Download - SEEDS SIMM - Memorial University of · preparatory work wu lo uidcncc acar thcee alopee lo tbe erection

Page 1: SEEDS SIMM - Memorial University of · preparatory work wu lo uidcncc acar thcee alopee lo tbe erection

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SEEDS SUTTON'S SllBDS---Swede ... Turnip: .. ..,~Crimson King; Magnum Bon·um and Caledonian. · Sumnier Drumhead Cabbage.

- J




Newfoundlanders Urg$1 ! Wreckage or Plane BeliHed io Purcliase Ne.w ·Loan. l'rom Mo~. ~


Auditor General'• Ollicc, • 27th, !lay, 1932.

Dear Si;_: :,.---... Woald )'Ou. be gOod cobu::h lo

make it known through the \ncdlum of yoor paper tbat arraogemeota oavc beea made by the Goveramebt \\' Ith the. Baok of Monle01. the Bank of Nova Scot ia. lbc R"7al Baok of Canada aod the Canadian B\ok of Commerce wilb :i view to a11i1tlog iotendio~ 1ub1cribcr1 to t he Loan . which 1~ bciog i11ued under The Loan Act , 1932

Under t he arraogmeot the aub· scriber will pay caab to the amount of thirty dollars lo respect of each hundred dollars 1 ubscrlbcd fctr and the Bank will ad,aocc · the balance amoun t iae- to •i.xty-11cvea dollars on t he security of tllie Boad or ether interim docament andiupoo a 1atlt­factor1 uoderatandiog being given to repa1 the amount eo advanced by lo1talrncot1 e.xtead log over a period not exceeding twel'c mQotha.

The interest charged on thelC ·r~cial ;i.dnacu will boat tbe r&tc o five and a half per 1:ent. per an­num.

The arrangement will enable mlloy pcraoot who a rc la receipt or nluy or other periodical income to aubscribe for a larger amonot of tho L oan thao"le rcprcac.oted by the ;imouot ol caeb lmmedlatel7 av:il\­:iblc. )

Two plrcoa of 1,eroplut ~·· are hue beea vld:eiil •P- ta '"° •fc:hut1 of Cape NormaQ\' .. tcilt• of Belle [1le, and wire 11uc1ed OTer to Magitt_riatc Alcock at Bt. l.nthoa7. Tbl: magistrate wired the Becretaf)' o!Statc lut uealor 1tatlo1r lbal be bad received lhern·Hd bad lorwlll:d· ed them to Anbar Sullino'• me· cbuic, Mr: Claitoa for ld:atlflca­Uoo.

Arthur SulliHo, with ll pateur­er, Or. Kucbocrt, took olf from St. Anthony i'n a Gy pay Moth plane, oa t he olgbt pf ~ay 30th, for a abort aplo, aod 1locc, there b11 beca oo alga o! their ml11lor adatou oc their plane. The Boatoo moooplaae with Charlie Hubbard, .ad pilot• Bar~ld Crowley nod Edward O'roole and a Cnoadlao Airway• auplaae flown by Pilot H. O. Wardle, made 110 cxhau1he search of tbc Stralta aad the Loog·Peola1ula. aod fiodlor oo alga of either Jbc ml11iog plane or the 01co both abnndoacd tbe search. The theory adnoccd, after tbla aearcb, was <b;i.t tbe mi11iog plane bad s truck au iceber5 which bad grounded. betwcca Belle Itlc coa\t of Nc..,rouodland, :iod lmme­diaLely a:iak after it b;id been crumpled op.

I••:.·:·:~~==· ee lttN~~:~1~:;·1

tmport and export f relibt ror­wardcrs. ·

Yoon, lailbfully, (Sgd.) f UCY Tno~PSON.

They Voted British'.

(Halifax H era.ld. )

Wo 1111eml prompLly to tba Tm· • S JJOrtlna- o.od Exportlog of"llel'- • \ I N:~i:~':, large or too email lo I receh·o prompt eUcolioo.

Quick Scr"ice. Moderaw Cha111e.

I NOd. f'onvardln' &. Tramlltp-

1 ment Cio.

P.O. Dox 318. Oke Bid£, Phone 2J22. SL John's.

• docl4,fn , ......... ~~ ............ " =

' .

.. .


~ ~ by.1'he Dominion of· ~ Prcilpemy Loan ~cause it IDll'ks to prosperity. The success of the

bilitation of the Country's finances of the Coun~·. help to eliminate unem· prospUity in which all will share.

!'it>' ; iou can rely on getting your money ,fiftr:eeo&liars and i~ the meantime you will re·

of five arid a half"per cent per annum.


~ ~ I

Send in your order now. branch in Newfoundland of any Bank or any recognized Broker will supp y detailed information and the necessary applicario!1 forms. ~-tion forms can also be obtained at any Post Office.

Issue price ..................... :.. 97. ..... \.

Governinent of · The qtmlnlon

P.80SPERr T¥. If Is your BUT( as wall· as )•ur PRIYILE8E to subscribe.

of Newfoundland


?-:UMBER 4.8

"Pf llDCI·" • Goetd P•t Moderately


The Standard Mfg. Co. ltd. c. CHESLEY eutr, Agent,

P, 0. BOX 12. Harbor Grace.


has stood the test

Newfoundln.nd ho.s spoken in lle­cisivo.tones. Tho GoverumooL led by Sir Riobard Squires has been O\""erwhelmiog defeated by the re­e<1nUy formed United Newfoundland Pllrty under the leadership of F. · C.

• : ~lderdico. . -' • "The rcaull Wllll not uo eclod in PRELIMINARY NOT!CE.

I o -and ·proved the BEST.


view of the recently de o trated animoeily against Sir 's ad· mini!tratfoo. The mier loel miiny strong eupporlere uriog the IASL i;essioo of the Leg.i atore-ooe of the stormiest in tho h tory of t h& country--and which ou i ated a fe" weeka ago in a roil 10 whioh thousands surged throuitb the ParliA­meoL Buildloge and threatened lll8JDbera of the CAbineL including Sir Richard.

1' ia gratifying lo note thnL the campaign, £bough etreooooa.. 11'18 not marked by Yioleoce but that the people, though embittered And &08')', liuo eetUed the ilaue by the ballot in tbe conaUtutlonal manaer and in keeping with the beet Bri· dab tndiUoo.

The L adlet Aid of the

UNITED CHURCH dealre to reserve

JUL·Y 27th. Partlculare l01ter.



itookpites for-Henry Ford.

It Is uadcratood that acp.arate atockpilce nre to be erected at Nos. 3 and 6 min~thia 1u01mer tGcreate a apecial r enc for thipment to the ocw For worka lo Eoglaod ou:t 1caaon. \During tbc past week preparatory work wu lo uidcncc acar thcee alopee lo tbe erection of cable derriclca, etc., fo r t he ocw piles will be kept aepuatc from the atockpilce erected alacc the begin­ning of the year. Tbc old pilCI arc ai·a,ted on tbe weal aide of tbe deckbeada, while the ocw piles will be placed oa the ea.t 1idc. A total

so.ooe toaa will be atored io botb pllea. ag amounl which abould ea· .are contlouaocc of rnlala,ar-· opera· tlona !or tbla year.

Statutory Notice. . -In the matter of the Insolvent

The l'nlted Newfoundland Party baa pinffl the conftdenoe of the electorate, ia compoeed of many able men, and with the 1troo1 man· date which it bu receiYed al the polll, will be in a poeition to in· atitute mucb needed reforms in the admlnlatration of the country, re­etoring the ooo6dence of the poople, ·and indeed, heralding a ne" era in the history and development 9f Ne"foundland. •

Fresh Stock Mairs Chocolate' 1 's and 1-2'

Eatate of Margaret Fitzgerald, late of Harbor Gracf,.in the El· eotoral Dist.riot or Barbor Grace, Bpinlster, deceased. All penoos claiming to ho credi·

tors of or who have llnY claim or de­mand against the ineolvent Estate ol Margaret Fitzgerald late of Bar· bor Grace 11foresaid, Spinister, de­oeaecd, are requirerl to aeod partiou­lara of their claims in writing duly attested to Pauick J . Fitzgerald of Harbor Grace, Retired Fishery Jo. spector1 Trustee of the &11id Eetate, or lo Ule undel'!ligoed Solicitors for the Troetee, on or before the 8th day of July, A.D, 1932, after which date the 8Jlid Troetee will proceed to distribute the said Eelate having re­gard ooly to the ola.lma of which he shall then have )lad notice.

·Wear a For.get me not on JnJy 1st.


BARBA INS. ·Fancy Rayons for Curtains and

Curtain Tops and Dresses. Cot­ton and Silk Dresaes, Selling Very Cheap.

Fancy Pound and Socha, at

Goods/ Stocking•, Very Low Pricea.

Ham and Bacon, Machi11e Sliced, 3Sc. Pound. Alao Bologna and Bread Sliced.

Full Stack Groceries, ·Provision•, Enamelware, Aluminium, and Cr:ockeryware. -------

Dated at St. l'obo's this 2nd day of May, A.O. , 1932.

PARSONS L WAUH1 Soli.ttora tor Trustee.

ADDRESS:- . No" Marlin Building

161 Water Street, St. J ohn'!! ./


• The Annual General Meeting of _ the Shareholders of the Harbour

Grace Water Company Inc , will be held in the office of the Company on Monday July 4th, inat. at I pm.

By order, EisJ.S ~. On,


Captata Jolla .TborahUI, of the Khooaer Robert aad Mair. nported oa Wcdaeecla1 the loee of hrO mn, Robt. Grud1 of Ganl91( ud Aaroa ro1M7, jf .. ot Gruct·Ban. 'l'llae two•• were la a ~ ~ oa tile Gruel Bub aad It la aidU·

...., DJ ta Barrl9 Sa· =-- dor7 cape!Ad. Tlae polt 7·

Twenty· Five P risb in Tanker . IBlast at Montreal.


Moo trc11l, J le 17, C. P .-The slip of a machir iat 'a ~rill blamed for eifloaloaa today which coat the llvea o t"Weoty·litc mco ioclu~ioF. 6re chief Gautlticr, wrecked the 0 11 tanker " C1mb,lioc" aod n>laed Ca0&dtaa Vlckira Limited drydodt where the vcauJ Wll being repaired.

Nearly . JOO machioista, r ivettcra belpera 'll'Cr~ swarming around the bull repalribr l be YC11el dam· aied whco it ~dcd oo tbe way ap tbe St. La,...c:c. In tbe bold were tbouaaode of g-allooa of fuel · oil. The point of ;in electric dr ill penetrated a tae>k where fuel lay and was followed by a a uploaioo beard ahl: milu away. Flamlog liquid poured down tbc hatchway• aad aealcd the u"lt of one g roup of mco.

Deaf to warn ings ebief Raoul Gauthier of the Moot real F ire De· partmeot led t hree o! hie meo oo to t he tblp lo ao heroic effort to sue thoae below decks. Another fright· ful uplo1lon occurred :iod flaming liquid threw a fie ry cloak over four o! tbe meo. Three died before the horrified gaze of their eomrade1. the chief d1aappeared ha. lately beta found. Forty meo are lo ho•· pit a I aulferlog from buroa aod lo· jutlca. The damage la eatimnted at from half a mlllioo lo aneral mil. 1001.

G{v~ w{ngs

lo ~ou1'" J WOROS.

