Download - Section 2: The Master Key reference/note Guide

Page 1: Section 2: The Master Key reference/note Guide
Page 2: Section 2: The Master Key reference/note Guide


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Page 3: Section 2: The Master Key reference/note Guide

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Page 4: Section 2: The Master Key reference/note Guide




f The Revelation of Je'-sus Chrisr,I which God gave unto him, to shewunto his servants things which mustshortly come to pass; and he sent andsigrified it by his angel unto his ser-vant John:

2 Who bare record of the word ofGod, and of the testimony of Je'-susChrist, and of all things that he saw.

3 Blessed is he that readeth, andthey that hear the words of thisprophecy, and keep those thingswhich are written therein: for the timeis at hand. .J

4 John to the seven churches whichare in A'-sia: Grace be unto you, andpeace, from him which ls, and whichwas, and which is to come; and fromthe seven Spir'-its which are before histhrone; - " .l

5 And from Je'-sus Christ, who isthe faithful witness, ond the first be-gotten of the dead, and the prince ofthe kings of the earth, Unto him thatloved us, and washed us from our sinsin his own blood, I

6 And hath made us kings andpriests unto God and his Father;to himbe glory and dominion for ever andever, A -men ,

7 Behold, he cometh with clouds;and every eye shall see him, and theyolso which pierced him: and all kin-dreds of the earth shall wail because

8 . ;',:i :.' . -; :' .- -.:., . ::^ t' '.',.r r,:: i,-::. i i't.i i ii r-: i:tl iir ii i,:. Saith the LOfd,which is, and which was, and which isto come, the Almighty,

9lJo]g,who also am your brother,

and companion in tribulation, and inthe kingdom and patience of Je'-susChrist, was in the isle that is calledPat'-mos, for the word of God, and forthe testimony of Je'-sus Christ.

10 I was in the Spir'-it on the Lord'sday, and heard behind me a greatvoice, as of a trumpet,

llSavjne, I am-AlrPtra antl -O-me'-ga, the first and the last: :

and, What thou seest, write in a 'book, and send it unto the seven '

churches which are in A'-sia; unto ,

Eph'-e-sus, and unto Smyr''na, andunto Per'-ga-rnos, and unto ThY'a'ti'-ra, and unto Sar'-dis, and unto '

Phil-a-del'-phi-a, and unto La-od'i-ce'-a, | '.

12 And I turned to see the voicethat sBake with me. And beingtumed, I saw seven golden candle-stieks; : '--.,-.,)

13 And in the midst of the seveneandlestieks one like unto the Son ofman, elothcdwith a gannent downtothe foot, and Sfi about the paps w'ith '

a golden gltdle.14 His head and his hairs werc

white like wool, as white as snow; andhis eyes wer€ as a flame of fire;

15 And his feet like unto finebrass, as if they bumed in a furnaee;and his voiee as the sound of many

16 And he had in his right handseven stars: and out of his mouth wenta sharp twoedged swordt and hiscountenance was as the sun shineth inhis strength. ! ._. --._.

* _ '-.11

- -llfeet as dead. And he laid his right handupon me, saying unto me, Fear not; Iam the first and the last:

18 I om he that liveth, and was dead;

, and, behold, I am alive for evermore,, A'-men; and have the keys of hell and

, ofdeath.i 19 Write the things which thou, hast seen, and the things which are,

, &rd the things which shall be here-

' after; F Ii 20 The mystery of the seven stars, which thou sawest in my right hand,: aod the seven golden candlesticks.

The sevdn stars are the angels of theseven churches: and the seven candle-sticls which thou sawest are the sevenchurches.

e -{WT &4ee; @ Uf'''''@ 4/e

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tlnqfuL' "(c.,+i,rl. Rn.)^-thtfr iy{*t*.*{/ yt 4oo

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\ W-fmTilM,iltilJ {lur rl, cffrd,,

Page 6: Section 2: The Master Key reference/note Guide


W-&x N,,$tl, -L.(- {}NdB Sm ftJ D 7,.{a\ A r i ln ,-.1 i t irt-',|^*

/*+')' 0,,,*, CI ;V+*E , J b,,u*tte f]i*y"n il"_-(:'[J'I 1T t_ i { \ir'u\-J ,', ,' ,)- , ^t ,, . ,* ii t

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na, jtm#g ,&'r,qa $a ,sr\*'{;- h*':Lrrt;t-e#lla p.rnyt?*_ffff xlrq,s *<H., /-l r 1

;,tr.T&**', # L ffi w Xr,w;,,",fffi,tfiY * a*&1 #r*-'l i I de{J''l;.i'{$"}A',I*m hte ft\e'ML,W,VUt, &4), iv', tA !+--t'-r t*)'td',

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Page 7: Section 2: The Master Key reference/note Guide


: ,2 r LL,'w{)i;rJtilt- elqLty)TAilb?#3,ffi'1 , '

#4nqa,,,* tuqlii y{ rntr*i}tnrr} M,

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'll f, i\I l\!- lnuu,ff) v*uilL utl t,tlfltl,

A ^^ , \lllt_ j {L- ri tu4trvff"tt ffi-ili

Wnly;,fu!" n^j,br-{ */ ip r&,fldiriz;I+E fifdlJ' flifra;t-l1-{tfull, crti,,l {itlti/Lw,frr-- ,. n..,r-fr*u mALf 'rl ,uJnLntl,ll ,h,t*#,4 ,

/l ',7 TJ

MN, ty # A W G h,#"# nlrud d* c,Lr* w#t,w4tlL o ffin Er,\tliL. Ll I 1 W $,Ni A,sin, rtwfi,tra-'t t,)^*;; t6 r-,i*, j*{r-t-/furwd-/r*,

Ht5 fuC jilu jyw"t, ;ifi.,I 4* t,ytrr-iu;tnatL,

WL*" a,v-tl,*- ctt*t+i.t *oiot1 ,r-Ffuo,Atwr, ffi** fi,ur" H{5 nrU*l,L*,},frtt i,il $ M,rfl, g*-u i-ffi at"*Mail S;tc Rt,

.LCrfui-\ "

Page 8: Section 2: The Master Key reference/note Guide

; rr-o DilatL:tq aiRLfo .TIBf,.ID ?

{ u'4\kh ilr,r+il'wTtL UL"lt,il G* AW* {/ril,/Ln#,tr A.Aitwixt{l, nntil t)r-tuL iM64N, cl44t-

{^:{L6*nf UM tldrlahfre lJl5 n-e+rl.a- ,)ffi*ffi" n*ru rt {yarud&u,

-{ryt{*u[:t\ 4 ,lnloht r

f\*t t rn h A W8 y"t #+t"{ :r;* li,lt h&n tr{ lJ-n4fL; W-,

@ W,{,,IJ: l*^, u ,

"U/*'fuwq@ 1':@, a,wt" Ml ./ t h,Lr rvtl*d I rtvtt 4t-,no{/ A}W iwi t-l' furylM,b {+pl #O, tuW, Yuq t vu,

a-]*f,r,, apului tld r-r-i,;uo/ ildLL, M, I r,

,{r"C m *w*frM-,1* H{5 furf ,tL rtCj*rlJnn- r4 n- , tt'<*f^', - i,,* in - L n^ {: ^ ,1 /thtt*yt, H t ::'njnirf {,u,t4fr t'6L{L&r} rntz, er,,fi_tV]ill i tAtll.TJrL filrLf c*"L'tl,a fuff: f*NL

--t t,..l--T*-. il , i.i i! ^ n

--nl ,] lt t 'r,r. I ,, t'l h)ydiatjlrb{,L#lM dL Itr tlL }t:t+t L,_bLu ,

vffi , I *rY: * tA'*|rt -ilr'ur, fr,rrrfi u*lt dj44r{ {+lfuvtl*t*r Ht*rL? #t i\ }}-utrA. fi,u}, ilf

Page 9: Section 2: The Master Key reference/note Guide

--TUnto the angel of the church of4 Eph'-e-sus write; These thingssaith.he that holdeth the seven starsin his right hand, who walketh in themidst of the seven golden candle'sticks; r- :"

? I know thy works, and W labour,and thy patience, and how thou canstnot bear them which are evil: and thouhast tried them which say they Areaposfles, and are not, and hast foundthem liars: ,"'-,

3 And hast bome, and hast Patience'and formy name's sake hast laboured,and hast not fainted.

4 Nevertheless I have somewhatagainst thee, because thou hast left thvfirst love.

5 Remember therefore fromwhence thou art fallen, and rePent,and do the flrst works; or else I willcome unto thee quicklu and will re'move thy candlestick out of his place,

exceptthou repent.6 But this thou hast, that thou hatest

the deeds of the I'[ieo-la-i'-tans, whichI also hate,

? tlethat hath an ear, let him hear

churches; To him that overcomethwill I give to eat of the tree of life,which is in the midst of the paradiseof God. o

I And unto the angel of the churchin Smy/-na write;These things saiththe first and the last, which was dead,and is alive; ro


I I know thy works, and tribulation,and poverty, (but thou art rich) and IIenow the blasphemy of them whichsay they are Jews, and are not, but orethe synagogue of Sa'-tan.

10 Fear none of those things whichthou shalt suffer: behold, the devilshall cast some of you into prison, thatye may be tried; and ye shall havetribulation ten days: be thou faithfulunto death, and I will give thee acrown of life. l.:*... .-.--

11 He that hath an ear, let him hearwhat the Spir'-it saith unto thechurches; He that overcometh shallnot be hurt ofthe second death.

12 And to the angel of the church inPet'-ga-mos write; These things saithhe which hath the sharp sword withtwo edges; l

Twr/4'1@l5l know thy works, and where

thou dwelle st, evenwhere Sa'-tan'sseat is: and thou holdest fast mYname, and hast not denied mY faith'even in those daYs wherein An''ti-pas wos my faithful martyr, whowas slain among you, where Saltandwelleth. : -..-.-

14 But I have a few things againstthee, because thou hast there themthat hold the doctrine of Ba''laam,whotaught Ba'-lacto cast a stumbling'block before the children of Is''ra'el,to eat things sacrificed unto idols, andto commit fornication, :

15 So hast thou also them that hold

the dochine of the ff1s-e:Iaffians,which thing I hate. :,- "

16 Repent; or else I will come untothee quickly, and will fight againstthem with the sword of mY mouth,

1? He that hath an ear, let him hearwhat the SPir'-it saith unto thechurches; To him that overcometh willI giveto eat of the hiddenman''na, and

wiUsive him awhite stone, and in thestone a new name written; which no

man knoweth saving he that receiv'eth it.

18 And unto the angel of the churchin Thy-a-ti'-ra write; These things saiththe Son of God, who hath his eYes likeunto a flame of fire, and his feet arelike fine brass;

191 know thy works, and charitY'and service, and faith, and thY Pa'tience, and thY works; and the last tobe more than the first. l

20 Notwithstanding I have a fewthings against thee, because thou suf-fereit that woman Jez''e'bel, whichcalleth herself a prophetess, to teach

and to seduce mY servants to commitfomication, and to eat things sacri'ficed unto idols. :

21 And I gave her space to repentof her fornicatiou and she repentednot.

22 Behold, I will cast her into a bed,.

and them that commit adultery withher into Seat tribulation, except theyrepent of their deeds.

2g ena I will kill her children withdeath; and all the churches shallknow that I am he which searcheththe reins and hearts: and I will give

unto every one of You according toyourworks. i -


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nrC L AuT,

-2]4-Bufunh you I say, and unto therest in Thy-a-ti4-ra, as many as havenot this doctrine, and which have not

keepeth my works unto the end, tohim will I give power over the na-

X? And he shall rule them with a rodof irou as the vessels of a potter shallthey be broken to shivers: even as IreceivedofmyFather :. --* j

28 tud I will give him the morningstar.

29 He that hath an ear, let him hearwhat the Spifl-it saith unto thechurches. i

speak; I will put upon you none otherburden.

25 But that which ye have already

Page 11: Section 2: The Master Key reference/note Guide

Whlul rwrtn@o,u,o4f

? enO unto the angel of the churchu) in Sar'-dis write; These thingssaith he that hath the seven Spir/-its ofGod, and the seven stars; I know thyworks, that thou hast a name that thoulivest, and art dead. :-"..-..

2 Be watchful, and strengthen thethings which remain, that are ready todie: for I have not found thy worksperfect before God.

3 Remember therefore how thouhast reeeived and heard, and hold fast;aud repent. If therefore thou shalt notwatch, I will come on thee as a thief,and thou shalt not know what hour Iwill come upon thee.

4 Thou hast a few names even inSa/-dis which have not defiled theirgarments; and they shall walk with mein whitet for they are worthy.

5 He that overcometh, the sameshall be clothed in white raiment; andI will not blot out his name out of thebookof life, but I will confess his namebefore my Father, and before hisangels. ;..--_ " -)

6 He that hath an eac let him hearwhat the Spir'-it saith unto thechurches.

7 And to the angel of the churchin Phil-a-del'-phi-a write; Thesethings saith he that is holy, he thatis true, he that hath the key of Da'-vid, he that openeth, and no manshutteth; and shutteth, and no man

I I know thy works: behold, I haveset before thee an open door, and noman can shut it: for thou hast a lifflestrength, and hast kept my word, andhast not denied my name.

I Behold, I will make them of thesynagogue of Sa'^tan, which say theyare Jews, and are not, but do lie; be-hold, I will make them to come andworship before thy feet, and to knowthat I have loved thee.

l0 Because thou hast kept the wordof my patience, I also will keep theefrom the hour of temptation, whichshall come upon all the world, to trythem that dwell upon the earth.

11 Behold,I come quickly;holdthatfastwhichthou hast, that no mantakethy crown,


- 12 Himflratovercomethwilllmakea pillar in the temple of my God, andhe shall go no more out and I willwrite upon him the name of mY God,and the name of the city of mY God,which ts new Je-ru'-sa-lem, whichcometh dovm out of heaven from mYGod: and I w ill wnte wanhim mY newname. -. .-l

13 He that hath an ear, let him hearwhat the Spit'-it saith unto thechurches.

14 And untothe angel ofthe churchof the La-od-i-ce'-ans write; Thesethings saith the A'-men, the faithfuland true witness, the be$nning of thecreation of God;

151 know thy works, that thou artneither cold nor hot: I would thou wert

16 So then because thou art luke'warm, and neither cold nor hot, I willspue thee out of mv mouth.

1? Because thou sayest, i am rich,and increased with goods, and have

need of nothing; and knowest not thatthou art wretched, and miserable, andpoor, and blind, and naked:-

18 I counsel thee to buY of me gold

tried in the fire, that thou mavest be

rich; and white raiment, that thoumayest be clothed, and thot the shameof thy nakedness do not appear; andanoint thine eyes with eyesalve, thatthou mayest see.*i$As

rnanv as I love,l reu*Janochasten: be zealous therefore, andrepent. J.' - "-

?0 Behold, I stand at the door, andknock: if any man hear mY voice,and osen the door, I will come in-tohim, and will suP with him' and he

21To him that overcometh will Igrant to sit with me in my throne, even

as I also overcame, and am set downwith my Father in his throne,

22 He that hath an eal let himhear what the Spi/-it saith unto thechurches.

Page 12: Section 2: The Master Key reference/note Guide

Ll.r,ur r*at t A{ *{W ts,1IA t.-r b ?

dtt-WfuArt\WP{d,q ,,

WlA dAil il E*rulia,utt tJ t \,hffi,h il,* W*{Lote;c*i W*il;*i[ J,rtilil i; i# il tl r 1*Lwn L RraurL-^ t t ^ { _trf nr--Laekwr)$'vurd,,t ffi ,

W #E"turlaruil," / 4 ta4"lj,e tuullrlrart--{.^ru, 0,r,14}tirtfiW-:{W M/*lt qnufrA- uulr';r* ;ffi :- -h;,[*r,

.!-:-ui L\,1 M[:ru!. rua*WntjrliF,wL,

f P r'6&, niafrtx4,{i'ffd-o-Ll,

liE W ruriirr4nffirL.4ldjt-'I

@HJ z(o?\7 r uv *@*peie *gS)-Tr niJlk ',nufipfurrr' ol knt UJF*,il't*ri4j *rlt!-, 6rw{.#rii*-,WWfu-f jh,tdo /,W t4d*th'-'ttt'/" f+Llrr,'fi {",fr, * DtJl , lad,,1 w

7 .//

Page 13: Section 2: The Master Key reference/note Guide


1ffiunio his scruanls ti:ings sliieh mustshoni-r'{ome t0 }ass; a*d he sent andsrenified rt by.his angel uiitTEj{ ser-s..ovr \Erav :

rnn* Tn].a.

2llto bare rec*rd of iheGcd, and oi ttre t


-fs at nand..-4 John t,

tle secer Spi:'-its which are hfcr* his ;ihrone; -- +rae+**=.or.: s +r,g trga-i.'-'fi-ffr&ilrr,i,Tilme larthtut witness. and the first be-leniflrr nT thn rl,r',.l ^,r/ rL^ --:.^^- .."'hv(rLrr wr rrlu uf ar.Ll, ol ttt illU }il ittUts Ulthe irings of the earth. Unto him that'

:Icved us, q{:y$hq{ ql from *ur sins i!n nrs own hiood. \*d_. ,

6 And hath made us:kj&fr_a_Ednr.ionic rrn+n fl^J n*,1 L.:- I:^4L^-. r^ L:-- i

i BUggls gn-qo God andIEEinei, foffi, be glory anH' doinfii,:nl6r?ver andi el'Sf:A-men. L:=: -*=++r=r 7 Behold, he cometh with C!q!gs;

and courpanirn jn lribulaticn, a::C ilthe kingdom anii paiienre 0i' .le'"sr;:Chrisl rl'as in the lsle tirai is callerillai'-mos, i'tr the trurri +f S*d, and forthe teslimony ol Je'-sus Christ.

*nio Pef-ga-m$s, a*d unt*'firy-a-iti'-ra. and unto Sar'-ciis, and untoji)hii-a-dcl'-phi-a, and unto La-od.i

. l0 I wEs,in thg $oi*it on the Lord's.qiy,. and heard behind me a greal

'rcic-e, asof atrumpd,-4fll Saying, i arn al'-pha anrilf 0-me'"9a, ihe lirst end the last:lf and, \\that ihou seest, wriie in al

f book, and send it unto rhe sereniI churcnes rvirich are in A'-sia; untoiI'-e-sus, anrJ unto Sinyr'-na, andl


e r i .,'-t, t

.,J f

STlessed is lre that-readetit anrithey iirar ^iieai tire ivords of thisproplrecl', ]iifr-keeL rhose rhin g-s

IrlllLfi U \1.r ltteil lileleln: I0r {lie ltnle

II'. . r ---=*afe ]n A -sia: (:fflr'e og ul'ltLr !.ou, anrl

*eace, irom him rvhich is. ar:d which,rl'ras, and which is to come; an<j from


A','lll}J-'l_L# 5 (o)

:--* tt




rHto s*e the

ine nr of tire s

rrJen rlhinh niarnorl hinr, ^m'i,,li i,i-+.y\,.,rrilrrr-llJ-Lr\lfu lttrg. @l1u cJ! nrll-dreels oI t}:e earfh shall waii bi:ci:us*

i I ; ilr* /ri"!:iifi iil{i C-qi:'"r:e" iffi'' :'l:l: i : I e;'l i lr* l.:: : :i, . saith thg Lgrd.

is, and whi*h *'as, axd *,hich it



1'LIj -cl.



he had i* hisses*n sta_rs:

iiis strengtil.1? Ar:d r,,,hen I

fumed, I saw seven €clden cstickt L;.::-.-..-*:::::

I j,:: 1.i i"t:-';,

; sarv*st are ihe seven

Page 14: Section 2: The Master Key reference/note Guide



iie lir:si al1rl the [asl, rvhic]:1Yils de${i'

i.i sf th* cht

iik* f;x br*ss:

,:1"&@iriii i-ii-iiili'ljtl\* at YY : !r!'

alhearrn#0TT${:TEirJ-l d;;; i'iili-&-i{{ii -}J

ii;'hi*?sil;and' iviro vralketh in ihe

illilf iT iite sever s*lden cansle-

. ,'.-;:-i;-t'i'li "j;ltr-ra !\: L"u\

^'*.;i "aiih hrilnai is hoit', ile thrr


*** iiars:3 J,c :lnst bome. erri hest 0a rte [ce

'a": :;-;1i;name's sake hasl la'toure d'

fr*,Ie*,s, andlffim, bul do lie; b*-hold, L wiil make them to c*me andivorship befare thy l'eel iurd to knowthat I have i*ved thee.

I Eeholri, I n'ill rnake ihem ol-tLesi'na€Qgue d Sa'-tan, il'hich say iE6'









sffe*g:lh, a*d hast kePt mY wcrd, afidhasi not denied my naffie.'

l0 Because tirou nastlept iriffior my patie*ce, i als* will keep i}flfitodtire h*ur ai tempiation' wtti.cit

slrati eom* up*n all the wcrid, tc trythim thet drryell uPon the earth

x ---1 I Echsid.IconuwicHv: hoid that

" fasi ivhich thou hast, ihat n0 man faketirv crown. - E* *

?f 25 B',I'ftar rvhG lre ilave "

hoid fasf tiil i come. {



-+-l (E \*1.* U,-*)' ^

H, iill ffifiildA: 1491. it?* Xli;1;ii#t ;;fr#;L the neei*rinsofthe

***, ar,r: tire sflftn stars; ;1t:rc"'v.tiiy

,loLit*, that tlr*u }:asi n' *ari:e ihai thnu


seat isl anri I,itcu h+idest fa.ct :r:rarne. altd hasr ::ci clenled ilf ir':',egl:: in :i:*se ila:;s r.vhe:eiit A*'-ti-Fas lv*s my {a'i1;i:iul mariyr "1'1"}{}

:".?as slain afil0ilg :r'oi:, v,'Ler€ | :!;rq-



iis-si r*ceiggii a*d heard, aird hr:}d fast'

-t,'hat h

2;:;;;-:',i;'L'lffien1v 6; t|1xsi,-rritich'

ir",:riui;iru i3r.1,5. anil atc nci, b";i c"e

"[gs!*gcrlun o i 5 t'-tr n'


Page 15: Section 2: The Master Key reference/note Guide

r' fa)

4 Seleribeless i l1ave ssffielphclegairsi i]:ee. because tho* hast ls$ ih:,




: *.1 *v'H l"' Fk,, frairu' ,a r1h 1 : , i a i u,

'I.l' L -_.*..."-.--..,-.-- ,

, c*Jdolryt J _t6 $c then 'heca*s* t**'J ai1 iuke-

1.{?firi, s*d n*,ii:cr cslc nCI;" h*i, i ru;i11

$:)lie ti?ec *lii *f ,tlr ft101ilh.

* l7 iicc,ui; ,lloii i::rfii, i em nr;n,' a:r'r inciea.sed rviijr goods, atd raveIieed si'n€li:jrH; a::* kno*,est n*t tlia:,:i1** ail lvr*i*h*ri, a-nd misrrabi*, a*c:j':Cr, &i'tciltiif,C, and naked:


tho et'ms,. -:*J





r+'hich i; ia tir* midst of th* pnradisg

') {::

k*e;:*ti:him villii*ns:

3, *s5

fE1-rouEsdr tiree ic'buy ot me gfi;Ciried in the iire, fl:at thou mavesl f:eri*h; anci white raimeat, tf:at-itrou*?ayest be clothed, anci iiret *re shameoi thy nakedness do not apleaf;;ndan*int thin* eyes w:tfr eydsitve. thaiilq{ itaYesl see. * -:- ---**r'-r ' ;

p 19 Art rnafiy as i joi,e, I rcbutre anolBasfqn: be zeaious thcrefoie, anci



,.* . 6 *4=&i

r..,hr.j6{e I

which is !ei{-je-:l$3:ie{, ivhicncomcth tiown ouffi heaven from mr'G*d: anri I will wrife upon hint;gssre'ra.Egj i;- tFi{e that hath an ear. iei him hearithat the Spi/-it saith unto lhechurches, L



I fi-*) &*!qer 01er lire na€



of my C*d,



Page 16: Section 2: The Master Key reference/note Guide

lLs5&),t .rtF:,.i.\*d Yiv\l r





erMkCra.gusff**771P o-{,'q,y-ru,wlt t- r I lt


Jrtuj{ *rS4&)

\ "r"'' -0/ ffit,,N\,U?t'2:


as I aiso overcame, and-Tfr'ri'ith my Father i* his thr*ne.

22lle rhat hatlr an e*r, l*t i.rimhear whal fhe Spit'-it saifh u*to th*

a thrcne lyas set inpEn, aad cne$af ul th*l&mnr.6 l--J1-aL-. -.. .- r--t

tl -r tfi .-4t t' LdTtJ.t- tljltllL trV- r //r*t

Itr i:{e li:iii h*i}r sn cal }et hirir hea:.rvhel th* $;:ir:il seilh iu"iti: ih*11 * ?t1"

be here-

Page 17: Section 2: The Master Key reference/note Guide


'Ilv I ,!,,* &M' W*lLry*\igA c,ad{A-*Ae

sff} W,d rt ,3,s,1-{a,ib*, u*; W {il{ul^rt br,b,Ct trLlrrJ. *y+ir J\tr UUUi,tL{_t-L UL,L\,WflLUIJA frA

\ \4,:luu,o, lY\w:toj u Ado*'{*ffi,r\ru#*,tuifr,nA /4*r4/Y;P1,W( ,'4* t rili",rl .W, *,rr,fi' ;W; il

omW:Mf 5& b,.) ,t&$,rffi {trwuttfr*}*Z qdoWffpain Wc t,, L,r3l-_-'

Page 18: Section 2: The Master Key reference/note Guide

@)Jd, d* *?, 1,,t ;?,tp/c3:t,r,tt: (nfu*n", "tila*ki*L*a wMfro^- I z : L=*,4itc,t3,r1 ,Ltt-* ts-i "l /c2,,'8 ,ri,{{*{a,u.

@( * (t llntruxj,,vu,$,rk/ ) R-* clr s t r,{b, {g,Lq,?_s. ic3j t to il tb*Zo,

tr.)t- ltu.,,rf hatd/, %p+, ttuuu,nb*t,w,$,

,.. t

Ss/d) {lr**-: J,tl,r1,T-1 ./13:2 ,b,tj,La,-( tz#-*-* tw&A e//1 nfi,1-,.!,,ant u,4*t'd;

W$il n+ret W w *t i9te4 to. de$"tlrunr),rur, ;*C*&i,'n

r -i]{w,au,il_w

R ^-

c Lf ; [,? , &, 5e,s#qo

$c) War^*,j",lr*jru, ft'/"t 0 wil," Lji,L 14 4+* {-}orrr* .l*rffi

'"c?-i {, 1 lc tt i3-f 5 lf Z0*Z3,ZA*79,





Page 19: Section 2: The Master Key reference/note Guide

I ..2IS

A efler this I looked, and, behold. at door wcs opened in heaven: anclthe first voice which I heard wos asit were of a trurnpet talking with melwhich said, Come up hither, and I willshew thee things which must be here-after.

2 And immediately I was in tht'spirit: and, behold, a throne was st'l itrheaven, and one sat on the throrrt'

3 And he that sat was to lottlt trtrutilike a jasper and a sardine silottr' ;rtllthere was a rainbow foun(l ;tlrortl iiilthrone, in sight like unto iln {'rtri't;illi

4 And round about tht' llrl, rll * , ,

four and twenty seats: lriirl rtluitt liit'


seats I saw four and twentt' elders sit-ting, clothed in white raiment; andthey had on their heads crorvns ofg0ld.

