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  • 8/14/2019 SCYFC Newsletter



    phone: 209-522-TEEN fax: 209-522-8621 email: [email protected] web:

    Play Ball!Rick J. Fritzemeier,Executive Director

    Joe, Johnny and Frank were nothing more than average as major league ball players. Sure theywere in the majors, but between the three their highest batting average was .262.

    They certainly werent long ball hitters (even for their era) with Joe having the best career HR record of thethree at a mere 32. Stealing bases? Nope, nothing special there, they only totaled 20 for all three of themduring their entire time in the majors.

    But all three are all still memorialized at Cooperstown in the Hall of Fame. Perhaps even more to the point,they are as of this date the only players in the great Hall that were inducted not as individuals, but as aunit.

    Tinker to Evers to Chance! The mighty 6-4-3 combo of the 1908 Chicago cubs. In fact as a double play unitthey have yet to be surpassed, still having recorded the most double plays ever for the same combination of

    short stop, 2nd baseman, first baseman.

    Amazing really that in a sport that greatly honors individual accomplishment, these three average guys sitenthroned with the likes of the Babe, Gehrig, Mays, Sutton, Thompson, Reese, Robinson, and Kofax, not forbeing great as an individual, but rather as a team of three.

    Eccl. 4 puts it this way, but a three strong cord is not easily broken.

    YFC has a wonderful staff & volunteer team, including our wonderful Board members, but withoutyourpartnership (take your pick, do you want SS, 2nd base or 1stbase?) we cant make the play happen.

    And just as important as Tinker to Evers to Chance was to the Cubs accomplishing their mission of winninga World Series (they actually did it 4 times during their T-E-C era), your partnership is absolutely critical toour mission, seeing thousands of lost youth become life long followers of Jesus Christ.

    Play Ball!Rick

    P.S. Speaking of partnerships, we need your help. With this newsletter we are launching the E-project. Ourgoal is to redirect as much of our written communication with you (from us to you and vice versa) aspossible to electronic form. Newsletter on the web or in email. Gift receipts in email. Gifts from you to usthrough our electronic banking system or our web site. Of course you have to be okay with and agree to this.

    But heres the motivation, we believe if enough of you will partner with us in the E-project venture, it couldmean a saving of as much as $20000/year. Im thinking that should/could be motivating.

    So please give this your consideration, watch for more info. In the coming weeks about converting over, orfor more immediate answers give Christie Berlin, our office manager, a call at (209)522-9568 ext.111.

    Graduating Class of 2011Marvin Jacobo, Director of Tapestry

    YFC reaches young people everywhere, working together with the local church and other likemindedpartners to raise up lifelong followers of Jesus who lead by their godliness in lifestyle, devotion to the Word of God

    and prayer, passion for sharing the love of Christ and commitment to social environment.

    Youre Invited!

    Come to one of our upcoming See the Story events!

    Learn how the ministry of YFC is impacting kids in our community.This is a free event.A light meal will be provided.This is not a fundraising event.

    Please be our guest at any of thefollowing dates

    May 25th, June 22nd, and July 27th.12:00-1:00pm

    Please RSVP to [email protected] or call us at 522.TEEN x 119

    In Memory ofSheryl Fenstad&Kenneth Paul

    Youth for Christ wishes to thank those who

    havegenerously given in honor of

    Sheryland Kennethslives.

    Eileen Bushong Glee Fritzemeier Julie Hargraves Paul Madden

    Angels StoryRick Roberts

    Juvenile Justice Director

    Over the years in the Juvenile Hallwe have ministered to many teenswho we knew could eventually besentenced as adults and spend muchof their lives in institutions. One of

    these young men was Angel Cabanillas. Angel wasgiven a 132 year sentence for a murder he commit-ted at 14 years of age. We could look at Angels lifeand say what a tragic waste, but God still has a de-

    sign for his life. Angel became a Christian while inthe Stanislaus County Juvenile Hall. Albert Dade-sho was his mentor and still makes regular contacteven now where he is in the Delano State Peniten-tiary. Angel has become passionate about his rela-tionship with Jesus and has a desire to share hisstory with other teens about the consequences of

    being in a gang. He recently hand wrote a letter forus to share with teens that is 2 1/2 pages long en-couraging them to walk a different path. Below is a

    small excerpt:

    Dont waste your lives on gangbanging ordrugs. All gangbanging ever did for me iscause me misery and give me a life sentence be-hind bars. For the rest of my life Ill be lockedup. For the rest of my life Ill be separated frommy family. You need to change. Rehabilita-tion doesnt begin in a program. Rehabilitationbegins within. I don't know why things hap-

    pen the way they do but God Almighty has a

    purpose for every thing. All I can do is, Trustin the Lord with all thine heart and lean notunto thine own under-

    Mentor Moms

    Alissa Collins

    Director of Teen Parents

    Mentor: a trusted counselor orfriendDo you know what seems to betrue of every successful businessperson, movie star, author, pho-

    tographer, politician, pretty much every suc-cessful adult? They all have had a mentor.Time and time again, as you read biographies,magazine articles and hear interviews, all at-

    tribute their success, in part, to someone whocame alongside them and helped developtheir raw potential.

    With this in mind, Teen Parents is going back

    to its roots, with the Mentor Moms program.