Use Loni lUsl-ance

Norge ie a lo" priced Refrigera­tor and it acloalJy p:iys its own way ye&r alter year, t hrough eubsllluU1l sa.vings in foodstuffs llnd low cost of



United ToWD'B' Electric Co. Ltd.

Guardian Fire and Lite


Subccribed Capital .. ['2,000,000 alg T ot..i Invested Fuoda

"bp ... arda of ........ 2, 750,000 tlg Aoouel locome up·

wuda of.. • . • • • • • • . . 350,000 1lg ':th• Gunoutt being a. firet·clua

Eogll1b Ioauraocc Compa117 olkra all tbo1e adnoteges most deairable to lo1urcra, -.lz .• uodonbte_ci atablll· ty, lavorable tcrma aod prompt eel· tlcmeot on claim• for Joas.

The uodcrelg ocd hnlog been ap­pointed Arcotll for Ncw!oaodlaad arc prepared lo luue P ulkies agalut fosa by Fire.

T. & M. Wurru. St. John'• · G. E. STlt\'l!CSOM, Br. Grace. · AUSTIM ldA.DDOCll'., Sot>-areot,

Carboocar. - =========--==n:n To Whom· it May


.... GEO. NEAL Ltd., St.John's

L Sole Agent& . ...


Church of England. ST. PAOl:.'S.

8.30 a.m. Holy. Commuoibo. 11 a. m .. Matt ias. 6 30 p .m , Etcu1oog.

CURlST CU ORCU, 6.30 p m .. Evcoaong .

ST. P ETER'S, . 3 p. m .. E•e111~

United Church. 11 a. m. aod\ 30 p.m., lllvioe Scr-

"ticc. '

W.S, Goodwin, 0:0.S Graduate of Philadelphia Dcotnl

Collc~c aad Boapital of Oral Surgery.

Teeth c.itractcd abtolutcly with· out pain by uac of •ltaliz:a air or perfect a.oacathelic:.

DENTAL 0f'J'IC£ : Victoria St., oc.xt d.xir to the STANDARD Office.

•• •• •• •• •• •• •• • LEGAL CARD.

R. C. B. MERCER Solicit-Or o.nd Barrister at


New Martin Building, 161 Water Street,

SL John's.

~~·~~s~~· .:h~~e~:·~. I For Sale.

Waterside proP.l!rty , centmlly !o· cated together "1th house, , receotly .,.,n1y deetroyod by fire.

Apply to Tn!OTBY HA YDBN,

Barbor Grace.


OON. A bargain lor$55.00. Apply lo J oe.M PYH,

Ba"ey Slreet, Barbor Grace.

Arohibald'1 Shoes an Good Sboea


WE SELECT WITH TASTE Kn01ting our· customers and Low partioular t hey nro lo ha"e custom mado clothes that are indh•idnal ns well 1111 11 pproprioto, wo take gred care io tho selection of materials from sellBon lo season eo 1\11 to have something lo merL our mnnv nnd d iversified requirements. \\re nro sore that you can find in our stock lhe character 0£ matoriaJ you Wllnt.

J. A. WHITMAN & SON, HARBOR GB.AGE, Tailors since 1887 .

New ARRIV 4LS ·calif;,rni'a

Cherries Grape Fruit Tomatoes lceber g Lettuce Celery Su11kist Oranges Lemons New Green

Cabbage Box A,pples

---:SPECIAL---2 Tina Cream 25c.

JOSf PH ROSS Phone 62. Barbor Grace.


Page 2: SEEDS SIMM - Memorial University of · preparatory work wu lo uidcncc acar thcee alopee lo tbe erection

·-r .. ...

' / .

GRAGE ST~NDARD· Advertised Goods. -

.. Shop Where You Are Invited to Shop-.

Iv \· lsiblc. B rn1ria th rea tens re Riding to Work on a Comet volt aria iast t ile Rdcb. " Vor· w~cr ls" Jc! cribcit the oew Govero· Wbea a long, silver·grey, cigar· meal'' m:ioifcslo :is " a dcclara· shaped railway coach, 85ft. over lioa or war." T he " llerliner T age· :ill and drl\'ea by a 400 borsepow· blatl" calls it "a challccgc to the er aeroplane wolor, with a pro· pro~rcssivc ideas attained through p llor, slid out of a forest at Hao·

Complete Returns

Election ' 1932.

Let's Make It Worse.

Let's ail down aad· whiae Until business is rood ;

Weimar." , over al sue rise rr:ently aad tore I After all Dr. ·Brucning'11 pal font across a woor oa a disused rail way

work, his uismlss:il in order lo track ;it a speed nf a huadre:l ith e place to Von P apen is dis· mi les :iq bour, all Germany was heartening lo tbo!lc who s:iw Ger· th rilled ( writes a Tit·Bits corrcs· many, under Dr. Druening's lead· poudeot). er11b1 p, gr:idual15 bcginuiug to Locking like a er between lake her riglstful place ;igain · in Sir Malcolm Ca~ ell's "Blue· the comity or nations. bird" aad a Zepp in oa wheels,


Total votce pollcd-3285. J . S. Ayre. Opp .... . ...... 2193 R. J Smith. Go•t. . .. .. .. . . 1071 Majorll1 for Oppo1illoa-1l2'Z

Bu1.rne R

Total votca polled-4865. F . G. Bradle7, P<>•l ... .... 2612 S . D. Cook,~ ......... .. 22l4 Majority for Gov.ercmecl-388.


Total •ole1 polled-4015 a. Mltctttll, Opp ..... .... . 2365

The idea lbat tbc new Gol'c rn· tbe stracgc contn aoq: ;ittaiocd a meal can be treated a t Laun oae, speed of sixty milcs.._11n hour with· Geneva or L?adon as a true rr.Ocx in ~ixty sccocds fro~~~art of Germany 1s out or the qucs11on. and was making a hundred tics

Germany must dlddc oce way an hour a fews coods loller. T ~'u or. ll:c othe r, · but this " Monocle us ing the two types of brak"u

°'"'"rrlr--1.M111 istry.•\ propped u ;> fr,.m lie· with which it is equipped, lbe 1s:1i.;.i:..--i=~-.... ai.;~:i.i,;;~it..I hind try tltc monarch li.t Old ~u:ird, dri•er brought' it to a -Smooth

Sir R . A. Sqtrirc1, Go•l. ••• 1686 .Majority for Oppoaltloa-679

BAJtu~a ta ... ce Total •oly potled-2970

Why Miss LilliauLouglito.JU

Strawberry Shortcake*

is famous

"I use M:igic Bak· ing Powder," Slys l\l 4'ri s Lill i:i n Loui;hton, Dicti­ti:ip :ind Cookery Expert o f t he C:in:itli:in ?\hg· :izine. "~ly suc-

cessful b:iking results :ire due in b ri;:e p:irt to ics freshness, uqj.form­ity, and consistent high qu:ilify. ' " :'.Iy own recipes :ire pbnned for l\iJgic, :inti l recommend it for all recipes calling fo r powder."

; l\fos Lou:;hton's hii:h pr:iise con­firms the judgment of other Clnl·

~ di:in diccici:ins :rnJ rool.:cry C."tpcru. The m:ijority of them: usc l\hgic

(' t.rd<'J£~:1:,·, bec:ius' it gives con­\ ' sistcntly b ttcr b:iking results. '

~· M:i.i:ic i; li11t choi.:e of C1nidi1n j hou•cwh·cs, 100. It oumlls 1U ocher 1 baking po~dm co1nbincd I

*STRAWBERRY SHORTCAKE 2 cure pu1ry l!our •'""IFY

(or I}~ cups brc:i.d Bour) , 4 tc:upoons i\ligjc B:lling Powder ; M tt21poon ult • / · 4 ~blcspoons sboncniaa 2 ublcspoons sug:ir 1 CG . n cup Sift toi:uhet the dry inaredi in shortening nil very fuic; 1d uiru­But cc;- :1.11d pour with the ·ued milk to mike soft douah (but n 100 soft 10 hold its shape when ba cd). Tam the douch onto a Soured ud, roll l~htly to one-third inch ick­neu. Cut out with :1 round cu er. Brush one round with melted butter; place :u1othcr round on it; bake in hot oven. Split, 611 with fresh berries lli1htly nrcctencd. Put top round on and pile whipped crum over it, dec­onnna with wbole berries. Illa .,,

:.C0-Nl'AINI NO &LVll."l T•I•

JH~Cemeat ••



t •••• •e••·•1 Pewder la free .._.._or..,j ~ _ ' ""\ ••rmfal IAtr ..

U • .,....., -:'! j. -:sc.t RU COOK BOOK-When you· bunt home, the new Macie Cook Book will aiTe yoa dOZClll or dcliciOlll rccipca. j

/Write· to Swidard Bnnda Ltd., Frucr

1 Aw. & LibcnJ St., Taroo~ ~c.· ·

Germany's Danger.

T he news' from Germany striku •

1 a bc;wy blow at the hopes which were being built on the possiblli· t ies or \be L aun nne Courercoce aud the Loudon Conference on world prices, wbicb is now taking shop~.

A fundamental coadi lloo of.sue· ccas for these international par· leys is that the G<>veruments coa· ~rned should have mutual respect aad be able to trtat with each other as represeaticg s table and responsible poli tical instilutioas.

lt is plaioly impos! ible for Ilerr voo Papeo's Cabinet jo wia the confidcocc of Europe.

Germany has the riBht to chose ber u•a lorw of govcromcdt but reason n volts al tbe idea that this preposterous collectlon beaded by Von Papen really represents the German people.

\Vhea oeb1aJ it looms the figure or th" u Crowo Priocc as the poa· elble auccesscr to Bladeaburir as Preaideut, tbe 1ltuation becomee more ~ri>teEque lbaa e•tr.

Gtrm1n1 wlll surely lbiuk l t11 lce before It plunges into the mael· 1trom of uacert1iat1 which the 1ccrptaace of such an pdminls· tnuon iavulvcs.

Already the 1lga1 of 1oclal di .. order aad dislntegratioa are plain·

is a da11ger to Gcrarnny herself I ~top nt tbe end of the atrettb. and lo the world at larg('.-Lon· which is famotu as the 11cene of doa D.iily llcrald. · _ Fr itz Optt's first nttempls with

rocket car. • • Science Ship Storm Tossed It is said that earlier secret

for 20 Months. trials prcduccd 114 miles.per h.our. Eogioecrs upcct tbal wllh D1uel engines and generally perfected c!>nstruc~ioa, the ca~ could be d~iven Sil fely nt lSO DJllCS per hour, or three miles a minute I It would then oiler lhe solution for which all railways are looking-a meilns of transport to cope with the ndvnace or aviation and com·

Pat:igooian lcdlaus stoic Jbe s_hip's cal; tbrre was no Christmas pudding; ~be boat was driven 500 miles from its course by a s torm ; cigh ceca fa•lors weal 20 mouths whbout a gl; of beer,; and ft:et ran ~hort as t h~ ship f coetrnled the ice pack towards l Antarc-1ic.

