9L!Aq/J7AFDwE7EF/LAqDAwEL!? .

    'Be not h&ty in thy %irit to $e &nryI for

    &ner reteth in the $oom of fool.

  • 8/21/2019 Sefer Tikunim 1


    (D-Es/8K8??8--?xE8 Kpsp?8/!?8:J8KwsD8?AF?L/?AD ?pDE7-8K6 .

    1)S&y not thou XHo" "& it th&t theformer '&y "ere $etter th&n theeX for iti not out of "i'om th&t thou in`uiretconcernin thi.

    (8?:J8?AF?L/7-8?DLEIsA/sADpK ?zE8 . 11i'om i oo' "ith &n inherit&nce/ye&/ & %rofit to them th&t ee the un.


    12or "i'om i & 'efence/ e,en & moneyi & 'efenceI $ut the eOcellency ofkno"le'e i/ th&t "i'om %reer,eth thelife of him th&t h&th it.

    (8A/K-8 7E8sD?8wDEF!GEAD/KpJA!7.

    13Coni'er the "ork of 3o'I for "ho c&nm&ke th&t tr&iht/ "hich He h&th m&'ecrooke'

    A:!8?7?8AIEK-8K6Aq8?:J88:JA:/J(JEM@7AD-8K6/8 8sD?8/DE7-EA:s7?? Kp?A?v?8

    ?L/8?!A .

    140n the '&y of %ro%erity $e oyful/ &n' inthe '&y of &',erity coni'erI 3o' h&thm&'e e,en the one & "ell & the other/ tothe en' th&t m&n houl' fin' nothin &fterhim.

    &K-DswE8?/qDA:K8IpE/:sJAAq/pA7 ?p?/A9 EJ?7?Aq .

    15Vll thin h&,e 0 een in the '&y of my,&nityI there i & rihteou m&n th&t

    %eriheth in hi rihteoune/ &n' there i& "icke' m&n th&t %roloneth hi life in hie,il-'oin.

    "&D-8AE8qAE8/DA-EwELAJ8?M?D/Jz .

    1!Be not rihteou o,ermuchI neitherm&ke thyelf o,er"ieI "hy houl'et thou'etroy thyelf

    "(D-7 EpA8qAE8/DA-8AD?F?8?M?D!?/sDAq?9K7 .

    1#Be not o,ermuch "icke'/ neither $ethou foolihI "hy houl'et thou 'ie $eforethy time

    $(:JKp6sLK8K6?q/E~A-8KD-LE}EK-?9K?w-A8sD/K-?@w .

    1%0t i oo' th&t thou houl'et t&ke hol'

    of the oneI ye&/ &lo from the other"ith'r&" not thy h&n'I for he th&t fe&reth3o' h&ll 'ich&re himelf of them &ll.

    &(8?AF?LE8/6s7??F?LKD--8? ?7/ Ep/Kp!?8/7?q .1'i'om i & tronhol' to the "ie m&nmore th&n ten ruler th&t &re in & city.

    ,w?v/GE{Kv?q--Kp8 K7E-:J/sDA?LK .2)or there i not & rihteou m&n u%one&rth/ th&t 'oeth oo'/ &n' inneth not.


    sD-7E ApK-?9AA:E7/?9KDADEA .

    21Vlo t&ke not hee' unto &ll "or' th&t

    &re %oken/ let thou he&r thy er,&nt curetheeI

  • 8/21/2019 Sefer Tikunim 1


    ,wE-?7AJqE/7E??9KqDKpE-a8?/_?ADEL .

    22for oftentime &lo thine o"n he&rtkno"eth th&t thou thyelf like"ie h&tcure' other.



    23Vll thi h&,e 0 trie' $y "i'omI 0 &i' X0

    "ill et "i'omXI $ut it "& f&r from me.

    ,JL?/8E-8??8 KzIs?7As?7/!}K?A .24Th&t "hich i i f&r off/ &n' eOcee'in'ee%I "ho c&n fin' it out




    250 turne' &$out/ &n' &%%lie' my he&rt tokno" &n' to e&rch out/ &n' to eek"i'om &n' the re&on of thin/ &n' tokno" "icke'ne to $e folly/ &n'foolihne to $e m&'neI

    ,KJ!EK?M/K-8 ?z?8Kp-8JA/8sD?8/D?M8?}KMK?I:JAD?8!--?LE?qD

    JLA/KF??q .

    2!&n' 0 fin' more $itter th&n 'e&th the"om&n/ "hoe he&rt i n&re &n' net/ &n'her h&n' & $&n'I "hoo %le&eth 3o'h&ll ec&%e from herI $ut the inner h&ll

    $e t&ken $y her.

    ",8A8K6??/8?AvKDK8sIELELAD/sADGJq ApKL.

    2#Behol'/ thi h&,e 0 foun'/ &ith

  • 8/21/2019 Sefer Tikunim 1


    KpEqE:A-A9KDK/GJAD pI!Es-JD/8E-8 K7E .

    4or&much & the kinX "or' h&th%o"erI &n' "ho m&y &y unto him Xh&t'oet thouX

    ?Jp8?A/sD7E?:?7?I7A Ap!/7E:D?F?L .

    5hoo kee%eth the comm&n'ment h&ll

    kno" no e,il thinI &n' & "ie m&nX he&rt'icerneth time &n' u'ment.

    wD?FAD-{KL/p7? Ap!w-E7??v?8/8?qE?D?7 .

    !or to e,ery m&tter there i & time &n'u'mentI for the e,il of m&n i re&t u%onhim.

    "w-!}KE7s/8E-8KA8x KzwKpEw8KA8/EJD .

    #or he kno"eth not th&t "hich h&ll $eIfor e,en "hen it cometh to %&/ "ho h&ll'ecl&re it unto him



    %There i no m&n th&t h&th %o"er o,er the"in' to ret&in the "in'I neither h&th he%o"er o,er the '&y of 'e&thI &n' there ino 'ich&re in "&rI neither h&ll"icke'ne 'eli,er him th&t i i,en to it.

    &K-D?w-8K6?/GJ?AK-qD/D?FAD-8 K7E/Kp8 ?7EELEpK ?zE87/KpED ?p?v?8?vAq--7EADJD .

    'Vll thi h&,e 0 een/ e,en &%%lie' myhe&rt thereto/ "h&te,er the "ork th&t i'one un'er the unI "h&t time one m&n h&'

    %o"er o,er &nother to hi hurt.

    (GFA:!?7 ?pA@:A!?:?/JAM!pJ?!FE8A/!LAwE ApA7?:/KpGw-!?7IE-8K6/DK:?8 .

    1)Vn' o 0 &" the "icke' $urie'/ &n'they entere' into their retI $ut they th&th&' 'one riht "ent &"&y from the holy

    %l&ce/ &n' "ere forotten in the cityI thi&lo i ,&nity.

    (KpG-8 ?7E?~A/8 7E8?7??88?8AIDE7-GwD?:DAq-?v?8/K8?q--J7ED7? .

