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  • 8/13/2019 Scroll Project


    "You Raise Me Up" by Josh Groban

    When I am down and, oh my soul, so weary;When troubles come and my heart burdened be;

    Then, I am still and wait here in the silence,

    Until you come and sit awhile with me.You raise me up, so I can stand on mountains;

    You raise me up, to walk on stormy seas;I am strong, when I am on your shoulders;You raise me up... To more than I can be.

    You raise me up, so I can stand on mountains;You raise me up, to walk on stormy seas;I am strong, when I am on your shoulders;

    You raise me up... To more than I can be.There is no lie ! no lie without its hunger;

    "ach restless heart beats so imperectly;#ut when you come and I am illed with wonder,

    $ometimes, I think I glimpse eternity.You raise me up, so I can stand on mountains;

    You raise me up, to walk on stormy seas;I am strong, when I am on your shoulders;

    You raise me up... To more than I can be.You raise me up, so I can stand on mountains;

    You raise me up, to walk on stormy seas;I am strong, when I am on your shoulders;You raise me up... To more than I can be.You raise me up... To more than I can be.

  • 8/13/2019 Scroll Project


    The %arable o the $trong &an

    There was a young boy o the name o &icha who li'ed with a master o histrade, stonemasonry , and a ew others training along side him. Though let his

    amily, &icha was ne'er lonely or long or the stonemason was a older manand a dear riend to him. (s the years past, &icha)s strength and haste

    surpassed those o the other pupils. *ompared to the others, &icha could litboulders greater than temples. $oon, he became the blacksmith)s assistant. The

    business and their relationship both thri'ed.#ut the blacksmith grew older and older by the days and soon died, lea'ing

    &icha alone. &icha tried to mask his loneliness but the depression soon took

    o'er. +is physical strength weakened and the business ell and &icha was nowlet alone and poor.

    -ook at this man, a neighbor said. What is wrong with him/+e reuse to speak. +e hides his demons.

    0ow a woman, who had good relations with the old stonemason, came intotown and saw &icha sitting in silence. The woman sat ne1t to him on the dirt.

    $he placed his hand on his shoulder and said, ( man)s power is not determined

    by how many boulders he can empty rom the streets, but how many pebbleshe can mo'e rom his mind.&icha , who elt that God was with this woman, cried or 2 days and 2

    nights. (ter he wept, &icha told o his sorrows to the woman. +is mind was setree and at last, his strength returned or his spirit had returned.

  • 8/13/2019 Scroll Project


    *(3($ 3"4*5&&U0I*(TI50

  • 8/13/2019 Scroll Project


    3election 6

    &y partner, *ara, and I saw about almost eye!to!eye on the truth7 you need

    others to help you. The dierence was that *ara)s interpretation dealt more

    with spiritual guidance. Though I thought about it beore, I ne'er really saw the

    song in that manner. It was interesting to ind out how one truth can ha'e

    dierent meanings to dierent people. I pictured someone in my lie that helped

    me when I am down while *ara pictured God. I don)t personally know her

    relationship with God, but I do know she was had some ups and downs in her

    lie and God has been there to raise her up.

    The song itsel was a bit short, but still made its point. It might ha'e been

    diicult or someone who hasn)t had a time where they were at a low point in

    their li'es. (lso, it would ha'e been a bit easier to relect i the song held a bit

    more emotion.

    *ara wrote her re!communication as a letter. -etters are great or

    comorting someone and gi'ing them some o your personal e1periences with

    the topic to show that they are not alone. Yet, in the beginning, most o us were

    unaware about the style the letter was supposed to be in. (ter seeing the

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    correct way to write a letter, it was still a little diicult because you had to

    include why you were it or writing the letter. This style is best or a truth that

    speaks to you and that most people identiy by.

    &y interpretation was 8ust about ha'ing people help you in general. &yindependent nature stops me rom asking others or help, which leads me to

    stress and e'en cause emotional build!up. With *ara)s personality, I know i she

    needs something, she)s going to ask, no doubt. $he is independent, but to a

    point while I can be too independent at times.

    I wrote a myth or my re!communication. It was entertaining and un towrite a story that dealt with my truth. Yet, it was diicult or me to show my

    deep truth in my song. I knew what the truth was, but at irst it was 'ery

    diicult to con'ey that to others. This style would be recommended or a truth

    that is 'ery simple and known to many.

