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  • Received July 21, 2017, accepted September 7, 2017, date of publication September 13, 2017,date of current version September 27, 2017.

    Digital Object Identifier 10.1109/ACCESS.2017.2752002

    Secure Duobinary Signal Transmission inOptical Communication Networks forHigh Performance & ReliabilityFARHAN QAMAR1, MUHAMMAD KHAWAR ISLAM2, SYED ZAFAR ALI SHAH3,ROMANA FARHAN4, MUDASSAR ALI11Department of Telecommunication Engineering, University of Engineering and Technology, Taxila, Taxila 47050, Pakistan2Department of Electrical Engineering, Taibah University, Al Madinah Al Munawarah 41477, Saudi Arabia3Department of Electrical Engineering, Air University, E-9 Islamabad, Pakistan4Department of Computer Engineering, University of Engineering and Technology, Taxila, Taxila 47050, Pakistan

    Corresponding author: Farhan Qamar ([email protected])

    This work was supported by the UET, TAXILA under Grant UET/ASR&TD/RG-357.

    ABSTRACT A numerical study is presented in this paper based on semiconductor laser chaos generationwhich is being used to hide multi-level data signal, i.e., duo-binary message to take the advantage of secureenvironment & higher data rates at the same time. Duobinary message is generated by using the combinationof duobinary precoder, duobinary generator & RZ/NRZ pulse generator. Laser rate equations are used tomodel chaos generation through semiconductor laser whereas message is made secured by hiding it throughchaos masking scheme. Propagation of chaos hiding the multi-format message is studied for long distancecommunication model. Synchronization between transmitter & receiver is achieved to obtain the acceptableeye-diagrams & quality factor (Q-factor). Q-factor is function of optical signal to noise ratio (OSNR) thatgives a qualitative performance of receiver. It provides the minimum SNR to obtain specific bit error rate ofsignal. A comparison is madewith&without deployment of chaosmasking scheme on RZ&NRZ duobinaryoptical system to observe the penalty in terms of Q-factor. In addition, response of amplifier on chaotic signaldue to its nonlinearities is investigated by varying the gain of amplifier.

    INDEX TERMS Duobinary modulation format, Semi-conductor lasers, Chaos synchronization, Chaosmessage masking, Optical amplifier, DCF (Dispersion Compensation Fiber), Long haul.

    I. INTRODUCTIONNow-a-days, telecom networks are going through varioustechnological changes to support huge data traffic. Newlydeveloped technologies & applications such as internet ser-vices, interactive games, telemedicine, large-scale comput-ing, IPTV etc along with existing video and voice servicesare making traffic enormous day by day. In this situation,the concept of multi-data formats has gained the attention ofresearchers to efficiently utilize the bandwidth of channel [1].

    Duobinary, type of multi-level format, is a proficient opti-cal modulation scheme which is the area of interest due toits increased spectral efficiency. It is being used to increasethe channel capacity by improving the bandwidth utilization.Its simplicity of implementation, tolerance to high chromaticdispersion [2] & increased spectral efficiency [3] are some ofthe attractive features which can be used in long haul com-munication [4]. Although the concept of using duo-binarymodulation scheme in long haul optical communication is

    already deployed [5]–[7] but the security issues explicit tothese formats are still need to be studied in detail. In thispaper, we analyzed & addressed the security features for thefirst time in multi-level format i.e. Duobinary.

    Due to some important features of chaotic waveformsuch as noise-like time domain signal and broad spectrum,chaos communication can be used for secure communica-tion [8]–[15]. An attacker, who can get the modulated chaoticsignal, cannot interpret the information without knowing theoriginal chaotic signal produced by the chaotic sources.Manyimportant discoveries are made in recent years in the fieldof optical chaos generation [16]. Potential sources whichare being used to generate chaos includes Semiconductorlasers [17]–[23], Semiconductor ring lasers [24], Erbiumdoped fiber ring lasers [25], [26], Vertical cavity surfaceemitting Lasers [27], [28], Random feedback fiber distributedlasers [29], Optoelectronic oscillators [30], [31] etc. Of thesechaotic sources semiconductor lasers are most commonly

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  • F. Qamar et al.: Secure Duobinary Signal Transmission in Optical Communication Networks

    used in the field of secure optical communication when highbandwidth chaos is intended. As multi-level formats are suit-able for high data rates so our proposed study gives an idea toensure the security of multi-level formats by using semicon-ductor chaotic lasers. Major contributions of this paper are asfollow:

    1. This is the first time that we combined the advantagesof chaos masking & duobinary schemes (multi-levelformat) to take the advantage of security & high datarate at the same time.