    11Bec&ue entence &&int &n e,il "ork inot eOecute' %ee'ily/ therefore the he&rt ofthe on of men i fully et in them to 'oe,ilI

    (KpKsL/8 Ks77?A--A9 E!JDw/E-E7Jv/ Kp8KA8-:JAAD8sD?8/Kp!A??A .

    12$ec&ue & inner 'oeth e,il & hun're'time/ &n' %roloneth hi '&y--thouh yet0 kno" th&t it h&ll $e "ell "ith them th&tfe&r 3o'/ th&t fe&r $efore HimI

    (:JAsD-8KA87 ?p??D/sDA-A9 E?DEw--Kp!}K?/A8sD .

    13$ut it h&ll not $e "ell "ith the "icke'/neither h&ll he %rolon hi '&y/ "hich &re& & h&'o"/ $ec&ue he fe&reth not $efore3o'.

    (pK-DK:K8/Kp8 ?7EDE7-{Kv?8/KppEKp

    E7EK8D8 7EAw7 ?pA?8/pA7 ?pAE7EM KpK8D8 7EAwEE8AEv/E Kp-8K6DK:?8 .

    14There i & ,&nity "hich i 'one u%on the

    e&rth th&t there &re rihteou men/ unto

  • 8/21/2019 Sefer Tikunim 1


    "hom it h&%%eneth &ccor'in to the "orkof the "icke'I &&in/ there &re "icke' men/to "hom it h&%%eneth &ccor'in to the"ork of the rihteou--0 &i' th&t thi &lo

    i ,&nity.

    &ALEq pA/K-8?LA E8/KpG-:J?v?DELEpK KzE8/w-DsFKDJ ApDAELJ ADAI!8A!}KADJD?7E:/


    ?xELKp-GE?-JD8sD?8--ELEpK ?zE8 .

    15So 0 commen'e' mirth/ th&t & m&n h&thno $etter thin un'er the un/ th&n to e&t/&n' to 'rink/ &n' to $e merry/ &n' th&t thihoul' &ccom%&ny him in hi l&$our &ll the'&y of hi life "hich 3o' h&th i,en himun'er the un.

    "&KpEwE?K-qD/E7E?D8?AF?L/JADAK-G?A7?8/ Kp8 ?7EDE7-{Kv?8wE~JxEq/8?DAEE:!--8? p/?7Aq

    !}K8Ks .

    1!hen 0 &%%lie' my he&rt to kno""i'om/ &n' to ee the $uine th&t i

    'one u%on the e&rth--for neither '&y norniht 'o men ee lee% "ith their eye--

    "(?A/K-D?w-8 7E8sD?8/wsDDEF!?v?8JADK-8 K7EME8Kp8 ?7EELE-pK KzE8/D KpAqKp

    Ds7E?v?8pE:ADsDA?AIE~A-Es?F?LK8E7E?D/sDDEF!sAD .

    1#then 0 $ehel' &ll the "ork of 3o'/ th&tm&n c&nnot fin' out the "ork th&t i 'oneun'er the unI $ec&ue thouh & m&nl&$our to eek it out/ yet he h&ll not fin' itIye& further/ thouh & "ie m&n think tokno" it/ yet h&ll he not $e &$le to fin' it.

    Ecclesiastes Chapter '

    Kp /8K6-D?w-K !:?DA/qD-DK K-?8K6-D?wE w8?:8-E I8sD?8 EAq /K8?:7E EE8?FLE8A /8vAG?v?8 E7J--AD /DswE8K8 -E~.

    1or &ll thi 0 l&i' to my he&rt/ e,en tom&ke cle&r &ll thi th&t the rihteou/ &n'the "ie/ &n' their "ork/ &re in the h&n'of 3o'I "hether it $e lo,e or h&tre'/ m&nkno"eth it notI &ll i $efore them.

    DswE8KpEwDswED/8KA?LKEED7 ?p??DA:JEDJ8?EDA?EDA/EL:sEDA/KpEDA!}KEL:s6:JEw/KsLEw--7?q Ap}E8/

    KpEw8?7!: Ap? .

    2Vll thin come &like to &llI there i onee,ent to the rihteou &n' to the "icke'I tothe oo' &n' to the cle&n &n' to theuncle&nI to him th&t &crificeth &n' to himth&t &crificeth notI & i the oo'/ o i theinner/ &n' he th&t "e&reth/ & he th&tfe&reth &n o&th.

    8K67?/DsFAqKp-8 ?7EELEpK KzE8--w-8KA?LK/DswEDIE~A:DAq-?v?8D?-7?JDDJ8A?:?:ADq/K8xELAq/

    ME8-?LA/DK .

    3Thi i &n e,il in &ll th&t i 'one un'er theun/ th&t there i one e,ent unto &llI ye&&lo/ the he&rt of the on of men i full ofe,il/ &n' m&'ne i in their he&rt "hile

    they li,e/ &n' &fter th&t they o to the 'e&'.

  • 8/21/2019 Sefer Tikunim 1


    xELE8pGJL?q-aEq@LA/_DKD?w:w-KpLw-:KDKFADEL!8:J/G-8A?8ME8 .

    4or to him th&t i oine' to &ll the li,inthere i ho%eI for & li,in 'o i $etter th&n& 'e&' lion.

    @?x!/7AJxELE8w KpIME8A?7AJ8?!A/GA-J7K8?D?F ?--wLEw Ap/?AF6 .

    5or the li,in kno" th&t they h&ll 'ieI

    $ut the 'e&' kno" not &ny thin/ neitherh&,e they &ny more & re"&r'I for thememory of them i forotten.

    E??:8E-?vA E-?vA/?:Aw8??:vIKDLAG-K8?DJ7?DJ7AD/DsFAqKp-8 ?7EELEpK ?zE8 .

    !V "ell their lo,e/ & their h&tre' &n'their en,y/ i lon &o %erihe'I neitherh&,e they &ny more & %ortion for e,er in&ny thin th&t i 'one un'er the un.

    "A9DDsF8?LA Aq?9KALED/8 Ap!:KDA:-:J?9Kw?:AF/

    8??8sD?8K-?9 K7E .

    #3o thy "&y/ e&t thy $re&' "ith oy/ &n''rink thy "ine "ith & merry he&rtI for 3o'

    h&th &lre&'y &cce%te' thy "ork.

    $D?FAq-7/!A8?9K?~A:?:ADIGK KpA/DE7-?9 ApsD-?ALK .%et thy &rment $e &l"&y "hiteI &n' letthy he&' l&ck no oil.

    &8AxEL7-8 ?zKp-?A:E8v/D?w-AxEL?9KDA:K8/KpGE?-?9ADELEpK KzE8/DswA?9KDA:K8w!8?9AADKL/xELEq/

    ?9AD?7E:!/Kp-8?D?7ELEpK ?zE8 .

    '2noy life "ith the "ife "hom thoulo,et &ll the '&y of the life of thy ,&nity/"hich He h&th i,en thee un'er the un/ &llthe '&y of thy ,&nityI for th&t i thy

    %ortion in life/ &n' in thy l&$our "hereinthou l&$ouret un'er the un.