  • 8/13/2019 Scroll Project


  • 8/13/2019 Scroll Project


    90(#: To You, 5 -ord, I lit upmy soul. 5 my God, in You I trust,rom oold.C UntoThee, +ashem, do I lit up myneesh. =#ais> 5 "lohai, I trust in

    Thee7 let me not be ashamed,let not mine oye'im triumpho'er me.2 =Gimel> Yea, let none thatwait =hoping in> Thee beashamed; let them beashamed which transgresswithout cause.? = $how me Thy ways,+ashem; teach me Thy paths.@ =+eh Ea'> -ead me in Thyemes, and teach me; or Thouart the "lohei o my $al'ation;on Thee do I wait kol hayom.B =Hayin> 3emember, +ashem,

    Thy rachamim and Thy lo'ingkindnesses; or they ha'e e'erbeen o old.C =*het> 3emember not thechattot o my youth, nor mypeysha)im; according to Thychesed remember Thou me orthe sake o Thy goodness,
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    (ccording to Your lo'ingkindness remember me,Aor Your goodness) sake, 5-ord.

    Good and upright is the-ord;Thereore +e instructs sinnersin the way. +e leads the =c>humble in8ustice,(nd +e teaches the =d>humble+is way.6 (ll the paths o the -ordare lo'ing kindness and truthTo those who keep +isco'enant and +is testimonies.66 Aor Your name)s sake, 5-ord,%ardon my iniKuity, or it is

    great.6 Who is the man who earsthe -ord/+e will instruct him in the wayhe should choose.62 +is soul will abide in=e>prosperity,(nd his =>descendants will

    -ord7 thereore will he teachsinners in the way. The meek will he guide in8udgment7 and the meek will

    he teach his way.6 (ll the paths o the -ordare mercy and truth untosuch as keep his co'enantand his testimonies.66 Aor thy nameFs sake, 5-ord, pardon mine iniKuity;or it is great.6 What man is he thateareth the -ord/ him shall heteach in the way that he shallchoose.62 +is soul shall dwell atease; and his seed shallinherit the earth.

    6? The secret o the -ord iswith them that ear him; andhe will shew them hisco'enant.6@ &ine eyes are e'er towardthe -ord; or he shall pluckmy eet out o the net.6B Turn thee unto me, and

    +ashem. =Tet> To' and yashar is+ashem; thereore will +eteach chatta)im in the The meek will +e guidein mishpat; and the aniyim will+e teach +is way.6 =Daph> (ll the paths o+ashem are chesed and emesunto such as keep +is #rit9co'enant: and +is "dot9co'enant demands, urgings,reminders, testimonies:.66 =-amed> Aor the sake oThy $hem, +ashem, pardonmine iniKuity; or it is great.6 =&em> What man is he thateareth +ashem/ +im shall +eteach in the +is neesh 9soul:shall dwell in prosperity; andhis Lera shall inherit the earth.6? =$amech> The secret o+ashem is with them that ear+im; and +e will show them+is #rit 9co'enant:.
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    inherit the =g>land.6? The =h>secret o the -ord isor those who ear +im,=i>(nd +e will make them

    know +is co'enant.6@ &y eyes are continuallytoward the -ord,Aor +e will =8>pluck my eet outo the net.6B Turn to me and begracious to me,Aor I am lonely and alicted.6C =k>The troubles o my heartare enlarged;#ring me out o my distresses.6 -ook upon my alictionand my =l>trouble,(nd orgi'e all my sins.6 -ook upon my enemies, or

    they are many,(nd they hate me with 'iolenthatred. Guard my soul and deli'erme; &ine eyes are e'ertoward +ashem; or +e shallpluck my eet out o the reshet9net:.

    6B =%eh> Turn Thee unto me,and be gracious unto me; or Iam yachid 9alone, lonely: andalicted.6C =TLade> The tLoros o myle' are multiplied; 5 bringThou me orth out o mydistresses.6 =3esh> -ook upon minealiction and my pain; andtake away all my chattot.6 3esh> -ook upon mineenemies; or they areincreased; and they hate mewith sinas chamas.

