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SDG: 15: Life on Land

Issue: Protecting biodiversity and natural habitats in desertified areas

Student Officer: Elina Kalmouni

Position: Deputy Chair


Desertification is a prevalent issue around the world. It has been seen in direct

correlation to biodiversity loss and natural habitat loss. Desertification is mainly caused by

improper sustainable development, urbanisation, deforestation, and climate change. Without

combating desertification, we risk a rise in biodiversity loss. Biodiversity helps keep ecosystems

stable and also provide benefits through economic means. Desertification needs to be

combated immediately to further solve biodiversity loss and protect natural habitats.

Definition of Key Terms


Desertification is a process that includes areas which are undergoing permanent

degradation and becoming increasingly dry and arid. This leads to a reduced productivity of

land, which is irreversible, therefore resulting in a loss of vegetation and wildlife. Africa and

Asia contain the world's most arid and dry regions and, therefore, are at a high risk of


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Desertified Areas

Desertified areas include areas which have undergone or are undergoing desertification.

An example of a desertified area is Bolivia's second largest lake, Poopó Lake, which is

almost completely dried up due to desertification. Another example includes Tunisia’s

Saharan regions which are also at a high risk of desertification.


Biodiversity is the variety of organisms in either managed ecosystems, such as

plantations and farmlands, or unmanaged ecosystems, such as wildlands, national parks,

and nature preserves.

*Graph showing biodiversity

loss worldwide

Natural Habitats

Natural habitats are areas where either animal and plants species live, and where

human activity has not modified the ecology and the surrounding ecosystem in that area.

Natural habitat loss is one of the major causes of species and animal extinction.


An ecosystem includes plants, animals, and microorganisms, and how they interact with

each other, as well as non living environments, such as sun, soil, and climate. Each organism's

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contribution to life cycles helps generate cycle interchanges which maintain the health and

abundance of the ecosystem.

Major Countries and Organizations Involved


China is seen to have a growing desertification issue. The rapid desertification of certain areas

in China is affecting the country and its citizens. Desertification has become one of

China's most vital environmental challenges. Every year more than 2,250 miles of fertile

land are turned into infertile, arid dryland. This affects the country, its citizens, and animals

as lands that could have been used for cultivating crops, sources of food, and agriculture

become infertile and cannot sustain any living organisms. China has been fighting

desertification with their ongoing "Green Wall of China" project, which aims to rejuvenate

old forests and plant new trees to combat desertification. They have also further adopted

goals and targets to protect animal biodiversity and habitats. Since 1988, Chinese

companies have been working with surrounding communities and the government to

restore degraded land, and have been planting special plants which help reduce the rate

of desertification.

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Desertification in Tunisia is a major problem that Tunisia has been facing for many years.

It is a continuous problem as more than 75% of Tunisian land is threatened by soil erosion

and land degradation. As many lands are becoming infertile and desertified, this ensures

that will be no land left to cultivate in the future. One of the most affected areas in Tunisia

by desertification is Zaghouan. The land surrounding Zaghouan is extremely dry and, if

action is not taken, could become completely desertified. Not only is the region around

Zaghouan threatened by desertification, but also more than 75% of Tunisian land is at

risk. Desertification in Tunisia is a large issue as more than 15% of Tunisia's Gross

Domestic Product (GDP) is produced solely in the agriculture sector. Tunisia has become

increasingly more involved in solving their desertification issue and preserving key

biodiversity elements with their establishment of their National Development Strategy

2016-2020, which aims for improved sustainable development throughout the country.

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United Nations Environment Program (UNEP)

The UNEP has been working very hard to combat desertification and also protect

biodiversity. They have been seen to raise awareness about biodiversity in areas which

are directly affected by biodiversity loss. They have also been working closely with Latin

America and Caribbean regions (LAC), as well as other UN agencies to combat

biodiversity loss. They have established offices all over the world to further emphasize and

solve the issue at hand. The UNEP has also held meetings solely focused on solving

biodiversity loss and helping affected areas. They have created a 2050 vision called

“Living Harmony with Nature” which implements the SDGs as well as other strategies and

solutions. The UNEP has also created Synthesis Reports aimed at summarizing the

UNEPs involvement in protecting biodiversity and their impact on surrounding countries.

Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO)

The FAO has been working immensely to combat desertification and biodiversity loss.