    (DswKp?A?9A?/J7ED?9LsFAq--8 7wG8 K7EGJq ApKLA/E7EA8?AF?LA/DJ Apq/Kp8?A9Ds88?M ?p.

    1)h&toe,er thy h&n' &tt&ineth to 'o $ythy trenth/ th&t 'oI for there i no "ork/nor 'e,ice/ nor kno"le'e/ nor "i'om/ inthe r&,e/ "hither thou oet. *S+

    (sDA{JME8 EED sD w /pK KzE8-ELE8s?AA: Eps:A}ED sD KLKDE~A ?FLED sD E~A8??LADME8 JqED

    GL /7AsxED sD /E~A Kps7?@w-K 8KA /7E~K?7-w .

    110 returne'/ &n' &" un'er the un/ th&tthe r&ce i not to the "ift/ nor the $&ttle tothe tron/ neither yet $re&' to the "ie/nor yet riche to men of un'ert&n'in/ nor

    yet f&,our to men of killI $ut time &n'ch&nce h&%%eneth to them &ll.

    (wEsD-7E?v?8K-J7/~?Ew6?LK} Kp8?JAq/?7?8 EFA/J6@L?8L?EqI8?w/ p?!Aq?v?8/7AD

    8?7?/DJ KpAwK8D7sA .

    12or m&n &lo kno"eth not hi timeI &the fihe th&t &re t&ken in &n e,il net/ &n'& the $ir' th&t &re c&uht in the n&re/e,en o &re the on of men n&re' in &ne,il time/ "hen it f&lleth u''enly u%onthem.

    ?8?AF?L/ELEpK(E-8s6 ?zE8I8?DJA~!8/?D .13Thi &lo h&,e 0 een & "i'om un'er

    the un/ &n' it eeme' re&t unto me

  • 8/21/2019 Sefer Tikunim 1


    )/78?}EA p?E?q?7AI?:!-?8KDA9KDKDJ?/:E:?A

    ?s/8??:!?8KD?7/JADsA .

    14there "& & little city/ &n' fe" men"ithin itI &n' there c&me & re&t kin&&int it/ &n' $eiee' it/ &n' $uilt re&t

    $ul"&rk &&int itI

    &??!?:/pGwA?F?L/E!-!8K-7?8/JME8!8E8?8GwA?AF?LAqI?vAsDEF?6/K-p .

    15no" there "& foun' in it & m&n %oor&n' "ie/ &n' he $y hi "i'om 'eli,ere'the cityI yet no m&n remem$ere' th&t &me

    %oor m&n.

    "&AEvAv/8?:J8?AF?L8?!:AIEAF?LAGwAME88?!6Aq/7??!??:A Ap .

    1!Then &i' 0 Xi'om i $etter th&ntrenthI ne,erthele the %oor m&nX"i'om i 'e%ie'/ &n' hi "or' &re nothe&r'.X

    "(A:?FL/ELEAq7? Ap--E7ED pJ/DAwEq .

    1#The "or' of the "ie %oken in `uiet

    &re more &cce%t&$le th&n the cry of & ruler&mon fool.

    $(8?:J8?AF?L/DAw:?AIKJLA?LK/qA8?:J8qAE8 .1%i'om i $etter th&n "e&%on of "&rI

    $ut one inner 'etroyeth much oo'.

    Ecclesiastes Chapter 1)

    /J:?w 8?AF?L J? IEL? GK Kp E7qE pA:E /K? :!:A6?7A .!DAF

    15e&' flie m&ke the ointment of the

    %erfumer feti' &n' %utri'I o 'oth & littlefolly out"eih "i'om &n' honour.

    :D?F?LJD/:DADAwJDs AD .2V "ie m&nX un'ert&n'in i &t hi rihth&n'I $ut & foolX un'ert&n'in &t hi left.

    ?8dFaD?FE~A-A9KKEqDF KpAw_A9Ds8/JqD?LIEvADswED/D?F?!8 .

    3]e& &lo/ "hen & fool "&lketh $y the"&y/ hi un'ert&n'in f&ileth him/ &n' he&ith to e,ery one th&t he i & fool.


    D pJME88KD7E?9KD?7/?9AJAD-LE}Ew AE/

    EL}E?LDJA .

    40f the %irit of the ruler rie u% &&int

    thee/ le&,e not thy %l&ceI for entlene&ll&yeth re&t offence.

    ?ELEpKp8?7?/ ?zE8--8?~?~ Apw/?sx KpA EzE8.

    5There i &n e,il "hich 0 h&,e een un'erthe un/ like &n error "hich %rocee'ethfrom & ruler

    GEDKFKE8/JAMEqqEI p7E/DK zEq!: p .!olly i et on re&t heiht/ &n' the richit in lo" %l&ce.

    "??:7/DE7-!I ?AFADs8?:7Ew/DE7-{Kv?8 .

    #0 h&,e een er,&nt u%on hore/ &n'%rince "&lkin & er,&nt u%on the e&rth.

    $sL{?M!/JqDJI{s!?/!}KF Azp?L? . %He th&t 'ieth & %it h&ll f&ll into itI &n'

  • 8/21/2019 Sefer Tikunim 1


    "hoo $re&keth throuh & fence/ & er%enth&ll $ite him.

    &E7E?:/:?7K8?qIE7Jq7/GKF??q .

    'hoo `u&rrieth tone h&ll $e hurtthere"ithI &n' he th&t cle&,eth "oo' i

    en'&nere' there$y.

    (-8?8DK6AEqE8/!8AsD-?DEAD/D?LE/qE~AIGJAA pAFE8/8?AF?L .

    1)0f the iron $e $lunt/ &n' one 'o not "hetthe e'e/ then mut he %ut to moretrenthI $ut "i'om i %rofit&$le to 'irect.

    (-A9szp?L?}E8/JDAq-pEL?DIGAGJA/DE7E:ADGJp?E8 .110f the er%ent $ite $efore it i ch&rme'/then the ch&rmer h&th no &',&nt&e.

    (A:-?F?L/GLIJA ADAw/!}K7AE:A .

    12The "or' of & "ie m&nX mouth &rer&ciouI $ut the li% of & fool "ill "&llo"

    u% himelf.

    ?/!DDJ88?7LA!8I/!DAF(ELAA:-!8 .

    13The $einnin of the "or' of himouth i foolihneI &n' the en' of hit&lk i rie,ou m&'ne.

    ?:AIsD-7E?v?8/8E-8KA8x(D?F?E8A/8KqAE Kz/KpE8KA8?L/EJD .

    14V fool &lo multi%lieth "or'I yet m&nkno"eth not "h&t h&ll $eI &n' th&t "hichh&ll $e &fter him/ "ho c&n tell him

    &DE7DAwE8/!}K7AEA--KpsD-7E?/KFKD?DDK-7 .