5 And out of the throne proceeded

iightnings and thunderings andvoices: and there were seYen lamps offire buming before the throne, lvhichare the seven Spir'-its of God.

6 And before the throne there was asea of glass like unto crystal: and inthe midst of the throne, and roundabout the throne, were f.oLlr beasts fuliof eyes before and behind.

7 And the first beast wos like a lion,and the second beast like a calf, andtire third beast had a face as a man,and the four"tlt beasl |vos l1ke a flyingoa oloLq6tl, .,r1. - -

8 And the four beasis had each ofthem six rvings about hiiii; and theyil,ere full of eyes rvithin: and they restnot day and night, saying, Ho'-11,, holy,holy, Lord God Almighh', rvhich n'as,

and is, and is to come.9 And tvhen those beasts glYe glon,

and honour and thanks to hlm that saton the throne, u,ho liveth for ever andever. l

10 The four and hvenh elders falldoil,n before him that sat on thethrone, and rvorship him that liieth forever and erer and cast theit' cro\vnsbefore the throne, sayiug,

11 Thou afi wofihy, 0 Lord, lo re-ceive glory and honotir and potver:for thou hast created all things. atrdfor thy pleasure they ate and rvere cre-ated.

Page 20: Section 2: The Master Key reference/note Guide

{LM -l-b{ rte*&.r*t /r, @ V/*A'- ie

I And they sung a new song, say-ing, Thou art worthy to take the book,tr And I sarv in the right hand of him

t-I ttrat sat on the throne a book ririt-ten within and on the backside, sealedii,ith seven seals.

2 And I sarv a strong angel pro-claiming with a loud voice, Who is

r,vorthy to open the book, and to loose

the seals thereoP3 And no man in heaven, nor in

earth, neither ttnder tlte earth, rvas

able to open the book, neither to lookthereon. :.,., :

4 And i lvept much, because no manu,as fonnd u,ofihy tc open and to readthe book, neither to look thereon.

5 And one of the eiders saith untome, Weep not: behold, the Lion of thetribe of Ju'-da, the Root of Da'-vid,hath prevaiied to open the book, ancl

to loose the seven seals thereof.6 And I beheld, ancl, Io. in the midst

of the throne and of the four beasts,and in the midst of the elders, stood aLamb as it had been siaitt, havlngsel'en horns and seven eyes. lvhich are

the seven Spir'-its of God sent fotthinto allthe eat1h.

7 And he came and took the bookotit of the fight hand of him that sat

rupon the throtre,8 And ivhen he had taken tire book,

the four beasts and four crild tiirentt-elders fel1 dorvn before the Lamb, har"ing el,ery one of them ltarps, andgolden vials full 0f Todours, ri,hich are

the prayers of saints.

and to open the seals thereoft forthou u'ast slain, and hast redeemed us

to God by thy blood out of e.,'ery kin-dred, and tongrle, and people, and na-tionl ps.40:3; Acts 20:28: 1 Cor: 6:20; Epir. 1:i

10 And hast made us unto our GoCkings and priests: and we shall reigi:on the earth.

11 Anci i beheld. and i heard thrvoice of many angels round about ihethrone ancl the beasts and the elders:and the number of them was ten thoLi-sand tlmes ten thousand, and thon'sands qfflrQusryrdu :

i2 Saying with a loud voice, Worlhl'is the Lamb that was slain to receivepo\rer, and riches, and rvisdom, andstrength, and hononr, and glory andblessing.

13 And every creature lvhich is inheaven, and on the eadh, and underthe eadh. and such as are in the sea.and all that are in them, heard I saying,Blessing. and honour', and glol andpower, be unto him that sitteth uponthe throne. and nnto the Larnb for everand ever. : ,..^ _,.. __ . i

14 And the four beasts said, A'-men.And ihe four nird twent!'elders felldou,n and lvorshippeci him that livethfol ever and ever,

Page 21: Section 2: The Master Key reference/note Guide


W,q?jv WT),tMt{*mil,,aw-n 0 ArllLwf'gfu,n &$l


,M*,ultl'an nr&^a* lilL a,4-L

u*d,rWryd{"wfr*ld^d,, rrtxmiqdt,arld- w,t-fffi cl urua(/tuirrlL

*iaryfuiu,qr*,,r, W"T ru i* fl @"1clTA!.[\La,ulit t$l M'm44.ufr,* '/

ffisd #ruJu nul tlu{u fi.,,i" o/,Lbn;WtM "*i-Ja,u c,uila h,r,wt au/ {LL;ffi.


ww u,ufiL-: fl\ffi O yrr'W,,l{(u 7- f,) frrf#o l,t t tu*)rn

, 6, { c,r I )tf* Aw,rtu,, "l*na t/f,il* c/ TIL.t

0d il*rwlp*t fr,tc{,Lt fuD,fr,./a yl/ ,a*,,rt **:l#ee^S

:17 fuai tl%ltt ;1q,uh !, orlf*e@

rl flu.fiLr#*l*{,u 0,4LTt r ls*rilio{ 6dD.

a ize- kry # L{c'(0 ry€vt kLil E/*,ff''irL&'tl' ")lYrtsru\

Y',r t

n rsunk*t# S(b,*(t*rua M W*' *#."flLtttvtil'** +ct,*u*')


Page 22: Section 2: The Master Key reference/note Guide

lx$',r,,!*d il#,frA+/* dk. &/ t/,hdi7 rY



,l*;, ilA,,j,L n/,;rffi m,*a/*',u,ui, ; "r**

irci@L, (u,3) 6,*ry $,odtw{il-A h,tlrf*,,{)L lnid* ,e*,} u*ufi-yti** tk */

-'t ' tHrvv\

YWWyr{*,,}b o'.fl,^ffi ffi; #,5Ldrn b fuh tt tul DM ey p,+,,o$rm,ugL,il#,,i ';7ffi",-=

ffi ltu r c!:v rt,tz,Ain Br*yril. */,t, /*.!n k+#*, eu{ T*,rfu -/) ,4,

t ttt f,g44c @ @flt,<)1 ry"*dw^rai'k;y @,fi +cf )'(a w'ltal,io)

Page 23: Section 2: The Master Key reference/note Guide

w {w *edfi- LY-Gi}Afu )TA r'}il ? rQ

ffi\ fr.* cT:vb*cS;viLl-,M: Wrltlu &r4.r,aoa{t}l\e,t^fr u{ GfrY, t*{#h' tlo*lq[.-ffuIW #y\,a+rfi llbh0f$[, attw#4o

-rtu r( ltqrrfu@

t8 ThrlJ,u,"{rq Aula/ Ab"U,rfiLH@ {?.*r c6;.vl ,7, , il, ,t*ffi'H,-s'@ry**fuMMLMfuGl rr


Page 24: Section 2: The Master Key reference/note Guide

txrtx fiAalt L{ abi.L{$ STeUn ?#"t



UrrL,flc;," drifrtr id rctli t l/,Mfrt, frtilt! A!.U ltal/i* t ttta^, fi$u!- nfrrjl tlmpt /r* tl,n */g,t{ *t* lmr$}", M, M*


{cvt'$a 4-*Uulr4,Tt r-ffi* L;4#lr'htl,l w/t-,,ehtu|,j

ffi) {l,atrcr..-.-Z f q-fiw lutffi4"i aairu- Jtnqtlw Oru LtJn"ln

, fluL1ru!{,nu'if/r

)vlrw*t rl, fr-tL ttutr dwilr,+,/rrr,aW"f ilj#A,

{Ao,{,u1,k}n ry&t q aer*hr1 4}, d*, r

b'4jt fi,*r*&,4,r r,!,*t "

jn$/)-rrn,,i,fifu rvt#i/?#nl,**;'a- #.t"frrurti il*ilitltat*at' , 't u:zu#Ldt

@ f;.o,,: ck rv5,b ,Thut,,,ull rytuj,-AtfriA nn -i!,*:jrilmtt *#uw:-L+t e'*wt*

Mr?fr8/@W nlaot't*'t,,'a ltillnn*,i filaa,qizztr u, w-, Aur/L ilu-,,'1i il,;.\-,- -.)-,,f i ^ 1,\- ^- )c- .1


ua-j\!jl'{u M1t2 r rw} /u,u-LL frf,fueu--

4rt ',f,i;itl, tuj j,*efrda Wt!-,

Page 25: Section 2: The Master Key reference/note Guide

u;{u **il h'_ n},{-L*r 3T,+f\lD 7

M y-/r*frt* #* r4,,(st-ffiffiral, dt]/r#-l,t-wLLJ ffitilfr*L,ua4,'Tl&4-{- bi// k /},}uttlt/)*

4 p1{, pfu Fno* ffi&lu4,t j tt tt+tut+,4tluw -b,r,1 d, u nfiitlf* /wj"tt ul *tiu nbat, 0( l.cyt{t-ilu=- rr,4* Ltu^ JMya;r rlt* tJ * r,' wla,(' /rrtrL@,t r;llutr" it,*t


-lkn; . u,uil l; /;-W+n[t-

tu ]hLtw h+wtfu u,yparlb fuWut ntevfyM at ffi/w tt|-//Dil;- /* utapltu, 0/n L/;t4,fr

ffi', n wld*l-t/*,tt nu*lst fi,mt j,-f,;vl ,L,bw\ruLwllmr{ tu-#,/rnril,,tn F2i,l rw,

"*-l lL;J)-.n u4wt,e^0,,1 ul,rqu wt ttu csfi,ie/i,

a,r,d,,,t JdilJ 4 etbT *td{ '

tr 1TfthlD nfill ,lnd:u',,^ tA

Page 26: Section 2: The Master Key reference/note Guide

uir# *tul /x d\4rtt S;*cr'tD? LL

ii,ii it;dr* ff ,q,,1 *

@[t]*i j rtrturi,t i,:- t-rl/*L"i- rt,,t i,*e? ffri!' nL{lL {vt*lmnthilrl*m'ffi*{}rdffiLwl yw)nTu,L,fuu,ti iffi,Ml' *ir;l,i lr:tu-,

h * ;f r I r.l 't i7 -* fi ,, i/ t

W rririy fiWff, t\eLE r*,# *4rr* *Nrrr@, f ;

'LbtiA Tlr,W fit*LJw fu,rd,Lllu;A,i,l r t-lfft/* ,ld,$t,t-{ IfuUA, *ut},*, -t

: lfi t/ !' .'i ,a-;, i t r ., ' --;'-li.n q*/-ti;,rt cfi*u{.lfx:fi, L,t- it *LtrLn ,,fu *)flr# Wvtt u!tuL tt:L*,{"41 {#-*A tjj,l**r,t r,"{

W W fr t, r, # aifiarin+L fi,tt "/""rqil; il ur?fr 1,-{

i-et {-fl*t\ )a;!} },"1+-rit* u*itil(*/o,**n il':';*LtL fi# Lifui,r),'rr [U*ltr *d"*f,L;r*{ I*rrt" *ur# *il*r1), it",Ld &iH, ,

{ tl** ;e*{"rfu &xtu I u'i,r[ ;:,ulot), fr,*{ wt/, #AJ,-,t*.fu *4 tia t-$,'ffA{+t,* iof/,j" l;t# h-y\tt,

--.--l f 7'.

l l.-,-;:l-Lful_ h*hs,i'tt ]1J,'\AL

W}"x tN-tL-,' L\t{,'r,*-Ji 7*1"*U b:- &,4,-f

"1--l - ,'t ,i! lrLLt Ltij

,J_ t


Page 27: Section 2: The Master Key reference/note Guide

rri., fi$ffi A-t-l,i-#r&" S?effi?Iirtil,

ffArLfii#jrL'r !AJ-{}I:U* n1/titL ik @ *,.#tlntrtlLL ol ftt* fr ru til mhJ at ffu,o, )Tlzu rdt -(-

M tturdtr- tu,a#+, ^l-r,lrriti

d*ffi , rr,,,1 i*t*d rn willtu* t^t-i i: @,1e,4nerfrq,t,rt&, *Lttq,i{ t|,u[r;Al^ufi-,,n* C UMtru,, tu] fifra/tlt+lf,t Nufi* h,)hrrd, norl iit,J,/1 .W i* tiip*Lq -

/utk m"rt"u,*fuai,iutl4,'L;,1 *f/ Ciltrud,h,r*r! m*-#aLuanaru,frlrt!. pLl{uIMi t)./,ttutl,


Tfu flAffr,lri>Ai MA1'^-,dA)*, wdttswLuL nl'Tlr! Lq,l44B!Jl ^ '-l '

Wuttfrm,\ 4*t i)-it-c-t !'c Aze-, f;uly* 1:tZ ilrqr,M{lui,ntiw

E;r " Faaltn-fayw#,t{ #tt lfrrf n_ff2.,

tW,?,1\-- M-A crt -/n MrLrruq-o- .

TtvLAW?: n Gabx rDowLU*ff-lr*h-gtrl 4d* *W

Aycuy !aq, bA7 O,)-oul , cn',i,

Page 28: Section 2: The Master Key reference/note Guide


.**m *u ;iuJ-tl- J* uu.uL u,:fru\lu14,t1 ol ti*ffinr *r,:tt-furt ,

,htuild,u, LL\L ffi *d)*l'tl**, il.ut- H,;tnd"aLt ffi -j:iffi u,il m4,r :l,alt' -,t "ffirl

j,'Lfui,"{ii-,t n@ r*r*k* * *rir f":fr, vntxr,l




A;#e *.til#z hu .f'r,urt*ur *,l&,'z d,,tTLl*+uJ,ru*t1' M .rwrf ,4Lr;t1*,ar,t 4i *tffiie*

\.,t / t'l;t,-l{ .t tl _/ ffi

UJ i,s rfi,'# jx d,Li# :T fr N il ?

J t I t , f g "t rt 4 ;-l- ,", -J_tilid-,Lr.)4,# d'u- fu,l4_ 1,,),t'),il1*' / -|;{vtjlifrJ*t,

@.t;viZ--ir,-i1,r lellll

.4*j , & ,,r-"A *.r**,c3:i-5 t- ctl: i3 J' clL;i"-l*:-t')

#l* 5r"b,c) *#)s ii. i*,++.

llreu iv e e *n-t nn*M, {Wsr*fL rt}*zi

hu***t, , {Jddor+r,n :{Lt,A L:ra. rtzw{l- , 'fro uilt n-^Ih*4 d*artyt r,*'[,:ri-i";tt{" lqffittt $ ot'iLT paf-tt)t i

"njj n;A" M * {d*. r,wffiffir-w q*$

r' .- ,l {' . I tl - ,t^ $^ ,l {r*.;rd4J; {r-{* rt #* n*d't't-{*Y,;}*it"erl lit!'li**lw )it! mfiullvt*tti{^riliryftr? t*

;ffi r*fffii fil.';ff; rT" @r w'tur'*'** v

Page 29: Section 2: The Master Key reference/note Guide

M -rfrJ,"*n"\-.'

A ,fnO I sarv n'hen the Lamb openedU one oI the seais, ancl I heard, as itriere the noise of thunder one of tirefour beasts saying, Come and see,

2 And I salv, and behold a u,hitehorse: and he that sat on him haci abou,; and a crown was given unto him:and he went forlh conquering, and toc0nquer.

3 And when he had opened the sec-ond seal, I heard the second beast sa1,,

Come and see.

4 And there u,ent out another horseihol rvos red: and lo\rc( rvas given tohim that sat thereon to take peacefrom the eafih, and that they shouldkill one another: and there u,as givenunto him a great sword,

5 And when he had opened the thirdseal, I heard the third beast say, Comeand see. And I beheld, and 1o a blackhorse; and he that sat on him had apair of baiances in his hand.

6 And I heard a voice in the midst ofthe four beasts sa!', A measure ofivheat for a penny, and three measuresof bariey for a. penny; and see thouhurt not the oi1 and the wine.

7 And u,hen he had opened the

forirlh seal. I heard the voice of tllefounh beast sal', Come and see.

8 And i looked, and behold a Palehorse: and his name that sat on irlntn-as Death, ancl Hell fol1orr,'ed iviihhim, And po\ver rvas given Tunto

them or,er the foufih parl of the eaflh,to kil1 lvith slvord, and with hunger,and with death, and lvith the beasts ofthe eatth.

g And u,hen he had opened the lifthseal. i sall,under the altar tire sottis oithem thai ivere slain fol'the wori ofGod, and for the testimony which theyheld:

10 And they cried lvitir a louti volce,

saying, Hou'1ong. 0 Lorci, holy anctrue, dosi thott not juclge and avenge

our blooci on thetn that dti'eli oti theearth?

11 And rvhite robes 1vs1s givon

unio eu*tY one of theml and lt- ulas

rulO unto ihem, that thev shou-ld rest

i"iroi u little season' until theit'

iril*iritunts aiso and titeir bLetlt-

ien, tnat should be killed as thev rvere'

should be fulfilled'""ii-il4 I beheld t'hen he had'r

oo.lleO tne sxth seal, and'.io' thet'e

itlas-a great earthqttake: and the stttr

d;*;i,G.k as sackcloth of halr' and

ihe rnoon became as bloodl"^ii And the stars of heat'en feil unto

Ih;;;;h. even as a fig tree casteth het'

untimeli'figs, rvhen she is shaKen ot a

mightt rvind.---f-i-AnO ihe heayen departed as a

r.iofi t,f*n it is rolled together; and

au*r.v *ountain and island u'ere

moved out 0f their places."'j;Xdihe t<inei ot the earlh' and

tr'te gieii men, and the ricir metl' and

iii; ?h"f caPiains' and the mightY

ir-ten. anO everry bondman, aud evet-l''rr.J'*iii, hid ihemseh'es ir-r the dens

and in the rocks of the mottntalnsl*'i,o.d; iiio to the m.ountains

u,ro toixi, Fail on us, and hide us from

i# f#;f-him that sitteth 0q lle;ii;;;hii-rrom the wrath or the

Lamb:"ii rot the great dav of-his u'tilh l:come; anO u'ho shall be able t0 stalloi

. .a- -\{ViU/- , ,7


Page 30: Section 2: The Master Key reference/note Guide

tljiir *fi&fi LaG}$r-fu 5fAl',n f{#}^t , (*- # uuU,t f}titRf t

6r- l<r4 rntfru#'a 15, i b , L0,'L',, {-a,* atndt," ct,il n-ou.tuil,, /).pet\ 4.,,aatl*nt/,41.rnkad,) t

pl lffit o,i,t rlrn*,,rt/,fiw;rX/" r/;-uh,

{ltf{*rwwarst@Wt d*t, aij-W r11*y* ai-{- urruf.,fryfrAt,frL+u@ W,;*;*,rtW{ b a- ffi *u a** ar/,"d*' Jfu ,

Lx14*gU*]4 n w"*L *A_.",l.urr L**q Ltlf,it LYWLw

Wi)t{qAA;Wu,I -;,\,,-A -l'*,f luvt/t/tl *,1u-,Tu'.wuL ?"W"7trqfi "nr,akLa tld n-aLVNVlt kl :L,/LiufL^e--n1.,


^ fs-,t^ fr4nq,b annfrM*- rt*{r/A"*bdnfua&,;ALfrL: Utffit C",fi*'*tEA tr," frr"lr{

ilr, dltjlL rt n&urlx,a-ltuw afi-i. ffi

swuL,lwffi*t t+tT"

Page 31: Section 2: The Master Key reference/note Guide

t),$,r ailntl LY,e&-tv Sl-ftt'fb )

LuL JW j,uh,l *i" / ia ,

'rhy,i *1 atzt L4,t eu kail & uujtl,z{lim

r*l 'Gffit,,ct#}J fira;ef tL,s fur1f,

hlL y'**rlL', {Lrrd h;Lry*on#:+t *tl,t*rtu {4tinltptry r,t r,up!.yt rn t cr ul,UfuWt

o tta& #*r, c la;v lj - f ? ".tw* 2V, {)4/,r s*7,

#cnr. rJ :v? * 17 , fr#M4r,{ ui#, dit*uLfffU'lli{l' U}-Wlt {llt&Xl {l,fi'l,U-{L l l-*ttrL. U",-tJ.l

kt+um* 4^U?.*,tToiM,ffi{t.4r woa}1!,r} ur{* *tth d,,i;. .Ley-t rt4 1hLl nls,@ct,C*t mv# ,rlgj^f .

t*ln*t$J-. t{,,-t},

Page 32: Section 2: The Master Key reference/note Guide


7,fnO aiter these things I sau' iouT/ angels standing on lhe four cor'-

ners of the earth, holding the fourlvinds of the eafth, that tire ,,i'ind

should not bloiv on the eafih, nor onthe sea, nor on any tree. -,,,,. ..2

2 And I sarv another angel ascend-ing from the east, har,ing the seal ofthe living God: and he cried ii'ith aloud r,oice to the four angeis, to ri'homit n,as given to hurt the eartii andthe sea,

3 Sal,ing, Hurl not the eatth, neltherthe sea, nor the trees, tilI u,e havesealed the servants of our God in theirforeheads. . ,

4 And I hearcl the number of tilemilhich nere sealed and there v,ereseaied an hundred clrd forlt ond fourthonsarrd of ali the tribes of the chil-dren of ls'-ra-eI. ' - .. -. ^,

5 0f the tribe of Ju''da ri,ere sealedtri'e1re thousand. 0i the tribe of Reu'-ben were sealed trvelve thousand. 0ftire tribe of Gad were seaied trr,elvethousand.

6 0f the tdbe of A'-ser u,ere sealedtlelr,e thousand. 0f the tribe of Nep'-tha-lim u'ere sealed tnelr,e thousand.0f the tribe of Ma-nas'-ses u,ere seaiednvelve thousand.

7 0f the tribe of Sim'-e-on ruereseaied tli,elve thousand, 0f ihe tribe 0fLe'-vi lyere sealed tlelve thousand, 0fthe tribe of Is'-sa-char ri;€re sealedtlelve thousand.

8 0f the tribe of Za-bu'-lontr,eresealed trvelr,e thousand. 0f the tribe ofJo:seph tvere sealed trvelr,e thousand.

0f the tribe o13sn'-ja-miflwere sealec .

trvelre thousand.I After this I beheld, and, 10, a great

multitude, lvhich no man could num-ber, of all nations, and kindreds, anCpeople, and tongues, stood before thethrone, and before the Lamb, clothedwith r,i,,hite robes, and palms in their'hands;

10 And crled lvith a loud voice.saying, Salvation to our God whichsitteth upon the throne, and unto theLamb - -. -.-, - --- --23

11 And all the angels stood rouncabout the throne, and obout the eldersand the four beasts, and fell before ihethrone on their faces, and lvorshippeiGod. -

i2 Saying, A'-men: Blessing, andglory. and rvisdom, and thanksgiving.and honout and pou,er, and might, be

unto our God for ever and evei.A'-men. l-.. -.,:

13 And one of the elders}'ing unto me, \\hat are ihese whici:are an'ayed in ri'hite robes? ancwhence came the-v? 1\U!. 1;:

14 And I said unto him, Sir, thouknorvest, Ald he said to me, These arrthey 1i'hlgh came out of great tribula.tion, and have washed their robes, ar:rmade them rihite in the blood of ti.:;Lamb.

15 Therefore are thel before th.ihrone of God, and sen e him day ancnight in his temple: and he that si:-ietir on the throne shall dwel1 amon:ihem, ,-, ta

16 Thet, shall hunger no more, nai-ther thirst any more; neither shail tr:sun light on them, nor any heat,

17 For tiie Lamb i,vhich is in th=midst of the ihrone shail feed thei::and shall lead then: unto living foul-tains of ivaters: and God shail r.r-iriarva], ail tears from their eyes.

) q,t'Tti'l',tiwf


'bfuLLbl"€E*&rut'{$:**vtfo U*r} W ri rcx:r:. iltud(

Page 33: Section 2: The Master Key reference/note Guide

L#i,e-uJ,,a$ gxzr #uf,{lr,}ilf{7b,t"#',#fr,{A,{1fu"rl*L u,tru u,*{ud at

H*frl;Wrl M4*;@dNtrrx,n^i,fu#l il,*lW*luAl^ t,,, [Uradfi n^.il yut.,i*hr,",,rrttrmmz,

1 yo, nt^fr,'u,, il,r@ f/ fu" eorr{ +{"t'frrJrq rl %Anl*n, lw d *urffn/. ttU 3

W f"al- !@t" W3 r$,1il. r oA /^ tt/rDa,m irfuA;att*tt ,,,tta.lfu[r-,L4g',ut a a,jl

r tt tl f , ,i/,

{r,rtl^uilJ fi4Ad il-it fr,rt il d^tlA}d*Cd?tlrL ,-/h* iln$il,yM:,c*l ud-/ t I(^,ql^* W fi,'iilt rt ZnrJ, wwtw( i-/rhe'd{ f iirk' ̂ * fut t t r+/,f Au*, -Lr/x,(r*tL+,W,Wnjt'fmilu.

' frLj$L ro,flirT'Lrt-(ccwel,ild*rJ

,,J-b,L"rq auu rurt rf ,fr,unfNtw s,iwrrwJ"l i"ru*

Page 34: Section 2: The Master Key reference/note Guide

WW tJL CllV-th':TAUD?; hre^#C*,qtrr -


6Jb w cE',a,J, r'trfi,rrft n*tA-or.\JT/v -/,,*f ,*,"Vrf a**u,#"ht rTn;*,,np,

frq^.rrtil',i"i rf frtrt ltAtLflulL'r,rei tkT ,

t] &;hffivw arr,{, W W ffi{f 4 ilrl*{nunt {-!ff.cfr;vS. q*ruT>( ;; k-,1 x nffs*. t? ,?0,

-'?on-c,E'^^{ftLfrL {UrLr. cfrlv5.-\a-a-t- l1t 4# fiffi*- t?,Zc,

e €"ff'.

h'ltrnwuzt,,$jL bLdLl.M-(,,fte*",rGlv te.-l? af,fr-c tl:t3, qa"WT>(IL{'AT. iLpn",rGlv le.-l? irr,,fr-c tl:t3" qetoB,

V"Lk rj*vtfll.-d- LZ-, 15,L7, b5, P)* eA.- ./ ?rrtrLZ:L

Page 35: Section 2: The Master Key reference/note Guide

{}J lw bL o}}Utr:'TA{VD? "h\

ffi It ,' c I |v b,1, -Thr rfut-*wl Ttumra,\--l

il {t*f tytwt{f,fiLn,Lt afi r,i,rtr ile }{s.t,(.! rwe,,rt**i\ frnft-Tiw,l il iluW,W, o,+*#,rt n z-tW$afi hPL, fuM irirt-,--r- -t- ----{-

rril t?-- c(u:ulc- a,u,&- cSlv-f, > {'ffio,bp.V

{*#r"* itu$ ir-tr C'" "ota al .*u#rt,rfL,) '

c arta-k"rr# n*e.a- I fr, ZA,lZA!,4+,

vn t ^, _-_---*

-LLiL,tuo{ tWrurh-{l" cn t}ail,;u/ il rttt\;t !-,{o,y, lhl *afaay l,ulrn,t- tl,1,t -

- dn*w|$a-b{t iin*,(- rl*rl,{,itrut, $ffir-,uai Gr -cm&"rn- WM' M fiL p**:*'fuo :o,ufi\iw;rg,M,\ ,q,i"W;

'il-ail-, c1 )u, [ - tZ, P;r- c-,8. ?7]

kr-,j* fiffit- i'7,m r4Z,+3,+'{,+5,

fil&f?t' r,r1- $r/rt(*dW {a#Ib-eL,*i:**M)W:tl ,+q*'hRqwnu_uuL LD}L# W,




ffi?) Loru,,c8:v i?-,13. ?* Tnnq,v,Dr---*Z it ./n . , , *, *1'ff *n*M, 0 uuttrir,ff-*m il,u,n, o;#

2 qr 76 c,6 pr&

Page 36: Section 2: The Master Key reference/note Guide


M'Tw{ai,wO enO li'hen he had opened the se\'-O enth seal. rhere lrlas silence inheaven about the space of half anhour . -. .,..

