Download - S&E Induction Guidance for Line Managers

Page 1: S&E Induction Guidance for Line Managers

Students & Education Directorate

October 2015



Good practice guidelines for effective inductions

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A successful induction should ensure the new staff member:

Feels welcomed into the team and university

Is clear on their role and responsibilities

Understands our Directorate’s ethos and culture as outlined in our Quality Service

Definition statement

Understands the terms of their employment

A well planned and delivered induction will ensure that the new staff member is equipped to

contribute effectively to the work of the team and university. This guide is designed to aid line

managers to prepare and run a successful induction for all staff members new to the Students &

Education Directorate. The Students & Education Induction pack and checklist, which can be

tailored to your team’s needs, will assist you with this process.

While the majority of induction activities will be completed in the first two weeks, the induction

period will last for the length of the staff member’s probation and regular reflection and

conversations between the line manager and staff member during this time are essential.


Arrival and welcome

Statutory Information

Policies, Practices

and Processes

Job Specific Information

Review and Evaluation

Supporting new workers

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Pre-employment ....................................................................................................................... 3

What to consider for the new starter and wider team before they start, draft induction plan for first

two weeks

The Welcome .............................................................................................................................. 6

An introduction to who we are and what we do, organisation structure, the culture at King’s,

housekeeping and sources of support and advice

Practical Information .............................................................................................................. 7

Health and safety, data protection, environmental management, equal opportunities and diversity

and Human Resources procedures, terms and conditions of employment, training and development,

probation, Performance Development Review and administrative procedures

Role Specifics............................................................................................................................ 9

Department and team structures, roles and responsibilities, using IT and other equipment,

assess training needs and plan workload for the next two months

Evaluating The Induction Process ......................................................................................... 11

Reflections on the first two weeks, opportunities for reviewing processes, formal feedback process

at 3/6 months

Supporting Staff With Particular Induction Needs ............................................................. 12

Agency staff, new graduates and staff new to London

Appendices .............................................................................................................................. 13

HR pre-employment process, template welcome email, useful contacts

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Welcome Email

HR will inform the new starter of the start date, time, location and who will greet them, but

where possible a personal welcome email from the line manager will help create a positive

impression and allay any apprehensions new staff members may have. It is also an opportunity

to invite them to a pre-starter visit, or team event, as detailed below. A sample welcome email is

in the appendices.

Induction Checklist

This is a checklist of all the activities the new staff member should complete during their

induction period. The line manager should go through the checklist with the new starter on

their first day and explain which activities will be arranged and which tasks are self-directed.

Before the staff member starts the line manager should make a plan for the first couple of weeks,

and consult with appropriate staff members to ensure essential induction and training tasks can

be performed on schedule. Line managers should ideally clear their schedule on the new

starter’s first day, and should also ask another team member to act as back up in the case of an

unexpected event.

Desk Space and Office Equipment

Line managers should ensure that relevant office space and equipment is made available prior to

the new staff member’s arrival. Check that the desk is clear and that there is no old or personal

information from previous staff remaining. In addition to making a positive impression, it will

enable the new starter to contribute to the team’s work without unnecessary delay. If the new

starter has declared a disability line managers should also consider what adjustments need to be

made and consult Occupational Health via Human Resources if necessary.

Pre-Employment Visits

Depending on the notice period of the new

staff member, and the role in question, a pre-

employment visit/s may be appropriate. This

will give the new staff member the opportunity

to meet their predecessor or key contacts

within the team. There may also be key

training or meetings before the new staff

member starts which they might be able to

attend, or work drinks or social events that

would give them the opportunity to meet their

new colleagues in an informal setting.

Example of good practice:

Student Advice & International Student

Support have a tradition of inviting new

recruits to social events or planning days

prior to their start date to get to know the


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Peer–Buddy or Mentors

If the size of your team allows, assigning a specific peer-buddy to your new starter, can really

help the new staff member acclimatise to the role and their new environment. If your team is

quite small consider working with another department, with a similar structure, and assigning a

mentor from another team.

IT Account and TeamSeer

If the new staff member’s details are processed prior to their arrival, you will be able to add their

email to appropriate mailing lists, shared drives and request permission for relevant applications.

You will also be able to request that their TeamSeer account (for annual leave and sickness

absence reporting) is created, for this you will require their start date and email address.