They have been making reports and outlining the issues and consequences of desertification

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and biodiversity loss. Many reports, such as The State of the World’s Biodiversity for Food and

Agriculture (Report), published by the FAO, indicate measures which need to be taken in order

to combat biodiversity loss. The FAO has also been increasingly involved in the contribution to

SDG 15, Life on Land. They have created specific targets, pertaining to SDG 15, such as

Sustainable Forest Management and Conservation of Mountain Ecosystems. While working to

achieve these targets, the FAO also combats desertification and protects animal wildlife. The

FAO has also started the ESB (Ecosystem Services and Biodiversity), which works in landscape

and oversees habitats and ecosystems as well as animal biodiversity. They have also raised

awareness about protecting biodiversity and combating desertification in affected areas around

the globe.

Timeline of Events

Date Description of event

June 3-14, 1992 The Rio Earth Summit takes place in which the Convention on

Biological Diversity was created

October 14, 1994 The United Nations Convention to Combat Desertification in

those countries Experiencing Serious drought and/or

Desertification, particularly in Africa commences in Paris, France

January 29, 2000 The Cartagena Protocol on Biosafety to the convention on

Biological Diversity takes place in Montreal

2006 International Year of Deserts and Desertification declared by the

United Nations General Assembly

2010 United Nations declared 2010 as The International Year of


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September 25, 2015 The Sustainable Development Goals (SDG’s) were developed.

Relevant UN Treaties and Events

● Convention on Biological Diversity, 21 December, 2009 (A/RES/64/203)

● Establishment of an intergovernmental negotiating committee for the elaboration of an

international convention to combat desertification in those countries experiencing serious

drought and/or desertification, particularly in Africa, 12 March, 1993 (A/RES/47/188)

● Transforming our world: the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development, 21 October,

2015 (A/RES/70/1)

● United Nations Decade for Deserts and the Fight against Desertification (2010–2020),

25 February, 2010 (A/RES/64/201)

Previous Attempts to Solve the Issue

Many countries are working tirelessly to combat desertification and protect their

biodiversity. Countries such as China have implemented specific systems to prevent and help

reverse desertified areas. Their “Great Green Wall” project has been ongoing since 1978. This

project is dedicated to planting millions of trees along 2,800 miles of desert land. The project is

an ongoing success as more than 66 billion trees have been planted in order to combat the

immense desertification issue. China has also been implementing national programs to help

monitor the status of desertification.

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Not only is China implementing a Great Green Wall project, but also many African

nations as well. The Sahel region consisting of countries, such as Burkina Faso, Chad, Djibouti,

Eritrea, Ethiopia, Mali, Mauritania, Niger, Nigeria, Senegal, and Sudan, have all been

contributing to The Green Wall Project. This project, launched in 2007, aims at restoring Africa's

landscape in hopes of combating and reversing desertification. This project not only combats

desertification, but also helps boost economic status of countries and shows how international

cooperation can be beneficial in such circumstances.

Many nations have also been working to implement SDGs, resulting in a slight decrease

in biodiversity loss. Governments have attempted to create national parks aimed at protecting

biodiversity, yet more is needed. The SDGs, as well as many multilateral agreements, have all

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made progress in protecting biodiversity. Many conventions and conferences have also taken

place, which are aimed at protecting biodiversity and natural habitats of animals.

Possible Solutions


Human activity has affected desertification and caused an immense biodiversity loss

throughout the years. Ongoing exploitation of natural resources and lack of awareness about

the consequences of such continuous exploitation have contributed to the increase in

biodiversity loss and desertification. There is a clear lack of understanding about the causes and

consequences of human activity and exploitation of the land. Even though many treaties,

resolutions, and NGOs have been formed to combat desertification and help maintain

biodiversity, many countries are still at high risk. This clearly shows how countries do not

understand the risks that come with desertification, biodiversity loss, and natural habitat loss.

Governments need to implement systems to educate the general public about desertification to

combat the issue immediately. Countries need to take more responsibility in prioritizing

combating environmental challenges as well.

Monitoring Systems

Other possible solutions, which many countries are starting to implement, are systems

which help monitor and ensure proper sustainability. These monitoring systems could also

monitor ecosystems and ensure climate change and desertification are not threatening

surrounding areas. Countries could also make sure they have specific sectors dedicated to

maintain biodiversity and combat environmental issues, such as desertification.

