Download - Search for Quadratic Residue Detector using Artificial Neural … · 2017-08-07 · 2.2 Artificial Neural Networks: Artificial neural networks are nothing but computing systems whose

Page 1: Search for Quadratic Residue Detector using Artificial Neural … · 2017-08-07 · 2.2 Artificial Neural Networks: Artificial neural networks are nothing but computing systems whose


Search for Quadratic Residue Detector

using Artificial Neural Networks

by Ashish Reddy

A Project Report Submitted in

Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements for the Degree of

Master of Science in

Computer Science

Supervised by Dr. Leon Reznik

Department of Computer Science B. Thomas Golisano College of Computing and Information Sciences

Rochester Institute of Technology Rochester, New York

August 2017

Page 2: Search for Quadratic Residue Detector using Artificial Neural … · 2017-08-07 · 2.2 Artificial Neural Networks: Artificial neural networks are nothing but computing systems whose



The quadratic residue problem is one of the unsolved np- problem in the field of

mathematics. Various data classification and data clustering techniques have been used

in the past but they all failed to find a pattern in this problem. Many classification

techniques failed to generate promising results and this called the need for a neural

network model. Artificial neural network is a generic technique that has been providing

the solution for different open problems. It eliminates the need for human interaction

and makes a decision by selectively choosing weights for connection lines between the

inputs. In a way, the network gets trained internally as the data is fed to the system. The

network architecture acts as a black box to the problem and it is one of the best solution

one could try to solve the quadratic residue problem. The Jacobi algorithm is one of the

best known algorithms to determine if one number is a quadratic residue of another

number. However, this algorithm has limitations. When the modular base number

consists of only 2 safe prime factors, the algorithm fails. So using the deductions from the

Jacobi algorithm, we generated the features which act as the input to the network model.

The model has multiple hidden layers and a detailed analysis has been done by varying

the hidden layers and increasing the module base number. From large numbers in the

order of 105 to very large numbers in the order of 109, a variety of numbers have been

tested so as to analyze the network model. For very large numbers, atleast 3 trials were

made before studying the results. After each trial, the weights and other variables are

stored and the values are restored before the next trial. As the number of iterations

increase, an increase in the accuracy level suggests a pattern detection for this problem.

The paper presents 3D plots to analyze the results based on number of hidden layers and

the number of iterations ran till that point. The report suggests the optimum model

architecture based on the run time and the accuracies generated at different levels.

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Table of Contents

ABSTRACT .....................................................................................................................................2

1. INTRODUCTION .............................................................................................................................4

1.1 EULER’S CRITERION ..................................................................................................................4

1.2 LEGENDRE SYMBOL ..................................................................................................................5

1.3 JACOBI SYMBOL .......................................................................................................................5

2. ALGORITHMS AND ANN.................................................................................................................7

2.2 ARTIFICIAL NEURAL NETWORKS ................................................................................................8

2.3 TENSORFLOW...........................................................................................................................9

3. DESIGN MODEL ........................................................................................................................... 12

3.1 GENERATING DATA ................................................................................................................ 13

4. RESULTS ...................................................................................................................................... 14

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In Number theory, an integer q is a quadratic residue modulo n if and only if the

following two conditions hold:

• The greatest common divisor of q and n should be 1.

• q is congruent to a perfect square modulo n.

𝑋2 ≡ q (mod n)

Where 𝑋 is an integer in the range, 0~𝑋 < q

If any of the above conditions fail, q is quadratic nonresidue of n.

For instance, to compute all quadratic residues of 13.

Brute Force: For X in range 0 < X < 13

• Computing the residues of all squares modulo 13,

1, 4, 9, 3, 12, 10, 10, 12, 3, 9, 4, 1

Quadratic Residues are: 1, 3, 4, 9, 10, 12.

If n is an odd prime, all the quadratic residues occur exactly twice. For an odd prime n,

the number of quadratic residues will be (n-1)/2.

1.1 Euler’s Criterion: [1]

For an odd prime p, with p not dividing a, then a is a quadratic residue (mod p) if and

only if:


2 ≡ 1 (mod p)

The residue status is defined as:

𝑟𝑖 = 𝑎𝑝−1

2 (mod p)

if 𝑟𝑖 = 1, a is quadratic residue of p.

if 𝑟𝑖 = -1, a is quadratic nonresidue of p.

if 𝑟𝑖 = 0, a and p are not relatively prime.