2 And i sau,lhe seven angels u,hichstood before God: and to tltem weregiven seven tflJmpets,

3 And anoiher angel came andstood at the altal havlng a golden cen-ser; and there tvas given unto himmuch incense, that he should rofler itli,ith the prayers of all saints ripon ihegolden altar witich lvas before ihetkone. - .,.,. ,u ! :!,/ !.r!,,

4 And the smoke of the incetrse,which came u,ith the pra-vers of thesaints, ascended up before God out ofthe angel's hand. ;". - )

5 And the angel took the censet', andfi11ed it lvith fire of the aitar, and castif Tinto the earth: and there iverer,oices, and thundedngs, and lightnings, and an earlhquake, -' r,t

6 And the seven angels lvhich hadthe ser-en trumpets prepared them-selves to sound,

7 The first angei sounded, and therefollorved hail and llre ntlngled witllblood, arid they \yere cast titott theearth: and the thitd pafi of trees \Yas

bumt up, and all gl'een grass wasbnrnt up. r' - --. ,.v,. v.a

8 And the second attgel sounded,and as it rvere a great mountain burn-ing with fire rvas cast into the sea:and the third parl of the sea becatneblood;

I And the third part of the creaturesrvhich rvere in the sea, and had 1ife,

died; and the third parl of the shiPsn'ere destrot'ed.

10 And the third angel sottncied, anci

thele fe11 a great star from heaven,burning as it lvere a 1amp, and it fe11

upon the third parl of the rit ers, andupon the fourttains of rvatet's:

11 And the name of the star is caliedWormlvood: and the lhird pafi of ihewatel's became -,'u,ormrvoodt and matl-v

men died of the rvaters, because theyli,ere made bifi:er.

12 And the fourth angel souncled,and the third pafi of the sun r,vas smit-ten, and the third pafi of the moon,and the third par of the stars; so as

the third parl of them u,as darkened,and the dat shone not ior a third patlof it, and the night likeivise.

i3 And I beheld, anclireard an angelflyir:g through the midst of heaven,saying li,iili a loud voice, \Voe, rvoe,ii'oe, to the inhabiters of the eaith byreason of the other i.oices of the ttum-pei of the three angels. which are yet

to soundl

lu'fi,uf :,fu,w J,-Aui;j

{eyN EXT /az,tt:,.aq ,

Page 37: Section 2: The Master Key reference/note Guide

fr/,j4t ilAttfi-t rurjfuth ffiuhj j,'Lt *, hrLl* tfurflno &dlu, t+gyw/l*eq& - hrl, j,{JLlrra- nfuifnru Dil/21, t+TyL#L

n j\ffiTr,bwl-4^iiaLTd-,, j,^ff {dttfixrl;M{L,vt1-t,

\,t-t-r-,k*4 #yLtrfrA lg,LC, +a ,43,+V,45. ?@-

fr,N^{{r -:IqldD?

h*r/h #wL tYtstiill*l GVn ,



.---z h n! .

fr nTatt' afu f,- JwafA, l t- jwfil * jqw-

aa *, Ctifuljrtd*lr*rtr,llnut Jltyut d,u t fiih?a

"/ -t/.L [7k,'tlrt LrerAt

v t!' t ^n n ,l ffi

l-ilnut Jltyut rJu t fiih?a

"/ -t/,,L flif ,'tlrt !_n

4f,WtilL,t^ro.,i" nt/ ^4w



{LDaiilP} t c;wfr l,'C4.tilh* rw4t WLd, I

tJwr,t- ArnuL )pagzZ+ Jl,oto lWcq+

, il**,c 8: v {? ,13, rt-€i-# lq )*6*U/t#,tar,{,'- \,,t ^ kry#L {L, {7, { g ury afld,a,inrnfiaia,,{ ./,o{,

{l*r fijv tZ*z[ " fr ?)r

a\L\uL;tuil Uloe- l,{ri

n. ,rliltxilL l/,i


Page 38: Section 2: The Master Key reference/note Guide



key of the bouomless Pit' -*' ' : 'i enO he oPenec tn. Oono*1gss lit:

and there arose a smoke out olthe pit'

is iire smoxe of a great f,tmacel and

ifie sun and tlte air lvere darkeneci b5'

reason of the smoke of the Pit'- -: enO lhere came out of the smoke

locusts uponthe eafih: and unto them

1vs5 given polver, as the scorpions of

the earth itate Poti er. - . '

I And it \Yas conlmanded tllem irlat

they should not huil ihe glass 0l the

earth, neither anv green thing' neititer

auy treel btn onit' tirose nlen.$'nlcllnave not the seal oi God in tiieir fore-

heads,i enO to them it rvas given that

thel' should not kili them, biit thaiiirey shouiO ue tonnented iive mouihs:

antl their torment ii)rls as the tor-meirt of a scot?ion. t','i1e11he striketh

a man.- 5 end h those dat s shall men seek

deirh, ancl shail lrot flir{ il: 41{1ha1l

desire to die, and death shall flee from

them.7 And the sltapes of the locusts trere

like unto horses prepared unto battle;

ind on their heads lvere as it u'ere

crowns like gold' and their iaces were

as the faces of men, r -. l*ii anO theY had hair as the irair of

*'omen' and their teeth u'ere as the

teeth of iions. i

I And theY had breastplates' as 1t

ri,ire breaslplates of ilon: and the

sounO of tiruii ',vings lucls as tire sound

of charlots of manl' horses tuming to

battle. I

10 And theY had tails like unto sco''pions, and there ivere stings in tnett'

iails: and lhell'Po\Yer \uos to hufi men

fivemonths. '- -:

rLo,cpryh #vv\ f-w T1^;o TrxT

the fifth angel sounded, and I

V ta"; a star fall from hea','eu unto

the ealth: and to hlm rvas girren iile


1l And theY had a king over them'

*,lr"l,litt J"angeI of the bottomless

nit. rvhose name in the He'-breu

i,ineu;ii A-lrio'-oon' but in the Greek

i;;gil hath nis name A'pol'-l!'-o.n' . .'"il-Oil'iro. it past' oird' beltoid'

thet'e cotne t\\'0 \\'oes more hereafiel' '"' j3 tulA th; sixlh angel sounded' and

i heard a t'oice from the lour nor-ns ot

iril, ei,io.ntliar u'hich is before God'"'ji3;;irs io tt e si*tir aneel w'hich

iruoirr. i.ii*pit, Loose the four ang-e1s

;'hililil-lr;rno ln tire great river Eu-

ohra'-tes,"'i; And the four angels were loosed'

u'hich u'et'e prepaled foL an hout: ano

u di:], u,ro amonth, and a -vear' for to

siaY the third Parl of men'"^l'o'eno the number of the armv of

the horseme n w er etrvo hundred thoti-

iinO lttousand: and i heard the num-

ber of them.""iiAnd tnus I sarv the horses in the

visibn, anOttremthat sat onthem' hav'

idift;kPirt.s of fire, and of jacinth'

an"O Unmstone: and the heads of the

ho,'ses \uere as the heads oI ltons: ano

out of their mouths isstted fit'e aud

smoke and brimstone.- i8 By these three tvas the thjrd pat't

of men killed, bt the fire' and bt' the

smoke, and bt the brimstone' \\'n1cl1

issuecl out of their mouths'-" tg ior their porver is in their mouth'

and in their tails: for their tails u'ere

ii-ftJ unto serpents, and had heads' anirvith them theY do hutl'

iA,qnO the rest of the men ri'hich

\l'ere not killed bt' tltese plagrtes- t'e:

rePented not of the rvorks o1 thellnuilOs. tilat lhey should not u'ot'shir

devils. and idols of gold, and silveL

inO nrass' and stone, and cf lvood:

rvhich neither can see, nor hear, nor

r','alk: l

-+-,p t-t,AAAttt'{l!),uJ

, N'*xT !

Page 39: Section 2: The Master Key reference/note Guide


f*rtr iLnhuL. SI-A&/DZ

A r - * t t/ r

JtJt't LgItlT'bIT ;*rtff N;iu-T "ft,w,, *td,z**i,

,W,1r * u A,A *f titfrft,* elL*L;bh tJa *tdd**rti*-, ,!5*f

'n 1 " f Hail-tlrrot' iuTnutxttJ* rte*uff2,i: -d*- lj{!t, , l/f '

8 (+* krr"J*) I 7 , 13 , 'Z-* . civv\p, {s-ih,4ed-f-r;drArhF,urry,t

3U Akf$rT,rru*rs. fu*r ttr,wrfu- { *,W,,r*r,rtf ftri,"t tut'{ffiut,,*tlut

n+**at * ;in*pm$ jrx(e Eurt-)-, .

$t n:n$f , @ itt$'a g"r{6"yt t- cu&i:- }all"{i\}irL,}w!

t{'mm,rlr.*,uv,l . {u"Wit **luu,"*fr r*lsu' d,rilatd jst fu?,n*t'-

,'. .+- / ) t lj, -,pte$,t- t { -frru,,,3 nLbAL, t,t,} lUtfi/ltow,

tfhiyL;d,$t Mru rilt e/ t/* t.,tI i1 tji,r -T .---7-:-;- E.----

.l,uffiitrr1 dtrA{ *\}lk,+*}fi llts- t rrl[,,rt]tlr, fu*v#,f, fuii it rtnt,,-t d,,yur t t

t;ie-,:#a$ furlkni' M #,u,.&7


,*r u*tt fu'r

ri - t'"*'+ l/V 4 ttl,ltl,r{,,7,,1 U4-,

Page 40: Section 2: The Master Key reference/note Guide


6 frrY *?a*&-24 V\-./ L\it^ff *,laij- h{. fi!{L"{ff }tedrd" ? *A

Mlh'v{r-'stloudl . lJr- cuttt.1 ln.,


' ;,"gtr{J t i unia,rff^],

o le-fu4'#h71 2p'./l) f.rrct*: f*ll"'frv Mldt"'/l j + t \ i J ,4ttl,'l ,t lt ,, ,

Lpul,vlt L|L4UL tlrz }_,iui "{,M(, C"t y#. tlrLutv' r{,,p, ff ;" ffiff h*; ffi;;t;",-ilni lr\tr* w Lvut- ff*nt )r,

7/d *wt lq*lr,t)'0 rr,fruy*tL#iW Tj* tbw, r7l wrn #*w ffi-,-ry*{wL$ '

"{'w}h4,uy W, fr;'ru*fur0,4;lt't,> qr{, lWtudi-;g {.*cls'F' P@,a,

Page 41: Section 2: The Master Key reference/note Guide

mulders, nor 0f their sorceries, nor oitheir fomication, nor of their thefts,

I 0 f,i L ffy,11ir,?:fr'fl1?"3tclothed with a cloud: and a rainborrlvos upon his head, and his face tr,risas it were the sun, and his feet as i;ii.Iars of fire:

2 And he had in his hand a liitiebook open: and he set his right ioc:upon the sea, and his left foof on threatth,

3 And cried u,ith a loud voice. a:tvhen a lion roareth: and when he i:a;cried, seven thunders uttered thet:'Yoices. r

,tr And lvhen the seven thunders ha:uttered their toices, I $,as about i,_

ri,flte: and I heard a r,oice from heaYe:saying i"11tt0 me, Sealup those thingslu,hich the seven thunders uttered. ar:

1r1BrYand the things that tirerein are, and theeafth, and the things that therein are.and the sea, and the things rvhich aretherein, that there should be time nolonger:

7 But in the days of tne voice of itieseventh angel, r,,'hen he sha1l begin tosound. the mystery of God should befinished, as he hath deciared to his ser-r,,ants the prophets., 8 And ihe voice lvhich I heard frornheaven spake unto me again. anC saicl.Uo orrd take rhe iitrle book u-hich isopen in the hand of the angel rihichstandeth upon the sea and upon theeafih. n

I And I rvent unto the angel, andsaid unto him. Give me the tittie Uoofl,And he said unto me, Take it, and eatIt up; 6n6 it shall make thy belly bitter:but ii shall be in rh], mouth su.eet aihonei.

10 And I took rhe tifite book oui oithe angel's hand, and ate it up; and itwas in my mouth slveet as honey: andas s00n as i had eaten it, my belit,ri.asbitter.

1l And he said unro me, Thou musrprophesy again before many peoples,and nations, and tongres, and kings.

'tA'\iyLnz ,

iyrite them not.5 And the angel u,hich I sarv star:

upon the sea and upon the ea$h 1irt:.up his hand to heaven,

6 And slyare bt hlm that liveth i:,:ever and ever, lvho created hear-e:-


Page 42: Section 2: The Master Key reference/note Guide

' PtK &>>-*-23 V--UJ r* r,il,*ij Aq &ts{tr tit{w{7 N


rusi'{M*/}fr,y;**pe"t' *u-*{,A *dLr/,. .i ' .,, .1, '/ i , ,r. ,'!

/,.'t-tt d,r{jl cuilWL ai,nq ffi,tui*Mtfu- ur-ilifu- # t/u em,r rr4:,{g n tu.+fu ,n r,,uil d*t,r'xtruq, [u*l_,MfirLLxrfiir,a.t .M.r;tbvt fi4 {oriur^-

$,ttqa,tj,A' ewler' &,a irr,$/tr,ffi*{ t.rrq -{,u lLx,1r'td. to,yfi,,t L&,t}uu ilT*1 D*U fun*, &tpa,rff , D, odeo,,n\n*,l,u,q jw frULtuLqoil,T'fi_ldu p,iseu,il fur*rtLt, *+ a &uil, *,,q,u rj/tar+ . ry,!ilablUl] &'a* ffL#lw Wrt ^--- ,;Tn'ffnidu-da umw Lqffi o)\tunn\{'t; *ugr" prfrp&,{

_N,a}ff }i U**rt WA o t1 ,') ,l ,'r '//Jrt"lflauM, Q\ttL,frfl,,,& lrLLl' 4tr_int_y,@ mful*\2, ?*qeTru ira*ro,-T*r1

Page 43: Section 2: The Master Key reference/note Guide


, Whr't'1- ffiAfuvAfu+t&Tcy:*t,

M J ffi;itu D/ il/il,riln, t tdt-[lu Fc*,u,-;-----_-TT- , J I 7, ' iA zf I t

rl tlt*- A$i'*trtY*i,;;tV\


0 u, /1ilil,r Oldai o{h o* infiln"-f-

hr- l*,4 I lw {;,r,wMU htodf

HWe/Milt+*b,lt:-,tJtt t41,* rilsdsYeL lu[rrl r+t vu*M

W*rl"W'(*i4)frr,ilfi.Mff" ;@Wb


[,ue {*ttrw fftA,*, y\a}Jt/3- tr{#hr { ) frr(,f

tt tv,@$'-* 'J


Page 44: Section 2: The Master Key reference/note Guide

-*+A.l;er,"t. ti: l,*r nlre-u ha- t:i)'U-tt" jkeilA7 qo

. i-lLLI.L

tt11*,[ft.o {**te;/"W@fiMW

ft etilz,r*,@@*"A$r/J,*,a Wrj Wfufr*t'o**4t,,1 6,W;,^^*

ffi r,.^ C,rL Mwntt,4 A D9' ttj 0,QD.- -

I ^

t -/\t i t I . i

*rl-l*+t fi,w# UE

fe#c lljv7-ll, IVm eruArqrfftt*, tl,t ,

,1W*%,Wr,. vw*'oui'

*A-rj$A fr*-[fuuf'l]frlJ

g)4 tr-,!prrr"^*L fr *a-D'fin;,;f il;,,unjj

Page 45: Section 2: The Master Key reference/note Guide

tXJ tALu *l*T$jt {-t} rb,tutttt (4o b&r,L -1, C*o\-iliirrfu .frArt oahilfrM rrl).'l'*r&^ d*,lrjl"ilLilf

^;A u;dJ,,' A;/frrv,rL, t;fr- n rrnn^ffi

Urou't{^h,)r,fi ,,;h^",-MYrrd lut-,,jr]o-rd *ltd* p,y ,*jw *dq Tntt W fj{rrrL {M*,M ilu tJ*t l oL\ifi , n^a M trd,rmL nl ltu t L'fr,ttrytuJ) . . - W nwrarwr-t)iy g!1,6,\,il Wu:itrl_*-i,' O'u.i,," I

fur, 4!Liu,{- a*d. nnulul,{ futw ldoufluAnffi*lM'tinofultu^AM*rluwint'rl,HqJ,I"*lVfft,

tl|r* welxtfii **uM'L?HzSdr*J,

-t k;rr iltt ra-Au- -"vLf-r,/f

, -r!


e {cru-k,rf *bSG) t*,ZS ,?-{, 3a,*0, s*';8 't ' LZ , GS-b1 ,-73,'t7 ,*7'l , Bz'


>W{tza"E^-A &*ctl, ? WW


Page 46: Section 2: The Master Key reference/note Guide

Lul l,r ,*Jt*ff fr{- NfiL{* ;3fuu*r}"? q7/

lUr, c ll;u {rwf Vt}til- nlfi 1t'tiert.t/tt fr$uht,

'fuww. ifr h)*juA', fr^A ** Adir*f' i.Aru,r]" M^I

; ,:uz,t<ta#bl+,Lfr,33,*o, ffi,t , F PYI

,'-5t@U) Ruj- ctl rv l3. {tlL*}{liA, cltv i3-al,)

&*#i" lalwi |{frut\*d,

.,fr-{t wfM!*-f1&


fr-*e t /)^g-L


iz#,rtMrfnLW,MhE{*-oi}tW% , J


r)ku" *'a et,ZY ,n kJ*bu,f tt1u5 \e; #i I L, t S, ZA, L1, {6.(urlpt:d- a/L rk-a- uurt\{14}, c6:vJL-t? + cBtv l*.{. Oard,ry,a}*u) r+

/'"'i, t{ uo,lt_fA_ f}_ ,fl|

I, fi , J,tt ,g,iAJ flLLwrLVt t / Lry'{LaA) *q-Lrlu, " jllnvil,L," -{fu r,fruw n

) q o +rW n!z&;A (1*" c t t,W

rl"<ut,,ffit t n

Page 47: Section 2: The Master Key reference/note Guide

wtLff ulftAtytyA*e+d?

{trNI. fritw d MN, -J-}Li,b,rfitkril}d,qm&

w{wnL, t .rAtL!-*/Lu!.- il M rtNrL{mnqL, 6*$ffi!--fr1,w_ t{ W, rtN,tl,rr. fr-util{itt #,o 4/A W' r* -ilv-,iril4"rL,

fiLi W*thq,,u .oLU, -'#, o,lrrL il.rwiJ,hiv,i4\ffi rl-t fi -,1 fi[-, 7-[fi,i,M -Lrruil,* nilirt;r"A {ri,1,1 tJ t -t .ll, I i t,: rl t{,rffi-

ty"yt :,t l^t *:I*frh,,,inu-4 o/ H qlotr-r I frffi I

Mttlrm,;tu ''

l#ffiif u';*til ,LL,Wlme*r*dtnu


{til,il aif CT n n ftilu{h1rt, t* b-,yffiJ*frt+rs*, trfu_nffffi

,rfr*{'Si Ltwnr4 itw,h**+t!,*,4Jt1 ffi,c,, ,l , I fr---- i

-7r i dtrf, ',1 , I

Lt-flt3l,u,r'JL Urer-- a *W fiM, {m g*t*;ft"fclu t_h}wera-,,alitl'plylarut t iL rfl,uwk' H D *n#,uit,4 ^ ,/ u,,,


@**ru4:rq iI !:!:

r, *fl,#tff,t

Page 48: Section 2: The Master Key reference/note Guide


*tooO, Jiving, Rise, and measure the iiito t[i,*, and rhe:. r'.'-s] ;pon Iner

i.niJf.oiCoi,andthealtar,andthem teii; inO great fta: i*l ur*: tnem

thaiworship therein' whtph saw them.-'I'B;t^thu;ourtwhichiswithoutthe "'fr'eriO tire-v tr*ar* * gr**l v*ice

temple leave out, and rneasure it not mi ir".i"* i!r*:e u*t*11.rem' fie:ne

i;I'il;'ffi;"*" Cun'tiles: and iii'iiii'ri.t. endtl"rrr a.-rt5::ce{}q,19

ih;ffiftliiiirrritl they tread under [[au6n in a cloud: al:d 'r*i eft*n]]es


ioot fortr und two months' beheld them' "^ :'"g'fid"i*lligiyepo1eruntomyn\:o --ii enO the seoi: :-' -: ""':':

-il"€ ?

,"ii,iirri,'.rd^t.v sfrun prophesv a gr.ut'.inrrsunk, ., -:-,.'' .:-t;,l,1jlthousand nvo hundred ottd tht'eescore of the cit, Ierl'

'': : ' : :'' 'v'i:trll

:iffi;i;h;iin iairiciorn. ;e'enth0u-anc1:and4fhqs€ ale tne nvo liive treel' gnd ll'J:.*,1*ff'ff't!"d#iii{' ino ei"

the ftvo candlesud+-. sandmg before EiqT,i;1h99$of heaven'

the God ofthe ear& "-i+ fne second woe is past: and' be'

5 Andif anyma::*€trMgle{E,fire frofi,it'*$idwoe cgmeth g!l!Ff;^".

proceedethoutar*:*a'ffid'ittde'".""ii'nn*tireseventhangelsoun0eq;voureth their en€{aw.# if, er&' saan "

uCti*g-yere. $eat voices in heaven'

will hurt them, he r:s * &L< sanner 44il' ih-r-,111-,fidoms of this world

r. rrileo. :.- aieueiomeli".kl5lsll'if}it'.',H6 These have s.w-rc'**w&"'F*we*. and of his ptrisf

tirut'it *i, noii* t*i *s.Ys "'*i rhe'ir for ever qnq ev:tprophecy: andfra5gswer,,.3.e{qi*.rs

*16 &tihi-four and twentv elders'

toturnthemt. brcjfli:,. *i,lu ::::.*. *hi,h;; defore God on their seats'

earth with a[ plaer* :s.#e= a' &e-r i;ii;d;i#iiiaces' and worshipped

will. 1:^ :-=,. God,- tL-"

7 Andwhenth+ xa- x= a;.red "]]'5nvine,.\\i.e uive tltg 'try1k1-9

their testimon!,, -,*i":#; ng*td - L.rO Coq 4qightv' which art' ano

eth out of the u.r;.Ces.: :': ilail il;i ild come; because tnou

make war against #s ::r shal! il;;ii'6ittheethvgreatporver'andovHr* th-il. xw hast reisned

I And their d**:* ffi:fu:x *: 'JA A;a- tire nations were angry'

the street of the grc# e&',w&ieftrs:n- ,#ti. 1"4h is come' and the time

tually is called kn:.ii 1;"': :g,pt' [i-ti" deid' tnat thev should be

where aiso our lc- *= Lc:e{i. *dil4 ;, thou shouidest 'sve

I And they of =* ;*- -.J t-d x*- iew"arO unto thy servants the propnets'

tueds and rons:iis -* =";thrX

;;; t,;tii;-taints' and them that fear

seetheiroeaodHdrd*d td";i**Silanosreat:andshould-an half, and shaii ** -#* #it otdA ;ii it'-iiov them which 'destrov tne

ffii#;6G;ut h, sls&' - -- .: - earth' c . "' "J

l0 And thev irle* dwe$ u*** thq '*iii'A'c.the, ternple -of God- -was

earth shall reiaict , "-'iiJ*'- und op*to in i'uaven' and there was seen

make merry, ano ieai *=i ars o?e fifii*ipi' the ark of his testament:

to another;becausffi*il.p",Iti andtherewerelightnings, andvoices'

etstormented*ie{E$#**k-*nif:e r:,iiifrunOutings, and an earthquaKe'

.iari. -_

and greathail'

Page 49: Section 2: The Master Key reference/note Guide

WtrnjrAil *{ frittrfi- sl*f,J*i)

{t tLr€yxa;* t-r*$t r*i*} *;ttw,a ffi-* ,[L*ffii,u, ttfr,tLt l Ll,t._'t\i;Lv,l,t' , it il-rr{-*r*ge:u **d,q i,?s-ti,*uj *1 tde/er&

n /A,, l*f l,t ,'1 t I

l<r$,C {d, v t w. ;Un,ubtit tjo/L l\**tu|,

/Tr/ln LtI :'l t li;Lr Li lrll-- fl}Ucjlar,t Yi,.r I:-iT=i

I i. , ,1"/t-'/i\-!- i ;L-\lu

{'t cdl'W r'*\W tut A ilr@'---r-! J ,'ti ,'t J L?-1

Tn"' ur,,aLd,*l-l iwb,Rt iltlx:rtF '#f &i 5 ti : J, ,1 I *, t .fr *

*17^ . ,r; . -J- ,{)^ ,o | _llL ll u.ill :i !,tIL,-{ALL--;-l '' ;':,' . -,'l . i'-i-r-

ith,;k r'tf fu.-,"t- ',iJg h-*.*u !)tl fur<-{-uo, ***-

ft,,{ln*#r***p> q.toffitu,41j;.A {r* clZ > P*!J .A

I o i ,.4 r/.rrL r- | l-vi-nt .L I u_'V {

Jwtl',r/A! L

.SIA il ilS *b*,ku, d, * *r[T,t/u+t ru*-fu-+ frr'firtr",,iL h"d,t d,jfut, tt{* Jh,r: {i':i,r-Juyri?-t"1jiL he,L d,il&, tl,{*,ffzru- {Lu#*f,

j,i*b,}t frt f,q.*"ii4 bffi;{**

Page 50: Section 2: The Master Key reference/note Guide

$ u.\rdngd- ,irr,tehWl:; S**Ie tihrlr&'wi uri iltL, S

Whx {L#e$ A,t-nf,{i tF SI*a;*f:-LRirr clZ:v LI*IL, ,\ *1,"tr lr AizA rl* #jnr,t*,to t}urrIil ,1n4tntffi*W@ t)

TriA fu


{1)t/-W4 *L tl, l'-t,SLt, +r*i ftffi cb;

6*AfbrclL:vt3-t7. D,\1, \ -tl\t *nafr-['l'LMuv#jL,

i,o Arlt t*g,*s 21 ,33 " {

i tw_ L\ fi*frrtq, w*Ltd uJ5w,\{il

t ,fl4e/wlhlut*d, W,t-rla tlo4j,t r fruld> #bW'

thfri; rfr lha -lur*,* tt-rJr: 4 il. " D;U4pX,t ",il

tJ^o Abirra; rurl 0h"1a el, d.a-il)n*-n,a,-Lrnj' H,1 ,trCJ, fiJi*{1ryfrfrs*1, HS

) quloTYlTnsaj,;^I


UWet7- >>> Pofr'rqt


Page 51: Section 2: The Master Key reference/note Guide

pweQp@u*@1 ? $nO lhere appearecl a greaiIZr'n'onder in hearen: a \r'omarl

clothed with the snn, and the mooni.rnder her feet, and upon irer heail acro\4'n of nt'elye stals:

2 And she beine u'ith chitci cried,travailing in birth. and pained to bedelilered.

3 And there appeared another'rvonder in heaven; and behold a greaired ciragon, having serren heads and

ten irotns, and seven crowns upon hisheads.