    15The l&$our of fool "e&rieth e,ery oneof them/ for he kno"eth not ho" to o to

    the city.

    "&-A9?D{K K/A9wADEM KpE7?IA9E ?A/KsqEq!DFs .1!oe to thee/ 4 l&n'/ "hen thy kin i &

    $oy/ &n' thy %rince fe&t in the morninR

    "(A9 Ap{K K/A9wADEM KpGKq-JLIA9E ?A7?q!DFs/8?!:A~qsDA AzE: .

    1#H&%%y &rt thou/ 4 l&n'/ "hen thy kini & free m&n/ &n' thy %rince e&t in 'uee&on/ in trenth/ &n' not in 'runkenneR

    $(EADE7Eq/A9EM8K?AME8I!DA pA:!E?/|sDA?qE8 .

    1%By lothfulne the r&fter ink inI &n'throuh i'lene of the h&n' the houe



    1'V fe&t i m&'e for l&uhter/ &n' "inem&keth l&' the lifeI &n' money &n"ereth&ll thin.

    ,E?97?EAq/A9KDKD-DEA/AELA:!?9A:?w Ap/D-DEA p?7w|J7E ?zE8A9DJK-DJE8/DE7E:! F8

    aE?Aw_E?:? .

    2)Cure not the kin/ no/ not in thythouht/ &n' cure not the rich in thy

    $e'ch&m$erI for & $ir' of the &ir h&ll c&rrythe ,oice/ &n' th&t "hich h&th "in h&lltell the m&tter.

  • 8/21/2019 Sefer Tikunim 1


    Ecclesiastes Chapter 11

    ?ME8 A-DE7 /?9AALED LE Ep!}K?A /?xE8 :sA:-w .1C&t thy $re&' u%on the "&ter/ for thouh&lt fin' it &fter m&ny '&y.

    GK-KDL8?7A: pAD/E~A8?J ApDwsD7E/8E-8KA8x8?7?DE7-{Kv?8 .

    25i,i'e & %ortion into e,en/ ye&/ e,eninto eihtI for thou kno"et not "h&t e,ilh&ll $e u%on the e&rth.


    J?EqAGJ?Eq--JADJx Kp{7?8/?p!8A .

    30f the clou' $e full of r&in/ they em%tythemel,e u%on the e&rthI &n' if & tree f&llin the outh/ or in the north/ in the %l&ce"here the tree f&lleth/ there h&ll it $e.

    :?7K:/sDJAspEL!/sD7?A6I8KsA .

    4He th&t o$er,eth the "in' h&ll not o"I

    &n' he th&t re&r'eth the clou' h&ll notre&%.

    ?7EwGKK:Aq8vDAME8/8E-A9KKEL!?8E7JKpEw?9A8?F?w/sD7EK-8 7E8sD?8/Kp8 K7E/K-DswE8 .

    5V thou kno"et not "h&t i the "&y ofthe "in'/ nor ho" the $one 'o ro" in the"om$ of her th&t i "ith chil'I e,en othou kno"et not the "ork of 3o' "ho'oeth &ll thin.

    KsqEq7EA6K-?9K7AE6/:KK7?DAD-LE}E?9K?w?9AE7J8K6?pAF/8K68J-8K6/A-K8 Ap?LKAw/:J .

    !0n the mornin o" thy ee'/ &n' in thee,enin "ithhol' not thy h&n'I for thou

    kno"et not "hich h&ll %ro%er/ "hetherthi or th&t/ or "hether they $oth h&ll $e&like oo'.

    "J?!/J?8I:JAE7ED/JADK-pK ?zE8 .#Vn' the liht i "eet/ &n' & %le&&ntthin it i for the eye to $ehol' the un.

    $w- ?p8qAE88KAL?v?8/?@FAqL? AIswA6AK-AA9 KpsLE8/w-8qAE8!A8D?w-?q KpDK:?8 .

    %or if & m&n li,e m&ny ye&r/ let himreoice in them &ll/ &n' remem$er the '&yof '&rkne/ for they h&ll $e m&ny. Vll th&tcometh i ,&nity.

    &A9E8A/?9KJ!LA: q ?9AqD ?9A: /?9K!ADEAq !L?q LE A?9:A 8K-D?w-DE7 7Kw /7?AI?9 AEA:! /?9AqD FAEAq? ApMEq .8sD?8

    '[eoice/ 4 youn m&n/ in thy youthI &n'let thy he&rt cheer thee in the '&y of thyyouth/ &n' "&lk in the "&y of thy he&rt/&n' in the iht of thine eyeI $ut kno"thou/ th&t for &ll thee thin 3o' "ill

    $rin thee into u'ment.

    (?8AE7Ew?9Kq/:7E8A8?7??9K ?Aqw-!ADExE8

    !L EzE8A/DK:?8 .

    1)Therefore remo,e ,eO&tion from thyhe&rt/ &n' %ut &"&y e,il from thy flehI for

    chil'hoo' &n' youth &re ,&nity.

  • 8/21/2019 Sefer Tikunim 1


    Ecclesiastes Chapter 12

    ?9/ q/ s!LAqK

    ?9K /sFA6!/!s:?-sD-KAJq Kp E7

    {KL :?K8 EsD-G Kp / ?p !78A/8?7??8 .A

    1[emem$er then thy Cre&tor in the '&y ofthy youth/ $efore the e,il '&y come/ &n'the ye&r 'r&" nih/ "hen thou h&lt &y X0h&,e no %le&ure in themXI

    E7KpsD-A9 EpALKpK KzE8/J?8A/EL?xE8A/:?FJwE8AI!: ?pA:?7K8/ELKp?E8 .

    2Before the un/ &n' the liht/ &n' themoon/ &n' the t&r/ &re '&rkene'/ &n' theclou' return &fter the r&inI

    JxEq/!7@6?x KpAspEqE8/!A!E7A8A/pAD?LK8I!DA?:!LsE8w!7/!FJ Ap?LAJs?8Jq@ ?q .

    30n the '&y "hen the kee%er of the houeh&ll trem$le/ &n' the tron men h&ll $o"themel,e/ &n' the rin'er ce&e $ec&ue

    they &re fe"/ &n' thoe th&t look out h&ll $e'&rkene' in the "in'o"/

    ?DA!zEq/DEAE@!A ApqDJ8?LEE8I!?ADJADJE8/!L EzAD?w-JAq zE8 .

    4Vn' the 'oor h&ll $e hut in the treet/"hen the oun' of the rin'in i lo"I &n'one h&ll t&rt u% &t the ,oice of & $ir'/ &n'&ll the '&uhter of muic h&ll $e $rouhtlo"I

    ELAA9KKEq/{?AELA/EEs:?!? ?zE8DqEAA:?~?LK8/?A8?Jx:?8w-A9Ds8?v?8DK-qJ?DJ7/

    !:A:?A!zE:AJE8 .