That is the tale or tb William S..:ortl>by, tbe brave little Govern· aun t scleu ti lic research ship. \'l'll ich cawe back to London re· cently, ,;iftu 20 moatbs cruisiog in lbe South Allaa tic auJ on the Wes t Coast of Sou:b America. Chasi n~ wli,nle~. measuring the

Jc;>tb cf the sea, :iod tbdlng out the v. !Jys and wherefores or ocean· ic currents fo rmed tbe m:ij orit} of the scienti fic work. , T he story or t he espedition as rtlaletl by Stoke r J ac11~s • • tells or te rri ble storms. •It is uct a happy s tory ; its

brightest siJc i:i that the crew, cooped up for all these months oa 3 1 3~· fc t sbip, have cowe back to Eoglantl and way st ill shake bands with one another.

"It v.•as uucoqifortable; !be ship was 'dry' except for n rum ration in frEc :::ug weal her; \vc got our Christmas wail in April ; we b;i.d notbic~ to read but crilllc storlC6; mo!. t or the time tbe sea was so rougb that we couldn' t even pl;i.y cards," he said.

" \Ve nea rly I :1r11Cd turtle occe. It's a tihl;! ship <\nd ~e struck a snorter just off Prince Olaf Island, near Georgia.

" Everytb iog loose on the deck btew away, we were j ust swept al\cg by tbe gale, ;iod tbe lireboat wa'I blown from i ts mountings.

' We 1o·ok readings when tbc storm quietened down, aad found we bad beeu blowa SCO milco out of our course." _ ..,.,._

You and I.

(St. Thomas Times·Jourcnl.)

Tile wcrld hls uot gone to the dcgs.

Bu! iccs:; se.;ms baJ because )ou 1r.d I b;; \•e po~t poocd our spend· ing

We've bc: n ~nitluJ! for the otbrr fc.l low lo bri :tlf l>ack pros· pt rit_;-to do our job for us. We bavc been pas!licg the buck.

Shirking rePponsibility is not a Canadian trait-but)bat·r· wb:it we have been doing. , We"v.! been. afro1idS'fniJ of

bard times . . A ad our ear hr.oa produced har!!,..liiltl.U..

Let's stop"it. Let's lhrow this fear off aad get our baads up it• ste;id o f down. Pc11slmism is more catching than lbe measles- but so is optimism. Wha t we want aow is an epidemic of optimism -with ao quarautioc. You aod I can start it.

Herc is tbe plaa : You 1pead what you can for

tbiogs , ou aced. I'll do the sa"'e We'll sell the idea to our friends.

pe it ioa of tbc roa41. : The invealer aod builder is

Fraoz KNckeoberg, who claims bis icvection is m,ucb faster lhaa normal trains cou?d ever be, an·d also 93fcr nnd cheaper to build aad rue than aeroplanes. He sees tbe daj whco a fi~et or these tux· uriously appoiutcd coacbl s will be Ppcedi n~ aloog all the md u lines al·hour intervals, rcpt.icing therlo;:ig heavy trains now ia ex­is tence.

The preseol " Zep" on wheels weighs t wenty toas and bas r.oom for 40 passengers. Those who have ridden in it say it is an en· joyable experience. But · the car which otber engineers bave ia mind will be driven by a tremead· c us Diesel engine, will weigh more tbau twenty tons (although constructed or light, du rable ma· tcr ials to keep tbe tonnage dowa) , nod will be 150 feet ~ag. It will ~e two storeys high, aad will·coa· t'1in besides coacb seats for about s~vcuty passengers, an observ'a· tioo room, two large rest rooms, a smoking and din ing saloon, sleep· lag quarters and a baggage room.

Tbe calraace of Kruckcaberg'a laod comet is at the centre or the car, 3ad in it is a double peris· cope lbrougb ~ich both pairs of wheels muy b viewed or inspect· ed. This is a ccssary, because the bcdy of th conch comes so close lo the tracks tha t ouly a small st gmcot.. or the wbcel is visible from the outside.

The drive~'s seat is high in front, in the rounded bow. The engine and eagiae-room are a t the rear, as is also tbe propellor. The latter is lilted upward slightly to help kce?p the car oti the tracks.. A iiagle window runs the wb,ole length of the passenger quprl'ers to leaaen wiod rttiatao~. Stream· liac coastructioa and cross·~ruts within the cabiu. work for such perfect balance that it is possi e to write smoothly al a hundre miles an hour.

Herr Kruckenberg bas calculated the normal speed or bis 'cootri· vaace at a hundred miles per b:>ur-based on the kaown safety factor of Cur.,es OD maia tiar:s. It max be that it will be necessary to construct n safely device or some kind to 'l!aaure that the speedy car will stay oa lbe tracks. Tbis, however, is re?garded as a minor fac tor.

Engineers hue loag recogaizr:d that speed is the result of power· Cul driving power combined with as little resistance from wlad or gravitation as possible-and as free as can be from traction frk · tioa.

Steam trains are upeasive and fill the air with soot aod dust. Electric power is by ao mcaas the Utopia of traasporlatioa, accord· lo~ to many engineers.

Ezperls say they would aot be surprised to see cars of tbe Kruck·

U. A. Wiater, Opp ... ..... 2335 F. C. Archibald, Go•t .•••• 629 M~ for Oppoiltloa-1706.


M. Shea. Opp ............. 2412 W. L. Whelaa, Go•t •. •• . • • 395 Majority for Oppoallloa-~17.

CUBOMhR-841' D& V&RD&

Total YOtea polled-5303. J . C. Puddeeter, Opp .••.•• 3325 R. Cramm. GoYt ••••• . •• , •• 1955 Majority for Oppoaltloa-1370.

1o·oao B. E:ule. Opp.. .. ... . . • •• 2397 E. J . Goddeo, Go't ••••• •.•• 734 Majority for Oppo1ltloa-l663.


Total votee polled-3800. S. J. Foote. Opp . ......... 2393 8 . B. C. Lake, OoYl ... .... 1383 M1jorily fo r Oppoaitlon-1010.


P. J. Lewis. Opp •..•..•.•. 2492 J , Fitzgibbon, Govt .. . . . ... 472 Majorfty for Oppo11lloo-2?20.


8. W: Quiotoa, Opp • ..... . 3528 J . Smallwood, Govt .. .. . ... 812 Majority lor OjJ'>O•ltloo-2716.


J . G. Stoce, Opf ....... .. .. 2088 R. T . Vard1. IJf .... ...... 820

,B. King, Govt .. .. .. .. .... 726 Majority for 01 poeilioo-2068.;

. ST. JO'/·q·s EAST

. Total volts pollcd-8558. G. G. Dyroc O;-p . ..... .... 6987 L. E. Emcr100, Opp .• .. . . . 6969 L. C. Murphy, ' •l ... . .. . . 1390 T. Mnlloncy, G t .... ..... 1356 Majoril7 for Ofj oeition-5597.


W. 8. Abbott , pp .... .... 2587 Dr. A. Campbel Govt . . ... 768 Majority for Oripo1ilioo-1819.

T\'\'lLLr. CATE N. Grny, Opp . . .. . .... : . .. 14i9 Lady Squlru, G vt ........ 1206 CMajority for 0 po1it1on- 2i6.


K. M. Brown, Opp ..... .. .. 27'9 W. Enlre. j:;o•t. .... . .. .. . 1420 :Major1t1 for Oppoellion- 1379.,


C. Furey, Opp.. • .. . .. . . 3~81 W. J. Browne. Opp ..... . .. 3369 A. J. Wal ab, Go•t. .. .. ..... 1938 J. M. Greece, Govt .. .. .... 1872 Mnjorit1 fo r Oppoailion- 15~3.


\V. J . Wnleb. Opp ...... ... 2198 j . J. St. John, Govt. . ..•.. . 613 Majori ty for Oppo1itlon7 1675.


\V. C. Wlceor. Opp ..... ... 2856 J . Dnie, Govt. ..... ..... . . 1020 MajorilJ fo r Opposi tion- 1836.


: Total volca pollcd-2842. .. J . A. Winter, Opp . .. .. . .. • 1882 P. G. Butler, Go•l ...... .. . 585 M11jorit7 for Oppoaition- 1297.

ST. JouN's \'\'EsT

F. C. Alderdlce. Opp ... ... 7531\ P. 1''. Ballc1, Opp . ...... .. 7320 K. Rub1. Go•t .... .. .... . . 2884 J . A. Power. Govt . . . • . •... 2648 G. W. B Ayre. Ind ...•. . •. 214 Majorlt1 for Oppoaition-'4650.

ST. BARDE G. Whitely. Opp . ... ...... . 1254 E. S. Speacer, Go•t ..••..• • 57'2

Majou t7 for Oppoeltlon- 682.


R. G. St1frke1, Ooyt ....... 1236 F . Wellt, Opp ..... . . .. .. .. 1073 Majority for Oovcrament- 163.

Aod this will be tbe result-in· dustry will have to speed up lo taj(e care of our aced~. . More raw materials will be in circulation aad prosperity will be with us.­Canadian Ex. eaberg type in general u11e, f2,.l' Wu1T£ BAY

the ease with which the " Zcp" oa ~· Moore, Opp . . . . . . ...... 1573 0 blessed is he that docs not fuss Wbeo be r~c ·ves n bill . from us ; But know· his aubscrlptioa due, Scads in I e money to renew. And doubly bleat is that good

friend Wbo waits not till a bill we send ; But promptly scads us the amount Where'1!'ith to sluightea bis ac·


Tbc youag suitor bad c:illed on bis loved one for her reply. - .. No, Oswald1" she said. ''I'm

afraid l cannot marry you." Onrald shrugged bis shoulders. "Ob, •ery well," be retaracd,

savagely ; "there are others just as good."

• • Bettu," ah.-retorted. 11 I ac­cepted oae of them JtltlfdaJ'."

wheels picks up speed after a 11to17 J. A Strong, Go•t..... • ••. 814 aad the ease with which it may"'15e Majority for Oppo1ltloa-759 brough t to a slop, would make it nearly ideal. - --

The wire came in to fiad her husband aod a stranger-after­wards ascertained to be a 11w1er­eagaged ia some mysterious bus!· nus over the dlalag·room table, upon which were spread sc.,eral aheeta of paper.

"What are you doing with all that paper, Beary ?" demanded hi• wile.

"I am making a wish," ~Id the husband meekly.

"A wl1b ?" "Ytt, my deat. In your pre·

eeoce I 1ball aot pretume to call ft a will."

T . D. Mlago, owaer of Rose. moot .Farm, Lower Onslow, baa buor up a milk productioa record that 11 believed to bold good as tar aa an iodi'fidual farmer 11 con· ceraed, for the Maritime Pro•loc:ea Mr. Miago last. week produced six tons of milk In 1l:ir day1. A tga of milk la 800 quarts. Tbe efer happy "T. D" nmarhd to the New1 thal be .had aot felt tbe de­preaiioa yet. Be i&.. pl)>duclar more 91lllr all Use time aad i1 bH• lor no dllBcalty la marketlar IL '!'be herd fl Rotemont aambtra 70 of whJcb .S! are mllldnr r···­Tntto Nen.

.) ' I


' Let's g rumble and piae Uotil business is good ; Let's kick aod complalo, Acd display our disdain, From all boosticg relrain, Until business is good. Let's quit eating meat U atil business Is good. Lel'a turo oil the b.;at Uolll business is good. Let's buy no mNe clothu,'

t Nor alteod aay shows Let's shut off the bo11c, Uotil buslntM ia good. Let's pay no more taxes Until bu1iae11 is good. Let's lay down our uea Until bu1iae91 11 good. Let's \uild no more acboola, Or obey traffic ruin, ·And pa w11 all our jewell, Uatil buslne11 l1 good. Let'• blame all oar carea Oa the bulls aad the bears. Aad rat la our cbalra, Until basiaeu la good. Let'• hide all our caab Uatll busiaeu is 1tood.