4 And his tail drerv the third part ofthe stars of heaven. and did cast themto the earth: anci rhe dragon stoocl be-fore the \voman n hich l,,.as leady to bedelirered, f01' to devour her child a.s

soon as it u'as born.5 AnC she brought forth a man t

chiid, ivho \tr,as t0 rule all nationsri,ith a rocl of iron: and her childri,as caught up unto Goci, and to histhrone.

6 And the \lroman fled into the u,il-den:ess, n,irere she hath a place pre.paretl of God, tliat they should feedher there a thousand nl'o hundred nrrrlthreescoie ciays.

7 And there \{as war in heaven: }1i'-cha-el anci his angels foughi againsflhe dragon; and the cjragon fought anchis angels,

8 And prei,ailed not; neither u,astheir place found any more in heaven.

I And ihe great dragon uras cas:out, fhat old serpent, called the Der"-ii,and Sa''tan, u,hich deceir,eth thervhole rvorld: he s,as cast out into il:leanh. and his angels \\-el'e cast 0L.ri'ith ilnr.

10 And i heard a ioucl r,'oice saiin;in heaven, Norr, is come salr,atiof i. all:streng,th, and ihe kingdom of our GocanC the poiver of his Chtist: lor th.accllser of our breihren is cast dou-lri,hich accused them before our Gi:dat'and night.

11 And ihey orretcame him bl, :i -

blood of the Lamb, and by the \i'c:':of their testimony; attd they ioted i. .

their lives unto the deatlt.12 Therefore reioice, ).'e heave:'..

and ye that dii,ell in them. Woe to:::.inhabiters of the eafih and of the st'for the devil is come dorvn unto f i .

having great rvrath, because he knorv'eth that he hath but a short time,

13 And when the dragon sa\v thathe rvas cast rlnto the earth, he perse-

cuted the \voman ii,hich brought lotththe man chfld.

14 And to the llioman \vere givent$'o lvings of a great eagle, that she

might fly into the rvilderness, into herplace, rvhere she is nourished for a

time, and times, and half a time, fromthe face of the seruent

15 And the sen:ent cast out of hismouth u,ater as a fioocl after thewoman, that he might cause her to be

carried a$,ay of the flood. -

16 And ihe earth helped the ri'oman,and the eailh opened her mouth. andsrvallowed up the flood which thedragon casi out of his niouth.

17 And the dragon rvas rvroth lviththe woman, ar.Ld rvent to make rvarwith the remnant of her seed, u'hichkeep the commandments of God, andhave_the testimony of Je'-sus Christ,


Page 52: Section 2: The Master Key reference/note Guide

L-j-j t'|-U t)h\ALL LY tlXL Uf ) L&,bW I

{,-a,"-c I 3;v I *

I c . -i l" B*g ,:LLI t{ ,kJt,

o (':* ,4hA H,t ZL ,i i *3i (,il"rt vtre',lu*J r{, *\ r {L.i 7l-:,t, 6rer,,i,)

P*rrc"'13->> Pry fi

Lji,#L,*J*,_r *3,a.-$ {r}rq irriM t)t{[Ju

- n_ ___

-lrhtil Lu rwL' ridJ/eil,;"LNAt-iJ* W-,A W#;irfu ,t s pi**frili -J-ul fri,,* UW' *l A l n,,;r't

{-l Yahl +-le"l,r ff ,*rtu fftl* 6t b t {kqt(ik;t, it'

& forfd'-i 'nu{rv,lr4-r{;-,u^.{ -

rfitu:,t{ut"il} !,yJ*i,l L*L *i*l t +,./.t-t /)ar,d,t,!-L;, '{.,t.Jnr,tn,tl,'iA.;' --'; Tial urtF'-r*-v'vbLtttL,tw)':,1 , lAili ,!lL ]ntlwt" '..J-- t'l l'. :i

-*'-if,Jr,,afr , :L t u! *rttL L[wy r,4 :+ilLL' tl^,r*nl,

c tu, {g #)t I l, r1 LT,glr 3? .(.rni*{ r;i.,ns, ntt {; #bJ' ') dr-}l- lzo#a 7L,L1 ,\6 .,+r, .ST,5 fr , b3, i;,, &2,3 3,lz -i q, frfr

..----- '1**"'A il*fict3;v{l*|fr *;",,1 luttL@ t- rttt tr-iiu [':*ifr1!;:j f,]-aw{t& x,.i _4,d" drL,trl,tlr.r:r1.,'

Page 53: Section 2: The Master Key reference/note Guide

tn make warwith him?

Wowfr%i-@r"({fl-8 And ail that dleil upon the eaflh

shall worship him, r,vhose names are

noi written in ihe book of life oi ihe

Iamrr itain from the foundatioir of ihe

ri'orid.g Ii anv man have an ear, let him

hear.---i-0 g. rhat leadeth 1n16 csptir,itysrriif eo into captivi8: he that kiilethiitit -,t

e srvorcl mtlst be ki1led rvith the

sroniO Here is the Patience and tire

iaith oi ihe sainisl1 .{:ro 1 beheii allother beast con-

ing up out of the earth: and he had ni'o

rrorni iit<e a lamb, and he sPake as a

dragon,tI enO he exerciseth allthe Po\\'er

ot-lrJtirst beast before him' and

iiuiett the earth and them rvhich

Oio,eti tiierein to rvorship the firstbeast, rvhose deadiY rvound \Yas

healed,13 And he doeth gteat rvonders' so

tfrii fre maketh fire come dou'n from

il;"e* on the eafih in the sight of

men,'^'r4lero deceir,'eth them that du'ell

orr the earlh bY the means of those

mirictes rvhich he had power t0 dc lliirre iieht of the beast; saving to then

iirii dneit on the earth, ihat the:'

inould maEe an image tc the beast'

u'hich had the rvound by a slvord' and

did lit'e.- li-eno he had Po\\'er to gn'e life

ur1l0 the irnage of the beast' that tne

,migJof the [east shouid both speak'

unO".uute that as many as rvould not

$'orship the image of the beast shoulo

be kl11ed. ' l--tO

enO he caltseth all, both smati

uno ei.ut. rich and Poor, Jree and

ionolio tr,.ive a marh in their right

lrand, or in their foreheads:

tz eno that no man might bul', ture he that had the mark' or the

;;; of the beast, or the number of

his name, - '1---1S Here is wisdom. Let him that

haiir understanding count the number

oittre neast: for it is the number of a

mau anO his number is Six hundred

threescore ond six. )


1 D And I stood upon the sand o:

I tJ itre sea' and san'a beast rise ttp

out ottf"te sea, having sevenheads and

ien horns, and uPon his horns ten

iioro,ns, and upon his heads the name

of blasphemy- 2 And the beast r,vhich I sarv rvas

like unto a leopard' and his feet nere

i{liefeet of abear, and his mol1th as

ttte mouth of a lion: and the draBot

;;tr-hi* his Poler, and his seat' and

great authot'ih.'-5 eno I sarv one of his heads as it*rt, *ounded to death; and his

O.idri'rvound was healed: and all the

iv-orldwondered after tlte beast'

4,qnO thsy lirorshipPed the dragolwhich gave Power unto the beast: and

theY iircrshiPPed the beasi, sa!1ng'

i\h; h urre uirio tire beast? v"ho is able

5 And there ivas given unto him a

*outt sPeaking great things .andblasphemies; and Powei'was gl\'Ien

unio-t im Tto continue fortl' ond fivo

m0nths,-^-O fnO he opened his mouth in blas-

onemv against God. t0 blaspheme hi>

irome, a[o trts tabetnacie. and thent

that d'uvell in heaven.- Z enO it rvas given unto him to

make r,var rvith the saints. and to ot'er"

,oni. tfr.*, and porver rvas given iiim

oui,i uii kindreds, and tongues' and


Page 54: Section 2: The Master Key reference/note Guide

t-u lw Lird$J -Lr{ e]til-fr ber,rll?,-{*:v l- '7 .TwLnnh filr,d}rtnZttt,

Tl*llW,* L^,{8" t}ta lu}Afr kl"d?t$#idfi/tlat) nlr STALJD 11fl/7\ tIlJ,zto,.{,j wd,u-,]Lfij#\ht OrrtatMn^

TWuth a,l,;u,,wxa,M il Ailin L A',rA ["Muqrn,t

r,,u] M;,r Wn' Arrn ;r*-M;rl* D,L,.,'*rra-'J +l ,t fi^ n..J n^ Wg,tn,n ^ I , I ,.dil t)*,b*,,J tndrW rl f,el;l-.Tiuh-i-frll2:lr--%

'L .- t!e- Uf*'rw*;trL t4uiittl lrffi rqrr_+t,L M e;rt'util,, dh,; fu* t/-,u;,flrin t r-Ju j,'rlru*t

k.try ti,* *** U &url* WL:j,*p ltttr rfu,ri,*trMh,M {,,.drL .w ijr ;,rL,t Itt t . / _

HL [,, az-*.ltnq-, u,-il, dn M @*r &wffie-d;,ff,Qrfi {rrq q} fu ,W b, n *.l,et_ t-e};;*;''eilr,lTr -fr"r,J*

)a ::azk>U#'s 3+,f,5, T+ J3,7*,> q*+rTffinnal,i e*-e, lV > fryrj

Page 55: Section 2: The Master Key reference/note Guide

{-Lr *& tJiAatt sy #a-{r A**,r,;t7----,' -.-'--...''.".*-.d,,,d

/,fi,"\n . r.i- 14\ ',--r ;-\.- r, , 1) ,.4 I

@'i{,.) {lJ*tl tf:u I- I3, D*u,,,uilrr.,,, L4rariic#.t/

d * b u.rlsfZut J,,y, J,,,,,4 4 g ii:*\qw,V *t :/,*1t

{.y't*l , [r,,A {^;*fi,ltlri [Lv'u,$L] U.ln-r t-{, Uq,"rIL{

=ai*^'** r/,r,ff\; L*ilrfijrt Ltxnpt4 ,l*:!,..J


j.h ., \r f-?

U*,ti r f t -L,1ru't .j',',1,C- -Li,, -r f' nn a'l

: Ltt tu,L>r "-stJ


i,83, *c,5T .SE l, i {tS-61

il.t,o' :- ln:t*t ll.*,o? I {-i 7, rc 12 } i*'* r'2,)

/'wh.: Ij urL&,

trr{irLt:c rT' ,t ir -ZJ,+ clSlv t .

L{ rrr*r*tr *i,n 4 .ft fn A rjr t d* 0 b,j . "at*#

ilnl&3**-lAlu iie-.}'il' g r*uvt rarlu#fi/LH ,

{*!* }u*vxd *f *ls rri**{'* lar* 'rr,rtr4t}urd,


;Tt* ir,'.,,,1 J,n,'L L l/ JLW U\r JL'li v

Page 56: Section 2: The Master Key reference/note Guide

/.. , + wk-Ynth&6A*ar*il7f,+'{ l),''frtl_. t1"u

:,1 -,,,..(nhitC- pr.Lett 0n*5fu1n L\,a,L Ltn {-l ii l^Lrtvl' frMA f,L

LtctLl L,n tltl* *tmd-, {u I 5, fr,r$ltr*,# 4 fu1-rilt1elr-u';il -iti,

a,ffrir,il'n;xru,Titt il rtl druxd-,,W;a)'l.lrro,fi t' ti W Me u,nA ru-.p !'"

u,'Tiu l4r*',-rul {r+,frjtLL i,;fin- fu* iffila lw"urfio,l ltt-#*zufu /t,;n*j* \

{uLA. H{*r*'q }d-* rn$r,t- tftM{tluwfi w

W, rtrfl Qoew) t{* ta*{u, tr LL*'[u* t** R.utr Mtlr\u hillqot* ri fr,He, srr*

6m (i,r- . [ * ; v i I -? o, **ztq,l n t i{rtT,nu,t-.>*_/ ., ,


(W^,^^t yifrt,+Lrru ut fnrl Llnv",a,ft e.l,#,u.UU&Lt , nwil *tltr il,-r i'l ,)

Ll:,H-JU,n, &^r^,fr,,,i- t Ln,r'{\-a- a-fr t41\ffiilffifu..Lv Y,l.nuery', il l.iilr, rurt-,L x tl,r;.qp W

Page 57: Section 2: The Master Key reference/note Guide


"--+4r ;j 11 r i ?

I hL n\^,LL!-l -[J'L']{, t*{ NU nr,.t;1,

."r .l ',- -* "+-li'ntltjil',1U .ru\jL Lj/qJ

Uu'r iy CulXttt lfa,tL,J,?

M LLv1rl ,ir,::r,tfr.j ryT,:- fi{to'p .

Ll,t juw frr,,r,rri'r r;:*t .L1".,r, #; rru t "*rl,,i t; |",-li. /'l ,,!rL!ftit

eitr, rLri'r;vl{i, k ;,Ltl;+ "*tfi,,tt}s

*#,.1*i* ud{

t /r,,F,\ {J

_r_ufrJ_,I au ibJ,o ,,)-r.^L,iu4 *, )a ,1 G v*r-rr t ap;iS C#q- r#w).


/^ t,-..

(r,u*t', l{irt+-?] ,\W-fi-***+,r i-i-*., :jil

,,1j,,fr1 i,Tur*) r4,* td ;i, ij,;,,t lrrW,-ffifl,J,t-*ul,ril u.rrh.j-r, iT; t 'u,*t-uil,t


^1_ ^+..',F,\ / # "/ {J ')

Page 58: Section 2: The Master Key reference/note Guide


w{* Q"tqn t4z /iat /t i,/ €*,i6;W,1,,>yf ul;"r.n fql- 'J.-*l- I ' \-/ u

Tl,vi: fi.t-u4t-- rytr LLivLvrt 4 ' vI '/ F-

guile: for thel' ire without fault be: - ' labours: and their works do folios

ri'ritten in their ro,rr,.ro' ""' , " '. SlftiJlIfll'ir:;;3f,ji:,;- :' ffii{ ii.i e,:ip.' are ruuv ripe

2 And I heard a voice from heayel i,friliu,ion, and he slral; :* . :.o#.rt ,.^_1^9}1111."^ie-*

tllfl*T:i:11:4^rrurrlsqruq\vrLvrrvrrurL4!\'rr. indignatiouanclhesh?.,.:.- *.ryffi.1? ,-"'^";-:as tire voice of many \\'aters, and,ag itliim* and brimsion. .: ,.:: ;*"* tl1,"o"f:3t11-irl9_r]-hi1,*_l1u^:.,::the r,,oice of a sreat thunder: and I l,ill,'6'itr{i'T,;iffii;;i

-..."iffi# 3il11.l^*1;?19.:.Tljf^T,l'^*e sreat

heard the voicJ of harpers harpins ii="r'*,YJ.'tTriil?rilf1'" -" - '' -T# ,tff0ff:t.?fjl:,:::1*1.9:d;

J irrettrionJorcoo, them.ffir" 6 And I sarv another angel f11.. - 14 And I looked, and behold a white

\ the rnidst of heaven, having the e:.,: cloud, and upon the cloud one sat like-J lasting gospel to preach unto thi: unto the Son of man, having on his

'+*? that dwell on the earth, and to ei.'*, head a golden crown, and in his handI , =r, nation, and kindred, and tongue, a:: a sham sickle.* -j people, --.. - - 15 And another angel came out of

- 7 Saying u'ith a ioud voice, F..: the temple, crying ivith a loud voice to

'ii God, and give glort' to him; fo.r ':'i him that sat on the cloud, Thrust in thy't hourof hisjudg:rientis.o*,'31dri 'r' sickle, and reap: for the time is come

-r ship him that ntade heaven, and.ei;:':" for thee to reap; for the ha6,est ol i5e: and the sea, and the fountair:: ' earth is Tripe. - :., ..,.,./

^'-J waters, . . -. .., 16 And he rhat sat 0n the cloudt g ,.$,ffioJlii?li.'1,'l:.tltff',Tfl1 lll#iitffi,';:XiH:the

eanh; and

that great city. becatise she rna:.. '. 17And anothei angel came .rlt ofnations drink of the u,ine of th. -', the temple ri,hich is in heayen, he aisoof her fotnication. ,, having a sharp sickle.

I And the third ang:, : .-+hr' 18,LnO anbtirer angei came .ut., them, saying u'ith a 10lic "- s: - from the altar, rvhicir had porver over

1 4 trSJi[1[3hii,Xi',s,,.ilffi[ tT,{sJ#if?,]?il,i.-'' ; ,.# i ili; t" cried *'ith a loud ctv to him

w*h him an hundred l.*]:rd-leyr ''#+tiitf;-lrr",,',,,.;j ilfi1{i{,{,i-"'i}fr!r'1i{{:{slllftthousand, havins his Father's_name otllewratnof God.*.i::::. .; =#]t i1::lY:.*,::j"t*,,Yji,-^:fth.eanhrfor

iviththeilharps: it Arcl the smoke oi .t...: =*rffi:;$ ?.0 And the ri'inepress ri'as trodden

3 And they sung as it ivere- a ne\\' ascenOettr up for e\.er. _rr . ,* -#,{ n'ithout the citl'. arrd blood came out

song before the throne. and before. thu inrr:'frure n0 resr da:- ::,.,: _ r wS ,9l,tl! *llgflrjj:9l1t"rl1t:.]l^.-1.j.::Jvr.b vLrvlv *..- "".-.:.-.' lltgl ili1vc ilu lgSt ud] .... : rffii*3 . :,

four beasts, and the elders: and no iro"frip the beast and:.,u. ;;ffi ltli{les 9yll9sg-algof athousand oitd

mancould1earnthatsongbutthehun-*r,ii'.-:"*',.,"i,.ti,;#ffisixhundredfur1ongsdred and forty ond four thousand, name. , -,;pwhich u,ere redeemed from the eafih. 12 Here is the patience cc ffiffi

4 These are they which were not here are they that krrp @ dffidefiled with women; for they are vit'- mandments of Goci. arai reffie#**,?i?',11:i}fx,'H$:ii:#t:

*;i'i"d r heard u,.*t# TW*,P -,.*=

xkrr*mtx;mr;r-*-t i,:; ll*::rkur*r:,:*-.ffi 6h rt wo 6zq)Lamb. Lord Tftom henceforah: k; \r' :*-z

rrrru _ _;::ffi /:_were redeemed from among rfiefi, be- heaven saying unt* w

5 And in their mouth rvas found tro Splr''it, that the.v i'113:,' 11;- l--::.7

Page 59: Section 2: The Master Key reference/note Guide

uJ i,w fid)Nt,i,a &l&i t* fltdffi#"? ff

I n ^/{4 frd-ltt /.; ,2Ui,t-U Lt

"fuA'd #r"*# *i4*y). r*$.dL# Audt-)


/,J& {}+' l}rarJi &r"e-M'Jr!ffitl*#o**" *, ilrUJt*,'I AiL rg-il,l,ttl- &fiU;-tG- f l -- , f

r0- -Wtm-t L L\H,frk t\L frL LLl- LEfilJL (ttttrfrti,,vt .,I { rt l-,,t t *4 t1 i; I a,*-n f}

-llw ^rflllil.t Dl fr ;,h' ffifriar

g/ary N Ml u yrfr;?":;, rt#vtnr,*fl

fu--TA W cl 5 : u z- 5, -Tl u Gturfu,l- /),ao,\---l n 1 ,\--l

/j *tn ,'i^^"lr:ht/iL eow,ltillAu,tFrr/t *lilrj^ Ul{ila trn !..l-, r

V r,fiat wl;t:d,r buil li@ Lu-u,J ffl{)L'c/Jut-t-",irv d,u w tr.,rt- yl ffi i^ ilutJL :il"rlrAtu,fu-tl linir^. b ,^*, t'*ururwffinfiqfiu

l t! ,'t ,lJ f ^ t '

ilt',;W-rlW fl. #&u le tnA*{.GtM'Ue tn4wi,rir,uil Llu ??i-@w r,1 l*J r'';4,

<-ruw-ryq.&ry&{'qlY, +

{ttS;v I {LwfrAtr Wt t)-ut w tu/)e+rut" fr,tu-*jr *i*Ltlu /frr*Gtnnfilrrrw ffrIrn tla) l,o jill"rj u,il ttifr t a A( Mr^ y{ GnhT t1 *VCn' H+l ai \r

Page 60: Section 2: The Master Key reference/note Guide

1&La.j [w w a]RLtff Atlr,,AT

fusdtiliawtiil" 'rf,

5',1 [rtf:,!#uo,il,eIm*q;tfut {fr1&w*,i ."1 c,1t, *t1 , ,fu4,{:*:-uiL


** il^nL.lJ Ut/ l\:

fij,sj*A",M I tK FffiWb,' ,=-f1 , I - - r \ * , f

"7"l,uYvvLL Lr.\i r'J '

, ' flwth*jw,t){ wl}+u*:r CtrtbArurudqrj WL,A t F hrrrtll U.iA at,l^J

MW_, .t4( L{a- *,nwit}t;ztt uiL" L+up,.,r,\.,


/ \''' lfr t '-'-/r i; fr) il r ,l t t t - , t I"

fu , :a"ity W Wr,f 4 #'Y^h -tWbt" L I n ;r+ ; lr,ilrr*n r,{ Tiu:f r\r".* ilr^R-. il i'[ ,n , -,-,f A; t

!*_\{::i_}_t Tt{ LL u,uL.*lLll/X,lirl,L f7 I llL+ PP fi

sAD, $1&,#,hktjn i"tJ* 61-ff1; -

Wfu,,t--A,tu*A-g*-tlL H-r-rt#o31,.t

{: -d,,t"u#rrt

'' (utnj"

c/*{- s QarSzSr

Page 61: Section 2: The Master Key reference/note Guide

U,; n* ilrfiit f,€etl.rt}- MA-ul7

" ',1 , ^l^c "J*'

iir,lT iffi;t*-*py ilL-; u,e;1fu- f,-t r't ,'

+4dLlmutbtal[WW# ;Ltitt t€ tlt-tuv,-tlrl-,i {l) turti l,rt ru{. liff,it-t,'**en **i, f* *{--{itttYr,cu,, tgt L )LL *tffS_/b,7A ry_il, J{)ri"t, tleqffpJur4, txluut-TT,re D*ttr,.rre l,; *trcUn4

-71 oT.sffi)nvtLt r il, /b,ltt;*,0uaq : r o )

Tu{hfufri&LMt* wht&-t0M ffi1frt

Yln h,ua AlL4luJtffi*,- WoHfl ,ry oh ! "

rii'-.'_Tl i^ j---i1 i '

"Etl l'ri **rfit {L// r/u ,tt uutz tl to,-. , f r--Arr n---F,i; *{lrn ^ l ^.."\ 7 f t,) :{,

ir,-L)trrltrd kt tj.'i:>lLit i':*{,-r nt-utlvltL,,Wl [4 l'5,Lr,rt-'T ,




Page 62: Section 2: The Master Key reference/note Guide

M"e*fir'wt #-.ry €9{Y

seven angels having the settett lastpiagues; for in them is filled up thervrath of God.

2 And I saw as it r,vere a sea of glass

mingled li,ith fire: and them that hadgotten the victolT or'eL the beast. andor,er his image. and over his mark, anrlover the number of his name, stand

on the sea of giass, having the hatpsof God.

3 And they sing the song of Nlo'-sesthe sen,ant of God, and the song of theLamb, saying, Great and manellousare tltl 'I'orks, Lord God Almiglitytjust and true are th1, q,urr, thou Kingof saints,

{ \\}o si:ali nor iear ihee, 0 Lord.and giorlfi'tht name? for fhou onlyorl holl:for ail nations shall come andrvorship before tireel lor tht' judgmenrs

are made rnanifest,5 And after that I iookeci, and, be-

irold, the temple of the tabernacie ofthe testimony in heaven s,as opened:

6 And the seven angeis came out ofthe temple, hat ing the seven plagiles,clothed in pure and ivhite linen, andhaving their breasts girded rvitlrgolden girdles,

7 And one of the four beasts gai,e

unto the seven angels se\ren goldenvials ftill of the u,rath of God, u'ho 1iv-

eth for ever and ever,8 And the tempie r',,as fllled y,.itir

smoke from the Biorl, s1 God, andfrom lis po\\rer; and no man g,as ablet0 enter into the temple, iillthe sei,enplagues of the ser,en angels r,",ere


'! f,, And I sarv anotheL sjgu inI t l heaven. great and man'ellous,

E ui.C;*' )q,rr*,WWNlr#,i*Wr) fr"\-hswvrtr i,{i*n {ajL t"f W",+rruri*uet,

Page 63: Section 2: The Master Key reference/note Guide


ulnx ilAlhta"t frj/,LrsAte,#A? st


JLa .*$r,:,,^, &fl&ilA fi"w ,j,Lwn t)',iik(\ y-o{.t N, t* $,(r,J,J-,frr^,t -fufut| tJ tufur{t,ff ,'lr,J r

f\t,L! fift,t tttn*Lt *{, ty-ifib" *Nuu*t-tJ,W4, tt"t" #*:'jl*, **od $W & *w,uirlrd


,,---\ \ qn*o W &p,tLirr"fr Wa t6+ fr** LJ(++e) fu.rc ]urv i , Z,'fi,{rh":,}^,rlfrni#1,v, i 't n , ,,4 n 4,-l-t \-4 + ) ;--v,^ T,'.r,,tn i) -,

L-/L t)-',!-tJ-/! {'J L'|tk- r) JJI LPl UouL i -A, r;;)_V_}/-

er,u,,:! 0* Sirn ,;fr:**-,erffii,j-i1,u) il;e.rf, Li)4:11 "[l uc L tu]t;* *nttt:v{ z{c- itJ:,Nt llol,lq-, 1 l;u -};rlt' W!.tt, -

=j-#i ::v,h Lufr,rt t LtLu{,r !t*![Ltafi]rititi-t tiuW,rt,L"c*xttr",i -i-na1 i,Lude U:.> C,u*UnwrU drr.M|r,L {r'ttt ri,I-

t{ryA Llr,i,*,t4,**f,L^aALwL 14i-} ii 0trnUe,,q;..*c i;r. . \q {i M&;}rq/L |ffi



Page 64: Section 2: The Master Key reference/note Guide

A nE n t4jj l,u ajirfr,l,tart C,T

Ari,#drl Ntiserliau:rd,.a\E

.\lrrSJ,^Jt-W{t ilJ-l- s >ffi,1'reg*clb,+ P€x4*

s ,$it- k*.u #i !7. i'i ++, {rr-n,n Tir,s ,fittil,4 ldr*rf,\

oo^[*r,' )i.A L r\J XlrLi,{ryt,L

* L r- . l a :v +, 1fu i,rb",j, 14 ;tkn*,{- # 3 .-/


'1'r, li,iq i {'ct,rl-.#tlin) r ) fi+t,:{- {rtt ; I -r - i .-r ,, f o,^( i l'- r' ,-.i/ '- ,'

-+- it -'t t t J

ir:*fr,1,i;,J- CtrlktltuJ_ * ,,jtr; _t ,t*t{ l11 ;

ur$L;t14'Mr,ffi'--- '

I *;'

i:{,tw*, rt* tLvLL\

n I a. A 1 1 t n i ,r 1\{iCtFC lr.r: u -l , ! At_/Nl-il1 ,,1 ilnd-# d,*, ,*Llt *f r'}kL.

n ' .i"-J-- - ' '/, -, -l,j,*Jn.Tifi1tL, -T i,ir,t { fua-l E-H-rla'L' i,+,i tt ialr

ia,rl+:t;vt H;'A,)-f-,

Ib, >PWg (41,[ "