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1.2 Legendre Symbol: [1]

For an odd prime p and let a 𝜖 𝑍, we define Legendre symbol (𝑎

𝑝) as:


𝑝) = 1 if a is a quadratic residue of p.

= -1 if a is a quadratic non residue of p.

Thus the Legendre symbol can be calculated by:


𝑝) ≡ 𝑎


2 (mod p)

Properties of Legendre Symbol: [1]

• If a ≡ b (mod p), then (𝑎

𝑝) = (



• (1

𝑝) = 1 and (


𝑝) = 0

• (𝑎

𝑝) (


𝑝) = (



• (𝑎

𝑝) (


𝑞) = (



• (2𝑎

𝑝) = (


𝑝) if p = ±1 (mod 8), otherwise (


𝑝) =− (



• If both a and p are odd, then:


𝑝) = (


𝑎) if a ≡ 1 (mod 4) or p ≡ 1 (mod 4)


𝑝) = −(


𝑎) if a ≡ 3 (mod 4) and p ≡ 3 (mod 4)

1.3 Jacobi Symbol:

Let the factorization of n be ∏ 𝑝𝑖𝑒𝑖𝑘



𝑛) = (







The residue status for each of the primes is calculated and multiplied.

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But if the prime factorization of n is p and q (only 2 primes), then the Jacobi symbol

cannot not be used to decide if a number a is a quadratic residue of n. It is not always

true that a is a quadratic residue of n even though (𝑎

𝑛) is equal to 1. [2]

For instance, to check if 8 a quadratic residue of 15.


15) = (


3) (



= -1 (3


= -1 (2

3) since 5 ≡ 1 (mod 4)

= (-1) (-1)

= 1.

The residue status calculated by the Jacobi symbol is 1. But there exists no integer X such

that 𝑋2 ≡ 8 (mod 15). So 8 is a quadratic non residue of 15.

If the number of prime factors of n are 2 (u and v), then the residue status calculated for

each of those primes ru and rv can be -1. Then the overall residue status would be 1

indicating that it is a quadratic residue. But if both ru and rv are -1, then a is not a quadratic

residue of n. In the case where both ru and rv are 1, a is a quadratic residue of n. Both the

cases are equally probable when the overall residue status is 1. Hence, if a is quadratic

residue mod n, then a is a quadratic residue mod p for all primes dividing n [3].

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According to the definition of quadratic residue, to check the GCD condition for the two

numbers we use the following function. The function returns the greatest common divisor

of the two numbers a and b.

Figure 1: GCD Algorithm

2.1 Jacobi Algorithm:

One of the best algorithms to determine if one number is a quadratic residue of another

number is the Jacobi algorithm [4]. The Jacobi residue is computed by the below function.

The function returns either 0, 1 or -1 for different values of a and n. If the function returns

1, then a is a quadratic residue of n and if the function returns -1 then a is a quadratic non

residue of n.

As explained in the above section, the algorithm fails when the prime factorization of the

modular base n has only 2 safe primes. There is 50% probability in determining the

quadratic residue status when the function returns a value of 1. In the case where the

below function returns -1, we can be sure that a is the quadratic non residue of n.

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Figure 2: Jacobi Algorithm

2.2 Artificial Neural Networks:

Artificial neural networks are nothing but computing systems whose mechanism is similar

to that of a biological neural network. They comprise of interconnected artificial nodes

which acts as processing units. These neurons contain an activation function and

summing function for all the inputs. Weights and known biases are added to acknowledge

priority of some inputs over others. These nodes and their calibrated behavior help in

tackling the various problems like voice recognition, object tracking, pattern recognition


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Figure 3: Neural Network Architecture

The working of neural networks can be described as

• Assigning initial weights to all inputs for a given perceptron.

• Using the summation function finding the activated neurons in each network.

• Each activated neuron is then used as input for its succeeding layer.

• Finding the activation rate for the output layer for a given network.

• Find the error rate in the output layer and update weights in the nodes accordingly.

• Continue until convergence is achieved.

2.3 TensorFlow:

TensorFlow is an open source machine learning library developed by Google. Google uses

TensorFlow algorithm in almost most of the applications such as image search, translation

and pattern recognition. It is developed to build and train neural networks which are used

to detect patterns. The library was built to scale so that it could run on multiple GPU’s

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and CPU’s [5]. It has several wrappers using different languages. Python is one of the most

commonly used languages to build applications. The library is also customized to run on

mobile operating systems. In tensor-flow, the model is represented as a data flow graph

and the graph contains a set of nodes. Each node has a computational operation

associated with it. Every node takes in a tensor as an input and outputs a tensor. The data

is represented in the form of a tensor. It is a multidimensional array of numbers which

flow through the nodes [5]. The version of the TensorFlow used here is 1.2.0.