First Impressions

Having a new member of staff is a great opportunity to revitalise your team, as they will be

excited about starting their new role and will bring with them new ideas, experience and

perspectives. It can also be a stressful time for

new starters, and they may be nervous about

how they will fit in with the current team and

how the role will meet their expectations. It is

important that the line manager and the wider

team ensure their first few days are positive.

Naturally, there will be work issues concerning

the team and the line manager, and issues the

new starter may need to be made aware of

immediately – but the whole team should strive

to make a good impression and avoid

unnecessary grumbling.

Not Only New Staff Members!

There may be other occasions when a member of staff will require an induction period and

induction related support. Staff members returning from maternity leave or long term sick leave,

may find that they need a refresher induction, particularly if there have been significant changes

to the team, office, or their role during their absence. HR have guidance on keeping in contact

with staff on maternity and sick leave during their absence (further information is available on

the HR pages) but it is important to remember that returning to work after a long period of

absence can be more stressful then starting a new role and it is very important for line managers

to consult with these staff members on what support they require when they return to work and

tailor a re-induction to their needs. This may also apply to staff who are promoted within

Students & Education, or who come from another department within the university.

Example of bad practice:

No induction material provided, work

area not clear and tidied, line manager

not in on first day, no pre-visit, no IT

access set up.

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Key tasks

Order keys, prepare workspace and any security arrangements

Confirm work patterns and requirements

Prepare induction manual and core training materials

Plan activities and training for first two weeks

Assign mentor/peer-buddy

Back-Up Plans

Line managers should always plan for unexpected events, particularly on the new starter’s first

day. Best practice is to ask someone to deputise for you in the event of sickness or emergency.

The time of year may also impact on how much time the line manager and wider team can give

to the new starter in their first few weeks. Where possible it is best to avoid a new member of

staff starting at the begining of the new academic year, but where this is necessary the induction

schedule should be adjusted as needed, and a greater emphasis can be placed on self directed

tasks and shadowing with more formal training coming as soon as is possible.

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Key objectives for first day

Meet the team

Meet mentor/buddy

Tour of building

ID card

Email account

Overview of the induction period

Security and safety protocols met


The first day should be treated as an opportunity to welcome new starters to the team. Existing

team members should all be involved in integrating the new staff member into the team. Ideally

immediate colleagues, peer-buddy /mentor and direct reports (if relevant) should be available

on the day to meet them. If the team is split over several sites consider a team lunch on the first

day or arrange more informal meetings over the first week.

The Induction Programme

The overall induction programme and timetable should be discussed so that the new starter

knows what to expect but only essential information should be given at this stage so the person

does not feel overwhelmed. If not already done so, all relevant paperwork should be taken to

HR. Building orientation and an introduction to site

facilities may be suitable today, remembering to highlight

fire exits, assembly points, emergency procedures and

contacts, and any other relevant health and safety notices –

make sure that all this information is also in their induction

pack for easy reference. An essential for a first day is to

ensure that they get their ID card, register for online

services and set up an email account. If appropriate issue

office keys, locker keys etc.

The university and the Directorate

Give an overview of King’s College London, Students &

Education and explain where your team fits in the wider structure. Give an overview of staff

benefits and support services and try to give a sense of the culture and ethos of King’s.

Remember it is their first day so try not to overload them with too much information, but where

relevant give an overview of the university/Department/Team’s strategic plan for the coming

year and highlight where their role will fit in with this.

Quality Service Standards






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Further information should be given relating to the staff structure, including but not exclusively;

working hours and breaks, annual leave entitlement, sick leave reporting, equal opportunities,

HR policies and procedures and probation information. You should also complete any internal

paperwork such as emergency contact information as well as any health and safety


Key Information

Work through the manager’s checklist to ensure that all practical arrangements are in place with

respect to work space, facilities, financial regulations, equipment and resources and sources of

information and support. Provide organisational charts, key contact information and any local

policies which impact their delivery of the job (for example customer services charter,

complaints procedures etc.) as well as standard legal compliance with respect to equal

opportunities, data protection and copyright and intellectual property.