/ l r l rr-#tt ]I I *A.1;rtJ

Page 65: Section 2: The Master Key reference/note Guide

tx rnx ki eb(i t* Afa,ur{? 0t

U, ff ̂{.* #/!*r,L,*f , n,wid,a nj;nurj "dilr,nlL+jri;sur)4

rL* rtff77t, trv\ Jtufr+fr'|, i, i j li; ^+

Q.ff d {o: v 8, r{, &u,i_x+ Aryll*ejul.r)r t"rilet hJrL#*

^_* -i't *t,*,\t/fidl ka,yd.l-t" D&j:*q {wi*l,t_ r:,,,r^nk A,ulrirfrtr"rJ*\,,i r,ir,h -N,w , frulLkurnt/],.-trffi-A

b4t{,iL'L *l,ffilrm,,sff Lurnr,r,t W,fr^A rlr4 lkilrrrt

L;u, -rr,*-L},, tr:q,:o-lJ, fui"fr fr-t_' L 7*r,,,L:.-l)L t *ir^rL,

t,t -1ffiKW #r{t {\nL !-t,i,r,r4 L

rnL+t **rtC- i

Lt,LtA#u l11,aihjYfri


i,A i, t) 1

,t +4/t .t t'**n,li lh't ilu Ur,L I il,L.i."-LLr.""W,W

*i, *1^, 'A-fiil b-*r,-rfri-,fulh;b ")dild,u,rpVa1[a

o l-g*{-Ltt* T f*> Wud,E',b p^-"ti, *>

Page 66: Section 2: The Master Key reference/note Guide

t "t-

il"riffi {$dfr}Rn-L{rtff\{*

;). ti ii( u L lLr, ,V

grlrrW UiuLt *,*rJ irdi?1fri.Ca.

dt+l- :fuMie#;rntu,, *.{ #,*A,itril {kud*.17,, \ I']t-f,,-\

-l (- : - {,' -*,;u-,JL\/ r,ii) ":illt iuLt tbxd ;Ll^r

-ii,iar Unuie, r,.r,i 1 *.*t',!,t,w,t L t, W;-J

t ,t / t .-*j-rJ I *r'"

,i I)'iItu lt'ni),i.\iT; ,{t;'x>\ 4*L t\t&} t* t**t,,,,q}-1_,j ,"ffu*,*r'Ltak'L +rL ,J J*-*TU l,L L$y?L{_"&tL$ )

,!t * it yr. ri \i-p,pirvi i,*"il"li ruH-il,t,,,1,!+J,t,n#*d I Ui; a,it$*.,

ii*# *r* a;t' 4;n:.u!,rz {\i-*,t€,4q, w*, .ilfi

,rTI\ .-\ \'

fr+7)d1,;"- ciGii,I L, A1t-Ltil dt*tr):\--t

flrx-cf {glv t}- t{u,{Ltfr*er, Ii -# t-\'* C*

#21=91# 47=G I& ;'3-.a.L lr[r] #

=1 (:nr,:y A tt I ,,.'t*auuu*L^ol

.>Wflpat"k {Zr*;iG,+ {,,W G)


WrfYrL kee&M)\ LL'c*L,wll {,,rfi Ma'iwi,t4 7 t J r . J 1 f i; ,';,:i Ift',-l'Jl'

CLt>t )*,V Dat.,lu,L J,fr"llii , A' '1 il :

{ilt- fffi-fit {L).\ /, . t

Page 67: Section 2: The Master Key reference/note Guide




nR.hAe[.J.iil tr , ThL Jy,q,il iryffiiLtD'r tgahHt,oh l)r ila{**,tf i,1,tn,Lt_Ll LtLffiUUC*WrljLLn,

ul tt*.ZfrfJ tLx*- A*u*lalun,'{u t5 tUwLtf, , t u,l* C.,",}*,r[r,r t

,!@L ft r,rritt- t:iul* lifi !,u), h; c;'{ Ji*f,.**rtA )'K,;ifi#,,[Tt_fru, r

evt;*={"tRu* J&.:1, r,r,friu j,pJoi r lt+rrrt,*:'**"i"T*"

bTlu l-r,rt, q LL nl *{ k D t e;Nr-\,il .:L:ru*'Vua #,'flt,3 -l

,+7 fura*l ,:jL/,t 't-> W,t!ah,r,,,r

'' {+iurtc!^-z iu! ii+,,I 4

tqr;f?P* V J /''fi ii'"1 ";t*l

"Llc 5 L ; )(-o- 7in kt, ++.r r* I G "> 3 9Z W; r;:,:n #t >') (L^t ai-'",L,r,'r,t L* ,l ,rrtt^'frt)



Lt !,41J"1

r-+,vil-- i ,7,1!. t n{ {hil"J.,

'').llq;t&*tet- "Je-{" ,* l!*q &il^a pttL,t*_, tup"u*L''n'utr fr-*,:l {* It- .t(auu ft,t;:lLtt Lz.L Li**,n)n-Ldw,$" #f klil * {nq\ujfi ,,'$1rfi ,/ ,, ! ,, , -i { , ,^ .a_L

i*rtrtLlt_l-t';{-L ?LLl!,:1 il"L*q--lo1,Ja,L' 6, ( -_ ,

fr-*.Tvti tt L^i,ilt |J;rt Ol*l-'fl tL,5e*$4 ,lVtxLDh,LI 'J

> yre t'?d"6<- TPffrw*$g &,r c, t 6, b1+6n ;t,

Page 68: Section 2: The Master Key reference/note Guide


16miffi:"rrrul,fs:l,l.'jangels, Go your ways, and Pour outthe vials of the lvrath of God upon the

earth.2 And the first q,ent, and poured out

his vial upon the eafih; and there fella noisome and grier,ous sore upotr the

men rvhich haC the mark of the beast'and upon them which rvorshipped his


3 And the seconC angel Poured outiris vial upon the seat and it became as

the blood of a dead iiton; and eve.Y

llving soui died ln the sea.

4 And the third angel Poured out hisvial upon the rivers and fountains ofwaters; and theY became blood.

5 And I heard the angel of the rva-

tem say, Thou art tighteous' 0 Lord'which ar"t, and ttr'ast, and shait be, be'cause thou hast juclged thus.

6 For they hai,e shed the blood ofsaints and Prophets, and thou hastgii,en thent blood to drink; for they are

rvoflhI.7 And I heard another out of the

altar say, Even so, Lord God A1-

mighty, true and righteous ore thyjudgments. --,. .- -J

8 And the fourth angel Poured outhis vial upon the srin; and Power wasgiven unto him to scorch men rl'ithfire.

9 And men were Tscorched withgreat heat, and blasPhemed the name

of God, which hath Power over theseplagues: and they repented not to give

him glory. -2

10 And the fifth angel Poured ottthis vial upon the seat of the beast; andhis kingdom rvas luil of darknessl and

they gnawed their tongues for Pain,11And blasphemed the God of

heaven because of their Pains andtheir sores, and repented not of theirdeeds.

irli vrd upirn the great river Eu'phra':

iei; ano ihe ',vater thereof lvas dried

up, that the way of the kings of the east

niigtrt ue prepared.

n enO t sarv three unciean spirits

iii<e trogs come outof the mouth of the

Oiaeonland out of the mouth of the

Oealt, anO out of the mouth of the falseprophet. :1-

i+ for tfiel' are the sPirits ofder,ils, rvorking miracles, r'vhich go

forlh untothe kings of the eal"th and

the battle of that great dav of God ---

il''pv cpo hls chanle. ltlrLLr JL!

tbnnO he gathered them togetMinto a place called in the He'-br.'tongue Ar-ma-ged1don.

17 And the seventh angel Pot"l:. -

out his vial into tire air; and there ca:,.a great voice out of the temple -

heaven, from the throne, saying, i. .

ders, and lightningst and there ri'a. .great earthquake, such as was l: '

iince men were tlPon the eartlt' 'mighty an earthquake, ond so grea,

l9 And the great citY rvas dit'id'into three par1s, and the cities of -,nations fell: and great Bab'-y-lon ca:,:

mighty.15 Behold,l come as atilef. Bles#'

is he that watcheth, and keePeth'&&garments, lest he walk naked, *#

unto her the cuP of the rvine oi . ''fierceness of his ivrath.

20 And every island fled arvaI, :-,-

in remembrance before God, to *''i

the mountalns lvere not found'21 And there fell upon men a

haii out of heaven, everY stor,e

the weight of a talent: and menphemed God because of the Pthe haii; for the Plague thereoiceeding g-eat.

Page 69: Section 2: The Master Key reference/note Guide

Ldh,r\,>frj#Lty At*^^A{ u{

- [A-!t- 1.,1,r #L

-t l, [5,3"1 i 1_,knry), nt ,ttwueic]

tl"t*-:t &i*: t-*;r-i I e[i{i ltA .{'tur.,isL:trxc3-t+c+()L:-.-

f,r;-c i-l: v l rZ, ^,'*--t i'i .,J tl ! ,'i +!l,'-LfVlild ,i,u &tdll 14,rtalW,t* A-LyJruiffi"*- f:ft,i J ,l *,;^ [' /0-D C.M,Ll"t or,uA Uut:-

irtrf;tty, $,,,rJ : *,.,Na *t'ul u [itilLt irofuL: k,'l'i,',/,i

Lu ,fu'*rJ\i,qr . L ,---{, 4;,}rtr^tt di-&,filtlt,t J.; --+.- I .rl , f; ! t 4 ,r .j/t/L'/''/- "{ zt\" --+- l

Ltrfi.L)LI,' i;;te,uA' & ")-cb,u{

L{a L4l *,1:f,aAh-t,rfir!;tvi4 *,

;ttl,'s.L' "YL*-tt-L

.l ":U-.!iLL'#;.- 5,f /, + il , TT if 43r*ii**W*ad*ar*2?;l:; r;r;


-*\t n t'-: i a7 t t ,1, a LJ f Lr24->C t i,:tr _* * b, I AL LJauuj L*&.1t .'/ *-'-**^


fi , t , ,f *r,

| --**;'"-- ;7" -*;--7 t

; ;!qa {-l,ift',Anr4 : u,l- i*.uflt tlto loturt ff/t fJu"uu/ tf " ;. ta-{ .r+f i^ /i " 'tt/ 1fL\i-c 5 .v l1-.LL i ',L L,:*l_iAL.lt_'1, :**r-atyt" , ,lL";A

.-- t | ,, i t 1*l

ft.u]i't-^fftf),t try a-N iw*tt,{tt*,tr{ d,ff:'*-r tn*rxL, ,i . A' jdLL

.JLJ, L v, ?, LL l,lrt t -,-.#*: ku .W - LLu

'*;l;*i*'ar!- y-erxf *4n+,ttwLt*y1 , Wg{a$

---::W.I=f zwffift^"'t,"tor&, "--- -.?

;.1ul ,

Page 70: Section 2: The Master Key reference/note Guide

''; i',' 4,tfu tj,l i M, u-t't d {J&fu ;rli-t't u+rl #3; b-;_-! ) btt *rt# J\'1--' '1 e;,*

W,dintdM,m #-l{ ilrJ,tvt


d*# dwfi snu*;Ht/?#"dii {n-ffiiX },ru*

t,,^ -r1r ]*r*h'{ ** *!4rp,,r

i;{1A%. r ib+r**nf.i tthiiz i i*n *l1Lj'LrTL "J {"L,nrltd !k,k1"".€ tvttLajrz$*

Jrrhrtt [,ftfr,,Uh{fr^h

"T t /.1 )

,-,rJ,rt<4t,1 ..1 iL-iU \,UI '.i.i \J.) J1,,

,, 1,| *,l-klrt-,'l

16/:\ Lt'

rya,L Wr,b,jd*, C-4,*'* {,**#;f t tr,f-tr

-{4WfrLCau.J ti


ltL urrNnl**

> To .71 e+d@pwi7 {JCIr,-" c t Z* P * Hc-r,t i,{rJ'

.L UlnA- lifirLf l|{- e-tfu-ts, Att *}7@$lu;?,;r, e- -i--'\=-l-il*

nTqil rtJ)nl ,. t ,"1 r "J t , -r'--*t::;-*i3',tiT.',, ,iJl ,,.iq." lnrn i / /\t,t I tl ^i.

rl l. ::


Page 71: Section 2: The Master Key reference/note Guide

r-.(#srp,.^*,\-?/ r I 1l

Lt';,L Lu'uttu' -'*:t L,,q- u,l-'l)rajbrl Lr-ltri-i* ll)i,.{,tl TruTn4rg- tL: ifiw,*i g!ig/u,l, L{ (iu -l,p*,,,,fr- ylYJ;\;!")9,G1t'r -fiu' I ^i irLffi- r r{ nt t*ril,)*,'

! %


.tI i\rtl'

i) \r1 1 t i.i ,' 'l t tU li)*'tE l-l ttrL1 Dir,uil "1, , #*{u-ry+1rl i,

\---4 I , : ; ' .*"-;-:-H:; tt .L;TJ.r I ]LLnt\,[ b*rt IUItu Lt+ilh^,t,


TTLLU***,,I* ,)fia t\ M*&*t r,l,krtlrdArul& _

o \t,r-i,^- {-:-:' -- ,.lrrr,"* o,,, t! ,:,i'}#,rt*,*{,{;r *:i ffi'*':Jr'.2*"'

^L i, ,LrZl"ii .i_e_l_i!tu. ) Fa,rt,flnnCJh .

>iWaaailq*l tnunctl ,*> Pq4 €-a

e /Laz i;,:i,e *L \liftlii;,,,,i , i; 5,t,

(++ S 3. Ijrri.*c [ 7 ; i- i I - t ], -17,i !Inr,_ll-,-- frL t: tl,t_ Lq[llr, tffi, il t.,;f; *t lirlr'{,f1*'tiu, i,lr,,tp-ifr,t* }ruil frjijj,byfrrt+, t-W j,& ;,sti i : !_ [ rn -ti _r*- L fi l-tt! i-i ;14. *,J;rW [ ̂


, ii-% .rl 1 -r ' v / t-JtJ"*- v"'{'*'' r

tlln'-Lr'-1 ti-rit'r* Ltt:x Vu""* ,\=WtL:ti /,it';r{.-it-'tr\t67 o

Page 72: Section 2: The Master Key reference/note Guide



,fu l)Aa.llwalu- LL*A wti,,Tht llt4,l f5,

Mfrrr;ft*ffi t\) G&1ffihfiil 6?w, iu"i d-*Air*lt \qc),ufuL , {1M. d*

o Ur-kAU *| 5C"). f,t, )5, tG,L6,33 /,31, 4 a, :'1,

>WgY:t!2' !:' :*!!l3:l-:!1'i-1-r-:.(#sS; Ra"-:i1iur5,M,Ytr '*ffi*uftut&:- tlt,rnw,* tli,b sti-{\\eW f*rfrlr4 c,"L@.

a AIaYW#LI l,t{, eS, H tt*st , {z,fg,wrbo-ctl.:> F4 , 6*, 62,61, 7l ,


ffisG) {b,rc|1 ;ul,b-\fr,\--4-n't..1 il 1^!7*,ln t:t*:I nnAh;L lru^r,yo al-LLid*limra*+- {-il* {ill a.u*,s'e{'",^,}) "n{m;;akbtu^'M+

> WfM4lr;U f2rr-"tZ ne"'trffi *> eLq *'l '



6--jltuut tti t\F;n {,&\rtd A*{rv,i?

MtluirL W)e* ffi.j4ttr'driL'bmfi ,JJ}I

*LLt, n /+l ,,{-3,@#oUt**hud\

Page 73: Section 2: The Master Key reference/note Guide

And there came one of ::,seven angels lvhich had :: -

uroman sit upon a scarlet coioureribeast, fu11of names of blasphemr,, haring seven heads and ten homs.

4 Aitd the rvoman rvas arra5'ed inpuqlle and scadet colour, and deckedu'ith gold and precious siones andpearls, having a golclen cup in irerhand ful1 of aborninations a"nd fiithi-ness of her fornication:

5 And upon her forehead 1,ir0s aname u'ritten, N{YSTERY BAB'-Y-LO5THE GREAT, THE },IOTHER OFHARLOTS AID ABOiI,IINATIOI{SOF THE EARTH.

6 And I sal ihe \l,oman druniienrviih the itlood cf the saints, and r,,,iti.ithe blood 0f the ntarl,;s of Je:sns: andwhen I sau,her, I ri,ondered ivilh greatadmiration,

7 And the angei said unto me,\l,&erelore didst thou marvel? I lvilite11 thee the mt,stery of the rvoman,and of the beast titat carneth her,which hath the seten heads and tenhorns.

8 The beasi that tirou sa\\,esr 11,a.s.

and is nct; atii shall ascend our of theboncnriess pir, ani gc :n'.. perC::;ct;and thel, that drieil on tire eanh shailrvonder', ti'hose names rvere not lvi:ir-ten in the book of life from ine founrla-tior: of the ivor'ld, r,hen they lteholiithe ileasi thal u,as, ar:d ls nol, andYel is.

9 Anri irere is ihe mind rvnich harirrvisdom. The ser,en heads are sei,enmountains. on ivirich the n,or:ran sit-tpth

10 furd there are seven kings: fiveare fa11en. and oue is. ond the other isnot lret comel and r,i,hen he cometh, hemust continue a short space.

11 And the beast that was, and isnot, even he is the eishth, and is of theseven. and Soeth into perdition.

12 And the ten horns wirich thou

sawest are ten king5, $;higit iiave re-ceived no kingdom as yet; but receivepoiver as kings one hour lr.'ith thebeast,

13 These hart one mind, and sliallgive their poiver and strength unto thebeast.

14 These shali make war lvith theLamb, anci the Larnb shaltr o\rercomeihem: for he is Lord of lorcis, andKing of kings; and theSr thai aretl'ith him cre called, anri chosen. a,ndiaithful.

15 fuid he saith unto me, Tire u'atersu,hich thou sa\\rest, u,hel"e tire ll,horesitteth, are peoples, aird muliitudes,and nations, and tongues.

16 And the ten horns x,hich thousarvest upon the beast, these shaii haiethe rvhore, and shall make her desc-late and naked. a.nd shail ea.i irer 1lesn,and brirn her u,irh fire,

17 For Goci hath put in rheir i:earrsto fuif ill his ii ili. ar:C lc agr e:. :i::dgive the1i"kingdom uni0 iite beasl.r-uriii ilie r,'oi'cis ci Ccci shali be ful-i llec,

18.,\nd iiie r.,'o1r;iti xiiicii iliori5a\lesI is il'rat gi'eai clii', ri lliclt ieigit-eth oYe,' t:te ki:tg: , . :e ,'l ':1,


sel,en vials. and talked lvith me, sali:.iunto me, Come hither; I rviil sherv u::thee the judg:nent ofthe great lvh.:.ihat sitteth upol1 many rvaters:

2 With ii,hom the kings of the ear."hare committed fomication, and ::,.inhabitants of the earth have b:.:made drunk with the n ine of her fc: ,'-'cation.

3 So he carried me au,ay in the sp,:-into the wilderness: and I sar, ,

> {trtb fi"il'vf M-{rirJ*,ua}',#.5b w#ru - ^dili;wr4*-$a*'

(h{a{.TFxT <-tt-//\__-il

Page 74: Section 2: The Master Key reference/note Guide

-x#t\<SldL{:L't-l ,

{r it-r Lt-aA{a-f* A*{*,1-?"[*u


tj :/ 4'y- .'m t 441 {$r; ;ir i;r

/hflt .,,': rr?j"":#,4 ffi;fJrr*;;F# fvL,'u"4

, ! I --- * w.LJ4{Jr_;t

tJr-r,.fdAtLr{+,t LL+A JA J,A tA -[ r"/A.Lrlffi , s { ruz*i {ir,* c 3

fu|er-4dr*]s%q_f) {r*:{Brv I*3,

^/Lt .til ,


C- ,i r'J .rU )tij;fr_U,nLiu ( i,,,,1-

3_ *_[bt,,/ i

,{rn'\. ;dn'*6frL,-iY,,,,rhd- freu}.^oi

Page 75: Section 2: The Master Key reference/note Guide

W'u u- nlltu- l-r*,,rrL i

,ib ;W ze'11&&;t *ein-$o, Tfui*F ry hv,"ii* r,'"lt uii+u,l.i,,a, :', r*'@#;W .

,lf,] .t ,i' ,, ^ . tt I/tt itiltJ t) A r

J--UJU L)UL E i-.

fuit LILII *','&*tL**t* lttu'!' tir,,,Etfl :JrLV-rnA i*,*; t &H hi&,t {,y1 .

ilul il{ /,a;d-:IJIttttyl ffbLtwbL*4 {w


/4ar,fit crl4l| it wyrtg, cr,ffry*f uiiWtJ,'tiA, L;+rrlt -{ Wt-vn u*u-h*t nf;h{ri)

r , #s+?-5 I .*,iu Ltu-!i,**t ertild#;6," #o 2L,L1,41 ,t3, bc (+t*Lbut-

fl il,a lxlla"La,tJ

,:/r*irl .\


u*tJ* Jlnth,H:-'*itt,!'Urt-tlutM84


ft [\';L{A {Jrh,' u,'h,r,,j' l-:.trL, c x,r.{ t/ l 5',i,b,'alr:1,,:. {xJ,",r .te-atrl,) !fiI- Cb.eLl-,"t-

,o ,LLLU #,q t^ /fu,1+ru.fAa t^m-luu#1t jwrt-t^{ A*wf,}*rl,' *J; rt,},bf,1,r4p*t.tut-f-f{*L'T;;Yffj , T, i,p " ****c{*YhItLe{, Ld,,tt i-;)Ul

*r, ,*r'r,' ,-

'' ,-x-uuv'i)t f. |t-ff-E-tfu-yvL*Cgn, ,//

o"uw t:rt1 #'s tq ?{,*?, 1-),#,[4,,63;'{- a,7,]:,l7 *74,,8 L, (U*itzrt.uu"l'r-u12r-rr )

Page 76: Section 2: The Master Key reference/note Guide

tlttN l,{n!}btrhe,uil iltilth" fu,ndMd ld/t-', llrA, qt Qfu-,

WW'o*rtrMM),wnt-l*d"Lr*y ut@,M 0t;11-/A frt{}ytt-, da *

a ^ W nrfi*rpnff, to Wr- frm,

[iruA fiil,//]]lLoModt

tr/y,) t ,#*mr/nat:q;ryffifr1ffi^0,&ril^{}{,

l* H-r'J ^ft/{r uL-J

i.r*a/[r/) Y

r fr,trA m/t/L rn Lfu, L ntbtlwlrvwfrMf,l"!.aprilf rl

h'-A*J rt,tfurblil hj4fato)dAihrM ,*rltwMopilifur{A,!{wct8.9Y38n

Page 77: Section 2: The Master Key reference/note Guide

rgUylffiyQ*-}-T{lM*uu,-lW fr*f M,,rr] frM_

"-twl,,t 4,r,frr,{,aili^ V, 0,0 * fi}*,/*ry@,jiut"/,WMWW Mili,frn r{ il,rruAfu* r/ryw tuds,MM rl;ffr{+*4,;r,j9@@iurMafn,*Yl Lc,MpdlWL/rfiA--t,@) fu,fwrMul{W@frr4qfbwM4M@ ffiq*M' li1ir$ffir/)rw,^j trr6 ';

Wr--fu8*,t8 7o*@fws+

Page 78: Section 2: The Master Key reference/note Guide

uA!/ lfrtroni,,#iddr,Ji**




ffi fr^*Jlr1t rhLfi -/,r//nv tu-r,l-- , /)tt^,il bL;Mo {tno_,

o trff-U{ hq

u;,frilotrU,@,qfufuTtffuouM(t/wiy\, Mtupwwt


Page 79: Section 2: The Master Key reference/note Guide

t tl r A = i Ltrwfr wl illLJLA,rN;uA--

Urai$i,Mffi,fun*trr'Auffi*f @,&#u o-t@o {b^t*(AL,}^IA Mtnz,to {b,ut,rh u-^rA


Wa{dr-/Tl,tMM,7A- 0,1r4;rl(r @.

fr/v,,,l Mill k lA M ffirf,-\/ruw,,illu fiiTlrn ffiU1: ^(4^fu,


Page 80: Section 2: The Master Key reference/note Guide

{lJVw Llvt !- k rf}b tw thru}-2. 1U

m {bt c{8; v5- LNu-u,ttttt-urAl-lu,rr,n,

=Q"r,"tUhrufiilAilL, ouqAil- lr*l h hr^r)rv A" 4r*'M,r,r^ il tvrrwut tt, a,vLil w: hrrrrrru al^t-

lxluaxt lfu- u O uw d Hmu,r, a/u) lil*ll(lAtuuqA llt dwtJ?mr , nnorl Ht/k ,

o DnuUntA cMnLh WfcnLlt'tilnA /)/'l r

-ll-r-WM?o o Tnlil tl* l)+rl'L a M io ruw -

firu4'-lr*,il"$<lwl a clr4il ilJdL7 /

o hrt,dr* ntont U,t6 *wlirk',fnW b/ T/t rt/r7.

-a 0n, jJtaTnilty,tul,riltl4ry WaW

A,vrt- ur/il vtilfirt aillrju t)t/Dln/1f,;r,/rtJruA




{>etr$> ,ryr fu$-cIg.>>WAW

Page 81: Section 2: The Master Key reference/note Guide

ttltlLwbrw,il Mfu-l narrra7 ",-ff

fr&) 0t,daa-u)7ytMM%;Uartffit"*fuM'ilNuwltu.l@@fu?

eilrj r W M & get,W t t, q/LutLLYLIIIA'u ph1rquil cilf, W, I ehr -/jL--fulJllLflil, lst *,lr^Wrl @,W) M.l &w-,'hufrMwe,WW-lb,m;,fn@ /fuh/ h'L qan4t lrrilr-drril,o f*@,WfuWlrv-ilfu'drr/"WW@rutiltt,//4L@ furf,-b,rw, c/wl M dL t til--V1,-AJV)-01)-, [email protected] Mlr4f,lL

f-l b&4 Md n-/ WiilW t{t* L{:,0 )

Page 82: Section 2: The Master Key reference/note Guide

)-bfurnil,n*lMtl,tMxffid/LnWprwlMo;trAilr o/ t* M Wqy,ilLLt, n*l

r . u A


M*,'.,j+,ilnW*tt,/#affiT*ffiY^K#ultant+l a%o-DA

0n,,rtrW LfttL l.*,fiu/Ll,i mizl,ry A!!]Lr/fir'n ik 4'f-r urulnLk-h"Dewntilgl){Ut}rrl .W/t rLh, /Jn,,uL,4rA ry, lwrdJ-urtl

^g,*r^ @frlr'U W lLyilrl, aru,il"ry @ frW,@fu W,^ (b"Wdrri,A; Tfuruu ilffika/LAffi,il,,

^;#,wtr$-|,$ cl;at)w ufirfu fu"/ffir-tz( hhA:A,,tffr\^.^,

fiA,Lutr-lrar,Fe4n 8 + > qnt*@ /az fu &*-c t @, 7Y4ee*

ats*rwu,a M tlvu,rlW ilJnt I r B

Page 83: Section 2: The Master Key reference/note Guide

o CrvU ,,

r tt f-n'4tr4fu1,1 W

WfutA;rilLtrt^l"llMM-tu,+^WilW@r o frrLil ru u,yUhnn;' fuil,wrj,,M M

W il/ @ ^{w} tx.,lailru b #,tt@ nill_

)rw,r,il-,( laljd.t )nxL,l ilru*Mtltvt' : M * M - urU aru6& /d*df@ Mr;liWtl;ljffAtil!;/fuwfu@gw^ryffilil*M,deoZA M,frrt/

W'fug{ > N8,

R )ilfr orrf k/

Page 84: Section 2: The Master Key reference/note Guide

Utt ill nilall /)ujiW'#*,oh


rwbw,*/fil,wMtrffi"r:| -/-a{)rtlnt,Mi^i,f @,*W!

ir*fu ytr/t//r,,t^ nf duIA, nwlW,WW.r# u;/a p4r"-l{a

I I,;w an

W%nLg,>>--furuuc,lM aizfT ff

W[A]tl >t

o {brrl ,Lili/w,@ tMM/;;,,"r,tr,

W,ryW,{/fi&Utlwul ! 6/t/Ltl y@ MWh *,,rr/4' ltu)+, .,,t eli : fiW,,r;t/krwf,r,,,wrl,{ ' M,


Page 85: Section 2: The Master Key reference/note Guide

W ;lr*r/nif tt t tffit * i fi-a.till m_t*W3"#)-ltntv,jlffi- HW\ ,'rr/^*(r1 rtlt,r,r in,r ro /'n^

Ml,u't Mfi/M$wtD'tr rMtiAf/(;1/t, t rol- MMWM@p*il@,

no, @Wdasl&Ah*filr:h"tt vf-Ua{r{lil

Mhtufrr^ilrltl0l *u h' t u"r.\ ruUru * m . #,t-


i V:W uril!./lA{/t(

MI{M?x,, "l)irrrfi{:ffiffiMffi fu,hfru,[AqlM, fr.+,il. {t t)dd Luffijt+1.'a;UM.. di f) t ft ."**\ [.zr n n .4r {'r;f--- '/

";; r;e*@94

-f1^Lfr; , / ntA;tuT-{fla*t€atril n

Page 86: Section 2: The Master Key reference/note Guide

Wfx *i|elj keL'trtr ,Mr,uAT x12'

7]",lLL'', q: U +l,L i* J/, .ffir,d n fu, t y//,t;yt-J!2-rr ,.l fi::t,,tr'l ',^,'J,"ir, Ii"i@;t;*W6il4i*;1

,4*eg+nw* lvra Cfit,LLlo" _!'