    2. Performance comparison of RZ-duobinary &NRZ-duobinary format is done when both are used inchaotic environment.

    3. Amplifier response on chaotic signal due to its nonlin-earities is investigated by varying the gain of amplifieraccording to different lengths of optical fiber.

    4. Also, a complete step by step approach can be seenin our paper starting from duobinary signal generation,security feature addition, effects of channel & amplifieron chaotic signal & finally the retrieval of originalmessage from chaos.

    This paper is arranged in following sections. Section-Icomprises introduction of paper. Section-II covers mathemat-ical model, operating parameters & their values. Section-IIIshows proposed setup for simulations. Results & discus-sions are included in Section-IV. Finally, paper is concludedin Section-V.

    II. MATHEMATICAL MODELThree schemes which are used to make signal secure arechaos masking scheme (CMS), chaos shift keying (CSK) &chaos modulation (CM). The performance comparison ofthese three schemes can be seen in Table 1.

    TABLE 1. Performance comparison of message encoding schemes.

    As our goal is to design low cost efficient secure systemfor long haul communication so CMS is chosen among thethree. The basic chaotic communication model using CMS isshown in Fig. 1. In this scheme, the message m(t) is simplyadded to the chaotic waveform c(t) generated by semicon-ductor laser & then transmitted over channel. The transmittedchaotic waveform is similar to noise signal n(t) which hidesmessage in it. At the receiving side, the original messagem(t)is recovered by subtracting chaos produced by the locally

    FIGURE 1. Basic CMS communication model.

    available chaotic laser. Mathematically this model can beexpressed as,

    n (t) = m (t)+ c(t) (1)

    r (t) = n (t)− c(t) (2)

    r (t) = [m (t)+ c (t)]− c(t) (3)

    r (t) = m(t) (4)

    Where, n(t) is transmitted signal and r(t) is received signal.The essence of secure optical communication by using

    chaos particularly in CMS lies in the fact that two spatiallydeployed chaotic lasers must be synchronized with eachother [37], [38]. Synchronization of chaotic lasers is theirregular optical pulses evolution of the transmitter side laserthat is well reproduced by the receiver side laser in similarfashion. In our study, this task is achieved by closelymatchingthe parameters of these two chaotic lasers. Also, the operatingconditions of both the lasers are also kept same for perfectsynchronization.

    Chaos produced through this model is of pulsating naturewhich exhibits more chaotic behavior as compared to non-pulsating chaos. The degree of chaos is measured by calculat-ing Lyapunov exponents, which shows greater values towardspositive side for the pulsating chaos [39]. As the larger valuesof Lyapunov exponents (towards positive side) show moreinstability in system so on this basis we can suggest that thegenerated chaos is highly unpredictable. Optical chaos gener-ated by semiconductor laser can be represented by followinglaser rate equations [40]:


    Jed− G (n) S −



    dSdt= G (n) S −

    Sτph+ βsp



    In eq (5), ‘n’ is the concentration of carrier, ‘J ’ is the injectioncurrent density (in active layer it is electric current flowingper unit area), ‘e’ represents the elementary charge, ‘d’ is thethickness of active layer. ‘G (n)’ defines the mode amplifica-tion rate due to stimulated emission & ‘τn’ is carrier lifetime.

    Where as in eq (6), ‘S’ is photon density, ‘τph’ representsphoton lifetime, ‘βsp’ defines coupling factor due to sponta-neous emission & ‘τr ’ is the radiative recombination lifetimedue to the spontaneous emission. Eq (5) can be written as:






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  • F. Qamar et al.: Secure Duobinary Signal Transmission in Optical Communication Networks

    FIGURE 2. Chaotic optical communication model using duobinary format.

    FIGURE 3. Duobinary message with data rate 10GB/s.

    Where n = N/Va and ‘N ’ is the number of carriers in activelayer. ‘Va’ is the volume of active layer. By solving eq (7)


    [Ie− g (n) 0aN ph −



    In eq (8), ‘I’ is the injection current that is flowing throughthe active layer. ‘Nph’ are the number of photons. ‘g (n)’ rep-resents the amplification rate due to the stimulated emissionin the active layer.