    $hin> #e shomer o'er myneesh, and deli'er me; let menot be ashamed; or I takereuge in Thee.6 =Ta'> -et tohm 9integrity,guilelessness: and uprightnesspreser'e me; or I wait onThee.
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    uprightness preser'e me,Aor I wait or You. 3edeem Israel, 5 God,5ut o all his troubles.

    3edeem Yisroel, 5 "lohim,out o all his tLoros.

  • 8/13/2019 Scroll Project



  • 8/13/2019 Scroll Project


    il leur enseigne le chemin KuFil prescrit.6 Toutes les 'oies de lF"ternel sont amour etidMlitMpour ceu1 Kui sont idSles N son alliance etobMissent N ses commandements.66 %our lFamour de ton nom, R "ternel,pardonne mon pMchM Kui est si grand.6 ( lFhomme Kui rM'Sre lF"ternel,lF"ternel montre la 'oie KuFil doit choisir.62 Il le ait 'i're dans le bonheuret sa postMritM possSde le pays=d>.6? -F"ternel conie ses desseins N ceu1 Kui le

    rM'Srent,il les instruit de son alliance.6@ &es yeu1 sont constamment tournMs 'erslF"ternel,car cFest lui Kui dMgage mes pieds pris au ilet.6B 3egarde!moi, R "ternel, et ais!moi grQce,car 8e suis seul et malheureu1.6C

    &on cur est dans lFangoisse,dMli're!moi de mes tourmentsP6 Eois ma misSre et ma sourance,pardonne!moi tous mes pMchMsP6 5hP 'ois combien mes ennemis sont engrand nombre,et Kuelle haine 'iolente ils ont pour moiP %rotSge!moi, dMli're!moi,

    Aorgi'e my sin, or it is great.

    6 Who is the man who ears the -ord/+e will show him the way he should choose.62 +e will li'e a good lie,and his descendants will inherit the land.=d>6? The secret counsel o the -ordis or those who ear +im,and +e re'eals +is co'enant to them.6@ &y eyes are always on the -ord,or +e will pull my eet out o the net.

    6B Turn to me and be gracious to me,or I am alone and alicted.6C The distresses o my heart increase;=e>>>bring me out o my suerings.6 *onsider my aliction and trouble,and take away all my sins.6 *onsider my enemies; they are numerous,and they hate me 'iolently.

    Guard me and deli'er me;do not let me be put to shame,or I take reuge in You.6 &ay integrity and what is rightwatch o'er me,or I wait or You. God, redeem Israel, rom all its distresses.
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    garde!moi de la honte78e cherche en toi un sr reuge.6 Vue lFinnocence et la droiture mesau'egardentpuisKue 8FespSre en toi. 5

  • 8/13/2019 Scroll Project


  • 8/13/2019 Scroll Project


    Japanese psalm translation

  • 8/13/2019 Scroll Project



    The author o this psalm wrote this as i he has almost been reborn. +e

    has gi'en himsel to the -ord, who he describes as dependable, lo'ing, and

    upright. The author seems to ha'e been stubborn and 'ery independent

    9wonder who that reminds me o: until he ga'e all o his troubles, sins, and

    aults to God. Then, he is orgi'en and lets God take the wheel.

    In the our translations I chose, one o the dierent translations was about

    enemies taking o'er the author. Three o the translations used the word

    enemies but chose dierent 'erbs to describe being taken o'er. The Jewish

    translation used dierent words altogether. (nother dierence is how they

    describe God)s secret and how he shows his co'enant to those who ollow

    him. 5ne translation says XThe secret council o the -ord) while the others 8ust

    say XThe secret o the -ord). (lso all the translations ha'e a dierent way o

    con'eying X(nd God showed his co'enant to them).

    "ach translation has a dierent le'el o seriousness to me. The 5rthodo1

    Jewish 'ersion being the most mature. #esides the +olman *hristian $tandard

    'ersion, the other translations seemed as i the author was asking or

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    orgi'eness in the psalm while the +*$ 'ersion shows the author as already

    being orgi'en or his sins and now praising God or his wondrous deeds.