Papers for Stamps.

The first atep fa the prlatial' of postage 1tampt fa tbc maaufacture of tbe paper. Advaaced pbllatel· lats 1tud1 the types of paper on which 1tamJ>11 are printed.

Bold aa Eagli1b stamp up to the light and ·look at ila 8 um med aide. Apart from the watermark tbe paper appea~ to be woven like a piece of cloth, and is there· fore called "wove paper.''

Paper, as you kaow, is made maioly from wood pulp or rags. Tbe pulp ia thinned dowa uatil i t is in a liquid state. It ia thea passed along aa endless belt aod under a roller which is cover·e ed with wire cloth. The textur of this wire makes tbe pa2er laid or wove.

If a waler mark is required, pieces or wire are twisted into the desired sbapes._!ad fastened to the rolJer. These make the layer of pulp thinner where t hey touch it, and so form tbe watermark .

Maay devices have been tried ia order to m:ikc forgery more di!Ji· cult. If you have one of the car· lier Swiss stamps, you will notice that lbere is a ~lored line running across the back. Actually th is is a thread of silk which is embedded ia tbe pulp during manufacture. Late.r Swiss, earlj Austrian, and others are printed on greyish pa· per. The g rey colour is made by par ticles or silk being wov~ into the paper. / \

Now take a Kiag George Gd. British stamp- not a recent oac, but oae which was used about six or seven years ago. Rub the edge of :i. silver coin across oae coroer or the stamp and you will find it leaves a mark like a pencil liae. This shows lbat the paper is coal· ed wi th a kicd of chalk, aod lhe colors will run if it is placed jo water.

Five Princes in Masonic Rite.

A maul 4000 years old was used by the Duke of Cocnaught, tbc Grand Mas ter, whea be laid at Olympia r ec e o t I y the· Stone of D~dication or the Frlee· masons' Hospital aad Nursing Home at Ral'coscourt Park, W.

Tb is maul, with which · the Duke adjusted lbe s tone, was or i· f!loally used by an ancient Egypt· 1ao workman in a tomb a t Sak· kara, near Cairo, about 2.000 B C.

Because or lack or accommoda· tloo, lhe actual atone oa the site was connected electrical17 witb that at Olympia, and as It was slowly lowered sod finally came to rest oa tbe bed of ~meat pre· pared for it with a sliver trowel by tbe Duke, three green lights HaaheCl o•er the Graad Master's head, showing that the duplicate two miles away had also been well and truly laid.

Four other members of the Royal Family assisted the Duke of Con· aaught.

The Prince of Wales alt~aded as Provincial Grand Master of Surrey, the Duke of Y ork as Pro· vlacie.I Grand Master of Middle· se:ir, Prince Arthur of Conaaugbt as Provincial Graad M11tcr of Berksbirt, and Prlace Geortre H Wor1hlpful Master of the Navy Lodge. lt wu•the largut Masonic galh·

erlar ever held in Eogland, 8000 Frcem11oas from au nver the couotry aad 3000 women belag preaent.

There were two proce11loos up the 8oor~t Olympia. The fint coaal1te4 o nrlou1 Grand Lodre olBcera a eltrht membcn of tbe board of gement or the hos-pital, lndudl Lord Wakesfteld, cbalrmaa. . Ta.a follow tl1e maia proce -I



1loa, la which t Duke of Coa· aaatbt aad tbe Prfacea walked. Daplte hlt 82 yean the Duke of eoa..-111t looked rcmarkabl1 well.

Rhubarb "cup" fa a deUclous summer drinlr, ea1l11 made by 1tcwfnr rhubarb with a lltUe watu and sugar to t_astc.

Whea teodcr 1trafa tbe fruit tbroa1h a colander into a jllf, Ouo~ith a few drops of ginger

Newfoundland ~all way Pr,s,qt Sc~'dul' Carboq,ar Hraqc~

Dally Rail Coac~ aqd Tralq. Now effective •. -Trains leave St. John's 8.45

a m. and returning lea\r~ Carbonear 4 p.m. DA IL Y (Except Sunday). ·

Rail Coach also leaves St. John's 6 p.m. and returning leaves Carbonear 7.30 a.m •. DAILY (Except SuJ1day). . ·



Reduction applica,.blf' to firs t class, secbnd cla~s and return fares on tra in.

A aew Divorce Bill, based oa druakeones!I, when the respoodeot lhe majority report or the Divorce has for three yea ts beca separ~ted Commission, which sat 20 years from the petitioner ; · imprison· ago, will be presented to the meal under a commuted death Bouse of Commons, Loodoa., as a acnleace. New grounds for nullity priva te member's Bill. 'l'he Bill arc iatib,duced. They include; seeks to establish the following Wilful refusal to c'Joaummale the grounds ·for divorce for either marriage ; meDtal uosouadncss busbactl or wife : Adultery ; J c· which has become d(:(inite wilbia sertloa for three years ; cruelty ; six monlbs of marriage ; recur. incurable insanity ( when tbe re· rent fits of insaaity or epileps1 ; spondcnl b:is beeu a certified and certain diseases at the time lunatic fo r five years) : incurable of marriage.

You'I I noti~e· an immecliate • improvement YOURSELF! HIS momlng cup of coffee wlll

bring a new ray of sunshine lo the brcalcfall table-the RavOf Is so wondonully Improved. His d inner at night will bo 1omethln9 lo look forward to. Rich aeomy soup, 01 onlySt.!Charlct1 Mllkcan malce 11- a St. Charlcts enlrM lit for royalty. Then a crc•m pie --and what a pl-Roley paltry, fight at a feather.

Tear out 1hl1 coupon and M'll Nnd you a wondwful cook book, In full colon, showing yo11 lulf

. ...................................................... . -""' • •111111mlll!l•lll!•I ~· .••••.. ,.I .....• I ........ _. .•••.••••.•••.•••• .: ·'


Page 3: SEEDS SIMM - Memorial University of · preparatory work wu lo uidcncc acar thcee alopee lo tbe erection

. . .. ,.


Teething "Baby's Own Tabkts take away that tee\hlng feyu," writes Mn. ~ BUDPy, North Sydqty, NS. E8'.edl7c abo in relievilll colds, f cvu, c61ic,

upset stomach, comtipalioo. Cbil-• drcn like them. Absolutely SAFE -Sec analyat'a cutllicate in each · 2Sc packqe. 2ll

Dr. wuu-'


Imperial Conference. • -- r:-:-:

TbC'Imperial Coo£ereoqc, which opeos at Ottawa oext mol\tb, will oat be a -picoic for ooe or two. delegates to atteod and have a good time. The dele~ will be too busy to get tbetr photo· snpbs takeo or to give flo~ery speeches that mean aotbtog Their hearts aod beads must be at work, makiog £rieods and dis· cussiDR' the chance · for business with delegates from every other British possession throughout the world.

It is good lo hear that our Board or Trade are baviog· daily meetings wit!? their differe11t committees, aod getting facts and figures together, so that our re· preseotatives may be nrmcd lo argue Ne~fouo~l~od's claims in aoy situation armog l~at affects us. •

The homely old salt codfish bas been a good friend to Newfound· Jaod for the past four hundred years; bul we must think abo11t other ways to sell our fishery pro· ducts.

When we sec New Zl!alaod su.p · plyiug the London market with fresh meat and lacbs, butter and cheese, that have been brought from far away, through the tor· rid zones, it puts us to shame to think we have developed oo pro· per methods of transporting our [r,sh fish. when we are midway between the best markets of the we1rld. But, although fish is our ~cipal item, we ahould not be

_.A hinkiog about fish alone. We ba,,e scores of d:IIereot products lhat,. we should be proguciog aod selliog elsewhere.

The deltgatcs we w n to re· present u! :it Ott ust be those coooected witll the trade­tbose who will have their ears and eyes wide open o fiod the chances to extend the business of this country.

They will be met by elcgates Crom all the other Do:nioioos who bave their products to sell . This conference will not be ao ex· change of actual products, but ao ucbaage of auggestioaa that will lead to act,pal work.

Each D.>miaioa bas beea ar· raagiag tariffs to protect their maaui.cturen. but it will be quicklJ aeea that eacb part7 .caa make mutual coac:e11loa1 that will beae6t them both.

Ever1oae who bas tried to ex· tend baa buaiaeu kaowa how diffi· cult it la to make new cu1tomen ; but here we bue tbe cbaace of a lifetime. where we will meet peo­ple wbo are aaslous to bu7 aad aell, with CYer1 iateatloa of ~lag iood cuatomen. not for a da1 aloae, bul for geaeratloaa-cus· tomera wbo are all working uader the 11me Oag as ourselves, and have the best interests of the Eb!· pire at beart.-Trade Review. ------· · "Herc's a t ip for you, lad,'' the Scottish member as be catered clobboute after a round of golf.

"Thank you, sir," said the caddie, expectantly.

" Go home at once. Yoo big cloud means rain."

The glory of a woman's hair was commented upon by Judge Crawford io London receot(y. A womaa was claimiair damages against a hairdresser to whom abe went to have her blir tinted aad who she alleired bad, by bis aeirllgeac:e, destroyed its growth. Jo awardioir her 1262 and costs, the Judge said : " She is 63 years old. She should 'have bad more sense tbaa to have her grey hairs, which io the case of a woman, are to be treatetl with reverence and are generally nry t?eautlful, changed to a tiot to make her appear to be 33 instead of 63. . I bope man wtll ouer come to tb11 aort of thioir." ---- --- ----

- $11.00 a . year. in a~vance ; otherwise, $1.50


Bosloo, June 9-Tbe meqace of the boous army grows. There are now 10,000 former service men encamped i.o Washington, with thousands of others oo their way from various parts of tbc country. The men arc quiet and orderly and have woo the respect of the citi· zeos and the police. They are cletermioed, however, to r.cmaio until actib11 has been taken oo tbtir bonus demauds. Tbe1 will emp\o'y passive resistance tf oe· ceuary, but in any case, they have oo intention of giving up, no mat· ter wliat"sort of pressure Is brought upon th~~· A great wave of popular sympathy for the vets has bee-a c:.reated iii tbe last few days. The argument is advaoctd that if the United States could fiod ten billion dollars to lead Europe for war purposes, ll'cao now advance a sum of more than two billions to adjust the compeosatl.oo pro· mlscd to the former soldiers. The money that the veterans will r~· ceh·e will be spent for commod1· ties io the Uaited S tates, while it irrows more and more doubtful whether tire billions lent to Europe will ever be paid.

The Scripps Howard Newspaper cbai11 has come out strongly for Former Governor Alfred E . Smith for President. Io ao editorial that bas been given oatioo·wide prominence, the vari· ous papers in the chain have de· clafcd tbat Smith hi!s grown io stature sioce the last presidential election and that be stands bead and shoulders above most of the statesmen 11ow seeki11g to lead the destinies of the nation io 1933. There can be no doubt that Hoover bas lost the coafideoce of tbe !Da· j ority of the \'Olers, l>oth Repub· Jicao and Democratic. That he can be re-elected next fall is coo· ceded l>y only a few of bis most devoted followers. The de· pressiou which bas brought u11· told misery in its trai11, back failures and a ge11cral destruction of the business morale of the country, ha~ undermined, whether justly or unjuslly, wbate,·er faith Arnericaos had io the ~· g reat C{I· gioeer" when he defeated Al.