Figure 4: TensorFlow Architecture

2.4 Literature Review:

Many researchers have tried using classification and clustering techniques to solve the

quadratic residue problem. Decision tree and random forest models were also tested to

find any patterns. Random forest, of all the clustering and classification mechanisms,

seems to find the best solution for this problem. The theory of quadratic residue problem

is applied to different cloud systems [6]. Recently a paper was published which uses

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attributed based encryption using quadratic residue for the big data in cloud

environment. The encryption should be securely tightly such that an unauthorized access

cannot get into the cloud. Attribute based encryption is an efficient access control

mechanism to guarantee the security for large amounts of information in the cloud.

Another case where ANN is useful is to measure sensitivity, prediction uncertainty and

other figure estimates [7]. Convolutional Neural Networks have been very successful in

image processing. The models used in the neural networks are being efficiently designed

to self-tune according to the problem statement and train it accordingly. In Convolutional

Neural Network (CNN), the mechanism is changed in one or two layers according to the

problem [8]. The rest of the layers are adjusted according to the training data and the

ability to transfer the network model from one problem to another problem can be easily

achieved. This is one of the major advantages and more research is being carried out in

the present world to build the models which could eliminate the need for human

interaction [7]. CNN is mainly used in image recognition. A lot of research has been done

in the past where CNN was used to read the image or translating hand written text [8].

Neural networks are widely used in bio-informatics [9]. With the help of 2D recursive

neural networks, an accurate prediction can be made on the inter-residue distances in

proteins [10]. Last summer Michael Potter under the guidance of Dr. Leon Reznik has

started this project [11]. We have continued the project to test the model for bigger

numbers and analyze the model by changing the parameters. The number of hidden

layers used were varied to comprehensively study the model.

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The network model was designed using the TensorFlow library. The network used is a

multilayer perceptron which means it belongs to the feed forward artificial neural

network class. In a feed forward neural network, there are no cycles formed and the

output from one layer sends information to the layers which are in the forward direction.

The model in general has one input layer, multiple hidden layers, one dropout layer and

one soft-max output layer.

Each hidden layer consists of 100 neurons. All the neurons have the hyperbolic tangent

activation. The dropout layer employs the technique where randomly some neurons are

ignored in each of the iterations so as to establish a direct relation between the neurons

in last hidden layer and the output layer. This technique is used so that the network model

does avoid overfitting or underfitting scenarios.

Each of the layers in the network has weights associated for all the connections between

the neurons. The TensorFlow object could be used to initialize all the system variables.

Before creating the different hidden layers, the ‘weightvariable’ and ‘biasvariable’

methods are to be initialized [12]. The last hidden layer is connected to the dropout layer

and the dropout layer is connected to the soft-max output layer. The cross-entropy and

trueclass training functions have to be initialized to train the network.

A session is created before training the model and the progress is saved after every 1000

iterations. A checkpoint file is saved in the local directory for every 1000 iterations. It is

stored in the meta data format in machine language. When the program is re-run, it

checks for the last saved checkpoint in the local directory and restores the previous

session. The stored values for weight and bias variable are picked up from the last

iteration. It is essentially resuming the network program. The performance and error

values are computed after every 1000 iterations. The testing and training accuracies along

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with the confusion matrix can be analyzed at different points in the process. If the training

or testing accuracies near 99.99% for 10 times in a row, we stop the process indicating a

sign of overfitting.

3.1 Generating Data:

The complexity of the problem depends on the size of modular base n and the number of

layers in the network. For a base n, we consider all the integers from 1 to n. Each of the

numbers is checked for the quadratic residue condition using the GCD and the Jacobi

algorithm. Once the residues and non-residues are separated, we generate features for

each of the numbers and assign a class (either residue or non-residue) accordingly. Data

from both the lists are added to a single data list and the data is shuffled. The data is

divided into 80% training and 20% testing data sets randomly. As the value of n increases,

the number of instances in the data set increases by a huge margin. The higher number

of instances would help the network detect any patterns in the data.