    5Vlo "hen they h&ll $e &fr&i' of th&t"hich i hih/ &n' terror h&ll $e in the

    "&yI &n' the &lmon'-tree h&ll $loom/ &n'the r&ho%%er h&ll 'r& itelf &lon/ &n'the c&%er$erry h&ll f&ilI $ec&ue m&n oethto hi lon home/ &n' the mourner o &$outthe treetI

    E7KpsD-La?_DK:KL|KKwE8/{!?AE@:?8?E8IK: ?zAEwDE7-E7!qEME8/{s?ADEADEE8DK-JqE8 .

    !Before the il,er cor' i n&%%e' &un'er/&n' the ol'en $o"l i h&ttere'/ &n' the

    %itcher i $roken &t the fount&in/ &n' the"heel f&lleth h&ttere'/ into the %itI

    ":sp?A??7K8DE7-{Kv?8/8??8 KpAwIEL!?8A:!p?/DK-8sD?8Kp??A .

    #Vn' the 'ut returneth to the e&rth & it"&/ &n' the %irit returneth unto 3o' "ho&,e it.

    $D:8D?:8EvKDK8JE8/DswE8DK:?8 .%Y&nity of ,&nitie/ &ith

  • 8/21/2019 Sefer Tikunim 1


    'eliht/ &n' th&t "hich "& "rittenu%rihtly/ e,en "or' of truth.

    (A:?FLJs:A?Ew/J A AEAF!7!AD7Eq

    A/8K7s?LK!I@J .

    11The "or' of the "ie &re & o&'/ &n'& n&il "ell f&tene' &re thoe th&t &re

    com%oe' in collectionI they &re i,enfrom one he%her'.

    (sA8?M8/Aq8?8J7?A8qAE8G{/~E8EDA8qAE8E7~A??q .

    12Vn' furthermore/ my on/ $e&'monihe' of m&kin m&ny $ook there ino en'I &n' much tu'y i & "e&rine ofthe fleh.

    (7? Ap DswE8 /?:? |J?sA-KA?A K-8sD?8w /J-?v?8-D?w 8K6 Ap.

    13The en' of the m&tter/ &ll h&,in $een he&r'fe&r 3o'/ &n' kee% Hi comm&n'mentI for thii the "hole m&n.

    (w/K-D?w-8 K7E/8sD?8:?? ApA:/DE7D?w-?DA7K-:J/A-7?.d

    14or 3o' h&ll $rin e,ery "ork into theu'ment concernin e,ery hi''en thin/"hether it $e oo' or "hether it $e e,il. *P+


    i,in "ithout &ny Nmoti,&tionN

    i & oo' & $ein 52V5 R2,ery %eron nee' Nmoti,&tionN/ & ene of %ur%oe &n' & 'ri,in force th&t kee% &

    %eron mo,in &n' &li,e. Thi moti,&tion&l enery i the 'ri,in force $ehin' &%eron %hyic&l &cti,itie &n' oriin&te from emotion. hether %oiti,e or ne&ti,e

    emotion/ lo,e or fe&r/ thi i the 'ri,in force moti,&tin & %eron.

    0n thi ch&%ter of Noti,&tionN from Sefer Shinuyim - The $ook of Ch&ne/ "e h&ll

    eO%l&in the ection.

    =. Noti,&tion&lN enery i cre&te' 4Z] throuh one emotion.

    (. 5efinin reul&rly one o&l &n' &m$ition in or'er to enerie one emotion toet Nmoti,&te'N.

    b. Pn'ert&n'in th&t ch&nin one o$ecti,e in life nee' & ch&ne' &n' refine'Nmoti,&tion&lN enery.
  • 8/21/2019 Sefer Tikunim 1


    . Pn'ert&n'in Ni'life CriiN i "hen you re&ch the to% of the l&''er &n' fin'th&t it "& &&int the "ron "&llR Ho" thi th"&rt one emotion &n' to% &ll

    moti,&tion&l enery.

    >. Pn'ert&n'in the $lock&e of Nmoti,&tion&lN enery "hilt one i ch&nin coureto the correct %ur%oeful %&th"&y of life.

    ^. Pn'ert&n'in ho" to Net moti,&te'N/ ettin t&rte' &&in &fter & 'eciion toch&ne one life %&th"&y.

    . The hihet form of Nmoti,&tion&l eneryN come from S%irit "orl'/ "hen one i inthe elfle er,ice of other throuh lo,e &n' com%&ion.

    0ntro'uctionV "e h&,e eO%l&ine' in the %re,iou

    ch&%ter/ uch & in$lockin Succe &n''e%reion / the re&on "hy & %eron l&ck

    Nlife enery &n' ,it&lityN i th&t one h&

    &llo"e' in Ntr&hN &n' ne&ti,e thouht/"hich $lock one life ,it&lity - th&t eneof N&li,eneN "hich m&ke & %eron feelV0Y2. 4nce & %eron t&rt to TH0Z

  • 8/21/2019 Sefer Tikunim 1


    0n the $ook NThe 1&th"&y of the CorrectN -eill&]ehorim D d $y [e$

    ohe Ch&im u\\&tto/ e&ch ch&%tereO%l&in the follo"in ihne &t the en' of

    T&lmu' Sot&h $/ thi %&&e eO%l&inthe %&th"&y to $ein %iritu&l

    enlihtenment -

    N[e$i 1inch& $en ]&ir &y the 1&th"&y of2nlihtenment t&rt "ith e&erne &n'&li,ene/ ne,er $ein V] or S4/

    thi N&li,eneN "ill $rin one to

    cle&nline/ not ut & %hyic&l cle&nline$ut &lo & %iritu&l cle&nline of one

    oul ....N

  • 8/21/2019 Sefer Tikunim 1


    NH&lf &li,e - H&lf 'e&'N

    V,oi' 3rey Sickne- h&lf &"&ke/ h&lf&lee% I h&lf &li,e/ h&lf 'e&'. [e&lie th&tenery & "hen your thouht &/ o

    ,iil&ntly kee% your thinkin &n' emotion&lert. 4nce & %eron h& reconie' the

    nee' to think for themel,e the `uetion iN"h&t i moti,&tionN &n' Nho" to et elfmoti,&te'N Th&t riht - no one ele c&nmoti,&te you/ 4Z] ]4P c&n moti,&te

    yourelf R

    =. Noti,&tion&lN enery i cre&te' 4Z]throuh one emotion.

    Pn'ert&n'in th&t Nmoti,&tion&lN enery i cre&te' $y & %eron min' &n' oulthrouh one emotion. The true force 'ri,in & %eron into &ction i cre&te' $y one

    thouht &n' mot im%ort&ntly con,ertin thoe thouht into 24T04ZS. Theucce of &ny %eron i me&ure' $y their &$ility to $e 24T04ZV. The more

    'ee%ly ener&te' emotion & %eron h& the re&ter the &$ility to uccee'.

    4fcoure there &re ( ty%e of emotion either 1oiti,e or Ze&ti,e/ _4Y2 or 2V[a/&re the 'ri,in force $ehin' e,ery &ction "e 'o.