• Tbe decl ine of the s tage as a

result of the talking pictures bas been halted, some observers de· clare. People are going back to the flesh·a'ud·blood that woo the patronage of their parents in the days when such actors and ac· tresses as Booth and Barret, Sir Beary ltviug , Ellen Terry aod, lo later days, Sotbero and Mac­lowe trod the boards and the play was the thing, not the "soul kiss" of some much touted movie alar, or the sartorial elegance of the newest hero of the screen. Theo, too, the quality of the offerings now beioir abowo oa the acrcea leuea much to be desired. There la bardl7 a picture that does not bue a IUJ angle or a teadeac1 to play up Illicit love

1 they have al last found a •real clue to the perpetrators of the " crime of the century" and hope to be able to force Briokbart toto a confession.

This new d4>velopmeot seems to dispose of the' idea that the kid· napping and murder was the work of gangsters. Scotland Yard baa been asked to trace the aiater of Violet Sharpe, who 1 t for Eog· land some weeks o, and hold her for queati og. What the ou'comc of the test development will be remain to be acea. Thal others are iav !veil la the crime seems to be the • · o of the police and they ioteo o qui1

J3riokbiart until be reveals e ea· tire ator1 of lb~ plot .. .

Former Pr~sideat Calvia Cool· idge bas taken a decided 1taad oa l\le debt caacellatioa. la au ar· tlc;le published la the July number of the Cosmopolltaa Ma111lae, He declares: "The moaey we furnished we bad to borrow Some· one must pa{ iL It caaaot be cancelled. I we do not collect from Europe, we must collect It from our owa tup&Jera."

This atatemeat la merely aa amplificatioa of tbc former pre­sident'• remark, wbea approached oo the ~ubiect, " tbey hired tbc money, dida't tbe7." It will meaa a tremendous burden for 1be Ual· ted States to shoulder if Europe repudlates these debts and places them oa the backs of the working people of tbislcouotry. ·

The debts have been practically cut io half as it ls, -and if the amount now declared due la re­pudiated, every man, womaa and child in the country will be ob-1\ged lo pay about five dollars a(\l'c~ every year for Interest alone. Of all the statements made by British and other Euro­pean statesman, oooe have been so fair as that of McKenzie King of Canada. He uses almost the works of Calvin Coolidge, when be says " if Europe does oo.J pay, America must."

ThJ! recent ;,;:;;meat of John D. Rockefeller, Jr., that probi· bitioo bas been a complete failure and lbat the quostion should be submitted to a popular referendum bas aroused the nation and an· gered the " dry" orgaointioos cxceediagly. Mr. Rockefeller is coovioccd that the reign of out· !awry la the United States at the rrt'aeot time owes Its coatinuaoce to the prohibition law. Gangsters ha'Ve grown rich and powerful politlc~lly tbr?ogb their ~oo~c· tia. o w1tb ~licit liquor, while dts· respect for all law has grcrwo apace. Dri kioir in private bas iacreased to a large extent and strong liquor bas taken the place of beer as ' the fa9oritc beverage of many persons. Yet irraoting all the evils that have sprung from prohibition, it cannot be denied that It bas proved a bleasiog to many homes. Many mea who

1932 JUNE 193g l Cod Liver Oil. ISIMITIWITJ~·jsl -I I I I 1 I .2 f'1

3 I 4 I ~be cod live: oil industry is go1ag ahead faarly well this 1ear

I 5 I 6 I 7 I 8 I 9 I 10 I 11 I aotwitbsta.odlog the ireaeral' de· I 12 I 13 I 14 I 15 I 16 I \7 I 18 I preuioa lo trade. It ,sbowa that

19 I 21> I 21 I 22 I 23 I 24 I 2S I our Newfoundland oil is appreci· I 26 I 21 I 28 I 29 I '30 I I a~ed wbe~ we can obta~o a much

btgber price than is paid for com· petito~ goods. -

The Cause pr the Depression.

(From thcSr:'Paul,Alta. , Jouroa ) To bis home paper a maa i '

Alberta writes :-" Flat Lake, Alta.

Dear Mr. Editor. Tbere seems to be ao much talk

about our 10-called pr~perlty, I believe it'a m7 duty to write my views oa Jbe aame aad help aaal11e the altu.tioa u far aa P911ible. ao we caa make up our m~ we bad auto cbaa1e our wa,. of Uvlag aad ao forth. .

I hue talrea mJ own case for laataac:e. I see mJ mlttalrea, aad maa7 others ban acted likewise. I boukht a car iaatead of a farm aad it It wora out, but the fum I 61ured oa la 1tlll 0. K. 1 la· nated la a radio laatead of a cow and the radio gins •~tic laatead of milk.

I am feedlar be alee bouad1 which aaawer to tbe names of Red, Reel Wiar, Slobber, Jake aad Ba1·rum, iaatead of five pip. I bad our plaao tuaed laatead of the we~l cluaed out. I apeat· all my caab la 1928 aad used m7 credit ia 1929 aad traded up m1 future wagea oa laatalmcats io 1930, ao bard times caught me to bad abape last fall.

If I bad speat my last tea do!· tars for Bour and wheat, instead of gas and oil, I'd have been O.K. I built a nice garage last year la· stead or covering my barn, and I loafed io a mountain two weeks instead or beloir io the pasture fi:dog it so's cow won't get out, but she is dry and mortgaged to boot for twl) blankets my wife bought from 110 agent instead of paying the taxes.

I'm oa a rash basis now but ain't got oo cash. I am tied to the cod 'of my'rope and the man f.'m workidg !or is busted oo ac· count of oobo~y won't pay him. I had $4 saved u1 for a rainy day it turned dry and I spent the $4 saved for two inner tubes.

I tried bard.. to make both coda meet with a ttlrolp patch but when I got turnips ready to sell, everybody was stiling turnips for nothing, an<, t'be market 'lll'as glutting. 1'1u worritd plum to the bpoe and my wife's kinfolks are coming o.,er next Tuesday to spend two wtcks. ·

Write or telepboae if you hear of any relief ;t'om the government comioir down my way, 8'ld I'm willing to be either a Cooscrva­ti ve, a Liberal, a U. F. A. or a Communist for a few months if that will be! t any.

Good Supplies of . Fresh Salmon.

w~ art' glad to that every eJicrf will be made by our 4ele· gates to the Imperial Conference at Ottawa lo place our cod liver oil before tb1t imporianl body for Empire preferential treatment.

Tltere can be ao doubt that Newfouadlaod baa proved ber case that medicinal oil produced la tbis country i1 far auperior la qa11it1 to other oils. Tbilr ~as beea coa6rmed ia no uacertala way b1 tbe ezperta of the Empire Marketlag Board.

Here we hue a product that la waated by eYUJ Domialoa aad Coloar ia the Britlab Empire, and Newfoaacllaad it tbe oal1 Domialoa wbere tblt iada1tr7 caa be carried OD utuaiYelJ.

Tbe beu1 Jou. due to the scrl· oua cUaereace oD aterllar u· cbaare, blta 111 bud, bat the most diacoura1lar fact la tbe lack of 1apport rf vea a, bJ tbe Loa. doa bu1era. Tbe7 u:pect Re•· to aell ita oil with it1 rrealer •ltamia poteac7, at .. low, or eYea lower, price lbaa tbe1 e&D buy the iafcrior product of other couatrieL

We ho~ that a proper aeose 'of the true nlue or our produce will be impresaed oa tbc British dele­irates when the1 discuss tbia mat· tu.

Washing Baby's Woollies.

Baby'a woollea aeem to aced more frequent waabiag io warm weather, but, with plenty or soap suds, they aren't mu::b trouble to rub through, aad if the blots given below are followed there will be oo fear of shrinking ..

First soak the irarmeot in tepid water for a few minutes, then make a good lather with ,aoap Oakes or a soap jelly.


The latter caa be made from the ends of soap which should .Dever be thrown awa1. Pat tbe soap io ao old saucepan kept for the pur· pose ; C<.tver with water and. let it stand la a ireo"tte beat till dis· solved, stirring well. This should be made the day before. .

After the garment bttS soaked squeeze out the water, theu Im· merse it lo a bowl qf warm soap suits. It is imporlabt l}O,l to have the water bot, as this/causes vrool to shrink. Squeeze the garment well but do aot rub soap dirtctly oo to the wool as this makes it bard, I

Rinse well io several changes of tepid water. 1£ the irarmeots are not too fragile they cao be put through a wringer, but wring· ioir flimsy woollies tends to pull them out of shape. 1

The World Owes ~lucl1 To Advertisers

A LL OF US would be poorer if there

were no a<lvertisemcots in our newspapers -poorer in pocket, mind, comfort, culture.

Ad\•ertisements have been called the " Poor ,man's University," fo.r.._they arc wonderful teachers-wonderful miarors of the world's scit:ntific and cultural develop mcnL

It is advertisements which ke~p us ed about what is being accomplished

the world's best endiaeen, chemists, reRarch workers and technicians, in every field of human endeavor-in the~ of radio, motor-car, and ~ manufacturing, food preparat=on, remedial preparations, domestic and personal h)giene, building

• materials and construcpons, and agricul· tural. economy, home easements at.d beautification.

I I there were no advertisements in our newspapers and magazines, we'd all slip back-back)o the:levels of life of 50 aod 100 years ago. We'd re4d less, move about less, lower our living standards; be content with:poorer machines, eat coarser foods an<l wear_ coarser clothiog, live in unattractive homes, do a vast amount of distasteful labor, wear fll-fitting shoes, sec ug liness cv.erywhere, have more illness, meet with more accidents, have more tooth­aches; and our stores would be very dull places indeed.

To blot out.our advertisements, would

be like blotting out the sun-the source of light and energy.

Oc grat<;lul to ad~tisers, and show your g ratitude by buying what they bring so faithfully to your attention·- in this and other newspapers . ..

And always remember that advertiaera are the world's civilizers and your friends. -.

Thia adYt. is apoaaored by the Canadian WecklJ Newspapera A\ sociation.

The producers, seemingly can· aot be iaduced to give the public, the clean, wholesome drama tbat the old stage knew. The1 arc for the moat part ignorant mea, bulag beea preaaera or clothing or curbstone peddlers before a fortunate fate gave them ao opportunity wbeo the movies were youoir.

ormealy apeot ttieir earolags io the coraet aalooo, now take tbem home lo their families aad to all intents and purposes they have forirottea tbe tasfe or tile liquor the7 oace could aot do w'hbout. 1

Nftd. Chilled Saln::on in Good De· mand in British Markets.

The beat way to dry wocliea with sleeves ia to poll the garment into its shape, tbeo pass a cane through the sleeves and tic the cane at each cod on the clothes line.

"Mummie, I want to go to the r waotiog to go to see the monkeys Zoo to see the monkeys." wbeo your Aunt Jane is here I

The public arc al tired of the eternal marryiair a d divorcing that is g .>1ag oo i Hollywood. Som~ of the ctor and actresses moat 1 on the screen have anywhere from two to six husbands or wives. It is pro· irressive polygamy with a vea· geaocc aoa the elfef t oo the young cannot be measured. A joke current on the rialto in New York tells of a movie actress bit by the depression, wbo is quoted as aayio~ she Intended to make tbh ·years husband do until times gdt better.