The Department

Discuss the key aspects of the job, standards and

expectations (by both the line manager and new

staff member) as well as the goals and objectives

of the immediate team, and how they in turn

contribute to university objectives. This is also an

opportunity to meet key staff from other

departments who they will work closely with,

which may include a peer-buddy or mentor if

they are not part of the same team.

Essential Reading

Ensure that time is allocated for the new starter

to read the relevant induction materials found on

the Students & Education web pages, which will

help to break up time spent with the line manager. It is generally helpful to have a mix of

delivery methods so that the new starter and line manager do not become jaded, try to have a

mixture of discussion, self guided learning and tasks to complete interspersed with meet and

greets. Remind your new starter that they need to take responsibility for their progression

during the induction period and encourage them to feedback any questions, concerns or

additional needs that they have.

Example of good practice:

The Library ask all new starters on their

first week to complete

Online fire safety training

View computer operators’ DVD

Undertake workstation self-


View manual handling video

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Key tasks

Ensure all health and safety, security and other protocols are met

TeamSeer additions and changes

Access to shared drives

Access to internal and external software – passwords requests

Add to shared email accounts

Add to appropriate distribution lists

Add to appropriate calendars

Set up meetings with key staff

Book 1-1s

Set 3 & 6 month review dates


Give an overview of staff communication methods used across the university as well as the

immediate team. Discuss how the department is managed and the role of team meetings, one-

to-ones, supervision, appraisals and training and how this is used to set and achieve long-term

goals. Ensure that Outlook Calendars are set up with access to relevant colleagues. A new

starter should sign up for relevant mailing lists and request membership to appropriate groups

and organisations that may support the job role.

A review should be held at the end of each week to assess understanding and clarify any

outstanding matters.

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By the End of the First Month

Personal objectives should have been drafted and a personal development plan covering learning

needs should be compiled and relevant

courses booked. Ideally a new starter

will have had the opportunity to visit

each site, especially if the department

is split across campuses.

Best practice is that each role should

have a core duties list and clear

guidance on the training needed to

perform in order to carry out the role,

this may take the form of shadowing,

formal (external) training, peer training

or self-directed time. Ideally you

should aim to address key training

needs at the same time as completing

the induction checklist.

New staff member should know:

Structure and management of the department

The department’s purpose, plans and activities

Department staff and key contacts

Policies and procedures

Within their role they:

Support the above

Understand their areas of responsibility

Underpin project work and relevant deadlines

Can develop within the role and organisation

Remind your new starter that:

The induction is for their benefit and they are

encouraged to be responsible for ensuring that they

get all the information and support they need

The induction is an opportunity to take ownership

of their professional growth and work with their

line manager to identify any development needs

Use their regular meetings with line manager and

team/ peer/buddy to communicate concerns,

questions and additional support needed

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The line manager should set:

Targets for initial period and line management /regular supervision arrangements

Probation meetings

Performance Development Reviews

Personal and professional development opportunities

Book essential training

Good practice line management generally recommends that 1-1s should take place regularly,

but in the first two weeks line managers should aim to meet at the end of each week.

Within 3 months the new starter should aim to:

Have met key contacts across the university and developed their own networks

Have set their own goals for learning and development

Be performing the key functions of the role

Where appropriate have set targets for service delivery and engagement with any

project work

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At the end of the first and second week spend some time reflecting on what has been covered

and ensure that the new starter has understood all the information conveyed and that there is

time to ask questions. Note main discussion points and any areas in which the process can be


Having a new member of staff, with a fresh perspective is a great and rare opportunity to gain

feedback on our services, processes and procedures. While customer feedback is essential to

service improvement, a new member of staff will be able to combine knowledge of why we have

certain practices but will not be influenced by history or team dynamics and additionally may

have valuable experience from other institutions and organisations. They should therefore be

encouraged to review office processes, documents, policies, procedures and webpages etc.

To formally provide feedback on the induction programe, the new starter should complete the

proforma included in the checklist (example below) and return it to the line manager, who

should return it to the HR Advisor for S&E, who will review the programme on a termly basis.

Evaluation of Induction Programme at 3/6 month probation

Staff Name:

Induction Review Date:

Discussion notes: [What was effective, not so useful, where are the gaps…?]

