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Audience Profile

The demographic profile of my newspaper are males and females aged between 16-24, who are of a lower middle, to working class background (C1-E), it would be likely that they are students or young professionals, and that their parents would not have gone to university and were only educated up to GCSE level.

Marketing agencies now categorizes young people in psychographic categories. I would say the people reading my newspaper would fall into the categories of rebels, as they wish to remake the world in their own image, utopians, as they want the world to be a better place, and creatives, as they wish to show their personality through their own creativity. The reason I chose these categories, is because the stories I have chosen are about a band, a musical theatre school show, and a story on universities. The band i have chosen to write about, are not a mainstream


The newspaper I am creating will be a local paper, and therefore will be a representation of the area it is designed for, in my case this will be Bromley. The stories within the paper will be about the local happenings and communities, therefore it will be relevant to the local community of Bromley. It will be aimed at a younger audience of about 16-24, so the paper will also represent the youth within the culture, and their styles. The paper will also represent the individuality of teens and the different music styles that teens are into, such as rock, as one of the stories I am doing is about a local rock band playing at a local venue in the heart of Bromley.


My newspaper will be a local newspaper, and so will be compared to other local newspapers in the area such as the News Shopper and the Bromley Times. It will follow some of the conventions that these papers have. I will use a tabloid layout, as my paper is mainly entertainment based, and a tabloid will convey the impression that it is simple to pick up and read and I also think that it would appeal to a younger audience more than a broadsheet, as it will be harder to pick up and read. Also, like the other papers I mentioned, my newspaper will be free, so I will have to feature a lot of advertising within my paper, as it will be the main funding.


My newspaper will have to have certain values that are common within the newspaper industry and have conventions that are used throughout the industry. Firstly, it should feature a clear masthead, so that it is easy to identify the title of the paper, below or next to this it should have the date, so that the audience can see what date the paper is from,

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and how relevant the news within the paper is. I will have to be careful that the material my paper produces is not offensive to my audience, as if it is, it could be damaging to the market. I will also have to make sure that the pictures included are relevant, suitable, clear, and to a good quality, so that my paper has a professional look, I also believe it will make it more enjoyable for the audience to read.


The paper is aimed to be directed at young adults and teenagers aged between 16-24. I want my newspaper to be the voice of young people, so that they can know what’s going on in their area, what music is out there and what the trends are at the moment.


The language in the newspaper is most likely to be quite colloquial and in-formal as my newspaper is aimed at the younger generation and they will understand and be more interested in that kind of language. The text will be informational but not to the extent that it is hard to read. I will include catchy headlines about local events, and happenings, and I will also include advertisements to suit their age group.


I want the paper to highlight problems within the teenage society, not just be about what’s happening around the local area, but about what issues could be affecting them. I want a lot of different articles to be included within the paper also including interviews with musicians, general public, local actors and so on asking them questions that the reader can relate back to and take inspiration from. The people I will interview will be within the age group of the target audience, therefore the readers will be like peers to the person being interviewed.


I don’t just want my newspaper to be focused on one area, therefore it will not only have articles about local happenings and gigs, and activities, but also about music, society, culture, sport, fashion and so on. I want it to be just like a professional newspaper such as the Daily Mail, just for the younger generation.


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The genre for the newspaper will be quite obviously what’s happening in the local community. It will intend to be for readers that are interested in what’s going on with local bands, fashion and sport and will also include times and dates of gigs and such.