However, that la 0011 oqe aide or the picture. There can 'be--DQ question that the "dry" law baa given a great incentive to crime of all kinds. Criminals have be· come bolder and venal officials bave grown rich tbrou~h bribery aad rake-offs. The bootleggers wlll join haods with the Anti· saloon Ltaguc lo fighting any change io the present law. Pro· hibitfoo is their meaoa of liveli· hood and they will not have i t taken away without a struggle.

W. M. Doonv.

Holiday Accidents.

By a Pbyaiciao.

Don't forget to pack a few first aid dres~iags ia your ~ol.fday bag Minor accidents euch as cutting

Liverpool reported .oo the 4th, inst., that good supplies or fresh u1moa have been offered, but the demand baa been slow owing to the fish beioir large and too heavy for the average retailers' require· meats. Sales of best salmon were made at ls. 9d. to 2J. per lb. The first shipment of new season's Newfoundland " Goippit" and chilled salmon Is expected to ar· rive at L iverpool this week·ead.

" Hubay" aad " Labdor" aal· mon bas bad a ready sale to tbe steamers durloir the past week, accounted for b1 its beioir ia per· feet condition. Home demand continues good, and maay inquir· iea are coming to baad regardlnir the new pack due to arrive in June. Export demiod is rather poor. Prices ver1 firm.-Trade Review.

For fragile woolies just squeeze the water out, and lay out oo a clean dry cloth oo the ~rass; they will dry and retain their shape.

If woolies have shrunk through careless wasbioir they caa often be restored to their original size by ironing ?lbea damp1 at the aame time stretcbio'g the irarment where required.

Artificial silk goods may be washed ia the eamc way, but these abould never be put through a wringer, as the pressure breaks the thread io various places and c~uses a row of tiny boles \o ap· pear,

Italian Craft ts 'After 35,000,-000 of Gold in Sunken

Ship. A great seosatloa bas been one's feet on a abarp rock wbea caused by the auicide of a maid in paddling' or bathing, are IOIDt• That Dreaded Time of Lifo Brert, Fraace, June 10-First the home of Mrs. Morrow the times unavoidable, and it la not frulta of two yeata of struggling fnolber·io·law of Colonel Charles always possible lo find a cbeailat'a . to wrest a fortune of $5,000,000 A. Lindberg. The girl ,' Violet shop bandy. okb ok T Ila Wb Sh from the bottom of lbe aea were Sharpe., ooly two and a half years Include boraclc liat,• oiled silk, Mn. Bro a 8• • ,~e repayed today wbea divers from from England, was being ques· a baod1ge or two llod a ·~ BecommendaDr.Williama the Italian aalvage ship Artigllo tiooed by detectives wbea she bottle of tiacture or iodiae._'.l'heae Pilla to Women of 40 to 50. roae at.ave the aurface with 146,· 1uddet1IJ swallowed poison and will supply you with boraClc fo· "My ago ,,, .. 48-' 000 from the bold of the auokeo died l!')l abort time. During her meotlooa for eorea, and dry dreea· Col d whtoh ••ery l'Oman steamer Egypt. queatloalog abe admitted that ebe iop aad iodiae for clean cut or an ~~.w:, ~,:,_::~~:"f The gold was in bu:lioa form, was frleadly with one Eraeat wouads. Appetite dertnd 1aoh benellll Brlokbart J tad cab driver who Cats and scratches

1 obtained n-l d Ir;:: ~fia ~u!!;~:.; ll represents a quest which cost

baa been placed under arrest aad wbe.o paddling or batb DI rarel1 .-s urne Mr .. Brookbank, or 15 lives aad two abipa. The fight charrd with the kldoappiair of tura septic, for aea water cleaa1 Bamuaoa, Oat. "1 baa been one of the moat 1pccta.

II I d b bl c1 it i I fell ao l.llOCI an4 dep......S I coald 110& tbe iadberg cb d. t appears woua at oroag 1• aa • oa 1 llHP I my appett .. wu tmpalrod: my 1

b t 1

f i t lb tbat Mita Sharpe aad Blrknbart aecesaar1 to prneat dirt from •kin aad upe wen pallid. 1 could no& cu ar a t es o maa aga 01 e b.•e long beea under 1u1picloo, gettla'/ ht Aa a rule all that la mu• aray beadw•y w11b my hocue- aea. a. dogred struggle or Geaoeae

• ,. ' wort. I 10& d!Moul'llled, u ~ati.r but ti!: police aiade little pro· necde la a small piece of boracic toatc did no& boner my CoocllU • My uilora agaiaat the wrath and gnu of the girl's cue becauae or lint applied wbea tbe palleat •l•ter, • 1radaa&e nor .. , ad Dr. i r d f d the oppoaltloa o( Mra. Morrow, comes out or the water. ~~u;::" .. '!:: =u:.:•;n!:~bfm~ capr cc o the go s 0 aea an who believed her iaaoceat of aay _ • • , proTed. MJ •IMp wu r•Vlll ud m7 atorm coaaeclloa witb tbe crime. aa&aral oolor and a1111tUte n&anaed." 'f.b alum:r Egypt waa rammed

w:'r:·pacr:::~t~:e~~';.~:!~ ~r;:re!t~°:!~a~: w':!:c~cr!..dl:; ~!ru.-::u= .. ~!r tl!::t ~~~ aad oa tbe Freach coaat by to a mu la tile Bronx, wbo apoke ~e referea and asked aarca1tl· :='g• ' 111 ~ "!!!J.1;!'..lo!a...l: a carro a eamer la 1922. Ia lt1 with a ScaacllaaYiaa accent, baa call1 : 11 Bow 10•1 caa a maa liYe 1111• .. ~a-or .!f:t.n.::r: bold wu ,000,000 la rold 1afely I beea IQIHll ...Wmlf1 Brialibart .wltboal braia1 ?" J ~.a&a ... ·'*~ drwt.ra ta fockld la e itroag room eacaaed .. u••·· •llO toolr the IDODeJ. .. I-~ lrdow," repUed tu ,.. .. ...... ~.. ..... -1a1..... .~ Tbe pollce bellne, bowner, that feree : " laow old ar1 1oa ?" ~ • .,...... la alToat lmpeaetrable ateel ..


"What an idea, Arthur I Fancy I don) know what to thick of you ", 11,,,..,,: T. A. JIACNAB a CO .. LTD.

k Jolm'., Newfoaadlacl ...

Baek for supplies he won't forget PURITY· MlLK Purity Mille is ..i ... ,.. rudy. It ia alwa,... good. The line rich creamy Onoc; snalcea it a uni......W {norite. It lcttJM 1ndelin• itdy and ii not .:lrceted by dimatio COO· d itioos.

Purity ii made from the highest grade nlillc of ldccted dairy co•-.. A greater port.ion or the natural water baa bCCll n:movfti and only pufl! cane sugar bq been added. The blending of the qu with run cream ntlllc m ean. that ~ cooking a. amooth~r •nd richer in lecture and gTC&tly lmproved In Onor. UM it next time you bake. You and JOCU' lamily will be delighted .. 11b the inipn>•e­ment. Cc:t tho Purity J\Iillc bllbit- buy a ilia Crom yoW C1'0Clft' to.J• 7 •

-~-- -------- -------- --

Page 4: SEEDS SIMM - Memorial University of · preparatory work wu lo uidcncc acar thcee alopee lo tbe erection

( ...... J

I' c



HARBOR _...Buy Advertised Good~.

Conception Bay Advertiser L1 p1inl >il rd publi~hed evtry Friday e\·onihg, 11L tho :•u:<»An1> Or"ll."l't. \'io­toria Sueo:, Harbor Oruce, by lluou & Oko, proprir\<>nt.

Soblcr1pLloo KAwe : - ·ro eulmri~ (ofJ an•lnew) PAYll(O llf .\D\'A!>ea, J . por yesr: GO cenl.I per hrul year; &.> Lb UoiLa.I Kingdnin or lTni\Oll 814Le:!, c;uild addhlonal for l»'IJ4:ll. Nol pro• p:iid, $1.60. •

ESTADLI llED ls.;9. ........ _ ........... ___ _ FRIDAY, J UNE 24, 193 :? --

Oovernm enL N~ Yet Rc~i~ed.

ll wo.s expected that the Squil't's .utmini lmtion would hn,·o b11d am· plo tiine to conclude its businlll's and would resign to·morrow, S!\turdAy Bo far there hM be.en no inlim:ition from tho Prime- ~linister :\3 to ~l. he wotil<l'1e1tdt'r hi3 resigyntiou. UunrccP~nry d11lt1y io lho I\ (\ump· lion of office by tho Ahlerc.lico lio\"· eroment m:iy hamper tho Lusine&S of the couutry to nu extent thALC.\n be detriment.:il to its beat interests T h<'. peoplo o f thi.J CllUolry h:l\'e spoken with no uncertain voice anJ t he Squirts 1_>Srty ~bould 1 oL­per tho c.1unlry hy nm:iiniog in office one hour more thnn is neccs· ~ry. Tbo end of lhis month St'e.i

tho end of the country's fuiancinl year nnd lhero ii! much of impor· funco to be <10011 bcfoie thnl time. So it is up to the <lt>feated J>'-rty to JlllES out of tbe picftiro ns quietly nml ns quic!dy :is it cno el•e it!l ltHl)' nction ITIR)' bo lakOI\ :18 U JefillllCD Of the "'i~hes of the ptopJe nnd incur fu1tber ui;popul:mly if thi~ be pos· s ible

L.-llc•l reports ns to ~he dclny state thnt there Rro quite n number of oulslnndinc; bills for kgnl and o~her sen·icea which nre rcceh·ing consideration nnd thnt lhe ~qui res re· gime will not ond until oarly ne:tl week.

Public Holidny.

Today. S t. Jo!w'.i DJ y. t h~ :111-nit>eraa ry ol t he dr C:)\·cry d New­fouodlantl by J ohn Clb:>t . i11 being obaer\'cd lK a G.,11crnmcut and Dank holiday. Our busioe111 people ob­aer'l'cd Wedr.laclay of t bia \'l'Cck aa lbc •weekly bolid:iy. i:o \\'ere open lcr bUIUH'H tod:iy.

Caplin Struck In.

C~ p'ln al rude ia here last '.7Cek in 1n1all uurubu11. bul early t llia wed: t hey were abundant iu t w;iter neor the a bore ou !aide l b rbor a nd 61l1crmcn wit h bo1 al! red luge quaotitica. Tiley c n roll· iog io the bc;icbea aw pie ifully aa uaual nnd as a conetqucoe they arc more clifficult lo obtalu. re1b aal· moo aad codfilb have be on the local market all alonl!'. the bciog~a fair 1ig11 O( 61h io this Yicia .

BnJ a Forget-Me-Not on Wed· nesday next, Jqne 29th, t? wea.r on JULY 1st.

At lbc Supreme Court WeJoeaday mcrnia;c lbc l t'01minioo of Bon. Albert Walah appo1ollag blm oac of Bis )lajcalf• couoael waa read by tbe cle1k aod artcr Mr. Walsh bad takea tbc oal11, be traa io,:ttd to take a aeat la tbe lllaer n .. r. b1 Bia Lordablp tbe Chief Jaal1c:e.