    NZe&ti,eN moti,&tion&l enery

    Thi i fun'&ment&l emotion &n' moti,&tion&l enery of e,ery li,in $ein &nim&l &n'hum&n on e&rth. V fe&r of Nnot h&,inN foo'/ "&ter &n' & home/ or & 2V[ of &fety/

  • 8/21/2019 Sefer Tikunim 1


    thi 2V[ i the 'ri,in force $ehin' e,ery inle %eron. Thi fe&r N'ri,eN & %eronto "ork in & o$ they 'onXt nece&rily enoy/ thi fe&r NforceN u to 'o thin "e h&te

    'oin/ only in or'er to fulfill our ur,i,&l nee'/ thi Nfe&rfulN moti,&tion&l &nim&lintinct i in$uilt in e,eryone/ i the NfihtN for ur,i,&l.

    V thi i & ne&ti,e emotion/ it i 'iconnecte' from the cre&ti,e ource of &ll enery&n' life on e&rth "hich i 4Y2/ therefore it h& no lon-l&tin effect/ &n' nothin

    cre&te' $y thi kin' of ne&ti,e Nmoti,&tion&lN enery "ill l&t/ hence forcin &re%et&ti,e cycle of 2V[S/ in or'er to moti,&te oneelf further into &ction. Ze&ti,e

    emotion inclu'e &ll form of h&tre' &n' e&louy/ "here& &ner/ &reion &n',iolence &re im%ly the reult of ne&ti,e emotion.

    N1oiti,eN moti,&tion&l eneryoti,&tion&l enery $rouht &$out $y emotion of 4Y2/ h& the tronet cre&ti,e

    enery. V 'ee% emotion&l 'eire of 4Y2 "ill 'ri,e & %eron into &ction. 1eo%le "hom&re 'ri,en $y the 'eire of 4Y2/ "ill enoy their li,e more th&n thoe 'ri,en $y

    Nfe&rN/ the o$ect of their 'eire coul' $e their "ifeQhu$&n'/ their chil'ren or e,en &no$ect they 4Y2. The lo,e ener&te' in their thouht &n' emotion "ill moti,&te &

    %eron into VCT04Z.

    Think c&refully the re&on "hy you &re 'oin "h&t you 'o 0 it out of 4Y2 or2V[ Vll the &ction th&t &re moti,&te' &n' 'ri,en out of 4Y2 "ill enerie &

    %eron much 'ifferently th&n thoe out of 2V[. 4ne c&n &ctu&lly feel & %oiti,ely%iritu&l r&'i&nce &n' $uoy&ncy in one &ction th&t &re moti,&te' throuh emotion of

    4Y2/ _"here& one &l"&y foret the mun'&ne &n' $orin &ction of fe&ra.

    (. 5efinin reul&rly one o&l &n'&m$ition in or'er to enerie one

    emotion to et Nmoti,&te'N.To et moti,&te' one nee' &im/ o&l &n' 'eire/ & lit of thin th&t one "&nt inlife/ one hort term 'eire &n' lon term 're&m &n' ho%e. V the moti,&ter [e,

    Zorm&n Yincent 1e&le &y N2,eryone mut h&,e & 're&m/ other"ie ho" ele c&n oneh&,e & 're&m come trueRN Th&t me&n to &y one PST h&,e emotion of 'eire &n'4Y2 th&t ener&te & %eron into &ction. By ettin Nmoti,&te'N one i &llo"in life

    enery of thi "orl' to flo" into one life in $o'y &n' oul.

  • 8/21/2019 Sefer Tikunim 1


    rite & lit of one NV0SN

    once & "eek - e,ery "eek

    0n kee%in moti,&te'/ it i ,it&l to "rite & lit of one 'eire/ o&l/ &im &n'&m$ition reul&rly/ once & "eek/ e,ery "eek. 0n ome commmunitie thee %r&yer&re inclu'e' in the %r&yer &t the termin&tion of the &$$&th on &tur'&y e,enin/ in

    &kin for %iritu&l hel% to fulfill one o&l &t the $einnin of e&ch "eek.

    Thi lit c&n $e & u%erfici&l or & %iritu&l & one like/ $ut the

  • 8/21/2019 Sefer Tikunim 1


    Pe "or' like/ Ni re&lly re&lly "&nt thi to h&%%en/ $ec&ue i come &li,e "ith 4Y2 &tthe thouht th&t thi "ill h&%%en/ it "ill $e re&lly re&lly re&lly oo' for me/ & i feel

    oo' &n' lo,e thinkin &$out itN.

    Concentr&te for ut > min e,ery mornin & you "&ke u%/ th&t the re&on "hy you &re"&kin u% i to fulfill your &im &n' &m$ition/ then 22 V0Y2 "ith the thouht

    th&t oon you "ill h&,e your &im/ &m$ition or o&l &n' ho" h&%%y you "ill $e "henyou h&,e uccee'e'.

    5onXt ut &y it once/ $ut re%e&t your 'eire/ &im &n' the re&on for li,in -hun're' of timeR Soun' like & re&l re%et&ti,e Nnu'nikN R Vll chil'ren kno"

    intincti,ely th&t the only "&y to et omethin they "&nt i to kee% re%e&tinthemel,e/ interecte' "ith N%le&e/ %le&e/ %le&e/ %le&e N/ fin&lly e,ery %&rent

    Ni,e inN &n' r&nt the chil' the "ih R

    Before/ you 'o &k for your "ihe &n' 'eire &l"&y remem$er to t&rt $yTHVZ

  • 8/21/2019 Sefer Tikunim 1


    re&lly "&nt ch&ne/ nor re&lly emotion&lly 'eire or 4Y2 th&t "hich they &re &kinfor R So m&ke ure th&t your lit of &im &re thin th&t ]4P re&lly "&nt &n' th&t they

    &re oo' for you R

    b. Pn'ert&n'in th&t ch&nin oneo$ecti,e in life nee' & ch&ne' &n'

    refine' Nmoti,&tion&lN enery.Pn'ert&n'in the $&ic nee' th&t moti,&te & %eron/ once thoe nee' &re fulfille' &

    %eron nee' to ch&ne o$ecti,e &n' o&l to rem&in Nmoti,&te'N.

    V teen&er "ho i lookin for & fe" 'oll&r to $uy omethin like & muic C5 orcom%uter &me "ill h&,e & 'ifferent moti,&tion&l enery to & youn &'ult "ho i

    "orkin to $uy & c&r/ or & inle m&n "ho "ork to e&rn money to im%re & "om&n/or & inle "om&n "ho "ork to $uy cometic &n' clothe to im%re & m&n .... &ll

    thee %eo%le &re moti,&te' out of 4Y2/ ho"e,er e&ch of the le,el &n' intenity ofmoti,&tion&l enery &re 'ifferent.