The features generated were deduced from the Jacobi algorithm and these set of features

gave promising results when used on ANN. The features used were q (mod 2), n (mod 4),

n (mod 8), n (mod 7), a (mod atemp) and atemp (mod 4). When additional features were

added, the run time, for the network with 3 or 4 hidden layers, was very high. Hence the

above features generated by the Jacobi algorithm was used to compare and analyze the

network [13].

For very large numbers, when we generate numbers 1 to n and use it as the data to train

and test the model there would be lot of instances. This would take significant amount of

time to run all the testing and training data. So to reduce the run time, we consider only

70% of those data instances. This will be helpful to analyze the accuracies for very large


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The neural network was trained with different sets of numbers. A good number of

numbers were used so that the model could be analyzed on various levels. The same set

of numbers were also tested on the model with 2 hidden layers, 3 hidden layers and 4

hidden layers. Initially the model was designed with 1 input layer, 2 hidden layers, 1

dropout layer and 1 output layer. When the value of n is 108733, the testing accuracy and

training accuracy after 100000 iterations were 55.46% and 53.10%. The accuracies were

just above 50% which was slightly better than the accuracy provided by the Jacobi

algorithm. The network was tested with different numbers and the accuracies achieved

after 100000 iterations are shown in the below table.

For 2 hidden layers:

Input number Training Accuracy Testing accuracy Run time

108733 55.46%


~1 hour

124573 46.48%


~1 hour

125321 50.21% 52.96% ~1 hour

401882 52.16% 53.49%

~2 hours.

706777 49.03% 51.44%

~2 hours

848329 52.07%

51.72% ~2 hours

1307377 51.29% 52.91% ~3 hours


50.18% 51.25% ~3 hours

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When the number n was increased to 10480741, the run time increased exponentially.

Every 1000 iterations would take about a couple of hours. So I decided to store the

checkpoints after the 1st trail. The 1st trail took around 8 hours. The testing and training

accuracies after 4000 iterations were 49.79% and 51.03%. For the next trial, I have

initialized the network to take those weights which were previously stored after the 1st

trial. This would effectively mean the count of iteration would resume from the last

iteration. Similarly, the 2nd trail and 3rd trail also took approximately 8 hours and an

increase in the testing accuracy can be noted. Even though the increase in testing

accuracy in very little, the increase suggests that the network is being trained in the

positive direction. If the number of resources allocated to run the program increase, we

can hope that the time taken for every 1000 iterations would decrease and the accuracies

could be compared after a large number of iterations. A slight dip in the training accuracy

during the 2nd and 3rd trail can be neglected and the number of instances considered are

very high. In totality there is an increase in the training accuracy as the number of trails


For 2 hidden layers:

Trials Input number Training Accuracy Testing accuracy Run time

1 10480741 49.79% 51.03%

~8 hours

2 10480741 51.13% 51.25% ~8 hours

3 10480741 51.09% 52.89% ~8 hours

Since the testing and training accuracies were not high with 2 hidden layers, one more

hidden layer was added to the model between the second hidden layer and the dropout

layer. In most of the problems, 3 hidden layers seems to be a good choice. The model

was initialized again to train the network. The same set of numbers were tested with 3

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hidden layers also so as to compare the performance with 2 hidden layers. There was a

significant increase in training and testing accuracies. When the value of n is 124573, the

training and testing accuracies after 100000 iterations are 92.57% and 91.73%. For other

numbers also the training and testing accuracies were noted after 100000 iterations.

When the value of n was 1076437 or 1551937, the training and testing accuracies were

around 60%. As these prime numbers were large, there might be lot of instances in the

training and testing sets. Since the model has 3 hidden layers, time taken for each

iteration increases and we would be needing a large number of iterations to analyze the

accuracy values. There was not a significant increase in accuracy for large prime numbers

when it was compared to the model with two hidden layers. The run time for the model

with three hidden layers does not vary much when compared to that of the model with

two hidden layers. The following table presents the accuracy results achieved with 3

hidden layers.

For 3 Hidden layers (after 100000 iterations):

Input number Training Accuracy Testing accuracy Run time

124573 92.57%

91.73% ~1 hour

125321 97.65%

96.70% ~1 hour

401882 96.91% 96.99% ~2 hours

848329 95.84% 95.14% ~2 hours

706777 82.78% 76.20% ~2 hours



61.82% ~4 hours

1551937 53.61% 52.18% ~4 hours

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For these large numbers (1076437 and 1551937), as the number of iterations increased

there was a sign that the accuracies increased steadily. Below table presents the

accuracies values after 200000 iterations.