A very quicl but pretty wedd ing took pl:icc a t Riverhead oo Tuc1day, the 14th i:lat., whco Bridg ic, clde1t daug hter of Mr. and Mu. Jo1eph Yelm:lll, w:il un ited in l he holy bonds oC matrt<nouy lo Mr. Edw:ird Sullinu. The bride who wao w:ry laalcfully attired io a drcu of p:ilc blue uilk with btit and coal to match looked • cry allr:icthc:. Sbe Woll :it· leaded by her aialer, Min Mary Yclm~a. while Mr. Patrick Dorao 1upporlcd the groom. T he larg e number or pre1: a t1 received l c1ti 6cd to lbc e1tecm io which both were held. We wi1b t he yoa:i~ coaplc boa voyasc O'l'cr liCc'1 1Dl1lrt 1Dooial 1caa.-Com.


A l'ery pretty v:cddiot? w\'l sol cmoiud al S t. P.tul''I Church :il 10 a ·m. O'l Wedac'JdJ. y wben lo t h : prr1en~ of lmmeJ1.ite r.:la tlvc1 iod a· ilfge number <>f Crico ~• lllt'IS Eiilb l-""lore.1c~. cl auj! hter of :J!. arid Mrs. Stcw;irt L Sheppud. a,d Rev. E nuc1ch11s ll\rn•l· w 100 of Mr William F.iwl.>w or Trl .11t y, aud In cumbent of White Bay Minioa, were u nited iu tbc Holy Blnd1 of l'<fat d mon) by tbc Rev E M. Blahop. Rector o l Gr:ind l"a lla and unclo of the bride, Rev. Canon Bowill, Rec· tor ol S t. T homu' Church, St John's, b~iog Celcbraat at the Ooly Commuoioo Scr?icc. Tb~ bride. c:lJ:irmiagly a ll1rcd io liic~c crepe de. clJcne. mth pichlre h:ll and 1bo~1 to m:11ch, auJ ca rryiog- a brid:il vtll of ... bile c:irn:ltious, baby'• nod J.llparagua Cera, en tered the eburch on the :irm of bcr rather. to the 'ltrain1 of the bymn "0 Perfect VJl'C", .Min Violet O:ivc, orgaalll pre1id\0J:' a t the orgt1 11 She Woll attended by her 1i1ler, i\lln Eald Sheppard. who wore rose crcr.c·de· cbcnc, with black pictu re ba t, l\na ca rried a bouquet or piok caro:illoos ao;i for n. 'l'h~ gTC>QID was 1upporl ed by Mr. Georg.! D. Cook, or St. J ohn'•· During the aignlug·or t he rcgi•tcr the bymo " Lead U'! Bc:ivcnly [•'a.l b r Lead u~ ... wn uflg. • [~ollowiug t he ccrcmooy the b ridal

,party motored through town to the ccaiJeao:~ or t he bridc'11 parents , \Vbcrc a reccplioo wa.1 held. T he tout to the bride was propo1ed by Rev. C0111on Howill, whi;b Will re. plied to by the g room who propo1cd l hJ.t of the brideamalcl. This waa reapoaded to by Mr. Cook, while that lo the parcnla of the bride :incl the !?room's father Willl prQpo&ed by lbe Rc'I'. G. S. Templeton, a nd was rcapondcd to by Rev. E· M. ni1hop. .\~ ooc•o'o:tock lbc ba p;>y p:ilr ldl by ruotot fo r S l. J ohn'11, being o.ccom• pauied ae Car :irs Spaniard'• Bay by t he guoall· Rev. a nd ~6rs. l•'owlow will lcuc SI. John'• by Suud:iJ'• u:prus for Trinity, where they will remain a. few daya before rcluruiui:­lo Jack100'1 Arm, where they \Viii take up rc1ideacc. ~l.luy congratu !dory meHagca were rcc:ivcd fo l· lowiog t he ecrcmooy from frlcad1 far and wide. The bride, who ill a gr•dnalc ourae or the General Bo•· plt:il, St. John '•, bu many frlebda here and elaewhcrc with whom lbe STAND \RD joio1 in CJtlcoding fellci· taliooa lo lbe h3PP1 c:onple.

Could Audacity Go Farther P

ThiJ morning. il ia learned that the Government have appointed Mr. N. Andrew• lo a eeal in the IAi:iPlll· liJe Council.

• The three maatcd aUJ:iliary Apparently not aatil!fied with bav· acbooner Colo Nord, Capt. Pelley, ing outraged every aenl!O of decency raa a.bore at Shoal B•y ocar Pctt1 and propriety during their term of Harbor at l a.m • .JC1tcrdJ7 and la a omce, they are atill unconvinced by total 1011. Tbc 1chooncr loaded with ~aaoleac aod oil left Hanrax tho reeult of lhe elecllon of the t em· c.Jnali:acd to the Imperial Uil Com- per of tho commaoity, or lhat their paay. Brr ere" landed aalcly and regime has eodlod. Diactediled, re-.. ftd their bcloagiaga. pudillted, and buried undq a mus

-- or votes that repreeent t.Qe over· WEAR A FOR·GET-ME NOT ,whelmiog voice of the~ple, the

on JULY 1st. as a remembrance Squirt11 administmtion b,>: bis action and by your contribution help have committed-a.n_aal nding and the G WV A• In Its work of as· unpardonn""8' outniiO. The ooun­sbtln' the needy ex·Servlce· try has finished with the Squires men and their dependents In Go\"eromeot. It bn11 b11d Ile fill to Harbor Grace, • Wllllni band or the point of naueca or lhei r appoint· you11• ladlu wlll dlsPOSe or meals. Thoir rule ho.a ended. Their emblems on Wedne5day next, hasin81!3 is now with nil the speed JUNf 29th. Secure yours and possible to vacate office Io viow of HflP THf CAUSE. the opinion so exprmed so over·

A large fire raged oo Monday evening and Tncaday 1001e. aloe mllu from Spaolard'a Bay to .... arda New Barbor. Sdme acrab limber aod larf · waa barat. Another fire was alto raging on Tuc14aY and Tueaday olgbt bac.k of Vlcto11il aod cro11ed lbe Hurt"• Cooteot road. The 6ru were can1cd doabllc11 lbrcagb ncrllgeac:e or carelc11ne11 aad It beho•ca ucrybody who m•y be coual rywarda lo be cepeclally careful io tbe. baodllog of m1lchc1 or 6ru. Ao extra fc" momcntt gl•co lo aeeloz a amall 6te carcfnllr cxllogul1bcd are well "orth while aod may be tbe meana of 1uiaK the b: aaty of lhc couolr7. exlcoain dadlll(C .u1d UCO llYCI. Be OD yoar guard aod 01e the gn:ate1t aatloo.

Capt. W. S . Hollett, pioneer aklpptr, or Borio, hu returned to bl• old lo•e after 18 rear• ashore, and reached Baria laat Sunday lo t bc 36 lon ec:hooocr •·Jamee Yo11n1" with a fall load of cod61h The hold wu Cull, there wa• a dKk load and

whelmingly, the authority of the Government is at t1n end, and any­lhiog t]'tey mo.r. attempt during the feK" day11 permitted them to conclude bUJinea should not bo Allowed to elsnd.- Telttgram, Saturday.

Io Jhc Flo al Enmlaalloa Reau Ila or the Memorial Ua inralty Collegft. St. John'•· tbc follo"iug Barbor Graciana were 1ucc:cuful.

Miu Ocraldioe Goodland, Dia tinclioo lo ltdacation, Diploma Geo. logy 2. Dwl•c. L Biology J, Pan Ma· tbcmatic1

Min McR,ae, Pre Medical Courae. Diploma Scc:ood Clue, Pan lo Biology J, Cbeml1try 2. Cllcmla· try 3. Englllh Z French 2.

Min J eaolc Goodwin, P111 lo Biology 1, Eagll•h 1, Mathematica 1, French 1.

Mr. F . C. Archibald, Firat Year Pre Medical Courac. Secoad Cl111, Di1tioclloo1 lo Phyalca l, Hathcma· tlc:a 1, Pua lo Cbemi1tr7, Sorll•h 1, French l.

IOftle lo tbe forecastle. Be baal CONl'EDERATION LJ1'B &1brd coallHaJI aloc:e April 14th, __ bei•r oa11 J" da11 .lo port s ince Archibald'a Sho11 are Good Bboee tbal time. After d11cbat1lng bi1 catch he lefl aiala for tbc &lher7.- WBlll A l'OB-GBT-U.RO'l' D&llJ lClttL - OB 11JL118T.


\V. B. SDAVI?.. T he remain• of the tale w. B.

Shue, who paned a"ay oo Tue•· day, Jaoe 14th, were laid to rut in the C. oJ. E~ Cemetery at the F ront oo Tbur1day moruiog. Rev. 1. Paraon1, who "f!.• aueodiog t he Dioce11n Synod, rcturoed from t he City by lbc morniog boat for lbe laat rites . Bead Coult L. Shep· pard will unclerl:ikcr, and McHre. Michael Garb1ge, Bcojamiu Searle, Ed ward Sk:iou, e:o•e Skaoc1. Tho1. Brao16eld, a o Kconcd1 were pall bcarcra.

The talc Coo~ le Shue wu born in Barbor ~uffclt, Placeolla Bay. and joined lb po1ice for~ io St. John'• in 188l. attach ed to the force for 'IS year bu· ln1r ~crved for three yeare i St Jubn '•· 7 years al Barbor Gra 7 yeau at Sp1oliud'1 Bay and 23 yeara at Fogo. Oo bia rctirerneat io 19.?6 be c:im~ to Bell Jala~. where be op:ncd bu io.n. •r1ic Idle Mr. Shan ruj '>ycd' the c1kcm aod re· •?:cl.of • .ti who !.:new bl111. aod bi1 pu,in~ ia 11nccrcly m.:>urocd· bf a wide c trclctaf rrn:oda. Io J11ly of l.11t ycu he will compelled tu re· lloqui•h actl•c "or~ aod (pr the p:itl three moatba be bu bcco coo· 60~ lo bia tcd . B is daughter, Mrt. Georr,e lriah of Gr.incl Falla. WH p1c~cut at the cod. Bl1.1on, Mr. D. G. Shave, of the Nc"fu11adlaad­L:ibr01dor Eaport Company, at J!ogo wn her~ hu.t week oo a vialt to hla C.ilhcr during hl1 lllnea1. Oac other dauJ:hlcr 1univc1, lo the per· 'IOD of Mre. George Biacoclr, a t T oronto, io addilloo to three· eooa, ~csu1. William aod Llcwcllyo Shave, :it-Urookl~, New York, and Mr T. Ncl100 S ue, of lbe Poat Offi~. Wabana. 11 wife was (or. merly Min lube! Dui1, or Barbor Grae.:. To tlJ'C aorrowlog relati•c• t he .a.rmpathy of many frlcoda i1 extended lo their bercuemeot -Bell l aland Corrc1p.Jodeat in Daily Ne,.11. '

I • MR. TllO~A• STASL£Y. The death of au aged and re·

1peetcd resident or Bear'• Co•e, ia the peraon of Mr. Thomas Stqolcy, occurred a l bi1 home lhc1c abortly bcCore miclnigbt on Monday follow· log a lengthy illoe11. Tl.le de· ceued. who was eighty years of :ige, bad followed the 6aherlc• all h[a lire aad wae a "-'ell· known In· duatrioua citizco. Hia wire prccl ! · cca.~ed bt m by aomc three yean. Left to mooro hia p:ueiog arc fou r daui::htcra, Celia at home, Mrs Uarcy Davi• of Montreal. Mr1. Geo. Abbalt o f Prcaq ue, Maiac; :ind

.Mra. Alex. Simpton of Stanford. Coon. and two eoua George · of Greenwood ?Jan :ind Otto al Detroi t. Tile funeral waa held on · \Vedac1 day af~craoon aod w:is well attended. The urvic:c1 at th! Uoilcd Church aod Cemetery were conducted by lhe Rev. R. Vatc:ber. T o the 1orrowlog fam ily tile STANDARD cxleod1 It• ~ympatby. \


in aid of the

PRESENTATION CONVENT will bo held in tho

ACADEMY HALL {..., '( Ilarbor <1roco)



Good Prizes. Dainty Suppers. and

Latest Dance Hits' Admission 50 cents.