    V & %eron ro" u% from chil' to &'ult/ one &utom&tic&lly ch&ne the "&y one

    think/ therefore one &lo ch&ne the "&y one Net moti,&te'N. 0nte&' of thinkinfor Nto'&yN/ one &cce%t the nee' to m&ke & N%l&n for the futureN. Thi ment&lly en'

    the me&e to &,e enery to fulfill &n &im &n' &m$ition/ thi nee' &ility &n' controlin one min'/ & it i hum&n intinct to "&nt to ee reult 0250VT2]/ the fe&ture

    of &n &'ult i to le&rn control &n' %&tience in %l&nnin for & future 're&m. Thimoti,&tion ch&ne from ettin Nimme'i&te reultN to one of N"orkin for the


    The "ie youn &'ult "ill m&ke %l&n $et"een the &e of =* &n' ( &n' eO%ect to eethem fulfille' $et"een &e of ( &n' b). 1ro,i'e' one kee% focue' &n' moti,&te'

    out of 'eire &n' lo,e then mot "ill &ccom%lih their re&litic o&l. 1ro,i'e' onele&rn to &'&%t/ ch&ne &n' $e & little fleOi$le/ then one "ill &rri,e &t one &im &t b)

    ye&r ol'. _ See &h&rh& on T&lmu'

  • 8/21/2019 Sefer Tikunim 1


    . Pn'ert&n'in Ni'life CriiN i "henyou re&ch the to% of the l&''er &n' fin'

    th&t it "& &&int the "ron "&llRPn'ert&n'in the Nmi'life criiN th&t one o&l &n' o$ecti,e h&,e Z4T $rouhtthe %e&ce of min'/ ene of %ur%oe/ nor lo,in life enery th&t one im&ine' they

    "oul' $rin.

    Th&t Ni'life CriiN i "hen you re&ch the to% of the l&''er &n' fin' th&t it "&&&int the "ron "&llR Thi coul' $e & c&reer/ m&rri&e/ home or &nythin one h&'

    $een &imin for/ u''enly &t the &e $et"een b) &n' ) one feel Nuncomfort&$lyN

    immor&l &$out thi "ron %&th"&y/ &n' loe moti,&tion.

    oin moti,&tionoin moti,&tion &n' to%%in the flo" of one life enery i im%ly & "&y to SVY2

    ]4P[ S4P/ in to%%in &ny more "&t&e of one oo' life enery/ it to% youNthro"in oo' &fter $&'N.

    The firt te% in ch&nin %&th"&y i to $e =))W honet/ &n' &cce%t th&t one &im &n'

    &m$ition nee' to $e ch&ne'. e &ll m&ke mit&ke &n' it i hum&n n&ture &n' %&rt ofro"in-u% to reconie th&t one h& ch&e' &fter the "ron me&ninle o&l &n'&m$ition. 0t h&%%en to e,eryone/ the oo' $lein for Seniti,e oul i th&t onefeel nee' to ch&ne coure in life ,ery tronly/ &n' e,ent h&%%en in one life &

    in%ot to ch&ne.

    Thi th"&rt one emotion &n' to% &llmoti,&tion&l enery.

    ot %eo%le fin' thi t&e of N$ein honetN 'ifficult/ & they feel th&t ch&nincoure &t the &e of b) - ) i en'in & in th&t they h&,e V025 in their li,e. So

    they continue $y u%rein thee N$&' feelinN "ith &lcohol/ ci&rette &n' other&''iction "hich hel% them u%%re their emotion. Thee Nu%%re&ntN of emotion

    &n' &nythin th&t %re,ent & %eron eO%rein one emotion/ &ct to ST41 onemoti,&tion&l enery. Hence e,erythin t&rt to No "ronN & the moti,&tion&l enery

    i to%%e'/ c&uin & $lock&e in one emotion to% the flo" of life enery ofmotic&tion. Hence le&'in to Nmi'life criiN "hich force &n emerency to

    CHVZ32 R
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    >. Pn'ert&n'in the $lock&e of

    Nmoti,&tion&lN enery "hilt one ich&nin coure to the correct %ur%oeful

    %&th"&y of life.Pn'ert&n'in th&t & %eron loe moti,&tion&l enery "hilt Nch&ninN their o%inion

    &n' ,&lue of life/ once & %eron h& foun' the correct %&th"&y/ they c&n themNmoti,&teN themel,e into &ction.

    5urin the Nmi'lifeN crii of ch&ne/ one "ill &utom&tic&lly loe & "ill to li,e &n'"ill often `uetion N"h&t the %oint of lifeN Thee 'e%rei,e emotion "ill $e ,ery

    inific&ntlt tron if one h& re&lly %ut & lot of effort &n' enery into &n &im or&m$ition.

    Thi i more inific&nt in our ener&tion "here youn %eo%le o to Pni,erity %en'ye&r %uruin & c&reer/ only to fin' out th&t one h& le&nrt uele t&lent for the re&l"orl'. Vfter & fe" ye&r of "orkin one h& to re-tr&in/ &'&%t or the o$ i no loner

    'one $y hum&n. Cou%le' "ith uch & uele c&reer m&y o h&n'-in-h&n' "ith &

    rel&tionhi% th&t "& $&e' on eOu&l &nim&l intinct "ithout &ny thouht to 'eirinone oulm&te &n' fulfillin N'etinyN.

    The %ur%oe of thi %ecific &n' 'efinin time in one life i to ;P2ST04Z the%ur%oe of one life. 50SCV[5 the uele &n' u%erfluou eOce $&&e/ &n' to

    tre&mline one focu on one true 'etiny &n' %ur%oe of life.

    Thi i im%ly & tem%or&ry $lock&e/

    "hilt one i ch&nin %&th"&y1le&e $e re&ure' %iritu&lly th&t thi l&ck of ,it&lity i 4Z] tem%or&ry/ "hichuu&lly l&t =( month $ut m&y l&t u% to ( ye&r "hilt one i tr&nformin &n'

    ch&nin. 4nce one h& re&lline' one o&l &n' o$ecti,e' for & %iritu&lly fulfillin&n' %ur%oeful %hyic&l life in thi Nre&l "orl'N/ the life ,it&lity enerie' & %eron &n'

    true moti,&tion&l enery of cre&ti,e life - 4Y2 - enthue one oul.
  • 8/21/2019 Sefer Tikunim 1


    ^. Pn'ert&n'in ho" to Net moti,&te'N/ettin t&rte' &&in &fter & 'eciion to

    ch&ne one life %&th"&y.Pn'ert&n'in th&t Nmoti,&tion&lN enery i $&e' on one emotion/ if one h&

    eO%erience' & N$lock&eN in one life/ e%eci&lly &fter & tr&um& of 'i,orce or$re&k'o"n in lo,e rel&tionhi%/ or fin&nci&l $lock&e/ then it i 'ifficult to et one

    emotion No%ene'N u% &&in/ & one h& & fe&r of N$ein hurtN or re%e&te' f&ilure/ o%eo%le m&ke the 0STV

  • 8/21/2019 Sefer Tikunim 1


    1ro,i'e' one i honet "ith oneelf/ &n' liten to one true %iritu&l inner ui'&nce/m&kin the nece&ry ch&ne th&t &re %ecific&lly riht for ]4P. e &'' thi

    &'&mently - e%eci&lly for our ener&tion "hen there &re o m&ny uele o c&lle'N%iritu&l le&'erN/ & no r&$$i/ %riet or miniter of reliion h& the riht to tell you

    "h&t to 'o/ e&ch %eron i uni`uely cre&te' $y 345/ &n' h& their o"n %ecific 'etinyth&t i correct for their oul. Book &n' kno"le'e &re im%ly me&nt to ui'e the

    %eron to m&ke their %ecific free"ill choice. e&rnin to Nro"-u%N me&n m&kinone o"n free"ill choice &n' not $ein $r&in"&he' $y &ny reliion or reliiou

    le&'er. The m&in re&on "hy o m&ny %eo%le h&,e &rri,e' &t mi'life crii i th&t theyh&,e foun' themel,e Nli,in other %eo%le li,e inte&' of li,in their o"n 'etiny.