For 3 Hidden layers (after 200000 iterations):

Input number Training Accuracy Testing accuracy Run time



70.28% ~9 hours

1551937 70.91% 68.01% ~9 hours

With 3 hidden layers, the testing and training accuracies for n = 10480741 did not

increase. The accuracies were noted after 4000 iterations in each trail. Each trial took

around 10 hours. Both the accuracies increased steadily with 3 hidden layers, same as in

the case with 2 hidden layers.

Trials Input number Training Accuracy Testing accuracy Run time

1 10480741 48.97%

49.73% ~10 hours

2 10480741 51.34% 50.53% ~10 hours

3 10480741 50.91% 51.48% ~10 hours

To have a better analysis of the model with 3 hidden layers, the model was also tested on

various large prime numbers which were of the order p*q (where p and q are both safe

primes). The accuracies were in consistent with the results obtained above. Below table

specifies the testing and training accuracies after 3 trials, where each trail again had 4000

iterations. Each trial took around 16 hours.

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Trails Input number Training Accuracy Testing accuracy

3 (Total 12000 iterations) 11300137 49.89% 51.21%

3 (Total 12000 iterations) 12044101 48.70% 50.19%

3 (Total 12000 iterations) 11423917 50.78% 52.71%

Both the testing and training accuracies have reached more than 90% with 3 hidden layers

for numbers in the order of 105. However, for larger prime numbers the accuracies were

nearly 60%. Adding another hidden layer would mean that the run time would increase

significantly for larger prime numbers. The fourth hidden layer is added between the third

hidden layer and the dropout layer. The accuracies were almost in the same range for

that of the 3 hidden layers. There was a dip in both the accuracies when the value of n

was 706777. This may be due to the fact that it is not a strong prime number. The run

time for smaller prime number of order 106 did not change much but as the number

increased to 1076437 the run time increased steeply. The testing accuracy when n was

1076437 was barely above 50%.

For 4 hidden layers:

Input number Training Accuracy Testing accuracy Run time

108733 93.75% 93.55%

~1 hour

124573 96.10% 95.35% ~1 hour

125321 99.61% 98.89% ~1 hour

401882 98.15%


~3 hours

706777 78.67% 78.26% ~3 hours

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848329 96.02%


~3 hours

1076437 56.08%

50.22% ~10 hours

When the value of n was increased to very large prime numbers, the run time for around

3000 iterations almost reached 16 hours. It took considerable amount of time as the

network was trained and tested on a dual core system. Both the testing and training

accuracies were barely above 50% again. The high run time can also be attributed to the

fact that there are four hidden layers and one dropout layer between the input and

output layers.

For these large numbers (1076437 and 1551937), as the number of iterations increased,

the network trained better and provided better results. Below table presents both the

accuracy values after 200000 iterations.

For 4 Hidden layers (after 200000 iterations):

Input number Training Accuracy Testing accuracy Run time



78.81% ~18 hours

1551937 74.47% 76.19% ~18 hours

With 4 hidden layers, the model was training better. But for n = 10480741, the accuracies

did not increase to a great extent. The accuracies were noted after 3000 iterations in each

trail. Each trial took around 16 hours. Both the accuracies increased steadily in this case

and as the model gets trained for more time with different numbers of the same order,

we can expect better results.

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Trials Input number Training Accuracy Testing accuracy Run time

1 10480741 50.71%

50.03% ~16 hours

2 10480741 51.53% 52.35% ~16 hours

3 10480741 50.09% 52.48% ~16 hours

When the model was tested on other very large numbers, the accuracies were similar to

the results obtained above. The accuracies were noted after 3 trails where each trail had

3000 iterations. The run time for each of the trails was around 16 hours. The checkpoints

were saved after each trail and the next trail would restore the previous saved variables

to resume the process.

Trails Input number Training Accuracy Testing accuracy

3 (Total 9000 iterations) 11300137 50.35% 51.28%

3 (Total 9000 iterations) 12044101 51.90% 49.91%

To try very large numbers in the order of 109, the model with 2 or more hidden layers was

not able to generate any results even after a run time of 20 hours. This is due to limited

resource allocation running on dual core. The program could to testing on a parallelized

distributed system to run faster. When the model was designed to have only one hidden

layer, very large numbers in the order of 109 gave initial iteration results. The number of

instances was reduced to 70% of the total instances originally used. The accuracies for

these very large numbers with one hidden layer network were in the range of 40-42%(less

than what could be obtained by random guessing on the Jacobi algorithm). The network

would need Atleast two hidden layers to outperform random guessing and random forest

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implementation. Below table presents the training and testing accuracies for some

numbers. The accuracies were noted after 200000 iterations.