ICE CREAM Saturday,.

June 25th.·, I


Ice Cream Parl9r

will be open

for buaineu.

Let us Serve


and please ·




GRACE ST.ANDA.RD Sl1op·· Where You Are Invited to Shop..__


Mr. Tbomu 1''itzgcrald "enl lo S t . Jon'• oo of l:aat week to eater the General BoilQL.tal fo r treat meat.

Mr. Edward Moriaril1. aoa of Mr. aod Mre. E F. Moriarty. who la 1l11dyiag fo r tbc prlc•tbood aUdar1· knoll Seminary. Scarboro Bluff1. la at pre.cut apeodlng bla ncatloo with bl1 parcotL

Mr. J oaepb O' Brien arrivtd from Ne11• York lut week oo a vi1lt lo bla mother. MJ. Faoole O'Brico, Cathedral St.

Mr. William . Kcoocd7, aon of the late Mr. and Mra. Richard Ken t.. oedy, la al10 lo to"n from Ne" York. Mr. Kcoocdy la the gcacat of hla, Mra. Allee P11mphre1.

Re'• · G. S . .:rcmptetoa, who had been attcadiar l he Synod and Mre. Tcmpletoo, who had bffa aa a abort •i•il to St. Joha"a rel,arocd home oa Tue1d1y nea loj?.

Mr. W. A. 'f>Jncr, repreaeollnar lbc Fioandal Peet. waa !11 t owo ye•tfrd~1 oo a bualoeH •lilt. R~ s. Noel, of Foro Pariah.

who bad bcco attcadlar the S1aod, and Rn. Mcadua arrlwed htre wltb Caaoa Bowlttaad Mra. Boaltt ca \Ved11~da7 morala~ to attead tbe wcddtor of Rn. B:. ll'owlow. and returned to SL Joba'• la tbo alteraoon.

Mr. and Mra A. R. Ptndfoot of Bell hlaad. arrlnd here oa Taea da1 nealog Tia S t. Joh•'• aad are 111ut1 of Mr. aad allrL & L Oll:e.

Rn . E M. Dlahcp, who came hero oa Tucada1 for the Sheppard Fow· low wcddlog. left here b7 7cetuda7'• exprcaa oa hia r:lara to Graad Fal11.

Mr. W. R. Parmiler wu la St. Joho'a on Wediac11d:i1 oa a 1hort ba1lucn •lilt. . Mr. John Garland of Ayre aod Sooe, St. Jobo'a. c1me here by train on Tucaday Juoc 14th. to apcod hi1 bolida11 wit h hla uncle Mr. B. \Vella

Mill Ma'y Beckham, lcfl here by ye1lcrda1'• cxpreaa en route to Moolrcal, where abc wlll lo future realclc. Her many friend• regret her departure but will wi1b her every b .ippineu lo her new aphcre.

Mr Shure, who apeol laat aum­mcr in lbl1 vicinity ~llectlng booked male rcluraed la&t 1 \'l'eclc cod aod wlll eogagc lo ti.le ,aame bu1loe11 lhl1 year.

Mr. Chu, O' l{cere of Qraud Falla accompanied by blf little 100, i1 a t preaeol viailiag l '• falber, Mr. Michael O'Kcefc, of Bear'• Col'e.

Mr. F rank R. K•pocdy, 11 ho bad beeo leacbiog' atMay de Verde, re· luracd hero! JC'}lrday lo 1p:ad bi1 111mmer bolldaf•·

Cargo of Shell to be Shipped From Labrador.

Tbc Northern Pt>ducte Co .. who hold a cllarler front the Legislature for tbe cxclu1lve Jigbt l o export lime ahell Crom lhC• cont of Labra dor, have Gaaliztd aale of a cargo of abell which will bo 1hipped u 1000 aa the coast i1 open. Tl.I ii cargo will be 1eiit to Montreal where IL will be pr<o~cncd and the auitablllty of l be •b~'ll lor tbla. par: llcular market will be teated out. Tbc plans or lbc company for tbl1 1nmmcr'1 operation• ha•c been worked out aod laclude tbe 1blp meut of further -.,ea to Uoitcd Stales and Earop'r'""

Annual Meeting K. of C.

The aaoual meeting or Dallon Council, K. of C. wae held oo Snoday la~l, a large nomber ot membera bciog pre1ent. The rcport1 of l bc

'd.lffereat officer• were tend, l\nd 1bowcd the Council lo be a very alroog po1itioo, de.pile th: deprc• · 1iou lhl\l baa pret:iilcd lbrougbont the coubtry during the put coaplc of Jtar1. The election or offictra for lbc year waa held aod rc1ultcd u follow• :-

Cbaplalo, Re• . J . Boward. Grand Knight, M. P. Staplctoo. Deputy Gr:iod Koij!bt, A. J. Joac1. Cbaccellor, Jamea O'Brien. Recorder, W. M. O'Coouor. Fioaocial Secretary, M. T . Jooee. Treuurer, E. O. F reeman. Lecturer, J. M. Keooedy. Ad•oeatc. \V. G. Freeman. Warden, K. J. Tbomcy, Jo1ide Goard, R. Butler. Outaldc G11ard1, J. Bare, and T.

Kaoc, Truatec, T. D. Kcnoed7. Ph11lclao, Dr. G. A. Strapp.

The Coa•cll of Bigbcr Eduu.tloa Enminallou1 begio oo Monday at Coughlan Hall aod will coullouc all through the wcelc.

On Wednesdal Next

Jnne 29th; Secure Your

Forget-Me-Not To Wear On ·; JULY lat. -

PRICE- Whit JOU are pre­pared io 81Je ~ aa8fd Ule a.w.v .A. Jl81W rmid.

A Puzzle!


Why is it that so many people

pay their good money for flour

of indifferent quality when for

a few cents more. tlaey can buy

Being Busy When We are Offering Such Wonderful Values as the

Following. And Why ?

Selling Everything For Spot cash Is The s.ccret. THIS .WEEK'S OFFERINGS

Men's Shirts. Men's 85c Work Shirt's for ............ ·--·-·- 78c. Reg. $1.40 Broadcloth attached collars, size 14 ! only fo~ ................ 98c.

Reg. $1.90 Broadcloth attoched ~ollars, all size~ choice for ... _ ... $1.30.

Reg. $i.10 Broadcloth · with de1ached c9"ft(, in shades of blue, tan and white for ........ $1.60.

Reg $1.50 and $1.80 Fancy Shirts, neck band style, sizes 14. :ind 16 only for ................ 88c.

Reg. 6oc. Summer Un-derwear for ............ 50c.

Regular $1.00 medium weight Underwear for only .... ..... ............ ssc.

Regular 65c. Athletic Shirts only.-4Sc.

Boy's Broadcloth Shirts attached collars, sizes 12!, 13, 13!. and 14,1 for ........................ sac.

Ladies' Underwear.

Reg 25c Vests, Short S leeve for ........... 2oc.

Reg 45c " " " '' 39c. Reg 45c Strap Style for ............ ............ 36c.

Reg 65c Strap Style for ...................... - 54c.

Reg 9oc Silk Vests for only ..... ---·-- .68c.

Reg 75c Silk Bloomers non run for ............ 56c.

Reg S 1. 1 o Silk Bloo~­ers, non run for ...... 98c.

Regular S 1.35 Princess Slips, assorted shades . for - ...... ·-.... ·--$1.18.

$2.00 and $2.50 Black Slip, colored trimmed (job) for ............ $1.33

Reg S 1. 50 Corselettes for ............ --$1.39.-

Reg 6oc Brasiers for only ........................ 43c.

·Lady's Gloves. --Suede Lisle, fancy wrst, beautifully finished, 66c value for ................ 48c.

Dest Suede Finish.fancy Silk Cuffs, 7 5c value for ............ --·-62c-

Reg Sc. 1 o Colored ~ilk f(lr _ ................ sac.

Reg S r.40 Colored Silk for .. "':..... . ........... $1.08

Reg $1.35 Girdles, new style, for-•1.10.

Reg S c.50 Rayon"Night Robes, :i.ssorted shades, for ........ -·-$1.38· Baby's reg 3oc Rubber Pants for 24c. Reg 38c RLJbber Sheets for ··- ........ -~-.30c.

Sweaters. All Wool Fancy Coat Style, reg $3 90 value for ................... $2.90 Silk and Wool Fancy Coat Style reg $4.80 for ............. - .. -.$3.50.

RULERS 5c. 7c. and lOc. ERAZERS 2<". and 5 c:., Penholdere with Pen 6c., Be., lOc.

Men'• 20c Fancy Socks. 12c pr, or 3 pra for 30c

Towels. Reg. 2oc. Blea Towels large size sale price only ..... :: ................. 15c.

Reg. 3oc Col'd Turkish ; Sale price ............ 22c.

Reg 35c White Turkish Sale price ............ 29c.

Overalls. $1.00 He.avy Red Back for -- ............ 715c.

$1.30 Cragproof Over­alls for------$1.00

Boy's Overalls to fit 8 to 11 years for ........ 63c.

1 2 to 14 years_ .. _ e2c.

15 tc, 17 1years ........ esc Men's Caps

Reg $1.3ovalue .... 9Sc.

Reg $t70 val....$1.48

Reg $2.50, large sizes, for .................... $1.60 Reg $i.50 Tweed Pants for .... - .. $1.98 Boy's Khaki Play S uits 88c.,, 98c., • $1.1 o.

Hosiery Lady's 46c. color•d mer­ceri%ed, 10 shades, Sale price ....... ............ 33c. ,

Reg 6oc value .... 44c­

Lady's Reg 85c Fine Lisle for ......... : ..... 58c.

· Reg 6oc Colored Slik ,Hose for ..... ...: ... ~c.

Reg. 65c Open Work Silk Hose for ........ 53c.


Reg Sqo Silk Gordon Make for-$1.29' Reg f>_i.20 Fine Silk for ..... ·-·····-98c. Children's Reg 2oc col­ored for 16c. Children's Reg 25c col· ored for ................ 20c. Children's Reg 3oc col-ored for .. \ ............. 26c.

Poritively No Gooda on Approval. BALE STAR1·s AT 9 • · m. SHARP SATURDAY MORNING.


J 0 NE S-. ;,.. .