Download - Securing the Cloud Native Stack

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Apcera Confidential

Hector TapiaPrincipal Solutions Consultant

Securing the Cloud-Native Stack

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Software as a competitive advantage

Lots of people talk about these companies and use them as examples on how innovation disrupts the marketplace

• What does this innovative companies have in common?• Speed of innovation• Always-available services• Web Scale• Device-centric user experiences• Recover from failures quick

Cloud-native application architectures are key to enable the business model

that allowed these companies to obtain their disruptive character.


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Why Cloud-Native Application Architectures?

Speed Safety Scale

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Cloud Native Applications are Architected Differently

Two common examples of Cloud-Native Applications are:Twelve-factor Applications & MicroServices

• Every integration point will eventually fail one time or another• Be prepared to handle all kind of failures

• All functionality is published and consumed via Web Services

• Designed for Scale Out

• Break down the task, process requests asynchronously • Use messaging to decouple functionality• Eventual consistency model

• Build stateless services that can be scaled out and load balancedStateless Model

Asynchronous Processing

Horizontal Scalability

Handling Failures


Two common examples of Cloud-Native Applications are:Twelve-factor Applications & MicroServices


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• Codebase: One codebase tracked in revision control, many deploys• Dependencies: Explicitly declare and isolate dependencies• Config: Store config in the environment• Backing Services: Treat backing services as attached resources• Build, release, run: Strictly separate build and run stages• Processes: Execute the app as one or more stateless processes• Port Binding: Export services via port binding• Concurrency: Scale out via a process model• Disposability: Maximize robustness with fast startup and graceful shutdown• Dev/Prod parity: Keep development, staging, and production as similar as possible• Logs: Treat logs as event streams• Admin processes: Run admin/management tasks as one-off process

The twelve-factor app is a collection of patterns for Cloud-Native Application Architectures


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Is a way of designing software applications as suites of

independently deployable services

Wall-E Copyright Disney/Pixar

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• New requirements for Developers and Operations

• Fast, tested, fail safe, small changes continuously deployed to production

• Measure, share visibility and provide feedback of users to business, continuously.

• Small experiments, test assumptions, fail fast and learn!

How to get Cloud-Native?


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Most build software for Innovation and Differentiation

75% By 2020, 75% of Application Purchases supporting digital

business will be “Build”, not “Buy”.

Forecast Analysis: Enterprise Application Software, Worldwide, 2Q15 Update

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But innovation doesn’t come without riskRecent Hack Attacks


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Programing languages frameworks and libraries that comprise applications

Code deployment pipelines, automation and configuration management frameworks, container and infrastructure management

Tools which automatically run and manage jobs, containers and hosts in a cluster

Tools enabling an application or service to discover information about its environment and other components needed to form a larger system

Specification and execution engine for operating system level virtualization for running multiple isolated Linux systems

Lightweight operating system to manage compute resources necessary to deploy application in containers

Emulated physical compute, network and storage resources that are the basis for Cloud-based architectures

Physical servers, switches, routers and storage arrays that occupy the Datacenter


Workflow / Management

Orchestration: Scheduling & Cluster Management

Service Discovery

Container Engine

Minimal OS

Virtual Infrastructure

Physical Infrastructure




The Cloud-Native Stack - Taxonomy


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Programing languages frameworks and libraries that comprise applications

Code deployment pipelines, automation and configuration management frameworks, container and infrastructure management

Tools which automatically run and manage jobs, containers and hosts in a cluster

Tools enabling an application or service to discover information about its environment and other components needed to form a larger system

Specification and execution engine for operating system level virtualization for running multiple isolated Linux systems

Lightweight operating system to manage compute resources necessary to deploy application in containers

Emulated physical compute, network and storage resources that are the basis for Cloud-based architectures

Physical servers, switches, routers and storage arrays that occupy the Datacenter


Workflow / Management

Orchestration: Scheduling & Cluster Management

Service Discovery

Container Engine

Minimal OS

Virtual Infrastructure

Physical Infrastructure

The Cloud-Native Stack - Where it has to be secured?

• Authentication mechanism

• Policy changes• Resource usage

(Memory, CPU, IO)• Networking (Ingress &

Egress)• Service user• Data use• Staging pipelines• Package selection• Execution location• Workload deployment

and changes

How Much {

Who {

What {Which {Where {


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Not everybody is ready, not everything is Cloud-Native

Cloud Native Originated in Customer-facing Tech Companies


Customer-Facing Tech

• Spend 20%+ of revenue on R&D

• Employ highly paid developers

• Internet-scale

• Technology is their business

Traditional Enterprises

• Spend 2-4% of revenue on R&D

• Employ “normal” people

• Enterprise-scale

• Thousands of apps

• Technology seen as a tax

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There are many places in the New Cloud Native Architecture where Governance is needed

Load BalancerHTTP/S & TCP


Order Management UI

Browse Products UI

Account Management UI

Checkout UI

Customer Profile Service

Catalog Service

Order Service

Payment Service





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There are many places in the New Cloud Native Architecture where Governance is needed

Load BalancerHTTP/S & TCP


Order Management UI

Browse Products UI

Account Management UI

Checkout UI

Customer Profile Service

Catalog Service

Order Service

Payment Service




What Users and IP addresses can come

into the Cluster?

What Packages can be used to deploy to


What Docker images can be used? What


What workload can communicate with other workloads?

Which workloads can egress? What external services?

What services can the workload bind


What resources can each workload have? Where can they be scheduled?


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