    Pray for guidance as we seek out women who

    can be cheerleaders, encour-

    agers, mentors and guides to

    these young moms once a

    week for 2 hours. PraiseGod for vision and direction

    during this exciting time!

    Five Love Languages For Couples Inspires Our Work With TeensBy Marty Villa, Director and Lead Therapist

    and Sarah Andrews, Staff Therapist

    One of our favorite things to do with couples in counseling is to have couples take a

    Five Love Languages Survey, based on Gary Chapmans book, The Five Love Lan-guages. The survey assesses in what ways people give and receive love. The five areas

    assessed are:

    Words of Affirmation Quality Time Receiving Gifts Acts of Service Physical Touch

    Can you imagine if you and your spouse or significant other spoke completely different languages, and

    how difficult it would be to communicate needs and desires? I (Sarah) remember back to my own pre-marital counseling and taking this survey with my husband Matt. Matts primary love languages areWords of Affirmation and Physical Touch and mine are Quality Time and Physical Touch. We speak one

    language the same, but otherwise we would miss each other's needs and desires completely because tome I could just sit in the room with Matt and feel loved, which was nice after a long day in the office orof counselingto just be together. However, Matt needed to be together and talk, to speak words and

    talk about our days and in this way his needs were met and he felt loved.

    As a couple we can clearly see that when things are tense it is because I need more quality time or wejust need to stop and catch up with our words and use them in ways that affirm one another.

    Love languages can be assessed not only for spouses, but adolescents and children as well. Many timeswhen working with parents and teensor even teens by themselveswe discern that no one is speakingthis kid's love language and it has not been modeled for them, and as a result they don't feel heard, un-derstood, or loved. Just like the couples we counsel theyas well as their parentsneed to be taught to

    listen & speak each other's love language.

    Discover your love language ( ).

    Mentoring Makes a Difference!Ken SylviaDirector of Mentoring and Ceres Community Area Ministries

    For a while now I have taken the time to write a letter or informationalpiece about our Next Step Mentoring Program, and include it in our Youth for Christ newsletter. How-ever, I thought it would be good for a change to let our mentors tell you how their efforts are making adifference. Here is a story from Jim Groft, a retired teacher and school administrator who mentors atCeres High School.

    Jamie (not his real name) just sat there. He didn't make eye contact and veryrarely entered into our conversations. It was hard to get him to participate. Afterabout 5 weeks of this, one Monday he was the only one to show up. We talked andthe Holy Spirit seemed to open up the floodgates! He shared about his life andhow his father died and his uncle took over" the drug business (part of a majordrug cartel from Mexico) in Jamie's area. He shared about seeing his close cousinshot down before his eyes, the danger of living in his neighborhood and the fear ofnot waking up in the morning. He shared, and shared and shared. Finally afterabout 2 hours I told him I needed to leave and offered to take him home (he is nowliving with another relative). When we arrived at his house, he continued to shareabout his life. Just before he opened the door to leave the vehicle, I was promptedby the Holy Spirit to ask him if he would like to invite Christ into his life. He nod-ded and I was privileged to lead him to the Throne of Grace of our Lord and Sav-ior. I immediately contacted some prayer warriors about him (using his real first

    name) and had them pray a hedge of protection around him. My next concern isto disciple him so that he can grow into the soldier that Christ can use. What won-derful opportunities God has given us in the Mentoring program!

    What is great about this story from Jim is that this is what we call missional relationships at its best.Jim has spent countless hours every week getting to know Jamie, tutoring in math, just talking about lifestuff, and in many ways simply becoming friends, and God provided the opportunity beyond and outsideof mentoring hours to have a spiritual conversation. We believe that it is crucial to obey the law of theland which prohibits proselytizing during government sponsored programs, but we are fully within ourrights to share the Good News outside of that time and space. This is how engaging the communityand schools can work! Our students get to know people who love Jesus, and along the way have an op-

    portunity to improve their grades, attendance, and behavior, and set goals for a preferred future!

    Thank you for your support of our programs at Youth for Christ! Please continue to pray for these rela-tionships to produce fruit!

    PETE HERNANDEZ Jr.(John B. Allard School)

    DAVID GONZALEZ(Elliott High School)


    I want to thank you from the bottom of myheart. To those who helped pay for choir tourso I can go and have a great time. Also tothose who had faith and guided me in theright direction. To those who helped megraduate and get my diploma. To all of youwho believed in me when I was too stupid tobelieve in myself. Thanks for having patiencewith me and not judging or being quick toturn your back on me. To thebig homies having faith and keeping me outof trouble.

    Pete Hernandez Jr.

    I want to thank all of you whoinvested in me either with prayer, time,finances, or just believing in me. I want tothank God for you all listening to God andbeing faithful, surely God is going to re-ward you for your help making me theman in Christ that I am today. Bless yourkind hearts. Once I was apart of tearingdown the West side ofModesto. Now with your help I will be apart of re-building it.Bless you!

    David F. Gonzalez

    Empowering young people to discover, develop and maximize their God-

    YFC DINNER & AUCTIONMake sure that you get to your calendar and save the date of

    Saturday, November 5th 2011for our annual Youth for Christ Dinner and Auction.Cant wait to see you there...stay tuned for more details to come.

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