    The 5rthodo1 Jewish 'ersion was the most diicult to read and understand. The

    style o writing was ar rom modern and this 'ersion used a lot o words that Idid not understand or know such as oye'im,rachamim, and Lera. God)s name is

    also changed in this 'ersion, which was Kuite interesting to me. It is put as


    &y a'orite translation is the +olman *hristian $tandard 'ersion. I actually

    ound it on accident. I meant to search or the 0ew (merican #ible Translationand clicked at a random spot in the list. I like this 'ersion because it is 'ery

    simple and I would e'en say more modern than the 0ew (merican #ible

    translation. I belie'e that because the language was 'ery understandable, it

    was easier to connect with. I also lo'ed this 'ersion)s choice o certain words

    and phrases such as XThe distresses o my heart increase) and X#ecause o Yourname, Yahweh, orgi'e my sin, or it is great.)

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  • 8/13/2019 Scroll Project


    God, I gi'e e'erything up to you.I ha'e been 'ery stubborn (nd thought

    that I could control my lie alone.#ut now, &y lie is in your hands.

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    o'er me as I stride to become a true*hristian. God, please sa'e the world

    rom e'il. &ay the Good rise up o'er the#ad so we may li'e in true peace.

    3election 2

  • 8/13/2019 Scroll Project


    #eore I wrote the paraphrase, I did not take into consideration how God

    does not hold a grudge ater all we ha'e sinned. I it were God, I would be a

    little hesitant to orgi'e someone time ater time o sinning. #ut God doesn)t

    work like that. It)s as i e'ery time we ask or orgi'eness, he cleans the slateand the past is behind us. $ometimes, though, the past seems to creep up on

    me and I ne'er totally orget it. This paraphrase has made me see how this can

    negati'ely aect my lie and that I need to permanently lea'e the past in the


    It)s 'ery important that the language is suitable or the reader. You can)te1pect a high school student to connect with language that was used @ billion

    years ago or language used or a !year!old. The language can help a reader

    truly understand what is being said. I I don)t understand what is written, then

    how would I ind the deep truth and what God is trying to con'ey/ You can)t.

    You would 8ust see words with no meaning behind them. That is why languageis 'ery important when trying to show a reader a deeper message. You want to

    make sure that the reader understood what is being said.

  • 8/13/2019 Scroll Project



    It is 'ery ob'ious that we take the in'ention o the printing press or granted.

    This pro8ect could ha'e been completed in less than hal the time i we were

    allotted to use a printer. #ut the point o this pro8ect wasn)t 8ust to see that we

    don)t properly respect printing, but to show the amount o time, eort, and skill

    that went into completing scrolls. I)ll admit, I would ha'e hated to ha'e to write

    e'ery single word down, perectly, and painstakingly transcribe it into another

    language. Then ha'ing to write all that again about more times. I would ha'e

    died. I guess that)s why I was born in a technology!craLed era. Yet, being an

    artist, I can only admire their perse'erance and image how the ink lowed on

    the scrolls.

    I always knew there were dierent ways o looking at the same thing, but

    this pro8ect made me realiLe e'en more. We all ha'e dierent e1periences,

    emotions, and personal stories or the same things. You can)t e1pect e'eryone

    to see that the glass is hal ull, hal empty, or not e'en a glass. $ometimes, we

    do see the same idea. $o, we can)t 8udge someone on how they see the world,

    because we are not the ones who are looking through their eyes.

  • 8/13/2019 Scroll Project


    (nother thing I learned through this pro8ect is how important the psalms were

    in the past and e'en their importance today. When we pray, we usually ask God

    or his blessing. Whether its money, lo'e, happiness, success, the list goes on.

    %salms teaches us to want not the things on earth, but God himsel. The authorso psalms show us that the reason we eel alone, depressed, and stressed is

    probably because we are ignoring god. When we gi'e him our all by praising his

    name and repenting or our aults, we will be cleansed o all troubles in our

    hearts. I used to sit and wonder why the book o psalms was so large. 0ow, I

    realiLe why. It takes more than a ew chapters to realiLe the great power o the-ord.

    This pro8ect was 8ust a big tedious grade in the beginning. 0ow, it has

    become a way or me to truly relect on my lie and realiLe how I am li'ing. &ay

    my writings inspire whoe'er is reading to do the same.