    =I/Vae− g (n)





    Where, 0a= V a/Vm.By solving eq (9)

    =Jed− g (n) s−



    Now, modifying eq (6)







    [g (n) 0aN ph −

    Nphτph+ βsp



    = g (n) 0aNphVm−Nph/Vmτph

    + βspN/Vmτr


    = g (n) s0a −sτph+ 0aβsp



    FIGURE 4. (a). Time domain plot of generated chaos. (b). Time domainplot of generated chaos on larger scale.

    Eq (10) & Eq (14) are the required solved rate equations forproducing chaos through semiconductor lasers. Parameters &their values which are used in this setup to control chaos aregiven in Table 2 and Table 3 respectively:

    Duobinary modulation scheme is actually a combinationof two shift keying techniques, amplitude shift keying (ASK)and phase shift keying (PSK) [2]. This scheme can transmitR bits/sec signal data rates using less than R/2 Hz ofbandwidth. As the Nyquist theorem suggests that minimum

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  • F. Qamar et al.: Secure Duobinary Signal Transmission in Optical Communication Networks

    FIGURE 5. (a). Duobinary message generated by transmitter. (b). Chaoticwaveform hiding duobinary message.

    TABLE 2. Physical parameters of chaotic laser.

    TABLE 3. Operating parameters of chaotic laser.

    bandwidth required to transmit R bits/sec is R/2 Hz with nointer-symbol interference (ISI). This shows that duobinarypulses will have the ISI but in such a way that it will beinduced in controlled manner to recover the original signal.

    FIGURE 6. (a). Optical spectrum of duobinary message. (b). Opticalspectrum of chaos embedding duobinary message.

    In duobinary modulation scheme the modulator drive sig-nal can be produced by adding one bit delayed data to thepresent data bit which give rise to three levels i.e 0, 1, and 2.A similar effect can be achieved by using a low-pass filter tothe signal having binary values. Optical duobinary modula-tion is obtained by 100% over-driving a Mach-Zehnder mod-ulator with the duobinary encoded electrical signal. In thisway, level 0 and 2 allow 100% transmission with oppositeoptical phases while level 1 allows 0% transmission. Thisthree- level signal can be demodulated by using an opticaldirect detection receiver into a binary signal again. The mainadvantage of this correlative electrical signal encoding isthat the duobinary modulated optical signals have narrowerbandwidth compared to the binary NRZ modulated signals.As a result, the effect of optical fiber dispersion is reduced andthus will be feasible in long haul or ultra dense wavelengthdivision multiplexing (WDM) systems applications.

    Transmitted signal can be represented by the followingequation [2].

    x (t) =∑∞

    k=−∞dkq (t− kt) , dk = 0, 1 (15)

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    FIGURE 7. (a). Transmitted vs. received chaos without synchronization.(b). Transmitted vs. received chaos after synchronization & delaymatching.

    Where, dk is data bits, q(t) is transmitted pulse, and (T = 1/R)is bit period

    q(kT) =

    {1 if K = 0, 10 otherwise

    Transmitted pulse will be overlapping in time domain dueto ISI, narrowing the pulse spectrum.

    Now, the duobinary pulse affected by ISI can be written as,

    x(t) =∑∞

    k=−∞Ckq(t− kt) (16)

    III. PROPOSED SCHEMEThe proposed scheme for chaos masking of duobinary signalis shown in Fig. 2. Duobinary generator is used to convertdata into duobinary pulses coming from data source. Precoderensures the data integrity by making it error free. Semicon-ductor chaotic laser is driven into chaotic mode to generatechaos. A semiconductor laser at the receiver end seeded bythe transmitted chaos is driven under the same parametersto generate identical chaos for synchronization of transmitterand receiver. The duobinary signal is recovered from chaosthrough subtraction rule. The link consisting of SMF-28 is

    FIGURE 8. Transmitted signal vs. received Signal.

    TABLE 4. Operating parameters of duo-binary model.

    varied from 110 to 170 km to investigate the system perfor-mance. An erbium doped fiber amplifier (EDFA) with con-trollable gain and DCF of appropriate length is used for lossmanagement and dispersion compensation of the broadenedpulses. Direct detection optical receiver is used at the end toreceive the signal. Table 4 shows the operating parameters ofour proposed scheme.