For 1 hidden layer:

Input number Training Accuracy Testing accuracy Run time

1307377 45.62% 47.49%

~3 hours.


46.70% 46.32%

~3 hours

For larger numbers like 10480741 or 11300137, the testing and training accuracies were

noted after 100000 iterations. The program was stopped as it was showing better results

as the number of iterations increased. For very large numbers like 101100721, both the

accuracies were noted after 10000 iterations. Again the number of instances were

reduced to 70%, to analyze the confusion matrix.

For 1 hidden layer: Input number Training Accuracy Testing accuracy Run time

10480741 40.78% 39.51% ~12 hours

11300137 40.29% 41.21% ~12 hours

101100721 40.12% 40.49% ~20 hours

The training and testing accuracies were plotted against the number of iterations run on

the network model. It is evident that the network is training in a positive direction and 3

hidden layers would be appropriate for numbers in the order of 107 and 108. The

accuracies are plotted after 0, 25000, 50000 and 100000 iterations.

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Figure 5

Figure 6

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The plots in the above graphs show that there is a dip in accuracies for some numbers in

initial set of iterations. It may be that number of instances in training and testing are less

for those iterations and finally the model shows that there is a drastic improvement in

the accuracy. It was also tested for other bigger numbers with less iterations to be sure

that the network model is appropriate. The accuracies for smaller numbers reach as high

as 97% but for large and larger numbers, a lot of iterations would be needed to be able

to get some meaningful results. As the module base number n increases to high powers

of 8 or 9, the time taken for each iteration also increases. It would take a lot of time to

analyze the accuracies after around 100000 iterations. So we would be needing a

distributed system to synchronize the threads for each process. This would make the

program to run faster for very large numbers.

Figure 7

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3-Dimensional graphs were plotted so that the network model could be studied based on

3 parameters. The X axis had different numbers which were used as modular bases. The

Y axis presents the number of hidden layers in the model and the Z axis plots the Training

and Testing accuracies individually. These would suggest the appropriate number of

layers which have to be used based on the base number which is inputted.

Figure 8

In the above three-dimensional graph we have the base number plotted along the X-axis. We

tried to plot the number of iterations on the X axis, to analyze how the model was performing

with different numbers using different layers. We have noted the training and testing accuracies

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after 50000 and 100000 iterations. The same set of numbers are being considered so that it

would be easy to compare the different performance levels.

Figure 9

The above plot shows that for some numbers there is a dip in accuracy in initial set of iterations.

Even though the number of iterations are increasing, the accuracies go down because they try to

correlate the neurons in 2 different layers. The weights and bias variables gets adjusted with

more and more training and eventually, we can see that the accuracies are consistently

increasing. The graph for testing accuracies is similar to that of the testing accuracies 3D plot.

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In the past, Artificial Neural Networks have been very successful in detecting patterns for

images and complex problems. The quadratic residue problem has been an unsolved

problem for many years. Many people tried classification techniques like random forest

and others. The need for Artificial Neural Network was recognized and a number of

attempts were made to solve this problem.

The network architecture designed in this paper was varied by changing the number of

hidden layers in the network. The order of the modulus base does matter a lot in selecting

the number of hidden layers. Numbers, in the order of 108 or 109, were impossible to train

using a four hidden layer network running on a single system. When the accuracies were

analyzed using more than one hidden layer, the results showed signs of increment and

more training time would result in better performance of the model. Smaller numbers, in

the order of 105 or 106, worked very good on the three hidden layer model. The accuracies

after regular intervals of time were noted and analyzed. Although for smaller numbers

the time taken by two hidden layers or three hidden layers did not differ much but the

accuracies were comparatively high with three hidden layers. Two hidden layers is not a

good choice for smaller numbers in the order of 106. The tests were also conducted on

the 4 hidden layer model to compare both the testing and training accuracies. For very

large numbers in the order of 109, the model was able to generate some results with only

one hidden layer. With more than one hidden layer, the iterations were not processing

due to high run time and limited resource allocation.

To test the model with very large numbers, the resource allocation has to be increased.

The program would be needing a parallelized distributed system, in which case, the run

time for each iteration could increase drastically. This would give a better chance to

analyze the result after a significant number of iterations.

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