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Student-led Placement-Based Dissertations 2017-18Email: [email protected] More information:

What is a placement-based dissertation?MSc students studying on selected Masters programmes can undertake a research project in collaboration with external host organisations, as an alternative to a standard dissertation. Students will be based with the host organization for 8-10 weeks during May & June. During July and August, the student will then analyse the data collected and submit a final research paper to both the host organisation and the University (as the Masters dissertation).

What are the aims of a placement-based dissertation?For organisations, placements offer the opportunity to host a student with specialized knowledge relevant to their sector, who will contribute to a pre-arranged research project in order to advance organizational objectives. For students, the projects provide excellent opportunities to think through theoretical ideas in ‘real world’ contexts and to gain transferable skills through applied, practical experience. The research paper will address a real need within the host organization, while improving the employability of our graduates; it is key that placements are of mutual benefit to the host and the student.

As the project forms an integral part of the student’s degree, there is no requirement to provide any form of remuneration. Students may be asked to undertake some limited work not directly related to their research (usually agreed in writing before the placement starts), but this must not detract from the agreed research project, nor take up significant time or resources.

Output: the research paperThe research paper will not exceed 12,000 words and will use the data collected during the placement. The paper will be an extensive piece of academic writing; the exact format will be decided and then formally agreed in a memorandum of understanding between the host organization, the students, and the University prior to the start of the placement. Students will also submit to host organisations a 2-page executive summary alongside the main report.

What are the responsibilities of the host organisation? To provide a supervisor who will act as the student’s main point of contact. This supervisor will act as gatekeeper

to key contacts and other sources of information to enable the student to undertake the project. This supervisor will meet or speak with the student on a regular basis regarding the project.

To provide the student with an induction to the organisation. To liaise with the student before the placement starts in order to refine the research project and make any

necessary logistical arrangements.

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Which students can take part?Students who attain at least a 2:1 average in their semester one courses, and who are enrolled on one of the following degree programmes can undertake a placement:

MSc Africa and International Development MSc Childhood Studies MSc Comparative Public Policy MSc Global Environment, Politics and Society MSc Global Health Policy MSc Global Health and Public Policy MSc Health Inequalities and Public Policy MSc Health Policy MSc Health Systems and Public Policy MSc International & European Politics

MSc International Development MSc Management of Bioeconomy,

Innovation and Governance MSc Medical Anthropology MSc Nationalism Studies MSc Policy Studies MSc Science and Technology in Society MSc Social Research MSc Sociology and Global Change Master of Public Policy

Placement-Based Dissertation Timeline 2017-18

Date Action

October 2017 – March 2018

Student approaches host organization. Proposals are constructed by student and organization. Students will usually liaise with their programme directors to ensure that proposed projects are suitable.

30 March 2018 Deadline for completed final project proposal, which should be submitted to the Student Development Office ([email protected]).

March – April 2018 A Memorandum of Understanding is drawn up by the Student Development Office, and is then signed by the student, host organisation, and Degree Programme Director.

Student completes other necessary paperwork, such as risk assessments, ethics application, etc.

Late April / May – June 2018

Students on placement:• The University will provide academic supervision, as well as administrative oversight, throughout the placement; • The host organisation will be asked to provide a named contact for the University to liaise with on all placement matters and to provide the student with regular organisational supervision

July-August Student analyses data and writes up research.

August Report and executive summary submitted by student to host organization, dissertation submitted to University.

LimitationsPlacements are subject to the University’s risk assessment process. Students must not travel to areas to which the Foreign Commonwealth Office advise against all travel, or all but essential travel. If students wish to travel near these areas, they must seek approval from the Student Development Office before setting up a placement.

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Placement-based dissertation project outline form

Organisation details

Name of your organisation:

The number of students you would like to host:

Placements work well with more than one student, but please note that each student must undertake a separate project (to be differentiated below or supplied on separate forms).

Organisation details and context: Please give a brief overview of the organisation’s work/purpose/mission.

Project details

Research Question:

Further details about the research project:

Please tell us: What is the overarching question? What is it, specifically, that your organisation would like to know?

Please detail any key sub-questions and expand on the overall project. More detail will ensure better accuracy when matching students with projects.

Methodology: Please detail how the students will be expected to answer the research questions, for example, desk research, interviews, survey, review of internal document, etc.

Research output and objective: Please explain what you hope to get from resulting research paper, the context of the research and how you might use the student’s work to advance your organisation’s objectives?

Any other project details:

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Contact details

Name of the key contact in your organisation:

Key contact email address:

Key contact phone number:

Location of project: This should be the physical street address where the student will be based, not a PO Box

Further details

Proposed start and end date of project:

Projects must take place during May and June, although there is the potential to start in late April.

Additional requirements Specific skills the student should have, e.g. proficiency in a particular language, familiarity with a particular topic or research method, or any other useful attributes.

Local requirements Including Protecting Vulnerable Groups [PVG disclosure], other checks required to be carried out on the student’s background, research permits (including approximate cost of these), or any other paperwork required before the student can undertake their research at your organisation.

Will students be in working with children, young people, or other vulnerable groups at any time (even briefly)?

Please note that students must adhere to local visa and/or research permit requirements. Please confirm that these are detailed above to the best of your knowledge, by ticking the box below:

Yes, these are detailed above to the best of my knowledge ☐

Please get in touch if you have any queries or wish to discuss the Placement-Based Dissertation scheme in more detail. Once complete, please submit the form to the Student Development Office:[email protected]

Placement Health and Safety Checklist

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The Placement Health and Safety Checklist should be completed if the student will spend time physically based with the organisations or will conduct fieldwork in relation to the placement.

Health and Safety Checklist Yes No

Do you have a written Health and Safety Policy?

Do you have a policy regarding health and safety training?

If so, will you provide all necessary health and safety training for the student?

Is your organisation registered with the Health and Safety Executive or your Local Authority Environmental Health Department?


Do you hold Employer and Public Liability Insurance?

Risk Assessment

Do you carry out risk assessments of your work practices?

Are the results of risk assessment implemented?

Accidents and Incidents

Is there a formal procedure for reporting and recording accidents and incidents?

Have you procedures to be followed in the event of serious and imminent danger to people at work?

Will you report to the University all recorded accidents involving students?

Will you report to the University any sickness involving students which may be attributable to their work?