W.arJ++1, f.i Lf ,*7,** 3,; z, ti( tLl* ko*t+*cn)

p,tprtnu; $ad,i rl ' ,fl ,' , .1.1-f ,nt*- W e4r,?yi,4 LTLL tb,L Tttl,u1, ffi*q#, T

.,tzLH.* j*t"t d fiaofiL,,[u, .rit,,(L la,"'t 3 ) ltL- LL ,

-.-W€w.ts ?ryKYs


Page 87: Section 2: The Master Key reference/note Guide

**t-':tcL krA /r'

fn- w fi1t1ff-H*Ur?

U,,i !,ff ut *L{sts lfm,C ? ga

$ilrbT Elpnhfr'fu l,L'ry\iril

i&,r-r lfi:*?c -aa ,-{-l:/:;'l1t/Ildffi{f- ff\e', kyrt-

t/ r.

{T3;.i-&L,1, t{*LLt


A*rx#'il;e, tu "udk&,T6{.r$arc f9 aap,Sf

f iti ,n,-c 5t-rc\{,n Uw k4 *+:r r?A,,

I "i1_ *t

f. ' r rr -_I r t.tutl lu*- u- C\ i ({., .

. I *1z. k ,r,{+ L ?t,Z-7,1},,53, {;*, *';tktf #r,t:*


\CL;r *:; i i, Lf +, *f, i{ t- ,sl,i7, ifr,Tq ,u* ,&2u b7,t l

'fi_ Md,e,ff*.frl #



L'S )3 37 L;t, ,rL/-3r"71;*7Qr6L.

t-.,-*1t. /'[Miw i: Lk* il,.crt+tt* t

Rc,r- L'l fr;r73.2T,u F.rl. i:ti.iltt - ? Jxqr. ,,i,)1,,r-n*t' , -r".i,a .

: il- j .\ ; - ,i* ;i|ia' i*u*r1,ru,J ,:4 , )-Lu* ut tr- r- r i)

iYW r,msyl.E_i. . ,'f \-.k- L

Page 88: Section 2: The Master Key reference/note Guide
Page 89: Section 2: The Master Key reference/note Guide

mi)tuuL, Ttr,{- atu^ilL',L L,t &,Y-T'le .Tlu['c@ ct1le-b,li ffuuD,aq,,,fr.t!,tbtui*-E-{tl,,c#;,,*r) i,, urf l'r[r-r-J t*r; ,

f!--.-f c ,; /4 rrtr tr, ,,t tt, tT

{-}.t YLs' &M }x- ddr tff frttr,t'r{i 7

rl-a r---/ A"L w#* {cll,+iua turu M'rl *,d,'


fwu#'@,"{rw&rlWr"J-LLLL*b{A-0at'rl p;"npt r'fr , t{rLil,ae),tfro,

tlo;kn,l ,'Lr t3) f**ZZ,





niltuvtA11, il,a4t,,gt , G6J r,' ottlL

{l' -rU-" ca/},wl *"fr *4 T/4}-{hfirvt-frAlLt x4til f ?firtu;)LrtL*,J^\ effi/-/-r'1 -''--'7

) 4arb fe-wflrk €ar^c I1. 7Ypyffi ?w\,t--J

Page 90: Section 2: The Master Key reference/note Guide

x4* rna,{,&-tr Ater*Z

WMtx+fu , L Juanj,*is {1ib1/!-*/ *ntuL}ttilfrri n+tAtfifiljrrLfr pt ntsLrr# tq#rgu,nuj" UfuA y/lrttoulu ne-

ryA,b Mp iwhuL',"fi?tahl\q/ahl t-Ye w@W


@Cq l?.fir cl1 i,r7*lo, r4lt*w,ar *{ Utyl R,\--l

,.',' 7y {wrMagL ^il/

"l },t W{\ ta-uw\.{- "Ti!fi!;jt'*@tu;;il

,Itutm ar,C w,{,^hlr, fiiju"Wtr-

t{,r.qr1nffw\nudw. {+1,r, l,ue+tilt c-{u"4u /r,1!- L&ilU tE il:i-




arfz c-l Tria a.d*tfu,"

r4utwus_u tuk\pilLd rne L+ lfi B .4"4*i,-iirt frf d,t*alf o-ld,u- nueoi-

b urulalq' lLh/^ . fr a tfiril )' M, qnJzi@,I' '€u,cLt- >>Wg-1 *

Page 91: Section 2: The Master Key reference/note Guide


-l,t-Lln+n4*t jr-l/r,,u tflueilt, a"l) *l/ffi4 /Jfurtu', C,t+,W, L^il^r,W4,ri:{-JrffirrlnL'vt *z$utrmLUy!fi*,y'-ili 'H u,t I {FL ;L.l_u i *V._i,LL,t,1,li-i,ffi iTl iile,v\

{W,,4,L i*Jre 4ruwtrt, ii /tfipll,wit-e'.' *, : i o}il^ L L t

p,rg c ,,)-iL]!U,"1 #ls ii , ?_ S, 2 L r }fi,83,3L,31 , SLi,


trfrt*l./L uA ,* fr- u,{,lrfu-'Wu, hr1,,ufi H E wilff tLdt ry\ htntUr-rlL {fr-flrrl' Fn'#thffa,rl} -fhrru', il t 5{YWma-uyLl iy,ltltty ulila ilk;-,.u-,

Ll it-caar u.Lt w lilu J)hrvltnrL ylJilL[\\Hq tualu-,tl

^bfirn\u{ rwo

tnmnA"W fuurwrn,,an*l*fiffi'w tyr*er+lru: lJrycLliH */o17,H !f\A: HryhLi HU"1'l',v,Dtyr at{fih0,hylA0t)dM,LfrA ilylfut i,,t- itr,u^' r,*litftt cv,vil dan,atl"



vywk tJLt,ua/L,l ! nut-*> b"t - {, .@rffz*)

Page 92: Section 2: The Master Key reference/note Guide

;Ar"i<1ry#L 5c"),_ t*,L{,.7-6,7t l! y:,s*t ^g;;t",;"J

v' '42 iu, ib,b't-'61 ,78,17,:f -zJfiz'

WG t) tl;.rll { rv I 5 { {, . t}m{3:s A}\drtfi at#eul

-"au*u fu5,nmr,filt-{t Dr\wfLr{\rtr()\,w,Md WfrJrk* wU, LQTTZ(r I l* L r' t


W: HW" 4"t r^v,ulpr)a),L - -WUjrrC*rl,C*n fri-ffi; * {e1-12,

fiq' ru'Psvctt*

W. fro il,itq,:j-wls*t"ud-[,rw wffi lllrn,WL,L ffi fifi *t'a /*fr, +A*f i t, t t,,FlarilL,L ffifrrl*t'a /*r&#*fd"hl 6'l>ww w\;i,fi # hnfiAr*Lq': fr)rLt,{b,nffu(, t}E/,{-{L*

* Ni,rs'et WLIA#" #rn 6t$rt ffiW; ff G$D ^

b:j* ut {LtxL-{n,J*},,d 7 gr

W7 C) I2s,r. I 7 :,r I ?, M ed$M-M,i,c*t an,wil_t z frnj{efril,t wl tteif}a^l'Fil,c*t A,r,-,tnil-.t z frr,t{qfrilrlr4l M[y ^,wLDe uffvt txtili:il itu Wrr,* Drta cn drluJt\,)fta,fww' itm[ areW U i *,,1 w fi;.frrfAAtA-frr rhr*uz,tl , .1d* w{w} fr,gfl-,, [ * w* G 7,-*7 ; "'ru7


Page 93: Section 2: The Master Key reference/note Guide


W^oru+?af#ry€O r,*te., affirlw b*,rb TEtr Awltln4 ,


1 O And afrer.rhese things I healclL {l a greai voice of much people ;n

heaven, saying, A1-1e-hr'-ia; Salvation,and glory, and honour, and power,unto the Lord our God:

2 For true and righteous ore hisjudgments: for he hath judged thegreat rvhore, which did corrupt iheeafth with her fornication, and hathavenged the blood of his selants ather hand. - --. -J

3 And again they said, A1-1e-1u'-ia.

And her smoke rose up for ever andeYer.

4 And the four and twenty eldersand the four beasts fel1 down and rvor-shipped God that sat on the throne,saying, A'-meu Al-le-lu'-ia,

5 And a r,oice came out of thethr'one, saying, Praise our God, all yehis sen ants, and ye that fear him, bothsmall and great,

6 And i heard as it rvere the voice ofa great multitude, and as the volce ofmany rvaters, and as the voice ofmighty thunderings, saying, Al-le-lu'-ia: for the Lord God omnipoientreigneth.

7 Let us be glad and rejoice. andgiye honour to him: for the marriageof the Lamb is come. and his rvife hailimade herself read)'.

8 And to her ivas gr"anted that she

shouid be arrayed in fine linen, cleanand Tithite: for the fine llnen is thelighteousness of saints.

I And he saith unto me. \\irite,Blessed are tltey lyhich are called untothe marriage supper of the Lamb. Andhe saith unto me, These are the truesayings ol God,

10 And I fell at his feet to worshiphim. And he said unto me, See ihouclo it not: I am thy fellolvsen'ant, andof thy brethren that have the testimonyof Je'-sus: rvorship God: for the testi-fil0ny s; Je'-sus is the spirit of proph-ecy,

11 And I sau' heat'en opened, and \behold a lvhite horsel and he that sat

upon him tvcs calied Faitltful and Tute,and in righteousness he doth iudgeand make rvar.

12 His eyes l,vere as a flame of f1re.

and on his head u,ere many cro\Yns;and he haci a name lt ritten, tltat noman knerv, but he himself.

13 A"td he uras clothed with a ves-ture dipped in blood: and his name iscalled The Word of God.

14 And the armies vvhiclt were lnheaven follou,ed him upon lvhitehorses, ciothed in fine linen, tl'hite andclean. - l

15 And ont of his mouth goeth asharp srvord, that with it he shouldsmite the nations: and he shall rulethem ivith a rod of iron: and he tread-eth the winepress of the fierceness and\rrath of Aimighty God.

16 And he hath on his vestureand on his thigh a narne tt'ritten,KING OF KINGS. AI'iD LORD OFLORDS.

17 ArC I sa.u, an angel sfanding ,r

the sun; and he cried tr,ith a iottd voice,saying to all the fort4s that fly iti themidst of heaven, Come and Eatheryourselves together unto the supper ofthe great God: ... u! ., /

18 That ye may eat the ilesh ofkings, and the flesh of captains, andthe flesh of mightt men, and the flesilof horses, and of themthat sit onthem,and the flesh of a.llnrcn, bofii free andbond. both smalland gt'eai.

19 And I sarv the beast, and thekings of the earth, and their armies,gathered together to make war againsthim that sat on the horse, and againsthis army.

20 And the beast rvas taken, andwith him the false prophet that1v1s6ght ntiracles before him, n'ithrvhich he deceived them that had re-ceii,ed the mark of the beast, and themthat rvorshipped his image, These bothu,ere cast alive into a lake of fire burn'ing rvith brimstone.

21 Ard the remnant were slain ll'iththe srvord of him that sat upon thehorse" tvhich su,ord proceeded out ofhis mouth: and all ihe for,vls li,ere fiiledwith thelr flesh,

Page 94: Section 2: The Master Key reference/note Guide

I ) i, ,1 1i '\ t t' / A+' 'i '^)

U-; tii : Lhitt 2::L ab-(L tt il,t lL n (L (t)Wtlc{;v Za,7t,M u*rut*kw, otq^4,riil, t&t

tJ*,t Mt/*/rst*

€Aj-, eiiuL e",fi*lrtit ,t-

,^rl,q W, ltaj)ti?A _L, "r/crb,AWlt4drild#* vruw"ei/ ilfu,hi

,--n(*l E {b,,, tZEi v [ - 3, *-,rrae..l_ s-{+{* P **,\---/ r-n


Ury, ilnqfrl[e*ut il]rn -lrUut hbw]itul ,

lla fufr*l* ,t*rjhr-tfi".tuu*,

&#tr;'---r;tni nA r f .^,-; t)'j_LrJL.A' \U u ff*Aj,-' N_ t{,,J- { furubf ,


a,wA M)til \jrA { n*a-t' o,lt/* {heat f.-nw-

wlL tj;. lrrr*4fi tl,el M o<# --t$w Yl,t*ilfj,, *{, Ut rtl,, *{rfr hii $t*t^}.ftr{rizh*tya . tllM ujqtt J;i/rr/

",rhltd,u#rilr &*l fr-kulz-,a,d tttzfu"j# to7*1 ?,

Page 95: Section 2: The Master Key reference/note Guide


tsry,1 {xtw LvalLst* ittt*-,,A?

*/jdrL C,rri.

Afrtuil- il,Lr#. #r!-atfr lu*,/*j,wf NAfumo#, #z*tM,, ilt-u*^tArunrd

Y* m [ frfr ,fr UuM, W,,,,u U* hp, n arfiL {n_ t

-_;,* *f*"vLL t,<_-,tJuL,wL,/r<tlv\lt U4J7UVVI4L

Lafrlu(, fuLLd,LM o-tyatd- At;urz d*tt$,:trup4fi;4, @ fu Le co r&q, 4,i_ il)W.'TkarrMm/Fr;r-:'-r---

-" /M MW.', Gm^m t @nulrtvwrmn#&-#7fi

,lt-ukaL *'n"7, {u{i*7 i,

, tturnmrTim At' ClA;r# otr arl.t Znp t*i* ,

@D f<wclclv*,S. Q*,otlu,f #*,\-<n/.lrtWtla,ill , t,Ue fifr,At &{}Au}}til,*

,r.#r*t,{"e,;; ttl*nuo'1 4 uaW,tl'rtmrywWwwi* ftohiuil fu usul,u,;mbffifi,'h,-a, fut t;rna4L't fr,)n lLLr'til*rJtM jrtth*Ati ., rr,t-dlwo i^ AAhlLurrtL,'@e*twgau^+ffi.i+fi,Li)+tDJ aDfr-n [t/]4,11 l*dte*afl*M y

/uL+ ("7-*1*,p."t8 > Wu*/.U €a*cb:>

Page 96: Section 2: The Master Key reference/note Guide

/, . A-t_ il 1

[il I -; t L LLtx- tt Ulu'A (q?-

-z -)\- ^ {-/ 3',{5\\A ,


a*n ,it L1ri l'r*w *Lt''"W] [ut;dt

lssa tl^r t,ulbl$M dffij

?{nft{*frtw $"#(rrt!rntt +l^ IOOl (Jii/ttL,rur,l- ff,r-I t /, ,7 ,/ tffiu Mt,ajr,ti^chr t tarA ;


fr i hr t11

tl!-tfu /?J-t j,uz/)Du.*uMCIilnl,,t/#jr-{$ ?r-#*/Jehffi nij


tl,rA0t1, rl-dj,A 'twdriinL*

M A*# L#r/i-d,lrn- {rrt*, # -\rn*uu' fu7)

-(n,i,e*nA*i tj,rv, erlrld th<a)

*iUu"t^dl,et ni--;-lffi A t- At ,'J r{t A^GffiMfr*@,MTl*D rw ** ntwlli l/u /fud b"rf r/tJuffiln n!-t#,affii,tv4*t dL^rtjlt,'ut V-* LL,*zz (+t t M *r^*, ffi->

PtqE 4arc4O'

Page 97: Section 2: The Master Key reference/note Guide


r-,il lrr't y aL,b U Arr",L.&?

ruur-L w,t\r$r tut M bf,u { coo Ltfr&{wn

: Ay-pra^*a S C")r I \,Z{ozl,_, g, zZ, a e, {{{14,"al**trlrvt'W#) stfr ,'67', b+ G1 ,t'z,ii*i4, %2,



,N udJ, o-l H* Wlrt* 4 tLn)ut *r[ffw@rfu,itnw,f b";;i"@t" r{w$,vu-^ UtgLU,}}ir#, ?e"fiqf,Lke-n*L#,u W -l*t"lrnlutT 7?w4L,,jdj/ fr{ e qrunt -*r,'n4 t{u\neA*xfu gaflu,{@ /tYI Tl,tt 'L)i IAW\ tf ilrillJIJ,LW ?

Wtuli C,t Wtreiu, ff/ et6,)r,-h***41l}' nW,Rryllgrvse -tM(ilf r,t*t*tWhu* ."ffih-MTJdt luffA-MJfrnnlJ,, , gr+ n^^:w MTj,at hjffA- Wt i* f1* ru rr- il* 11orJy*W\{*,tt^rltrsn$ M-djuid, r:^.r,!1 i ., i t fEfuL@^Ay prit,rt r yl, {trt[*/- rfrfl*n^"i!rt {_H y?h? v;r. h,^A Ur-t (

v v

I\;/ru-fi,u W0*o-&4 W,l utlyr

Page 98: Section 2: The Master Key reference/note Guide

Wl*rj*fi jx el,/"tg AffiALd7


W,!Mqry, *t_r7Mruilru,t+,, I l,Wt fU-lnd.Ilftut4lwl!]U LL_A/L

ile/)A,rrbrl u-lWnU",rT? trqory)L I hitV- lLq-t- fr_!,t'I ,,A,4tffil,AW *1-{-}vLtfrDf,@WutltxA^f+*WU4^WW-11;n a fr-{ llrurra( U q/ild #'$l,rr..\+)ff'l,tz-LrL*,TM - fuM:zaa-. f *: t- @* i rJ*llL;JL

/lr{,al fi,n +au4 r/ *}u WM+i,,,- Wefu,"lil,rzLLi,*" r{nu {Wf {+!a.tA9nt-, ttrt**)ala*,+M};jw frju,#E 8't f d nrr_.-- t " Jt

I }LNJrrt'0- tA,t

t$ttn* L[,{-, {.o-r*, {r@rry#} 7€Y7saii,,t, Q*, cZc, *>r-u

Page 99: Section 2: The Master Key reference/note Guide

*f,n *: &L\LLLE ,fu*'&? q(

W ilu* {hj\na,t lt /)+tn rn,t-/u D ttwann,,j)LMt clil,L,(.U,$Ft^aUdu il frivwlwrv

dk*€i-!-,. t1-0-t- HLtt *L 3 fr ,)S ,1 5,rc{)tt itr,"oare'r )\{l-t-ilf {ii,iil^ c3+ a,M}. a C LMLA+tnp}q\

MtuLM da*1 e+,r$*tJhi/*i4)4,L an',,,1-P^,'rt, zw &*"2o,+ Pqg

@ fut*c?-orvti-t5,frfqr-s epplAnil,l\fiL #r,j, .l,rtrn ri {}-bw #nat {eil,rtrudd flr^ir^, ,,ur,,,,l'l-,niJ, h m,@,;"1@,r*i*rl..{)"[" i7,'7,+t btn ila*,ri,6Tnll Dl]elflt-6,r].'f tn*tf rl^ /n-{ r\#-r o----?i- I {\


{IL L ifrA;il

(frry.huv^wf fruu,on fi y, l ni* l

Wtrl,rntluin J-l,un], -lffiin W<Lg'mfJrsh, "tA

@V*fr*c&"+?'79" co^l

Page 100: Section 2: The Master Key reference/note Guide

*&Be*, Llr,'l'-,r LLOU*G

r:Annrt{n oAAA}atJJ+,

f, J ',i-----f--,\\A t*u]ofLm,,,rrlfuir'tirs twlt wt-'{t* lWlru;tbrrd"^ '' t \ iJ ,.--l --=l^|,,{LL^,L,L } il#;} u:- t t lLL xel,..l N frrlt tLt_Tlt"T]rt D

^M ry t -,},q,,fi i,y@!fr)r^,di,,rarpfi" ,f-i r' ^ -*l . n ' ' t t' r

Lbre a,+ffi&r0&u,ywuwf .it' -n I t^ fir't i, f-ttuL tlcAnt hq {3b&*lhhLun}#t,

-- r-

AI rn/ff"+',A,'/

-* *. *'*.',.:



OAHJL [1,1 iI A ,

^ mt il,j)Lolciltri#tj*/uLillr^lil";ffiuQ, tfw tbln} - {>Jo&h q*,*I Ahurl fu:-fufuuLuluc- tAL-,#rurl . fl fi ;-,{^ ,nn

FryS[ -\ Whl Po*cZo.*) L*-#,


t .J fi tr)rurlyczyJ- ill,,L\-b

[u* (+. fultrlL fi/t/ti hlMA'ffiTu^Tr


tf-)t. IUL frr),Lrt

{fu n-"fa


Page 101: Section 2: The Master Key reference/note Guide

-[ t t*$u rt, -#:rrr- - Tki^,rfrr, l)1, ",,


{xrxdsbictt Ab";ru$Zq1

d$lry k {utrt'*ln*fr ua:dq*,tr'w$,* i--A#,"r*

lfutuC^k n M,n"uttL,ffi,,

.rttt r\-Lfub'n .

>Wn a#"-f {ut- Rw**/o:> wrr*,.p-7gs

' t1 ntuwfu"frutt*ru*&,tut n{/a{*M,WrykW*\,rM'y,r#4*1ffi

l-*tL W ra- ilu W 'J,',frnrn;,L": " ). ( nx{A,?rt*

^W fu,PW d {10#,W, { tqr}ilrua,,{i ftutalt i I,+ ;,,,,e';{F

Page 102: Section 2: The Master Key reference/note Guide

tW rtr,'l*@20#*LLTtrfl?$i,1;?ffi.,,e-.#ithelottomless pjt and u gr*uirhiin ii-,

) e1r1i fr. taid hotd on rhe c, rnor,rnat Ojri serpent. u'hich is itre Dev,_ii.Dev'-il,and.Sa'-tan, and bound t * itfroujsand years.

.3 eni cast him into ihe bottomlesi

lli!1 i,fem, and. juds:rreni rvas siven

pit, anci shut him irp, anO ,rii-i.ijupon hlm. that he should Oeceii,e tnenations no more, till the tfrouianOyears shoutd be tulfiiled: anO attertiiiiihe.must be toosecl a iittle seiJo;^

"'-'4 And I sari, thrones, and tirui, ,or

10 And the deyii that rieceivedthem n as cast into the iake of fiie ancbrimstone, where the beast and thefalse prophet are, and shall be tor-mented day and night for ever aniever.

11 Anci I sau' a great u,hite thror:e,and him that sat on it, lrom u,hose facethe earlh and the heal,en fled arvar-:and ihere u'as lound no place fo:them.

12 And I sat' the deacl. snrall ancgreat, stand before God; and the bocli:rre:'e opened: and anoiher book r,r'ai

t'l:l.u::: : :,: ::,:,;f lire: ar1

rhe dead were judged out of thosethings rvhich were rvritten in thebooks, according to their rvorks.

13 And the sea gaye up rhe deadlvhich l,l,ere in it; and death anti helideiilered up the dead li,hich rvere inthem: and they ryere judged every manaccording to their rvorks.

14 And death and hellwere cast intotire lake ol fire. This is the seconddeath,

15 And rvhosoever lvas not ioundilrrilten in the book of iife tr as cast iniothe lake of fire.

his hand.

ness of Je'-sus. and for the tvorcl ofGod. and lvhich had not rvorsiri-opecithe. beast, neither" tris image,

-nej-ti;had received /ris mark upon thef fore_heads, or in their hands; and thel, iilrdand reigned n ith Christ a tirouiind]'ears.

S But the rest of the dead'iiied noiagain until the thousand l,ears iie,..finjs!_ed, This is rhe first reiriiiection.

6 Bjessed and hoty rs ire ifrji friij,pafl ln the ljrst resulrection: on sucrthe second death hath ,o po"ur, liiithel shall be priests of Gori inO ,t,Lnltst, and shall reign u.ith him athousand years.

7 And ilihen the thousand y.orc ui*expired, Sa'-tan shall be toos'eO oui'tihis prison, )

8.And shalj go or"it to decejve thenations \i,hich are in the four quMbr:iof ,the earth, Gog anci M;,-A;a: ;;gather them rogether to barile;ih;number of r,tom is as the sanO oithe sea.

,9.And thel'rrrnt up on rhe breadrhot tne eanh. and compassed rhe caml:0I the saints about, and the beloveccill: and lire canre doH,rr f|om God uulof heai,en, and del,oured them.

Page 103: Section 2: The Master Key reference/note Guide

qc\. ,r ; .1 I i tt e ll- ,' :>

ti-,' tr fi);i-L]- W fu+,lltr /fflt^tL(

f \*i{;u* U.,UUlA#Jljj,'ti^ Wt't{-UL &ffi{fn lll}W Ul}U, l .' tr 6

[rt rrL/1,]t-l,t rtJ- {t i\u&L ,L\L0t!}.Jntta


-r--{W {,4,*ut:-,ti,r.g'n fr #-1),'f3d, tv, ffi#t+*'*hlWa I 1,) Ut a[ilufhdx,,C*t *^q,t,,!r,

frtnv + q-wi {Lwt-t *dJ s,{ hla"rr:wtn;i --+ it',{l re I ft *-i1 "-t-; A Tr an*

fi.J4fleh , $1ahs{il, { !'* I fiLyL\\idt-a_#/ 1;[]t)@, &*uVh'tl4&h|fk+m-*dj@*l4J'bd-,,#& .G* N,, w @' a*{ffir,r i l,S+ail"fritL W",*x t\w?,;- erv\ffLil I *&ryt,,fury

r ;y :q* pn*#q bl ryLua 7,o *nu*jr,Tlts- CIA {\Mr}q", s^\,0} JrM aALrAs)4-.-

11 {:rfr_furJ . ffiIiliLLlt?+LLC\&| !, ,-

E ,t tKeA#'o i{">,,i7>{>a,L_4 }3 }to,4o,{*,. , {s rJ-Gz,* 3,'*17'*7'4,EL'


frio'c 2[:v {-+.furil, #aer*nltlur

Page 104: Section 2: The Master Key reference/note Guide

Ljlb* l)#fiiJ keWL-tA- .,W,r,-S.l tCIa

,\--l tl rl J-

. - ti,affim illffi an. -i11zTltngl,rl' L&-f/L t-

l_&rn-'rLlTnh' {lU&*rh,i fr_lpk^ a*ul 0,n /qr*',,7t*f'W Wl'+ 1p.4, rilnt W'r,r,Artruil'|fu- te, I hyy\ ]fiwtt/^t fi -r-"


t1lllA {-E

;4,i,\tafftw. l


Ml)"/irtoj.!_ fi?;

' .,, r-TrJ\-r"+' ll,1ft*tttil , ; " t{l;,rrZl;u?,b,

lbrtlffi.f fr*sumt*


>ruf ne*lis ** €*rc1 i,,;+ {ePat

Tlu WnfuAd

.), l*,z. {,;-b,,L 0 r3 3 ,3 !,1 D,

rg, '65- 67 ,13,71-71 ,%Z '

lnlaA W22;1,,1ffi"4#Licv l't


Page 105: Section 2: The Master Key reference/note Guide


dl twtl*

@ Q.n,*c2l ;u ?-t!.