    IV. RESULTS & DISCUSSIONSimulations and analysis are made by usingOptisystem 14.0 & MATLAB respectively. First of all, prop-agation of NRZ-duobinary format is analyzed due to itsincreased efficiency over RZ. The input NRZ-duobinarycodedmessage at the rate of 10Gb/sec is shown in Fig. 3. Thismessage is 3-level & fed to the modulator in order to convertit to the 2-level optical signal. A continuous wave (CW) laseris used for this purpose whose power is set to 20dBm andwhich operates at 1550nm.

    At the next level this optical signal is mixed with chaoticwaveform generated by chaotic laser. The chaotic wave-form and their zoomed plots before mixing with duobinary

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    FIGURE 9. Amplifier response on chaotic waveform at different SMF lengths & corresponding gains. a) 22dB. b) 30dB. c) 34dB.

    FIGURE 10. Eye-diagram of duobinary signal at different SMF length. a) 110 Km. b) 150 km. c) 170Km.

    message can be seen in Fig. 4(a) and Fig. 4(b) respectively.The duobinary message shown in Fig. 5(a) is embedded inchaos through CMS. The power of chaotic laser is also set to20dBm & it also operates at 1550nm in order to hide the sig-nal completely. The resultant noise-like waveform producedafter masking duobinary message with chaotic waveform canbe seen in Fig. 5(b).

    The effect of introducing security feature in duobinarymessage using chaos can also be seen by analyzing the opticalspectrums of original duobinary message and chaos embed-ding duobinarymessage. Fig. 6(a) shows the optical spectrumof duobinary message at the transmitter side before mixing itwith chaotic waveform. Fig. 6(b) shows the total change inspectrum due to applied chaos which is not discernible forthe intruders.

    The transmitted chaos after propagation through the chan-nel gets deteriorated as it is evident from the scatter plotbetween transmitted and received chaos shown in Fig. 7(a).After adjusting the amplifier gain, insertion of appropriatelength of DCF and handling the delay corresponding to linkparameters, the improved scatter plot between transmittedand received chaos is shown in Fig. 7(b).

    The final message retrieved by the receiver after subtract-ing chaos can be seen in Fig. 8.Waveform shown in Fig. 8 canbe compared with the waveform of original message alsoshown in Fig. (5a).

    Response of amplifier can be seen by taking the scatter-plots between the transmitted chaos through amplifier and itsoutput. The response is plotted for the three different lengthsof SMF-28 which are used in our setup i.e 110km, 150kmand 170km. The power of laser is set to 20dBm for allthe three lengths whereas the gain of amplifier is adjustedaccording to the length of fiber by taking the standard valueof loss as 0.2dB/km. Fig. 9 shows that the increase in gain ofamplifier also increases the effect of nonlinearties in amplifierwhich makes the signal distorted. The reason behind the dis-tortion is that as the amplifier amplifies the optical signal, theamplitude of signal increases which undergoes the Kerr effectresulting in the increase of nonlinearties of the amplifier.The effect of amplifier nonlinearities has been studied in ourprevious work [41].

    The eye-diagrams for different lengths of fiber are depictedin Fig. 10. The eye-opening decreases due to link and ampli-fier impairments incurred with the increase in fiber length.

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    FIGURE 11. Q-factor vs Length of fiber.

    The eye-diagram up to fiber length of 110 km shows suitableresults at the receiver side as compared to the 150km and170km lengths of fiber.

    The Q-factor as a function of fiber length is shownin Fig. 11. Fig. 11 clearly shows that as the length increasesfrom 110Km, there is drastic decrease in Q-factor. This isbecause the linear impairments are easily controlled but thenon-linear impairments such as amplifier and fiber non-linearities cannot be fully avoided which results in drasticdrop of Q-factor with the increase in fiber length. A com-parison is also shown in this figure between the NRZ/RZduobinary systems with & without the deployment of CMS.Results show that CMS resulted in penalty of Q-factor. Also,NRZ-duobinary showed better performance thanRZ-duobinary when used in combination with CMS.