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National parks and conservation centres

Countries need to also ensure that urbanisation will not affect animals and their

biodiversity. Countries need to ensure urbanised lands will not interfere with natural habitats and

destroy habitats of animals and, therefore, their biodiversity. If countries feel the urge to

urbanise lands, implementation of areas where animal biodiversity can thrive should be

implemented to ensure biodiversity loss will not occur. These could be in the form of national

parks or conservation centers aimed at enhancing biodiversity of animals. One such example

includes Kenya's northern park, which aims at protecting native animals and their habitats.

Countries could also monitor the amount of climate refugees and animals which are displaced

due to urbanisation to help affected areas in need immediately.

International cooperation

The issue at hand is definitely not achievable without international cooperation.

Countries need to make sure international cooperation is a priority in order to combat

desertification and protect biodiversity. A possible solution is for all the countries to sign

multilateral agreements and legislations which call for protecting biodiversity particularly in

desertified areas. These legislations could also call for certain consequences for countries that

do not follow these agreements and guidelines set out to protect biodiversity. It could also be

encouraged that more economically developed countries (MEDC’s) help lower economically

developed countries (LEDC’s) to further combat the issue at hand. The issue of protecting

biodiversity and natural habitats is in direct correlation with desertification. Therefore, if

countries prioritize reversing desertification in affected areas, biodiversity and natural habitat

sustainability will be achievable.

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Guiding Questions

1. How will you educate people on the effects of desertification on natural habitats and


2. How will you protect the biodiversity of animals in areas where land is severely infertile

and arid due to desertification?

3. How will you ensure countries that are facing a desertification issue are protecting their

natural habitats and biodiversity?

4. How will you ensure that countries follow rules and regulations set in place to ensure

biodiversity and natural habitats are preserved?

5. How will you help make sure that countries won’t encounter biodiversity loss in areas

where desertification occurs?

6. How will you ensure areas which are overcoming desertification, will remain fertile and

not become desertified?


Ed King for RTCC, part of the Guardian Environment Network. “Desertification Crisis

Affecting 168 Countries Worldwide, Study Shows.” The Guardian, Guardian News

and Media, 17 Apr. 2013,

“Africa's Struggle with Desertification.” Population Reference Bureau,

Misachi, John. “What Is Desertification?” World Atlas, Worldatlas, 28 Mar. 2017,


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“Focus - Can the 'Great Green Wall' Stop Desertification in China?” France 24, France 24,

30 Jan. 2018,


Cordall, Simon Speakman. “'If the Land Isn't Worked, It Decays': Tunisia's Battle to Keep

the Desert at Bay.” The Guardian, Guardian News and Media, 13 Oct. 2017,


“Tunisia's Arid Regions: How Can Desertification Control And Development Be

Reconciled?” ScienceDaily, ScienceDaily, 5 Mar. 2007,

“Ecosystems.” UN-Water,

“Sustainable Development of Drylands and Combating Desertification.” International Rice

Commission Newsletter Vol. 48, FAO of the UN,

“Drylands Development and Combating Desertification.” International Rice Commission

Newsletter Vol. 48, FAO of the UN,

“2011-2020: United Nations Decade on Biodiversity.” Literacy and Non-Formal Education

in Iraq | United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization, Discovery

Channel, Producer.,



“Causes, Effects and Solutions of Desertification.” Conserve Energy Future, 4 Jan. 2017,

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李松 . “Kubuqi Desert Turns over a New Leaf, as Planting Program Blossoms.” Pressure

Leaves Millions of Youth Exposed to Suicide Risk - China -,

“China's 'Great Green Wall' Fights Expanding Desert.” National Geographic, National

Geographic Society, 21 Apr. 2017,


“The Great Green Wall Initiative.” UNCCD,


“Why Are National Parks Important.” National Parks Association of NSW, 2 Mar. 2017,

Appendix or Appendices

I. Nations Convention to Combat

Desertification (UNCCD)

This website talks about the regions which are suffering greatly from desertification, and

attempts to solve the issue in particular nations.

II. - Ecosystem

Services & Biodiversity (ESB), The (FAO)

This website explains in more detail the risk and consequences of biodiversity loss and possible

solutions. This website could be helpful when writing resolutions.

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