-flnz*4#Lrt n^erl,rm

btlkil u;frlL M/),r!"*) nur$ tl*i;'fuL*rVi" ry* t t Wfi' {)-l,l** I#i #affizv{-lnaUfY}.BI na n,et-lurwr} Mfri-ilnry rttfln fM^l t- o^t4tu4 d;r,j"


n.**an - M LLrA )h^;-,lhrL qrrlfffi*, fifuorJM*, Cn/Jr.a,rr,fi;r,,r+ rrrlf

> @"rr*U;U 1^" R2^tcZt'+ ?oPra't

Wiw uLr*bU ,"0n,,1 7,i

tl ., tt .,{l lltl'+I t/IJr'U L-- ',rrlJl

tA*iut'fuM*l Mirbtbhff {,tvfi, C*Luilvil un' Ltetr,J, ( 1+ -


tLv4IJ-!, {-/t.iffi

llrtuil A'rilJy+i,lffiA i

Ar)ilil*, {ntfui#Mil']r. {^*M U

t A -t {n(t- (

trn u, eut- frjofi #*n- 4 -WrWfrrw,^-{u d,*.k t &; -,{/wil, rl ffi,)i"}

-It ) w-fht hts,,C *Jafk l


*f"s#(utI Yrt I -)


flLtl ^-

Page 106: Section 2: The Master Key reference/note Guide


ilhl*uvi, t, L+ trr,ffi* frtnw grW 04 i,aD;ffi [/tr[vl-, droll'fr* (h{,uit}l


efr"i ^i*t WUU| y*d|tr"hj{drfr-, fi,,4lrrt17ti/'t o/M, -|Lq}t d.rr* cx ud"-l'stlL yi}s}-,

M j"rtui frjrqtruvta,+y,o} frrifw#t^Ljc,raiA,gt{ptrJflca e,l \-tlw Wti {b' v(fu n (nv f n teL })/$$e*.)twwne*A ;;n W-7r"

)Wf4,r{zt --; tl^* l,^*-0-!-irri-r*n1f4 .1 6t' n .) ry'

g+ED WrZ[ ;v l5-a3 ,AJ1LL

Pl f- ',,?*Jt&W /,rR.-c?J;, f,ro* ^ .-tf.-t'wJl "

f-r-#tr r,y drW fu ,lfr*rt d

\--l Th/ [tftt, rxryAtlt f,rrtu *uM

fi*t,M"frAo- l, ScC,r,rfi, uil, D;t!-,\!1r,..,-ir\tc

[ui"E ]sU&4 n[zn*t 4-!"qtl^\tL*)y^,,,.n$t D-t W.'WfrWJ, rl^,q,L qple

fi ' l- | p ,f r. t /t',,t J lr L\J-,Jd,*y tttr- ttu4r)M; U*/e*f-$Mvl fiCtb "l;-* r Cufi,7U,rL-oti"dWt,@bwrw{u;ff{'trs*WffiYs"

Page 107: Section 2: The Master Key reference/note Guide

lL;+,fiLL?u,,]-!- (r^*n e u{trl onrf,qrt+ufr,vtL* ffiU alw m+ffp,r-' eApi-(,\

\LWA!-tla,LwWvL* o"bLlf , (u?Z,1kT^r,n-ilt- w'LryiLi }*+fit[l^r) USL+[Y\B.'fr* c-lhs1",'L *{1 A ln lt'lr7rr-.i)tlnt-t i'eej.Mffi*S-|1n" ('0b l-+ [A *, b,{t;lur,'

{Ui,X- r,r-.U,ttr_f* thuf 7

' D (*r+e %t*-sj c,*c frrnsilja r^trl @fbir tzl :v ?*-Z-l ,-tkLYLil$wLd*uj,,

fu *r* "Ulr)

. afu- $lrx*i ol4,rz

-fkn$arrur,(tnw^r*ry ^iliilWitu,,UIJ\JLI,-{[AJUV-Y \-/v rL.{-A. UW{z\/trt\- UvL l.ytj.J u\lJ/YlA UI L -\-rl\.{-, 4

-J,l,t nlsfu-, ljLo)Wfrr, blrw ilrIlrr o,,,1ffi\"ffiLril;'*w,vtafi^-

fr/v U,rt^r(hr{ /fu-!/ v{ #,* .,1q),,1r}a

Wqh"r," / larl' 1 bu4l )Cu L l, 71"{ Tr}ttg Orrfua ut4ntl ldLA &


Page 108: Section 2: The Master Key reference/note Guide



! | AnO i sal a neu'heaien and a& I neu'earlh: fol the fiLst heaiendnd ilie firsi eafih lvere passed away;and there was no more sea.

2 And I John saw the h011, cify. nel,Je-ru'-sa-lem, coming down from Godout of heaven, prepared as a brideadorned for her husband.

' 3 And I heard a great toice out ofheaven saying, Behold. the tabernacleof God is nrith men, ancl he lvill dr,i,ell.,,r,ith them, and they shall be his peo-lie, and God himself shail be rvirh1irem, aiid be their God.- 4 And God shall nipe atva],ail tearsirom their el,'es; and there shali be noir0r"e death, neither s0rr0\,,/, n01. cry-ing, neither shall there be an1, p,lsl.s

11:un: for the lormer things are passediii'f ay. I

1? And had a wall great and high.a-nd had tlvelve gates, and ai iiregates nveive angeis. and names l,rit-ten thereon, tvhich are the names ofthe nvelr,e tribes of the chilclren ofIs'-ra-el;

i3 0n tire east three gates: on thenc$h three gates; 0t1 ihe south threegates; and otr the u,est three gates.

14 And the rva1l of the iity 6u6trvelie foundations, and in them thenames 0f the t\lrehre apostles of theLamb.

15 And he that talked ri,ith mehad a golden reed to measure the cittrand the gates thereof, and the ilajlthereof.

l6 And the cit1, lieth foursquare.and the length is as large as thebreadth: and he measured the ctt5,ri,iih the reed, tli'ell,e thoLrsand fLir-longs. The length and the breadth a::ritlte height of it are equal.

r 24 And the nations of them ivhichare.saved shallr,valk in the light oiif:and th.e kings of the earth 0". frriritheir glory and honour into it..25 Anq rhe s?tes of ir shait nor be

shur at a[ by day: tor ttrere itrid i;;;;night there.

26. And they shail Orlne:th* gto,Tand honour of the nations into it."

-- "

. 27 .And there shail in no wise enterinto it any rhing that Oefifetir, neiiiieLwhatsoever rvorketh anominatioil ornnketlt a lie: but they ivhich ur"ii,rit_ren tn tite Lamb's book of, life.

..5 And he ihat sat upon the thronet;irI, Behold, I all tliings neii,.aud he said unto rne, \Vrite: for these*,i:itds are tr"ue and faithful..,S And he said unto me, It is done

;ur: Ai'-pha and O-merga, the begin*ing and the end. I rvill give unto hiryIti;rt is athirst of the fountain of the*"ater of life fi'eeiy l

7 He that o\ercometh shail fitirer'1t]all tltings; and I rvill be his God. anClle shall be mr son,

8 Bui the fearful. and the abominable, and rnnrcler-ers, and rvhoremongers, and so1"cer-ers. and idolaters, and all liars, shaiihave their part in the lake rvhich burn-eth rvith fire and brimstone: rvhich isthe second death.

g And thert came unto ,n. on. oithe ser,,en ang'els u,hich had the sevenidals fu1l ol the seYen iast piagues, andialked lvith me, saying, Come hiiher, Iu,iii sherv thee the bride, the Lamb'sri,iie. -_., -_.i

10 And he carried me alyay in thespirit to a great and high monntain,and sheu,ed me that great cifi,: the holyJe-ru'-sa-lem, descending out ofheaven from God.

11 Having the g1o1T of God: and herlight lvas like unto a stone most pre-cious, even like a jasper stone, clear asctl,stal:

'17 And he mea.s;-rred thr ',r;;llthereof, an hundred ond fort'and fourcubits, accorcling io the measure of aman. that is, of the angel.

18 And the building of the x,all of itwas ol jasper: and the ciW was puregold, like unto clear g1ass.

19 And the foundations of the lvallof the city ivere garnished \yith allmanner of precious stones. The flrstfoundation i,yas jasper; the second,sapphire; the third, a chalcedonlr; thefourlh, an emerald; .--, - -.r1

20 The fifth, sardonl,xl the sixth,sardius; the seventh, chrysollte; theeighth, beryl; the ninth. a topaz; thetenth, a chrysoprasus; the eleventh, ajacinth; the trvelfth, an amethyst.

21 And the trveh,e gates rreretu,elve pearls: e\rery several gate ivasof one pearl: and the street of the citylyos pure gold, as it were transparentglass. .

r 22 And I saw no temple therein: forthe Lord God NmiChB, and the Lambare the temple oi it.

r 23 And the cify had no need of thesun, neither of the moon, to shine in it:for the glorv of God did lighten it. andthe Lamb ls the light thereof,


Page 109: Section 2: The Master Key reference/note Guide

, tq/*s JrajJit-ta- A*r",t?



tr trL Ww$$ a,,^artw A l;rL A,[a/l,hwuuilT,u.'ftl. /t\ ,fi e r, #Cfu, Oww,,,stfiiiMiWryrTrrl uvtuut Q.wlttue+ilLAil fuunl-Lrni AqL.-,j fbv. 6,tu.g'Qt*uj W ;ril^lJ lr,*"q,r*rj

oil*ttura^ n\*i M Mt-7t*An r t1 /'l fr, {V', r., , t r r r ^ -L

rrl*d rt-fu # dl vx I ru lxi+L,wwjJ,,

, fr*4 s\,jU,tJ cta,t*d,u' - [ WUvv L./LL u tLuL LJNILJ/r'|WJ,,'LUyr,nwil-lrttf r1ffiWlurlw-fi-V, frr .

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Page 110: Section 2: The Master Key reference/note Guide

nttAu Nrl-,r{*r[ r U,urfuffLu(dbnn)erL'ialAWffi

-. I *tr

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,'A^n){frL il,e\}L, fi.-Ll fi:Lr,rrrrc fi&r


4,,,-tttu-6r,,rr,t a-ti Hl| z-'a h A-AnN

uJ Lw tvaL4t-T* bUL\L{iZ

I .lli AI , fr*,L$,u?rrt Lltlji€Lr-/c-r-, ffi,;nil',t;,z

W,t,AWrro*Tlwww rLr dA,qJ,L+wLt- w,\txfuJ,ut

,.A ffi.{ tltj''w'' ejlx'Lq'c"nrl#e -A,Whr,,ryWllpAW+t tytTf*UA'rt L"( Mful"V't nti,iltur,*-_-

tWnfr#i AI , fu,L& frnL#try:


,*1r'?t L_

Page 111: Section 2: The Master Key reference/note Guide

tlia bt"tt( /,)il*t bij,$\, Qq, be ZTM B*"oZ"L+

LtJ -t-" *rnf frrtp d*," wilr- *4^,rr}r,irtX: UAm,r [.,;u^vilA

tx+**d | *rr,ffi, h,r ul Air,rul-t**

t;,t * ntilJ bt ef,4k-ts *t{x'&{&Z,

iR- c7? r{+-?ci'W'hr],,NA,l k/nlfrWWrffit\ls tr.e* M+ttL*

.u*stit *'{'1 +7., .u ,r-ffi - - Fr <-t .,.*r {).

'xpMffirtn*tNeh@ 81 Wt L tT */el

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mfu1 fu,r,.tr Ittun

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Page 112: Section 2: The Master Key reference/note Guide


/,,,,, And he sher.l'ed me a pure nve:fu {/ of rvater of ltfe. clear as crysta.proceeding out oi the throne of Gocand of the Lamb.

2 In the midst of the street of 1r.

and on either side of the river, wcsthere the tree of life, which barrtu,'elve mantier of fmits, and yieldecher fruit every month: and the leave:of the tree tyere for the healing of thrnati0ns.

3 And there shail be no more cursebut the throne of God and of the Lamishali be in it; and his seruants shal-sen'e him:

4 And they shail see his face; anchis name sl"tall be in their fore.heads.

5 And there shallbe no night theleand they need no candle, neither ligh:of the sun; for the Lord God givetrthem iight: and they shall reign fcrever and ever.

6 And he said unto me, These sal.ings nre faithful and true: and thtLord God of the holy prophets serr:his angel to sheu,unto his servant!the things rvhich must shortly brdone,

7 ;1,:,: r.,::', i i-:::1 ','' ;;''1,,.,,,,,t , :)::,'r:;i l: '

..rirrrij,-,! I t.r;.jr!.

8 And I John san these things, anclieard tliern, And ivhen I had hearcand seen, I fell down to rvorship beforrthe feet of the angel .,vhich sherved mrthese things.

9 Then saith he unto me. See tho.,do it not: for I am tht, fellolvsenan:and ofthy brethren the prophets, ancof them which keep the sayings of God,

i0 And he saith unto me, Seal ncthe sayings of the prophecy of thl,book: for the time is at hand,

11 He that is unjust, lel him be rin-just still: and ire r,r,hich is frlthy, iet himbe filthy still: and he that is righteous,let him be righteous still: and he thatis h011,, let him be holY stiii.

' 12 ,-ill,i. bi:;:,.:itt. l ,:i:i:lt irr-t1cri:1,,:

ilri,,1 l:1 :..';' :; li'lril ilif.':a 3it'tt'r'{jll iniiii ;ie l:i;fCil;:*, al il,: i-1,;'iiri'.;.,:,,

13 i a,'l :,;";;:: .:. i.,.:1;-..-. r -.

:,1!,:.',. .. ,,; ,ii3; :.. :.. ' .: .

tiie liisi - .l14 Blessed ore they that do his com-

mandments. tilat they may have rightto the tree of life, and may enter inthlough the gates into the city,

15 For r,vithout cre dogs, and sorcer-ers, and rirhoremongers, and murder-ers, and idoiaters, and u,hosoeverloveth and maketh a lie,

r 16 1.ja'-:ir:r, i:i.t.,,t rli.i :lfl::1i: irar!:r.i 1.i,,

"-i''', .'l-r it,.. -,1.-... t.;'i.-,: :";. -:l','ilt': I :,:i: :l:t' i.]i;l .lilrl i,," ai:r-

.,i.;- r' i i. r! :--.- r,.rr--". ,'irr:, i-.r'

17 Ancl the Spir'-it and the brjcie sat,Come. And let him that heareth sa1,,

Come. And let him that is athirst come.And rvhosoever s,i11. let him take thervater of life freely

i8 For I testifti unto evetT mau thatheareth the words of the prophecy 0fthis l:ook. If any man shali add untothese things, God shall add unto himihe plagnes ihat are ri,i"itteir in thisbook:

ig,qnO if an1,621i shall take arvayfrom the u,ords of the book of thisprophecy, God shall tahe anray his partout of the book of life, and out of ihehol1' 9111-. and frorir the things n,hichare ivdtten in this booi<.

20 He rvhich testifleth these thingssaith. Siliel:.' i itnie i;iiiciiir,, A'-men.Even so. come, Lold ie'-srrs,

21 The grace of our Lord Je'-susChrisi be ri,iihlor"r all, A'-men.

Page 113: Section 2: The Master Key reference/note Guide

{bLX}- /)til"l ffl 6il

'{ fq& h"-# vqn\ hlilM d*uu #,it L,

WU ? flirrurrrt+/,,1 Ltln //4 o/ :/30/r**,'trrtllM alrtr{rLoi)., / lop-ojaou+-Qtuil'cilrf nt=i-t, M ilirdt/Tlu li,,^fr*l,, 0jlrffrnyL',

fr-lrw, ff /*,lr,n^rltrta mttJAtdrud{)1fl-L

M j,ir) M hi,t/)t"0a*iilfr/il'/u) nrMttLufu@,

CA,,rl+i"t Me4: 'b,i/r,

#uife fitL# 5(t,c) {,ua#SS PrytLo

Page 114: Section 2: The Master Key reference/note Guide

n rlru!"/?

W*bl-it@1r,44,,L,M;/ ,Mil,,l-L gt tl o // t tt n-]^ril^M

l{trfu er*p)r[r,\Wr{^./trillrt"nnrlla;{r'fu

vt nilbilaul", /-/rrtllltli 1/tt,..-A

utl,^l, tuln -t ;fr ffiin DfMt,A rnn rtr/,I o/U+"'frhflqt^h\ ),t,rt,t,m/ta-,i;} Ft

"17,n,,il*l/ M,0ntl^ llr0 /Lhilt r rtjs- hr^t #//,tlMuM"


,/ Allto ;, u,;{4 #/il lry urel/,c",

m'qlyahfrMWtlitf)tlhe,lr) jJu.tyLfu*ilfu ,,cmiL*,-(M


fW P4 # W W{q:ry r:2{ * c22rLf,'

Page 115: Section 2: The Master Key reference/note Guide


to me all Is'-ra-el unto mount Carland the prophets of Ba'. al fouidred and fifty, and the prophets ofgroves four hundred, which eat at

days, that the word of theLoRu came to E-ii'-jah in the thirdyear, saying, Go, shew thyself untoA'-hab; and I will send rain upon theearth. ffi

2 And E-li'-jah went to shew himselfunto A'-hab . And there wcs a sorefamine in Sa,ma'-ri-a.

3 And A'-hab callecl O-ba-di'-ah.which wos the govemor oi his house.(Now O-ba-di'-ah feared the Lonngreatly:

4 For it was so, whenl]ez'-EbeJ)cutoff the prophets oi thillonrrThatO-ba-di'-ah took an hundred prophets,and hid them by fifty in a cave, and fedthem with bread and water.)

5 And A'-hab said unio O-ba-di'-ah.Go into the land, unto all fountains ofwater and unto all brooks: peradven-ture we may find grass to save thehorses and mules alive, that we lose

. not all the beasts.i 6 So they divided the iand betweeni them to pass throughout it: A'-habwent one way by himself. and 0-ba-

' di'-ah went another way by himself.i 7 And as O-ba-di'-ah was in the wrrv-.

the Lopn: and the God that answerethby fire, Iet him be God. And all thepeople answered and said, It is well

behold, E-li'-jah met him: and he krrcivhim, and fellon his face, and sirirl. lrrthou that my lord E-li'-jahi,

8 And he answerrrl lrirrr ! r*i; go^

teii thy lord, Behokl, 1,.-ii' r;iti is here.

I And he said, What have I sinned,that thou wouldest deliver thy servantinto the hand ci A'-hab, to slaY me?

l0 As the Lono thv God liveth,there is no nation or kingdom, whithermy lord hath not sent to seek thee: andwhen they said, He is not there; hetook an oath of the kingdom and na-tion, that th'ey found thee not.

25 And E-li'-jah said unto the proph-ets of Ba'-al, Choose you one bullockfor yourselves, and dress it fitst; for yesre many; and call on the name of yourgods, but put no fire under,

26 And they took the bullock whichwas given them, and they dressed it,and called on the name of Ba'-al frommorning even until noon, saying,0 Ba'-al, Thear us. But there )uos novoice, nor any that lanswered, Andthey leaped upon the altar which wasmade.

tYttgi ctttclq,

tl And now thou sayest, Go, tellthylord, Behold, E-li'"jah is here.

12 And it shall come to pass, os soonos I am gone from thee, that the Spir'-itof the Lortp shall carry thee whitherI know not; and so when I come andtell A'-hab, and he cannot find thee, heshall slay me: but I thy servant fear theLonr; from my youth.

l3 U&sjlrql told my lord what Ididwtren @F-b-filew ihe prophets ofthe Lono. how I hid an hundred menof the Lono's prophets by fifty in acave, and fed them with bread andwater?

14 And now thou sayest, Go, teil thylord, Behold, E-li'-jah is here: and heshall slay me,

i5 And E-li'-jah said, As the Lonoof hosts liveth, before whom I stand, Iwill surely shew myself unto him todali

l6 So O-ba-di'-ah went to rneetA'-trab, and told him: and A'-hab wentto meet g-11'"jah.

17 And it came to pass, when AJabsaw E-li'-jah. that A'-hab said untohim, Arf thou he that troublethIs'-ra-el? 'ffi

18 And he answered, I have nottroubled Is'-ra-el; but thou, and thyfather's house, in that ye have for-saken the commandments of theLorru, and thou hast followed Ba'-a-lim.

i9 Now therefore send, ond gather

-pjbf[11tg!]g. ff20 So A'-hab sent unto all the

dren of Is'-ra-el, and gatheredprophets together unto mountmel.

2l And g-11'-jah came unto allpeople, and said, How long halt ye

tween two lopinions? if the LonoGod, follow him: but if.Ba'-al, thenlow him. And the peoplehim not a word.

22 Then said E-li'-jah unto theple,I, even I only, remain a prophetthe Lonu but Ba'-al's prophetsfour hundred and fifty men.

23 Let them therefore give usbullocks; and let them choose oneock for themselves, and cut it inand lay it on wood, and put nounder: and I will dress the otherock, and lay if on wood, and putfire under:

24 And call5,s on the name ofgods, and I will call on the name

spoken. lifire


Page 116: Section 2: The Master Key reference/note Guide

TlulLh-ol,il rj^r*j^ tl @ ","j,-^j)rr#W Cl,u,,Jrilww1r/a t -q urlrrp) i l2-

17 Ancl ii came to pass at noon, thati li'-jah mocked them, and said, Cryrh;utl: for he is a god; either he is talk-,rtl. ot he is pursuing, or he is in a

rrlu'Jley, or peradventure he sieepeth.rn(1must be awaked.

ll8 And they cried aloud, and cutilrcmselves after their manner withIrrives and iancets, tiil the blood!,rrshed out upon them, h#8

29 And it came to Pass, when mid-:l;ry waS past, and they prophesied un-trl the time of. the offering of the1'\riryiing sacrifice, that there wo.s nei-

rlicr voice, nor any to answer. nor anyiiri$ regarded. ffij

30 And E-li'-iah said unto all therrcople, Come near unto me. And allihe people came near unto him' Andire repaired the altar of the Lono thotrl,ns broken down, mM+

31 And g-11'-jah took twelve stones';rccording to the number of the tribesof the sons of Ja'-cob, unto whom thervord of the I-onp came, saying, Is'-

ra-el shali be thy name:32 And rvith the stones he built an

lltar in the name of the Lonn: and he

inade a trench about the altar, as great

as would contain two measures ofseed. 6rxffi

33 And he put the wood in order,and cut the bullock in pieces, and iaidhim on the wood, and said, Fill fourllar"rels with water, and pour it on the

burnt sacrifice, and on the wood.34 And he said, Do it the second

time. And thev did it the second tirne.And he said, Do it the third time. Andihey did it the third time.

35 And the water ran round about

the altar; and he filled the trench qlso

with water.36 And it came to Pass at the time

tif the offering of the evenfng sacri-fice, that E-li'-jah the prophet came

near, and said, Lono God of A'-bra-ham, I'-saac, and of Is'-ra-el, let it be

known this daY that thou ari God inIs'-ra-el. and tl'iot I am thy servant, andthoi I have done all these things at thvword. sx.eB*ffi

3? Hear me, 0 Lorro, hear me, thatthis people may know that thou ari theLoHo God, and that thou hast turnedtheir heart back again.

38 Then the fire of the L<>rto feil,

and consumed the burnt sacrifice, and

the wood, and the stones, and the dust.and licked up the water that wos in the

trench. I#*lffii39 And when all the PeoPle saw it,

they fell on their faces: and thev said.

The LoHo, he is the God;the Lonn.he is the God. {#** r

40 And E'ti'-iah saicl unto them' lli-rTake the prophets of Ba'-all let notone of them escaPe. And theY tookthem:and E-li'-iah brougitt them downto the brook Ki'-shon, and slew themthere, e&{rrfrd.***f6

4l And E-ii'-jah said unto A'-hab,Get thee up, eat and drink; f"at there is

a sound of abundance of rain.42 So A'-hab went uP to eat and to

drink. And g-11'-jah went up to the topof Car'-mel; and he cast himself downupon the earth, and out his face be-

tween his knees, J{#Effi43 And said to his servant, Go uP

now, looktoward the sea. And he wentup, and looked, and said, There isnothing. And he said, Go again seven

times.44 And it came to Pass at the sev-

enth time. that he said, Beholti, thereariseth a little cloud out of the sea, likea man's hand. And he said, Go uP.

say unto A-hab, Prepare thY chariot,and get thee down that the rain stop

thee not,45 And it came to Pass in the mean

wlrile, 'Lirat the heaven was biack with

;iil;;;ra *ind, andtherewas a sreat

;ffi. andA;-hib rode, and went to

Jez'-reel.- -46 And the hand of the Lono was

on i-lilut ; antl he girded up his loins'

inct ranbefore A'-hab to the entrance

oi iez'-reet. *

Page 117: Section 2: The Master Key reference/note Guide

U,ytD-trtztt c?frtW-B

O O And ihev continued three Years

LZ withouiwar between SYr'-i-aand Is'rra-el.

2 And it came to Pass in the thirdyear that Je-hosh'-a'phat the king ofiu'-dah came down to the king of

Is'-ra-el.3 And the king of Is'-ra-el said unto

his servants, Know Ye that Ra'-mothin Gil'-e-ad is ours, and we be still, and

take it not out of the hand of the kingofSy/-ia? ffi

4 And he said unto Je'hosh'-a-Phat,Wilt thou go with me to battle to Ra'-

rnoth-gil'-e-ad? And Je-hosh'-a-phatsaid to the king of Is'-ra-el, I am as

thou crf, my people as thy PeoPle, mY

horses as thv horses ryffit5 And Je-hosh'-a-Phat said unto the

king of Is'-ra'el, Enquire, I pray thee,

at the word of the Lonn to daY'

6 Then the king of Is'-racl gathered

the prophets together, about four hun-

dred min, and said unto them, Shall Igo against Ra'-6s1i1-gi1'-e-ad to battle,

or s[a[ I forbear? And theY said, Go

up; for the Lord shall deliver it into the

hand of the king.7 And Je-hosh'-a-phat said' Is there

not here a Prophet of the Lono be-

sides, that we might enquire of him?

I And the king of Is'-ra-el said unto

Je-hosh'-a-phat,There is yet one man,

Mi-cai'-ah the son of Im'-lah, bvwhoqwe may enquire of the LonP: but Ihate hirn; for he doth not ProPhesYgood concerning me, but evil. AndJe-hosh'-a-phat said, Let not the kingsay so.