    S%iritu&l 3u&r&ntee

    4nce one h& m&'e the inner %iritu&l ch&ne/ & %iritu&l u&r&ntee i i,en th&t theflo" of life enery "ill flo" &utom&tic&lly "hen &n' only "hen one h& ch&ne'intrinic&lly &n' in'eli$ly in one oul. The life-i,in moti,&tion&l enery "ill m&keyou feel &"&kene' &n' &li,e ini'e. 4ne &ctu&lly feel the r&'i&nt lo" th&t e,erythin

    i flo"in moothly in &ccor'&nce "ith 'etiny &n' & 5i,ine %l&n.

    The Nmoti,&tion&l eneryN one feel &fter $ecomin N%iritu&lly min'e'N/ "ith &nun'ert&n'in th&t there i & 50Y0Z2 %l&n &n' 'etiny/ i imil&r to the elfih

    moti,&tion&l enery th&t one h& & youn &'ult/ N"&ntinN &n' 'eirin m&teri&l%hyic&l o$ect/ "ith the eOce%tion th&t thi ne" ch&ne in 'irection "ith & %iritu&l

    cre&ti,ely %ur%oeful life/ i,e & %eron & oli' foun'&tion "ith emotion ofuncon'ition&l lo,e/ &n' & ene of elfle er,ice/ one h& no" foun' true ,&lue &n'

    re&on for %uruin &im &n' o$ecti,e.

    . The hihet form of Nmoti,&tion&leneryN come from S%irit "orl'/ "henone i in the elfle er,ice of other

    throuh lo,e &n' com%&ionPn'ert&n'in the hihet form of Nmoti,&tion&lN enery come in the form of lo,e&n' com%&ion from S%irit "orl' & one i &n intrument of 345 &ccom%lihin &

    %ecific %iritu&l %ur%oe. Thi i & he&,enly ift of enery.

    4nce & %eron h& ch&ne' &n' m&'e & committment %iritu&lly to ch&ne one'irection &n' %&th"&y in life to $e of elfle er,ice/ er,in 345 &n' %irit "orl'/
  • 8/21/2019 Sefer Tikunim 1


    either $y $ein 5i,inely %l&ce' in itu&tion "hich fill ,oi'or e,en & & %iritu&lte&cher.

    Vll thee role &re not omethin th&t & %eron eek/ $ut thee itu&tion &re &ttr&cte'into one life & 345 &n' S%irit orl' kno" th&t your oul i mot &%%ro%ri&te to

    fulfill thee role. 4ne i im%ly &n intrument of 345/ "ithin thi %iritu&lcommittment one fin' & tremen'ou %iritu&l &n' %hyic&l trenth/ & ,it&lity &n'

    moti,&tion&l enery of & hiher le,el. Thi i r&'i&nt &n' lo"in enery i & ift from345/ "hich i i,en to $e ue' "iely &n' elflely.

    ConcluionSim%ly le&rn to &,oi' the f&t&l illne of NH&lf &li,e - H&lf 'e&'N/ remem$er to et &im

    e,ery "eek &n' enerie oneelf emotion&lly to Net moti,&te'N into fulfillin oneo&l. 4fcoure if one h& &rri,e' &t i'life &t re&lie' th&t re&chin the to% of thel&''er &n' fin'in th&t it "& &&int the "ron "&ll/ 'oe not me&n one houl' i,e-

    u% li,in .

    i'life me&n th&t one houl' t&ke ome Ntime-outN of life/ &e "here one h& one"ron &n' re'efine one ne" o&l in life. Then Net emotion&llyN &n' %oiti,ely

    enerie' out of lo,e of thee ne" %ur%oeful o&l/ &n' enoy & life of %iritu&lity/com%&ion/ lo,e &n' f&ith in 345.

    [emem$er th&t mot %eo%le "ho Nf&il in lifeN only moti,&te themel,e out of ne&ti,eemotion of Nfe&rN/ only the truly ucceful Nmoti,&teN themel,e from 4Y2 &n'

    %oiti,e emotion. hen & %eron moti,&te reconie th&t the ecret to & h&%%y &n'ucceful life i to moti,&te' emotion&lly from %oiti,e focue' emotion of 4Y2/

    th&t i 4Y2 of 345/ 4Y2 of the i't of 02/ 4Y2 of 12412 &n' 4Y2 of &llcre&tion of 345 in the "hole uni,ere/ then one "ill $e u&rentee' =))W ucce.

    H&%%ine 8Ld Simch&

    Sefer Shinuyim The Book of Ch&ne eO%l&in th&t h&%%ine i & t&te of min'/ &nemotion "ithin one oul/ & %&rticul&r ty%e of enery in one thouht &n' min' th&t

    &llo" & f&t flo"in %hyic&l &n' %iritu&l enery into one life.

    The t&te of H&%%ine i the key to the flo" of enery in one life/ the h&%%ier one i- the f&ter enery &n' more oo'ne th&t c&n flo" into one life. here& 'e%reion

    &n' S&'ne $lock the flo" of oo' life i,in enery.

    The conce%t of H&%%ine &re often miun'ertoo'/ & H&%%ine often eem to$e &n illuion "ith m&ny %&r&'oOe in thi %hyic&l life.

    0n thi Ch&%ter "e h&ll eO%l&in the follo"in &%ect of H&%%ine-
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    =. The 'efinition of H&%%ine/ &n' ho" to fin' true H&%%ine.

    (. The &%%&rent contr&'ictory %&r&'oOe of H&%%ine/ the conce%t of o%%oite.Pn'ert&n'in "hy %eo%le l&uh &t other %eo%le NmifortuneN. Pn'ert&n'in the

    $ier %icture of life &n' the h&rmony of 1hyic&l &n' S%iritu&l H&%%ine.

    b. Pn'ert&n'in th&t %hyic&l NH&%%ineN i &n illuion of the min'/ like & 're&m.2O%l&inin the %ur%oe of li,in "ith &n illuion of NH&%%ineN in life/ &n' ho" to ue

    the illuion of life to m&ke the ourney of life e,en more h&%%ier.