Download - SDGs implementation Making links on the national level


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SDGs implementationMaking links on the national level

Incheon, Korea9th April 2014Grazyna Pulawska, Asia-Europe Foundation (ASEF)1Overview This activity involves negotiation about the SDGs priorities including financing issues taking into account responsibilities of:the governmentcivil societybusinesses and international organisationsObjectives to develop a map for the complex interdependencies between the different actors in the SDGs debateto promote co-operation between different stakeholdersActivityGroup work:the governmentcivil societybusinesses and international organisations

Activity Please elaborate what role your actor plays in the international debate on SDGs / what are the main functions it performs. Please list their five most important functions on the large sheet of paper, using the marker.

ActivityPresentation of the group workComments on the role/functions all 4 actors playMaking links Preparation: 20 minutesPlease divide into the four groups again and decide:What are your priorities that you would like to focus on (3 to 5 priorities)What do you require from all of the other "actors to implement it / what kind of supportPlease list your demands on separate sheets

Making linksNegotiations1. The aim of the exercise is for each actor to get their demands accepted by each of the other actors.2. The negotiations are made between pairs of actors in three rounds as follows: Round 1: civil society and the government negotiate, and the international organisations and business negotiate. Round 2: civil society and international organisations negotiate, and the government and business negotiate. Round 3: civil society and business negotiate, and the government and the international organisations negotiate.

RulesWhen making a demand, please state the demand clearly and concisely. Explain what it involves and why it is important to enable them to fulfil their own functions.When deciding whether or not to accept a demand, please decide whether what is being asked is fair, and whether you would be able to carry it out.If the other group rejects the demand, let the tape hang loose. If the other group accept it, then tape the link to the other group chart to represent the link between the two groups. The accepting group should make a brief note on their chart to remind them what the demand was.Making linksRound 1: 10 minutes

RulesWhen making a demand, please state the demand clearly and concisely. Explain what it involves and why it is important to enable them to fulfil their own functions.When deciding whether or not to accept a demand, please decide whether what is being asked is fair, and whether you would be able to carry it out.If the other group rejects the demand, let the tape hang loose. If the other group accept it, then tape the link to the other group chart to represent the link between the two groups. The accepting group should make a brief note on their chart to remind them what the demand was.Making linksRound 2: 10 minutes

RulesWhen making a demand, please state the demand clearly and concisely. Explain what it involves and why it is important to enable them to fulfil their own functions.When deciding whether or not to accept a demand, please decide whether what is being asked is fair, and whether you would be able to carry it out.If the other group rejects the demand, let the tape hang loose. If the other group accept it, then tape the link to the other group chart to represent the link between the two groups. The accepting group should make a brief note on their chart to remind them what the demand was.Making linksRound 3: 10 minutes

RulesWhen making a demand, please state the demand clearly and concisely. Explain what it involves and why it is important to enable them to fulfil their own functions.When deciding whether or not to accept a demand, please decide whether what is being asked is fair, and whether you would be able to carry it out.If the other group rejects the demand, let the tape hang loose. If the other group accept it, then tape the link to the other group chart to represent the link between the two groups. The accepting group should make a brief note on their chart to remind them what the demand was.Debriefing 1) How was it to think of the functions that the all the actors perform in a SDGs negotiations? 2) Were there any disagreements within the groups about which claims should be accepted or rejected?3) Was there anything new about SDGs process that you did not know before? Were there any surprises?