I Then the king of Is'-ra-el called an

officer, and said, Hasten hitherMi-cai'-ah the son of Im "lah'

10 And the kins gT;-# *o

I Kir{GS 22:ll

.le-hosh'-a-phat the king 0f Ju'-riah

iat each on his throne, having Put on

fiieir robes, in a void place in the en-

i'rr** of it. gate 0f Sa-ma''ri'a; and

oii-iir. ptoph?ts prophesied before

them."'i'i-ano Zed-e-ki'-ah the son of

Ct'e-ni;-a-nah made him horns of

iron, inO he said, Thus saith the

i,ono.With these shait thou push the

3vi'li-unt, until thou have consumed

them."'i-i eno ail the prophets prophesied

,u, tivine. Co ur: to Ra'-moth-gil'-*:dO, un,l ptosper: for the [,ono shall

deliver it into the king's hand'

13 And the messenger that was

eone io catt N4i-cai'-ah spake trnto him'

;.vl;c'. Behold now. the words of the declare good unlo the king

*lin one mouth: iet thy *0t6. I PraV

thee, be like the word of one of them'

and speak thut which is good'- i4,qno Mi-cai'-ah said, As the

t-dnirilvetn, what the LonP saith

unto me, that wiil I sPeak'*ii So he came to the king' And the

r<ini iiio unto him' Mi-cai'-ah, shall

;;"g. a gainst Ra'-moth-Eil'-e-ad to

UattIe, oi sfrall we forbear? And he an-

*ui*O him, Go' and ProsPer: for the

Li*, tiritt deliver it into the hand of

the king."-- f e AnO tt . king said unto him' How

minv times shall I adiure thee that

iiioiiieti me nothins but that which is

ime in the name of the Lonn?J=^t Atd he said, I sarv all ls'-ra-el

' 'r.itt.r.d upon the hills' as shee-p that

friu. not a shepherd: and the Lonr:iio, tr't.t. have no master: 1et them

retum every man to his house in

peace. dffi- -

i g anO ttte king of ls''ra-el said unto



Jg-(osh -n-phat, DiO I not tell thee that

ne would ProPhesY no gooii

ing me, but evil?

19 And he said, Hear thouthe word of the Lonr>: I saw the

sitting on his throne, and ail the

of heaven standing bY him on his

hry^d ?nq on his left'


Page 118: Section 2: The Master Key reference/note Guide

I t'uhtcD-r 1-'-----_


u.'wtD- f;-cL/.i

fu cbvlp



32 And it came to pass, wtrcn ther:aptains of the chariots saw Je-hosh'-a-phat, that they said, Surely it is theking of Is'-ra-el. And they turned asideto fight against hirn: and Je-hosh'-a-phat cried out. rffid*

33 And it came to pass, when thecaptains ofthe chariots perceived thatit was not the king 6f ls'-1"6-e1, that theytumed back from pursuing him.

34 And a certsin man drew a bowa1 a venture, and smote the king 6f [s'-ra-e1 behveen the joints of the hamess:lvherefore he said unto the ddi,er ofhls chariot, Turn thine hand, and carryrne out of the host; for I am wounded.

35 And the battle increased thatday: and the king was stayed up in hischariot against the $yr'-i-ans, and diedat erren: and the biood ran out of the "

rvound into rhe midst of the chariot.36 And there went a proclamation

throughout the host about the goingdown of the sun, saying, Every manlo his city, and every man to his owncountry,

37 So the king died, and wasbrought to Sa-ma'-ri-a; and they bur-ied the king in Sa-ma'-ri-a.

the pool of Sa-ma'-ri-at and the dogsiicked up his illood; and they washedhis armour; according unto the wordof the [.ono which he spake.

39 Now the rest of the acts ofA'-hab, and ali that he did, and theivory house which he made, and alithe cities that he built, are they notwritten in the book of the chroniciesof the kings of ls'-ra-el? .ffi

40 So A'-hab slept with his fathers:and A-ha-zi'-ah his son reigned in hisstead




d qr)\ss=p* Q+Sqab

sl :='_s€s=>\r)1



ingthee. EBEhg24 But Zed-e-ki'-ah rhe son of Che.

na'-a-nah went near, and smote Mi-cai'-ah on the cheek, and said, Whichway went the Spir'-it of the Lonofrom me to speak unto thee?

25 And Mi-cai'-ah said, Beholcl,thou shalt see in that day, when thoushalt go linto an inner chamber to hidethyself. r},sft.rsffffifrffi+n*ul

26 And the king of Is'-ra-el said,Take Mi-cai'-ah. and carry him backunto A'-mon the governor of the city,and to Jo'-ash the king's son;

27 And,saV, Thus saith the king, putthis fellow in the prison, and feed himwith bread of affliction and with waterof affliction, until I come in peace.

28 And Mi-cai'-ah said. If thori re-turn at all in peace. the LoHo hath not

Ly*rken by me. And he said, Hearken...,' { ) people, every one of you.29 So the king of Is'-ra-el and Je-

trcsh'-a-phat the king of Ju,-dah wentr r ir to Ra'-moth-gil'-e-ad.

30 And the king o115'-1u-*l saicl unto,ie-hoshla-phat, I will disguise myseif,rrrd enter into the batfle: but put thou

on thy robes. And the king of Is,_ra-eiriisguised himself, and went into theiiaftie. W:ll But the king of Syr,-i_a cofr-nianded his thirty and two captainsihat had rule over his chariots. saying, -TI ight nerlher with small nor greai, i.ave only with the king of [s1ra-el. I

Tpersuade A'tab, that he may goand fail atlRarfiroth-gii'-e-ad? Aone said on this manner, andsaid on that manner.

fQ[h, and I will be a lying

also: go for1h. and do so,and prevail



Page 119: Section 2: The Master Key reference/note Guide


witiral how he had slain all the proph-

ets',viih trelword. ffi2 Theniiez'-e-hel sent a messenger_,.:--:---'.......-

unto E-li'-lah, savfie, So let the gods

do to me, and more also, if I make notthy life as the iife of one of them bv tomorrow about this time.

andeat. t li::'^':: il:::":6 And he looked. and, behold, there

wcs a cake baken on the coals, and acruse of water at his ltead. And he dideat and drink, and laid him downagain.

4,u !*r,e+,nWr,,efut,lr.rtAi jur.^:*," d-&-ur1^-il* fiJ.ur ryrlz

neyintothewitdernett,;f,#ffiJ;; : lp^ry' be-

sar dow, under a:,nipel"tie"J';;;ffi i l:lo;J?'f r'm*rt]gl*S *:r*+illi

morrow about this timeri And when he saw ihot, hu nror.. Igllllnt L<irii> wus notln thelire: and

a no r"ent ioi tri s iite,' aii'it*.,19 \ i'!1{ Xfi i'i? tril'ifl *,I--,1't. n,,- j unBe'-er-she'-lla. which bclongeIIi1o Ju'-,\ ^ll.cialr, and tefl hisr.*nni'i'i.,!"r'u' /I9e$@ in

4 But he himsell'*onr'uilv'' jour- i t-,i

iaiOown under a juniper tree: and ire I 1.9-\t'. trtut( t'uttte d vurLtr urrtu-'l:-Lrrr'

re q u est ed ror h i m se I rl i.r Iff ;'#[*.I \ il$ sal[' WEfi-drr6t iI6iiIeTe' E' I i'-

diel and said, {!-LXngggh; now' Y',') a"a hr, cnirt T hnrp, *

o l.tirrr.r, rake ai\,ay *vffior ii,ii, '^ l'1 And he said' I have been very

ffiUltlllIl1..^u]9u'for1heLtlHt;Godofhosls:be.- 5 Arld as he lav ano"siept uncler a , !1[1*

t]re children ol Is'-ra-el have for':..*:-^^- +-^^ ;.^1"^!d ;;.,";:,;';;;i , saken ttrry covenant, thrown down

8 And he arose, and did eat anddrink, and went in the strength of thatmeat lortt days ar-rd.[ot't-y.nights unlttllo'-rec rne m-ouni oiCou. ffi

is too great

sword; and i, even Ithey seek mv life, to

nd the Lono said unto him,Go. return cn thy wav to the lvilder-ness of Da-mas'-cus: and when thoucomest, anoint Ha-za'-el to be king6vg1$yr'-i-a: ffi

16 And Je'-hu the son o{ Nim'-shishalt thou anoint to be king over Is''ra-el: and E-li'-sha the 5s119f $|t6'-phat

&,r* d $ur-t-d.W

of A'-bel-me-ho':1ah shalt thou anointio be prophet in thy room.

17 And it shall come to Pass, fhotlrim that escapeth the sword of Ha-za'-el shall Je'-hu slay: and him thatcscapeth from the sword of Je'-hu

l'ound E-li'-sha the son of Sha'-phat,who wcs plowing urifh twelve yoke ofoxen before him. and he with thetrvelfth: ,n, B-11'-jah passed by him,and cast his mantle uPon him.

20 And he left the oxen, and ran af-t.. g-i1'-jah, and said, Let me, I prayihee, kiss my father and my mother,itnd then I will follow thee. And hesaid unto him, Go back again: for whathave I done to thee?

2l And he returned back from him,and took a yoke of oren, and slewthem. and boiled their flesh with theinstniments of the oxen, and gave untothe people, and they did eat, Then he

arose, and went after E-li'-jah, andininistered unto him.

juniper tree, behold, then an angel . :f,::" tilv uuvurrdrrlJ t]1ru

[ilh.a him, and "io,iilio

r, i* dil I #itif,}t3,n,;ifJ_J i] ?J]J i%iffiii

10 And he said, I have been veryjeaious lor the Lono God of hosts: forthe children of Is'-ra-e1 have forsakenthy covenant, thrown down thine al-


tars. and slain thv prophets with the TL ',i1,$fl/Ln; d,*

that E-li'-jah

rake in pthe Lonl;; but the Lonn

wos not in the wind: and after the wind

sirall E-li'-sha

7 And the angei of the Lonn cqlne

said unto ltim,

it away. Wt.\a*A *

Lr>nu wos uot

, 4L ii</t*'"n'/rliaffr ,t*'! id+,'r / s.:t

ct- #t,n ;'4'a{'[','-"1*' U- ll it i'rt''t"u'f ;4?


Page 120: Section 2: The Master Key reference/note Guide

C{wAWs- Lltt+u, r LL+ c{3 + c L+ w}d}^

66?r, efirlt.. c -av [4'*ta' t*,,r- wad $'1rY{- dtr'a.Yry olii*r bd'fi-aamu'")

I ulLi r.i (rr' ltlliu! Lt I (rN tD "l ll-ul ilL"[

forwarii, anij pitched in iheplains of Molab on this side Jor,-danby Jer'-i-cho. ffie

2 And Ba'-lak the son of ZiCfpiirsaw all that Is'-ra-el had done to theAm'-o-rites. .ffi

ii And Mo'-atr was sore a*affi'of itiepeople, because they were many: andMo'-ab was distressed hecause of thechildren of Islra-el. ffi

4 And Mo'-ab said unto the elders ofMid'-i-an, Now strall fhis company lickup all lltol are round about us, as theox licketh upthegrass of the field. AnctBa'*lak the son of Ziprpor wos king ofthe Mo'"ab-ites atthattime. *Xffi

5 FIe sent messengers tffiii?oreunto Ba'-laarn the son of Belor (o pe1

thor, which is hy lhe river o[ l.he landof the children of his peonle, to callhim, saying, Behoid, there is a peoplecome out from Elgypt: behold, theycover the face of the earth, and theyabide overagainst me: rffi.

6 Corne now therefore, I pw thee,curse me this people; for they are toamighty for me: peradventure I shallprevail, fhaf we may smite ilrem, andihot I may drive them out of the land:for I wot that he whorn thou blessest isblessed, and he whom thou cursestiscursed. ffi

7 And the elders of Mo'-ab and theelders of Mid'-i-an deparled with therewards o[ diyinatio! in their hai'd=;and they came unto Sa'-laam. andspake unto hirn the woE$IEalmt.

- 1l BcnoH, thCre is a people comeoui of lr'-gypt, which covereth the faceol thc eailh: come ilow curse rne them;peradvenlure I shall be able to over-r;ome thern, and ririve them out,

12 And God said unto Ba'-laam."l-hou shllt noi go wirh inffiITffiirshalt not curse the peopie: fcr they cireblessr*. ffiffi

i3 And Bal-iaurn t'(,sc up in rhcrnominpl, afi-rl.*3ffiTnto rhe princes of

. l-l*'-lak, Get yr:u into y*ur iand: for thel.q>i{D refuseth to give me leave to gri,,r*i[]t yoLr.

14 And lhe princcs ol Mr:'-ah rose up,ar:d ihey went unto lla'-iak, and said,

Bd:lggg rcluscf h rc comc lvith us.l5 Anii l}a'-lak sent yet agaic

princes. *role, and more ironourablethan they.

lii A*d th*y came tc Ba -laam. andsaid ta hir"n.'llus saiih lla'-lak ihe sonol Zip'-pg1, I"et nothi*g, i pray thee,hinder th*e frolri comingl unto me:

171:*r i ivili prcraote thee untorery great honour, and I wili da what-soever thori saycst untrl rne: crlrneihu'clore. I pmy thee, c$ise me this

tr8 And Ea'-laam answered and saidunto the sFfrEnlfbf Ba'-tatr, rBi{taxwould give me his house full of silveritnd gold. I cannot gobeyond the wordot' the lrinrr my God, to do less ormiryr]_ :3_

19 Now therefore, I pray you, ta*rv Iye also here this night, that I may ilknow what the Lonu will say unto me jlmore. w4

20 And God came unto &a'-l.4arn at fnight, and said unto him, If the rnen Icome to call thee, rise up, and go with Ithem; but yet the word which I shall I

say unto thee, that shali thou do. I

2l And Ba'-laam rose up in the r

rnorning, dfidEddteo his ass, and ;

went with the princes of Mo'-ab. i

22 And Codus anirerwas kindled tre-cause iri: went: and lhe angel of theL{)Rn stood in the way for an adver-sary againsl nim. Noiv he was ddingupr:n his ass, and his two servantswere withhim. ,ffi

2lt And the ass saw the angel rj{'thel"e;rcr: staneling in the wa.v, anij hissword drawn in his han<i: and the nssturned aside r:ut of the way, and nrentinto the field: and Ba'-laam smore theass. to turn her intu the way,

24 But the angel of the Lonn stoodin a path of the vineyards, a wali beingon this side, and a wall on that side.

25 And when the ass saw the angelof the Lr:no, she thrust herself untothe wall, and crushed Ba'-Laaru's footasainst the wall: and-helfrEle heragain.

?6 And the angel of the Lrlno weutfurther, and stood in a nanow place,where was nowaytoturn eithertotheright hand or to the left.

27 And when the ass saw the angelof the Lonn, she fell down underBa'-laam: and Ba'-laam's anger waskindied, and heTfrffiifr'e asi with astaff.

28 And the Lono opened themouth of the ass, and she said unto

, lYhat have I done unto thee,irast smitten rne lhese ihree



peopie. ,ffi

8 Artd he saiii uirio lhern. io*.lehere this night, and I will brjng youward again, as the l,t:nr> shall speakunto me: and the pi'inces ,sf &{o,-atrabade with Ea'-laam. WI rrnd C(ffi unto l-ti;iaam.and saici, Whai uien ore ifrGEiitri.hee? ffir

I{} And Ba'.laam sairi unro Gocl iJa,-Iak the son oI Ziplpor, king of fulo,-ab,halh seni unto me, saying,

'Ttugyt&/- (/ A,Wd&tlunil\

Page 121: Section 2: The Master Key reference/note Guide

19 And Ba'-laam said unto the ass,I k :cause thi[IE3lnockett me: I wouidlhcre were a sword in mine hand, farrrow would I kill thee.

:i0 And l.he ass said unto Ba'-laaqr,im not I thine ass, upon wflich thou

hust ridden ever since I was thine untolliis day? was I eyer wont to do so untothee? And he said, Nay.

3l Then the Lonr: opened tlie eyesot Ba'-laar.r, and he saw the angel ofI lrc Lonu standing in the way, and hissword drawn in his hand: and helxrwed down his head, and'Ifell ilat on1:rsface. ffi

,Jt And the angel of the Lonu saidrnto him, Wherefore hast thou smittenlhine ass these three times? behold, Iwcnt out to withstand thee, because fhyru,iry is peryerse before me: ffi

;13 And the ass saw me, and turnehll'om me these three times: unless sheIrad turued from me, sureiv now also Ihad slain thee, and saved her alive"

34 And &rlaam said unto the an-It*l of the LoRu, I have sinned; forI knew not that thou stoodest in thew;iy against me: now therefore, if itrlisplease thee, I will get me back;i1.,iiin. ffiffiB

,i5 Anri lhe angel ot the L<:nn saitli;r;ir: BJ'-jaAm, {io witir {he men; britr:r:ixr lfus rv*ld tirel I shail sprak ilnlo:i*:e, thai thou shalt speak. ,So lJa'-i;irrm wefli wilh lhe priirces of ila'-iak.

;ifi And when l]a'-lak i:eur"ri tirat Ba'-liiam was come. he went out io meetliir;: *nto a city oi Mo'-ab, ivhich fs iniirs horcle r ol Ar'-non, v;hich is in ti:eirlilr,;st coast. ffi'

.i7 And iia'-iui< said iiniu iJli' ii.:i:nr,irid I ni:l earnestl:r seni *nto li"lee ior;;!i ihee? wherelbre camest thou *ntr;ilo me? arn { noi able indeed ta pro-riille ihee [o hon*ur? ffi

38 And Ba'-laam said unto Ba'-lak.Lo, I am come unto thee: have I nowany power at all to say aily thing? thewod that God putteth in my rncuth,thatshalllspeak. ffi

39 And Ba'-laam wen{ with Ba'-lak,and they canne unto 1'Ki/-jath-hu'-

zoth. {**rffie40 And Ba'-lak offefet-oien and

sheep, and seni to Ba'-laam, and to theprlrrces thatwere with him.

lak, Build me here seven altars,and prepare me here seven oxen andseven mms, H"il*m

2 And Ba'-lak did as Ba'-taam hadspoken; anci Ba'-lak andEEIrt of-fered on every altar a bullock and aram. rrrflrs

3 And EA:lAern said unto Ba'-iak,Stand by thy burnt offering, and I wiltgo; peradveniure the Lonr: will cometo meet rne: and whatsoever he shew-eth me I will tell thee. And'rhe went toan high piace. rsffiffi,

4 And Cod nnet Ba'-laam: anri hesaid unto him, i hav6TreFffed sevenaitars, and i have ol1'ered upon everyaltar a bullock and a ram.

5 And the L<>rrir put a word in Ba'-laag's mouth, and Siilneium unioBa'-lak and thus thou shali speak.

6 And he returned unto him, and,lo, he stood by his burnt sacrifice. he,and allthe princes of Mo'-ab.

7 And he took up his parable, andsaid, Ba'-lak the king of Mo'-ab hathbrought me from A'-ram, out of thernountains of the east, sayfrutt! Come,curse me Ja'-cob, and come, clefy Isrra-el. n*#

I l-7

I i{ow shail { curse, wliom Cod hatLrnot cursed? or how shali I defy, wlwmthe tr.onr> hath not defied?

$ i:or irom tile {op oi the rocks Isee him" anri irom the hilis i beiroidhim: lo" the peoplc shall dweli atr*ne,and stiail nr;1 he reckoned s.mcng thcn*li*ns. ffi

lti rr\fto ran co$nt the dust o{ "la'.cch, and ihe nurnber of the fourifi pcrfof is'-ra-el? Let rao clie ihe death of thcdghteous, anci let my lasl. end be iikehi-s! ffi

1i Anci l]a -lak said unto Di*lgil-&,What hast thou done unto me? I tookthee to curse mi*e mernles, aud, he-hold. thou hasi bles-ced tilErm alto-gether. iffi,I**

12 And he answered and said,Must i not take he*d to speak thatwhich ihe Lorir: hath Dut in myrnouth? ffi

13 And Ba'-lak said unto him,Come, I pray thee, with me unto an-other place, from whence thou may-est see them: thou shait see but theutmost pail 0f them, and shalt not seethem ali: and curse rne thern frcmthence.

14 And he brought hirn into thefieid of Zo'-phim, to the top of ?is'-Sah, and buiit seven altars, and of-fered a hullnck and a ram on evsryaltar. ffi

l5 And he said unto Ba'-lak, Standhere by thy burnt offering, while Irneet lhe Lonu yonder:

l6 And the Lonn met tsdJaam,and put a word in his mouth.-andEiil,Go again unto Ea'-iak, and say ihus.

17 And when he carne to him, be-hoid, he stood by his burnt offering,and the princes of Mo'-ab with hirc.And Ba'-iak said unto him, What haththe Lt>ltrr spoken?

l8 And he took up his parable, and

41 And it came to pass on the mor-row, that Ba'-lak took Ba'-laarn, andbrought him up into the high places ofBa'-al, that thence he might see theutmost part of the

Page 122: Section 2: The Master Key reference/note Guide

saiil, R-ise up, Ba'-iak, and hear;hearken unto me, thou son of Zip'-por:

i9 Goti is nr:t a ffian, that he shouidliel neiiher the son of man, tha"r heshouid repenl: hath he said, anrl shallhe n*t do il? or hath he siioken, andshall he noi make it good?

20 Behr:ld, I have received co;'n-rncndmeni tc hless: and he hathblessedl and i cannot reverse it.

21 lie hath not beheld iniquity in,la'-cob, neither halh he seen perverse-ness in Is'-ra-ei: the {,< Hri his Cod iswith irim, an<i tire shout oi a king is

among lhern" e22 God brought lhem out af ll'-gypt;

he hath as ii were the strength of anunicorn. i\&w*&s#ryl

2* Sureiy lfuere rs no enchantrnentragainst Ja'-coi:, neither is lhere anydivination against Is'-ra-ei: aecordingto this time it shail be said of .la -coband of Is'-ra-el. Whal hath Oodwrought! ffi

24 Eehold. the people shall rise upi:s a great lion, ancl Iifr up himself as ay-oung iion: he sliall not iie down untiihc eat ofthe prey, anc{ drink the bloodr;llhe siajn. (ffi

?5 And Ba'-lak said untu Ba'-iaaIn,Neither ciirse thern at atrl" nor blessthem at ail"

2i! But BaJaagi answered anEi saidunio lia'-lak, 'Ioid *ot I thee. ffiyipg,Alt ihai the Lcir* speakeih. that Inrust do?

2? And Ba',1akTaTfr'Efrtc ildJaaxp,Ccrrne, I pray thee. I ivill bring theeunto ;rirother piace; seradveniure itwill please God that thou mayes{ curserne tirem from thence"

?8 And Ba'-trak brousht Ed:lBES1unts the hB af, ih'-or, trhat l*okelh ta-ward Je-siri'-mcn. ffi

23 And Ba"laa@ said unto Ea'-iak.Build me here seven altars, and pre-

.f,ra €rwt friAtrL *t U?$r)-fi&Wkffir]+LtP /

f {Llh,w c?7-furA (-L+"c6rqr8&r2ii1l7"

ry;re fle here seltn bulklcl<s and seven

l;iu"is, W

\r,aiir sairj: sffi-r!-t ilc tlalh said, which heard lhe){,,rdi ol (icti, nhich -qaw the visEilofl,@plrr

r ii,irtin{ nis tvcs oocn:\-r lk---&:w goifdlF arclhv tcnls. () Ja'

30 Anei Ba'-lak did as Ba--laamhadsaid, and offered a bullock and a rarn

pleased {he-I-orrl:-i.o bless is'-ra-el, he went not, as at othertimes, toscek for enchanlments, but he set hislace toward the wildemess.

2 And Ba'-lnar4 lifted up his eYes,

and he saw Is'-ra-el abiding in hi.s

lenfs according to their tribes; and theslirit of Cod came u-p,o0,biqr**

ui)-itis parable, andsai<I" Ba'"laann tire son *f Be -or hatl'iraid. and the man whose eyes are operl

tub, and thv tatremacles, O Is'-ra-el!6 As the valleys are theY spread

lbrth, as gardens bythe river's side, as

the trees of lisn aloes which the Lonn

? lie shall pour til* wa{er oul oi hisiiirckets, and his seed skullhe iu r*anyivaiers, and his king shali be hiilirer:i:an A'gag" arrd l"tis l<ingdom s]tali^.i UffBtshre

I God brought him forth out ofii'-gypt;he hath as it were the strengthof an unicorn: he shall eat up the na-iions his enemies, and shall breakllieir bones, and pierce them throughwithhisaffovvs, ffi

I He couched, he lay down as ali*n, and as a gveat lion: who shall stiririrrr up? Biessed is he that blessethtlree, and cursed is he that curseth

uilTi$ElTd5-le, andllj lxtu ll! luua\ sF ruo Purqvrvt Br:s

id, b:lgaB the son of Be'-or hathsaid, and the rnan whcse eyes a'fe openirath saiti: ffi

16 He hath said, which heard the

hath planteri, and as cedar trees beqi$e nards of God, and kqerp tfr6

iiie watelx. mE;si lligh, .i!&i{:ft saw

which thou sentest unto me, saying'-13 If Ba'-lak would give me his

house full of silver and gold, I cannotgo belontl the commandment af theLonn, to do either good or had ofmine own mind; bui whai the Lonn

ittr, that lvili ! speek? ffi14 And now, behold, I go unto ryYI14 And now, behold. Lgo unto qY

peonle; came l-heref orc. qryTf\q@-

faliing fnfo cving rus eyes oPen:

destroy all the chiidren of Sheth"l8 And E'-dom shall be a Posses-

sion, Se'-ir also shall be a pcssession

for his enemies; and l!'+qgl-Elgll:b\ lli4]riii: ffiS#@l$ Out u[ J;r'-c*b shaii ct'n:Ei:{lhalshali have dorninion, and stralliieitrovhim that remaineth of the ci*r-ffiedonAm'-a'lek, he took up his Parable, antl said,


asainst Ba'-laam, and he smote hishlnds tuE-tneil: and Ba'{ak said unioBa'-laam, I called thee to curse mine6nemiB, and, behold, thou hast alto-gether biesse d thernthese thiee times,

Ll Therefore now flee thou to thYplaee: I thousht to promote thee untogreat honour; but,lo, the Lonn hathkept thee back frorn honour.rtZ And Ba'-laam said unto Ba'-lak,

Spake I n6[Tiso-io thv messengers


U tz I strati see{rriril but not now: Lshall beholdfirim)tui not tiigh: thereshall comdaEtari:ut of ia'-coh' and a

Sceptrelhhl rtsd out of Is'-ra-cl. and)cgpuelillarl t]$e uul ul ts-lcl-ut' 6uushall smite the comers of Mo'-ab, and

I thee, and cursed is he that curseth

I I l:rcE, €EE!*-

lflm Ard Ba'-lak's anser was kindled

{s+t }

Page 123: Section 2: The Master Key reference/note Guide

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Strong is thy dwellingplace, and thouputtcst thy nest ina rock.

22 Nevertheles{ the Ke'-nitenhail bewasted, unt il Asshffsffi6rry theeaway captive.

23 And he took up his parable, andsa!d, Alas, who shall live when Cod

24 And ships sholl come frorn thecoast of Chit'-tim, and shali afflictAssh'-ur, and shall afllict ['-ber, andhe also shall perish for ever.

25 And Ba'-laam rose tip, and wenfa nd retuni6dl6-h'ilplace: and Ba'-tatialso went his wav


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Arilk-lek was the tirst of the nations;bu(fiis latter enf]hall be that he pcr-iSh IOr ever. ' 5;,F,, us C4 t t"'

2l And he rooked oq(,hs xq$lsj