    V. CONCLUSIONIn this paper, we demonstrated the security implementa-tion of multilevel data format by explicitly targeting theduobinary modulation format due to its increased efficiencyas compared to simple RZ & NRZ. By implementing ourproposed scheme, we have not only taken the benefit ofincreased throughput of communication system but alsomadeit secured at the same time. Thus, our work gives detailedview of implementation of secure duobinary optical commu-nication system, starting from duobinay message generationtill restoration of original message at the receiver side afterits transmission over the optical fiber in chaotic waveformwhich ensures its security & integrity. Duobinary messageis added to the chaotic waveform generated by the chaoticlaser through message masking scheme due to the simplicityof this scheme. The chaotically masked duobinary signal istransmitted over different SMF lengths i.e.110 km, 150 kmand 170 km. An analysis is made for RZ/NRZ-duobinary sig-nal deviation with the link parameters before and after apply-ing CMS. Synchronization is successfully achieved betweentransmitter & receiver by matching the physical & operatingparameters of chaotic lasers at transmitting & receiving side.Dispersion compensation fiber is used to nullify the disper-sion effects before synchronizing and subtracting the receiverchaos to recover the duobinary signal. Optical amplifier is

    used to increase the optical fiber length& effect of amplifier’snonlinearities on chaotic waveform propagation to limit thefiber length, is observed by increasing the gain of amplifierw.r.t fiber length. The future work will include higher ordermodulation schemes i.e QAM & OFDM with other chaosmessage encoding schemes to ensure transmission of highdata rates in secure environment.

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    FARHAN QAMAR received the B.Sc. degreein computer engineering and the M.Sc. degreein telecommunication engineering from theUniversity of Engineering and Technology,Taxila, Pakistan. He was with different sections ofHuawei and Mobilink for over seven years. He iscurrently an Assistant Professor with the TelecomEngineering Department, UET, Taxila, where heis also acting as the Principal Investigator with theAdvance Optical Communication Group. His area

    of interest includes chaos communication, optical networks, 5g networks,advance modulation formats, and radio over fiber.

    MUHAMMAD KHAWAR ISLAM received theB.Sc. degree (Hons.) in engineering from AJKUniversity, the Ph.D. and B.Eng.Sci. degrees fromthe University of New South Wales, Sydney,Australia. He was a Research Fellow with theOptoelectronic Research Centre, City Universityof Hong Kong. He is currently a Professor with theFaculty of Department of Electrical Engineering,Taibah University, Al Madinah Al Munawarah,Saudi Arabia. He was on trapping solitons in fiber

    Bragg gratings and secure optical communication-based on chaotic fiberlasers. He has co-authored over 60 publications in reputed Journals andpeer-reviewed conferences. His research interests include solitons, chaos,high-speed optical communication systems and networks, secure opticalcommunication systems, optical amplifiers, fiber lasers and antenna.

    SYED ZAFAR ALI SHAH received the from the University of Engineering andTechnology, Taxila, Paksitan. He has also involvedon neural networks-based pattern recognitionbesides. He is currently an Assistant Professorwith the Faculty of Department of Electrical Engi-neering, Airs University, Pakistan. His area ofresearch is Optical Chaos Generation and Control.He has done publications on fiber laser chaos gen-eration, enhancement, propagation, and DWDMchaos issues.

    ROMANA FARHAN received the B.Sc Eng.and M.Sc. Eng. degrees in computer engineeringfrom the University of Engineering and Technol-ogy (UET), Taxila, Pakistan, in 2008 and 2011,respectively. She is currently pursuing the with the Department of Computer Engi-neering, UET, Taxila, Pakistan. Her research inter-ests include network and system security withfocus on wireless security.

    MUDASSAR ALI received the B.S. degree in com-puter engineering and the M.S. degree in tele-com engineering, in 2006 and 2010, respectively,and the Ph.D. degree from the School of Electri-cal Engineering and Computer Science, NationalUniversity of Sciences and Technology, Pakistan,in 2017. University of Engineering and Tech-nology, Taxila, Pakistan, with a major in wire-less communication. From 2006 to 2007, he wasa Network Performance Engineer with Mobilink

    (An Orascom Telecom Company). From 2008 to 2012, he was a SeniorEngineer Radio Access Network Optimization with Zong (A China MobileCompany). Since 2012, he is currently an Assistant Professor with theTelecom Engineering Department, University of Engineering and Technol-ogy, Taxila, Pakistan. His research interests include 5G wireless systems,heterogeneous networks, interference coordination, and energy efficiencyin 5G green heterogeneous networks.

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