Further Training/Refreshers:



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Agency Staff

Some induction is still necessary, particularly if they are likely to be with the university for a

while and / or they are providing a key support role at a busy time of year. At the very least

you should include:

• Introduction to the team

• Overview of service and explanation of key relationships across the university

• Physical layout of the department

• Local practices and procedures

• Provide details of the duties they will perform and areas of responsibility

• Health and safety and other relevant statutory requirements

Should a temporary staff member be made permanent, they will need to start their probation

and may require additional induction support, please revisit the induction checklist in this


School Leavers and New Graduates

Most school leavers and some new graduates have no experience of paid employment.

Consequently their induction needs to be seen as an entry to the world of work. You may wish

to include additional information around tax, national insurance and work place etiquette and

be aware that they may need some training in core competencies. School leavers may require

some assistance understanding the rules and regulations, the importance of self-discipline and

adapting to work culture whereas graduates should have developed a higher level of

competence and can be encouraged to research much of this information for themselves.

When setting goals for training and development consider some of the complementary courses

on Skills Forge and where appropriate encourage school leavers to embark on courses of study

which made lead to vocational qualifications.

Supporting Staff New to the London Area

It is important to appreciate that moving to London can be daunting; the university has

information on local areas, travel advice, and tips on settling into life in London. These pages are

geared towards students but are equally applicable to new members of staff. These links can be

found in the S &E new starter web pages.

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Appendix 1: HR Pre-employment Process

Accompanied with:

• Quality Service Welcome letter

• Health and Capability Declaration

• P46

• Personal Disclosure Form

• Staff Registration Form

• Equality and Diversity form

• DBS Information, applicable to certain roles only

• OH Employment Health Assessment Questionnaire, applicable to certain roles only

Referees are also contacted. The contract will not be sent until at least one

satisfactory reference has been received.

Sent electronically

Accompanied with:

• Pension information

• Staff benefits information sheet

• University’s statement on Equality and Diversity

• OH Employment Health Assessment Questionnaire (if pre-starter flags a medical

condition on the Health and Capability Declaration)

• ‘Working Safely at King’s’ document

• ‘Safety Risk Management’ document

• King’s Profile information

Sent electronically

Formal HR offer letter sent out

Contract and appointment letter sent out

Pre-starter presents completed new starter documents to HR before start date

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Pre-starter comes to HR in person to present the following:

• Eligibility to work in the UK documents

• Signed contract

• Completed new starter forms

These need to be presented before the first day of service in order to organise the IT

login and security pass. Dependent on the start date, the pre-starter may be asked to

present their documents before 10th of month so they can be entered onto the payroll for

that month.

The pre-starter may present their documents on the first day of service, however please

note that this will delay the setting up of the email account and security pass.

Pre-starter details entered onto HRMS

Login and email account should be generated within 48 hours after this (if pre-starter

produces their documents on their first day this could be 48 hours after they start)

This explains how they organise their email account and security pass

Within the first month a probation email is sent out to managers to advise when to

conduct the 3 month and 6 month probation review

Pre-starter details entered onto the HR System

Pre-starter sent the ‘Next Steps’ document

Probation email to managers

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Appendix 2: Template Welcome email – to be sent after contract is signed


On behalf of myself and your new colleagues, I would like to personally welcome you to King’s

and the …team. By now you will have received your new starter documentation from HR

confirming your start date and time but I’d like to take the opportunity to invite you to work

drinks/staff away day/relevant meeting/handover on … at … If you are available this will give

you the chance to meet your new colleagues/participate in shaping our team goals/meet your

predecessor and ask relevant questions.

Please do let me know if this suits, and if you have any other questions don’t hesitate to get in

touch. Should you need to get in touch with anyone, your key contacts are…. To confirm, I will

meet you on your first day at .., and your start time is…

Best wishes,

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Appendix 3: Useful Contacts


Corporate Management Accounts (mainly for budget holders)

Sarah Warren - Corporate Management Accountant

David Perry – Deputy Corporate Management Accountant

Andrew Lloyd – Finance Assistant





HR Advisers:

HR Administration for S&E: Cara Byrne

HR Recruitment for S&E: John Tye



Booking Form:

Estates (all sites)

Campus operations:

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Service Desk:

Emergency contacts:

General Contacts

Telephone directory:

Email directory:


Call the Switchboard on: 020 7836 5454

Professional Services Helpline/Online Help Request Forms: